Agassiz Media Screening 5/25/00

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Description: Brother RA teaches children about media and its influences in a 7th/8th grade classroom and at screenings in an auditorium. Was broadcast live. No credits. Dated 5/25/00 00:00:16 Slideshow of students from the class. Hosts introduce the show. 00:02:22 Students talk about media on stage. 00:04:27 Hosts continue introduction, announce plan for the event and thank people. 00:15:44 Introduction and presentation of piece“Aliums vs. Humans.” 00:27:35 Hosts talk about the preceding piece. 00:31:08 Producers of piece “Scream 4 Kids” come onstage. Technical difficulties playing “Scream 4 Kids,” announcements made during the delay. Piece plays at 00:41:26. 00:50:06 Brother RA talks about the piece, Mayor Anthony Gallucio comes onstage to speak in support of the program. 00:53:35 Introduction and presentation of piece “Any Given School Day.” 01:20:03 Introduction and presentation of piece, “Agassiz Class 2000: Something to Remember.” 01:30:09 Reception begins. 01:32:09 Agassiz principal Dr. Sybil Knight speaks onstage. 01:38:44 Brother RA calls into his radio show to talk about the event. Some students and Paul Antonopoulos talk for the radio show. Aggasiz School
Aggasiz School
Talent:Hosts: Brother RA and Nina LaNegra Video Pieces produced by and starring Agassiz students Appearance by: Cambridge Mayor Anthony Gallucio Show directed by: Shaun Clarke