Robertson & Jackson exude confidence

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Description: David Boeri reports that Pat Robertson, a Republican US Presidential candidate, is confident of success in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Robertson has strong support in the South. His success could threaten the campaigns of candidates in both parties, including Al Gore. Interview with Robertson, who says that he is the only conservative candidate in a position to win. Al Gore and Tipper Gore campaigning. Republican candidate Jack Kemp. Jackson campaigning in New Hampshire. Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses, and expects to do well in the New Hampshire primaries. Interview with Jackson.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Pat Robertson (Republican candidate for US President) being interviewed by David Boeri. Robertson predicts that he will place among the top three candidates in the New Hampshire Primary; that he will win every state in the Super Tuesday presidential primaries except for Missouri and Maryland. Shot of Robertson at a campaign rally. A large banner behind him reads "Americans for Robertson." The audience applauds. Footage of Robertson speaking in New Hampshire on September 25, 1987. Robertson says that a few people can change the course of the nation. Boeri reports that Robertson has always projected an air of confidence; that Robertson placed second in an upset in the Iowa caucuses. Boeri notes that Jack Kemp (Republican candidate for US President) has lost conservative votes to Robertson. V: Shots of Robertson waving to supporters; of Kemp speaking; of Robertson waving as he exits an airplane. Boeri notes that Robertson's base of support lies in the South. V: Footage of Boeri asking Robertson if he expects to be a frontrunner after the Super Tuesday primaries. Robertson says that he is the only conservative candidate who is in a position to win. Boeri reports that Robertson's success could spell trouble for Republican and Democratic candidates; that the campaign of Al Gore (Democratic candidate for US President) is centered in the South. V: Shot of Richard Gephardt (Democratic candidate for US President). Shot of Al Gore speaking to a small group of people. Tipper Gore (wife of Al Gore) sits beside him. Shots of Gore shaking hands with voters; of Al Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building. Boeri reports that eight of fourteen Southern and border states allow crossover voting in the primary elections; that Robertson could end up with votes from conservative Democratic voters. V: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) addressing a crowd at the Mall of New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson says that "the people can win." Shots of Jackson greeting voters. Boeri reports that Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses. V: Footage of Jackson saying that he will beat Democratic candidates Gore, Gary Hart, and Bruce Babbit in the New Hampshire primaries; that he has not spent much time or money in "Dukakis's backyard." Shot of Jackson having his photo taken in front of the fall foliage in New Hampshire in October of 1987. Jackson turns away from the photographers and enters a building. Boeri notes that Robertson and Jackson are leaving the North to return to their bases of support in the South.