Melvin King

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Description: Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston), accompanied by 15 supporters of all ages, greets and talks with residents in a housing project. King walks through the streets with children and adult supporters. The children hold campaign signs and chant "Vote for Mel King" and "Mel King for mayor." A campaign truck voices support for King. King greets drivers in their cars.
1:00:06: V: Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) walks across a parking lot and continues down a street. King is surrounded by 15 supporters of all ages. Supporters on the street hold campaign signs for King. A campaign truck drives slowly down the street; the driver voices support for King over the loudspeaker. King enters the front door of an apartment in a housing project. His supporters wait for him outside. King exits the project and crosses the street to the housing project on the other side. King walks through the project, shaking hands with passersby and greeting people. King encourages people to come out of their houses to talk to him. A man comes out to his front stoop to talk to King. King continues to walk through the project, greeting people. 1:03:25: V: King greets and shakes hands with four young African American men. King continues to walk through the projects, followed by his supporters. He greets two older women. 1:04:15: V: King approaches the Shawmut Variety store. His young supporters chant, "Vote for Mel King." King greets people as he passes them in the street. King greets drivers as they sit in their car at a red light. He gestures to his young supporters to stay on the sidewalk. King continues to greet drivers in their cars as they pass by on the street. His young supporters chant, "Mel King for mayor."