Description: Carmen Fields interviews Frank Hector (World War II veteran) and Ralph Cooper (Vietnam veteran) about their experiences in the military. Hector talks about the accomplishments of African American soldiers and war veterans. Hector says that the military is a good experience for young African Americans. Cooper talks about the disproportionate numbers of African American soldiers in the front lines and the lack of services for veterans of color. Hector and Cooper talk about their opinions of Colin Powell (Head, US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Field's report is accompanied by footage of Powell and soldiers during the Persian Gulf War. Fields reports that many African Americans join the military to escape the high unemployment rate in the African American community. Field's report is accompanied by footage of Reverend Michael Haynes leading a church service at Roxbury's Twelfth Baptist Church. Relatives of soldiers in the Persian Gulf War stand in front of the altar to pray for the soldiers. Fields interviews Haynes. Haynes says that African American soldiers must be granted equal rights and privileges when they return home from the war. Fields' report is accompanied by footage from interviews with people on the street about African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields interviews Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) and David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital)) about the partnership between the two facilities and the rising infant mortality rate in Boston. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate is a social problem involving health, education, housing, employment, and crime. He adds that advances must be made in all of those areas in order to combat the high infant mortality rate in Boston. Taylor talks about the role of community health centers and the benefits of relationships between community health centers and large hospitals. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate is only one indicator of distress in the African American community. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care through the partnerships between the large and small medical facilities. Fields's report includes footage of infants being cared for in the nursery of a health facility.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center has always been an independently licensed health center; that the health center is federally funded. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center does not have a relationship with the city or the state. Taylor says that the health center has had informal relationships with hospitals in the past. Taylor says that hospitals provide a wealth of resources to health centers; that hospitals can provide specialists to health centers; that hospital residents can come to work in health centers. Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields notes that the gap grew in 1989 and in 1990. Fields notes that the African American community is called a "death zone." V: Shots of an African American infant hooked up to breathing equipment; of a health care worker monitoring medical equipment in a hospital nursery; of a monitor on the medical equipment. Shot of the health care worker tending to an infant; of the infant hooked up to equipment. Footage of David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital) being interviewed by Fields. Dolin suggests that there is no one to blame for the high infant mortality rate; that you cannot place blame on any one segment of the health care community. Dolin says that the problem may not be a health problem; that the problem is a social problem involving health, education, housing, the police department, and the mayor's staff. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care and the infant mortality rate. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that many hospitals have had limited interest in partnering with health care centers in the past; that many hospitals and health care centers had relationships of mistrust. Taylor says that the mistrust stems from the African American community. Taylor says that the health care profession has performed questionable research on African Americans; that African Americans have not been included in medical research in the past. Taylor says that hospitals are usually interested in partnering with health care centers for research purposes. Taylor says that the relationship of mistrust between hospitals and health care centers has changed. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that funding is coming from health care centers and hospitals; that there is little funding from the government. Dolin says that health care centers and hospitals are underfunded; that some areas get neglected. Dolin says that many factors affect maternal and infant health; that increased funds from hospitals and health care centers can be undermined by these other factors. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor to explain linkage as it applies to community health centers. Taylor says that linkage promotes relationships between large medical facilities and smaller health care centers with limited resources. Taylor says that the health care centers can gain access to hospital amenities. Taylor says that health care centers can take advantage of hospital residents and hospital purchasing discounts for equipment and supplies. Taylor says that health care center physicians can admit patients to the partnering hospital; that the health care physicians can be on the faculty of these hospitals. Taylor says that physicians at health care centers need extra benefits because they do not make high salaries. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that hospitals have a responsibility to the local community. Dolin says that the best way to deliver care to the community is through the health care center. Dolin says that the hospitals need to provide their expertise and resources to aid the health care centers. Dolin says that he sees no disadvantages to the relationships between hospitals and health care centers. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks what will happen if linkage is not adopted. Taylor says that costs will rise; that there will be a double standard in health care across the nation. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate and other problems will not be solved if linkage is not adopted. Dolin says that there are other factors; that problems in the areas of crime, drugs, housing, and education must also be solved. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate in the African American community is only one indicator of the distress in that community. Taylor says that the major hospitals in Boston did not realize that the infant mortality rate was a problem until a major newspaper printed a story about it. Taylor says that the African American community has been neglected; that the neglect must stop.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/28/1991
Description: Resident of Garrison Trotter section of Roxbury is unhappy that nearby vacant house owned by city may become group home for mentally ill. City official says no class can be excluded by local objection.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the history of school desegregation in Boston. She notes that many critics cite the absence of middle-class and white students as a reason for the continued failure of the Boston Public Schools. She focuses on the Timilty Middle School in Boston, a magnet school with successful reading and math programs for its students. Kelly interviews teacher William Moran and principle Shirley Gonsalves about the school and its programs. Moran says that the students are successful. He adds that many come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Gonsalves talks about the benefits of school desegregation. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of students and teachers in classrooms at the Timilty School.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of a school bus door closing. Shots of a school bus outside of the Timilty Middle School; of students on the bus; of white and African American students exiting the Timilty Middle School; of students boarding a bus outside of the school. Shots of African American and white students in a hallway of the school. Hope Kelly reports that busing for school desegregation began seventeen years ago in Boston; that busing was viewed as a way to bring equal opportunity to all students. Kelly notes that busing drove many middle-class white and African American parents away from the school system. Kelly reports that critics cite a lack of middle-class students as a reason for the continued failure of Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of William Moran (Timilty School) being interviewed. Moran says that all students can learn. Kelly reports that Moran grew up in the South End and Roxbury; that Moran attended Boston Public Schools and went to college. V: Shots of Moran walking through a corridor in the Timilty School; of Moran speaking to three students in the doorway of a classroom. Kelly reports that Moran is the seventh-grade coordinator at the Timilty Middle School; that Moran attended the Timilty School twenty years ago. Kelly reports that the Timilty Middle School ranks first city-wide in reading; that the Timilty Middle School is second city-wide in mathematics. Kelly notes that the students at the Timilty School do not come from advantaged backgrounds. V: Shots of a white teacher teaching students of diverse races in a well decorated classroom. Shots of the students in the classroom. Footage of Moran saying that students at the Timilty School low-income families; that many of the students live in housing projects. Moran says that the students come from disadvantaged neighborhoods across the city; that the school is a city-wide school. Kelly reports that most of the students at the Timilty School are non-white and poor. V: Shots of students walking in a corridor of the Timilty School. Footage of Shirley Gonsalves (Timilty School) being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that race and class are not the determining factors among the school's students. Gonsalves says that the school can do nothing about the relative poverty of its students. Kelly reports that Gonsalves is the assistant principal at the Timilty School; that she has worked in the Boston Public School System for seventeen years. V: Shot of Gonsalves walking through a corridor and up a set of stairs with a student. Kelly reports that Gonsalves began teaching in Boston during the first year of school desegregation. V: Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed. Gonsalves says that she grew up in the rural South where busing was used to maintain segregated schools. Gonsalves says that she rode a bus to school from the age of six to the age of eighteen. Shots of students walking in a corridor at the Timilty School. Kelly reports that there are low numbers of white students in the Boston Public School System; that 11% of students at the Timilty School are white. Kelly reports that Gonsalves believes that school integration has been a success. V: Shots of a white student entering a classroom at the Timilty School; of a white teacher standing with two African American students in a hallway. Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that students attended schools in their own neighborhoods with students of their own race before school integration. Gonsalves says that students were not exposed to other students of different backgrounds and from different neighborhoods. Gonsalves says that students need to learn about people of different backgrounds. Shots of a white teacher teaching to a class of middle school students; of an African American male student sitting at a desk in the classroom. Shots of other students in classrooms; of an African American female student writing on a chalkboard; of an African American boy reading a book at his desk. Shot of the white teacher teaching to students in the classroom. Kelly reports that the Timilty School is a magnet school; that classes are smaller at the Timilty School; that the schoolday at the Timilty School is 1.5 hours longer on four of five days per week. Kelly reports that the waiting list to enter the sixth grade class at the Timilty School had 200 names. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. V: Shot of Gonsalves and a student walking in the corridor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1991
Description: On Good Friday, parishioners and clergy march through Roxbury past sites of violence in a pilgrimage of hope for the community. Stations of the cross.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the annual reenactment on Patriot's Day of the ride of American Revolutionary leader William Dawes. Kelly notes that Dawes's ride is overshadowed by that of Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader). Dawes began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) organizes the annual reenactment at the First Church of Roxbury. Plant and others in colonial costume participate in the reenactment. Interview iwth Plant and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) about the reenactment and the rich history of the Roxbury neighborhood. Kelly reports that many historians overlook the sacrifices made by black soldiers during the American Revolution.
0:59:28: Visual: Shot of a man in colonial costume leading a horse to the front steps of the First Church of Roxbury. Shots of the weathervane and steeple of the church; of the steeple of the church. Hope Kelly reports that there has been a church located on the site of the First Church of Roxbury for 350 years; that William Dawes (American revolutionary leader) began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Kelly notes that Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader) did not make his ride alone. V: Footage of Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) dressed in colonial costume. He speaks to a small crowd in front of the First Church of Roxbury. Plant says that many people forget that Dawes rode one of the most historic rides in American history. Plant says that Roxbury residents are thankful that Roxbury is a part of that history. Shots of a small crowd listening to Plant. Kelly reports that Plant is the president of the congregation of the First Church of Roxbury; that he is president of the Historical Society of Roxbury Highlands. Kelly says that Plant is the organizing force behind the annual re-enactment in Roxbury. V: Shots of Plant speaking; of men on horseback in colonial costume. Kelly reports that Plant sent William Dawes off on his ride with a blessing at the re-enactment. V: Footage of Plant giving a blessing. Shots of the man playing Dawes in the re-enactment; of the audience applauding. Footage of Plant being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks Plant what he was thinking about during the re-enactment. Plant says that he is often transported back to colonial times when he walks the streets of Roxbury. Plant says that he felt like he was transported back during the re-enactment. Shots of "Dawes" and another man on horseback riding away from the church on horseback. Footage of the audience singing as the men ride away. The audience includes Byron Rushing (state representative) and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident). Redding is dressed in colonial dress. Kelly reports that a small crowd was present to celebrate a neglected part of history. V: Footage of Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) being interviewed. Redding says that Roxbury is rich in both white American history and African American history. Shot of the crowd outside of the church. Kelly reports that many African American soldiers fought in the American Revolution; that they were treated with ambivalence by the American army. Kelly notes that the exclusion of people of color was the norm in the eighteenth century; that many forget the sacrifices made by soldiers of color in the American Revolution. V: Shots of Plant addressing a small audience from the pulpit of the First Church of Roxbury; of audience members. Footage of Plant addressing the audience about the role of African Americans in history.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/15/1991
Description: Touching reactions from friends and classmates of 11 year old Charles Copney, killed on a Saturday evening on Highland Avenue, Roxbury, in a shooting that also killed a teenager.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Reverend Graylan Hagler of the Church of the United Community has announced his candidacy for mayor of Boston. He says that it is time for a change in the city of Boston. His supporters cheer. Kelly reviews Hagler's credentials and career. She notes that Hagler has a confrontational style and is experienced in the art of political theater. Kelly reviews Hagler's recent political activities. Kelly's report includes footage of Hagler addressing striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988 and footage of Hagler with unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a Roxbury construction site in December of 1990. Kelly's report also includes footage of Hagler denouncing racism on the part of city officials at a press conference in the wake of the Carol Stuart murder case. Kelly's report includes footage from an interview with Hagler in March of 1991. He says that he is seeking justice and equity in the city.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of the Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) announcing his candidacy for mayor of Boston. Ellis-Hagler says that it is time for change. The audience applauds. Shots of Ellis-Hagler supporters cheering. Hope Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler's announcement was a rousing reminder that many residents of the city are ready for a change. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to supporters. Ellis-Hagler says, "no more business as usual" and "no more disrespect." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is a minister; that Ellis-Hagler was born in Baltimore and graduated from Oberlin College. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler listed many reasons why Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) should not be re-elected. V: Shots of Ellis-Hagler as he addresses the crowd. Shots of the audience. Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that streets in some neighborhoods have more trash-filled lots than houses. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for a change. The audience applauds. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler says that his constituents are the ones who live on streets with vacant lots. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler believes that the city needs to hire more of its own residents instead of bringing in workers from outside. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that many workers in the city come from towns outside of the city. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for change. The audience applauds. Shot of Chuck Turner (teacher) holding up Ellis-Hagler's arm as he sits down after his speech. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is experienced in the art of political theater; that Ellis-Hagler does not give in or give up quickly. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988. Ellis-Hagler embraces Domenic Bozzotto (union leader). Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference at a construction site in Dudley Square in December of 1990. Unemployed African-American construction workers stand behind him. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers will not "go away with crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was arrested twice last winter at the construction site of a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was supporting the cause of unemployed construction workers in his community. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that people must buck the system in order to stand up for their dignity and rights. Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference about the Carol Stuart murder case in January of 1990. Ellis-Hagler compares the actions of city officials and the media to the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. Ellis-Hagler says that the African American and Latino communities have been "raped" by the police and the media. Shot of an audience member at the press conference holding a sign reading, "What do Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler excoriated the police, the media, and the mayor after the murder of Carol Stuart (Reading resident). Kelly notes that Ellis-Hagler's style is confrontational. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that he has a desire to seek justice and equity in the city. Ellis-Hagler says that he wants the voices of all of the people to be heard. Kelly stands outside of a church. Kelly reports that Flynn' s campaign is following the actions of Ellis-Hagler; that Ellis-Hagler is short on money, but long on mission. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing his supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that he and his supporters will win. The audience applauds. Ellis-Hagler steps back from the microphone and greets Elizabeth Ellis-Hagler (wife of Graylan Ellis-Hagler). Another man speaks into the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/01/1991
Description: Shakur Ali, negotiator of Roxbury gang truce and guardian to delinquent boys, offers himself as role model to youth in crisis & his home as constructive environment. Highland Avenue sign, boarded up house.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/02/1991
Description: Roxbury Community College suffers from budget cut, enrollment drop, and chiefly a crisis of confidence in president Walter Howard. Students rally to save the school. Campus, photo of Howard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1991