Description: Christy George reports on the final redistricting plan for legislative districts of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. State Rep. James Brett drew up an original plan that was challenged by the Massachusetts Republican Party and by the Black Political Task Force. Both groups are fighting for more representation in the legislature. Interviews with State Rep. Byron Rushing and Lloyd King of the Black Political Task Force. Rushing claims a victory for the Black Political Task Force. George discusses whether the new redistricting plan will result in a greater number of Republican and African American representatives. George reports that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in new districts. Interview with State House Minority Leader Stephen Pierce. Interview with Rep. Brett, who talks about the redistricting plan. Footage from House chambers, including Brett explaining the new plan to his colleagues and Speaker of the House George Keverian, who addresses the House and says, "The law is an ass."
1:00:21: Visual: Shots of traffic on a city street; of scuba divers on a beach. Christy George reports that the population of Boston has been shrinking; that the suburbs south of the city have an increasing population. George reports that James Brett (State Representative) was in charge of a redistricting plan for the Massachusetts House of Representatives; that Dorchester lost a representative while Cape Cod gained one. V: Shots of Brett standing in front of a map detailing the new districts; of a street in Dorchester; of Carver Square in Carver, MA; of a ship passing through the Cape Cod Canal. George reports that Brett's redistricting plan won 159 of 160 votes in the House of Representatives; that all of the African American and Republican representatives voted for the plan. V: Shot of a roll call board of the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shot of Brett entering the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. George reports that the Republican State Committee and the Black Political Task Force each wanted more seats for their constituents. George notes that both groups had called Brett's original plan unconstitutional because the districts were of uneven size. George adds that Brett's new plan passed easily. V: Shot of African American teenagers standing at the entrance to a building. Shot of Brett in his office, rolling up a map of the new districts. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that the Black Political Task Force scored a major victory; that race should be factored into redistricting plans. George reports from the Massachusetts State House. George speculates as to whether the redistricting plan will result in a greater number of African American and Republican representatives. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is political. Shot of Brett and another lawmaker examining the maps of the new districts. George reports that the original plan protected incumbents and gave Republicans a good chance at winning two new seats. George reports that the new plan still allows Republicans a good chance in those two districts. George notes that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in the new districts. V: Shot of representatives at the entrance to the House Chambers. Footage of Steven Pierce (Minority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is working to the advantage of incumbents; that Republican challengers are at a disadvantage. Footage of Lloyd King (Black Political Task Force) saying that he would have liked to have seen the creation of two additional districts for people of color; that he is happy that the redistricting has created one district for people of color. George reports that the redistricting plan divides some communities. George reports that Brett says that the new plan leaves some communities underrepresented. V: Footage of Brett saying that the court did not take into account the number of communities in the state. Brett says that the court ruled that the districts must be equal, according to the number of inhabitants in the state. Footage of Keverian in the House Chambers. Keverian says that "the law is an ass." George reports that the redistricting plan had been tying up legislation in the House; that the House is likely to vote on the transportation bond issue next.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1988
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must determine whether several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens are valid. If the signatures are invalidated, Owens' name will not appear on the primary ballot for the second Suffolk County seat, the only district ever to be held by an African American. Interview with Owens about his nomination papers and about the election. Owens attends a hearing of the Ballot Commission. Owens's main rival for the seat, Royal Bolling, Sr., will not appear on the ballot, because Bolling did not file nominating papers on time. Interview with Bolling, Sr. about his failure to file nomination papers on time. Fields notes the ongoing political competition between the Owens and Bolling families, although both candidates deny that the rivalry between the families is serious. Fields' report includes footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate in 1986 and footage of Bolling, Sr. at a legislative hearing. Fields' report also includes footage of Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) at a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Royal Bolling, Jr. at a press conference with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (community activist). Sounds cuts out at the end of the video. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly interviews Barbara Arnwine about housing desegregation in Boston
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of officials at a Ballot Commission Hearing on June 20, 1988. One official challenges the validity of signatures on a petition. Officials argue over whether the signatures should be counted. Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must decide on the validity of several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens (candidate for State Senator). Fields notes that Owens's name will not appear on the primary ballot if the signatures are found to be invalid. V: Footage of Owens discussing the case with an African American woman. Owens says that 24 signatures are being challenged; that 18 or 19 signatures must be ruled invalid in order for his name to be kept off the ballot. Fields reports that Owens is running for the second Suffolk County seat in the State Senate; that the seat in question is the only seat ever held by an African American. V: Shots of traffic on a street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. An African American family crosses the street. Fields reports that the district includes Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, the South End, parts of Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain. Fields reports that Owens held the seat for four terms beginning in 1974; that Owens's main rival for the seat is Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator). V: Shots of signatures on a nominating petition; of Owens and Bolling at a campaign debate in October of 1986. Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing. Owens says that he has won the seat twice; that Bolling has won the seat twice. Owens notes that Bolling failed to file his nominating papers for the seat. Fields reports that Bolling's name will not appear on the primary ballot because he failed to file his qualifying signature petitions. V: Footage of Bolling being interviewed by Fields. Bolling says that he forgot to file his petition on time because he was too involved in other issues. Shot of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing at the State House. Fields reports that Bolling plans to run a sticker campaign in both the Republican and Democratic state primary elections. V: Footage of Bolling saying that voters will have to support him through the sticker campaign. Fields reports that Owens was defeated by Bolling in 1982 after Owens switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. V: Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing, being interviewed by Fields. Owens says that Bolling is trying to manipulate voters in the Republican Party into voting for him; that Bolling will return to the Democratic Party if he is elected. Owens says that he switched to the Republican Party because of his differences with the leadership of the Democratic Party. Owens says that he tried unsuccessfully to build a liberal wing of the Republican Party. Fields notes that Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) defeated Royal Bolling, Jr. in a race for a seat in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. V: Shots of Owens Hicks at a Boston School Committee meeting; of Royal Bolling, Jr. outside of the Massachusetts State House with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (African American activist and journalist). Fields say that both candidates deny that there is a serious rivalry between the two families. V: Footage of Bolling saying that there is no feud between the two families; that both families are involved in the political process.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1988
Description: Douglas Wilder, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia, visits the African Meeting House in Boston. Wilder speaks to Director Ruth Batson. Reporter Marcus Jones notes that Wilder is expected to win the election; he adds that Wilder will become the first African American governor of any state in the nation. Jones reviews Wilder's career. Interview with Wilder at the African Meeting House. He talks about his campaign for governor. Wilder downplays speculation that he could be a presidential candidate in 1992. Jones notes that Wilder is visiting Boston to meet supporters and to raise funds for his campaign. Following the edited story is additional footage of Wilder visiting the Meeting House and footage of Jones's interview with Wilder.
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of L. Douglas Wilder (Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia) autographing his picture for an admirer outside of the African Meeting House on Joy Street in Boston. Shots of Wilder entering the Meeting House; of a group of people following Wilder into the Meeting House. Shot of the exterior of the Meeting House. Marcus Jones reports that Wilder is not a familiar face to Massachusetts voters. V: Footage of Ruth Batson (Director, African Meeting House) speaking informally to Wilder and a small group of people. Batson tells Wilder that he joins a long list of illustrious African Americans to pass through the Meeting House. Wilder says that he was named for Frederick Douglass (Nineteenth-century abolitionist). Shots of Wilder in the Meeting House; of the media in the Meeting House. Jones reports that Wilder is the current Lieutenant Governor of Virginia; that Wilder will become the Democratic nominee for governor of Virginia next month. Jones reports that Wilder is attracting national attention because he is expected to win the election. V: Shot of Wilder examing an exhibit in the Meeting House. Shot of a newspaper headline reading, "Black Virginia Politician rests at brink of history." The article is accompanied by a photo of Wilder. Jones reports that no African American has been elected governor of any state in the US. V: Footage of Wilder being interviewed by Jones at the Meeting House. Wilder says that he had high aspirations when he was young; that he never expected to be in this position when he entered politics in 1969. Wilder says that it is significant for an African American to be the Democratic nominee for governor of Virginia. Jones reports that Wilder is in Boston to meet supporters and to raise money for his campaign. Jones notes that Wilder has tried to remain neutral on racial issues; that 80% of Virginia's electorate is white. V: Shots of a black and white photo in an exhibit at the Meeting House; of Wilder talking to an African American woman as he stands near an exhibit at the Meeting House. Jones reports that Wilder entered politics as a state senator in 1969; that Wilder represented the city of Richmond. Jones notes that Wilder has become more conservative on some issues since 1969; that Wilder has run unopposed for the gubernatorial nomination in Virginia. Jones adds that Wilder is a highly respected member of the Democratic establishment in Virginia; that some predict that Wilder could move into national politics. V: Shot of the newspaper article about Wilder. Footage of Wilder being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks Wilder if he could see himself as president in 1992. Wilder says that he hopes to be enjoying his post as governor of Virginia in 1992. Wilder says that he is concentrating on the gubernatorial race in Virginia; that he thinks he is the most qualified candidate to become governor of Virginia. Shot of Wilder with supporters outside of the African Meeting House.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/18/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that State Rep. Byron Rushing and Republican candidate Mike Duffy are competing for the state representative seat in the ninth Suffolk District. Interviews with both Rushing and Duffy. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find issues on which to challenge him. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant and out of touch with his constituents. Duffy calls Rushing presumptuous for declaring himself "the lesbian and gay candidate." Duffy is openly gay in a district with a high percentage of gay and lesbian voters. Rushing has been endorsed by several gay and lesbian activists. He adds that lesbian and gay voters may decide the race. Jones reviews the candidates' positions on the issues. Jones notes that Rushing must prove himself to voters. He adds that there is hostility toward incumbents on the part of many voters during this election season. Jones report is accompanied by footage of both candidates campaigning and by footage of both candidates at their campaign headquarters. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Winnie Mandela speaks at the Twelfth Baptist Church
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) campaigning in the street. Rushing speaks to an African American man and an African American woman who are seated on the front steps of a building. Shot of Rushing shaking hands with an African American man and a white woman on the street. Marcus Jones reports that Democrats outnumber Republicans ten to one in Rushing's district. Jones notes that Rushing is campaigning hard against Mike Duffy (Republican candidate for state representative) in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones notes that Duffy is a twenty-seven year old Republican. V: Shot of Duffy working at a desk. Duffy answers the telephone. Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that he is taking the campaign seriously. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy is waging a "dirty campaign." Rushing says that Duffy does not deserve to get any votes. Footage of Rushing campaigning on the street. Rushing shakes hands with an African American woman on the street. A Rushing supporter stands nearby, holding a campaign sign. Rushing approaches a white woman on the street. He shakes her hand. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District includes parts of the South End, the Fenway, Back Bay, and lower Roxbury. Jones reports that the race may be decided by lesbian and gay voters in the district. Jones reports that Duffy has been going door-to-door in order to introduce himself to voters. Jones notes that Duffy has never denied his homosexuality. Jones reports that Duffy believes that his homosexuality may give him an advantage. Jones adds that the district has a high concentration of gays and lesbians. Jones reports that Duffy proposes to increase the government's role in the fight against AIDS. V: Footage of Duffy knocking on the door of a housing development building. Duffy enters the building and climbs the stairs. Duffy knocks on an apartment door. Footage of Duffy being interviewed. Duffy says that the state government needs to do more to fight AIDS. Jones reports that Rushing is not conceding the lesbian and gay vote to Duffy. Jones reports that Rushing is not gay; that Rushing has been endorsed by several lesbian and gay activists. V: Shot of Rushing in his office with a campaign worker. Shots of Rushing's campaign literature; of a campaign flyer which reads, "Rushing is the lesbian and gay candidate." Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that most of his lesbian and gay constituents support him. Rushing says that he wanted his campaign literature was prepared by lesbian and gay supporters. Rushing says that he wants his campaign literature to focus on his support in the gay and lesbian community. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that Rushing's campaign literature is offensive; that Rushing should not call himself the "gay and lesbian candidate." Duffy says that it is unthinkable for a candidate who is not African American to run as the African American candidate. Duffy says that Rushing is presumptuous; that Rushing's campaign is offensive and demeaning. Jones reports that the two candidates differ on issues of affordable housing, crime prevention, and the budget. Jones notes that both candidates oppose the tax-rollback petition. V: Shot of Duffy and a group of campaign workers folding campaign literature. Shot of a campaign sign opposing the tax rollback; of a campaign sign for William Weld (Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Paul Cellucci (Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts). Jones reports that Duffy has accused Rushing of being out of touch with the people who have elected him. Jones notes that Rushing may be vulnerable to attacks on that issue. Jones adds that there seems to be hostility toward incumbents during this election season. V: Shot of Rushing waving to cars passing by on the street. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that voters harbor a great degree of resentment toward Rushing. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant; that Rushing has not been there for his constituents. Footage of Rushing being interviewed. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find an issue on which to disagree with him. Rushing says that Duffy is now lying about Rushing's record. Jones stands on a street in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District is evolving socially; that the district may be evolving politically. Jones notes that Rushing must prove to voters that he is still in touch with them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1990
Description: Deborah Wang reports that notes that Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) was the keynote speaker at a gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund gathered in Boston this evening. Wang notes that many members of the Legal Defense Fund are skeptical of President George Bush's commitment to civil rights; she adds that civil rights advocates are worried about Bush making conservative appointments to the judiciary. Wang interviews Young about Bush's presidency and his possible judicial appointments. Young says that Bush did not exhibit fairness and decency during the presidential campaign. Wang interviews Tom Franklin and Rona Kiley of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Franklin and Kiley say that Bush is beholden to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Wang reports that there will be several openings in lower courts and a possible opening on the Supreme Court during Bush's term in office. Wang's report is accompanied by footage of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund gathering, by footage of Bush giving a speech and by footage of Ronald Reagan standing by as a judge is sworn in.
1:00:09: Visual: Shots of a gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Attendees of the gathering are socializing in a large room. Footage of Tom Franklin (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) saying that his colleagues do not have a high regard for George Bush (US President-elect). Franklin says that he hopes that Bush will show more character and leadership than he has shown so far. Franklin says that he does not have high expectations for the Bush presidency. Footage of Bush addressing the Coalition of Black Republicans on August 11, 1988. Bush announces the formation of the Black Americans for Bush Committee. Wang reports that many members of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund are skeptical of Bush's commitment to civil rights. Wang notes that Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) was the keynote speaker at tonight's gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. V: Footage of Young being interviewed by Wang. Young says that he wants to believe that Bush is not as bad as his campaign was. Young says that Bush could be counted on for decency and fairness in the past; that Bush did not exhibit decency and fairness during the presidential campaign. Footage of Franklin saying that Bush is beholden to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Franklin says that Bush will talk about civil rights; that he will not take any action on civil rights issues. Wang reports that civil rights advocates are worried about Bush making conservative appointments to the judiciary. V: Shots of the exterior of the Supreme Court Building; of Reagan standing by as a federal judge is sworn in. Shot of Reagan standing behind an official at a press conference. Wang notes that there may be openings on the Supreme Court; that there will be numerous openings in lower courts. V: Footage of Young being interviewed by Wang. Young says that Bush needs to decide which wing of the Republican Party to represent. Young says that the "Eastern establishment" wing of the Republican Party has generally made wise judicial appointments. Footage of Rona Kiley (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) being interviewed by Wang. Kiley says that Bush has been playing to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Kiley says that she hopes that Bush will not adopt Ronald Reagan's "litmus test" for making judicial appointments. Shots of the members of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund as they socialize.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/15/1988
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that Paul Tsongas addressed the members of the Organization for a New Equality (ONE) at a luncheon meeting. ONE is an organization committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. The members of ONE welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Tsongas criticized the policies of George Bush in his speech and has accused him of promoting a racially divisive agenda. Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Interview with Robert Reich (professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) about Tsongas' position on economic issues and education. Interview with Tsonga, who talks about the importance of education. Interviews with Dorchester residents Chico Joyner and Faries Odom about Tsongas.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Paul Tsongas (Democratic candidate for US President) at a luncheon for ONE (Organization for a New Equality). Tsongas walks to the podium as attendees applaud. Alexandra Marks reports that Tsongas is not known as a passionate speaker; that Tsongas showed his passion at a speech to ONE members. Marks reports that Tsongas spoke about the budget approved by the Massachusetts State Legislature. Marks notes that the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that his generation will be the first to give less to their children than they got. Tsongas says that his generation should be uncomfortable with this state of affairs. Tsongas says that the legislators should not congratulate themselves for balancing the budget by ruining the schools. Shots of attendees at the luncheon. Marks reports that the attendees welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Marks reports that ONE is committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that a politician needs to be "pro-business" in order to be "pro-jobs." Tsongas says that Democrats need to learn that it is hypocritical to be "pro-jobs" and "anti-business." Marks reports that Tsongas berated George Bush (US President) for championing ideology over common sense in supporting the previous day's Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Marks notes that the ruling upholds a federal regulation which forbids the mention of abortion in clinics where federal funds are used. V: Shots of Tsongas speaking; of attendees; of a cameraman at the conference. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for using the racially divisive Willie Horton advertisement in the 1988 presidential campaign. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for vetoing the Civil Rights Bill and for sabotaging efforts to salvage the bill. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that Bush opposed the Civil Rights Bill because he wants race to be an issue in the 1992 campaign. Marks stands on Blue Hill Avenue. Marks says that Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Marks says that Tsongas believes that government money is necessary to leverage private investment. Marks says that economists have mixed feelings about Tsongas' philosophy. V: Footage of Robert Reich (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that the private sector in the US is globalizing quickly. Reich talks about the foreign activities of IBM and General Electric. Reich says that the government needs to be selective in its support of the private sector; that the government should not support companies who create jobs outside of the US. Marks reports that Reich believes that the key to economic development is to enhance the productive capabilities of individual Americans. V: Footage of Reich being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that education and infrastructure are important. Reich says that Tsongas emphasizes these things in his proposal. Footage of Tsongas being interviewed. Tsongas says that there is no future without education. Marks reports that some inner-city residents are supportive of Tsongas. V: Shots of Blue Hill Avenue. Footage of Chico Joyner (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Joyner says that most people will rebel against a tax increase. Joyner says that new businesses would help the community. Footage of Faries Odom (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Odom says that community involvement is crucial to the success of any initiatives in the neighborhood. Footage of Tsongas addressing attendees at the ONE luncheon. Tsongas says that all people are connected to one another; that people's actions have an affect on themselves and others. Marks reports that Tsongas intends to send this message during his presidential campaign; that Tsongas wants to fight against the racially divisive agenda of the Bush administration. V: Shot of Tsongas riding down an escalator with attendees. An African American man shakes his hand and wishes him luck.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1991
Description: Mayoral candidates Mel King and Ray Flynn participate in a forum on education sponsored by the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) at English High School. Flynn talks about his experience in government and his commitment to the public schools. He notes his familiarity with the city and school budgets, and he discusses the importance of public education and public housing. King stresses the importance of early childhood education programs and a "child-centered" school system. King speaks of the need for the mayor to work together with the Boston School Committee. King says that the city must continue to demonstrate its support of integrated schools. King and Flynn respond to a question about requiring students to pass a standardized test in order to graduate. Tape 1 of 2.
1:00:05: Visual: Four members of the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) sit at a table on stage at English High School. A member of the CWEC welcomes mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King to the annual meeting of the CWEC. Flynn and King are seated at a table at the center of the stage. Shots of Flynn and King. The CWEC member says that the candidates and the audience will discuss the future of public education in Boston. 1:01:55: V: Flynn thanks the moderator and the CWEC. Flynn mentions his experience as a state legislator and a member of the Boston City Council. He says that he was a student in the Boston Public Schools. Flynn congratulates the CWEC for their commitment ot public education. Flynn stresses the importance of public education and a good school system. Flynn says that he has a Master's Degree in education from Harvard; that he is committed to education. Flynn says that he would visit a few public schools and a few public housing projects on his first day as mayor; that education and public housing will be major concerns for his administration. Flynn says that the mayor should be involved in public education; that politicians in Boston have distanced themselves from the public schools since desegregation. Flynn says that the mayor should serve as an ex-officio member of the Boston School Committee; that the mayor needs to be aware of the situation in the schools. Flynn says that he is familiar with the city and school budgets. Flynn says that fiscal stability and predictable student placements are important for the schools. The audience applauds. 1:07:56: V: King thanks the audience and the CWEC. King says that the students in the school system must be served from birth to graduation; that early childhood education programs are important. King says that resources must be allocated to support Head Start programs and other early childhood education programs. King says that "child-centered" school system must guarantee education for all students; that the school system must believe that all children can be educated. King says that the mayor must work with the Boston School Committee; that the members of the School Committee will be newly elected; that the mayor and the Boston School Committee must determine the problems and the needs of the school system. King says that the newly elected School Committee must be unified in support of integrated schools. Jump cut in videotape. King says that he would provide leadership on the issue of education; that he would work to create a good climate and to end divisiveness on the issue of education. King says that the Boston Public School System must demonstrate its commitment to integrated education. The audience applauds. 1:14:52: V: An audience member asks if students should pass a standardized test in order to graduate from high school. King says that standards need to be established in the early grades as well as upon graduation. King says that the school administration must be held responsible for the education of the students; that diagnostic testing and evaluation is needed at every grade level, not just upon graduation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/13/1983
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Democratic candidates for governor Evelyn Murphy and Francis Bellotti talked about civil rights issues at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. While the candidates agreed on most of the issues, they disagreed about the death penalty. Murphy and Bellotti talk about minority set-asides, development in minority communities, and the civil rights bill in the state legislature. They also discuss their positions on death penalty. Bellotti talks about his participation in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Reporters look bored, some reporters read the newspaper while the candidates talk. Kelly reports that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. Interviews with people on the street, none of whom believe that either candidate has shown strong leadership in the area of civil rights.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. A moderator introduces the forum. Murphy and Bellotti sit together at a table. Panelists sit at tables adjacent to the candidates. Members of the media are at the back of the room. Hope Kelly reports that there was no debate at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights this morning; that the candidates agree on the issues. V: Footage of Murpy speaking at the Forum. Murphy says that she believes in minority set-aside rules; that she would like to see the program expanded. Shots of members of the media sitting on a couch to one side of the room. Kelly says that the forum's atmosphere was low-key. V: Shots of Bellotti; of two reporters reading the newspaper as Murphy speaks. Shots of two men conferring as Murphy speaks; of another reporter reading the newspaper. Shot of a man playing with his pen; of another man looking up at the ceiling. Shot of the moderator with his chin cupped in his hand. Audio of Murphy talking about minority businesses. Kelly notes that both candidates got equal time at the forum. V: Footage of Bellotti talking about development in minority communities. Kelly reports that both candidates say that they support the same agenda; that both candidates support the civil rights bill before the US Congress; that both candidates support the gay rights bill in the state legislature. V: Shot of Murphy speaking at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates support minority set-aside programs; that both candidates will try to improve access for all. V: Shots of panelists at the forum. Kelly reports that Murphy brought up the only difference between the two candidates; that the difference was highlighted in the days following the murder of Carol Stuart (resident of Reading, Massachusetts). V: Footage of Murphy speaking at the forum. Murphy says that her opponents talked about their support of the death penalty in the days following the Stuart murder. Murphy says that she has always been an opponent of the death penalty; that Bellotti had threatened to "pull the switch." Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he was not statesmanlike when he talked about pulling "the switch." Bellotti says that he has always been honest about his position on the death penalty. Bellotti says that he would never lobby for the death penalty. Kelly reports that the candidates talked about their past records; that the candidates talked about how they would govern the state. V: Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he marched with Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1965; that people threw rocks at the marchers. Shots of Bellotti and Murphy at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates boasted of their records on civil rights. Kelly notes that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. V: Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly outside of a post office. Kelly asks if the man is familiar with the civil rights records of Murphy or Bellotti. The man says that he cannot think of anything that either candidate has done in the area of civil rights. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the man to name some local civil rights leaders. The man responds that she has posed a tough question. Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly. The man cannot come up with an answer to Kelly's question about local civil rights leaders. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. The man says that he would not consider Bellotti to be a leader in the area of civil rights. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the woman if she knew that Bellotti grew up in Roxbury. The woman says that she never knew that fact. Shot of the candidates and panelists rising at the end of the forum.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1990
Description: Bernadette Devlin McAliskey (Irish Republican activist) holds a press conference in Boston as part of a 13-city tour of the United States. Devlin speaks about her recent candidacy for the European parliament and says that her speaking tour is intended to help defray debts incurred during her campaign. Devlin's campaign was organized around a human rights platform. Devlin notes that international organizations have condemned the human rights abuses in Northern Ireland but that the United Nations and western countries will not speak out against Great Britain. Devlin expresses cynicism towards politicians and doubts about an American political response to the situation in Northern Ireland. She equates the oppression in Northern Ireland to the inequalities that exist in the United States and notes that Irish Americans engage in oppression of African Americans in Boston. Devlin compares the dearth of Protestant support for her cause in Northern Ireland to the lack of white working class support for busing in Boston; recounts the history of the Irish conflict from the Irish elections in 1918; and discusses changes that must be made by Great Britain in Northern Ireland. Devlin discusses her activities in the years since she left parliament; the use of violence by Catholics in Northern Ireland; the death of Lord Louis Mountbatten (British official). She accuses the international press of hypocrisy; answers questions about her speaking schedule and her life in Ireland.
0:58:09: Visual: Bernadette Devlin McAliskey (Irish Republican activist) prepares for a press conference as part of a 13-city tour of the United States. She sits at a small table in front of a microphone and takes questions from reporters. The press conference takes place in an informally furnished room; the walls are covered with handmade political posters. A reporter asks Devlin if she is doing the speaking tour to pay off debt accumulated during her recent campaign for a seat in the European parliament. Devlin says that her candidacy focused on human rights issues; that her candidacy was announced only three weeks before the election; that she ran on behalf of the H-Block political prisoners. Devlin says that her political party still has a debt of $10,000 after the elections; that she has come to the US to raise money through speaking engagements and from contributions. Devlin says that she has raised about $3,000 so far. A reporter asks Devlin's opinion on US involvement in Northern Ireland. Devlin says that Amnesty International, the International Red Cross and the European Court of Human Rights have all condemned the human rights abuses in Northern Ireland; that Jimmy Carter (US President) condemns human rights abuses all over the world, but ignores the deprivation of human rights in Northern Ireland. Devlin questions Carter's sincerity on human rights issues. Devlin says that the United Nations and western countries will not speak out against Great Britain; that she is trying to raise awareness of the situation among the white population of the US. The reporter asks Devlin if she expects a response from Irish Americans and Irish American politicians. Devlin says that she has a cynical view of politicians; that Edward Kennedy (US Senator) and Carter might speak out against the situation in Northern Ireland if they thought it would win them some votes; that she is not sure if Irish American politicians will take any action. Devlin says that the Irish American community has been made to feel guilty about giving money to Ireland; that they are made to feel like they are supporting violence. Devlin says that US politicians do not want Irish Americans to take interest in the situation in Northern Ireland. Devlin says that there are enough Irish Americans in the US to pressure the US government to take some firm action about Northern Ireland; that Irish Americans might become aware of the inequalities in US society if they started to think about the oppression in Northern Ireland. Devlin says that it saddens her to see Irish Americans involved in the oppression of African Americans in Boston. Devlin says that Irish Americans would get themselves on the "right side" of the civil rights struggle in the US if they understood the situation in Northern Ireland. Devlin says that Catholics in Northern Ireland were inspired by the civil rights movement in the US; that they identify with the struggles of African Americans. Devlin says that Irish Americans appear to be actively involved in the oppression of African Americans. Devlin says that she could probably raise money more easily if she avoided discussing the role of Irish Americans in the oppression of African Americans; that she is not willing to keep silent for money. Devlin says that she hopes Irish Americans will become more aware of their contradictory behavior; that many fled oppression in Ireland only to become oppressors in the US. 1:07:11: V: Devlin says that there is little Protestant support for her cause in Northern Ireland. She compares the amount of Protestant support for her cause in Northern Ireland to the amount of white working class support for busing in Boston. Devlin says that Great Britain needs to withdraw the undemocratic veto given to Protestants in Northern Ireland in 1921; that Great Britain needs to support change in Northern Ireland. Devlin reviews the history of the Irish conflict from the Irish elections in 1918 to the partition of the country by Great Britain. Devlin accuses Great Britain of partitioning the country in order to create a Protestant majority where there was none before. A reporter asks Devlin what she did during the years before the most recent election. The reporter comments that Devlin had not been visible on the political scene. Devlin responds that she has never stopped working for her cause; that the media ignored her activities because she was no longer a member of the British Parliament. Devlin says that the world took no notice of the violence used by Great Britain to oppress Catholics in Northern Ireland before 1969; that the oppressed Catholics are adopting the methods of violence used by Great Britain. Devlin questions why the Catholics are condemned for using violence, when they are only reacting to the violence used to oppress them. Devlin says that the international media have portrayed Lord Louis Mountbatten (British official) as a brave soldier and an aristocrat; that the oppressed peoples of the British Empire see Lord Mountbatten as a symbol of oppression. Devlin adds that public figures who represent the oppression of the British Empire will inevitably become targets of the oppressed. Devlin questions why the life of Mountbatten is worth more than the lives of all the Irish people who have died at the hands of the British; that the Irish victims fought for their country as Mountbatten did; that they were portrayed as terrorists by the international press. Devlin accuses the international press of hypocrisy. She says that the Irish people will not be "chastened" by the press coverage of Mountbatten's death. Devlin adds that if Great Britain was not occupying Northern Ireland, Mountbatten would be alive today. A reporter asks Devlin about Princess Margaret of England's comment that the Irish are "pigs." Devlin responds with a translation of an old Irish saying that "a pig thinks the whole world is pigs." Devlin answers questions about her speaking schedule and her life in Ireland. Devlin says that she has three children; that she does not have a regular job; that she works in the resistance movement. Devlin adds that she works with Catholics whose welfare benefits have been taken away by the British government. Devlin says that the money she raises will pay off her party's campaign debt. She adds that if the debt is paid, the rest of the money will go to a fund to benefit Irish prisoners.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/19/1979
Description: Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) endorses Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston) at a press conference at Northeastern University. Jim King (Senior Vice President, Northeastern University) introduces Young. Young talks about King's candidacy for mayor of Boston. King says that he and Young have discussed ideas for local job creation and for trade between local businesses and third world markets. In response to audience questions, Young talks about his recommendation that King set up a trade mission to export local manufactured goods. King discusses the value of his endorsement of King and the differences among the political situations in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Young says that he does not consider Boston to be a racist city. Young talks about the potential impact of the African American community on the election outcome. Young refuses to comment on the the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson.
1:00:06: Visual: Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) walks sits down at a table next to Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston). Mel King's campaign signs are visible on the walls of the room. Behind King and Young is a Northeastern University flag. A young African American woman announces that Young and "future mayor" Mel King will speak; that they will take questions after. Jim King (Senior Vice President, Northeastern University) introduces Young. He reviews Young's accomplishments. Shots of the audience. Young says that King's leadership will benefit Boston. Young talks about the importance of housing and neighborhood revitalization. Young says that King will work to reduce unemployment; that King will work with existing businesses and help to build new businesses. Young says that King is familiar with urban problems. Young commends King for his strong marriage, his family, and his values. 1:03:33: V: King calls Young "Mayor Class." King says that Young is one of the classiest politicians in the world; that Young has a world view which allows him make connections between his city and events in the greater world. King says that he and Young discussed how to create jobs in Boston; that Young has given him advice on how to unlock third world markets; that the city can help neighborhoods and businesses take advantages of these markets to create jobs. King thanks Young for coming to Boston. The audience applauds. 1:05:53: V: The audience asks questions. An audience member asks Young about his experiences as the Mayor of Atlanta. Young says that it is "fun" to solve local problems. Young says that he has recommended that King set up an export trading company to help export the city's manufactured goods. Young talks about trade missions that he has undertaken as Mayor of Atlanta. Young says that he has gone on trade missions to Trinidad and Jamaica, and is planning a trade mission to Nigeria. Young talks about how trade missions can benefit local businesses and industry. Young says that he and Henry Cisneros (Mayor of San Antonio) share the leadership of a task force for the National League of Cities; that mayors can create jobs by promoting international opportunities for local industry. Young says that Boston could export many products; that King is concerned about creating jobs through exports. Young says that he appointed a woman as Deputy Chief of Police in Atlanta; that her appointment heightened awareness of crimes against women in the city. Young says that it is important for a mayor to be responsive to problems of those who have been ignored; that King will be responsive. 1:09:59: V: An audience member asks Young about the value of his endorsement of King. Young says that Boston needs a good mayor; that he does not judge Boston to be a racist city on the basis of the actions of a few "hoodlums"; that there are voters who will elect King on the basis of his values and his positions on unemployment and crime; that skin color is not important. Young says that he is here as an urban mayor to remind people about important urban issues; that he is able to get television exposure for King. The audience applauds. An audience member asks Young about similarities in the political situations in Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia. Young says that there are few similarities; that there was a "revolution" against the mayor in Chicago; that there is more racial antagonism in Chicago than there is in Boston. Young says that Wilson Goode (candidate for Mayor of Philadelphia) will be elected because of his experience and broad support. Young says that he hopes King will emerge with broad support in Boston. Young refers to Boston's revolutionary history, saying that he hopes the city will rally around King. 1:14:11: V: An audience member points out that Boston has a small African American community with a record of low voter turnout. Young uses the example of Los Angeles as a city with a small minority population and a popularly elected African American mayor. An audience member asks Young to speculate on the chances of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) being elected to the presidency. Young says that it is too soon to speculate on anyone's campaign for the presidency. 1:16:23: V: Young answers more questions from the audience. Shots of Young from behind the audience and media; of members of the audience. Audio cuts in and out during this segment. Young talks about the need for "open and honest" government and a good relationship with the press. King answers a question about his campaign. The moderator announces an end to the press conference. 1:18:45: V: Young and King greet members of the audience and the media.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/22/1983