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Description: Interview with judge Elijah Adlow about the obscenity trial on Sister George movie. He talks about female actress' portrayal of lesbians.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/11/1969
Description: Representative of the Boston Museum of Science interviewed about an incident the day before. The museum decided to postpone a planetarium show in order to broadcast the lunar landing. A few of the museum guest got angry. Reporter standup about the museums new exhibits related to the lunar landing.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/21/1969
Description: Silent footage of men hanging a banner that reads "Well Done, Apollo II," and children at a science exhibit on Apollo 11 and the lunar landing. Air piece on Bostonians watching the lunar landing on television. Reporter standup. Shots of people watching the lunar landing and first moon walk. Reporter standup.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/21/1969
Description: Thomas Atkins addresses the Northeastern States Youth Citizenship Conference. He talks about the Black Manifesto which caused a controversy at the Riverside Church in New York. He says that the church has not taken a particularly positive active stance, but could be a powerful resource. After the air piece there is silent b-roll of exteriors and interiors of the Conference, and shots of the audience listening to Atkins, who is speaking from a podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/04/1969
Description: Interview with Boston School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan. Kerrigan expresses his views against busing. He discusses the states racial imbalance law. He comments on the public conflict between Commissioner Sullivan and Secretary Finch, over their views on busing.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/12/1969
Description: Interview with a man on the latest innovation in office furniture. The desk discuss incorporates electronic components, including a television screen. Botched take of reporter voiceover.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Sidney Farber press conference at Anthony's Pier. Silent footage of Farber is talking. Farber shaking hands with folks. Farber at the podium taking questions about funding for cancer research and talks about great progress in the past 20 year and about progress in chemotherapy and molecular biology. He says the country has never been in this good of a position before in terms of labs to do research. Another man talks at the podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Originally broadcast as a WGBH news special, this tape was later used as source material for Ten O'Clock News stories. Roger Fisher moderates discussion among students, administrators, faculty about student strike at Harvard over ROTC, Afro-American studies, expansion into Boston and Cambridge. Louis Lyons starts by reading the news from Harvard. Participants include Jim Kiernan, a WGBH consultant; Brey O'Connell, a member of the Committee for Radical Structural Reform; Richard Rubinowitz, a representative of Harvard New College; Hugh Calkins, a member of the Harvard Corporation; and Norman Daniels, a member of the Strike Committee and of the Student for a Democratic Society. First segment of the program provides some radical Harvard students the opportunity to speak to a member of the Harvard Corporation. Another students, King Collins, starts using explicit language, and the audio was cut during the original broadcast. Much argument over who has right to speak. reel 1 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/17/1969
Description: Part of this tape is a repeat of the end of Part 1. Originally broadcast as a WGBH news special, this tape was later used as source material for Ten O'Clock News stories. Roger Fisher moderates discussion among students, administrators, faculty about student strike at Harvard over ROTC, Afro-American studies, expansion into Boston and Cambridge. Participants include Jim Kiernan, a WGBH consultant; Brey O'Connell, a member of the Committee for Radical Structural Reform; Richard Rubinowitz, a representative of Harvard New College; Hugh Calkins, a member of the Harvard Corporation; and Norman Daniels, a member of the Strike Committee and of the Student for a Democratic Society. Several other students join in the conversation. Much argument over who has right to speak. Professors James Ackerman and Jerome Bruner join the table. Fisher tries to define points of contention. reel 2 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/17/1969
Description: Sign for the "Clerk of the House of Representative." Louise Day Hicks enters office, files bill to repeal racial imbalance with man, leaves office.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969