Description: Vincent Canzoneri does several takes of reporter standup. Boston city skyline with State House dome. Juxtaposition of old and new John Hancock towers with Charles River in foreground, and then with city streets and Mass. Turnpike in foreground.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1979
Description: Silent footage of men moving a large glass window pane. Interview with Walter Gallagher of the John Hancock company about embarrassment that the company has experienced due to the breaking windows on the John Hancock building. Footage of men installing a window. Interview with another man. Reporter standup followed by outtakes. Outtakes include silent footage of men moving a glass window and installing it, more interview footage with the two men from the final story, and several reporter standup takes. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/29/1974
Description: Christy George reports on the funeral of Charles Hardison, who was a good student and star tennis player at Milton High School. Hardison was shot in his home. The funeral is held at Ebenezer Baptist Church and many people attend. George reports that many people consider the suburbs of Boston to be safe from the problems of urban violence. Interviews with mourners Wilson Henderson, Theresa Jenkins, and Roosevelt Stokes outside of the church. Jenkins says that Hardison's death has brought people of both races together. Henderson talks about the problem of violence. George talks about Hardison's accomplishments at Milton High School. George's report includes footage from WCVB of Hardison with his tennis team. George notes that Hardison's death challenges stereotypes about urban violence and race relations.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of mourners at Ebenezer Baptist Church for the funeral of Charles Hardison (Milton resident). African American and white teenagers console one another. Christy George reports that African American and white mourners consoled one another at Hardison's funeral. V: African American and white teenage boys lean against a car. Two white girls hug an African American boy. George reports that Hardison belonged to both the African American and white communities. V: Shots of mourners entering the church. Audio of Reverend Kirk Jones (Ebenezer Baptist Church) saying that no one will ever completely understand why Hardison died. Shots of two African American women comforting one another. George reports that Hardison was shot to death in his home on Wednesday. George reports that the media has reported that police visited the home to speak to his mother's boyfriend; that the media has reported that Hardison may have argued with a member of a Boston gang. V: Shots of white and African American mourners on the steps of the church; of African American and white mourners standing on the street outside of the church. Shots of flower arrangements being removed from the church. Shots of an African American man comforting an African American boy. Shots of African American and white teenagers leaving the church, holding tennis rackets. Audio of Jones talking about Hardison's good qualities. Footage of Wilson Henderson (mourner) that Hardison's death was completely unexpected; that violence threatens people in their homes. Footage from WCVB of officials carrying a stretcher from Hardison's home. George reports that Hardison lived in suburban Milton; that many see Milton as a safe haven from urban violence. V: Shot of a street sign for Adanac Road; of the exterior of Hardison's home on Adanac Road. George reports that Hardison was sixteen when he died; that Hardison was the co-founder of a chapter of Students of African Descent at Milton High School; that Hardison was captain of his tennis team. George reports that Hardison visited the Soviet Union last summer; that Hardison won all of his tennis matches against Soviet players. V: Footage of Hardison playing a tennis match. Footage from Cityline/WCVB of Hardison boarding a bus. Hardison is seated on the bus. Hardison says that he encourages other players to try their best. Footage of the casket being carried from Ebenezer Baptist Church. Audio of Jones leading the mourners in prayer during the funeral service. Footage of Theresa Jenkins (mourner) saying that Hardison's life was cut short; that Hardison's death brought people of both races together. Footage of Reverend Roosevelt Stokes (Ebenezer Baptist Church) saying that Hardison touched many people by the time he reached the age of sixteen. Stokes says that Hardison will be missed. Shot of a hearse pulling away from the church. George stands on a street in Milton. The funeral procession passes behind her. George reports that Hardison's death challenges stereotypes about urban violence and safe neighborhoods. Goerge notes that Hardison's death also challenges stereotypes about teenagers and race relations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/16/1990
Description: Bill Harrington takes notes at a press conference. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1975
Description: Reporter standup on Governor Sargent's search for a new commissioner of department of corrections, to replace Commissioner Boone. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1973
Description: Interview with Kevin Harrington about remolding at the state house to create an executive conference room. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/30/1976
Description: Several students chant and march in a circle around the Science center carrying sign calling for a class boycott. Sound. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Some [Harvard] students call for a boycott of classes over the South African investments of the schools."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/23/1979
Description: Student demonstration protesting Harvard University's South African Investments while officials from the University meet to discuss whether they should keep these investments or divest. Footage of a large crowd of students chanting and holding signs, including one that reads, "Harvard profits from Apartheid." Sound. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1978
Description: Student demonstration protesting Harvard University's South African Investments while officials from the University meet to discuss whether they should keep these investments or divest. Footage includes a student in the crowd, shots of the crowd, a man speaking at the demonstration, pull out to shot of the crowd cheering, and closing reporter standup. Sound. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1978
Description: Editors and writers at the nation's oldest college humor magazine, the Harvard Lampoon, read newly delivered copies of the Lampoon's Sports Illustrated parody, which was written and photographed during the summer of 1974. Appearing are Lampoon members Mark Magowan (Harvard '76) Lulu Spencer ('76), Jean Barrett ('77), Pam LoRusso ('75), Norman Fleming ('75), Joe Toplyn ('75) and Ted Trimble ('76). Footage shot at the Lampoon Castle on Bow St. in Cambridge, MA.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/16/1974