Description: African American voters line up at the polls to vote in the Boston mayoral primary election. A few young African American men pose for the camera and voice their support for candidate Mel King. Footage of voters in line to get booths; going to booths. Donna Hodge interviews several African American voters about their support for King. Hodge interviews the members of an African American family who complain of voting irregularities and registration problems.
1:00:02: Visual: African American voters line up at the polls to vote in the mayoral primary election. A few young African American men pose for the camera and voice their support for Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston). Voters pass by the camera into a building. 1:00:26: V: Voters line up at a table. Poll workers behind the table check the voters' names against the list of registered voters. Shots of African American voters in line; of voters at the table; of poll workers seated at the table. An African American poll worker leads a white female voter to a voting booth. An African American male poll worker examines the voting rolls in front of him. 1:02:39: V: Voters check in with the poll workers at the table. Donna Hodge interviews an African American male voter. The man says that he voted for King; that it is not his first time voting; that King has a chance to win; that he did not like mayoral candidates Ray Flynn or David Finnegan. Hodge interviews a young African American female voter. The young woman says that today his her first time voting; that she voted for King because he is the first African American man to run for mayor of Boston. Hodge interviews a middle-aged African American female voter. The woman says that she has been voting since she turned 18; that she voted for King; that King did not engage in bickering with the other candidates; that she hopes King will win. Hodge interviews an African American male voter. The man says that he is a middle-class African American from New York City who wants his Boston neighborhood cleaned up; that he voted for King because the city needs prominent African Americans; that he is a first-time voter. Hodge interviews a young African American male voter. The young man says that he voted for King because he wants an African American mayor. The young man says that he was impressed by King because he went out on the streets to hand out his own campaign flyers and to meet people. The young man says that he likes King's position on employment for young people; that he is a first-time voter. Hodge interviews a young African American female voter. The young woman says that she is a first-time voter; that she voted for King because he is the best man for the job. 1:08:37: V: Hodge and the crew set up an interview with an African American family outside of the polls. Hodge asks the male family member why he was unable to vote. The man says that his address was not on the list; that he was not allowed to vote on an absentee ballot because he lacked proper identification. The man's mother says that she and her daughter were allowed to vote without showing identification; the woman says that she has been voting at this polling station for 13 years. The daughter agrees that she was not asked to show identification; that her brother was the only voter asked for identification. The man's mother says that the voter lists were not complete; that she does not understand why she and her daughter were allowed to vote but not her son. The son and daughter add that their address is not on the voter list; that there were several addresses in the neighborhood not included on the voter lists.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1983
Description: Senator Edward Brooke concedes the Senate race to Paul Tsongas in the ballroom of the Copley Plaza Hotel. With him on the stage are supporters including State Sen. William Owens, his mother Helen Brooke, community leader Elma Lewis, and campaign field director Thomas Trimarco. Sharon Stevens reports from behind the cheering crowd, anticipating Brooke's speech; Natalie Jacobson (WCVB reporter) is on the stage, waiting to interview Brooke after the speech. Brooke thanks the crowd, his family, and his campaign staff. Brooke congratulates Tsongas for waging an honorable campaign. Brooke says that he will do his best to assure the smooth transition of the Senate seat and that he continues to support full equality and justice for all. Brooke thanks voters for giving him the opportunity to have served as both State Attorney General and US Senator and assures those who did not vote for him that he has no bitterness toward them. Brooke shakes hands and answers questions from the press as he slowly makes his way off stage surrounded by an entourage. B-roll of Brooke supporters in ballroom after the speech.
0:58:17: Visual: Shot of Edward Brooke (US Senator) at a podium, waving to a cheering crowd in the ballroom of the Copley Plaza Hotel. A large campaign banner behind him reads, "Brooke - United States Senator." William Owens (State Senator), Helen Brooke (Edward Brooke's mother), Elma Lewis (African American community leader), Thomas Trimarco (field director for Brooke's campaign) and other supporters are all on stage with Brooke. Sharon Stevens (WGBH reporter) stands behind the cheering crowd, anticipating Brooke's speech. 0:59:15: V: Brooke thanks the crowd, which continues to cheer for him. Brooke says that preliminary results show Paul Tsongas (candidate for US Senator) to be the victor. Brooke congratulates Tsongas for waging an honorable campaign. Brooke says that he will do his best to assure the smooth transition of the Senate seat. Brooke thanks his campaign workers and contributors for their support. Brooke notes that there are US Senators who will continue to fight for senior citizens, minorities, the poor, and the handicapped. Brooke says that he continues to support full equality for women and equal justice for all. Brooke thanks voters for giving him the opportunity to have served as both State Attorney General and US Senator. Brooke assures those who did not vote for him that he has no bitterness toward them. Brooke says that he leaves the Senate with the feeling that there is much left to be accomplished; that he remains committed to the causes he has supported. Brooke paraphrases Lillian Hellman, saying that "I could never cut my consciensce to fit the fashion of any year." Brooke commends his supporters for their hard work, faith and courage. Brooke thanks his family, his campaign manager, John Volpe (chairman of Brooke's campaign committee), and Trimarco. Brooke says that he regrets not having spent enough time with the voters of Massachusetts during the campaign. He notes that his Senate responsibilities kept him in Washington D.C. during much of the campaign. Brooke says that he wishes Tsongas well; that he is sorry he did not deliver a victory for his campaign workers and supporters. Brooke says that he is very happy that a woman has been elected to the US Senate. He jokes about going out to look for a job and wishes his supporters well. 1:09:35: V: Brooke shakes hands with members of the crowd. Natalie Jacobson (WCVB reporter) is on the stage with a microphone, waiting to interview Brooke. The crowd continues to clap for Brooke. Stevens recaps Brooke's speech. Brooke is still on the stage, talking to members of the media. The crowd remains on the floor. 1:11:11: V: Brooke remains on the stage. He waves to supporters. Members of the media surround him. He answers questions about the race and his future plans. A jazz band plays and the noise of the crowd is audible. Brooke attempts to move off of the stage. The media continue to surround him. Brooke waves at the crowd as he moves slowly off the stage. Flashbulbs go off as the media take his photograph. 1:15:51: V: Shot of a sign reading, "We still love you Ed. You're the best.". Shots of campaign supporters on the floor; of members of the crowd. Shots of the media and their equipment in the corner of the room. Members of the crowd mill about in the ballroom. Shot of the jazz band playing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1978
Description: Edward King gives victory speech at Park Plaza Hotel after winning gubernatorial election. He thanks the community and introduces his family.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1978
Description: B-roll of campaign workers holding campaign signs and handing out flyers for mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King, and other political candidates. Poll workers check in voters at polling stations. Voters stand in line to vote. A poll worker holds a stack of absentee ballots. Exteriors of the Mel King for Mayor headquarters. Campaign staff members work and make telephone calls at the campaign headquarters of Flynn and King. A Flynn worker telephones voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. Campaign workers for King and Flynn are gathered outside of a polling station in the evening. Some campaign workers approach voters. One campaign worker remarks on the cold weather. Voters stand in line and vote at a polling station. Shot of a voting booth.
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of a street corner posted with campaign signs for Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) and Craig Lankhorst (candidate for Boston School Committee). Footage of campaign workers holding signs for Mark Roosevelt (candidate for Boston City Council), King, Lankhorst, and Abby Browne (candidate for Boston School Committee). The workers give out flyers to people as they enter a building. Shot of poll workers sitting at a table. Voters are lined up in front of the table. 1:00:48: V: Shots of campaign workers in front of a building, holding signs for Roosevelt, King, Browne, Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston), and others. Shots of the interior of a a polling station. Poll workers are seated at a table. Two women confer on one side of the room. One of the women examines a stack of absentee ballots, which she holds in her hands. Shot of a voter list being examined by a poll worker. Shots of poll workers at the table with the voter lists. Shot of the stack of absentee ballots on the poll workers' table; of the cover of the "City of Boston List of Registered Voters" for 1983. 1:04:17: V: Shots of the headquarters for the King mayoral campaign. King campaign signs are posted in the window. A man is heard speaking into a bullhorn, urging voters to vote for King. Shots of the crowded interior of the King headquarters. Several campaign workers are present. One campaign worker is organizing a ride to the polls for a voter. Shot of a sign for the Rainbow Coalition. 1:05:57: V: Shots of the interior of the Flynn campaign headquarters. Campaign workers are telephoning voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. 1:06:47: V: Shot of two campaign workers standing in front of a building, holding Flynn campaign signs. In the background is a King supporter with a King campaign sign. People are gathered in front of the building. Shot of the white King supporter talking to an African American man. Shots of the people gathered in front of the building; of two men walking away from the building. 1:08:18: V: Footage of a woman entering a polling station in the evening. She refuses the flyers offered to her by campaign workers. The campaign workers joke about how cold it is outside. The campaign workers hand out more flyers to voters as they enter the polling station. Shot of campaign signs covering a pole on the sidewalk of a busy street. 1:09:48: V: Footage of the interior of a polling station. Poll workers sit behind a table as they check in voters. A white voter is shown to a polling booth. Poll workers continue to check in voters. 1:12:00: V: Footage of an African American male voter checking in with the poll workers. Voters stand in line to enter the polling booths. Shot of a ballot on a voting machine with levers. Shot of voters feet as they stand in the voting booths.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1983
Description: Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) holds a press conference to discuss his victory the previous day in the mayoral election. White discusses his potential role as a national spokesman on urban issues. White says that he has no plans to assume a national role. White predicts great success in his next term; rejects Boston's reputation as a racist city; guarantees the safety of all citizens in the city; discusses the city's affirmative action program as it relates to his administration; and says his administration will not tolerate racial violence. White notes the community's responsibility to speak out against racial violence; discusses the recent shooting of Darryl Williams (African American Jamaica Plain student). White talks about former city employee James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) and the need to be sensitive in making appointments to city jobs. White discusses the city's poor racial climate, and assesses the extent to which he is responsible for it, and his belief that other cities are more racist than Boston. White talks about his support base in the mayoral election and about his opponent, Joseph Timilty. He discusses the US Senate race and notes that he has not been asked to endorse Edward Kennedy (US Senator) or any other candidates. White expresses confidence in the vitality of the city and talks about his priorities for the next term, including tax reform and the development of the North Station area. White is very relaxed and has a good rapport with the media.
0:00:11: Visual: Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) walks into a small room where a press conference will be held. He greets the members of the media informally, saying "Hi everybody." He jokes with the media about having forgotten his tie. White sits down on a couch. Microphones are set up on the coffee table in front of him. White says that he is pleased about his victory. A reporter asks White if he and Henry Maier (Mayor of Milwaukee) will join Dick Hatcher (Mayor of Gary, Indiana) as national spokesmen for urban issues. White says that he will speak out on urban issues as he always has; that he has no plans to assume a national role. White adds that there are mayors in other cities who will become influential and make themselves heard. He mentions Bill Green (Mayor of Philadelphia) and Don Frasier (Mayor of Minneapolis). Another reporter asks White if he will be eclipsed by these new urban mayors. White makes a joke, "the old gray mare, he is what he used to be." White says that he will speak out on national issues which affect Boston. A reporter asks what the next four years will bring to Boston. White says that the next term will be the greatest of his terms as mayor. He mentions that Bob Ryan (Director, Boston Redevelopment Authority) is optimistic about new building projects. A reporter comments on Boston's reputation as the most racist city in the nation. White says that Boston's reputation as a racist city is not correct. He notes that he cannot rid the city of racism and hypocrisy. White guarantees that people of all colors and nationalities will be able to walk the streets safely by the end of his term. A reporter asks White if he will hire more African Americans to key positions in the city administration. White says that there is a good affirmative action program in place; that the African American community supported him in the election. White says that racial violence will not be tolerated in the city. He says that the residents of Charlestown helped to apprehend the youth involved in the shooting of Darryl Williams (Jamaica Plain student); that the residents of Charlestown did not want to be seen as harboring racist criminals. White says that his administration will not tolerate racial violence. 0:06:24: V: White notes that the Charlestown Business Association held a press conference within hours of the Williams shooting; that they condemned racial violence in the press conference; that people in the community need to speak out against racist violence. White says that he will enlist his supporters in the neighborhoods to speak out. A reporter asks White if he will be more sensitive about whom he puts on the city payroll after the "Jimmy Kelly affair." White says that he is always sensitive about whom he puts on the city payroll; that the media will always disagree with his hiring decisions. White notes that James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) resigned from his city job; that he was not fired. The reporter asks if it is a good idea to have Kelly representing the city by holding a city job. White says that he was not willing to fire Kelly in order to court African American voters during the campaign. White says that he wanted to be elected on his record, not for his ability to play upon the emotions of voters. White adds that Kelly was qualified to do the job for which he was hired; that hiring Kelly was not a mistake. White says that he does not want to fire city workers because of their beliefs, even if their beliefs are unpalatable. 0:09:32: V: A reporter asks White if he feels responsible for the poor racial climate in the city. White says that he cannot change it all by himself; that he has never ducked a crisis. White adds that the city will not come together until more people become active; that the voters need to elect good people to the Boston School Committee and the Boston City Council. A reporter asks White how Boston got its reputation as a racist city. White says that racism is a national problem; that problems in Boston get more media coverage than problems in other cities. White mentions that there are severe racial problems in Detroit and other cities; that many affluent communities are very racist. White says that Boston has lived through busing and has learned from it; that there are racial problems in Boston; that he does not think of Boston as the most racist city in the US. A reporter asks White about low voter turnout in the election. Jump cut on videotape. 0:13:14: V: White says that he expanded his political base in this election; that he did not lose support in areas where he has always been popular. He expresses confidence in the vitality of the city. White says that he has not been approached for an endorsement of Edward Kennedy (US Senator) or any other candidates for US Senate. White jokes with reporters about not needing to talk to the media now that he has been reelected. A reporter asks White about his priorities for the next term. White talks about tax reform and the development of the area around North Station. A reporter asks White why he did not attend Kennedy's announcement at Faneuil Hall this morning. Jump cut on videotape. 0:15:16: V: White talks further about the race for the US Senate. A reporter asks White to analyze the campaign strategy of Joseph Timilty (former mayoral candidate). White says that he does not like to pick apart the strategy of an opponent. White says that both he and Timilty knew that Timilty had a good chance to win the election. A photographer focuses on White and takes his photo. A reporter asks if he will lay off workers from the city payroll. White deflects the question with a joke. He has a good rapport with the reporters. White closes the press conference. He commends the reporters on their professionalism, saying that they treated both him and Timilty fairly. White and the reporters prepare to leave the room. White speaks informally to Sharon Stevens (WGBH reporter) and others.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1979
Description: Compilation of Christopher Lydon stories. Christopher Lydon interviews Bill Lee (pitcher, Montreal Expos) at Fenway Park. Lee discusses the possibility of a baseball strike. Lee talks about unions and his feelings about baseball. Lee says that he is no longer "addicted" to baseball. Three essays by Robert J. Lurtsema about the coming of summer, the coming of fall and barnacles. Lydon reports on the upcoming preliminary elections for the Boston City Council. Lydon analyzes voting patterns in various districts and the political networks of some candidates. Lydon notes that there has been little voter interest in the campaign. The report includes interviews with and profiles of candidates Maureen Craven Slade, Craig Lankhorst, and Stephen Michaels. Lydon reports from the Boston Celtics' practice court in Brookline. Lydon interviews Ernie DiGregorio (basketball player) and Nate "Tiny" Archibald for the report. Lydon's second report on the upcoming preliminary elections for Boston City Council includes footage from interviews with several candidates including Maura Hennigan, James Kelly, David Scondras, Charles Yancey, Ed McNamara, and Michael McCormack. The candidates talk about voter anger and apathy, the city's fiscal crisis, the need for better city services and the policies of Kevin White (Mayor of Boston). Lydon interviews Donald Woods (South African journalist) about South Africa. Woods criticizes the US veto of the United Nations condemnation of the South African invasion of Angola. Woods says that the white minority in South Africa must negotiate with the black majority in order to avoid a civil war. Woods compares the political situations in South Africa to that of Northern Ireland.
1:00:04: Christopher Lydon interviews Bill Lee (pitcher, Montreal Expos) at Fenway Park. Lee says that he is happy to come back to Fenway Park to play a game. V: Shots of Montreal Expos practicing at Fenway Park. Lee says that he is disappointed to see changes at Fenway Park. He criticizes the disappearance of the bleacher seats, the installation of plastic seats and the increase in advertising at the park. Lydon asks Lee about the baseball strike. Lee says that the players had to strike to maintain the status quo; that unions in the US are being pushed out of existance by a "conservative" government; that he fears the advent of an Orwellian future in this country. Lee says that the issue of uncompensated free agency was not important to him; that he does not believe in free agency. Lee talks about the concept of free agency. He says that the baseball system is destined to fail because it is based on a "false foundation." Lee digresses, talking about the fact that Fenway Park is built on a landfill. Lee says that he is no longer "addicted" to baseball; that he does not need to play at the professional level; that he is playing professional baseball because his "old lady" wants him to. Lee says that the season has been exciting so far. He digresses again, talking about raising fish on an Indian reservation in Bellingham. Lee says that the US needs to give land back to Native Americans. Lydon and Lee shake hands as the interview ends. 1:04:27: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on beach plums and the coming of summer. Segment is accompanied by shots of beach plums; of trees; of a deserted dirt road lined with bushes and trees. 1:06:59: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on the coming of fall and the need to adapt a slower tempo as the year draws to a close. Segment is accompanied by shots of trees and the landscape in a small park. 1:09:51: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on barnacles, which cover the rocks along the coast. Segment is accompanied by shots of barnacles-covered rocks along the ocean shore; of a marsh at sunset. 1:13:02: Christopher Lydon stands outside of Boston City Hall. Lydon reports that the preliminary elections for City Council seats are ignored by voters in non-mayoral election years; that six out of seven residents did not vote in the preliminary City Council elections four years ago. Lydon reports that City Council candidates represent areas of the city with a politically active electorate. V: Shot of a map of Boston. South Boston, Dorchester, and West Roxbury are highlighted in red. Lydon reports that some sections of South Boston, Dorchester, and West Roxbury had voter turnouts as high as 30% four years ago. V: Shot of the same map of Boston. Areas around South Boston, Dorchester, Hyde Park, and West Roxbury are highlighted in yellow. Lydon reports that neighborhoods with high percentages of white families and homeowners have higher voter turnouts; that these voters have often supported candidates like Louise Day Hicks (former Boston City Councilwoman) and Joseph Timilty (former mayoral candidate). Lydon reports that East Boston, the Back Bay, Allston/Brighton, the South End, Mattapan, and Roxbury usually have low voter turnouts. Lydon reports that City Councillors Rosemarie Sansone, John Sears, and Lawrence DiCara will not seek reelection this year; that the three councillors are popular with younger, progressive voters. Lydon reports that the young, progressive voters tend to live along the waterfront and in the West End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill and the Back Bay. V: Shots of DiCara, Sansone and Sears. Shot of the highlighted map of Boston with the waterfront, the West End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, and a few other neighborhoods highlighted in green. Lydon says that progressive voters like a polished candidate. Lydon reports that there has been little interest in the campaign; that there have been few advertisements and little media attention. Lydon says that a good political organization is crucial to the candidates. V: Shots of candidates meeting with voters. Lydon says that "house party politics" is at the heart of the campaign; that Kevin White (mayor, City of Boston) has the best organized political network in the city; that his support will help the "Kevin seven" candidates. Lydon reports that police officers have a network which may help Ed McNamara (City Council candidate); that fire fighters may organize to help Joe Maher (City Council candidate). Lydon says that roots in a politically active neighborhood, a good political network, a polished image, and a recognized name are all assets in the race for a City Council seat. V: Shot of signs for City Council candidates Brian Hickey, Frederick Langone, and Ray Flynn. Lydon reports that Maureen Craven Slade (candidate, Boston City Council) was not endorsed by The Boston Globe or by White; that she has a very well-connected family. Lydon reports that Craven Slade uses her maiden name. Lydon reviews the political careers of her father, mother, brother and cousin. Lydon notes that her mother was a legendary City Councilwoman in the 1960s. V: Footage of Lydon interviewing Craven Slade. Craven Slade says that she has 60 first cousins in her political organization. Footage of Craven Slade saying that many voters remember her mother; that many of her mother's former supporters have formed a political network promoting her candidacy. Lydon reports that Craig Lankhorst (candidate, Boston City Council) is a progressive candidate who has been endorsed by the Boston Globe; that his support is strong in "non-voting" neighborhoods. V: Footage of Lankhorst saying that he is campaigning city-wide; that he has connections in Brighton and in African American neighborhoods. Lankhorst says that he is also concentrating on Ward 16 and West Roxbury; that he needs all of his supporters in the "non-voting" neighborhoods to get out to the polls. Lydon reports that Stephen Michaels (candidate, Boston City Council) has roots in West Roxbury, a polished image and support from White. V: Footage of Lydon interviewing Michaels. Michaels says that he was a community activist in West Roxbury; that he has family and friends in Dorchester and South Boston; that he has an endorsement in the Beacon Hill District. Michaels says that it is impossible to campaign city-wide in the primary. Lydon reports that Michaels's surname has been shortened from a longer Polish name; that the Polish clubs all know about his Polish background. 1:20:41: Lydon reports on Press Day at the Boston Celtics' practice court in Brookline. V: Shots of Celtics' players shooting baskets while the press stands around the court; of Robert Parish (player, Boston Celtics). Footage of Ernie DiGregorio (basketball player) talking to Lydon about Channel 2. Shot of Larry Bird (player, Boston Celtics) talking to a reporter. Lydon reports that DiGregorio was a star at Providence College; that DiGregorio is trying out for a spot on the Celtics' team. V: Footage of DiGregorio saying that he will make the team if he is good enough; that he feels no pressure. Footage of Nate "Tiny" Archibald (player, Boston Celtics) saying that DiGregorio will have to learn how to run the plays out on the court. Lydon reports that DiGregorio will have to compete with Archibald for playing time. Lydon jokes about being taller than Archibald. He humorously speculates about his potential for a career in basketball. 1:22:28: Lydon reports that eighteen candidates are running for nine seats on the Boston City Council; that the candidates have been campaigning across the city. V: Shots of Raymond Flynn (candidate, Boston City Council) walking to church with his family; of Lydon interviewing Maura Hennigan (candidate, Boston City Council) in front of the Park Plaza Hotel; of a campaign sign for Charles Yancey; of Lydon interviewing James Kelly (candidate, Boston City Council) in South Boston. Lydon says that the candidates have reported apathy and anger among the voters. V: Footage of Craig Lankhorst (Boston City Council candidate) saying that city residents who have been affected by cuts in the city budget and city services are upset; that residents who have been unaffected by cuts seem to be cynical and apathetic. Footage of Hennigan saying that voters talk about wanting change, but vote for the same candidates over and over. Footage of Kelly saying that voters feel like the City Council has no influence; that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) holds all of the power. Footage of David Scondras (Boston City Council candidate) saying that voters are frustrated; that they do not understand where the city's money is going. Lydon says that the City Council elections have been overshadowed by controversy between the White and the state over the Tregor Bill. V: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council candidate) with campaign signs; of a Boston Fire Department station. Lydon says that City Council candidates have ignored the mayor's warning of a money crisis; that the candidates are campaigning for better services to city residents. V: Footage of Scondras saying that the city has not collected $60 million in back taxes; that the Tregor Bill exists to pay off a few wealthy interests who can be put off; that the city has not been managed efficiently. Scondras says that emergency money marked for city services must be used for those services. Footage of Kelly saying that White has a history of hiding the true financial figures; that he is not sure if there is a fiscal crisis. Footage of Hennigan saying that the voters have confused the Tregor Bill and Proposition 2 1/2; that the city is facing a fiscal crisis. Footage of Yancey saying that the city is facing a budget crunch due to Proposition 2 1/2; that some of the cuts in services were not necessary; that there is excess spending elsewhere in the administration. Lydon reports that Ed McNamara (candidate, Boston City Council) is a former FBI employee and former police commissioner. V: Footage of McNamara campaigning outside of a Roche Brothers' supermarket. He says that the city is faced by a cash shortage; that the city is not faced with a fiscal crisis. Lydon reports that none of the six incumbent City Councillors support White; that City Council resistance to White's policies will continue no matter who is elected. V: Shots of City Council members in the City Council chambers. Footage of McNamara saying that the voters' mandate is "anti-administration." Footage of Hennigan saying that voters want police officers and fire fighters back on the street; that voters want the City Council to make Proposition 2 1/2 work; that voters want the council to stand up to the mayor on issues instead of politics. Footage of Michael McCormack (candidate, Boston City Council) saying that voters want city services restored; that voters want the council to control the mayor's spending. Footage of Kelly saying that voters want the City Council to work with the mayor when he is right and oppose the mayor when he is wrong. Kelly notes that the mayor is rarely right. 1:27:25: Christopher Lydon interviews Donald Woods (South African anti-apartheid activist). Woods talks about the US veto of the United Nations condemnation the South African invasion of Angola. Woods says that the US veto encourages the white minority to believe that the US condones their actions; that the US veto allows the Soviet Union to pose as a friend of the black South Africans. Woods says that it is possible to avoid a civil war in South Africa only if western governments put pressure on the white minority. Woods says that the white minority must negotiate with black South Africans to allow the drafting of a democratic constitution. Lydon asks Woods about parallels between South Africa and Northern Ireland. Woods says that Northern Ireland and South Africa are similar in the tactics used by the minority to control the majority. Woods says that there will be no peace in Ireland until the British pull out of the country. Lydon comments that the minority in both countries are well armed and resistant to pressure. Woods says that there are "myths" surrounding the minorities in both countries; that Ian Paisley (leader of the Democratic Unionist Party of Ireland) may be full of "hot air;" that the Protestants in Northern Ireland must realize that they are Irish and must learn to live in Ireland; that South African whites must realize that they live on a black continent.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/01/1981
Description: Reporter Christopher Lydon interviews attendees of the inauguration of Ray Flynn as Mayor of Boston, in the Wang Center. The crowd cheers as Flynn and former mayor Kevin White pass by. Lydon interviews attendees of the inauguration in the lobby of the Wang Center. Interviewees express concerns about unemployment, crime, the restoration of city services and the city budget. Cynthia Silveira (Dorchester resident) says that she appreciates Flynn's commitment to diversity and unity but is suspicious of his past voting record on racial issues. Lydon interviews people outside of the Wang Center. Harry Spence (Boston Housing Authority) says that Flynn delivered a "solid" speech, but will face difficulties in delivering city services and achieving racial harmony. George Keverian (State Representative) says that Flynn is the right person to unite the city. Louise Day Hicks (former member of the Boston City Council) says that Flynn must strike a balance between downtown concerns and neighborhood interests. Hicks says that South Boston is the "center of the city." Hicks speaks to Dapper O'Neil outside of the Wang Center. Felix Arroyo (Latino activist) hopes that Flynn will deliver on his promises; Arroyo believes that it will be difficult for Flynn to integrate the city's neighborhoods. Elma Lewis (African American activist) says that she and others will work with Flynn to improve the city. Lewis adds that she is "always looking for diversity." Claire Crawford (Boston resident) says that Flynn is a "people's mayor." Flynn exits the Wang Center and gets in his station wagon; crowd cheers. Lydon interviews James Kelly (South Boston Information Center). Kelly expresses reservations about Flynn's proposal for District Advisory Councils. Thomas Menino (Boston City Council) compliments Flynn's inaugural speech.
1:00:00: Visual: Christopher Lydon interviews a white male about the inaugural speech of Ray Flynn (Mayor, City of Boston) at the Wang Center for the Performing Arts. The man says that Flynn gave a strong speech; that he is optimistic about Flynn's administration. The man says that Flynn will face challenges in improving the schools. Lydon speaks informally to the man. 1:00:45: V: Uniformed officers march up the stairs in the lobby of the Wang Center. People are gathered in the lobby. The audience cheers as Flynn exits a room and proceeds up the stairs. Flynn's young daughter holds his hand as he walks up the stairs. Flynn stops to greet bystanders as he passes. Kevin White (former Mayor of Boston) and Kathryn White (wife of Kevin White) proceed up the stairs after Flynn. 1:02:12: V: Lydon interviews a white man who is a Dorchester resident. The man says that Flynn is the first mayor since Josiah Quincy to have a "sense of the city"; that Flynn is familiar with the neighborhoods and the downtown. Lydon interviews a white middle-aged man about Flynn's speech. The man says that Flynn's speech was very good; that Flynn understands that the government exists to serve the people. The man says that Flynn will face a challenge in restoring city services during an economic crisis. An older white woman says that Flynn's speech was "wonderful." The woman says that Flynn will face a challenge in reducing unemployment; that Flynn's emphasis on unity was important. Cynthia Silveira (Dorchester resident) says that Flynn's speech was good; that she hesitates to trust Flynn because of his past voting record on racial issues. Silveira says that it will be difficult for Flynn to give his full attention to Boston neighborhoods; that she appreciates his commitment to diversity and unity. An older Irish woman recognizes Lydon from television. Her companions explains that they are from the region of Ireland where Flynn's family is from. The second Irish woman says that the speech was "wonderful." An older white woman says that Flynn will be a good mayor if he delivers what he promised in the speech; that it will be difficult for Flynn to reduce the crime rate. An older white man says that Flynn has the right idea; that Flynn will "economize." 1:06:59: V: A crowd streams out of the doors of the Wang Center. Lydon interviews Harry Spence (Boston Housing Authority). Spence says that Flynn delivered a "solid" speech; that it will be difficult for Flynn to deliver services and to achieve racial harmony. Spence says that Flynn's speech expressed his decency and commitment to the people. The crowd continues to exit the building. Groups of people are gathered outside of the doors. Members of the crowd greet Lydon. George Keverian (Massachusetts House of Representatives) greets Lydon and his two daughters. Keverian says that Flynn delivered a good speech; that Flynn's humanity was in evidence. Keverian says that Flynn is the right person to unite the people of Boston. Keverian continues to speak informally to Lydon and his daughters. 1:12:07: V: Louise Day Hicks greets Lydon. Hicks says that Flynn's speech covered many "interesting" and important topics; that South Boston is the "center" of the city. Hicks says that Flynn will need to strike a balance between the neighborhoods and the downtown interests; that Flynn needs to concentrate on affordable housing and crime reduction. Hicks confers with Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) on the street outside of the Wang Center. Lydon interviews Felix Arroyo (Latino activist). Arroyo says that the city will be a better place if Flynn can deliver on his promises. Arroyo says that Flynn will face challenges in integrating the neighborhoods; that he appreciates Flynn's commitment to education. Shot of a black car pulled up to the curb in front of the Wang Center. Lydon asks Elma Lewis (African American activist) about Flynn's speech. Lewis say that Flynn put on a good "show"; that inaugural speeches do not mean much; that she and others will work with Flynn to improve the city. Lewis says that she has attended inaugurals for many years; that she would like to have seen "more diversity"; that she is "always looking for more diversity." 1:17:04: V: Claire Crawford (Boston resident) says that Flynn is a "people's mayor." Crawford says that Flynn will face challenges in eliminating racial discrimination. Flynn exits the Wang Center. He greets several groups of bystanders. Photographers crowd around Flynn's station wagon. Flynn clears snow from his windshield. Flynn gets in the car and drives away. The crowd cheers briefly. 1:20:37: V: Lydon interviews Jim Kelly (South Boston Information Center). Kelly says that Flynn gave a good speech; that parts of the speech "concerned" him. Kelly expresses reservations about the District Advisory Councils. Kelly says that Flynn face difficulties in providing services to the city during an economic crisis. Kelly says that the people of South Boston are happy to "have a say" in how the city is run. Lydon begins to interview Thomas Menino (Boston City Council). Menino says that Flynn made an excellent speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1984
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Mayor Ray Flynn and a group of community activists have suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. Interview with Charles Stith of the Union United Methodist Church at Logan Airport. Stith talks about his upcoming trip to Philadelphia to learn about the appointed school board in that city. Flynn wants to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. Press conference with Flynn and supporters. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Elnavia Green (parent), Bill Owens (State Senator), Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) and Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) voice their support for Flynn's proposal at the press conference. Interview with John Nucci of the Boston School Committee, who says that it is not a good idea to ask voters to give up their right to vote. Jones notes that the controversy is drawing attention away from the immediate needs of the schools. Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of the members of the Boston School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers during a meeting. Shots of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee); of School Committee members Abigail Browne and Kitty Bowman. Marcus Jones reports that a group of community activists has suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. V: Shot of a video screen at Logan Airport listing departing flights on Delta Airlines. Shots of Charles Stith (President, Organization for a New Equality) and a small group in a waiting area at Logan Airport. Stith and another man walk toward their gate. Jones reports that a small group of community activists traveled to Philadelphia today; that the activists will examine the Philadelphia School System. Jones notes that the Philadelphia School System is led by an appointed school board. Jones adds that the group will report its findings later this week. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed by Jones at Logan Airport. Stith says that he is interested in how the Philadelphia School System works. Stith says that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has been talking about implementing a similar kind of system. Jones reports that Flynn has been consulting with advisors about how to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. V: Shot of Flynn at a press conference at School Department headquarters. Flynn stands in front of a group of city officials including Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) and David Scondras (Boston City Council). Jones reports that Flynn has proposed a new school board with seven mayoral appointees. V: Shots of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) and Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee). Footage of Flynn at the press conference. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Flynn says that the present system is not working. Shots of the members of the media at the press conference. Jones reports that Flynn was joined at the press conference by parents and community leaders; that many endorse Flynn's call for a non-binding referendum on an appointed school committee. V: Shots of community leaders and parents at the press conference. Footage of Elnavia Green (parent) speaking at the press conference. Green says that parents have been waiting for better schools; that parents are "getting the runaround." Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) saying that the present system is not effective. Footage of Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) at the press conference. Thomas says that the present system is not effective. Footage of Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) at the press conference. Molina says that parents have been "abused" by the School Committee. Molina says that parents want change. The crowd applauds. Jones reports that not everyone is pleased with Flynn's proposal. V: Footage of John Nucci (Boston School Committee) being interviewed by Jones. Nucci says that the referendum will ask the voters to choose between two evils; that the voters will have to choose between the status quo and their right to vote. Jones stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Jones reports that the debate has distracted school officials from concentrating their energies on the schools. Jones notes that the debate could continue beyond November.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/08/1989
Description: Four stories from 1983. 1) Urban development in Boston is an issue in the mayoral race. Helicopter aerial of skyline from harbor. Tilt up Prudential and Hancock towers. Pan of Copley Place. Anthony Tappe of Boston Society of Architects comments on deterioration of Victorian Boston because of the scale of new development, making for a less desirable and livable city. Controversy over Mayor Kevin White's intense involvement in urban planning process is discussed by mayoral candidates at a BSA forum on the future of city planning. David Finnegan, Dennis Kearney, Lawrence DiCara, Robert Kiley, Ray Flynn, Mel King. Robert Ryan, BRA director. Marriott Long Wharf Hotel. 2) The dichotomy between preserving rent control/affordable housing and encouraging free market business development through condo conversions in Boston. Struggle of 87-year-old Hester Hurlbutt of 250 Commonwealth Avenue to stay in her apartment. Mel King comments on housing displacement. Ray Flynn favors ban on evictions. David Finnegan disagrees, worried about economic climate. Scenes of Back Bay, Copley Place, Boston Public Library. Sign for luxury condominium for sale. Mayoral candidates Dennis Kearney and Lawrence DiCara campaigning. 3) Latino voters will have an impact on Boston's mayoral race. Alex Rodriguez, Jorge Hernandez, Yohel Camayd-Freixas endorse Mel King. Jose Masso, Gov. Dukakis' Hispanic liaison, says Latinos will split ideologically according to their respective nationalities. 4) Joseph Nelson and Mabel "Matty" Matheson talk about the tradition of the Fenway Victory Gardens. Other plot tenders revel in the therapeutic value and beauty of gardening. Views of flower beds and vegetables.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 1983
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the failure of Ward 7 to elect any minority delegates to the Massachusetts State Democratic Party convention. Minority voters accuse party bosses of discouraging minorities from running as delegates. Ward 7 residents Dianne Wilkerson and Bernard Sneed both ran for delegate in Ward 7 last year. Sneed calls for a change in the election process. Interviews with Wilkerson and Sneed. Wilkerson accuses City Councilor James Kelly of setting up the election to be restrictive and hostile to minority delegates. Vaillancourt quotes Kelly as saying that he set up a fair election and that Wilkerson and Sneed lost. Wilkerson and Sneed were named as delegates on an appeal to the State Democratic Party.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Dianne Wilkerson (Ward 7 resident) saying that minority voters have been consistently loyal to the Democratic Party. Wilkerson questions the commitment of the Democratic Party to minority participation. Shots of residents on the streets of Ward 7 in Boston; of minority residents on a busy street corner; of a commercial street in South Boston; of two African American women entering a shoe store; of pedestrians walking by the shoe store. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Boston's Ward 7 has always been a stronghold of the Democratic Party; that Ward 7 stretches from Upham's Corner in Dorchester to South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that Ward 7 has ten precincts; that eight of the precincts are almost totally white; that two of the precincts have large Hispanic and African American populations; that Ward 7 has never elected any minorities as delegates to the state party convention. Vaillancourt reports that minority voters accuse party bosses of discouraging minorities from running as delegates. V: Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that party leaders publish notices about party caucuses in the South Boston Tribune newspaper; that minority voters do not read the South Boston Tribune because they do not live in South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that Wilkerson and Bernard Sneed (Ward 7 resident) both ran for delegate in Ward 7 last year; that neither was elected to the position. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson and Sneed say that the election for delegates was selectively advertised; that Wilkerson and Sneed say that the election was held in an area of South Boston which was outside of the ward. V: Shot of Vaillancourt interviewing Sneed; of a streetcorner in a minority neighborhood. Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing Wilkerson. Vaillancourt asks if the election was set up to put Wilkerson and Sneed at a disadvantage. Wilkerson says that the election was set up to be "uncomfortable, prohibitive, restrictive, harassing and hostile." Wilkerson notes that James Kelly (Boston City Council) set up the election. Vaillancourt reports that Kelly is Chairman of the Ward 7 Democratic Committee; that Kelly is a vocal opponent of affirmative action. V: Shot of Kelly working behind a desk in an office. On-screen graphics show a quote from Kelly which reads, "We held a full and fair election. And they lost." Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson accuses Kelly of making her candidacy difficult. V: Footage of Wilkerson saying that the Democratic Party needs to monitor the elections in Ward 7. Footage of Sneed saying that minorities will not be elected as delegates until the process is changed. Shot of residents on a streetcorner in a minority neighborhood. Vaillancourt stands on a streetcorner. Vaillancourt reports that Sneed and Wilkerson have won their appeal to the State Democratic Party Committee; that the Committee has forced Ward 7 to accept Wilkerson, Sneed and three other minority delegates as add-on delegates to the state convention. Vaillancourt notes that much of the work by the other Ward 7 delegates has already been finished.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/21/1987