Description: Richard Voke announces projected budget deficit of $2.3 billion. Reps. Reinstein, Miceli, DeFilippi and Barbara Gray at angry Ways & Means hearing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/09/1990
Description: Opens with a discussion of the obscenity of 2 Live Crew's music and their reception across the country. Interview with City Councillor James Kelly, who wants concert moved to Combat Zone. Rap group cancels for business reason. Kelly at desk. Exterior and interior shots of the Channel night club, and interview with owner Harry Booras. Blank spot between story and b-roll (concert video).
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/20/1990
Description: 39 children have died of AIDS in state; 38 more have the disease now; more carry the virus not yet with symptoms. Pediatrician says survival is about six years. Babies in incubator at BCH. Infant heart monitor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/28/1990
Description: Many people get together to stitch new panels in memory of loved ones to add to AIDS quilt when it returns to Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1990
Description: Constitutional Convention begins debate on abortion amendment; adjourns without vote. Bulger bangs gavel. Sen. Lois Pines, Rep. David Cohen. Senators parade to House chamber for joint session.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/11/1990
Description: Via parliamentary tactics in the Constitutional Convention, opponents delay voting on abortion amendment. Charles Flaherty and William Bulger on Speaker's podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/27/1990
Description: Democratic gubernatorial candidates Bellotti, Weld, Evelyn Murphy address abortion rights rally outside State House. Nicki Nichols Gamble.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/01/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that drug addicts and community leaders held a demonstration in front of the Massachusetts State House, lobbying for more funding for drug treatment centers in Massachusetts. There are not enough publicly funded treatment programs to meet demand. Demonstrators hold signs and chant. Reverend Graylan Hagler and others address the demonstrators. Hagler says that access to drug treatment is a class issue. State Rep. Gloria Fox tells demonstrators to let state legislators know that drug treatment centers are needed. Interview with recovering addict David Watson about the need for treatment centers. Interview with another recovering drug addict who says that she intends to register to vote. Jones reports that the demonstrators went into the State House to register to vote after the rally, and they intend to vote against legislators who do not support their cause.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of a demonstration in front of the Massachusetts State House. Supporters of treatment facilities for drug addiction are gathered. A man leads the demonstrators in a cheer. Shot of a sign reading, "Don't treat addiction as a crime. Treat it as a disease." Marcus Jones reports that hundreds of people were expected to attend today's demonstration outside of the State House; that rainy weather may have kept some demonstrators away. Jones notes that the demonstration went on as planned; that the demonstrators are committed to their cause. V: Shots of speakers and attendees at the demonstration. Footage of Nathaniel Askia (drug treatment provider) addressing the crowd. Askia tells the demonstrator to remain committed to the cause. Askia predicts that the movement will be successful. Shot of a button pinned to the shirt of a demonstrator. The button reads, "Treatment on demand." Jones reports that the demonstrators support drug treatment on demand; that the demand for drug treatment in Massachusetts is growing. Jones notes that over 1,000 drug addicts are turned away from treatment facilities each day in Massachusetts; that there are not enough publicly funded treatment programs to meet the demand. V: Shots of the demonstrators. The demonstrators carry umbrellas and wear hats to protect themselves from rain. Footage of Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) addressing the crowd. Ellis-Hagler says that access to drug treatment is a class issue. Ellis-Hagler says that Kitty Dukakis (wife of Governor Michael Dukakis) has access to treatment because she belongs to the upper class. Ellis-Hagler says that class, race, gender, and sexual preference may bar some from treatment for their addictions. Jones reports that David Watson (recovering drug addict) was recently admitted to a treatment program; that Watson is recovering from 24 years of substance abuse. V: Footage of Watson being interviewed by Jones. Watson says that citizens will end up paying the price if more treatment centers are not built. Watson says that addicts are likely to steal and commit crime in order to pay for their habits. Watson says that he began stealing to support his habit at one point in the past. Footage of the supporters cheering at the demonstration. A leader leads the supporters in chanting, "What do we want? Treatment. When do we want it? Now." Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) addressing the crowd. Fox says that the demonstrators must let the legislators know that drug treatment centers are needed; that the legislators will soon begin work on the state budget. Footage of Brenda (recovering drug addict) being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks Brenda if she has registered to vote. Brenda says that she is going to register to vote today. Brenda says that she intends to vote; that she thinks her vote will make a difference. Jones stands outside of the State House. Traffic passes on the street behind him. Jones reports that demonstrators went into the State House to register to vote after the rally. Jones reports that the demonstrators will vote against legislators who do not support an increase in the present drug treatment program.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1990
Description: Cardinal Bernard Law announces capital campaign for Archdiocese of Boston to fund education and social services. People taking communion. File of food pantry, parochial classroom, nun nurse in hospital.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/31/1990
Description: In ceremony on State House steps, Armenian Americans mark 75th anniversary of Armenian holocaust.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/24/1990