Description: Interview with defense attorney Judith Lindahl tells how police wrongly pointed to William Bennett as Stuart murder suspect and how system implicates innocent people. Interview with John Kiernan, defending prosecutors' tactics.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews South Boston high school sophomore boys about their view of confessed teenage murderer William Flynn in the Pamela Smart trial. Interview with Edward Loughran, Commissioner of the Department of Youth Services, about regulations surrounding juvenile offenders charged with capital crimes in Massachusetts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/18/1991
Description: David Boeri reports that Mayor Ray Flynn is considering a curfew for teenagers in the city of Boston, in the wake of the murder of Kimberly Ray Harbor on Franklin Field. Review of the details of Harbor's murder and scenes of the murder suspects entering a courtroom. Boeri notes that the curfew would prohibit teenagers from being on the streets after 11:00 pm on weeknights and after 12:00 am on weekends. Interview with a group of pre-adolescent African American boys about the curfew. The boys are playing basketball on an outdoor court. They discuss gang activity and violence in their neighborhood, and say that the curfew is a good idea because it will protect people from violence on the streets. Boeri notes that many teenagers declined to be interviewed for the report.
1:00:11: Visual: Shots of a color photo of Kimberly Ray Harbor (murder victim); of a group of police and city officials gathered on Franklin Field. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper with a headline reading, "Eight teens charged in brutal 'wilding' murder." David Boeri reports that Kimberly Ray Harbor was murdered on Franklin Field in Dorchester on the evening of October 31, 1990. Boeri notes that Harbor was robbed, raped, cut, and stabbed over 100 times. Boeri reports that the suspects are teenagers and gang members; that five of them are under the age of sixteen. V: Shot of three teenagers entering a courtroom. Shot of a group of teenagers playing street hockey outside of a housing development. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is considering a curfew for teenagers in Boston. Boeri reports that the curfew would prohibit teenagers from being on the streets after 11:00 pm on weeknights and after 12:00 am on weekends. V: Shots of a group of African American kids playing basketball on an outdoor court near the Franklin Field Housing Project. Boeri notes that many teenagers declined to be interviewed for this report. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing a group of pre-adolescent African American kids. Boeri asks them about the problems in their neighborhood. The kids answer as a group. They talk about fights between gangs, vandalism, and violence. Boeri reports that the kids are afraid of gang members; that the kids go home early each night. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing the kids. Boeri asks how many teenagers in the neighborhood are gang members. The kids answer as a group. The kids says that most of the teenagers belong to gangs. Boeri reports that the kids told him that teenagers are asked to join gangs at age sixteen; that gangs sometimes recruit teenagers under the age of sixteen. Boeri reports that the kids he spoke to were around the age of thirteen. Boeri notes that the group of kids liked the idea of a curfew. V: Footage of Boeri talking to the kids. One of the boys says that a curfew is a good idea. Boeri asks if people get into trouble if the stay out too late. The boy says yes. Another boy says that gang members will shoot you for no reason if you walk by them at night. The boy says that the gang members will think that you belong to another gang. Boeri asks them if they will obey the curfew in three or four years. One of the boys says yes. Another boy says that he will be out playing basketball; that he and his friends will mind their own business. Shots of the boys playing basketball. Boeri notes that it is a short distance from the basketball court to the street corner; that it is a short distance from safety to trouble. Boeri reports that proponents of the curfew are trying to protect younger children from the violence of the streets.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1990