Description: B-roll footage of Charles Street Jail building models from various angles; footage of snow outside and jail building; Suffolk County Jail exterior and sign shots from various angles. CHARLES STREET JAIL, SUFFOLK COUNTY SHERIFF DENNIS KEARNEY, JUDGE W. ARTHUR GARRITY PRESS CONFERENCE, INTERIOR, EXTERIORS, BARBED WIRE, TRUCKS
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/08/1982
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart, who was murdered. The foundation will fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood and activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. DiMaiti family members hold a press conference. Carol's father Giusto DiMaiti talks about his daughter. Interview with Carol's brother Carl DiMaiti, who is the president of the foundation. He talks about his sister and the activities of the foundation, saying that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their schools. DiMaiti says that the foundation and its advisory board will try to fund innovative programs to improve race relations in the city. DiMaiti says that more must be done to improve race relations. This tape also includes footage from WCVB news coverage of the Stuart murder case. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Giusto DiMaiti (father of Carol Stuart) at a press conference on January 25, 1990. DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a loving, caring person. Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created a foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart; that they hope to fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood; that they hope to fund activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. V: Shots of the members of the DiMaiti family at a press conference; of the media at the press conference. Shot of a color photo of Stuart wearing a bridal veil. Jones reports that the foundation has received over $260,000 worth of donations. Jones reports that Carl DiMaiti is the president of the foundation; that Carl DiMaiti hopes to begin granting scholarships in the fall. V: Footage of Carl DiMaiti being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks what kind of people will receive the scholarships. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to hard-working students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their school. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who want to give something back to society. Carl DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a tax attorney; that Stuart volunteered her time at a Latino community center in Somerville; that Stuart helped people with their taxes during tax season. Jones asks about the foundation's goal of funding activities to improve race relations. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to fund innovative programs that bring together people from different backgrounds. Carl DiMaiti talks about an city-wide basketball league or an exchange between suburban and inner-city schools. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation will look to its advisory board for guidance. Carl DiMaiti says that more can be done to improve race relations in Boston. Jones asks Carl DiMaiti for his opinion on race relations in Boston. Carl DiMaiti says that race relations can be improved; that the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation cannot improve race relations by itself. Carl DiMaiti says that some people have been surprised that the family started the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has derived many benefits from creating the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has begun to see how many good people live in the city of Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1990
Description: David Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and the Boston City Council will work together to create a public housing policy that ensures equal access while providing some element of choice. Boeri notes that the city must comply with the policy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) if they wish to continue receiving federal funds. Boeri's report includes footage of Flynn, Charles Yancey (Boston City Council), and Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at a press conference about fair housing policy. Boeri's report also features footage from an interview with James Kelly (Boston City Council). Kelly says that free choice is more important than racial diversity. Boeri reviews the current housing policy and the policy requirements of HUD. Boeri's report also includes footage of white and African American tenants of public housing and by footage of Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Sonia Sanchez
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) speaking to the press. Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) stands beside him. Flynn says that Boston's housing policy will guarantee equal access to housing for all. David Boeri reports that Flynn met with the Boston City Council about public housing issues; that Yancey said that the meeting was productive. Boeri reports that Flynn and the Council agreed that equal access to public housing must be guaranteed. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that no families will be displaced from public housing in order to achieve integration. Boeri reports that Flynn and the Council agreed to work together constructively on the issue. Boeri notes that Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) was not present at the meeting; that James Kelly (Boston City Council) did not join Flynn and the other councillors for the press conference after the meeting. V: Shot of O'Neil at a meeting in the City Council chambers. Footage of Kelly in his office. Kelly says that people should be able to choose where they want to live; that the new policy will create "forced housing" instead of "fair housing." Boeri notes that the current housing selection process allows each applicant to select choose three public housing projects where he or she would like to live. Boeri reports that South Boston residents usually list the three housing projects in South Boston; that the three housing projects are all white. V: Shots of Flynn and the councillors speaking to the press; of a white woman looking out of a window of an apartment in a project building; of a white woman and white children in front of a project building; of a sign for the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston. Shot of a housing project in South Boston. Shots from a moving vehicle of a housing project in Mission Hill. Shot of an African American boy near a dumpster outside of a public housing project. Boeri notes that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has called Boston's housing policy discriminatory; that the three-choice system has been rejected in other cities. Boeri reports that HUD has recommended a city-wide list, where applicants take the first available apartment. V: Shots of white residents outside of a public housing project in South Boston. Footage of Kelly saying that there is nothing wrong with giving tenants a choice about where they want to live. Kelly says that free choice may result in housing developments which are not racially diverse; that free choice is more important than racial diversity. Shot of Bolling. Boeri reports that Bolling would also like to protect the three-choice system. Boeri notes that HUD provides 70% of Boston's public housing funds; that Boston stands to lose $75 million if they do not comply with HUD policy. V: Shot from a moving vehicle of a manicured lawn in front of a public housing development; of a public housing project on Fidelis Way. Footage of Bolling saying that the city will try to negotiate with HUD to develop an application process with some degree of choice for tenants. Boeri notes that the HUD policy will make tenants choose between living in public housing and living in the neighborhood of choice. Boeri notes that there are 14,500 families on the waiting list for public housing in Boston. V: Shots of public housing projects in Boston; of a racially diverse group of children playing outside of a project building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that members of the Citywide Parents Council have criticized the Boston School Committee's decision to release superintendent Laval Wilson from his contract. Press conference with Council members Jackie van Leeuwen and Glenola Mitchell. Van Leeuwen says that School Committee members acted unethically and unfairly in firing Wilson. Mitchell says that she believes that race played a role in Wilson's firing. School Committee members were critical of Wilson's communication skills, but rated him as fair or better in all other categories. School Committee members deny that race played a role in the firing. Parents are demanding a voice in the selection of Wilson's successor. Vaillancourt adds that the School Committee has been forced to cut back on spending and that money will be tight for the next year. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Wilson speaking to the media.
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) speaking to the media on February 14, 1990. Wilson says that he is Boston's first African American superintendent of schools; that he has been a successful superintendent who has worked hard for all groups. Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee voted to replace Wilson last week. Wilson notes that Wilson has had problems in the past with the Citywide Parents Council; that the organization spoke out in support of Wilson today. V: Footage of Jackie van Leeuwen (Citywide Parents Council) at a press conference. Van Leeuwen says that members of the Boston School Committee acted unethically and unfairly in firing Wilson; that Wilson should have been provided an opportunity to discuss his evaluation. Vaillancourt reports that the School Committee evaluation rated Wilson as fair or better in all categories; that members were critical of his communication skills. V: Shot of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) speaking to members of the School Committee during a break in a meeting in February of 1989. Wilson looks on. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson's supporters believe that his professionalism is more important than his personality; that Wilson's supporters question the professionalism of the School Committee. V: Shots of a white female teacher teaching students in a classroom. Shots of individual white and African American students. Footage of Glenola Mitchell (Citywide Parents Council) at the press conference. Mitchell questions how the School Committee found the money to buy out Wilson's contract. Mitchell says that the School Committee could not find any money for crucial programs or teacher contracts. Footage of Von Leeuwen saying that the School Committee is supposed to represent the interests of parents and schoolchildren. Von Leeuwen says that the School Committee has shown no regard for the opinions of parents and students. Shot of members of the media in the audience. Vaillancourt asks Mitchell if race played a role in the School Committee's vote against Wilson. Mitchell says that the pattern of the vote shows that race did play a role for some members. Footage from a School Committee meeting in February of 1989. Shots of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of audience members crowded into the School Committee chambers. Shot of Wilson standing alone as he drinks from a cup. Shots of School Committee members Daniel Burke, Peggy Davis-Mullen, Kitty Bowman, and Robert Cappucci conferring during a break in the meeting. Vaillancourt reports that white members of the School Committee deny that race played a part in the decision; that Wilson declined comment on camera today. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson is being considered for superintendent's post in Florida. V: Shot of the audience at the press conference of the members of the Citywide Parents Council. Vaillancourt notes that the Miami Herald has quoted Davis-Mullen as saying that Wilson is a "rigid, inflexible centralist." Vaillancourt notes that the Miami Herald quoted Davis-Mullen as saying that Wilson is unable to take criticism or move with the flow. V: Shot of Davis-Mullen speaking at a School Committee meeting. The quote by Davis-Mullen appears written in text on-screen. Vaillancourt reports that parents have demanded to meet with the School Committee; that parents want a voice in the selection of Wilson's replacement. V: Shots of attendees at the Citywide Parents Council press conference. Shot of Julio Henriquez (aide to School Committee member Daniel Burke) standing at the rear of the room. Footage of Mitchell saying that she is concerned about the members who do not have children in the school system; that those members are not users of the system. Vaillancourt reports that the School Committee's decison to fire Wilson comes at a bad time; that the state budget crunch has forced the School Committee to cut back on spending. Vaillancourt notes that the Boston City Council has not come up with funding for next year's teacher contracts; that a new student-assignment plan was scheduled to go into effect in the fall. Vaillancourt adds that Wilson will have to meet those challenges as "a lame-duck superintendent."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/20/1990
Description: Father Michael Groden (Advisor to Humberto Cardinal Medeiros) introduces a press conference with Cardinal Medeiros (Archbishop of Boston), Bishop Edward Carroll (United Methodist Church) and Donald Luster (President, Ministerial Alliance). Medeiros denounces incidents of violence and hatred and encourages citizens to celebrate the diversity of the urban community. Medeiros says that the clergy has prepared a Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony to be signed by the citizens of Boston. Medeiros urges the clergy and every city institution to dedicate itself to working towards peace in the city. Medeiros announces a gathering of religious leaders on the Boston Common on November 19 that will initiate a movement to help the city heal its wounds. Bishop Edward Carroll (United Methodist Church) reads a letter inviting the city's clergy to gather at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross the following Friday. Carroll speaks about the clergy's responsibility to cooperate in promoting peace, justice and harmony in the city; denounces recent acts of violence and hatred; and encourages all citizens to unite. Donald Luster (President, Ministerial Alliance) reads the Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony. Groden reviews the series of events planned by the clergy to promote peace in the city. Groden and Luster respond to questions from the media about the movement for peace and the Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony.
0:22:45: Visual: Father Michael Groden (Advisor to Cardinal Medeiros) welcomes the press to a press conference. He introduces Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archbishop of Boston). Medeiros approaches the podium and addresses the press. Medeiros says that Boston's religious leaders are calling on citizens of all races and religions to examine the Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony." Medeiros says that incidents of violence and hatred in the city cannot be tolerated; that citizens must act together to celebrate the diversity of the urban community. Medeiros says that a spirit of religious and pastoral solidarity is growing; that all of the clergy in the city are invited to a meeting on Friday at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Shot of the front of the podium. A branch with different colored leaves is pictured on a matted print hanging from the podium. Shots of the press in the audience. Medeiros urges the clergy to join together in an effort to improve the atmosphere in the city. Medeiros says that every institution and business in the city must dedicate itself to working toward a peaceful atmosphere in the city. Medeiros says that the city's religious leader will gather on the Boston Common on November 19; that the clergy will initiate a movement to help the city heal its wounds. Shots of Donald Luster (President, Ministerial Alliance), Bishop Edward Carroll (United Methodist Church) and Groden sitting at a table beside the podium. Medeiros says that the ecumenical movement will encourage citizens to act peacefully toward one another. Medeiros quotes Pope John Paul as saying that a city needs to have a soul; that the citizens are the soul of a city. Medeiros quotes Pope John Paul as saying that Boston has always been a community in which diverse people live and work together peacefully. Medeiros says that every citizen of Boston will be asked to sign the Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony; that citizens will be expected to uphold their pledge to work toward a better atmosphere in the city. Medeiros thanks the media and retreats from the podium. 0:29:10: V: Groden introduces Bishop Carroll. Carroll reads a letter inviting the city's clergy to gather at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Friday. The letter reads that the clergy must work together to foster an atmosphere of peace, justice and harmony in the city. Shot of the matted print hanging from the podium. The letter mentions a growing spirit of pastoral and religious solidarity. The letter denounces the recent acts of violence and hatred in the city. The letter encourages all citizens to unite in a spirit of solidarity. Shots of Luster, Medeiros and Groden , sitting at the table beside the podium. The letter urges the clergy to participate in the meeting. The letter reads that the clergy have an obligation to encourage its citizens to love one another; that the clergy must join together to renew their Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony. Shots of the members of the media at the press conference. The letter is signed by Medeiros and Carroll. 0:31:59: V: Groden introduces Luster. Luster reads the Covenant of Justice, Equity and Harmony. The covenant celebrates freedom and call for the pursuit of equal rights and justice for all. The covenant calls for citizens to celebrate the diversity of the city's communities. The covenant calls for a mood of healing and forgiveness. The covenant denounces conflict and violence. The covenant denounces the atmosphere of hatred and fear in the city. The covenant rejects "special interest groups" which divide the community. Luster finishes reading and sits down at the table beside Medeiros. 0:35:16: V: Groden thanks Luster. Groden reviews the events organized by the city's religious leaders in the coming weeks. Groden mentions the meeting at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Friday. Groden says that religious leaders are working on a pastoral letter which will be read at religious services on the weekend of November 17 and 18. Shot of a nun taking a photo. Groden talks about the ecumenical gathering on the Boston Common on November 19. Groden says that civic, political, and religious leaders will be invited to the gathering on the Common; that leaders will be encouraged to examine and sign the covenant; that leaders will be encouraged to take the covenant to their constituents. Shots of the members of the press. Groden says that another ecumenical event will take place in December; that the event will celebrate the signing of the covenant. 0:38:10: V: Groden and Luster respond to questions from the audience. A reporter asks how the leaders will get signatures for the covenant. Luster says that city leaders will sign the covenant on November 19; that these leaders will take the covenant to their constituents, who may sign it. Luster notes that these leaders will be given pins to wear; that the pins will signify peace. A reporter asks which religious leaders will be involved in the movement. Luster says that clergy from all denominations and faiths will gather together on November 19; that business and political leaders will be invited as well. A reporter asks what this series of ecumenical meeting and events will accomplish. Luster says that the events will try to capitalize on the atmosphere of goodwill created by the covenant; that the religious leaders will work to strengthen this atmosphere by preaching the scripture. A reporter asks if these efforts will improve the racially charged atmosphere in the city's schools. Luster says that the religious leaders have a responsibility to set a good example for young people; that the religious leaders need to sound a warning to those who are promoting the negative atmosphere. A reporter asks how the religious leaders will reach out to those who do not attend church. Groden says that religious leaders know that they cannot reach out to all citizens through religious services; that religious leaders will reach out to schools and to the neighborhoods. A reporter asks if the efforts by religious leaders are connected to a recent neighborhood summit. Luster says that their movement has been put together by religious leaders; that religious leaders have a "higher mandate" which propels them to preach the gospel of peace. A reporter asks if the religious leaders expect political leaders to speak out on these issues. Groden says that political leaders have accused religious leaders of not doing enough; that the religious leaders are fulfilling their responsibilities with this movement; that he hopes other leaders will join in. A reporter asks a question about the reference to "special interest groups" in the covenant. Groden says that religious leaders encourage membership in and support of "positive" community groups; that religious leaders are asking people to disassociate themselves from groups whose behavior is not constructive. Groden says that they will not single out any groups.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/29/1979
Description: Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts) addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The meeting is held in honor of the release of J. Anthony Lukas's novel, Common Ground. The novel is about the busing crisis in Boston. Brown says that Lukas' novel brings perspective to the busing crisis. Brown commends Lukas on his exhaustive research into the history of each family portrayed in the novel. Brown talks briefly about the history of each family. He notes that Lukas's novel depicts the richness and struggle of everyday life. Marie Clark (parent and member of the Home and School Association) addresses the panel. Clark says that she speaks from the perspective of a parent who lived through the busing crisis. Clark says that she supports school integration, but opposed the court order. She adds that the court order was disruptive and too broad in scope. She urges audience members to support the Boston Public School system. She notes that the school system has improved as a result of desegregation. Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist) addresses the meeting. Gillen says that he remains opposed to busing. He adds that the federal court usurped the rights of the parents of Boston's schoolchildren. Gillen notes that the anti-busing movement was committed to protesting by legal and moral means. He says that he is glad to live in a society where protest and opposition to the law is allowed. Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston) addresses the audience. Groden says that the court orders did not allow for genuine input from parents. He says that a parents' movement could have overcome issues of race and class during the busing crisis. Groden talks about the need for grassroots leadership within the city and the need for a network of human connections across the city's neighborhoods. Panelists at the meeting include Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, Atlantic Monthly), Brown, Clarke, Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Groden, Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, Boston Globe). Tape 3 of 8
1:00:01: Visual: Martin Nolan (The Boston Globe) addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The town meeting is held in honor of the release of the book, Common Ground by J. Anthony Lukas (author). Nolan speaks from a podium. Panelists are assembled at tables on either side of the podium. Panelists include Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, The Atlantic Monthly), Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts), Marie Clarke (parent and member of the Home and School Association), Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston), Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, The Boston Globe). Nolan introduces Thomas Brown. Brown says that he is a historian; that many of the other panelists were participants in the busing crisis. Brown says that comments that Lukas focused on the history of the McGoff, Twymon, and Diver families, which were each portrayed in the book. Brown commends Lukas for his exhaustive research into the history of each family. Brown notes that Lukas probably uncovered facts which were previously unknown to each family. Brown talks about the way in whick Lukas shows how past history affects the contemporary events portrayed in the book. Brown says that Lukas's book brings needed perspective to the busing crisis. Brown says that the Diver family emerges from the violence of the colonial struggle in Boston; that the McGoff family is informed by the violent past of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Ireland; that the Twymon family emerges from the violent past of slavery. Brown says that the recent struggles of each family pale in comparison to the hardships and struggles of their past family histories. Brown notes that the trouble endured by the families during the busing crisis has been accompanied by social progress and change. Brown says that previous speakers have suggested that a common ground existed in the coalition which was formed around John F. Kennedy (former US President) in 1960. Brown suggests that Lukas' book is also "common ground." Brown says that Common Ground is a "loving" book which moves readers to tears; that it details the richness and struggles of everyday life. Brown says that readers can take away the love put into the book by Lukas; that the readers of the book can find "common ground." The audience applauds. 1:08:30: V: Nolan introduces Marie Clark. Clark says that she brings the perspective of a parent who lived through the busing crisis. Clark says that she was one among many parents who supported integration, but opposed the plan put forth by Arthur Garrity (federal judge). Clark says that the plan was disruptive and too broad in scope. Clark says that she objected to the disruption of schools which were already integrated; that she objected to African American students being bused to a new school at the start of each year; that she objected to students being denied access to programs because of racial quotas. Clarke says that wrongs were committed by people on both sides of the issue; that Boston has emerged from the busing crisis as a stronger city. Clarke says that the Boston Public Schools have improved as a result of desegregation; that "common ground" can be found in the children of Boston who attend the public schools. Clarke adds that the Boston Public School System needs the support of parents, the business community and suburbanites. Clarke says that the future of the city depends upon a strong school system. The audience applauds. 1:11:42: V: Nolan introduces Moe Gillen. Gillen says that many in the audience are familiar with his opinions on the busing crisis. Gillen says that "common ground" can be found in Lukas' book; that the book brings people together; that the book shows the "common heritage" of Boston residents. Gillen notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and Dennis Kearney (Suffolk County Sheriff) are in the audience; that Flynn and Kearney were representatives of the anti-busing movement. Gillen says that many in the anti-busing movement were committed to protesting the court orders in a "legal, moral way." Gillen praises anti-busing mothers for their commitment to their families; that many anti-busing parents set a good example for their children. Gillen says that he remains "adamently opposed to a government that takes and usurps the rights of parents." Gillen says that hindsight shows that the court orders were not successful. Gillen says that the busing crisis showed the strength of US society; that opponents to busing did not resort to "violence and anarchy," even though their "personal values" were at stake. Gillen says that he is thankful to live in the US instead of "some banana republic." Gillen invites audience members to address the issues during the discussion. The audience applauds. 1:16:08: V: Nolan introduces Father Michael Groden. Nolan talks about Groden's work as an advocate for the city's working lobstermen and his work on school issues during the busing crisis. Groden says that he wrote a letter to Garrity as he was completing his first term as director of the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC); that he wrote to Garrity about the "parent movement" withing the city schools. Groden says that he did not think the system allowed for genuine and enduring input from parents. Groden notes that a "common ground" presented itself through the opportunity for parents to come together and effect changes in the schools. Groden says that the opportunity to bring parents together was not fully exploited; that a parents' movement would have overcome issues of race and class. Groden says that a parents' movement needs to be organized in order to build connections in and across the neighborhoods of the city. Groden says that the roles of civic and religious leaders are discussed in Lukas's book. Groden says that the city was focused on "elitist" leadership instead of grassroots leadership. Groden notes that grassroots political and religious leadership is much more effective than "moral imperatives." Groden says that moral courage is born of faith and of a healthy set of relationships with others. Groden adds that Lukas' book benefits from Lukas' ability to communicate effectively with others. Groden says that Ray Flynn (mayor of Boston) has set the right tone for the city since his inauguration; that Flynn has "lived across the lines of color and, to some extent, class." Groden adds that "moral imperatives and gospel mandates" are clear in their message. Groden concludes by saying that "common ground" can only be found in a new "set of human connections." The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1985
Description: Deborah Wang reports that the Boston Police Department and the District Attorney's Office keep the money confiscated from drug arrests. Neighborhood groups want the money to go back into the community to fund drug education, drug treatment, and crime watch efforts. Interview with Bill Good of the Boston Police Department. Good says that the Police Department needs the money to keep its "operational edge" over drug traffickers. Interview with City Councilor Charles Yancey, who says that community residents are the most valuable asset in the war against drugs. Press conference at City Hall, where Yancey, Ben Haith (Roxbury Multi-Service Center) and Louis Elisa (NAACP) talk about the need to return confiscated drug money to the community. City Councilor Dapper O'Neil arrives at the press conference. O'Neil and State Rep. Byron Rushing confront each other on the issue. Wang reports that the city budget is tight and various groups are fighting over small amounts of money. Wang's report is accompanied by footage of police officers making a drug arrest.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a police cruiser stopped behind a red sports car. A white police officer searches an African American man. Shot of a plastic bag containing drugs. Deborah Wang reports that 7,500 people were arrested by police on drug-related charges last year; that police have confiscated weapons, drugs, and money from drug arrests. V: Footage of Bill Good (Boston Police Department) saying that approximately $990,000 has been forfeited to the Police Department through drug arrests. Shots of police officers searching the trunk of a red sports car. Shot of a police officer searching a handbag. Wang reports that the Boston Police Department has gone to court to obtain the money; that the Police Department has split the money with the District Attorney's office. Wang reports that the Police Department uses the money to pay informants, to buy drugs for deals, and to conduct police investigations. V: Footage of Good saying that the money is essential to the Police Department; that the money represents an "operational edge" for drug investigators. Good says that the money can be used at the discretion of drug investigators. Wang reports that some city officials see other uses for the money. V: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) being interviewed by Wang. Yancey says that the city needs to fight an effective war against drugs. Yancey says that community residents are the city's most valuable allies in the war against drugs. Wang reports that neighborhood groups want the money to go back into the community; that the groups want the money to fund drug education, drug treatment, and crime watch efforts. V: Footage of Yancey at a press conference at City Hall. A group of neighborhood activists including Byron Rushing (State Representative) are with Yancey at the press conference. Shot of Ben Haith (Roxbury Multi-Service Center) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Louis Elisa (NAACP) speaking at the press conference. Elisa says that funding is needing to fight the war on drugs; that the confiscated money belongs to the community. Elisa says that the confiscated money comes from Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury and Dorchester; that the confiscated money should go back to the communities to fund anti-drug initiatives. Footage of Good being interviewed by Wang. Good says that the neighborhood groups have good intentions. Good says that it is a mistake to take the money from the Police Department. Good says that the confiscated money funds the day-to-day operations of the Police Department's anti-drug effort. Shots of three police officers conferring near a police cruiser; of a police officer searching a handbag. Wang reports that the Boston City Council has the support to pass a bill requiring the confiscated money go back to the neighborhoods. Wang notes that Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) is opposed to the initiative; that O'Neil "crashed" the press conference at City Hall today. V: Footage of Rushing and O'Neil confronting one another over the issue. O'Neil says that Rushing is trying "to shake people down" for money. Rushing walks away from O'Neil. Yancey and David Scondras (Boston City Council) look on. O'Neil has an exchange with another neighborhood activist. Yancey addresses the media from a microphone. Wang reports that the dispute revolves around a relatively small amount of money; that the money represents less than one percent of the police budget. Wang notes that the city budget is tight; that money is hard to come by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/01/1989
Description: Press conference after Suffolk County Courthouse bombing; decision to close building for safety. Talk of increased security at entrances. Also, press conference with Michael Dukakis, Frank Bellotti, Kevin White, Tom McGee, and Kevin Harrington pledging to commit all necessary resources to investigate and prosecute violent crime.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1976
Description: Reporters set up microphones at podium. Archibald Cox chairs a press conference on judicial reform and court reorganization. He describes the effects and causes of delays in the Massachusetts courts and the budgets associated with the courts. He is flanked by Alan Sisitsky, Michael Dukakis, Kevin Harrington, Michael Flaherty, and Francis Bellotti. He thanks committee that did the study. Attorney General Francis Bellotti expresses his support of the committee, which he hopes will be able to bring about the necessary judicial reform.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1976
Description: Boston Police Department press conference with Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Morris Allen, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. The speakers are seated at a table featuring an array of street weapons used against police in a riot in South Boston on the previous day. Press conference includes police department videotapes of a riot in South Boston on the previous day and of an unruly crowd at a Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) meeting at English High School. DiGrazia announces that violence and disruptions of public order will no longer be tolerated by police.
0:00:16: Visual: Shot of bottles, baseball bats, pipes, bricks and other weapons lying on table. Some have exhibit tags attached to them. Microphones are also set up on the table for a press conference. Shot of a police map of the city of Boston. 0:03:31: V: Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) and others sit down at the table displaying the weapons. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) introduces the police officials on the panel: Captain Morris Allen, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, DiGrazia, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Fred Conley. Dunleavy announces that a short videotape will be shown. 0:05:02: V: A videotape plays on a television screen. The videotape shows a large crowd on a city street. Police officers in riot gear are stationed on the street. Dunleavy points out the weapons used by the crowd, and that the crowd has thrown tear gas at the police. The videotape shows a cloud of tear gas in the police ranks. Rioting crowd charges police, throwing bricks and other objects. Dunleavy says that the street on the videotape is East 6th Street in South Boston. V: The videotape shows crowd throwing rocks and other objects. The crowd retreats, still throwing objects, as police advance. Dunleavy announces that the next videotape was shot at English High School last Thursday at a meeting of the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC). V: The videotape shows a noisy crowd seated in an auditorium. Members of the CCC are seated on stage. The crowd chants and claps its hands, disrupting the meeting. Arthur Gartland (CCC) threatens to call in the police to establish order. Shot of members of press watching videotape on the television. 0:14:03: V: Shot of DiGrazia. Dunleavy shows photos of the aftermath of violence yesterday in South Boston, including photo of a police cruiser with rear window missing. He says that the weapons on the table were used against police in South Boston yesterday. DiGrazia says that a demonstration in South Boston turned violent yesterday; that citizens of Boston have a legitimate right to stage demonstrations against busing; that the actions of some are denying the rights of others; that the governor's wife was denied her right to speak at Faneuil Hall; that a US Senator has been harassed and threatened; that a presidential candidate was denied the right to speak out last week; that parents are prevented from holding meetings. DiGrazia says that there is a conspiracy against public order in Boston; that the police will no longer be tolerant of those disrupting the rights of others. DiGrazia says that the police will protect the rights of anti-busers and pro-busers alike; that arrests will be made and violators of the law will be prosecuted. 0:18:44: V: Reporters ask questions to DiGrazia and other police officers. DiGrazia says that a small number of people in the city are using the busing issue as an excuse to pursue vandalism and mayhem. DiGrazia says that the police department took a low visibility approach to busing in 1974; that they acted more forcefully in 1975; that they have been attempting to let people demonstrate against the law; that they will be more forceful from now on. A reporter asks if there is evidence of a conspiracy against the police. DiGrazia replies that the weapons on the table are evidence of a conspiracy; that police were letting the demonstration proceed until they were attacked by the crowd.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1976