Description: Philip Morrison says big bang theory has been replaced as explanation of universe's origin. Margaret Geller talks about great wall of clusters theory of formations in the cosmos. Plasma+inflation theories.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/30/1991
Description: Birmingham Six, wrongly suspected IRA terrorists, free after 15 years in prison. Convictions reversed because of coerced confessions &evidence tampering. Christine McAuley of Sinn Fein. Shirley Williams.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/15/1991
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder Supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Interviews with Leonard Zakim from the Anti-Defamation League, Charles Stith from the Union United Methodist Church, and Eric Karp from the Temple Ohabei Shalom about the importance of the Black/Jewish Seder supper. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights on the part of both communities. Stith talks about the kinship between the two communities. Karp says that both communities have struggled against oppression. Interviews with attendees about the significance of the supper. Vaillancourt notes that this year's Seder supper falls on the eve of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Williams protests lack of minority faculty at MIT
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the steeple of the Union United Methodist Church at dusk. Shots of the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Shot of an African American woman and a white man speaking at the supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Meg Vaillancourt reports that a group of local African Americans and Jews celebrated the Seder. V: Footage of Leonard Zakim (Anti-Defamation League) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church being interviewed. Stith says that society is polarized along racial lines; that the supper is an celebrates efforts to promote peaceful coexistence between groups of people. Stith says that the supper affirms the goals of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader). Vaillancourt reports that attendees gathered at the Union United Methodist Church) for the eleventh Black/Jewish Seder. V: Shots of attendees reading from a religious text. The attendees hold pieces of matzoh in their hands. Footage of Eric Karp (Temple Ohabei Shalom) being interviewed. Karp says that the Seder celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression; that the African American community has fought a long battle against oppression. Karp says that the two communities can learn from one another. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed at the supper. The woman says that she is attending her first Seder; that the two communities are brought together through their belief in God. Footage of an older Jewish woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks what the two communities have in common. The woman says that the two communities share a lot of things including prejudice and hard times. Footage of an older African American woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. The woman says that African Americans and Jews are treated the same way. Footage of a young Jewish boy being interviewed. The boy says that "prejudice stinks." Shots of attendees at the supper. Vaillancourt reports that the ceremony is Jewish; that the date is important to those involved in the civil rights struggle. Vaillancourt notes that King gave his last speech twenty-three years ago tonight; that King was murdered in Memphis on the following day. Vaillancourt stands outside of the room where the supper is held. Vaillancourt reports that the Passover meal is symbolic of the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites after 400 years of slavery. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed. Stith says that enslaved African Americans identified with the struggle of Moses and the people of Israel. Stith says that there is a theological kinship between the two communities. Footage from the Seder supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the emergence of African American elected officials in the predominantly white suburbs of Boston. Gretchen Underwood was elected to the Wellesley Town Meeting as a member of the recently formed Wellesley African American Coalition. The coalition was formed after an incident of harassment in Wellesley involving Dee Brown of the Boston Celtics. Virginia Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in the Milton elections. Selectman Charles McKenney will become the chairman of the Ayer Board of Selectmen next year. Interview with Underwood and Nelson about their experiences as African American elected officials in the suburbs. Underwood talks about African American political action groups in other suburbs. Jones's report is accompanied by footage of McKenney and footage of the towns of Wellesley and Milton. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields interviews Libertarian candidate Richard Boddie
0:59:31: Visual Shots of Charles McKenney (Selectman, town of Ayer); of Gretchen Underwood (Wellesley Town Meeting Member); of Virginia Nelson (Milton Town Meeting Member). Shots of McKenney, Underwood and Nelson each being interviewed by Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter). Jones reports that McKenney, Underwood, and Nelson are all town officials; that the three are part of a surprising emergence of black power in the suburbs. V: Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that Wellesley was no different than other places where she could have campaigned. Underwood says that some people were offended because she campaigned as "a candidate of difference." Underwood says that she wanted to put the issue out in front for voters; that she was running for office because of the issue. Shots of downtown Wellesley, MA. Jones reports that Dee Brown (Celtics basketball player) was harassed in Wellesley in September of 1990; that the incident awakened Wellesley's African American community. Jones reports that Brown was mistaken for a robbery suspect while house-hunting in Wellesley; that the incident embarassed the town. Jones notes that the Brown incident was a catalyst for bringing frustrated African Americans in Wellesley together. V: Shot of Underwood walking with Jones in front of a home in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed. Underwood says that the Brown incident brought the issue to everyone's attention at the same time. Underwood says that most African Americans in Wellesley have experienced individual acts of discrimination. Underwood says that the Brown incident forced the town to have an open Selectmen's meeting; that a number of African Americans spoke out at the meeting. Underwood says that the meeting brought the African American residents together. Jones reports that the Wellesley African American Coalition was founded after the Brown incident; that Underwood ran for the position of Town Meeting Member with the support of the coalition. Jones notes that Underwood is an administrator at Brookline High School. V: Shots of Underwood exiting the front doors of Brookline High School; of Underwood walking on a path outside of the school. Jones reports that thirteen seats were open; that Underwood placed fourteenth in the election. Jones notes that Underwood was appointed to a seat when one of the Town Meeting Members resigned. Jones reports that Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in an election in Milton. V: Shot of Nelson and Jones walking through the lobby of a corporate office. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that minorities need to have a voice in town affairs. Jones asks Nelson if she is putting the town government on notice. Nelson says that she is letting her presence be known to the town; that she will speak out for minorites and other groups. Nelson says that she is not only representing minorities. Jones reports that the death of Charles Hardison (Milton teenager) made Nelson realize the need for African Americans to be active in town government. V: Shots of a sign for Milton; of the exterior of the Milton Town Office building. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that everyone should exercise their voices; that African American residents pay their taxes; that African American residents should be represented in the town government. Nelson says that she hopes that other residents of color will become active. Jones reports that all of these African American town officials see their involvement as the beginning of a new activism. Jones reports that McKenney is in line to become the highest-ranking African American town official in Massachusetts. Jones notes that McKenney will become the chairman of Ayer's Board of Selectmen next year. V: Shot of McKenney speaking with another man on the steps of the Post Office in Ayer. Jones notes that Nelson is running for a seat of the Milton School Committee. V: Shot of Nelson talking to Jones in the lobby of a corporate office. Jones reports that Underwood says that African Americans in Foxboro, Wayland, and Southborough are talking about forming political action groups in their towns. V: Shot of Underwood and Jones walking through the yard of a house in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that African Americans are prepared to take an active role in town government; that African Americans are ready to pay their "dues." Underwood says that African Americans are going to keep running for office. Shot of the Wellesley Town Hall.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports that students from the Boston University School of Theology held a ceremony to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. She notes that attendees at the gathering also prayed for peace in the Persian Gulf. Interviews with BU Theology students Virgil Hammett, Leon Chestnut, Jessica Davis, and Roxie Coicou. The students talk about civil rights, the legacy of King, and their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Chestnut, Hammett and Davis address the gathered students and lead prayers to end the war. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of students from the Boston University School of Theology walking on the Boston University (BU) campus at dusk. The students sing, "We Shall Overcome." The students gather together and link arms near the Martin Luther King Memorial statue near Marsh Chapel. Shots of the students. Hope Kelly reports that students at the BU School of Theology were celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist); that the celebration of peace is happening while the nation is at war. V: Footage of Virgil Hammett (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Hammett says that he sees the connection that King saw between civil rights and the Vietnam War. Hammett says that some US soldiers in Kuwait are fighting for rights that they do not possess at home. Footage of Leon Chestnut (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Chestnut says that charity begins at home. Chestnut says that the US must set its own house in order before going off to war. Footage of Jessica Davis (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Davis says that a lot of money is spent on weapons; that the government is not providing for the needs of the people. Kelly reports that Davis is a divinity student who is studying to be a minister. Kelly notes that Chestnut is a Hebrew Bible scholar and a preacher. V: Shot of Chestnut and Davis standing in a chapel. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students on the BU campus. Chestnut quotes from a psalm. Footage of Chestnut being interviewed. Chestnut talks about the importance of having faith. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students. Chestnut talks about faith. Footage of Roxie Coicou (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Coicou says that people need to pray and to talk about the war. Kelly reports that Coicou was born in 1968, which was the year that King was assassinated. V: Footage of Davis being interviewed. Davis talks about seeing King speak when she was a little girl. Davis says that society's problems have changed little since the 1960s. Footage of Coicou being interviewed. Coicou says that politics will continue; that people need to pray. Shot of BU students at the gathering. Footage of Hammett addressing the gathering. Hammett prays for love and understanding. Hammett prays for the realization of King's goals. Footage of Davis addressing the gathering. Davis prays for an end to the war. Shots of the students at the gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Frank Hector (World War II veteran) and Ralph Cooper (Vietnam veteran) about their experiences in the military. Hector talks about the accomplishments of African American soldiers and war veterans. Hector says that the military is a good experience for young African Americans. Cooper talks about the disproportionate numbers of African American soldiers in the front lines and the lack of services for veterans of color. Hector and Cooper talk about their opinions of Colin Powell (Head, US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Field's report is accompanied by footage of Powell and soldiers during the Persian Gulf War. Fields reports that many African Americans join the military to escape the high unemployment rate in the African American community. Field's report is accompanied by footage of Reverend Michael Haynes leading a church service at Roxbury's Twelfth Baptist Church. Relatives of soldiers in the Persian Gulf War stand in front of the altar to pray for the soldiers. Fields interviews Haynes. Haynes says that African American soldiers must be granted equal rights and privileges when they return home from the war. Fields' report is accompanied by footage from interviews with people on the street about African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Ray Flynn chooses attorney James St. Clair to head panel to review Boston police performance. Flynn reaffirms his confidence in commissioner Mickey Roache.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/07/1991
Description: Dorchester youth seeking haven from gangs attend Winners Circle after school program offering recreation away from the streets. Teens swimming in indoor pool. Cleveland Middle School exterior.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/26/1991
Description: Jim Braude and Kip Tiernan head a rally outside the State House asking for new taxes to safeguard education, affordable housing, and other necessities cut short in proposed state budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/20/1991
Description: Resigning chancellor Randolph Bromery disagrees with governor's attitude toward public education. Stephen Tocco claims education is "very high priority" for Weld, but not as high as public safety.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/06/1991