Description: Marcus Jones reports that voter support for Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) appears to be growing with each primary election, despite being labeled as "unelectable" by political analysts and the media. Jones notes that Jackson is gaining support from white voters and other voters outside of his political base. Jones suggests that critics are dismissive of Jackson because of his skin color. Jones' report includes footage from an interview with Bob Beckel (political analyst). Beckel says that Jackson will have to convince white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Jones' report features footage of Jackson campaigning, footage of Jackson at a candidates' forum and footage from a Jackson campaign advertisement. Jones' report also includes footage of Jackson saying that his race should not be an issue in the campaign.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson say that his campaign has defied the odds; that his campaign has been winning "uphill battles." Shots of the crowd. Marcus Jones reports that political analysts and the media have called Jackson the "most unelectable candidate in the race for the White House." Jones notes that support for Jackson seems to be growing. V: Footage of Jackson announcing his candidacy in November of 1983. Footage from a 1988 political advertisement for Jackson. Jones notes that Jackson's candidacy in 1983 made history; that Jackson's victories in 1988 are exceptional. Jones adds that Jackson is gaining support from voters outside of his African American base. V: Footage of a white male saying that Jackson will win in the South; of another white male asking, "Why not?" Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally; of Jackson exiting an airplane. Jones notes that voters in Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, and other states are supporting Jackson. V: Footage of a white male in New Hampshire saying that critics are creating a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a televised forum in Dallas. Jackson sits on stage with other Democratic candidates. Jackson says that the US should not be overly dependent on oil from the Persian Gulf; that every youth should have the opportunity to go to college. Jackson criticizes the defense policy of Ronald Reagan (US President). Jones suggests that critics are calling Jackson unelectable because of his skin color. V: Footage of Jackson in New Hampshire on October 12, 1987. Jackson says that the issue of his race should be left to "God"; that the issue of his credentials should be left up to the voters. Footage of Bob Beckel (political analyst) saying that Jackson addresses issues that other candidates are afraid to address. Beckel says that Jackson will have trouble convincing white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Beckel says that Jackson has "no shot" at winning. Beckel says that the situation is unfair to Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. Supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Jones notes that Jackson's base of support continues to grow.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/04/1988
Description: Three patriots players return to practice because they don't think the strike is winnable. The Patriots will not be able to pay them more than a 100 dollar per diem, and won't let them pay. Eugene Profit, Fred Marion, and Cedric Jones speak at a press conference. The players union calls off the strike and all of the players return. Patrick Sullivan talks to the press about the roster deadline, which was the day before the players returned, and therefore the players were turned away. There is a lot of miscommunication between the union and NFL management.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/15/1987
Description: Swearing in and inaugural address of John F. Kennedy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/20/1961
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones's first report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reviews the history of African Americans in professional baseball. He notes that the Negro League was successful in the 1930s and 1940s. Jones reports that Robinson was one of three African American players to try out for the Boston Red Sox in the 1940s. Jones reports that Robinson was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first African American in major league baseball. Jones notes that Robinson encountered virulent racism and even received death threats. Jones reports that Robinson went on to become one of the greatest players of all time and was inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter), Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger), Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), and Frank Robinson (Baltimore Orioles). Jones' report also features footage and photographs of Robinson and early African American baseball players. Jones' report is accompanied by footage from the films The Jackie Robinson Story and The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars. Tape 1 of 3
1:00:17: Visual: Shots of a Red Sox baseball player signing autographs for fans at Fenway Park. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Marcus Jones reports that Jack Roosevelt Robinson was the first African American baseball player to play in the major leagues. V: Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball. Jones talks about the history of African Americans in baseball. V: Black and white photographs of early African American baseball players including John "Bud" Fowler, Moses Fleetwood Walker and Wellday Walker. Jones talks about early African American players including Fowler and the Walker brothers. V: Footage of Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter) saying that racial issues in Major League Baseball reflect the racial issues in American life. Footage from the film, The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars. Jones talks about the formation of the Negro Leagues. Jones reports that African American players still wanted to break into the major leagues; that some tried to pass as Latino. V: Footage of Whiteside talking about racism in early baseball. Jones talks about the success of the Negro League in the 1930s and 1940s. V: Black and white footage of Negro League baseball games. Black and white shots of players including Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, and Jackie Robinson. Black and white photos of teams from the Negro League. Jones reports that three African American players were given a one-day tryout for the major leagues at Fenway Park in Boston. V: Black and white shots of African American fans; of the exterior of Fenway Park. Footage of Whiteside talking about the events leading up to the tryouts. Whiteside says that Marvin Williams, Sam Jethroe, and Robinson were given tryouts. Black and white footage of players at Fenway Park; of Jethroe; of Robinson; of the exterior of Fenway Park. Jones reports that the Red Sox did not give any of the players a spot on the team; that Branch Rickey (Owner, Brooklyn Dodgers) signed Robinson to play for the Brooklyn farm team. V: Black and white footage of Red Sox players at Fenway Park; of Rickey. Black and white footage of Robinson and Rickey signing a contract. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Dodgers purchase Robinson, first negro in modern major league baseball." Footage of Rickey talking about his efforts to warn Robinson about the abuse that Robinson would receive in the major leagues. Footage from the film, The Jackie Robinson Story. Jones reports that Rickey challenged Robinson to hold his temper in the face of racial slurs and hostility; that Robinson moved into the Dodgers' starting line-up in 1947; that Robinson played great baseball despite the racial hostility. V: Black and white footage of the press and fans at a baseball game; of Robinson playing for the Dodgers. Black and white shots of African American and white fans cheering for Robinson. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that Robinson had no fear; that Labine had never played with a more exciting player than Robinson. Jones talks about the extreme pressure under which Robinson played. V: Shots of a newspaper headline reading, "Robinson reveals written threats;" of a hand-written letter to Robinson reading, "We are going to kill you if you attempt to enter a ballgame at Crosley Field." Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) talking about the threatening letters received by Robinson. Footage of Labine saying that he received hate mail after a photo of him and Robinson was printed in the paper. Shot of a black and white photo of Labine with his arm around Robinson. Labine says that Robinson received a lot of hate mail. Footage of Frank Robinson (Baltimore Orioles) saying that few people would be able to perform under pressure like Robinson did. Black and white footage of a newscaster speculating on Robinson's performance. Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball for the Dodgers. Jones reports that Robinson's first year in baseball was outstanding; that Robinson was named Rookie of the Year for the National League. V: Black and white footage of Robinson receiving the Rookie of the Year award; of the Dodgers playing in the World Series in 1947. Jones reports that Robinson's fondest memories were of playing in the World Series; that Robinson was the first African American player to play in a World Series. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson. Audio of Robinson saying that his goal was to break the color barrier; that he wanted to show that African American and white players could play together. Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball. Shot of a Dodgers' team photo with Robinson. Jones reports that Robinson played for 10 years in the Major League; that Robinson was the MVP in 1949; that he appeared in the World Series six times. V: Black and white shots of fans at a stadium; of Robinson; of the Dodgers World Series victory in 1955; of Robinson being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Jones reports that Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Jones reports that Robinson turned his attention to civil rights, business, and politics at the end of his baseball career.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/04/1987
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones' second report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on Robinson's career after baseball and his active participation in the civil rights movement. Jones notes that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation when he was named to that post at the Chock Full O'Nuts company. Jones reviews Robinson's role in the civil rights movement and his political activity during the 1960 presidential elections. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded the Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963, which was the first bank in the US to be run by African Americans. Jones talks about Robinson's disappointment when white teammates from professional baseball refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson), Mal Goode (journalist), and Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger). Jones' report also features footage of the civil rights movements and footage of Robinson in the 1960s. Jones' report includes footage from the film Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Tape 2 of 3
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of Jackie Robinson walking off of a baseball field. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shot of an older Robinson waving goodbye; of the exterior of Ebbets Field; of a newspaper headline reading, "Giants get Robinson." Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson in a suit. Marcus Jones reports that Jackie Robinson left baseball in 1957; that Robinson chose to retire instead of be traded to the New York Giants. Jones reports that Robinson signed on as vice-president of personnel for Chock full o'Nuts company; that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation. V: Black and white footage of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of Robinson in a business suit; of a sign for "Chock full o'Nuts." Black and white footage of Robinson with his employees; of Robinson meeting with a group of people. Jones reports that Robinson played an active role in the civil rights movement. V: Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson wanted to be a part of the civil rights movement. Black and white footage of African American students integrating white schools; of African American picketers outside of a Woolworth lunch counter; of an African American man confronting a police officer; of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader); of an African American man being pushed by white men; of fire hoses being used on African American demonstrators; of African American picketers with protest signs. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Robinson) saying that Robinson identified with the NAACP; that Robinson was an active chairman of the Freedom Fund Campaign. Jones reports that Robinson advocated equal opportunities for African Americans in all areas; that Robinson's stature drew attention to the cause. V: Footage from Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Footage shows Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Robinson rides in a convertible through an African American neighborhood. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson drew great crowds; that women would pay to have him kiss them on the cheek. Footage of a Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign rally in 1960. Robinson is visible in the crowd. Jones reports that Robinson supported Nelson Rockefeller (presidential candidate) in 1960; that Robinson campaigned for the Republican nominee Richard Nixon (1960 Republican presidential nominee) after Rockefeller lost the nomination. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson believed that African Americans would be strengthened if they were represented by both of the major parties. Footage of a campaign debate in 1960 between Nixon and John F. Kennedy (1960 Democratic presidential nominee). Footage of Williams saying that Robinson had great respect for Nixon at the beginning of the 1960 presidential campaign; that Robinson eventually became disillusioned with the Republican Party. Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Black and white footage of Kennedy's inaugural speech. Jones reports that Robinson continued to fight for equality for African Americans; that Robinson pushed for Mal Goode (journalist) to be hired as the first African American TV news correspondent. V: Shots of black and white photos of Robinson; of Robinson and Goode. Footage of Goode reflecting on the sacrifices made by the previous generation of African Americans. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963; that the bank was the first bank to be run by African Americans. V: Shots of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of Freedom National Bank. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank. Jones reports that Robinson worked to free the African American community from the constraints of racism. V: Footage of Williams talking about the idea of a bank run by African Americans, in which whites could participate. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of registering African Americans to vote. Black and white footage of African Americans marching in the South in 1963; of whites standing behind a Confederate flag; of two white men waving a small Confederate flag. Jones reports that Robinson spent a lot of time in the South in 1963. V: Black and white footage of Robinson and King; of Robinson addressing a crowd about the need for equal rights. Shots of a black and white photo of King. Black and white shot of Robinson picking up a telephone. Black and white aerial shot of the March on Washington in 1963. Jones reports that Robinson was disappointed when his white Dodger teammates refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. V: Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that he regrets not joining Robinson for the March on Washington. Black and white shot of Robinson addressing a crowd. Jones reports that Robinson started a construction company in 1970; that the company was dedicated to building low-income housing. V: Shots of Robinson at a construction site; of Robinson looking at architectural plans; of Robinson throwing out a baseball at a ballgame. Jones reports that Robinson died in October of 1972. Jones stands outside of Ebbets Field Apartments. Jones says that Robinson's ideals still live on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/05/1987
Description: Third report in Marcus Jones' three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on the lack of African American managers and coaches in major league baseball. Jones notes that Robinson spoke out against discrimination in baseball during the last years of his life. Jones adds that Robinson never received an offer to manage a major league baseball team. Jones' report includes footage of Al Campanis (former Vice-President, Brooklyn Dodgers) and Lee MacPhail (General Manager, New York Yankees) making discriminatory comments about the abilities of African Americans to manage professional sports teams. Jones reports that Frank Robinson (bench coach, Baltimore Orioles) became the first African American manager in professional baseball. Jones adds that many current African American players have expressed interest in management positions. Jones interviews Frank Robinson. Jones also interviews Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox coach) about his experiences with the Boston Red Sox. Jones notes that Harper was fired for speaking out against the team's discriminatory practices. Jones notes that affirmative action plans are under review for major league baseball. Jones' report includes footage of Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger), Elrod Hendricks (Baltimore Orioles), Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter), Billy Williams (Chicago Cubs), Howard Cosell (sportscaster) and Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson) speaking about Jackie Robinson and African Americans in baseball. Jones' report includes footage of Jackie Robinson as well as footage and photographs of current baseball players and officials. Tape 3 of 3
1:00:03: Visual: Black and white shot of the exterior of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shots of fans at the stadium. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that the heart and soul of Brooklyn were destroyed when the Brooklyn Dodgers left town. Black and white shot of Jackie Robinson playing baseball for the Dodgers. Marcus Jones stands in front of Ebbets Field Apartment Complex in Brooklyn. Jones reports that opportunities for minorities are still lacking in one area. V: Footage of Al Campanis (former Dodgers' Vice President) on Nightline. Campanis says that African Americans do not have what it takes to manage a baseball team. Campanis says that there are not many African American quarterbacks or pitchers. Black and white shots of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of a group of Brooklyn Dodgers players. Footage of Campanis speaking to the media. Jones reports that Campanis is a former teammate of Robinson; that Campanis's remarks show that African Americans still face barriers in major league baseball. V: Shots of a major league baseball game. Footage of Robinson addressing a crowd. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that Robinson looked forward to the day when there would be African American managers in major league baseball. Shot of Robinson throwing out a ball at a major league baseball game. Jones reports that Robinson spoke out against discrimination in baseball management during the last year's of his life. Jones notes that Lee MacPhail (General Manager, New York Yankees) claimed in 1969 that African Americans were not prepared to be managers; that Robinson publicly rebutted MacPhail's claims. Jones reports that Robinson never received an offer to manage a major league baseball team. V: Footage of MacPhail at a press conference. Black and white shot of Robinson standing with three white baseball players. Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson was disappointed that he never had the opportunity to manage a baseball team. Shots of Robinson's funeral. Shots of Frank Robinson (bench coach, Baltimore Orioles) at a baseball game. Jones notes that Frank Robinson became the first African American manager of a baseball team in 1972. V: Footage of Frank Robinson being interviewed by Jones. Frank Robinson says that he wishes Jackie Robinson could have lived to see him appointed as a manager. Jones reports that Larry Doby and Maury Wills were the only two other African Americans have been field managers in professional baseball. V: Shots of Doby and Wills; of a white Chicago player. Jones notes that Don Baylor (Boston Red Sox), Reggie Jackson (Oakland Athletics) and Elrod Hendricks have expressed interest in becoming managers. V: Shots of Baylor, Jackson and Hendricks; of a white manager arguing with an umpire. Footage of Elrod Hendricks (catching coach for the Baltimore Orioles) saying that he would like to be a manager if the right opportunity presented itself. Footage of Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox coach) saying that African Americans want an equal opportunity to compete for jobs. Shots of Harper at a non-professional baseball field. Jones reports that Harper had hopes of moving up in the ranks of the Red Sox organization; that Harper was fired in 1975 for protesting against the team's discriminatory practices. V: Shot of a newspaper headline reading, "Harper still shut out because he spoke out." Footage of Harper saying that minorities have been shut out of management positions all over baseball; that the minority officials in baseball right now have no authority. Footage of Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter) talking about the lack of opportunities for African Americans in baseball. Jones reports that there is pressure on team owners to hire more minorities. V: Shots of a ceremony honoring Robinson at a Major League ballpark; of a newspaper headline reading, "No shortage of black candidates." ESPN footage of Billy Williams (Chicago Cubs batting coach) at a Hall of Fame Ceremony. Williams says that team owners must look beyond skin color in hiring management. Shots of an African American man talking to the press; of white team owners; of Peter Ueberroth (Baseball Commissioner). Jones says that affirmative action plans are under review for major league baseball. V: Footage of Frank Robinson saying that he hopes that African Americans will soon have the same opportunities as whites to become managers. Black and white footage of Jackie Robinson playing baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers; of fans cheering for Robinson. Jones notes that Jackie Robinson's courage inspired the nation. V: Footage of Howard Cosell (sportscaster) saying that Jackie Robinson is an important figure in American history, not just sports history. Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that she had no idea that his legacy would become as important as it is. Black and white shots of Jackie and Rachel Robinson; of Jackie Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Footage of Labine saying that Robinson will be remembered for what he did for the African American race. Black and white shots of Robinson with Chock full o'Nuts company employees; of Robinson receiving an award. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (Robinson's friend) saying that a lesser man would not have succeeded like Robinson did. Black and white shots of Rachel and Jackie Robinson with their child; of Robinson with a friend.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/06/1987
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Boston supporters of Jesse Jackson are undecided about whether to campaign for Michael Dukakis. The supporters recently met to discuss their role in the upcoming campaign. Jackson delegates Mel King, Saundra Graham, Juanita Wade, and Byron Rushing are among the leaders of the meeting. The leaders say that the Dukakis campaign should not take the votes of Jackson supporters for granted. There are some Jackson supporters who will not support Dukakis under any circumstances. Interview with Philip Stanley of the Dukakis campaign about the role of Jackson supporters in the Dukakis campaign. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign has been meeting with Jackson supporters and that the campaign is taking no votes for granted. Interviews with Jackson supporters Darryl Heller, Trent Pettus and Myra McAdoo. All three supporters criticize the Dukakis campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Jackson embarking on a voter registration campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Adult entertainment at the Highland Tap
1:00:02: Visual: Footage from July 21, 1988 of the Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential nominee) and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) are congratulated by Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and Jacqueline Jackson (wife of Jesse Jackson). They are surrounded by Democratic Party notables. Deborah Wang reports that Jackson ended his presidential campaign by endorsing the nomination of his rival Dukakis; that Jackson pledged to campaign for Dukakis in the fall. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Democratic Convention on July 18, 1988. Jackson is flanked by Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee). Jackson says that he is not seeking a job or a salary; that he wants to serve the nation. Shot of Jackson standing at the entrance to a campaign bus. Jackson waves to supporters. Supporters hang a sign on the side of the bus. The sign reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Wang reports that Jackson supporters are undecided about whether to campaign for Dukakis; that Jackson supporters met last night in Roxbury about their role in the upcoming campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the meeting. Campaign leaders including Mel King (community activist and Jackson delegate), Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate), Byron Rushing (State Representative and Jackson delegate), and Juanita Wade (Jackson delegate) sit at a table at the front of the room. Footage of Wade saying that Jackson supporters will use the Republican threat to convince others to vote for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters are unhappy with the Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of King saying that the Dukakis campaign has not been listening to Jackson supporters. King says that the Dukakis campaign should have addressed the role of Jackson supporters before now. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis should be pursuing the 7 million votes represented by Jackson supporters. Shot of a life-size cut-out of Dukakis in the window of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Footage of Philip Stanley (State Director for the 1988 Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Wang. Stanley says that he has met twice this week with the Jackson leadership; that the discussions are progressing. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign is not taking anyone's vote for granted. Shots of volunteers working at the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters says that they will not work for Dukakis under any circumstances. V: Shot of Rushing addressing the audience at the meeting of Jackson supporters. Footage of Darryl Heller (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis made a mistake by choosing Bentsen as his running mate. Heller says that Bentsen does not believe in any of the same things as Jackson; that Bentsen is closer to Ronald Reagan (US President) than he is to Jackson. Heller says that it would be a violation of his conscience to vote for the Dukakis ticket. Footage of Trent Pettus (Jackson supporter) saying that he will not vote for Dukakis. Pettus says that Dukakis does not believe that gays and lesbians are fit to be foster parents. Pettus says that Dukakis advocates a discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians. Pettus adds that he will not vote for Dukakis. Footage of Myra McAdoo (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis needs to be ready to deal realistically with minority groups; that Jackson needs to receive a message from minority groups. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters will work to revive the Rainbow Coalition; that the supporters will work to get Rainbow candidates elected to state and local offices. V: Shots of Jackson supporters at the meeting in Roxbury. Footage of Jackson at the Democratic National Convention. Shots of delegates on the floor waving signs reading, "Jesse!" Wang notes that Jackson supporters will try to gain concessions from the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Rushing saying that he wants his constituents to be represented fairly by the chosen leader of the Democratic Party. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must barter their votes for fair representation. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must not be taken for granted by Dukakis. Wang stands in front of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that Dukakis may not need to make peace with local Jackson supporters; that Dukakis is expected to win Massachusetts easily. Wang reports that Jackson supporters hope that Dukakis includes them in his campaign. Wang adds that Jackson supporters want Dukakis to make it clear that he does not take Jackson voters for granted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jesse Jackson beat George Bush in a phone poll conducted by a local radio station. Interviews with City Councilor Bruce Bolling and State Rep. Gloria Fox about their support for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign. Fox says that Jackson's campaign staff is working hard for a Jackson victory. Bolling says that diverse constituencies can find common ground in Jackson's candidacy. Jackson at a campaign rally.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) entering a campaign rally. Marcus Jones reports that Jackson beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate) in a phone poll conducted of callers to WEEI (Boston AM radio station). V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that Jackson will be the next president of the US. Jones reports that Bolling is the chairman of Jackson's Massachusetts' campaign. V: Shot of Bolling with Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bolling saying that voters see Jackson as a man of conviction, compassion and vision. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) being interviewed by Jones. Fox says that Jackson's campaign workers are serious about the campaign; that they are working hard for a Jackson victory. Fox says that Jackson has a good campaign organization; that voters are tired of politicians who do not address their needs. Footage of Bolling saying that diverse constituencies can find a common ground in Jackson's message. Bolling adds that voters are not listening to political pundits who say that Jackson is unelectable. Footage of Fox saying that Jackson's campaign is on a roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has released position papers detailing his stance on domestic issues. Vaillancourt reviews Jackson's positions on the economy, trade, employment, social programs, defense spending, and taxes. Interview with labor union leader Domenic Bozzotto and Harvard professor Roger Porter about Jackson's positions on the issues. Bozzotto defends Jackson's platform while Porter criticizes it. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson would support his social programs through cuts in defense spending and increased taxes on wealthy Americans. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's position as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination challenges other candidates to defend their positions on the issues. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Farmer speaks at a ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:07: Visual: C-Span footage of Jesse Jackson (US Democratic Presidential Candidate) addressing the Democratic Convention in 1984. The audience cheers for Jackson. Footage of Jackson quoting poetry to a reporter. On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on the economy. On-screen text reads, "Invest pensions in America." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has a stack of position papers on economic issues. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson advocates the investment of pension funds in federally-guaranteed securities; that Jackson would use the capital to fund public housing, roads, and other public works projects; that the investment of 10% of US pensions would yield $60 billion for projects. V: Shot of Jackson talking about his positions at a forum; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Domenic Bozzotto (President, Hotel Workers Union) that he likes Jackson' s idea of putting pension money to work for social good; that Jackson's plan also gives a fair return on the investment. Footage of Roger Porter (Harvard University) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Porter says that Jackson's plan calls for government guarantees on pension investments; that the government could end up paying the difference on a poor investment. Vaillancourt says that trade issues are another important issue in the election. V: On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on trade issues. On-screen text reads, "Adopt 'corporate code of conduct'." Footage of Jackson saying that General Electric is the number one exporter from Taiwan. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that cheap overseas labor is the main cause of the US trade deficit. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would abolish tax incentives for US companies abroad; that Jackson would insist that America's trading partners pay the same wages as those earned by US workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with union workers. Footage of Bozzotto saying that "slave wages" paid to workers abroad will undercut organized labor in the US. Footage of Porter saying that the US cannot impose these policies on its trading partners. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is a populist on employment issues. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on employment. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports an increase in the minimum wage; that Jackson supports the passage of a worker bill of rights; that Jackson supports the plant closing law; that Jackson supports comparable pay for jobs of comparable worth. V: Footage of Jackson addressing supporters. On-screen visuals detail Jackson's positions on social programs. Vaillancourt talks about Jackson's position on social programs. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports universal day care and national health care; that Jackson would double spending on education; that Jackson would focus on combatting drugs. V: Footage of Porter saying that the government cannot support the increase in spending required by Jackson's social programs. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson's programs would get the average person involved in the economy. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that social programs can be paid for through cuts in the defense budget. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on defense issues. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would eliminate the MX, the Midgetman and the Trident missiles; that Jackson would eliminate the F-15 fighter plane, the stealth bomber, and the Strategic Defense Initiative. V: Footage of Bozzotto saying that there is "fat" to be cut out of the defense budget. Footage of Porter saying that Jackson is misguided in thinking that cuts in the defense budget will yield great savings. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is the only current Democratic candidate who has talked about taxes. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "Reaganomics" exempted some people from paying taxes. On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on taxes. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would increase the corporate tax rate to 46%; that Jackson would raise the tax rate to 38.5% for residents with incomes above $100,000; that Jackson would impose an oil import fee. V: Footage of Porter saying that Jackson's tax policy would rob the private sector of money for productive investment. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson is not afraid of the American people; that Jackson is not afraid to advocate change. Vaillancourt reports that the media and the public are now paying attention to Jackson's positions on the issues; that Jackson's position as a frontrunner challenges other candidates to defend their own positions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Jamaica Plain's X-Men, Hispanic youth not calling themselves a gang, created mural in Egleston Square with political slogans and memorials to dead members. Latinos gather for wake of Hector Morales.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/27/1990
Description: Carmen Fields marks the death of author James Baldwin with a retrospective profile. Fields reports on Baldwin's accomplishments as an author and his social criticism. Baldwin challenged American society to deal with racism. Interview with Floyd Barbour (Professor, Simmons College) about Baldwin. Barbour says that Baldwin's voice was truthful and angry. He adds that Baldwin's work bears witness to the African American experience in the twentieth century. Fields's report includes footage of Baldwin talking about race in the United States. Fields reports that Baldwin dealt with religious themes in his later work. Fields's report is accompanied by shots of Baldwin's books and by footage from the American Playhouse production of Go Tell it on the Mountain. Fields reports that Baldwin lived in France for forty years. She notes that he returned to the US three years ago to serve as a professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
0:59:07: Callie Crossley reports that James Baldwin (author) was able to capture the African American experience honestly in his books. V: Shots of black and white photos of Baldwin; of Baldwin's book, The Evidence of Things Not Seen; of Baldwin's book, The Amen Corner; of a framed print of a program for the Black-Hispanic Convocation at Princeton University in 1954, which was delivered by Baldwin. Shot of a program for a musical production of Amen Corner. Crossley reports that Floyd Barbour (Professor, Simmons College) was inspired by Baldwin as an undergraduate. V: Footage of Barbour being interviewed by Crossley. Barbour says that Baldwin's voice was truthful and full of rage; that Baldwin wrote about his background and about race in society. Crossley notes that Baldwin challenged US society to deal with racism. V: Shot of a cover of Time Magazine, featuring Baldwin. Footage of Baldwin talking about racism at a public forum. Baldwin says that the US needs to face up to its racial problems; that racial violence may erupt if US society does not deal with racism. Baldwin says that African Americans have received no support from the government or most of the citizenry. Shots of Baldwin's photo and biography from the back of a book cover; of Baldwin's books, Go Tell It on the Mountain and The Fire Next Time. Crossley talks about Baldwin's first book, Go Tell It on the Mountain. Crossley notes that it was later televised on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). V: Footage from the American Playhouse televised production of Go Tell It on the Mountain. Crossley notes that Baldwin deals with religious themes in Go Tell It on the Mountain and in his later work. V: Footage of Barbour saying that Baldwin wrote about the pain endured by African Americans in the US; that Baldwin's work bears witness to the experience of African Americans in the twentieth century. Crossley reports that Baldwin lived in France for forty years; that he returned to the US occasionally; that Baldwin returned to the US three years ago to serve as a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. V: Shot of Baldwin exiting a car and entering a building in France; of Baldwin typing at a typewriter. Footage of Baldwin saying that there is no "black problem"; that there is a "white problem." Baldwin says that he has no problem living with whites in the white world. Baldwin says that white people cannot see beyond skin color to the person underneath; that whites are threatened by African Americans.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) spoke at Faneuil Hall during a ceremony to commemorate the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jones notes that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s. Jones' report includes footage of Farmer addressing the audience at Faneuil Hall. Jones interviews Farmer about progress on civil rights issues in the US. Jones reports that Charles Yancey read a proclamation honoring King during the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Yancey reading a proclamation at the ceremony and by footage of schoolchildren performing at the ceremony. Jones' report also includes footage of King during the civil rights movement. This tape includes additional footage from the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has released position papers, detailing his stance on domestic issues
1:00:04: Visual: Black and white footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) delivering a speech. Black and white footage of a white man announcing the death of King to a group of students. Marcus Jones reports that today is the twentieth anniversary of King's death. Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) talked to an audience at a ceremony commemorating King's death at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Farmer addressing an audience at Fanueil Hall. Farmer talks about King's vision for the nation. Shots of the audience. Jones reports that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s; that Farmer is now a visiting professor at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Jones says that Farmer believes that minorities have made great strides in the past twenty years. V: Footage of Farmer being interviewed by Jones at Faneuil Hall. Farmer says that there are plenty of things that need to change in the US; that some progress has been made by minorities. Jones reports that Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) read a city proclamation honoring King at the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Yancey addressing the audience. Yancey says that King was once refused admittance to the Patrick T. Campbell Junior High School in Boston; that the school is now named for King. Jones reports that students from the Martin Luther King Middle School performed a song in honor of King. V: Footage of students from the King Middle School performing at Faneuil Hall. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Interview with James Kelly, director of South Boston Information Center, about a demonstration at Carson Beach. He describes it as a visit by armed black militants from Columbia Point. Then he expounds on his strident views on busing and affirmative action. SBIC storefront and sign “Welcome to Boston. The city is occupied. A boycott exists. A tyrant reigns. Law is by decree. People are oppressed. The spirit of freedom still lives.” Kelly on the street, talking to a pedestrian. Kelly sitting at desk in back room answering phone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/02/1977
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the US Postal Service will issue a postage stamp bearing James Weldon Johnson's image in honor of Black History Month. Johnson was a poet, lawyer, diplomat, composer, and former director of the NAACP. Johnson is the composer of "Lift Every Voice," which is known as the "black national anthem." The Madison Park High School Choir performing "Lift Every Voice. Interview with professor Samuel Allen of Boston University, who was a student of Johnson's. He talks about Johnson's life and his legacy. Allen reads two of Johnson's poems. Fields report is accompanied by photos of Johnson and a shot of the postage stamp bearing his image.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of the Madison Park High School Glee Club singing "Lift Every Voice." Carmen Fields reports that "Lift Every Voice" is known as the "black national anthem"; that the words to the song were written by James Weldon Johnson; that Johnson was a poet, diplomat, educator and the first African American lawyer in the state of Florida. V: Shots of a black and white photo of Johnson; of the caption beneath the photo. Fields reports that Johnson fought for anti-lynching laws as the executive director of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People); that Johnson also wrote lyrics for operas with his brother. Fields reports that Samuel Allen (professor, Boston University) was one of Johnson's students at Fisk University in the 1930s. V: Shot of a painting of Johnson. Footage of Allen being interviewed by Fields. Allen says that Johnson was "a Renaissance man." Allen notes that Johnson was an artist, writer, and diplomat. Allen reviews Johnson's accomplishments as US consul in Venezuela and in Nicaragua. Fields reports that Johnson is known for his poetry; that Johnson's poetry reflects the religious fervor in African American culture. V: Shot of a book of poetry held by Allen. Footage of Allen talking about and reading Johnson's poems, "The Creation" and "God's Trombones." Allen says that Johnson tried to immortalize the sermon of an African American preacher. Shot of a black and white photograph of Johnson. Fields reports that critics accused Johnson of hypocrisy for using religious themes in his poetry. V: Footage of Allen saying that Johnson was an agnostic. Shot of an image of Johnson on a US Stamp. Fields reports that "Lift Every Voice" was once seen as an unpatriotic and divisive song; that the song is now sung by school choirs and in churches. Fields notes that the US Postal Service will issue a stamp in honor of Johnson; that the stamp includes musical notation from "Lift Every Voice." V: Footage of the Madison Park High School Glee Club singing "Lift Every Voice." Shot of the US postal stamp featuring Johnson's image. Footage of Allen reading the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1988
Description: Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden hold press conference at State House to give their progressive stances on social justice issues, and to discuss their work with grass roots organizations. They hope to influence the 1980 presidential election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1979
Description: South Boston High School exterior. Background comments of pedestrians talking to camera operator and reporter. Pam Bullard interviews headmaster Jerome Wynegar on what programs his school will offer, including core curriculum and vocational education. Wynegar says racial problems have been aggravated by outside agitators. He adds that the school is enrolled to capacity, and cannot accommodate students who wish to return after dropping out. He says that the school should make sure to listen to the suggestions of the students, and those students who dropped out, to try to improve the school. He commends the faculty. Additional comments from Wynegar as they shoot cutaways. Shots of graffiti painted on pavement, which reads “Stop Forced Busing.” Several takes of reporter voice over and standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/17/1976
Description: Interview with headmaster Jerome Wynegar about changes at South Boston High School in last two years in four areas: administration, discipline, curriculum review, community relations. He sees improvement in students' ability to learn with fewer disruptions than in first years of busing. He discusses the school's attempt to prepare students for their futures. He says more research is needed into educational methods for a changing world; experiential learning should be emphasized over traditional lectures. He endorses alternative programs because attendance is encouraged. reel 1 of 2
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/01/1978
Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. Jackson addresses the strikers at City Hall Plaza. Management and employees cannot agree on who should pay for workers' health benefits. Interview with New England Telephone spokesman Peter Cronin, who says that the union agreed to share health care costs in 1986. George reports that employees accuse management of staging a "take-back." Jan Pierce of Communication Workers of America attends the rally on City Hall Plaza. Pierce rips up a phone bill and urges the workers not to pay their bills until the strike is over. The union is asking customers to stall payment on their phone bills until the strike is over. National unions are backing the Nynex strikers. Striking workers demonstrate outside of the New England Telephone building. The strikers urge a woman not to pay her phone bill.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (leader, Rainbow Coalition) addressing the striking employees of Nynex at City Hall Plaza. Jackson wears a baseball cap and a denim jacket. Jackson says that working people must take back America. Shots of striking workers waving signs and applauding for Jackson. Christy George reports that Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. V: Footage of Jackson saying that the workers need a health plan, not a "stale plan." The crowd applauds for Jackson and repeats his chants. Shots of the striking workers. Shots of hundreds of people assembled on City Hall Plaza. George reports that the telephone company and the workers do not agree on who should pay for the workers' health benefits. George reports that Nynex maintains that the union agreed to share the rising cost of health benefits. V: Footage of Peter Cronin (Spokesman, New England Telephone) saying that the union agreed in 1986 to share costs if the price of health benefits reached a certain level in 1988. Cronin says that the cost of health benefits has reached the level at which employees are expected to share costs or to take a deductible. George reports that employees say that Nynex is involved in a "take-back." George notes that the union says that it is fighting for all unions. George adds that today's rally included striking employees from Eastern Airlines and the United Mine Workers. V: Shots of striking workers at City Hall Plaza. Shots of uniformed pilots standing at the front of the rally. George reports that Jackson preached solidarity; that Jackson called on the workers to fight against the anti-labor policies of Ronald Reagan (former US president) and George Bush (US President). V: Footage of Jackson addressing the striking workers. Jackson encourages the workers to vote. He urges them to vote for important issues like wages, health care, education, and justice. Shot of a sign reading, "I won't pay my phone bill until the Nynex strike is over." George reports that the rally kicked off a new strategy by the union. V: Footage of Jan Pierce (Vice-President, Communication Workers of America) addressing the rally. Pierce rips up a phone bill and tosses the pieces into the air. Pierce urges the workers not to pay their phone bills until the strike is over. The workers cheer. Footage of Cronin saying that a customer should pay his or her bill if a service is provided. Cronin says that Nynex customers are reasonable; that Nynex customers will pay their bills. George reports that the union is actually asking customers to stall payments or to pay the minimum amount to keep their phone connected. V: Shot of a Boston Police cruiser. The cruiser has a sign supporting the strike on its window. Footage of strikers outside of the New England Telephone building on Franklin Street. Police officers are posted at the entrance to the building. Striking workers tell a female customer not to pay her phone bill. The workers tell the woman that her phone will not be disconnected because there are no workers to disconnect the phones. The woman walks away without paying her bill. The workers applaud. George stands in front of the New England Telephone building. George reports that labor unions have been losing ground in the US; that national unions are putting a lot of effort into the Nynex strike. George notes that the AFL-CIO is behind the strategy of asking customers to delay payment of their phone bills. George adds that the AFL-CIO represents a lot of people. V: Shots of the striking workers in front of the Nynex building. The workers chant, "Don't pay your bills." Shots of individual workers; of the exterior of the New England Telephone building. George reports that the AFL-CIO is throwing its weight behind this strike; that a win for labor would reverse a series of defeats. George notes that all unions will lose ground if the telephone company wins this strike. V: Shots of the striking workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/15/1989
Description: David Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson will travel to Iraq to interview Saddam Hussein for the Jesse Jackson Show. Previously, Jackson has met with both the Iraqi ambassador and Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, the brother of King Faad. Prince Aziz considers Jackson's trip to be a diplomatic mission to cool hostilities between Iraq and the United States. Boeri's report includes footage of Prince Aziz and his entourage. Interview with Mustafa Aziz, an advisor to Prince Aziz, who says that Jackson is well regarded in the Middle East. Boeri notes that George Bush does not support Jackson's trip. Jackson traveled to Syria in 1984 to secure the release of US Navy pilot Robert Goodman, Jr.. Footage from a press conference with Goodman and Jackson and footage of Ronald Reagan, who didn't like Jackson's 1984 trip. Many suspect Jackson of using guise of a journalist carry out a diplomatic mission to Iraq. Boeri's report features footage from the Jesse Jackson Show.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) from the Jesse Jackson Show on October 5, 1989. Jackson talks about his goal of discussing a broad range of ideas and viewpoints on his show. David Boeri reports that Jackson has found controversial ideas to discuss on his show. Boeri reports that Saddam Hussein (leader of Iraq) will be a guest star on Jackson's show; that Jackson's producers hope to be in Baghdad by the weekend. Boeri notes that Jackson's show will be syndicated. V: Shot of Hussein speaking on a telephone; of Hussein exiting a vehicle and being greeted by a few soldiers. Shot of an Iraqi military soldier in a bunker; of Iraqi military soldiers standing at attention. Footage of Jackson in Syria in January of 1984. Jackson sits beside Lieutenant Robert Goodman, Jr. (US Navy pilot) at a press conference. Jackson expresses gratitude for religious leaders and people who prayed and fasted for Goodman's release. Boeri reports that Jackson visited Syria in 1984; that Jackson went on a mission to free a US Navy pilot shot down by the Syrians. V: Footage of Jackson greeting an official in January of 1984. Footage of Goodman at the press conference with Jackson. Goodman says that he is happy to be going home; that Jackson is respected in the Middle East. Boeri reports that George Bush (US President) has not commented publicly on Jackson's trip to Iraq. Boeri reports that Ronald Reagan (former US President) did not appreciate Jackson's efforts in Syria in 1984; that Reagan did not return Jackson's pre-trip phone calls. V: Shot of Reagan speaking at a press conference during his presidency. Boeri reports that permission for Jackson's upcoming trip to Iraq was granted after a meeting with the Iraqi ambassador. Boeri reports that Jackson has been involved in a round of meetings; that Jackson recently traveled to Boston to meet Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia (brother of King Faad of Saudi Arabia). V: Shot of Jackson speaking. Footage of Prince Aziz and his entourage entering a luncheon room. Aziz greets US officials and members of the press, including Boeri. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz is fifth in the line of succession to the Saudi throne; that Aziz is a former deputy defense minister; that Aziz has been staying at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge. Boeri notes that Dr. Mustafa Aziz (advisor to Prince Aziz) believes that Jackson's upcoming trip to Iraq may be the last chance for a peaceful solution. V: Footage of Dr. Mustafa Aziz being interviewed by Boeri. Mustafa Aziz says that Jackson is seen in the Middle East as an honest politician and a civil rights champion. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz considers Jackson's trip to be a diplomatic mission instead of a journalistic mission. Boeri notes that Prince Aziz considers violent hostilities to be imminent. V: Footage of Mustafa Aziz being interviewed by Boeri. Mustafa Aziz says that the situation is tense and explosive. Boeri stands in front of the Charles Street Hotel. Boeri reports that the Bush administration told Jackson that they do not want him to go to Iraq; that the Bush administration said that they would not stop Jackson; that the Bush administration wished Jackson good luck. Boeri reports that Jackson's producers see the trip as an opportunity for Jackson to prove himself as a world-class journalist with international connections. Boeri notes that many suspect Jackson of taking cover as a journalist while on diplomatic mission to Baghdad. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz has installed a satellite on the roof of the Charles Hotel; that Prince Aziz will be watching Jackson's broadcast from Baghdad.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson visited Harvard Law School to join student protests over the school's minority hiring practices. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson supports Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School), who has announced that he will leave his post to protest the school's poor affirmative action record. Derrick Bell is Harvard's first African-American tenured professor. Vaillancourt reports that there are only five tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors out of sixty-one tenured professors at the school. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Jackson addressing students at the school. Barack Obama is seen among students in the background. Jackson shakes hands with Bell and condemns the school's affirmative action record. Vaillancourt notes that the school administration has refused Jackson's offer to act as a mediator on the issue. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson accused Harvard Law School of institutional racism and sexism. She adds that Robert Clark (Dean, Harvard Law School) issued a statement defending the school's hiring practices. Vaillancourt's report features footage of Bell at a student demonstration at Harvard Law School in April 1990 and footage of Jackson at a student demonstration. This tape includes additional footage of Jackson addressing demonstrators at Harvard Law School.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) speaking at Harvard Law School. Jackson says that affirmative action is a response to years of denial by law. Shots of the audience listening to Jackson in a lecture hall at the school. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's visit to Harvard Law School attracted national attention to the controversy over the school's minority hiring practices. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the audience. Jackson says that it is an error and an insult to say that there is no African American woman qualified to be a tenured professor at Harvard Law School. Shots of the audience. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson visited the school to support Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School). Vaillancourt notes that Bell was the first African American to be granted tenure at Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that Bell has announced that he will leave his post to protest the school's poor affirmative action record. V: Shot of Jackson and Bell shaking hands in the conference hall. Footage from April 24, 1990 of Bell at a demonstration on the campus of Harvard Law School. Bell addresses student demonstrators. Bell says that he he has urged students to take risks to further their beliefs; that he must now do the same. Shot of demonstrators holding a sign reading, "Where are our tenured black women professors?" Vaillancourt reports that Bell will take a leave of absence until the school adds a woman of color to the faculty. Vaillancourt notes that there are 61 tenured professors at the school; that three of those professors are African American; that the African American professors are all male. Vaillancourt reports that half of the students at Harvard Law School are women; that there are only five tenured female professors; that there are no Latino or Asian law professors at the school. V: Shots of Bell and Jackson entering the lecture hall; of students standing and applauding for Bell and Jackson. Shots of white and African American female students in the audience. Shot of Jackson, Bell and a white woman raising linked arms at the front of the lecture hall. The students applaud. Vaillancourt reports that the school seems ready to accept Bell's departure; that Robert Clark (Dean of Harvard Law School) declined to speak on camera about the school's hiring practices. Vaillancourt reports that Clark issued a statement in which he defended the slow pace of change at Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has accused Harvard of institutional racism and sexism. V: Shot of students demonstrators on the Harvard Law School campus on April 24, 1990. Footage of Jackson addressing student demonstrators outside on the campus of Harvard Law School. Student supporters stand behind him. Jackson says that Harvard should negotiate with Bell and the student demonstrators. The demonstrators applaud Jackson. Vaillancourt stands outside of a building on the Harvard Law School campus. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson met briefly with Clark today; that the school has refused Jackson's offer to act as a mediator on the issue of faculty diversity. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson called for a reexamination of race relations in the US during his speech at Harvard Law School. V: Footage of Jackson addressing an audience in a lecture hall at Harvard Law School. Jackson says that most people in the world are not white nor are they males. Jackson says that these people cannot wait for some archaic standard to allow them to be appraised as worthy by white males. Shots of students in the audience. Shot of Jackson entering a room. Jackson shakes hands and embraces Bell. Jackson shakes hands with other Harvard Law School professors and officials. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has called for a new Kerner Commission; that the Kerner Commission issued a study twenty years ago which concluded that white America and black America were separate and unequal. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson praised Bell for his courage; that Jackson called on Harvard Law School faculty to support Bell. V: Footage of Jackson addressing an audience in the lecture hall. Jackson talks about the sacrifices made by Rosa Parks (civil rights activist) and Martin Luther King (civil rights leader). Jackson says that Bell is taking a principled stand; that Bell is drawing attention to the problem of racism and sexism at Harvard. Shots of Bell at a demonstration on the Harvard Law School campus on April 24, 1990. Shots of Bell addressing a demonstration outside of a building on the Harvard Law School campus today. Jackson stands beside Bell. Student demonstrators stand behind them. The demonstrators raise their linked arms. A demonstrator holds a sign reading, "diversity now." Vaillancourt reports that faculty were scheduled to vote today on a resolution encouraging diversity. Vaillancourt notes that Harvard officials say that a personal matter forced the dean to end the meeting before the resolution came to a vote. Vaillancourt notes that the vote was not rescheduled.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1990