Description: Student demonstrators occupy Ballou Hall at Tufts University to protest Tufts' refusal to divest completely from South Africa. Students sit and stand under the portico of the building while they chant and sing. Protesters are visible through the windows of the upper floors of the building. Protest signs hang at the door and in the windows of the building. A protest sign hanging at the entrance to the building renames it "Biko Hall." Tufts University police officers stand near the students under the portico of the building. A student hands out copies of a newspaper to passersby. She urges them to support the protesters. Tufts' University officials stand near a tree. One official has taped a sign for Admissions to the tree. David Gow (Tufts University class of 1984) talks to the protesters under the portico at Ballou Hall. He gives them advice about how to deal with university administration. One of the protest leaders condemns the administration's decision not to let food or people into Ballou Hall during the student occupation. A Tufts University police officer intercepts a box of tea that someone has tried to throw to the protesters. Interview with Pierre Laurent, the Director of the International Relations Program about the protest. Laurent says that student protests across the nation have been effective in drawing public attention to the issue of divestment. Laurent says that he does not know how the Tufts administration will respond to the demonstration. Interview with a white male student about the demonstration. The student criticizes Tufts' policy of selective divestment and says that Tufts will eventually come around to the demonstrators' position. The student says that he feels a kinship with other student protesters across the nation.
1:00:29: Visual: Student apartheid protesters occupy Ballou Hall at Tufts University. The students sit in front of the entrance to the building. They sing and clap their hands. Tufts University police officers and bystanders stand in front of the building. A handlettered sign over the building entrance reads, "Biko Hall." A police officer stands in front of the students who are sitting and standing in the entrance to the building. A sign on one of the doors reads, "Steve Biko. We will not forget." A Hispanic male student stands under the portico of the building, facing the students in the entrance. He sings and claps along with the students. Several other students stand under the portico. Shots of two white female students under the portico, singing and clapping with the others. The students finish their song. They begin to chant, "Divest now." Shot of students standing inside the building. The students are crowded in the foyer, facing out. They clap and chant. Shots of Tufts University police officers. Two white female students stand together at the edge of the portico, chanting and clapping. The students begin to chant, "Apartheid kills. Tufts pays the bills." Close-up shots of two students clapping along with the chant of the protestors. Shot of a sign hanging in front of the building. The sign reads, "Stop Tufts' racism. Get our $$ out of apartheid." Student protesters are visible on the upper floor of the building, looking out through a window. Protest signs are posted in the window. Students tap the glass, keeping beat with the chants. The students continue to chant. The police officers stand nonchalantly in front of the building. 1:04:40: V: The students stop chanting. Shot of student protestors looking out of the second floor window. Signs posted in the window read, "This is a peaceful demonstration against racism. Why are our police denying us food?" Another sign reads "Biko Hall." A female protester urges students to stay and support the demonstration. A female protester hands out a newspaper called Young Spartacus. The headline of the newspaper reads, "Smash apartheid." She talks about the newspaper to two female students. Three Tufts officials confer on the Tufts quadrangle. One of the officials tapes a sign reading, "Admissions: Tours and Information" to a tree. The official says that he needed to be creative, so he made the sign for admissions and came outside. 1:06:07: V: Shots of the crowd gathered in front of Ballou Hall. Four Tufts University police officers stand in front of the entrance to the building. David Gow (Tufts University class of 1984) addresses the students. Gow says that the protesters had demanded to meet with the Board of Trustees; that the protesters had demanded that the Trustees make a decision about divestment within six weeks time. Gow points out that the Trustees never made a decision to divest. Gow notes that the administration and Jean Mayer (President, Tufts University) are very shrewd in its dealings with student groups; that the administration knows that the academic year is drawing to a close; that the protests will die down when the students leave. Gow makes reference to a student protest which took place a few years ago. The alumnus tells the protesters to continue their "excellent work." The alumnus wishes the protesters well. The students applaud. 1:07:57: V: A student protest leader tells a story of past protesters who had to break into a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Shots of the campus police officers. The Tufts officials continue to stand near the tree with the admissions sign. The student leader continues to speak. The leader points out that the school administration is not letting people or food into Biko Hall. Shots of individual protesters sitting in the entrance of the building. The student leader says that the Tufts administration is avoiding the real issue of divestment. The protesters pass around leaflets put out by the Tufts administration. The student leader reads from the leaflet. The leaflet states that 185 students have occupied Ballou Hall. The speaker is interrupted by a commotion. The protesters are urging someone to throw food to them. A police officer is shown holding a box of tea which someone tried to throw to the students. The police officer examines the box of tea. 1:09:26: Callie Crossley interviews Pierre Laurent (Director, International Relations Program) about the demonstration on the Tufts quadrangle. Laurent says that this is one demonstration among many which are taking place across the nation; that the protests are forcing many institutions to reconsider their commitment to the Reagan administration's policy of "constructive engagement" with South Africa. Laurent says that the protests appear to be effective in making institutions reconsider their policies toward South Africa. Laurent says that he does not know if the protest will be effective at Tufts. Crossley asks if the student protests are drawing the public's attention to the issue. Laurent says that the students' calls for justice are being noted by university officials; that the protests will be noticed by the wider public. Laurent says that some do not agree with the means used by the protesters; that the protests are effective in drawing attention to the issue. 1:12:09: V: Crossley interviews a white male student wearing a button reading, "Divest now." Crossley asks why the students are occupying Ballou Hall. The student says that the Tufts administration had agreed to divest in 1979; that the administration has not followed through on its promise. The student says that the administration had agreed to divest in companies who refused to sign the "Sullivan Proposal." The student explains that the Sullivan Principles regulate companies doing business in South Africa. The student says that the protesters want to draw attention to the issue of apartheid; that "constructive engagement" is a failing policy. Crossley comments that the administration is not allowing food into the building. She wonders if the Tufts administration is listening to the protesters. The student says that he is glad that the media are covering the protest. The student says that the protest will be a success because the protesters have drawn attention to the university's role in apartheid. Crossley asks the student how the university will respond to the demonstration. The student says that he thinks the university will come around eventually; that the students are trying to move the decision-making process along. The student admits that Jean Mayer (President of Tufts University) is in a difficult position. Crossley asks the student if he feels a kinship with other student protesters across the nation. The student names some other universities where protests are being held. The student says that the protesters are trying to give moral support to the people of South Africa; that the US protests are front page news in South Africa. The crew takes a cutaway shot of Crossley and the student.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1985
Description: Callie Crossley reports on the documentary film Street Cop, set in Roxbury. Interview with Roxbury community activists Georgette Watson and Ben Haith about the documentary's portrayal of crime and drug traffic in the community. Watson complains about the negative images of Roxbury in the media and about the negative attitude of many police officers toward African Americans. Crossley's report includes footage from Street Cop and footage of Crossley, Watson, and Haith walking in Dudley Square. Interview with Larry Brown of the Boston Minority Police Association, who says that the documentary gave a realistic and effective portrayal of law enforcement. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports that William Celester has been accused of sexual assault by a female employee of the Police Department
1:00:00: Visual: Footage from Street Cop, a documentary film produced for Frontline. The footage shows a police plainclothes police officer entering a family's apartment. Women and children in the apartment are screaming and crying. Callie Crossley reports that Street Cop is a gritty documentary set in Roxbury; that the documentary profiles police officers from Area B headquarters in Roxbury; that the documentary examines crime and drug traffic. Crossley reports that some Roxbury activists say that the film shows the disrepectful attitude of the police toward citizens in the community. V: Footage of Crossley interviewing Georgette Watson (Roxbury community activist) and Ben Haith (Roxbury community activist). Watson says that police show less respect and restraint in Roxbury than they do in other communities. Watson wonders if the police are helping the community or destroying it. Crossley reports that Watson and Haith are concerned about the portrayal the Roxbury community in the documentary. V: Footage from Street Cop of a police officer breaking down an apartment door with a sledgehammer. Footage of Watson saying that drug problems exist all over the city, not just in Roxbury. Footage of Haith saying that the documentary showed the police attacking the neighborhood as if they were engaged in warfare. Footage from Street Cop of police officers searching for drugs in an apartment. Footage of Crossley, Watson, and Haith walking across the street in Dudley Square in Roxbury. Watson says that there are massive drug deals taking place across from the police station; that police are more concerned with forcefully entering homes to search for nickel bags of marijuana. Footage from Street Cop. Stanley Philbin (Boston Police Department) drives by a depressed housing project in Roxbury, saying that if he were young, black and living in that housing project, he would probably sell drugs; that "being black is no bargain." Crossley reports that Roxbury activists say that comments by police officers in the documentary reflect racist attitudes. V: Footage from Street Cop of a white police officer grabbing an African American girl as he tries to chase some African American kids away from a residential home. Footage of Watson saying that Roxbury needs police officers who understand the community; that police officers from South Boston do not understand the culture of African Americans. Watson says that Roxbury needs police officers who do not have a negative attitude toward African Americans. Footage of Larry Brown (Boston Minority Police Association) saying that the documentary was realistic and effective portrayal of law enforcement. Footage from Street Cop of a police officer reaching down the shirt of an old woman to pull out drugs. Footage of Brown saying that drugs and guns are a huge problem in communities; that police officers need to protect themselves from violence. Footage from Street Cop of police officers making an arrest. Footage of Brown saying that the community needs to support the police officers in the fight against the drug problem; that tough tactics are necessary to eradicate the drug problem. Footage from Street Cop of a uniformed African American police officer in a cruiser.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1987
Description: Callie Crossley reports on three local recipients of the prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowships. Crossley notes that mathematician David Mumford, community organizer Muriel Snowden, and MIT professor Eric Lander are three of the thirty-two national winners of the Fellowships. Interview with Mumford about his work in mathematics. Crossley reviews Snowden's community activism. Interview with Snowden about her community work and her future plans. Crossley's interview includes photos of Snowden and footage of Snowden with colleagues. Interview with Lander about his work. mapping the generic patterns of certain hereditary diseases. Crossley's report includes footage of Lander and MIT graduate students in his laboratory.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of David Mumford (mathematician) solving a problem on a blackboard in a classroom. Callie Crossley reports that Mumford uses mathematics and computers to explain vision. V: Footage of Mumford being interviewed by Crossley in his office. Mumford talks about the complex calculations which underly vision. Mumford says that computers can be used to advance scientific understanding of the role of these calculations. Shot of a print of an abstract design, held of Mumford's lap; of Mumford speaking to Crossley. Crossley reports that Mumford is one of 32 national and 3 local winners of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship; that recipients s are chosen by an anonymous committee. V: Shot of another print of an abstract design held by Mumford. Footage of Mumford saying that he received the news of the Fellowship on his birthday. Footage of Mumford sitting in front of a computer. He talks about the abstract design which is taking shape on the screen. Shot of the design on screen. Crossley reports that MacArthur Fellows receive a monetary grant over a five-year period; that Mumford won $305,000. V: Footage of Mumford saying that the money from the Fellowship will allow him the flexibility to explore new areas in his work. Footage of Muriel Snowden (community organizer) talking about her work with young people. Snowden sits at a table with a small group. Crossley reports that Snowden has been a community organizer in Boston for 35 years. V: Footage of Snowden saying that she does not like to think of herself as retired; that the money from the MacArthur award will give her a "new beginning." Shots of black and white photos of Muriel and Otto Snowden; of Muriel Snowden with city officials; of Snowden with John F. Kennedy (former US President). Crossley reports that Muriel Snowden founded Freedom House in Roxbury with her husband Otto in 1949; that Snowden has advocated city programs to eradicate racial bias; that Snowden has pushed for greater educational opportunities for minority youth. V: Footage of Snowden saying that her husband and colleagues share much of the credit for her work; that she wants those people to share in the honor of being awarded the MacArthur Fellowship. Shots of Snowden sitting at a table with a small group of people. Crossley reports that Snowden will use her $375,000 award to travel and to write a book about desegregation in Boston. Crossley reports that there was an air of subdued excitement at the Whitehead Institute at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that Eric Lander (MIT) is the fourth Whitehead Institute employee to win a MacArthur Fellowship. Crossley notes that Lander and his team of MIT graduate students have created a computer program to map the genetic patterns of certain hereditary diseases. V: Shot of the Whitehead Institute; of Eric Lander in his laboratory; of two MIT graduate students who work with Lander. Footage of Lander working in the laboratory. Lander takes fluid from a bottle with a pipette. Crossley notes that Lander is a mathematician and an assistant professor at the Harvard Business School. V: Footage of Lander being interviewed by Crossley. Lander talks about studying families with genetic diseases to track down the causes of these diseases. Lander says that he has strayed from the study of mathematics in recent years. Lander talks about trying to track down and analyze data about genetic diseases. Crossley notes that Lander will put his award of $205,000 in the bank for future use. V: Shot of Lander talking to a graduate student. Crossley notes that MacArthur Fellowships have been called "genius awards." V: Footage of Lander saying that the awards should not be called "genius awards."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/16/1987
Description: Massachusetts has decided to allow businesses and insurance companies to test people for the AIDS antibody. Critics complain that the proposed policy favors insurance companies over patients. Paula Gold, Massachusetts Secretary of Consumer Affairs, speaks at a press conference. She says that testing will be allowed under limited circumstances and controlled conditions. The Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts is a strong opponent of the policy. Don Polk of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts speaks at a press conference. He condemns involuntary testing except for clear public health reasons. He believes that the policy does not contain appropriate measures to ensure patient confidentiality and is discriminatory against African American life insurance policy holders. He states that the proposed policy fails to take into account the discrepancy in life expectancy between African American AIDS victims and white AIDS victims. The Urban League believes that the new state policy de-emphasizes public health education campaigns, which are important in minority communities. Public health informational brochures and African Americans at a bus stop. Following the edited story is footage of public health education literature. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Boston City Council delays vote on school reform
1:00:01: Visual: Shots of medical laboratory workers undertaking the processes involved in testing vials of blood. Callie Crossley reports that businesses and insurance companies have been lobbying for the right to test for the AIDS antibody. Crossley reports that Paula Gold (Secretary of Consumer Affairs) and the administration of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) have decided to allow testing for life insurance. V: Footage Gold at a press conference. Gold says that testing will be allowed under limited circumstances and under controlled conditions. Crossley reports that critics complain that the proposed policy favors insurance companies; that Peter Hiam (former Insurance Commissioner) resigned in protest of the policy. Crossley reports that the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts also disagrees with the proposed policy. V: Footage of Don Polk (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts) at a press conference. Polk says that involuntary testing of any segment of the population should only take place for clear public health reasons; that involuntary testing will have a "chilling effect" on those who have a reason to seek testing; that involuntary testing includes tests taken as a precondition for life insurance. Shot of a white audience member at the press conference. Crossley adds that Polk says that some provisions of the policy discriminate against African Americans; that African Americans are more likely to purchase life insurance policies for under $100,000. Crossley reports that the new provisions state that purchasers of life insurance policies under $100,000 will not get payment if they die of AIDS within two years of purchasing a policy. V: Shots of African Americans waiting for public transportation in Roxbury; of an African American man crossing the street; of African Americans boarding an MBTA bus. Footage of Polk at the press conference. Polk refers to evidence that African American AIDS patients have an average life expectancy of three to nine months after their initial diagnosis; that white victims have an average life expectancy of two years. Polk says that the proposed policy fails to take into account the discrepancies between African American and white life expectancies. Shot of an African American woman in the audience. Crossley reports that a spokesperson from Gold's office said that Gold "did not feel that the regulations discriminated against blacks." V: Shot of Gold speaking at a press conference. Crossley notes that Polk does not think that the proposed regulations go far enough in guaranteeing confidentiality. V: Shot of an African American man taking notes at Polk's press conference. Polk says that there are confidentiality measures in the regulations; that there is no enforcement mechanism to ensure adherence to those measures; that we live in an age of "rapid information processing." Shot of a "public health fact sheet" released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health; of public health informational brochures about the AIDS virus. Crossley says that the Urban League accuses the new regulations of taking emphasis away from public health education and initiatives. Crossley notes that Polk says that public health campaigns are important in minority communities; that African Americans make up 25% of the 25,000 current AIDS victims. Crossley reports that the Urban League will recommend at a public hearing that the new proposed policy be rejected.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/03/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts by the Roxbury community to fight drugs. Jones' reports includes footage of a community meeting with William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Roxbury residents. Celester and Georgette Watson (Roxbury residents) talk about the need for residents to fight the drug trade. Watson and Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more funding to help communities fight drugs. Jones notes that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime Program in Boston. Jones' reports also includes footage of Watson walking through Dudley Square in Roxbury with Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter). Following the edited story is b-roll of the community meeting and of Dudley Square. Church's Chicken sign, liquor store front, church steeple, food stamp center, Ugi's Subs sign.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) talking to a group of Roxbury residents. The residents are mostly African American. Shots of meeting attendees. Marcus Jones reports that Celester talked to residents about street patrols at an afternoon meeting at Boston Police Department Area B Headquarters. Jones reports that drugs have become a major problem in the Roxbury community. V: Footage of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) saying that residents have become soldiers in the war on drugs. Watson says that the community needs more resources to fight drugs. Jones reports that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime program; that Drop-A-Dime is a drug crime hotline; that Drop-A-Dime receives some federal funding. V: Shots of Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter) walking with an African American woman and an African American man near Dudley Square in Roxbury; of plain-clothes police officers making a drug arrest. Footage of Watson saying that police officers and inner-city residents are fighting drugs; that federal lawmakers should give more funds to these efforts. Footage of Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) saying that money should be given to grassroots anti-drug efforts. Footage of Celester saying that people need to come down from their soapboxes; that people need to take action against drugs. Shots of Celester addressing the meeting. Jones reports that Celester believes that attention must be focused on local anti-drug efforts. V: Footage of Celester saying that drugs are not a "police problem"; that drugs are a "human service problem." Celester says that more money is needed to build jails and hospitals and to fund drug education. Shot of an African American police officer sitting in a police cruiser. The cruiser's lights are flashing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1989