Description: Mel King speaks at a press conference held on behalf of the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition and the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee. Committee members stand behind King as he reads an open letter from Jesse Jackson. Jackson's letter criticizes Ronald Reagan and urges voters to support Walter Mondale in the upcoming election. Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader) speaks at the press conference. Bozzotto denounces Reagan and says that the labor movement must support Mondale. May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) speaks at the press conference. Louie calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to support Mondale, even if they are not entirely comfortable with his candidacy. King answers questions from reporters. King talks about efforts by both committees to register new voters. Louie and King talk about the committees' efforts to win over voters in Massachusetts. King says that the Rainbow Coalition can work more successfully with Democratic leaders than with Reagan. King talks about the dissatisfaction of Jackson voters with the Democratic Party. King says that the Democratic Party has ignored Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King says that the Democratic Party needs "serious transformation." King says that the committees are struggling for the minds of the people. He adds that it is "immoral" not to vote against Reagan in the upcoming election. Several takes of reporter standup.
1:00:00: Visual: Mel King (political activist) sits at a table at a press conference. Other leaders of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee sit at the table with King. Supporters stand behind the table, in front of a banner for the Rainbow Coalition. King tells the media that he is speaking on behalf of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee and the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition. King expresses his support for Jackson. King reads an open letter from Jackson about the importance of getting out the vote against Ronald Reagan (US President). Jackson's letter urges people to support Walter Mondale (candidate for US President) against Reagan. The letter denounces Reagan's record as president. Jackson's letter predicts that Reagan can be beat if "the victims of Reaganism" come out to vote for Mondale. Jackson writes that the people can effect change in society through political means. Jackson's letter urges people to help him build the Democratic Party into a Rainbow Coalition. King finishes reading the letter. The supporters applaud. 1:05:10: V: King hands the microphone to Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader). Bozzotto says that the Rainbow Coalition's purpose is to defeat Reagan and Reaganism. Bozzotto denounces Reaganism and its effect on working people and labor unions. Bozzotto says that the labor movement must join the Rainbow Coalition in order to support Mondale and to defeat Reagan. 1:06:12: V: May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to fight Reagan and Reaganism. Louie admits that some members of the Coalition may not be entirely comfortable with Mondale's candidacy; that it is important to support Mondale in order to defeat Reagan. 1:06:53: V: King invites the reporters to ask questions. Shots of supporters standing behind King. A reporter asks how many votes Jackson received in the Massachusetts primary. Another reporter answers that Jackson received 33,000 votes. A reporter asks how many citizens the group would like to register to vote during its voter registration drive. King says that he does not have a specific numerical goal; that it is "immoral" for people not to vote when faced with the "danger" represented by Reagan's policies. King notes that many people have responded to the group's message by registering to vote. King adds that more than 1,000 people have been registered to vote in the South End during the past month. A reporter asks if King expects Jackson to visit Massachusetts. King says that the group is working to bring Jackson to Massachusetts; that Jackson is campaigning for Mondale in the South. 1:09:08: V: A reporter asks if the Rainbow Coalition expects to win over the voters who supported Gary Hart (US Senator) in the Democratic primary election. King says that the goal of the Coalition is to defeat Reagan; that the members of the Coalition can work with Democratic leaders more successfully than they can work with Reagan. Louie adds that the Massachusetts delegation to the Democratic Convention voted with Jackson supporters on some platform issues; that Massachusetts voters are receptive to the issues put forth by the Coalition. A reporter asks why this announcement was not made immediately after the Democratic convention. King says that the group is working for Jackson; that Jackson wrote the letter recently; that the group is following Jackson's instructions. King notes that the group is working hard to register voters; that the group will work to get out the vote in support of Mondale. King adds that the group will use the media and other strategies to publicize its message. 1:11:28: V: A reporter asks King how they will motivate voters to get to the polls on election day. Shots of the media and the audience. King says that the movement to defeat Reagan is the first of many steps in building up the Rainbow Coalition; that the Coalition will be more successful if Reagan is out of office. Shots of members of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee; of a sign reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." A reporter asks King about the committee's slogan about the committee's slogan, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." King says that Jackson's goal is to "remake" the Democratic Party into a "rainbow" party of "peace, jobs and justice." King notes that the labor movement has seen the importance of joining with Jackson to defeat Reagan; that Reagan's policies are anti-union. A reporter comments that the slogan expresses a sense of "dissatisfaction" with the Democratic Party. King says that the reporter is right. The committee members applaud. King notes that the Rainbow Coalition is "critical" of Mondale and the Democratic Party; that the Democratic Party has failed to consider Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King adds that he is an independent. King says that Jackson's leadership is important; that Jackson is trying to push the Democratic Party to represent the needs of a broader cross section of people. King says that the Democratic Party "needs serious transformation." King adds that people who have been "locked out" of the Democratic Party need to support Jackson in order to transform the Party. Bozzotto says that Jackson has laid out a blueprint for a Democratic victory in November. Bozzotto adds that Jackson has brought voters back to the Democratic Party. 1:16:13: V: King says that the Jackson Committee is "struggling for people's minds." Jackson says that people in the US and across the world are "dying daily" as a result of Reagan's policies; that it is "immoral" for citizens of the US not to come out to vote against Reagan. King says that the "soul" of the nation is at stake. King talks about the responsibility of citizens to vote in November in order to rid the world of the "menace" posed by the Reagan administration. King closes the press conference. The Jackson Committee members applaud. King and the Committee members rise from their seats. 1:18:06: V: Meg Vaillancourt stands under the banner reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." Vaillancourt reports that the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus is trying to convince some Republicans to vote Democratic this year; that some Democrats are talking about their plans to reform the Party from within. Vaillancourt does several takes of her comments for the news story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1984
Description: Written on tape: "Preview/ Debate Pres. Candidates." Analysis of what Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan need to do in the upcoming debate to win, and how they currently stand in the election campaign. Footage from the previous debate, Mondale and Reagan on the campaign trail, and newspaper articles on whether Reagan is senile. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/19/1984
Description: Written on tape: "Analysis Debate." Summary of highlights from the debate and an analysis of how Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale performed. Footage from the debate and excerpts of statements from the candidates, followed by a statement from Reagan Campaign Director Ed Rollins and a piece of Mondale's post-debate speech to his supporters. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/22/1984
Description: Callie Crossley interviews Boyce Slayman (Rainbow Coalition) about African American perceptions of US President, Ronald Reagan. Slayman criticizes Reagan's policies and talks about racism in the campaign. Slayman says that the Democratic Party needs to address civil rights issues and other issues important to the African American community. Slayman adds that African Americans will become more politically active at the local level; he says that Reagan cannot afford to ignore the minority population. The tape includes footage of African American and white voters lining up at a polling station to vote. Voters enter and exit voting booths. Slayman and other campaign workers hold campaign signs in front of a polling station; the workers approach voters as they enter the polling station. Crossley interviews an African American man outside of the polling station. The man talks about why he voted for Walter Mondale and Reagan's proposed cutbacks. The man says that Reagan does not care about issues affecting the African American community. Crossley interviews a white woman and a white man. The woman says that she voted for Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro because she is a democrat and a supporter of women's issues. The man says that he voted for Mondale and that Ferraro's presence on the ticket did not affect his decision.
1:00:11: Visual: Callie Crossley interviews Boyce Slayman (Rainbow Coalition) near Washington Street. Crossley asks Slayman about African American perceptions of Ronald Reagan (US President). Slayman says that African Americans have suffered under the Reagan administration; that Reagan has cut programs in education, healthcare, and nutrition programs; that Reagan has rolled back affirmative action programs. Crossley asks Slayman about racism in the campaign. Crossley notes that most African Americans are supporting Mondale; that the majority of white voters are supporting Reagan. Slayman says that racism is a factor in the election. Slayman says that Jesse Jackson (candidate for US President) was treated poorly by the media during the primary elections. Slayman says that the Democratic Party is not speaking to the issues of African American voters; that the Democratic Party needs to address civil rights issues. Crossley asks what African Americans can expect if Reagan wins the election. Slayman says that African Americans can only hope that Reagan will change his policies. Slayman lists the policies that need to be changed under the Reagan administration. Slayman says that the nation will see declines in the areas of employment, civil rights and housing if Reagan does not change his policies. Crossley asks if a continuation of Reagan's policies will lead to unrest or riots. Slayman says that he would not expect riots; that riots would ensue if Jackson were assassinated. Slayman says that people of color will become more politically active at the local level; that African Americans are ignored at the national level of politics; that African Americans cannot be ignored if they take control of their immediate environment. Slayman says that African Americans will not support growth at their expense. Slayman says that an increase in African American political activity grew from African American opposition to Reagan's policies. Slayman says that Reagan cannot afford to ignore minority populations; that these populations need to benefit from the nation's growth and economic recovery. 1:07:23: V: The camera crew takes cutaway shots of Crossley and Slayman. Crossley and Slayman speak informally. Crossley and Slayman discuss whether the Democrats will retain control of Congress. Slayman talks about voting patterns in the South. 1:08:26: V: African American and white voters are lined up to vote in a hallway outside of a polling station. Poll workers sit behind a table. The poll workers flip through voter lists as they check in the voters. Shots of voters entering and exiting voting booths. An African American woman directs voters to the voting booths. Shots of the voting booths with curtains closed; of poll workers checking in voters. Shot of a voting machine with levers inside of a voting booth. 1:12:41: V: An African American man hands out flyers outside of a polling station. Slayman campaigns for a candidate outside of the polling station. Slayman and other African American campaign workers approach voters outside of the polling station. Shots of campaign signs for John Kerry (candidate for US Senate) and Walter Mondale (candidate for US President). The campaign workers continue to campaign outside of the polling station. A pick-up truck passes by, playing music from a loudspeaker. A sign on the truck reads, "Jesse yes. Walter no. Independent is the way to go." Shots of campaign signs. 1:14:51: V: Crossley interviews an African American man and an African American woman. The man says that he voted for Mondale because he is the best candidate. Crossley asks if Reagan has any understanding or caring for the needs of African Americans. The man says that Reagan does not; that Reagan's past performance shows that he does not care. The man fears that Reagan will make more cutbacks if reelected. Crossley asks if the man was influenced by Mondale's choice of Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate. The man says that Mondale sent a positive message by choosing Ferraro; that the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) is a good thing. Crossley asks the woman about her vote. The woman says that she voted for Mondale. The woman says that she does not want to be interviewed. 1:16:33: V: Crossley interviews a white woman and a white man. The woman says that she voted for the Mondale/Ferraro ticket because she is a Democrat and supports women's issues. The woman says that she would have voted Democratic even if Ferraro had not been on the ticket. The woman says that the ERA must be passed. Crossley asks the man about his vote. The man says that he voted for the Mondale/Ferraro ticket because he is embarrassed to have Reagan as the leader of the country. The man says that he was more influenced by issues than he was by the presence of Ferraro on the ticket.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1984
Description: Story on the changes in the way women are voting, and the way they voted specifically in the 1984 presidential election. Interviews with women voters about the Mondale-Ferraro ticket. One woman says “If Godzilla were running against Reagan, I would have voted Godzilla." Interview with Rep. Susan Schur on the way the voters decided who to vote for in the 1984 presidential election, especially women voters. Footage from Bush/Ferraro vice-presidential debate. Interview with man on contemporary women's voting practices. Examination of women's voting in Massachusetts specifically, including for both Mondale/Ferraro, and for John Kerry in the Senate. Footage of many campaign rallies, including for Gary Hart, Mondale, Ferraro, Kerry, and Reagan. Massachusetts Republicans applaud Reagan, who embraces Dapper O'Neil on City Hall Plaza.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/08/1984
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Michael Dukakis is the frontrunner among the Democratic presidential candidates after faring well in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Dukakis did well in the Southern states because he had money to travel and to buy advertising time. Jesse Jackson won the African American vote and some votes from southern whites. Vaillancourt discusses the performances of Democratic candidates Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, and Paul Simon. She notes that Gore did better than analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt analyzes the candidates' chances in the upcoming Illinois primary election. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Dukakis campaigning, footage of Dukakis speaking to the media and footage from a Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt's report is also accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Gore campaigning and by footage of Gephardt and Simon. Vaillancourt's report features footage from a Gephardt campaign advertisement and footage of Dukakis with Walter Mondale.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) speaking to reporters. Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) stands next to him. Dukakis says, "It's a fight for delegates." Shot of Dukakis exiting a voting booth and posing for reporters with Kitty Dukakis. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination after the Super Tuesday primaries; that Dukakis did better in the South than political analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis targeted districts in which he thought he could do well; that Dukakis focused on states in which he could pick up bonus delegates. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis's political organization allowed him to compete in the twenty states holding primaries on Super Tuesday; that Dukakis has raised a lot of money to buy advertising time and to travel. V: Footage from a 1988 campaign advertisement for Dukakis. Shots of Dukakis campaigning during the 1988 primary season. Footage of Dukakis speaking to reporters. Dukakis says that he will focus on the Illinois primary next. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) won the African American vote as well as votes from southern whites. V: Shot of Jackson surrounded by media and supporters. Jackson picks up a young girl. He gives a thumbs-up sign to the crowd. Shots of Jackson speaking to supporters. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson's success may be worrisome for the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that Jackson is a "formidable competitor." Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did better in the South than political analysts has predicted. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore (wife of Gore) visiting a factory. Gore shakes hands with workers. Vaillancourt reports that Gore sees Dukakis as his main competitor for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has been comparing Dukakis' candidacy with that of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). V: Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with Mondale at a campaign rally in 1984. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) are well known in Illinois; that Gore is not. V: Shots of Gore; of Jackson; of Simon; of Dukakis. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has been organizing his campaign in Illinois since October. Vaillancourt notes that Gore is telegenic. Vaillancourt adds that Gore hopes to have success in the North, like Gary Hart (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate) did in 1984. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building; of Hart campaigning in 1984; of Gore speaking at a podium. Vaillancourt reports that Dick Gephardt (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in the South. V: Shot of Gephardt at a campaign rally. Footage from 1988 Gephardt political advertisement. The political advertisement attacks Dukakis. Vaillancourt notes that Gephardt was hurt by his own political advertisements attacking Dukakis; that Gephardt has had difficulty raising funds. V: Shot of Gephardt with supporters. Vaillancourt notes that there is speculation that Gephardt will skip the Illinois primary. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is already in Illinois. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has a good chance of winning some delegates in Illinois. Shot of Dukakis getting into a car. Supporters and the media surround the car.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1988