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Description: Hope Kelly reports that Barbara Harris (Bishop-elect) has been elected as the first female African American Bishop in the Episcopal Church. She notes that Harris' election to Bishop has divided the members of the Church. Harris held a press conference today. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed issues of race and gender, but that questioners were focused on those topics. David Johnson (Episcopal Church official) is also present. Harris talks about changes in the Episcopal Church and notes that many members are celebrating her election. Harris says that her election is not a "symbol or token." She also answers questions about racism in Boston and in the US. Kelly interviews Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector), Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector), and Byron Rushing (State Representative) about the election of Harris to Bishop. All three praise Harris and her qualifications to be Bishop. Following the edited story is additional footage of Harris and Johnson at the press conference.
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of Reverend Barbara C. Harris (Bishop-elect) at a press conference. Harris talks about the changes in the Episcopalian Church. Shots of clergy, press, and others among the audience. Hope Kelly reports that the election of Harris as Bishop has divided the Episcopal Church; that the Episcopal Church has 70 million members across the world. V: Footage of Harris saying that many members of the church are celebrating her election. Kelly reports that the Episcopal Church has ordained women as priests since 1976; that Harris is the first female bishop. V: Shots of Harris at the press conference, sitting next to David Johnson (Episcopal Church official). Shots of the audience. Footage of Harris saying that she was "incredulous" about her election at first. Footage of Harris saying that she has been elected bishop; that she is not "a symbol or a token." Shots of the audience. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed her gender and skin color; that questions kept returning to those topics. V: Footage of Harris saying that race has always played a role in all areas in the US. Harris says that her race will not make her job more difficult. Shots of the media at the press conference. Kelly reports that Harris answered quesions patiently; that she did not reveal many of her personal feelings. V: Footage of Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector) saying that Harris is a loving person with a great sense of humor. Footage of Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector) saying that Harris is outgoing and vivacious. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) being interviewed by Kelly. Rushing says that Harris is brilliant; that Harris is concerned about the needy. Kelly notes that Rushing has known Harris since the 1960s; that both were active in the civil rights movement and the Episcopal Church. V: Footage of Rushing telling a joke about African American Episcopalians. Rushing says that African American Episcopalians have a long history in the US. Kelly reports that Harris is fifty-eight years old; that Harris is divorced with no children. Kelly notes that Harris has been a priest for eight years; that she was in public relations for thirty years before becoming a priest. V: Footage of Harris saying that she does not know if Boston is any more racist than other cities; that she has dealt with racism for her whole life. Footage of Glasspool saying that Harris's election gives her great hope for the future of the Episcopal Church.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the tight race between candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; she adds that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination outright. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections and has registered voters to vote in the Democratic primaries. Vaillancourt reports that some Democrats would like to see Jackson as Dukakis's running mate. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from an interview with Dukakis. Dukakis says that he must win the nomination before deciding on a running mate. Vaillancourt interviews Jack Beatty (Atlantic Monthly), Paul Tsongas (former US Senator), Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Robert Kuttner (author, "The Life of the Party) about Jackson's role in the Democratic Party and his role in a Dukakis administration. They discuss Jackson as a potential running mate or cabinet member. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a candidate by offering to be his running mate. Vaillancourt reports that both candidates are focused on campaigning. She notes that the Democratic convention is three months away. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning and by footage of Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) saying that the "whole situation is getting kind of serious." Shot of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally. Shot of Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate). Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is ahead of Jackson by 50 delegates; that Gore might spoil Dukakis's chances of winning the New York primary. Vaillancourt notes that Gore will probably pull out of the race if Dukakis wins New York. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that his campaign will work hard to win like they did in Wisconsin. Footage of Jackson shaking hands with supporters. His supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Shot of Dukakis in a hard hat, shaking hands with workers. Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has won almost as many raw votes as Dukakis. Vaillancourt speculates as to whether Dukakis should ask Jackson to be his running mate. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has to win the nomination before he can decide on a running mate. Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with a supporter seated at a table. Vaillancourt reports that one poll shows that a Dukakis/Jackson ticket could beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage of Jack Beatty (The Atlantic Monthly) saying that some studies have shown that more than half of the electorate have a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Paul Tsongas (former US Senator) chuckling at the prospect of a Dukakis/Jackson ticket. Tsongas says that Dukakis and Jackson would enjoy "fascinating plane rides" as they campaigned together. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that Dukakis would probably treat a vice president in the same way he has treated lieutenant governors; that Jackson would not want to be in that position. Footage of Beatty saying that Jackson has a "peculiar burden." Beatty says that the Democratic Party needs to do well with white ethnic voters and white southern voters; that the Democratic Party already does well with African American voters. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally. Jackson raises linked arms with supporters. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections; that Jackson has registered voters to vote; that Jackson has raised the profile of the race for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt says that the Democratic Party does not know what to do about Jackson. V: Footage of Rushing saying that Jackson should be able to suggest candidates for cabinet positions. Footage of Beatty being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Beatty says that Jackson would make an excellent cabinet member if appointed to the right position; that a good performance by Jackson in the cabinet would strengthen his next campaign for the presidency. Beatty says that it would not be condescending to appoint Jackson as the drug czar. Footage of Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) saying that the position of drug czar is the most difficult position in the cabinet; that the Democratic Party would be setting up Jackson for a defeat if he were appointed drug czar. Footage of Tsongas saying that Jackson needs to move to the center in order to attract voters and delegates. Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Dukakis saying that the Democratic nominee needs to unite the party. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates in order to win the nomination outright. V: Shot of Jackson giving a thumbs-up sign to the press. Footage of Kuttner saying that Dukakis must beat Jackson decisively in the remaining primary elections. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could try to recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential nominee by offering to be his running mate. Shot of Cuomo speaking. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has not yet received Cuomo's endorsement. V: Footage of Dukakis telling a reporter that he spoke to Jackson on Wednesday morning. Vaillancourt reports that the Democratic convention is three months away; that neither Jackson or Dukakis will make any private deals yet. Vaillancourt reports that the Dukakis campaign is concentrating on winning the primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/07/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Boston supporters of Jesse Jackson are undecided about whether to campaign for Michael Dukakis. The supporters recently met to discuss their role in the upcoming campaign. Jackson delegates Mel King, Saundra Graham, Juanita Wade, and Byron Rushing are among the leaders of the meeting. The leaders say that the Dukakis campaign should not take the votes of Jackson supporters for granted. There are some Jackson supporters who will not support Dukakis under any circumstances. Interview with Philip Stanley of the Dukakis campaign about the role of Jackson supporters in the Dukakis campaign. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign has been meeting with Jackson supporters and that the campaign is taking no votes for granted. Interviews with Jackson supporters Darryl Heller, Trent Pettus and Myra McAdoo. All three supporters criticize the Dukakis campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Jackson embarking on a voter registration campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Adult entertainment at the Highland Tap
1:00:02: Visual: Footage from July 21, 1988 of the Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential nominee) and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) are congratulated by Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and Jacqueline Jackson (wife of Jesse Jackson). They are surrounded by Democratic Party notables. Deborah Wang reports that Jackson ended his presidential campaign by endorsing the nomination of his rival Dukakis; that Jackson pledged to campaign for Dukakis in the fall. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Democratic Convention on July 18, 1988. Jackson is flanked by Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee). Jackson says that he is not seeking a job or a salary; that he wants to serve the nation. Shot of Jackson standing at the entrance to a campaign bus. Jackson waves to supporters. Supporters hang a sign on the side of the bus. The sign reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Wang reports that Jackson supporters are undecided about whether to campaign for Dukakis; that Jackson supporters met last night in Roxbury about their role in the upcoming campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the meeting. Campaign leaders including Mel King (community activist and Jackson delegate), Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate), Byron Rushing (State Representative and Jackson delegate), and Juanita Wade (Jackson delegate) sit at a table at the front of the room. Footage of Wade saying that Jackson supporters will use the Republican threat to convince others to vote for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters are unhappy with the Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of King saying that the Dukakis campaign has not been listening to Jackson supporters. King says that the Dukakis campaign should have addressed the role of Jackson supporters before now. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis should be pursuing the 7 million votes represented by Jackson supporters. Shot of a life-size cut-out of Dukakis in the window of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Footage of Philip Stanley (State Director for the 1988 Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Wang. Stanley says that he has met twice this week with the Jackson leadership; that the discussions are progressing. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign is not taking anyone's vote for granted. Shots of volunteers working at the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters says that they will not work for Dukakis under any circumstances. V: Shot of Rushing addressing the audience at the meeting of Jackson supporters. Footage of Darryl Heller (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis made a mistake by choosing Bentsen as his running mate. Heller says that Bentsen does not believe in any of the same things as Jackson; that Bentsen is closer to Ronald Reagan (US President) than he is to Jackson. Heller says that it would be a violation of his conscience to vote for the Dukakis ticket. Footage of Trent Pettus (Jackson supporter) saying that he will not vote for Dukakis. Pettus says that Dukakis does not believe that gays and lesbians are fit to be foster parents. Pettus says that Dukakis advocates a discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians. Pettus adds that he will not vote for Dukakis. Footage of Myra McAdoo (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis needs to be ready to deal realistically with minority groups; that Jackson needs to receive a message from minority groups. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters will work to revive the Rainbow Coalition; that the supporters will work to get Rainbow candidates elected to state and local offices. V: Shots of Jackson supporters at the meeting in Roxbury. Footage of Jackson at the Democratic National Convention. Shots of delegates on the floor waving signs reading, "Jesse!" Wang notes that Jackson supporters will try to gain concessions from the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Rushing saying that he wants his constituents to be represented fairly by the chosen leader of the Democratic Party. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must barter their votes for fair representation. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must not be taken for granted by Dukakis. Wang stands in front of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that Dukakis may not need to make peace with local Jackson supporters; that Dukakis is expected to win Massachusetts easily. Wang reports that Jackson supporters hope that Dukakis includes them in his campaign. Wang adds that Jackson supporters want Dukakis to make it clear that he does not take Jackson voters for granted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that the referendum question on the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts, was soundly defeated in the 1986 elections. Supporters of incorporation of a new city from the Greater Roxbury neighborhood are raising the issue again. Community leaders gathered at a press conference in support of the issue. Those present included Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Chuck Turner (teacher), and Byron Rushing (State Representative). Jones and Rushing speak out in favor of Mandela. They criticize the city of Boston for not dealing effectively with problems in the Roxbury neighborhood. Boeri reports that the Roxbury neighborhood is suffering from an epidemic of violence and drug-related crime. He notes that Mandela supporters believe that crime could be fought more effectively if Roxbury were an independent city. Interviews with Mandela supporters Sadiki Kambon and Donald Madrey talking about the problems in the neighborhood. City Councilor Bruce Bolling talks about street violence. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Ray Flynn at a press conference.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) at a press conference. Supporters stand behind him. Jones says that the time has come to "free Mandela, Massachusetts." Shot of Mandela supporters with Jones including Chuck Turner (teacher). David Boeri reports that the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts was overwhelmingly rejected by voters in the 1986 elections. Boeri notes that Mandela supporters are raising the question again. V: Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) at the press conference. Rushing asks if it is better to be a poor neighborhood in a rich city, or a poor city in a rich state. Boeri reports that little has changed in Boston's African American neighborhoods since 1986; that Mandela supporters can exploit the fact that little has changed in their favor. Boeri notes that Roxbury may be worse off than it was in 1986. V: Shot of white police officers at a crime scene. Roxbury residents stand behind police cordons. A pool of blood appears on the street. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Mandela initiative supporter) saying that Roxbury continues to suffer from high unemployment, poor housing, an increase in the infant mortality rate, and a high drop-out rate from schools. Shot of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Boeri reports that drug-related crime and violence have created a crisis in the community. V: Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and shooting victim). Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking to the press on August 22, 1988. Bolling says that there is open warfare going on in the district. Footage of Donald Madrey (Roxbury resident and Mandela initiative supporter) saying that Roxbury residents are living in fear from crime. Madrey says that it seems like all of the drugs in the state of Massachusetts are being dropped in Roxbury. Shot of African American residents crossing Washington street underneath elevated train tracks in Roxbury. Boeri reports that supporters of the Mandela initiative say that crime could be fought more effectively if Roxbury were an independent city. V: Shot of a group of African American men outsde of Joe's sub shop on Washington Street in Roxbury. Footage of Jones at the press conference saying that an independent city has its own police force which can set its own priorities. Jones says that the Boston Police Department is corrupt; that an independent police department could establish a better relationship with the community. Footage of Rushing saying that officers of the Mandela Police Department would live in the city; that the police officers would be living on the streets where crime takes place. Boeri notes that Boston city officials have declared war on drugs and crime in Roxbury. V: Shot of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking at a press conference. Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) stands at his side. Shot of two white police officers stopping an African American man in order to search him. Footage of Rushing at the press conference. Rushing says that the city has not responded to questions about why they have not applied for federal funds for anti-drug campaigns in the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/24/1988
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must determine whether several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens are valid. If the signatures are invalidated, Owens' name will not appear on the primary ballot for the second Suffolk County seat, the only district ever to be held by an African American. Interview with Owens about his nomination papers and about the election. Owens attends a hearing of the Ballot Commission. Owens's main rival for the seat, Royal Bolling, Sr., will not appear on the ballot, because Bolling did not file nominating papers on time. Interview with Bolling, Sr. about his failure to file nomination papers on time. Fields notes the ongoing political competition between the Owens and Bolling families, although both candidates deny that the rivalry between the families is serious. Fields' report includes footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate in 1986 and footage of Bolling, Sr. at a legislative hearing. Fields' report also includes footage of Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) at a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Royal Bolling, Jr. at a press conference with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (community activist). Sounds cuts out at the end of the video. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly interviews Barbara Arnwine about housing desegregation in Boston
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of officials at a Ballot Commission Hearing on June 20, 1988. One official challenges the validity of signatures on a petition. Officials argue over whether the signatures should be counted. Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must decide on the validity of several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens (candidate for State Senator). Fields notes that Owens's name will not appear on the primary ballot if the signatures are found to be invalid. V: Footage of Owens discussing the case with an African American woman. Owens says that 24 signatures are being challenged; that 18 or 19 signatures must be ruled invalid in order for his name to be kept off the ballot. Fields reports that Owens is running for the second Suffolk County seat in the State Senate; that the seat in question is the only seat ever held by an African American. V: Shots of traffic on a street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. An African American family crosses the street. Fields reports that the district includes Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, the South End, parts of Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain. Fields reports that Owens held the seat for four terms beginning in 1974; that Owens's main rival for the seat is Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator). V: Shots of signatures on a nominating petition; of Owens and Bolling at a campaign debate in October of 1986. Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing. Owens says that he has won the seat twice; that Bolling has won the seat twice. Owens notes that Bolling failed to file his nominating papers for the seat. Fields reports that Bolling's name will not appear on the primary ballot because he failed to file his qualifying signature petitions. V: Footage of Bolling being interviewed by Fields. Bolling says that he forgot to file his petition on time because he was too involved in other issues. Shot of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing at the State House. Fields reports that Bolling plans to run a sticker campaign in both the Republican and Democratic state primary elections. V: Footage of Bolling saying that voters will have to support him through the sticker campaign. Fields reports that Owens was defeated by Bolling in 1982 after Owens switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. V: Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing, being interviewed by Fields. Owens says that Bolling is trying to manipulate voters in the Republican Party into voting for him; that Bolling will return to the Democratic Party if he is elected. Owens says that he switched to the Republican Party because of his differences with the leadership of the Democratic Party. Owens says that he tried unsuccessfully to build a liberal wing of the Republican Party. Fields notes that Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) defeated Royal Bolling, Jr. in a race for a seat in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. V: Shots of Owens Hicks at a Boston School Committee meeting; of Royal Bolling, Jr. outside of the Massachusetts State House with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (African American activist and journalist). Fields say that both candidates deny that there is a serious rivalry between the two families. V: Footage of Bolling saying that there is no feud between the two families; that both families are involved in the political process.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on an exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum celebrating Black History Month. Jones notes that the exhibit features photographs of prominent people in Boston's African American community. Jones interviews Marie Cosindas (photographer) about the photographs. Jones' report includes shots of the photographs. Jones reports that the exhibit also includes documents, books and artworks representing the African American artistic, cultural and political traditions. Jones interviews Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) about the exhibit. Richardson talks about a display of census documents and artworks by Edmonia Lewis (sculptor) and Allan Crite (artist). Jones' report includes footage of artworks in the exhibit.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of color photographs of African Americans in Boston. Shot of a group photograph of Ruth Batson (community activist) and three others. Shot of a photograph of Hugh Morgan Hill (storyteller), also known as Brother Blue. The photographs are displayed at the Boston Athenaeum. Footage of Marie Cosindas (photographer) talking about the photographs. Cosindas says that the photographs were made with commercial cameras and Polaroid film. Marcus Jones reports that Cosindas made portraits of prominent African Americans in Boston; that her photographs are part of a Black History Month exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum. V: Shots of the portraits, including portraits of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader); of Mel King (community activist) and Joyce King (wife of Mel King); of Byron Rushing (State Representative). Shot of a portrait of Tanya Hart (WBZ television personality), Philip Hart (professor, University of Massachusetts), and a young woman. Footage of Cosindas saying that she is glad to have had the opportunity to meet these people; that she was able to learn about each person's character and personality. Shot of a portrait of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), Royal Bolling, Sr. (state senator), and Royal Bolling, Jr. (former state representative). Footage of Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) talking to Jones about the exhibit. Richardson says that the exhibit includes one of the earliest census documents of the city of Boston; that the 1765 census includes blacks and Indians. Shot of the census document. Jones reports that Richardson helped to organize the 118-piece exhibit about African Americans in Boston. V: Shots of a display of books; of a painting; of a piece of sculpture. Footage of Richardson talking about a bust of Robert Gould Shaw. Richardson says that Shaw was the white captain of the Massachusetts 54th regiments, which was comprised of African American soldiers. Shot of a painting depicting the Massachusetts 54th regiment in battle. Footage of Richardson saying that the sculpure of Shaw was made by Edmonia Lewis (nineteenth-century sculptor); that Lewis was the first African American to gain an international reputation as a sculptor. Shots of photographs of Lewis; of an 1930s ink drawing. Footage of Richardson talking about the india ink drawings from the 1930s. Richardson says that Allan Crite (artist) portrayed black angels, black saints and a black Christ in his work from the 1930s. Shots of religious drawings by Crite; of a group of sculptures. Shots of a display of books. Footage of Richardson saying that the exhibit organizers have tried to gather rare and unusual documents to demonstrate the complexity and strength of the African American artistic and political traditions. Shots of a museum-goer looking at the exhibit; of a display of books; of paintings included in the exhibit. Jones reports that the exhibit will be on display until April.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/29/1988
Description: Christy George reports on the final redistricting plan for legislative districts of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. State Rep. James Brett drew up an original plan that was challenged by the Massachusetts Republican Party and by the Black Political Task Force. Both groups are fighting for more representation in the legislature. Interviews with State Rep. Byron Rushing and Lloyd King of the Black Political Task Force. Rushing claims a victory for the Black Political Task Force. George discusses whether the new redistricting plan will result in a greater number of Republican and African American representatives. George reports that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in new districts. Interview with State House Minority Leader Stephen Pierce. Interview with Rep. Brett, who talks about the redistricting plan. Footage from House chambers, including Brett explaining the new plan to his colleagues and Speaker of the House George Keverian, who addresses the House and says, "The law is an ass."
1:00:21: Visual: Shots of traffic on a city street; of scuba divers on a beach. Christy George reports that the population of Boston has been shrinking; that the suburbs south of the city have an increasing population. George reports that James Brett (State Representative) was in charge of a redistricting plan for the Massachusetts House of Representatives; that Dorchester lost a representative while Cape Cod gained one. V: Shots of Brett standing in front of a map detailing the new districts; of a street in Dorchester; of Carver Square in Carver, MA; of a ship passing through the Cape Cod Canal. George reports that Brett's redistricting plan won 159 of 160 votes in the House of Representatives; that all of the African American and Republican representatives voted for the plan. V: Shot of a roll call board of the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shot of Brett entering the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. George reports that the Republican State Committee and the Black Political Task Force each wanted more seats for their constituents. George notes that both groups had called Brett's original plan unconstitutional because the districts were of uneven size. George adds that Brett's new plan passed easily. V: Shot of African American teenagers standing at the entrance to a building. Shot of Brett in his office, rolling up a map of the new districts. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that the Black Political Task Force scored a major victory; that race should be factored into redistricting plans. George reports from the Massachusetts State House. George speculates as to whether the redistricting plan will result in a greater number of African American and Republican representatives. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is political. Shot of Brett and another lawmaker examining the maps of the new districts. George reports that the original plan protected incumbents and gave Republicans a good chance at winning two new seats. George reports that the new plan still allows Republicans a good chance in those two districts. George notes that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in the new districts. V: Shot of representatives at the entrance to the House Chambers. Footage of Steven Pierce (Minority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is working to the advantage of incumbents; that Republican challengers are at a disadvantage. Footage of Lloyd King (Black Political Task Force) saying that he would have liked to have seen the creation of two additional districts for people of color; that he is happy that the redistricting has created one district for people of color. George reports that the redistricting plan divides some communities. George reports that Brett says that the new plan leaves some communities underrepresented. V: Footage of Brett saying that the court did not take into account the number of communities in the state. Brett says that the court ruled that the districts must be equal, according to the number of inhabitants in the state. Footage of Keverian in the House Chambers. Keverian says that "the law is an ass." George reports that the redistricting plan had been tying up legislation in the House; that the House is likely to vote on the transportation bond issue next.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1988