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Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder Supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Interviews with Leonard Zakim from the Anti-Defamation League, Charles Stith from the Union United Methodist Church, and Eric Karp from the Temple Ohabei Shalom about the importance of the Black/Jewish Seder supper. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights on the part of both communities. Stith talks about the kinship between the two communities. Karp says that both communities have struggled against oppression. Interviews with attendees about the significance of the supper. Vaillancourt notes that this year's Seder supper falls on the eve of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Williams protests lack of minority faculty at MIT
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the steeple of the Union United Methodist Church at dusk. Shots of the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Shot of an African American woman and a white man speaking at the supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Meg Vaillancourt reports that a group of local African Americans and Jews celebrated the Seder. V: Footage of Leonard Zakim (Anti-Defamation League) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church being interviewed. Stith says that society is polarized along racial lines; that the supper is an celebrates efforts to promote peaceful coexistence between groups of people. Stith says that the supper affirms the goals of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader). Vaillancourt reports that attendees gathered at the Union United Methodist Church) for the eleventh Black/Jewish Seder. V: Shots of attendees reading from a religious text. The attendees hold pieces of matzoh in their hands. Footage of Eric Karp (Temple Ohabei Shalom) being interviewed. Karp says that the Seder celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression; that the African American community has fought a long battle against oppression. Karp says that the two communities can learn from one another. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed at the supper. The woman says that she is attending her first Seder; that the two communities are brought together through their belief in God. Footage of an older Jewish woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks what the two communities have in common. The woman says that the two communities share a lot of things including prejudice and hard times. Footage of an older African American woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. The woman says that African Americans and Jews are treated the same way. Footage of a young Jewish boy being interviewed. The boy says that "prejudice stinks." Shots of attendees at the supper. Vaillancourt reports that the ceremony is Jewish; that the date is important to those involved in the civil rights struggle. Vaillancourt notes that King gave his last speech twenty-three years ago tonight; that King was murdered in Memphis on the following day. Vaillancourt stands outside of the room where the supper is held. Vaillancourt reports that the Passover meal is symbolic of the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites after 400 years of slavery. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed. Stith says that enslaved African Americans identified with the struggle of Moses and the people of Israel. Stith says that there is a theological kinship between the two communities. Footage from the Seder supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports that students from the Boston University School of Theology held a ceremony to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. She notes that attendees at the gathering also prayed for peace in the Persian Gulf. Interviews with BU Theology students Virgil Hammett, Leon Chestnut, Jessica Davis, and Roxie Coicou. The students talk about civil rights, the legacy of King, and their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Chestnut, Hammett and Davis address the gathered students and lead prayers to end the war. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of students from the Boston University School of Theology walking on the Boston University (BU) campus at dusk. The students sing, "We Shall Overcome." The students gather together and link arms near the Martin Luther King Memorial statue near Marsh Chapel. Shots of the students. Hope Kelly reports that students at the BU School of Theology were celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist); that the celebration of peace is happening while the nation is at war. V: Footage of Virgil Hammett (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Hammett says that he sees the connection that King saw between civil rights and the Vietnam War. Hammett says that some US soldiers in Kuwait are fighting for rights that they do not possess at home. Footage of Leon Chestnut (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Chestnut says that charity begins at home. Chestnut says that the US must set its own house in order before going off to war. Footage of Jessica Davis (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Davis says that a lot of money is spent on weapons; that the government is not providing for the needs of the people. Kelly reports that Davis is a divinity student who is studying to be a minister. Kelly notes that Chestnut is a Hebrew Bible scholar and a preacher. V: Shot of Chestnut and Davis standing in a chapel. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students on the BU campus. Chestnut quotes from a psalm. Footage of Chestnut being interviewed. Chestnut talks about the importance of having faith. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students. Chestnut talks about faith. Footage of Roxie Coicou (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Coicou says that people need to pray and to talk about the war. Kelly reports that Coicou was born in 1968, which was the year that King was assassinated. V: Footage of Davis being interviewed. Davis talks about seeing King speak when she was a little girl. Davis says that society's problems have changed little since the 1960s. Footage of Coicou being interviewed. Coicou says that politics will continue; that people need to pray. Shot of BU students at the gathering. Footage of Hammett addressing the gathering. Hammett prays for love and understanding. Hammett prays for the realization of King's goals. Footage of Davis addressing the gathering. Davis prays for an end to the war. Shots of the students at the gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports that anti-war activists protested across the nation to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf, including in downtown Boston. Jesse Jackson visited MIT to speak out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Jones notes that the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Interviews with MIT graduate students Corrie Lathan and Steve Penn, who oppose the war. Interview with Jesse Jackson, who says that the US and Iraq should negotiate because war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jones' report includes footage from Inside Edition of Jackson in Iraq. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of anti-war demonstrations and of Jackson at MIT talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:36: Visual: Footage of anti-war protesters on Winter Street in downtown Boston. The protesters carry signs protesting the Gulf War. They chant together, "We remember Vietnam. We won't go." Shot of two police officers standing in front of a building. Marcus Jones reports that a group of anti-war protesters demonstrated outside of the Army recruiting headquarters in Boston. V: Shot of a protesters carrying a sign reading, "U.S. Troops out of the Gulf." The protesters chant, "We won't fight for Texaco." Shot of a protester handing out leaflets. Jones reports that anti-war activists took to the streets across the country today; that the protesters are trying to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf. V: Shot of an older white woman wearing a sign around her neck. The sign reads, "Bring our troops home." Shot of two white children standing among the protesters. Jones reports that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) tonight; that the members of the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jones reports that Jackson spoke out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist). V: Shots of Jackson greeting an MIT student; of Jackson greeting students as he walks to the podium. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Jackson says that efforts toward peace must be made on King's birthday. Footage of Corrie Lathan (MIT graduate student) being interviewed. Lathan says that she is opposed to the war; that the situation should be resolved in a non-violent manner. Footage of Steve Penn (MIT graduate student) being interviewed by Jones. Penn says that decision-makers in the US understand pressure; that the voice of the people must speak out against the war. Jones reports that Jackson's call for restraint may reflect a change in his thinking. Jones notes that Jackson met with Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader) last year. Jones reports that Jackson said last year that war would be inevitable if talking proved impossible. V: Footage from Inside Edition of Jackson entering a building in Iraq; of Jackson speaking to Hussein. Jones questions whether Jackson has changed his position. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at MIT. Jones asks Jackson if he has changed his position. Jackson says that he has kept the same position. Jackson says that war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jackson says that the US and Iraq should "talk"; that the two countries must choose negotiation over confrontation. The audience applauds for Jackson as he walks away from the podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1991
Description: Alexandra Marks reports on the Jeter family's business. These entrepreneurs started Jet-A-Way trash disposal and recycling business in Boston in 1967. Interview with Jesse Jeter on the lack of media attention on successful African American people and other minority businesses. He also talks about the racism he experiences in some of his business relationships. Interview with Ed and Darlene Jeter on the hard work they put into their business. They also discuss the help that affirmative action has given their company. Footage from the NAACP's Leadership Development Training Conference. Interview with entrepreneur William Singleton, president of Quest, who talks about the lack of financing for minority companies. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of the Jet-A-Way company at work. Recycling yard, dumpsters, heavy machinery.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of machinery sorting trash at a Jet-A-Way sorting facility. Alexandra Marks reports that Jet-A-Way owns a state-of-the-art trash-sorting plant; that Jet-A-Way is a multi-million dollar Boston company; that Jet-A-Way recycles trash, industrial waste, and construction debris. V: Footage of Jesse Jeter (marketing director, Jet-A-Way) being interviewed at the facility. Jeter says that they recycle materials from projects as far away as South Korea and Japan. Marks reports that Jeter's parents started Jet-A-Way in 1967; that Jet-A-Way is one of the fastest-growing minority firms in the US. V: Shots of bales of paper being moved around a warehouse; of Jeter watching standing in the warehouse as a white worker maneuvers a piece of equipment. Shot of a Jet-A-Way truck. Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people are not familiar with successful African American entrepreneurs; that the media concentrate on crime, drug and poverty in the African American community. Marks reports that Jeter says that people make prejudicial assumptions about many minority businesses. V: Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people will second-guess the decisions of a minority firm. Jeter says that prospective clients will ask to see the client lists of minority firms; that prospective clients doubt the legitimacy of minority firms. Jeter says that his firm services MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the John Hancock Company, and the Town of Newton. Footage of Ed Jeter (Jet-A-Way) and Darlene Jeter (Jet-A-Way) being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company has succeeded through hard work. Marks reports that Darlene and Ed Jeter have seen the company through several economic downturns; that they are good businesspeople. V: Footage of Ed Jeter being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company benefitted from minority quotas that were in place when the business began. Footage of Darlene Jeter being interviewed. Darlene Jeter says that Jet-A-Way formed good business relationships with their early clients; that they have served some clients for over twenty years. Marks reports that business success was the theme of a last week's NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Marks reports that prominent African American women modeled business fashion; that young entrepreneurs worked the crowd at the luncheon. V: Footage from the NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Shot of an African American man singing and playing the piano at the luncheon. Shot of an African American woman modeling a dress on a catwalk. The audience at the luncheon applauds. Shot of a second African American woman modeling an outfit. Shot of William Singleton (President, Quest Publishing Company) talking about his company to two conference attendees. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that most people do not see the activity of African American entrepreneurs; that African American entrepreneurs are underfinanced and working hard. Marks reports that Singleton's company publishes the magazine "Black History Is No Mystery." Marks notes that Singleton believes that the lack of financing for African American entrepreneurs is due to ignorance. V: Shot of Singleton talking to conference attendees at a table. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that financers do not understand how the African American community works; that people are starting to understand. Marks reports that there are challenges for African-American businesses. V: Shots of workers sorting trash and debris on an assembly line. Jesse Jeter surveys the operation in the facility. Footage of Jesse Jeter being interviewed. Jesse Jeter says that racism exists in Boston and in the US. Jesse Jeter says that racism affects contracts, business relationships, and personal relationships. Shots of machinery moving trash in the Jet-A-Way facility; of Jeter directing operations in the facility.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: An ecumenical prayer service is held at St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. Members of the clergy including Reverend Diane Kessler of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, Bishop Methodius of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England, Reverend Kenneth Grant of the Presbyterian Church, and Bishop Barbara Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts lead people in prayers for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Interviews in front of the cathedral with attendees of the prayer meeting, who express their desire for peace. Portions of the news story are accompanied by a hymn. Following in the edited story is additional b-roll of exteriors and interiors of St. Paul's Cathedral and people attending the prayer service.
1:00:14: V: Shot of a banner hanging outside of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The banner reads, "Let reason and compassion replace the temptation of war." Shots of people entering the cathedral. Footage of an older man being interviewed outside of the cathedral. The man talks about the joy of prayer. Shots of people seating themselves in the church. Footage of the Reverend Diane Kessler (Massachusetts Council of Churches) addressing the prayer meeting. Shots of attendees of the prayer meeting; of attendees praying. Footage of Bishop Methodius (Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England) leading a prayer. Bishop Methodius prays for George Bush (US President) and Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader). Bishop Methodius prays for a peaceful resolution of the Persian Gulf crisis. Footage of a white woman being interviewed outside of the church. The woman talks about the spiritual impact of a group of people gathered in prayer. Shots of an attendee singing a hymn; of the prayer service. Footage of the Reverend Kenneth Grant (Presbyterian Church, USA) addressing the prayer meeting. Footage of a white man being interviewed outside of the church. The man says that he is afraid for Americans, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, and other human beings. Shots of attendees praying; of Kessler and Bishop Barbara Harris (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) standing at the altar. Shots of the prayer meeting. Footage of an older white man being interviewed in front of the church. The man says that miracles can happen; that good can come from evil. Footage of Harris addressing the prayer meeting. Harris says that the alternatives to war have not been fully explored by those in power. Portions of the new story are accompanied by a hymn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Richard Taylor, the Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and Construction, will preside over the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project in Boston. Taylor is one of the few African American Republicans in Massachusetts. Interview with Taylor, who talks about his reasons for being a Republican and his career in business. Taylor talks about his commitment to affirmative action and his plans to encourage participation by women and minorities in the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Fields notes that Taylor says that his appointment signals a commitment to affirmative action on the part of Governor William Weld. Fields' report is accompanied by footage of Rev. Graylan Hagler and unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a construction site in Roxbury. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Alexandra Marks interviews businessmen Derek Jeter and William Singleton on the challenges faced by minority businesses in Boston
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Richard Taylor (Secretary of Transportation and Construction) being interviewed. Taylor says that he supports limited taxes, limited regulation, more research, and development and more private sector involvement. Carmen Fields reports that Taylor is a wealthy, well educated entrepreneur; that Taylor is a Republican; that Taylor is also African American. Fields reports that Taylor is part of a small but growing band of African American Republicans. V: Shot of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed. Taylor says that some have argued that all African Americans should be Republicans; that Abraham Lincoln (former US president) was a Republican. Taylor says that he believes in limited taxation and limited government involvement. Taylor says that the Republican Party encourages people to pursue economic independence; that the Republican Party discourages people from looking to the government for sustainment. Fields reports that Taylor is the State Transportation Secretary; that he presides over the Central Artery-Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project. V: Shot of Taylor greeting an African American man and a white man as they enter his office. Footage of Taylor at a meeting with the two men and another woman. Taylor talks about the risk of delays in the project. Fields reports that Massachusetts has a high unemployment rate; that the construction project will provide jobs. Fields notes that the Republican Party is often viewed as being anti-minority, anti-women, and anti-civil rights. V: Shots of Taylor at the meeting. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor if he is against affirmative action. Taylor says that affirmative action is necessary. Taylor says that minority businesses should participate in the project if it strengthens their skills; that minority businesses should be paid for a job well done. Taylor says that affirmative action helps minority businesses be competitive; that affirmative action is part of the remedial process. Taylor says that some affirmative action models are troublesome. Taylor says that he does not support quotas. Taylor says that some affirmative action models do not give minority businesses enough significant responsibility. Fields asks if he will be a reluctant or an enthusiastic supporter of affirmative action. Taylor says that he is inclined to have active and strong participation by women and minorities. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Taylor talks about his career in business before entering government.Taylor says that he will do a good job in this area. Fields reports that Roxbury residents halted construction on a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square recently. Fields notes that residents wanted more jobs for community workers on the project. V: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Hagler. Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Fields notes that Taylor says that he has learned from the experience in Roxbury. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the MBTA recently began a $9 million project to renovate Dudley Station. Taylor says that he incorporated some recent provisions from the Post Office project into the MBTA project. Turner says that it is important for the major contractor to be in agreement with the provisions of the contract. Turner says that he hopes that these provisions will be used in the Central Artery Project. Fields reports that Taylor says that his appointment signals the commitment of William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) to affirmative action. Fields notes that Turner believes that there are many opportunities for qualified people of color. V: Shots of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor talks about a recent business seminar at the Boston World Trade Center. Taylor says that the seminar focused on how minority businesses could participate in the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he will soon meet with major contractors for the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he hopes to link minority businesses with the major contractors in order to provide work for minorities.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston is higher than in many third-world countries. Marks interviews Dr. Ronald White of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. White talks about the problems facing low-income populations in Boston. White talks about changes in US government policy that ended the link between health care policy and economic development policy. Marks interviews Dr. Rodrigo Guerrero, one of several experts from the developing world to visit Boston for a conference on the health care crisis. Guerrero explains that people's health is related to income and says that reducing poverty will improve people's health. White agrees with Guerrero's recommendations about attacking poverty. Marks reports that attendees at the conference recommended that the city of Boston levy a twenty-five cent tax on cigarettes to pay for new health care programs. Interview with Mayor Ray Flynn about the need for quality health care in the city. Marks' report also features footage of women and children at health clinics in Boston and footage from Frontline of Colombian cities and villages.
0:59:19: Visual: Footage from Frontline of native residents of a village in Colombia. Alexandra Marks reports that the infant mortality rate in Colombia is seventeen deaths per 1,000 infants. Marks notes that Boston is the home of some of the most sophisticated medical technology in the world; that the infant mortality rate in parts of Boston is higher than in Colombia. V: Shot of a young African American boy walking near parked cars. Audio of Dr. Ronald White (Martha Eliot Health Center) saying that medical officials and government officials must acknowledge the crisis in health care. Marks reports that White is director of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center; that the Center is an affiliate of Children's Hospital. Marks reports that the clinic is in the frontlines of the fight against disease and violence in Boston's low-income neighborhoods. V: Shot of the exterior of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. Shot of a woman with an infant and a child entering the health care center. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that substance abuse, violence, AIDS, infant mortality, and the decreased life expectancy of minority males are all problems of the low-income population. Footage of Dr. Rodrigo Guerrero (Carvajal Foundation) being interviewed by Marks. Guerrero says that development is not a problem of resources. Guerrero says that people must be mobilized. Marks reports that Guerrero is in Boston to give advice to White and his colleagues. Marks reports that Guerrero is the executive director of a Colombian charitable foundation; that programs sponsored by Guerrero's foundation helped to decrease the infant mortality rate in Colombia. V: Footage from Frontline of children in a Colombian village. Marks reports that Guerrero is one of several experts from the developing world who gathered in Boston today; that the medical experts are here to help medical workers in Boston deal with the health care crisis. V: Shots of attendees at the conference; of a speaker at the conference. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) being interviewed. Flynn says that people look at Boston as a center of medical expertise; that Boston needs to provide quality health care for poor and needy people. Marks reports that Flynn has pressured two of Boston's leading maternity hospitals into providing $3 million over three years to decrease the infant mortality rate. V: Shot of a Latina woman and infant in the lobby of a pediatric clinic. The woman enters an examination room, followed by a white female health care worker. Shot of the infant on an examination table. The two women stand over the infant. Marks notes that the hospitals will provide more doctors and midwives; that health clinics will receive funding for more prenatal care. V: Footage of Flynn being interviewed. Flynn says that there have been cuts in federal and state spending on health care; that the city must rely on private hospitals to provide quality health care for all people. Footage of Guerrero being interviewed. Guerrero says that his foundation began opening health clinics and schools in poor areas of Cali, Colombia. Guerrero says that his foundation had limited success at first. Marks reports that Guerrero believes that providing medical care is not enough. Marks reports that Guerrero switched his focus from the development of health clinics to economic development. Marks notes that Guerrero's program trained people how to open small businesses like soda shops and beauty parlors; that the program provided technical assistance and loans to the businesses. V: Footage of an urban area in Colombia; of residents and traffic on the streets; of small businesses in a commercial area. Footage of Guerrero being interviewed. Guerrero says that income is related to health. Guerrero says that an increase in a family's income will result in better health for family members. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that Guerrero's idea is an excellent one. White says that this idea was behind the construction of neighborhood health centers during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration's War on Poverty. White says that the neighborhood health centers were originally under the jurisdiction of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Marks reports that the health centers were shifted to the jurisdiction of the Office of Health, Education and Welfare during the Richard Nixon administration. Marks notes that the shift in jurisdiction marked the end of the connection between health care and economic status. Marks reports that White believes that this shift led to a decline in health care. V: Footage of a white female health care worker and a Latino woman in a medical examination room. An Latino infant is on the examining table. The Latino woman changes the boy's diaper. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that jobs must be provided in order to reduce violence. White says that economic development provides opportunities for people. Marks stands outside of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. Marks reports that attendees at the conference recommended that the city of Boston levy a twenty-five cent tax on cigarettes to pay for new health care programs. Marks reports that the measure is expected to be controverial; that the measure will probably be opposed by merchants. V: Footage of White being interviewed. White says that new revenue is needed to provide minimal programs; that programs are needed to make headway against AIDS, violence, drug abuse, and infant mortality. Marks reports that it is unlikely that new taxes or new health or development programs will be funded during this economic crisis. Marks reports that it is possible that poor people in Colombia will lead longer and healthier lives than poor people in Boston. V: Footage of an infant being weighed on a medical scale. A Latina woman and a white female medical worker look on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1991
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that Paul Tsongas addressed the members of the Organization for a New Equality (ONE) at a luncheon meeting. ONE is an organization committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. The members of ONE welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Tsongas criticized the policies of George Bush in his speech and has accused him of promoting a racially divisive agenda. Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Interview with Robert Reich (professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) about Tsongas' position on economic issues and education. Interview with Tsonga, who talks about the importance of education. Interviews with Dorchester residents Chico Joyner and Faries Odom about Tsongas.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Paul Tsongas (Democratic candidate for US President) at a luncheon for ONE (Organization for a New Equality). Tsongas walks to the podium as attendees applaud. Alexandra Marks reports that Tsongas is not known as a passionate speaker; that Tsongas showed his passion at a speech to ONE members. Marks reports that Tsongas spoke about the budget approved by the Massachusetts State Legislature. Marks notes that the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that his generation will be the first to give less to their children than they got. Tsongas says that his generation should be uncomfortable with this state of affairs. Tsongas says that the legislators should not congratulate themselves for balancing the budget by ruining the schools. Shots of attendees at the luncheon. Marks reports that the attendees welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Marks reports that ONE is committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that a politician needs to be "pro-business" in order to be "pro-jobs." Tsongas says that Democrats need to learn that it is hypocritical to be "pro-jobs" and "anti-business." Marks reports that Tsongas berated George Bush (US President) for championing ideology over common sense in supporting the previous day's Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Marks notes that the ruling upholds a federal regulation which forbids the mention of abortion in clinics where federal funds are used. V: Shots of Tsongas speaking; of attendees; of a cameraman at the conference. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for using the racially divisive Willie Horton advertisement in the 1988 presidential campaign. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for vetoing the Civil Rights Bill and for sabotaging efforts to salvage the bill. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that Bush opposed the Civil Rights Bill because he wants race to be an issue in the 1992 campaign. Marks stands on Blue Hill Avenue. Marks says that Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Marks says that Tsongas believes that government money is necessary to leverage private investment. Marks says that economists have mixed feelings about Tsongas' philosophy. V: Footage of Robert Reich (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that the private sector in the US is globalizing quickly. Reich talks about the foreign activities of IBM and General Electric. Reich says that the government needs to be selective in its support of the private sector; that the government should not support companies who create jobs outside of the US. Marks reports that Reich believes that the key to economic development is to enhance the productive capabilities of individual Americans. V: Footage of Reich being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that education and infrastructure are important. Reich says that Tsongas emphasizes these things in his proposal. Footage of Tsongas being interviewed. Tsongas says that there is no future without education. Marks reports that some inner-city residents are supportive of Tsongas. V: Shots of Blue Hill Avenue. Footage of Chico Joyner (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Joyner says that most people will rebel against a tax increase. Joyner says that new businesses would help the community. Footage of Faries Odom (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Odom says that community involvement is crucial to the success of any initiatives in the neighborhood. Footage of Tsongas addressing attendees at the ONE luncheon. Tsongas says that all people are connected to one another; that people's actions have an affect on themselves and others. Marks reports that Tsongas intends to send this message during his presidential campaign; that Tsongas wants to fight against the racially divisive agenda of the Bush administration. V: Shot of Tsongas riding down an escalator with attendees. An African American man shakes his hand and wishes him luck.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1991
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported that women are the fastest-growing segment of the HIV-positive population. Marks reports that many believe that the CDC has radically underestimated the number of women with AIDS. Interview with April Moore, a recovering drug addict, who has recently been diagnosed with AIDS, but has no health insurance and no steady job. A conference on women and AIDS was held in Boston recently. Interview with Jean McGuire of the Harvard School of Public Health and Martha Moon of the Fenway Community Health Center at the conference. McGuire and Moon believe that many women are dying of AIDS without being diagnosed. Moon says that the CDC definition of AIDS does not include the symptoms of female victims. McGuire and Moon say that many female victims are not eligible for medical benefits because they do not meet the CDC definition of the disease. The CDC says that there is not enough evidence to link the symptoms of women patients to AIDS. McGuire and Moon criticize the CDC's lack of initiative on the issue.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of April Moore (recovering drug addict) walking with Alexandra Marks (WGBH reporter) through a local park. Moore and Marks sit down on some stairs outside of the playground. Marks reports that Moore is a former drug addict and prostitute who is now in recovery. Marks reports that Moore recently completed her GED (Graduate Equivalency Diploma); that Moore is looking forward to finding a job. Marks notes that Moore was diagnosed as HIV positive last year. V: Footage of Moore being interviewed by Marks. Moore says that she was in a state of disbelief when she found out about her condition; that she has known for a year now. Moore says that she does not know how long she has been infected with the HIV virus. Shots of Moore; of Marks. Marks reports that Moore is low-income, a minority and has no health insurance; that Moore is a typical woman with AIDS. Marks reports that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has said that women are the fastest-growing segment of the HIV population. Moore notes that the CDC estimates that women comprise 11% of the HIV population. Marks reports that some experts believe that the CDC radically underestimates the number of women infected. V: Footage of Jean McGuire (Harvard School of Public Health) being interviewed by Marks. McGuire says that women are dying before they are diagnosed with AIDS. McGuire says that the medical field does not have an accurate image of the AIDS population. McGuire says that the women who die without being diagnosed were never eligible for benefits like Medicaid and Social Security. Marks reports that McGuire spoke at a conference on women and AIDS in Boston today. Marks reports that McGuire believes that the CDC has a narrow definition of AIDS. V: Shots of the conference on women and AIDS. Shots of a small AIDS quilt hanging on a wall; of attendees and panelists at the conference. Footage of McGuire being interviewed by Marks. McGuire says that the CDC definition was constructed to track an epidemic; that the CDC definition is constructed around narrow presentations of the disease. McGuire says that the CDC wants to be sure that it is definitively tracking the disease. McGuire says that the CDC definition narrows the population to males with AIDS. Footage of Martha Moon (Fenway Community Health Center) being interviewed by Marks. Moon says that women develop symptoms unknown to men with the disease; that the symptoms of women are not counted in the CDC definition. Moon says that women with HIV experience chronic yeast infections, recurrent cervical cancer, uterine tumors, and other pelvic diseases. Marks reports that Moon is the clinical director of the Fenway Community Health Center; that the Fenway Community Health Center was the sponsor of the conference. V: Footage of Moon being interviewed by Marks. Moon says that surgery eliminates cervical cancer in most women; that some HIV-positive women have recurring bouts of cervical cancer. Moon says that some of these women are completely disabled by the disease; that they are not eligible for medical benefits because they do not meet the CDC definition of the disease. Marks quotes Thomas Skinner (CDC Spokesperson) as saying that "We established this case definition of AIDS for our surveillance purposes. We do not control the use of the definition by other government agencies." V: Skinner's quote appears written on-screen in text. Footage of McGuire being interviewed by Marks. McGuire says that Medicaid has relied on the CDC definition; that the CDC refuses to take responsibility for the reimbursement structure of the government agencies. McGuire says that HIV-positive women do not care which agency is responsible. Footage of Moore being interviewed by Marks. Marks asks Moore what she will do if Medicaid will not cover her medical bills if she becomes ill. Moore says that she has not thought about it; that she tries not to think about it because stress could make her become ill. Marks stands on Commonwealth Avenue. Marks reports that the CDC says that there is not enough medical evidence to link female opportunistic infections to AIDS; that the CDC refuses to change its definition. V: Footage of McGuire being interviewed by Marks. McGuire says that the CDC refuses to include some symptoms in its definition; that those symptoms are those which are experienced by poor people and people of color. McGuire says that poor people and people of color are those who will need benefits. McGuire wonders if the dynamics of race, gender and class have anything to do with the government's reluctance to move forward on the issue. Marks reports that Moore has been unaffected by this issue so far. V: Shots of Moore walking on Commonwealth Avenue with Marks. Audio of Moore saying that she must keep an open mind; that she must stay aware in order to remain alive. Footage of Marks being interviewed by Moore. Moore talks about being afraid.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/19/1991