Description: Mass of spectators gathered at Prudential Center finish line of Boston Marathon. David Ives watches. Cloudy, cold day. Airplanes fly around trailing message banners. First wheelchair finisher George Murray rolls in with police escort. Press photographers truck. Bill Rodgers wins a close race in 2:10:15. Randy Thomas and Kevin Ryan cross line. Rodgers climbs up to platform for Gov. Michael Dukakis, Mayor Kevin White and Will Cloney to congratulate him with laurel wreath and medal. He is then surrounded by press horde and police. More top runners cross. Bob Hall places third in wheelchair division. Other runners cross the finish line.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/17/1978
Description: Mounted Boston police officer near Quincy Market. Crowds of children pet horse. Street performer. Angled view of upper facade of Faneuil Hall juxtaposed with Sixty State Street high rise. Quincy Market plaque. Grasshopper weather vane. Sign for “Where's Boston?”
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1978
Description: Outdoor press conference with Brock Adams, US Secretary of Transportation, flanked by Sens. Edward Brooke and Edward Kennedy, on southwest corridor mass transit project. Fred Salvucci stands behind them. $669 million in federal funds approved. An additional $1 billion will be invested through public/private initiatives for urban development contingent with relocation of the orange line. Kennedy and Brooke make grateful remarks. Reps. Mary Good and James Craven. Mel King appears (in t-shirt and baseball cap) to acknowledge the efforts of community activists. This very large scale public works project will create jobs and keep the neighborhoods from being physically divided along racial lines. Adams answers question on air traffic congestion expected at large airports.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/11/1978