Description: Exteriors of nightclub. Interiors of the nightclub, including audience watching music act, band on stage, dancing, waitresses serving people at tables. Interview with nightclub owner on starting his business, after having served as a cantorial singer at a Jewish temple. Interview with nightclub performer.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Cuts of random footage at the beginning. Footage of a story on the building of a radio telescope observatory near the Quabbin Reservoir. Interviews with three men on the value a radio telescope and the environmental impact the observatory will have on the surrounding wildlife. Footage of the construction site. Office scenes, Quabbin Reservoir, and other b-roll.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Kris Rondeau speaks at a rally, intercut with shots of attendees. She talks about the success of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers and their disputes with Harvard administration. She ends by introducing Jesse Jackson. Jackson leads a chant of “Keep Hope Alive!” for a couple of seconds. He speaks about worker pay, the economy, and Harvard. He speaks about workers at Harvard and claims that they cannot pay Harvard tuition. He speaks about hospital workers who cannot afford healthcare and states the need for a national healthcare plan. He speaks about equal pay for women, benefits for workers, and other problems in America. He speaks about the need for coalition and the need to push for change. He speaks about his plan to meet with Harvard’s president and what he will discuss. He speaks about Harvard’s endowment and its character. He speaks again about the need for coalition. He speaks about mistreatment of minorities in World War II, links this to current situations in Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, and South Africa, and to current situations in the U.S. He speaks about the L.A. Riots and racism. He ends the speech with calls to action and takes a press question about his plan to meet with Harvard’s president. Credits over shot of statue and protest sign, over audio of man and chorus singing.
Collection: CCTV
Description: Crowd at Thinking Machines Corporation applauds Senator Al Gore. Sheryl Handler (CEO, Thinking Machines) introduces him. Gore credits the audience for working in a field in which the U.S. faces a lot of competition and mentions his previous visits. He introduces his wife, Tipper, and daughter, Kristen. He speaks about the influence of Thinking Machines products in other business environments and mentions that Thinking Machines has more customers in foreign countries than in the U.S. He speaks about the need for an information infrastructure that would bring information to those who need it. He speaks about the presentation capabilities of Thinking Machines computers and the necessary infrastructure to make these computers available for use by businesses anywhere in the country. He proposes a nationwide fiber-optic network as a necessity for America’s competition in the world marketplace. He takes questions from the audience. He discusses changing from a Cold War mentality and the changing nature of strategic resources. He talks about the global environmental crisis and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes. He discusses ethnic conflicts and states the need for the U.S. to work with the U.N. to stop the killings in Bosnia. Applause as he leaves through the crowd.
Collection: CCTV
Description: Air piece on a new order requiring bullet proof partitions in taxicabs. Interviews with independent cab drivers on the pros and cons of partitions, especially for night drivers.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Juliet Brudney (moderator, Boston Globe columnist) talks about the rules for the forum (held at Volpe National Transportation Systems Center) and introduces Dr. Kenneth Williams (White House Conference on Aging). Williams talks about the need for older workers to delay their retirement and cites demographic statistics. He talks about the White House Conference on Aging and its purposes and operations. Older workers give testimonials about being downsized. James Medoff (Harvard Professor of Economics) talks about the lack and poor quality of current job offers. He talks about inflation, interest rates, state and local spending, corporate debt, cash flow, and Equal Employment Opportunity laws. He talks about the Clinton Administration’s strategy. He briefly mentions Equal Employment laws again and then talks about unemployment benefits. Older workers give testimonials about being downsized. Audience members speak from the floor. Brudney introduces Barney Frank (U.S. House of Representatives). He discusses the government’s perception of the economy, anti-discrimination laws, and the need for a universal healthcare system. He states the need for increasing job growth, preventing age discrimination, and minimizing the consequences of unemployment. He talks about the worldwide market and developing worldwide standards. He talks about the perception of the government. He takes audience questions about programs that export jobs and handling discrimination complaints. Angela Rizzolo (U.S. Department of Labor) speaks about working with women. Richard Makela (U.S. Department of Labor) speaks about his agency’s work and the increasing trend in white-collar unemployment. Frances Chaiken (Experience Unlimited) asks Makela about the need for job development for older workers. Brudney concludes the forum. Over music, initiatives and suggestions for political action are presented in text screens, before closing credits.
Collection: CCTV
Description: David Attenborough (naturalist) speaks at the Brattle Theatre. He talks about producing nature films and how newer, more sophisticated equipment makes it possible to document previously unseen animal behaviors. He talks about working with the scientist Cynthia Moss and describes elephant mating rituals. He talks about working with the scientist Christophe Boesch and describes how chimpanzees hunt monkeys. He talks about deciding, after some consideration, to show the graphically violent hunting process on television. He takes audience questions. He talks about the difference between the behaviors of chimpanzees studied by Boesch and those studied by Jane Goodall. He talks about the family structure of elephant herds and the occurrence of incest between the senior male and his mating partners. He talks about the fertility of male and female elephants. He talks about his goal in producing nature films. He talks about relating chimpanzee behavior to the behavior of earlier human ancestors. He talks about relating other animal behaviors to human behaviors. He talks about production limitations of his earlier documentaries. He talks about politics and increased interest in environmental issues. He talks about working with local people on his documentary expeditions. He talks about altruistic behavior in animals that sacrifice themselves for others. He talks about the lack of government support for natural science studies, particularly in the Soviet Union. He talks about footage of a snow leopard in one of his films. He talks about his favorite species to work with: birds-of-paradise. He talks about how the space program made environmentalism popular.
Collection: CCTV
Description: Member of the United Automobile Workers speaks about the recent interactions between the UAW and the Nixon administration.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Several people address a crowd of clergymen, giving them details on a meeting held that day on the "Mobilization on the white problem in metropolitan Boston." They discuss what churches can and should do to help fight against white racism towards African Americans, especially African American business people. Silent footage of the audience. Reporter standup.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Sarah Fishman (freelance journalist, producer of “See Mike Run”) talks about her work and following Michael Capuano on his Congressional campaign for this documentary. She talks about the production process. Fishman voiceover about Capuano’s position as mayor, during footage of Cambridge streets, Capuano in his office, campaign signs and stickers on vehicles. Voiceover continues about the history of the House seat, the other contenders, and the district itself. Footage of Capuano formally announcing his candidacy. Voiceover continues about Capuano’s youth, how he got interested in politics, and about his father’s political career. Footage of man dressed in town crier costume announcing Capuano’s birth. Voiceover continues, during photos of Capuano as a boy and young man. Interview with Capuano and his wife, Barbara, where she talks about meeting him in school. She talks about campaigning and her role in his career, intercut with footage of her and Capuano at a T station shaking hands with passengers and photos of their children. Capuano talks about why he became interested in politics, in part because of the nation’s disillusionment with Vietnam. Fishman voiceover about Capuano’s career as Somerville alderman, during footage of photo of newspaper article and footage of Beacon Hill. Interview with Capuano in his office about the challenges of his job. Voiceover continues about the effects of his work on Somerville, over footage of people at a parade. Voiceover continues about some corrupt Somerville politicians and criminals, over photos of newspaper articles. Voiceover continues to say that Capuano has a reputation for cronyism and bullying. Interview with Dorothy Kelly Gay (Governor’s Councilor) about this perception and Capuano’s tenacity. Footage of Capuano at a school committee meeting where he strongly disagrees with someone. Voiceover continues about Capuano’s unpopularity with some DPW employees, during footage of some workers marching. Interview with Kevin Tarpley (alderman) about the workers’ demands, footage of a worker speaking to the crowd. Footage of Capuano in his car, shaking people’s hands, meeting with Joseph Kennedy II. Footage of congressional candidates Marjorie Clapprood, Capuano, Ray Flynn, George Bachrach. Voiceover continues about Ray Flynn’s traditionalism, the political nature of the district, and Capuano’s appeal. Footage of Capuano at an interview where he talks about his status as a progressive. Footage of him giving a speech at a political event. Voiceover continues about his popularity among city hall workers, over footage of cars with bumper stickers and people holding signs. Voiceover continues about his earlier unsuccessful bid for state office, over photograph of newspaper article about that campaign and photograph of him and his father. Voiceover continues about his campaign activities, over footage of him in his car, signs, and a debate area at Harvard. Footage of Capuano debating Ray Flynn. Interview with Jon Lenicheck (campaign coordinator) in which he talks about Capuano’s long tenure in office. Voiceover continues about Flynn’s switch to the Congressional race, with footage of Flynn, photos of newspaper articles, footage of Capuano playing basketball, and footage of his fundraiser at Anthony’s Pier 4. Voiceover continues about his increase in popularity. Footage of him addressing campaign supporters, photos of newspaper articles. Footage of Capuano and supporters on Democratic primary election night, as he wins and gives a speech. Voiceover continues about his assured victory in the general election, over footage of campaign signs. Interview with Capuano as he describes what he wants to do as a Representative, over footage of Longworth House Office Building. Voiceover concludes over footage of Somerville streets. Credits over Capuano and other people performing Village People’s “YMCA.”
Collection: CCTV
Description: Crowd of young hippies. Alice's Restaurant movie posters. Man playing guitar in front of audience. Arlo Guthrie. Shot of Joan Baez.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/19/1960
Description: John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson at Democratic National Convention 1960. JFK's "New Frontier" speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 1960
Description: Swearing in and inaugural address of John F. Kennedy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/20/1961
Description: Sounds goes in and out at the beginning. Dr. Pinderhughes gives a speech to an audience. He addresses contemporary racism and its societal causes. He uses his term "body image" to explain different perceptions and projects of different types of people. He says that the Black Power Movement is providing a forceful change in white people's project of what black people are. He compared the Black Power Movement to youths rebelling against adults to assert their autonomy, which is socially accepted.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/18/1967
Description: Cambridge Mayor Daniel Hayes is interviewed about the presence of hippies in Cambridge. He objects to there being over 2000 hippies living in "pads" in Cambridge especially in the residential areas. He notes that since they can't afford to live in Harvard Square, they're more concentrated in the Central Square area. He defines "hippie" in his own words. Reporter Roger Goodrich reasks the questions after the interview.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/1967
Description: Cambridge Mayor Daniel Hayes is interviewed about the presence of hippies in Cambridge. He objects to there being over 2000 hippies living in "pads" in Cambridge especially in the residential areas. He notes that since they can't afford to live in Harvard Square, they're more concentrated in the Central Square area. He defines "hippie" in his own words. Reporter
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/1967
Description: Roger Goodrich interviews Elliot Richardson, Massachusetts Attorney General, on the Frederick Wiseman film, Titicut Follies. He explains his objection film based on it's lack of regard for individual rights and privacy. He talks about the situation under former Attorney General Ed Brooke during which the film was made with the understanding that those individuals not able to give consent would not be featured. Cutaways of reporter asking questions. Footage of the Massachusetts Superior Court hearings on the film. A man who worked at Bridgewater State Hospital, where Titicut Follies was filmed, answers many questions. He mentions that his deputy forbade the cameras from going anywhere near Albert DeSalvo, the alleged Boston Strangler. Corrections Commissioner Gavin also answers questions. Outtakes of reporter standup. Silent courtroom scenes. Exteriors of the Massachusetts State House. Silent footage of Frederick Wiseman in the courtroom, talking to reporter Bill Harrington.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/18/1967
Description: Interview with Dr. Alexander on his reaction to the Frederick Wiseman film, Titicut Follies, which he thinks is a genuine depiction of severe mental illness. He discusses censorship of the film. Following the interview there is silent b-roll of the Suffolk County Court House, Superior Court chambers, and court room scenes of the hearings about Titicut Follies.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/1967
Description: Outtakes from an interview with Erwin Canham, editor of the Christian Science Monitor. He talks about the atomic stalemate between the United States and the Soviet Union. He credits each country's second-strike capability with preserving the peace. He mentions the Vietnam War.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967
Description: Cuts from a story on Wakefield High School senior, Paul Christopher, who organized an Pro-Vietnam War rally. Silent footage of people addressing crowd holding pro-Vietnam signs. Sound footage of Paul Christopher and John Volpe addressing the crowd. Silent footage of a drum corps in Revolutionary War regalia. Silent footage of Christopher at his job at a sandwich shop. Reporter standup. Silent scenes of the town. Interview with Christopher on organizing the event. He compares it to the anti-Vietnam demonstration in Washington, D.C. Reporter standup. Interview with Wakefield police chief J. Merrit Wensell on their capability to handle the huge number of people coming in for the rally. B-roll of rally. Reporter standup on success of rally. Crowd signs Star Spangled Banner. Speeches, including more of Volpe speech and speech by former Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Joseph Scerra. Scerra awards Paul Christopher a medal of merit from the VFW. Paul Christopher gets award from John Volpe in his office.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967