Description: Hope Kelly reports that Democratic candidates for governor Evelyn Murphy and Francis Bellotti talked about civil rights issues at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. While the candidates agreed on most of the issues, they disagreed about the death penalty. Murphy and Bellotti talk about minority set-asides, development in minority communities, and the civil rights bill in the state legislature. They also discuss their positions on death penalty. Bellotti talks about his participation in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Reporters look bored, some reporters read the newspaper while the candidates talk. Kelly reports that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. Interviews with people on the street, none of whom believe that either candidate has shown strong leadership in the area of civil rights.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. A moderator introduces the forum. Murphy and Bellotti sit together at a table. Panelists sit at tables adjacent to the candidates. Members of the media are at the back of the room. Hope Kelly reports that there was no debate at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights this morning; that the candidates agree on the issues. V: Footage of Murpy speaking at the Forum. Murphy says that she believes in minority set-aside rules; that she would like to see the program expanded. Shots of members of the media sitting on a couch to one side of the room. Kelly says that the forum's atmosphere was low-key. V: Shots of Bellotti; of two reporters reading the newspaper as Murphy speaks. Shots of two men conferring as Murphy speaks; of another reporter reading the newspaper. Shot of a man playing with his pen; of another man looking up at the ceiling. Shot of the moderator with his chin cupped in his hand. Audio of Murphy talking about minority businesses. Kelly notes that both candidates got equal time at the forum. V: Footage of Bellotti talking about development in minority communities. Kelly reports that both candidates say that they support the same agenda; that both candidates support the civil rights bill before the US Congress; that both candidates support the gay rights bill in the state legislature. V: Shot of Murphy speaking at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates support minority set-aside programs; that both candidates will try to improve access for all. V: Shots of panelists at the forum. Kelly reports that Murphy brought up the only difference between the two candidates; that the difference was highlighted in the days following the murder of Carol Stuart (resident of Reading, Massachusetts). V: Footage of Murphy speaking at the forum. Murphy says that her opponents talked about their support of the death penalty in the days following the Stuart murder. Murphy says that she has always been an opponent of the death penalty; that Bellotti had threatened to "pull the switch." Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he was not statesmanlike when he talked about pulling "the switch." Bellotti says that he has always been honest about his position on the death penalty. Bellotti says that he would never lobby for the death penalty. Kelly reports that the candidates talked about their past records; that the candidates talked about how they would govern the state. V: Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he marched with Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1965; that people threw rocks at the marchers. Shots of Bellotti and Murphy at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates boasted of their records on civil rights. Kelly notes that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. V: Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly outside of a post office. Kelly asks if the man is familiar with the civil rights records of Murphy or Bellotti. The man says that he cannot think of anything that either candidate has done in the area of civil rights. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the man to name some local civil rights leaders. The man responds that she has posed a tough question. Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly. The man cannot come up with an answer to Kelly's question about local civil rights leaders. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. The man says that he would not consider Bellotti to be a leader in the area of civil rights. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the woman if she knew that Bellotti grew up in Roxbury. The woman says that she never knew that fact. Shot of the candidates and panelists rising at the end of the forum.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1990
Description: Campaign brochures for candidates opposing Rep. Tip O'Neill in eighth congressional district. Barnstead, Florenzo DiDonato, Leo Kahian. Interview with Tip O'Neill about his campaign and the U.S. economy. O'Neill shakes hands and talks with constituents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1976
Description: Outtakes from an interview with Erwin Canham, editor of the Christian Science Monitor. He talks about the atomic stalemate between the United States and the Soviet Union. He credits each country's second-strike capability with preserving the peace. He mentions the Vietnam War.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967
Description: Woman gives seafaring lecture to a crowd of children and adults on a Cape Cod beach. People in sailors uniforms pull beach cart along the sand, with help from audience members pushing form behind. Man continues lecture on top of a dune. Sailors perform a rescue drill.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/01/1983
Description: Car manufacturing plant. Workers inspect cars. Interviews with workers about their plans after the plant shuts down. Workers state that it was a decrease in car sales that caused the plant to shut down. Competition with foreign cars and foreign plants are endangering American jobs. Supervisors discuss the importance of import and export laws. Exterior of plant.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1982
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart, who was murdered. The foundation will fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood and activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. DiMaiti family members hold a press conference. Carol's father Giusto DiMaiti talks about his daughter. Interview with Carol's brother Carl DiMaiti, who is the president of the foundation. He talks about his sister and the activities of the foundation, saying that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their schools. DiMaiti says that the foundation and its advisory board will try to fund innovative programs to improve race relations in the city. DiMaiti says that more must be done to improve race relations. This tape also includes footage from WCVB news coverage of the Stuart murder case. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Giusto DiMaiti (father of Carol Stuart) at a press conference on January 25, 1990. DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a loving, caring person. Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created a foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart; that they hope to fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood; that they hope to fund activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. V: Shots of the members of the DiMaiti family at a press conference; of the media at the press conference. Shot of a color photo of Stuart wearing a bridal veil. Jones reports that the foundation has received over $260,000 worth of donations. Jones reports that Carl DiMaiti is the president of the foundation; that Carl DiMaiti hopes to begin granting scholarships in the fall. V: Footage of Carl DiMaiti being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks what kind of people will receive the scholarships. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to hard-working students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their school. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who want to give something back to society. Carl DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a tax attorney; that Stuart volunteered her time at a Latino community center in Somerville; that Stuart helped people with their taxes during tax season. Jones asks about the foundation's goal of funding activities to improve race relations. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to fund innovative programs that bring together people from different backgrounds. Carl DiMaiti talks about an city-wide basketball league or an exchange between suburban and inner-city schools. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation will look to its advisory board for guidance. Carl DiMaiti says that more can be done to improve race relations in Boston. Jones asks Carl DiMaiti for his opinion on race relations in Boston. Carl DiMaiti says that race relations can be improved; that the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation cannot improve race relations by itself. Carl DiMaiti says that some people have been surprised that the family started the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has derived many benefits from creating the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has begun to see how many good people live in the city of Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1990
Description: African American beachgoers are escorted onto Carson Beach in South Boston by Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) police officers. Officers are posted on the beach, forming a ring around the African American beachgoers. Police officers station themselves at the edge of the water as children play. Police officers line up near the recreation building, observing the action on the beach. Three MDC police boats patrol the water. Three white males are escorted from the beach. White beachgoers stand around, observing the scene.
0:00:26: Visual: Four Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) police officers escort a small group of African American youth on to Carson Beach in South Boston. There are white swimmers and sunbathers on the beach. The Boston skyline is visible in the distance. A group of older white men sit under a shelter near the road. Cars pass by slowly on the road. Groups of white people sit under the shelters or sunbathe on the sand. 0:01:50: V: A larger group of African Americans walk on to the beach, accompanied by police officers. The group of African Americans ranges in age from young kids to adults. The group walks along the beach, heading toward the recreation building. Young African American children play in the water along the shore. Police officers stand casually on the beach as the African American beachgoers get settled . An older white man greets some of the African American youth. White beachgoers are seated near the African American beachgoers. Many whites stare at the African Americans. MDC police officers are lined up near the recreation building, observing the scene on the beach. 0:06:25: V: White residents and beachgoers are standing up, watching the African American beachgoers and the police on the beach. Police officers walk among the crowd. A police officer escorts a white man from the beach. A large line of MDC police officers circles approaches the recreation building to join the other group of officers. Approximately 50 police officers stand in front of the recreation building. Two helmeted police officers escort another white man from the beach. Another group of police officers walks toward the beach. A group of 20 more African Americans are escorted onto the beach by a police officer. 0:09:31: V: An older white man with a walkie talkie walks down the beach toward the crowd. Police officers stand at the edge of the water while African American children play. A few white beachgoers mill about near the police officers. Most white beachgoers sit separately from the African American beachgoers. Other white beachgoers observe the scene from further up the beach. A group of police officers stands in front of the recreation building. A group of five African American adults walk down the beach toward the African American beachgoers. They are followed by a police officer. 0:12:05: V: African American beachgoers are seated in small groups on the beach. A line of police officers forms a ring around them. A group of white beachgoers stands nearby. Shot of a young white boy sitting by himself on the beach. African American children play in the water. MDC police officers stand at the edge of the water. White beachgoers stand near the police officers, watching the African American children. The African American beachgoers enjoy themselves. Police stand by. The media record the scene. White beachgoers stand around in groups. Two MDC Police boats patrol the water. 0:15:33: V: A line of MDC police officers with riot helmets stands in front of the recreation building. MDC police officers observe the action on the beach from the MDC boats in the water. A line of police cordons off the African American beachgoers from the white beachgoers. Members of the media and white bystanders stand near the African American beachgoers. White beachgoers sit and stand apart from the African American beachgoers. Two police officers escort a young white man from the beach. A group of African American beachgoers heads toward the recreation building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/03/1977
Description: Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter enters North End Post 144, Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, shakes hands. A man introduces Carter; he also points out local politicians in attendance. Carter addresses a small crowd. He calls himself a 'Washington outsider' and appeals to them as same. Carter takes questions from the audience. He lays out his plans for national defense. He talks about the nuclear positions of the United States and the Soviet Union. Exteriors of the VFW.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/17/1976
Description: Tight shots of many customers' hands paying for merchandise with dollars at checkout counter of discount store. Sound effect of old fashioned cash register. Transaction with BankAmericard (Visa). Cashier places credit card and charge slip on sliding metal plate to make impression of number; then checks printed list of invalid account numbers. Reporter explains different ways to pay including cash and check, and the increasing availability of charge cards or electronic money.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/11/1977
Description: Bill Murray, Christopher Reeve, Stockard Channing and other celebrities assemble at Sanders Theater for a poetry reading. Interview with Reeve on performing in Boston. William Alfred (Harvard professor) on Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1989