Description: Interviews with women and men on President Johnson's announcement that he won't be seeking reelection.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/01/1968
Description: Crowd of students celebrating President Johnson's announcement that he won't be seeking reelection.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/01/1968
Description: Carmen Fields interviews three Northeastern journalism students on the coverage of the Persian Gulf war. Two students are impressed with the immediacy of the coverage provided by television (CNN and the networks), but the other thinks that it is "not as in-depth as it could get." Fields contrasts the commitment to "the people's right to know" of Watergate-era journalists with the students' views regarding the importance of censorship to protect national security and the lives of individual soldiers. The students also discuss the missing CBS news crew led by Bob Simon, and question the news team's decision to report in a war zone without a military escort.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1991
Description: First seven minutes are shots of photographs of community activist Mel King throughout his life. Then Christopher Lydon interviews his wife Joyce King in the kitchen of their home. Joyce says that Mel's parents taught him the importance of sharing with others, and adds that he was very proud of his father, who was active in a union. Joyce talks about Mel's generosity. Lydon asks about the West Indian background of Mel's family, and about his formative years. She says that Mel's family was proud of their West Indian heritage and discusses his experiences while attending college in South Carolina. Joyce says that he learned about racism and oppression while living in South Carolina.
1:00:02: Visual: Shots of black and white photographs of Mel King throughout his life; of Mel King's high school yearbook photograph. 1:06:55: V: Christopher Lydon interviews Joyce King (wife of Mel King) in the kitchen of her home. Lydon asks Joyce King about Mel King's family. Joyce King says that Mel King's family always shared what they had with others; that Mel King's mother was able to make do with the few resources she had. Joyce King says that Mel King's father was active in a union; that Mel King is very proud of his father. Joyce King tells a story about the generosity of Mel King's father. Joyce King says that Mel King has an "open door policy"; that Mel King is not protective of his privacy. Joyce King says that Mel King often brings people to their home. Joyce King says that Mel King often gives clothing or money to those in need; that he does it in a quiet manner. 1:15:06: V: Lydon asks about the West Indian culture of Mel King's family. Joyce King says that Mel King's family is proud of their heritage; that his parents grew up in Barbados; that the family has strong connections to their heritage. Lydon asks about Mel King's formative years. Joyce King says that Mel King's membership in the Church of All Nations was important in his younger years; that Mel King attended a church-sponsored school in South Carolina; that the public school system discouraged African Americans from attending university. Joyce King says that Mel King learned a lot about race and oppression when he was at college in South Carolina; that Mel King traveled through the South as a member of the sports teams at his college. Joyce King says that Mel King returned from South Carolina with ideas about race and the fight against oppression.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1983
Description: Courtroom visual of Boston School Desegregation Case. Judge W. Arthur Garrity, Thomas Atkins, Mary Simonds. (Sketches only)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/05/1985
Description: W. Arthur Garrity (federal judge) speaks at a meeting of the Citywide Educational Coalition (CWEC). Jane Margulis (CWEC) introduces Garrity. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Sidney Smith (Headmaster, English High School), and Ellen Guiney (CWEC) sit on stage. Garrity talks about his efforts to wrap up the school desegregation case. He says that there are a few lingering matters to be handled before he withdraws. Garrity thanks the CWEC for providing factual and reliable information about school desegregation. Garrity talks about a "sea of misinformation" surrounding school desegregation. He refutes rumors that he was involved in hiring teachers and buying supplies. Garrity compliments John Coakley (Boston School Department) on his career in the Boston School Department; he mentions Coakley's integrity and dedication to his job. Garrity sums up the challenges facing the Boston Public Schools; he says that school integration is an ongoing process. Reel 1
0:59:59: Visual: Arthur Garrity (federal judge) speaks at English High School at the annual meeting of the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC). Garrity is at the end of his involvement in the Boston school desegregation case. Jane Margulis (CWEC) introduces Garrity. Garrity sits on stage, with a group of officials including Laval Wilson (Superintendent of Boston Public Schools), Sidney Smith (Headmaster, English High School), and Ellen Guiney (CWEC). Margulis tells a few anecdotes as she introduces Garrity. Garrity shakes her hand and kisses her on the cheek as he approaches the podium. 1:02:17: V: Garrity thanks Margulis. Garrity tells a story about how he and Margulis spoke at a seminar about school desegregation in Virginia. Garrity says that members of the audience were so impressed with Margulis that she received a job offer on the spot from a school system in Texas. Garrity says that he has not come to talk about the final court orders that he handed down on September 3. Garrity reads from the canon of judicial conduct, which instructs a judge not to comment publicly on court proceedings. Garrity reminds the audience that the court case is not entirely over; that the Boston Teacher's Union has filed an appeal of the court orders issued on September 3. Garrity says that he has extended the time period in which other appeals may be filed. Garrity adds that there is another court hearing on Friday to discuss support services for the Boston Latin School. Garrity talks about a motion filed by the city of Boston to modify one of the court orders dealing with emergency school repairs. 1:07:57: V: Garrity says that he has come to thank the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC). Garrity commends the CWEC for gathering and disseminating factual information since the beginning of desegregation. Garrity says that there was "a sea of misinformation" during that time period. Garrity cites an article from The New York Times written on September 6. The article says that Garrity was involved in hiring teachers and buying supplies. Garrity says that it is "laughable" to think that he was involved in those areas of the school system. Garrity notes that he was only involved in the hiring of one person; that he helped to hire Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School). Garrity says that he wanted to acknowledge the debt owed to the CWEC by the court. Garrity adds that he wanted to meet Laval Wilson; that Wilson has a good reputation as a school administrator. Garrity says that he wanted to be present to honor John Coakley (Boston School Department). Garrity says that the Boston school desegregation case "is nothing else if not a hundred stories." Garrity talks about referring to one of the school desegregation plans filed in court as "the Coakley plan," because it was written by Coakley. He adds that a friend counseled him to stop calling it the "Coakley plan" so as not to ruin Coakley's future in the Boston School Department. Garrity says that he had recently written a a memo connected to one of the court orders, in which he commended Coakley's conscientious job performance. Garrity talks about Coakley's integrity and dedication to his job. Garrity says that there never would have been a student assignment system without Coakley. 1:12:56: V: Garrity says that school desegregation is an ongoing process. Garrity talks about the many tasks facing the Boston Public School System. Garrity talks about differences between the city of Boston and the state over the budget for facilities and school repair. Garrity talks about the need to determine which schools will get money to improve facilities. Garrity talks about the question of the Latin Schools. Garrity notes that the Boston Globe recently printed a letter from Robert Dentler (Dean of Education, Boston University) on the subject of the Latin Schools. Garrity denies charges printed in the newspapers that he vetoed a plan to improve the Latin Schools. Garrity adds that no plan has been filed to improve the Latin Schools. Garrity says that critics have misread the court orders; that planning must be undertaken for the Latin Schools. Garrity talks about the challenges involved in plans to improve vocational and occupational education. Garrity notes that the Boston School Committee faces some deadlines in its plans to improve vocational education. Garrity stresses that there is much work remaining to be done in the schools; that "the challenges of the future are greater than the challenges of the past." Garrity commends Rita Walsh-Tomasini (Boston School Committee) for advocating the formation of a committee to work with parents' organizations in the schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: Interview with Judith Jamison previously of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company. She talks about her current career on Broadway, and what it feels like not to be part of a company anymore. She gives advice for aspiring dancers. They shoot cutaways. Closeup on award presented to Jamison by the Harvard Foundation. Interview with Dr. Allen Counter of Harvard Foundation on the founding of the Harvard Foundation, which tries to improve on problems of racial discord. He also explains why Jamison was chosen for its first cultural award. They shoot cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1982
Description: Marcus Jones profiles Julian Bond. Jones notes that Bond was a lecturer at Harvard University last fall. Jones interviews Bond about his role in the Eyes on the Prize series and his involvement in the civil rights movement. Bond talks about his beginnings in the civil rights movement and about the 1968 Democratic Convention. Jones notes that Bond was nominated for vice president during that convention. Jones' report includes footage from the 1968 Democratic Convention and footage from Eyes on the Prize. Jones interviews Harvard students Carlos Watson and Natosha Reid about the class they took with Bond at Harvard. Jones' report also features footage of Bond in class with his students. This tape includes additional b-roll footage of Bond in class with his students. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Banks agree to improve access to banking services in low-income neighborhoods Banks improve services to low-income neighborhoods Christopher Lydon interviews Sarah Small Sarah Small
1:00:06: Visual: Footage from the opening credits of Eyes on the Prize II. Footage of Julian Bond (narrator, Eyes on the Prize) talking about the success of the Eyes on the Prize series. Bond says that the first series had a tremendous impact on the viewing public. Bond says that the second series will also have an impact; that he is proud to be associated with the series. Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize, with narration by Bond. Marcus Jones reports that Bond is the narrator for the six episodes in the first series; that Bond will be the narrator for the eight episodes in the second series. Jones notes that Bond is proud of his social activism. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. Footage from Eyes on the Prize with narration by Bond. Jones reports that Bond was a senior at Morehouse College in Atlanta in 1959; that Bond joined the student sit-in movement. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about how he became involved in the sit-in movement. Bond says that he has been involved in the civil rights struggle ever since. Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize of the 1964 Democratic Convention. Jones reports that an African American delegation from Mississippi demanded to be seated in the place of an all-white delegation at the 1964 Democratic Convention. Jones notes that the effort failed; that Bond and other activists challenged the rules of representation at the 1968 Democratic Convention; that Bond was named as a nominee for vice president. V: Color footage from the 1968 Democratic Convention. Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about being nominated for vice president at the 1968 Democratic Convention. Bond says that he was nominated in an attempt to seize control of the microphones; that he was only twenty-eight years old. Bond says that the attempt failed; that the reformers were not allowed enough input on the convention floor. Jones reports that Bond lectured on southern politics at Harvard University last fall. V: Shots of Bond with his students at Harvard. Footage of Natosha Reid (freshman, Harvard University) saying that Bond's class has given her perspective on African Americans in politics. Footage of Carlos Watson (junior, Harvard University) saying that Bond's class was one of the best classes of the semester. Shot of Bond in class with his students. Jones reports that Bond intends to do more teaching and television work in the future. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond says that great leaders and fiery orators are important. Bond says that ordinary people need to be the leaders of the civil rights movement; that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things without depending on a leader.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1990
Description: KISS 108 radio station in Medford. On air light. Disk jockey at sound mixing board cues up record on turntable. Needles on VU meters. Reception desk. Lips logo. Billboard and exterior of building with WXKS call letters and FM and AM frequencies. Paul Solman does several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/09/1979
Description: Pam Bullard interviews Kathleen Sullivan (Boston School Committee) about the quality of education in Boston. Sullivan says that she is frustrated because Boston schools have not improved since court-ordered desegregation began in 1974. Sullivan calls Arthur Garrity (federal judge) a "crazy judge." Sullivan says that the desegregation plans since 1974 have been disruptive. She says that neither African American nor white students have benefitted from school desegregation; that students should not be assigned to different schools each year. Sullivan and her assistant discuss Judge Garrity's latest order concerning the Boston schools. Bullard explains to Sullivan that she is putting together a piece which contrasts Sullivan's views on schools and court-ordered desegregation with the views of African American leader Melnea Cass
0:59:44: V: Pam Bullard interviews Kathleen Sullivan in her office. Bullard comments that Sullivan was elected to the School Committee because voters were impressed with her commitment to quality education and better schools. Bullard asks Sullivan how she would have fared if voters were less concerned with the state of the schools and more concerned with politics as usual. Sullivan says that she could have been re-elected. Sullivan says that parents are concerned about education; that a difficult economy coupled with the costs of school desegregation has made school improvement difficult. Sullivan says that the quality of education has not improved in the city since she was elected to the School Committee; that she feels frustrated in her efforts to improve the schools. 1:03:48: V: Bullard asks if it would damage Sullivan politically to admit that desegregation has improved Boston schools. Sullivan says that voters in Boston are beginning to accept desegregation as a fact; that the anti-busing movement has lost steam because people are tired; that voters would be happy to hear that schools have improved, even if the improvement was a direct result of desegregation and a "crazy judge on the scene." Sullivan says that there has been little improvement except in a few schools. Sullivan mentions that Roxbury High School, the Lewenberg School and the Curley School have seen improvement. Bullard asks why Sullivan never mentions the positive impact that desegregation has had on African American students, who now have access to an equal education. Sullivan says that she has been preoccupied with the budget this year; that she visited last year with African American students who had been assigned to three different schools in three years, and had not benefitted from the experience. Sullivan says that the school situation has begun to stabilize this year; that one can begin to talk about better education for African American students this year; that police presence in schools and community hostility to busing prevented a healthy school situation for African American students in 1974 and 1975; that she understands why African American parents might disagree with her because they wanted access to better schools for their children. Sullivan says that she hopes schools can be improved for all students; that she is worried because only 51,000 children attended Boston Public Schools last year, out of a school-age population of 117,000. Sullivan says that she taught African American students in Dorchester; that she thinks desegregation has been disruptive for those students; that the desegregation of Boston schools could have been beneficial for African American students and white students in 1974 and 1975 if it had been implemented differently. 1:10:34: V: An administrative assistant enters Sullivan's office to go over some papers with her. The assistant points out that Judge Garrity has ordered the School Committee to appoint a new Transitional Director of Program Development at South Boston High School. Sullivan and the assistant discuss Garrity's instructions. Sullivan and her assistant tell Bullard that Judge Garrity has approved 160 transfers out of 1,782 requests. Sullivan alludes to Garrity's heavy involvement in managing the Boston schools. 1:12:57: V: Bullard explains to Sullivan how she will edit the final piece. Shots of Sullivan's office. Bullard explains that she has also interviewed Melnea Cass (African American community leader) and wants the final piece to reflect the positions of the two women. Bullard says that both women are leaders, but that their positions on school desegregation reflect their ethnic heritage; that their positions are as far apart as the communities they represent. Sullivan points out that she has done a lot of work with African American students. Bullard says that Sullivan and Cass have a good working relationship because neither harbors strong racial prejudices; that both have friends of other races and backgrounds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1976