Description: Profile on the Kennedy family's humor. Examples of Kennedy family dry wit and sense of humor illustrated by quips from Rose, Robert, Edward and John. John Kenneth Galbraith remembers JFK's wit in a speech at a conference as part of the "Profile in Courage" awards at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Award recipient Charles Weltner shares his favorite JFK story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/29/1991
Description: Edgartown story after the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne. Silent footage of District Attorney Edmund Dinis addressing reporters. Bill Zimmerman interviews Edgartown police chief Dominic Arena about the effect of the drowning and subsequent trial on his notoriety. They joke around while shooting cutaways. Exterior shots of the town offices and Edgartown streets scenes. A take of Zimmerman's reporter standup in front of Chief Arena directing traffic. Logan Airport runway environs. Senator Ted Kennedy and Joan Kennedy deboard plane and walk through airport to their car. Exterior shots of the County of Dukes County Courthouse. D.A. Dinis and others involved in the trial enter the court house. Interior shots of the Edgartown police station. Chief Arena jokes around while shooting environs.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/08/1969
Description: Sidney Farber honored by American Cancer Society - Farber, Mary Lasker, Ted Kennedy in attendance. First speaker maybe board president of ACS. Mary Lasker speaks at podium and presents Farber with ACS gold sword. Farber makes a long speech. Kennedy gets up to speak about Vietnam and is cut off"
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/24/1967, 11/08/1967, 12/10/1968, 09/18/1969
Description: Kent Elementary School in Charlestown, exterior and open classrooms. Chinese students, Chinese storybook. Bilingual name placards. Interview with principal, Mr. Fuller, on problems of desegregation,the great teachers at Kent Elementary School, problems with lack of parental involvement and the Charlestown community. Ends with silent footage of Pam Bullard during the interview for cut-aways, and footage of the Bunker Hill monument.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 12/02/1975
Description: Kent Elementary School in Charlestown. Arithmetic lesson. Chinese calligraphy. Open classroom. Diverse student body. Students learn how to care for plants.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 12/03/1975
Description: Silent b-roll of Kerrigan in his office. Cuts from an interview with Boston School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan. He discusses the invasion of Girls Latin School and English High School, where literature from the Students for a Democratic Society was passed out. He says that the 1968 they sent 100% of Girls Latin student to college. Close-ups on the SDS literature. Reporter reasks questions for editing purposes.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Interview with John Kerrigan, chairman of the Boston School Committee. He discusses the recent distribution of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) literature at the girls Latin and English high schools.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Democratic Senator John Kerry urges caution in pressing Saddam Hussein and sending troops to the Persian Gulf. Mention of Bill Bradley article in New York Times calling on suspense of further military support. Discussing unclear objectives of President George Bush, and future lack of support from American public and allies in Gulf. Kerry disagrees with declaring war on Iraq to liberate Kuwait.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/15/1990
Description: Mayoral election day in Lawrence. Interviews with Lawrence residents on who they think will and should win: incumbent John Buckely, or soon-to-be-winner Kevin Sullivan. Shots of Buckley and Sullivan campaign billboards. Campaign workers outside of Ward 6, Precinct 9 voting place, holding campaign signs covered in plastic, because it's raining. Buckely shows up at the voting place and thanks campaign workers and voters. David Williams interview Buckely on his experience. Williams also interviews Sullivan on his qualifications, and his misconstrued campaign advertisement, for which he was accused of racism. Video goes out in the middle of the interview, and then comes back. Buckely thanks campaign workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1985
Description: Press conference statement followed by Q&A. Discussion of 2 courts decisions. One that requires half of construction in Boston goes to Boston residents is not unconstitutional, with additional mention of minorities and women. The other decision is an injunction on the police plan. Kevin White and Robert Ryan (Head of BRA), answers questions, along with other White administration officials.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1983