Description: Callie Crossley reports on the documentary film Street Cop, set in Roxbury. Interview with Roxbury community activists Georgette Watson and Ben Haith about the documentary's portrayal of crime and drug traffic in the community. Watson complains about the negative images of Roxbury in the media and about the negative attitude of many police officers toward African Americans. Crossley's report includes footage from Street Cop and footage of Crossley, Watson, and Haith walking in Dudley Square. Interview with Larry Brown of the Boston Minority Police Association, who says that the documentary gave a realistic and effective portrayal of law enforcement. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports that William Celester has been accused of sexual assault by a female employee of the Police Department
1:00:00: Visual: Footage from Street Cop, a documentary film produced for Frontline. The footage shows a police plainclothes police officer entering a family's apartment. Women and children in the apartment are screaming and crying. Callie Crossley reports that Street Cop is a gritty documentary set in Roxbury; that the documentary profiles police officers from Area B headquarters in Roxbury; that the documentary examines crime and drug traffic. Crossley reports that some Roxbury activists say that the film shows the disrepectful attitude of the police toward citizens in the community. V: Footage of Crossley interviewing Georgette Watson (Roxbury community activist) and Ben Haith (Roxbury community activist). Watson says that police show less respect and restraint in Roxbury than they do in other communities. Watson wonders if the police are helping the community or destroying it. Crossley reports that Watson and Haith are concerned about the portrayal the Roxbury community in the documentary. V: Footage from Street Cop of a police officer breaking down an apartment door with a sledgehammer. Footage of Watson saying that drug problems exist all over the city, not just in Roxbury. Footage of Haith saying that the documentary showed the police attacking the neighborhood as if they were engaged in warfare. Footage from Street Cop of police officers searching for drugs in an apartment. Footage of Crossley, Watson, and Haith walking across the street in Dudley Square in Roxbury. Watson says that there are massive drug deals taking place across from the police station; that police are more concerned with forcefully entering homes to search for nickel bags of marijuana. Footage from Street Cop. Stanley Philbin (Boston Police Department) drives by a depressed housing project in Roxbury, saying that if he were young, black and living in that housing project, he would probably sell drugs; that "being black is no bargain." Crossley reports that Roxbury activists say that comments by police officers in the documentary reflect racist attitudes. V: Footage from Street Cop of a white police officer grabbing an African American girl as he tries to chase some African American kids away from a residential home. Footage of Watson saying that Roxbury needs police officers who understand the community; that police officers from South Boston do not understand the culture of African Americans. Watson says that Roxbury needs police officers who do not have a negative attitude toward African Americans. Footage of Larry Brown (Boston Minority Police Association) saying that the documentary was realistic and effective portrayal of law enforcement. Footage from Street Cop of a police officer reaching down the shirt of an old woman to pull out drugs. Footage of Brown saying that drugs and guns are a huge problem in communities; that police officers need to protect themselves from violence. Footage from Street Cop of police officers making an arrest. Footage of Brown saying that the community needs to support the police officers in the fight against the drug problem; that tough tactics are necessary to eradicate the drug problem. Footage from Street Cop of a uniformed African American police officer in a cruiser.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the ordination of Reverend Barbara Harris as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, which has been the focus of international attention and controversy. Press conference held by Harris and David Johnson. Harris says that she will seek understanding with opponents of her ordination. Interviews with James Solheim of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and Greer Gordon of the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Solheim talks about about opposition to Harris's nomination and his support of her nomination. Gordon talks about the reasons for the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to the ordination of women.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of Reverend Barbara Harris (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) at a press conference. Bishop David Johnson (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) sits next to her. Harris says that she is pleased that the consent process is nearing completion. Shots of the media at the press conference. Marcus Jones reports that it has taken four months for Harris to convince Episcopal Church leaders of her qualifications to be Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. V: Footage of Johnson saying that some Episcopal leaders are afraid of women taking over the Episcopal Church. Johnson says that he disagrees with those leaders; that it is important to share the ministry. Footage of Harris saying that her ordination as bishop presents theological and emotional problems for some. Harris talks about the need to seek understanding and reconciliation with opponents of her ordination. Jones reports that the ordination of women into the priesthood has long been controversial among Christian religions. Jones reports that Harris's ordination has been the focus of international attention. V: Footage of the Reverend James Solheim (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) saying that Harris' election has polarized the Episcopal Church. Solheim says that Harris' election to bishop is a first in the history of the Church. Solheim says that some religions leaders do not believe that a woman should stand in apostolic succession. Footage of Greer Gordon (Catholic Archdiocese of Boston) saying that there is no evidence of women having been admitted into the realm of the apostles. Gordon talks about the principle of apostolic succession. Gordon says that the apostles are seen as a direct line from Jesus. Shot of Pope John Paul II. Jones reports that the Episcopal Church was born out of a separation from Roman Catholicism; that the Roman Catholic Church still bans the ordination of women. V: Footage of Gordon being interviewed by Jones. Gordon talks about and quotes from the Scriptures. Gordon talks about the beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church as represented in the Scriptures. Footage of Solheim saying that the Scriptures should not be read "legalistically." Solheim says that there are many laws in the Scriptures which are not followed today. Jones reports that Harris will be installed as bishop on February 11, 1989. Jones notes that it will be a time of celebration for some; that it will be a time of soul-searching for others.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/25/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder held in Roxbury. Jones reports that the audience at the Seder honored civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. Jones notes that the three civil rights workers were murdered in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. Jones notes that family members were present at the Seder to talk about the men on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders. Jones' report includes footage from the Seder supper. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) talks about the sacrifices made by the three men. Family members Ben Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the three men. Ben Chaney announces a freedom ride from Mississippi to New York planned for the summer. Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the need to continue the struggle for civil rights. Jones reviews the events leading up to the murder of the three men. Jones' report also features clips from Eyes on the Prize and Mississippi Burning. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports that the Boston School Committee held an executive session to make a decision on the renewal of the contract of Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools)
1:00:17: Visual: Footage from a trailer for the 1988 film, Mississippi Burning. Shots of official FBI posters with head shots of three missing men. Marcus Jones reports that the film Mississippi Burning is based on the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. V: Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three men reported missing in Mississippi rights campaign." Jones reports that African Americans and Jews gathered in Roxbury last night to honor the three men and their family members. V: Shot of a flyer for the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) speaking at the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Stith talks about the sacrifice made by Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner. Shots of audience members, including Leonard Zakim (Director, Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith) Jones reports that the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders will be marked in June. Jones notes that relatives of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner are traveling across the country to enlist people in a major demonstration planned for the summer. V: Shots of black and white photos of the three men which are displayed at the Seder gathering. Footage of Ben Chaney (brother of James Chaney) saying that racism and anti-semitism are not a regional problem. Chaney says that a group of demonstrators will depart from Mississippi on June 21; that the demonstrators will travel to New York. Chaney says that the demonstrators want to send a message about the national importance of civil rights. The audience stands to applaud Ben Chaney. Jones reports that Ben Chaney was eleven years old in 1964; that Ben Chaney began to work with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote in 1964. V: Shots of black and white photos of James Chaney and Michael Schwermer. Black and white footage of a white man approaching the home of an African American man; of a body being put onto a stretcher. Footage of Ben Chaney saying that he used to attend demonstrations with James Chaney and Schwermer; that Chaney and Schwermer would bail him out of jail when he got arrested. Ben Chaney says that he did not believe that any of the demonstrators would die as a result of their actions until his brother was found dead. Footage from Eyes on the Prize of the Chaney family at the burial of James Chaney. Black and white footage of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman (parents of Andrew Goodman) speaking to the media in 1964. Mr. Goodman says that he is proud of his son's commitment and the commitment of Chaney and Schwarmer. Shots of an audience listening to Goodman. Jones reports that the anniversary of the murders brings back disturbing memories for Dr. Carolyn Goodman (mother of Andrew Goodman). V: Footage of Goodman at the Seder gathering. Goodman says that there are civil rights issues which still need to be addressed. Footage of Goodman being interviewed by Jones. Goodman says that the families of the victims wish to perpetuate the work performed by the three men. Goodman says that young people need to be made aware of the events of the civil rights era. Footage of Cassie Schwermer (niece of Michael Schwermer) at the Seder gathering. Schwermer says that the murders of the three men were meant to discourage northern volunteers from participating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer never knew her uncle; that she has come to understand his beliefs. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer is a social activist. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Michael Schwerner. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three in rights drive reported missing." Footage of Schwermer being interviewed by Jones. Schwermer says that she would like to see a renewed commitment to activism by young people today. Black and white footage of Fannie Chaney (mother of James Chaney) speaking in 1964. Fannie Chaney says that the three men died to help African Americans achieve equal rights. Footage of the Chaney family at the funeral of James Chaney. Footage of Carolyn Goodman saying that the work of civil rights activists is never finished. Goodman says that there will always be threats to our freedoms. Black and white shot from 1964 of James Chaney's coffin.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/11/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder Supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Interviews with Leonard Zakim from the Anti-Defamation League, Charles Stith from the Union United Methodist Church, and Eric Karp from the Temple Ohabei Shalom about the importance of the Black/Jewish Seder supper. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights on the part of both communities. Stith talks about the kinship between the two communities. Karp says that both communities have struggled against oppression. Interviews with attendees about the significance of the supper. Vaillancourt notes that this year's Seder supper falls on the eve of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Williams protests lack of minority faculty at MIT
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the steeple of the Union United Methodist Church at dusk. Shots of the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Shot of an African American woman and a white man speaking at the supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Meg Vaillancourt reports that a group of local African Americans and Jews celebrated the Seder. V: Footage of Leonard Zakim (Anti-Defamation League) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church being interviewed. Stith says that society is polarized along racial lines; that the supper is an celebrates efforts to promote peaceful coexistence between groups of people. Stith says that the supper affirms the goals of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader). Vaillancourt reports that attendees gathered at the Union United Methodist Church) for the eleventh Black/Jewish Seder. V: Shots of attendees reading from a religious text. The attendees hold pieces of matzoh in their hands. Footage of Eric Karp (Temple Ohabei Shalom) being interviewed. Karp says that the Seder celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression; that the African American community has fought a long battle against oppression. Karp says that the two communities can learn from one another. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed at the supper. The woman says that she is attending her first Seder; that the two communities are brought together through their belief in God. Footage of an older Jewish woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks what the two communities have in common. The woman says that the two communities share a lot of things including prejudice and hard times. Footage of an older African American woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. The woman says that African Americans and Jews are treated the same way. Footage of a young Jewish boy being interviewed. The boy says that "prejudice stinks." Shots of attendees at the supper. Vaillancourt reports that the ceremony is Jewish; that the date is important to those involved in the civil rights struggle. Vaillancourt notes that King gave his last speech twenty-three years ago tonight; that King was murdered in Memphis on the following day. Vaillancourt stands outside of the room where the supper is held. Vaillancourt reports that the Passover meal is symbolic of the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites after 400 years of slavery. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed. Stith says that enslaved African Americans identified with the struggle of Moses and the people of Israel. Stith says that there is a theological kinship between the two communities. Footage from the Seder supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Christy George reports from Atlanta on African American residents' views of the Democratic presidential ticket and the Democratic National Convention. George notes that Michael Dukakis needs to show African American voters that he wants their support. Interviews with employees and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack. The interviewees support Jesse Jackson and hope that Jackson will be named as Dukakis's running mate. George notes that both Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen have good records on civil rights and that Jackson's supporters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. Interviews with African Americans in Atlanta about Jackson and Dukakis. Many interviewees are skeptical about Dukakis. George's report also features footage of Jackson speaking to an audience and footage of Dukakis addressing the Democratic National Convention.
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of James Wyatt (Atlanta resident) driving his cab in Atlanta. Wyatt talks about how life has changed in Atlanta since the civil rights movement. Christy George reports that Wyatt is 84 years old; that he has been driving a cab for 52 years. V: Footage of Wyatt talking about how is mother used to work in the cafeteria of a white school. Wyatt says that she would bring the leftovers home to him. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American leader) addressing an audience. Jackson talks about how his mother could not prepare a Thanksgiving meal for his family. Jackson say that his mother was busy serving another family's meal. Footage of Wyatt saying that he would have liked to have seen Jackson as the Democratic nominee or as the running mate of Michael Dukakis (Democratic nominee for US President). Christy George stands in front of the Auburn Rib Shack in Atlanta. George reports that Dukakis needs to ask African American voters what they want. V: Footage of an African American female working behind a counter in a restaurant. The woman says that some voters may vote for the Republican ticket if they are disappointed in the Democratic ticket. Footage of an African American male saying that many voters will be upset if Jackson is left off of the Democratic ticket. Shot of an African American man working in the kitchen of the Auburn Rib Shack. George reports that workers and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack are hoping that Jackson will named to the Democratic ticket. V: Footage of an African American man saying that many African Americans registered to vote in order to vote for Jackson. Footage of Dukakis speaking from a podium at the Democratic National Convention. Jackson and Lloyd Bentsen (US Senator) stand on each side of Dukakis. Dukakis says that he wants Jackson and his supporters to play a major role in the presidential campaign. George reports that Dukakis and Bentsen both have good civil rights records. George notes that African American voters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American woman in the driver's seat of a car. The woman says that Jackson deserves a chance. Footage of an African American woman saying that it is time for a change; that the US is ready for an African American candidate. Footage of two women wearing T-shirts which read, "Jesse Walk Out." The women say that Dukakis should go back to Massachusetts. Footage of Wyatt talking about Dukakis. Wyatt says that he has not heard much about Dukakis; that the Democratic Party needs a good leader. Shot of Wyatt's cab turning a corner.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/18/1988
Description: Christy George reports from the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. George reports that Atlanta is the heart of the new South; she adds that the region is becoming more diverse, and has been energized by an influx of industry and culture. George reports that the Mississippi Delegation to the Democratic National Convention is said to lead the region on issues of race relations. George notes that the Mississippi delegates are representative of the new South. Interviews with Mississippi delegates Jesse Banks, Ed Cole, Isaiah Frederides, Sherry Fisher, Deborah Dunn and Joe Gaitlin. Each delegate expresses pride in the political process and talks about the changes in the state of Mississippi. George reviews the struggle by African Americans for inclusion in the Democratic Party. George discusses the history of African Americans at the Democratic National Convention from 1948 to 1968. George's report includes footage of civil rights protesters in the 1960s and footage of the Democratic National Convention in the 1960s. George's report is also accompanied by footage of Jesse Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. George notes that Jackson has led a new group of people into the Democratic Party.
1:00:16: Visual: Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize of Fannie Lou Hamer (Mississippi Freedom Delegation) at the Democratic National Convention in 1964. Black and white footage from "Eyes on the Prize" of African Americans exiting a bus; of white political officials. Shots of a uniformed man taking American flags from the hands of African American demonstrators; of African American demonstrators marching with American flags. Shots of a Democratic National Convention from the 1960s. Christy George reports that African Americans have been fighting for inclusion in the Democratic Party since 1948; that white delegates from Mississippi and Alabama walked out of the convention in 1948 to protest a civil rights plank in the party platform. George notes that the Mississippi Freedom Delegation was seated at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. V: Footage of Jessie Banks (resident of Tchula, Mississippi) talking about the seating of the Mississippi Freedom Delegation at the 1968 convention. George reports that Banks is now a Mississippi delegate to the Democratic National Convention; that the Mississippi delegation is said to lead the South on the issue of race relations. V: Shot of the Mississippi delegation on the floor of the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) addressing the convention on July 19, 1988. Jackson announces that Ed Cole (Mississippi delegate) is the leader of the Mississippi delegation; that Cole is African American. Shots of Jackson exiting a building. He waves to voters. A bus awaits Jackson. A banner on the bus reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Jackson stands in the entrance to the bus, waving to supporters. George reports that Jackson has a led a new group of people into the Democratic Party. V: Footage of State Representative Isaiah Frederides (resident of Gulfport, Mississippi) says that his mother was a domestic servant; that his mother was fired from her job when he tried to register to vote; that his father-in-law's job was threatened. Frederides says that he and his wife were the first two African Americans to register to vote in his county. Footage of Sherry Fisher (resident of Vicksburg, Mississippi) saying that she is attending a convention for the first time; that she wants to be a part of the US democracy. She says that it feels good to be a part of the changes in Mississippi and the US. Shot of delegates on the floor of the 1988 convention. George says that the "new South" is focused on sharing power between those of common backgrounds. V: Footage of Deborah Dunn (resident of Bruce, Mississippi) being interviewed by George. Dunn says that she is a white woman who has picked cotton and worked hard for what she has. Dun says that all southerners are proud of what they have achieved. Footage of Jackson addressing the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Jackson calls Atlanta the "crucible of the new South." V: Shots of the Atlanta skyline; of construction workers working on a new building in Atlanta. George reports that Atlanta is becoming a major urban center. V: Footage from WNEV-TV of an Atlanta Hawks basketball game. Footage of Joe Gatlin (resident of Laurel, Mississippi) saying that industry has come to Atlanta from the north; that industry has brought culture and diversity. Gatlin says that the South is diversifying while keeping some of its old values. Shots of the Atlanta skyline. George reports that diversity and new people may energize the Democratic Party as it is energizing the South. V: Footage of Banks saying that she has great hope for the nation; that the Democratic Party has great African American and white leaders. Christy George stands in downtown Atlanta. George reports that African Americans and whites live in harmony and prosperity in Atlanta; that the Democratic Party will begin to understand the "new South" after holding its convention in Atlanta.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/20/1988
Description: Coverage of the annual performance of Black Nativity by Langston Hughes. The performance takes place in the Opera House in Boston. Interview with Music Director John Ross, who talks about the play. He says that the story of the nativity is told in a "black context," using traditional music. Excerpts from the performance.
1:00:08: Visual: Shots of schoolchildren entering an auditorium. V: Footage from the Black Nativity performed at the Opera House in Boston. V: Footage of John A. Ross (Music Director) saying that Langston Hughes used the Bible as a source for Black Nativity; that the story is told in a "black context." Ross says that the play relies on traditional gospel music. V: Footage from the performance of Black Nativity. V: Footage of a female African American student saying that some of her friends and former teachers were in the performance. Footage of a female African American student saying that the play shows us "how God began his life." Footage of a female white students saying that the acting is good; that the play is "pretty." Footage of a group of African American students in the lobby. One student says that he likes the music. Another student says that she likes everything. V: Footage from the performance of Black Nativity.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Black Political Task Force has announced its candidate endorsements for the upcoming elections. Footage from a press conference at which the Task Force announces its slate of candidates. Salvatore DiMasi (candidate for State Representative) addresses the audience. The Task Force has generated controversy by endorsing some white candidates over African American candidates. Footage of Georgette Watson and Robert Rufo talking about Black Political Task Force endorsement. Jones interviews Peter Hardie (President, Black Political Task Force) about the endorsements. Clips of Jack E. Robinson (President, Boston chapter of the NAACP), Baroness Williams-Martin (political activist), and Regina Placid (candidate for State Representative) commenting on the endorsements. Clips of Mel King (political activist) and Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) campaigning.
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Peter Hardie (President, Black Political Task Force) addressing a crowd at a press conference in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial on Boston Common. Hardie talks about the mission of the Black Political Task Force. Marcus Jones reports that the Black Political Task Force was started in 1979; that the Task Force is comprised of 60 minority activists who collect dues, hold forums, and endorse candidates. V: Shots of a male Task Force member wearing a Bob Rufo campaign pin; of a female Task Force member; of Mel King (political acitivist) campaigning in Roxbury; of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). Jones reports that the Task Force endorsed Mel King in the 1983 mayoral race; that they endorsed Michael Dukakis in the 1982 governor's race. V: Shots of African American campaign workers holding campaign signs for Georgette Watson (candidate for Suffolk County Sheriff); of Bob Rufo (candidate for Suffolk County Sheriff) shaking hands with Hardie. Jones reports that the Task Force has endorsed Bob Rufo over Georgette Watson in the race for Suffolk County Sheriff. V: Footage of Jack E. Robinson (President, Boston chapter of the NAACP) saying that the Task Force does not always have to endorse African American candidates; that Watson deserves the endorsement of the Task Force because she is a good leader. Footage of Baroness Williams-Martin (political activist) saying that the Task Force's endorsement of Rufo was unfair; that the endorsement was "a political slap in the face to Watson." Jones says that Watson was shaken by the Task Force's endorsement of Rufo. V: Footage of Watson with supporters at a press conference. Watson has tears in her eyes. Watson says that the Task Force's decision has been an "emotional experience"; that she is going to wage a winning campaign. Footage of Hardie at the Task Force press conference. Hardie says that Rufo is a better candidate for the position than Watson. Footage of Rufo saying that the race is important to him; that the voters need to decide which candidate is most qualified for the position. Rufo says that he hopes that the endorsement does not become an issue between him and Watson. Jones says that the Task Force announced its full slate of candidates at the press conference today. Jones reports that the Task Force has endorsed Rufo for Suffolk County Sheriff, Gerry D'Amico for lieutenant governor, Jo Ann Shotwell for attorney general, Byron Rushing for state representative for the ninth Suffolk District. Jones notes that the Task Force endorsed Salvatore DiMasi over Regina Placid for state representative of the third Suffolk District. V: Shots of Rufo at the Task Force press conference; of Gerry D'Amico (candidate for lieutenant governor) at the press conference; of Jo Ann Shotwell (candidate for state attorney general) at the press conference; of Byron Rushing (candidate for state representative) at the press conference. Footage of Salvatore DiMasi (candidate for state representative) at the Task Force press conference. DiMasi says that this endorsement shows that people from different communities and ethnic backgrounds are working together. DiMasi says that he is proud to receive the Task Force's endorsement. Footage of Regina Placid (candidate for State Representative) saying that the Task Force's endorsement does not represent the true voice of the African American community. Footage of Hardie at the press conference. Hardie says that the Task Force is accustomed to the controversy which often accompanies their endorsements. Jones stands on the Boston Common. Jones reports that no one can predict if the Task Force's endorsements will make a difference in the upcoming elections. Jones notes that critics of the Task Force say that their endorsements may backfire. Jones says that some critics predict that the African American community may back the African American candidates not backed by the Task Force.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1986
Description: Jan von Mehren reports on the "Black Wings" exhibit at the National Park Service Visitors Center on State Street. She walks through the exhibit with a group of African American World War II veterans. The men all trained at the Tuskegee airfield during World War II. Interviews with Frank Roberts (retired US Army major), George Hardy (retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel) and John Roach (retired US Air Force Reservist) about their experiences in the military. The men talk about racism and the missions in which they participated. Roberts and Hardy describe their experiences while training at Tuskegee Airfield. Roach talks about the career of Benjamin Davis (first African American general in the US Air Force). The men point out photos in the exhibit and reminisce together.
1:00:14: Visual: Shots of Frank Roberts (retired US Army major) and another man at the "Black Wings" exhibit at the National Park Service Visitors Center on State Street. The men point to the red tail on a model of a WWII airplane. Shot of color picture of a red-tailed bomber plane. Shot of a of a red-tailed model plane. Jan von Mehren reports that red-tailed airplanes were piloted by African American pilots during WWII. V: Footage of Roberts talking about his experience as a pilot in WWII. He says that a group of white bomber pilots once expressed gratitude to him and his colleagues. Von Mehren reports that the African American pilots experienced blatant racism during WWII. Von Mehren reports that African American military pilots trained at the Tuskegee Airfield in Alabama; that Tuskegee opened in 1941 to the dismay of top military brass. Von Mehren reports that some people at the time believed that African Americans did not have the mental or moral fiber to fly in combat. V: Shots of a group of former Tuskegee pilots at the exhibit. The group includes Roberts. Shots of black and white photos of African American trainees and pilots at the Tuskegee Airfield. Footage of George Hardy (retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel) saying that his group flew over 200 missions; that they never lost a bomber to enemy fighters. Shot of a color image of a red-tailed bomber plane from the exhibit. Footage of John Roach (retired US Air Force reservist) talking about the distinct sound of the planes flown during the war. The other men agree that the planes had a very distinct sound. Roberts talks about filling gas tanks in mid-flight. Shot of a black and white photo of Roberts as a pilot during WWII. Von Mehren reports that Roberts graduated from Tuskegee in 1944; that he flew combat missions in Europe. V: Footage of Roberts saying that he was twenty-six when he graduated from Tuskegee; that he was one of the oldest men in his class. Roberts says that the men studied very hard in order to make the grade of lieutenant; that the men were committed to becoming Tuskegee airmen. Footage of Hardy saying that the Tuskegee Airfield provided a "cocoon" for the men. Hardy tries to recall the name of the local sheriff. Hardy says that the men tried to avoid getting into trouble outside of the airbase. Shot of an exhibit poster detailing the biography of Benjamin Davis (first African American general in the US Air Force). Footage of Roach saying that Davis graduated from West Point in the 1930s; that Davis was the only African American cadet at West Point at the time; that no one spoke to him for four years. Von Mehren reports that Roach is a retired colonel in the Air Force Reserve; that Roach left the military to work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Von Mehren reports that Roach worked to evaluate pilots for commercial airlines; that commercial airlines would not hire African American pilots at the time. V: Shot of a black and white photo of a group of African American pilots in front of a plane. Roach is among them. Shot of a black and white photo of Roach in the cockpit of a military plane. Shots of Roach and another man looking at part of the exhibit. Von Mehren reports that the Tuskegee Airmen were very young when they trained to become pilots during WWII; that this exhibit allows the men to see themselves documented in history. V: Shots of the group of men at the exhibit. Footage of Roberts as he points to a photo of himself in the exhibit. Powers says that the photo was taken after the group had completed 200 missions. Shot of the photo in the exhibit. Shot of a black and white photo of the Tuskegee Airmen lined up for an inspection.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/19/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that many African American legislators are opposed to the adoption of the latest version of the state budget proposed by the Ways and Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Vaillancourt reviews the proposed budget, which includes cuts in rental assistance and welfare assistance. The budget also includes cuts to the Department of Social Services and the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. Interview with State Rep. Shirley Owens Hicks, State Rep. Byron Rushing, and Louis Elisa of the Boston chapter of the NAACP at a breakfast meeting of the Massachusetts Legislative Black Caucus. Owens Hicks and Elisa talk about the need for funding of human services. Rushing says that many voters are not opposed to new taxes to fund human services. Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Richard Volk talks about the proposed budget in the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Maureen Hart Hennessey of the Norman Rockwell Museum and African Americans in the paintings of Norman Rockwell
1:00:11: Visual: Shots of a breakfast meeting of the Black Caucus. Shots of attendees at the breakfast including Byron Rushing (State Representative). Meg Vaillancourt reports that African American legislators are concerned about the adoption of the budget proposed by the Ways and Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Vaillancourt notes that African American legislators are concerned about cuts to specific areas of the budget. V: Footage of Shirley Owens Hicks (State Representative) saying that cuts to the budget will affect the poor; that many people depend on the services provided by state agencies. Vaillancourt reports that Richard Volk (Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee) unveiled a budget which cuts $582 million from the budget proposed by Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts); that the budget includes no new taxes. V: Shot of Volk in the House chambers. Volk stands at a podium to explain the proposed budget. On-screen text details some of the cuts included in the budget proposed by the House Ways and Means Committee. Vaillancourt reports that the House Ways and Means budget includes an $8.5 million decrease in rental assistance and a $12 million decrease in emergency welfare assistance. Vaillancourt notes that the budget cuts $6 million from the Department of Social Services; that the budget cuts $20,000 from the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). Vaillancourt reports that the House Ways and Means budget increases spending on AIDS prevention, elder services, and drug treatment. V: Footage of Rushing saying that the House Ways and Means budget did not cut some areas; that the budget increased spending in other areas. Rushing says that the House Ways and Means Committee proposed spending more money on drug treatment than Dukakis did. Shot of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that legislators are aware of the popular revolt against new taxes; that the minority community may be more receptive to the governor's call for new taxes. V: Footage of Rushing being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Rushing says that his constituents favor new taxes; that many voters all over the state probably favor new taxes. Rushing says that many state representatives are not listening to their constituents. Footage of Owens-Hicks being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Owens-Hicks if she will vote for new taxes. Owens-Hicks says that she is not opposed to some elements of the new tax package; that she supports a capital gains tax; that she is not opposed to cigarette or alcohol taxes. Owens-Hicks says that she will not endorse a gasoline tax. Footage of Louis Elisa (Boston chapter of the NAACP) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Elisa says that every citizen of the Commonwealth needs to reaffirm their commitment to human services and to their neighbors. Elisa says that the state legislators cannot play politics when there are lives at stake.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/24/1989
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed their rage over the handling of the Carol Stuart murder case. Von Mehren notes that the leaders accused city officials, the Boston Police Department and the news media of racism in handling the case. Von Mehren's report includes angry speeches by Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque), Rev. Graylan Hagler (Church of the United Community), and Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council). Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders have accused police of ignoring obvious clues during their investigation. Von Mehren adds that some leaders called for the resignation of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Von Mehren interviews Hagler. Hagler says that police officers ignored community residents who approached them with information about the case. Von Mehren concludes by saying that the African American community suffered a grave injustice in the aftermath of the murder.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) speaking at a press conference. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. The group includes Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Owens says that a great injustice has been done to the African-American community. Shots of the attendees at the press conference. Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed rage and fury at a press conference today. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking at the press conference. Ellis-Hagler accuses Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) of placing blame too quickly on the African American community. Ellis-Hagler compares Flynn's actions to that of the Ku Klux Klan. The attendees at the press conference give vocal support to Ellis-Hagler's assertions. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad asks if white public officials will call Charles Stuart (murderer of Carol Stuart) "an animal." The crowd cheers. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders believe that Flynn, the Boston Police Department, and the media rushed to conclusions about the Stuart case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders say that racism played a huge role in the case. V: Shots of the press conference; of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) addressing the press conference. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that police usually suspect the husband when a woman is killed. Muhammad says that police automatically suspect an African American man when a woman is killed in an African American neighborhood. Von Mehren stands outside of Muhammad's Mosque. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders have accused the police, the mayor, and the media of ignoring vital information about the case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders says that the vital information was circulating on the streets of Roxbury on the day after the shooting. V: Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that there were rumours on the street that Charles Stuart was a drug addict. Muhammad says that police should have investigated those rumours. The crowd cheers. Von Mehren notes that Ellis-Hagler runs a recovery center for drug addicts out of his church in Roxbury. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed by von Mehren. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers in his recovery center told him that Charles Stuart was the murderer on the day after the murder occurred. Ellis-Hagler talks about a man from the community who went to police with information about the murder. Ellis-Hagler says that the man shared information with police which confirmed the alibi of William Bennett (suspect). Ellis-Hagler says that the police told the man that they had a suspect who suited their purposes. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that apologies are worthless; that the damage has already been done. Muhammad says that the city has stabbed the African American community in the back. Muhammad says that the African American community has been devastated. Shot of a sign at the press conference. The sign reads, "What does (sic) Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Von Mehren reports that some African American leaders called for the resignation of Flynn and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston); that some called for restitution to Mission Hill residents. V: Shots of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference; of attendees at the press conference. Shot of Muhammad at the press conference. Von Mehren adds that the African American community was dealt a grave injustice when police, public officials, and the media were taken in by Charles Stuart's hoax.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1990
Description: Harold Washington (Mayor of Chicago) and W. Wilson Goode (Mayor of Philadelphia). The city of Hartford, Connecticut has elected Carrie Perry, an African American woman, as mayor of the city. Marcus Jones notes that Hartford is the only major city in New England with an African American mayor. Jones' report includes footage of Perry at a polling station and at a press conference. Jones reports that Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) is seen as having the best chance at becoming Boston's first African American mayor. Interview with Bolling, who says that he might run for mayor someday, but that he is concentrating on his agenda in the City Council. Jones notes that Bolling differed with Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston in 1983) and other African American community leaders over the issue of Roxbury's secession from Boston. Footage of Bolling, King, Andrew Young (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) and Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) on the Phil Donahue Show in 1986. Jones notes that the minority community in Boston is becoming impatient for an African American mayor. Interviews with Charles Weeks (Black Political Task Force) about the chances of Boston electing an African American mayor.
1:00:09: Visual: Shots of Harold Washington (Mayor of Chicago) celebrating his victory at the polls; of W. Wilson Goode (Mayor of Philadelphia); of an African American man official from the campaign of Carrie Perry in Hartford. Shot of Carrie Perry (Mayor of Hartford) entering a polling booth. Marcus Jones reports that Carrie Perry is the first African American to be mayor of Hartford; that Hartford is the only major city in New England with an African American mayor. V: Footage of Perry at a press conference. Footage of Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) being interviewed by Jones. Bolling says that the city of Hartford deserves a lot of credit; that Hartford voters have looked beyond race in electing city officials. Jones reports that Bolling is seen as having the best chance of becoming Boston's first African American mayor. V: Footage of Bolling saying that he is not preoccupied with the thought of running for mayor. Bolling says that he is pursuing his agenda in the City Council. Jones notes that Bolling was once seen as a successor to Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston in 1983); that King and Bolling differed publicly on the issue of Roxbury's proposed secession from Boston. V: Shot of King campaigning in Roxbury in 1983. Footage of Bolling, King, Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) and Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) on the Phil Donahue show on October 30, 1986. Bolling says that African Americans and voters from other races supported King's candidacy in 1983 because they wanted a change in the city. Footage of Charles Weeks (Black Political Task Force) saying that there will be an African American mayor in Boston; that the African American mayor will need to be the mayor for all residents, not just African Americans. Jones notes that the Black Political Task Force endorsed Bolling's last bid for re-election to the City Council. V: Footage of Weeks saying that whites are becoming more accustomed to seeing African Americans in positions of authority; that an African American will eventually become mayor of Boston. Footage of Bolling saying that it is possible that he might become mayor someday. Bolling adds that an African American will become mayor of Boston in the future. Footage of African American audience members debating on the Donahue show. Marcus Jones notes that the minority community in Boston is becoming impatient for an African American mayor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/04/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the emergence of African American elected officials in the predominantly white suburbs of Boston. Gretchen Underwood was elected to the Wellesley Town Meeting as a member of the recently formed Wellesley African American Coalition. The coalition was formed after an incident of harassment in Wellesley involving Dee Brown of the Boston Celtics. Virginia Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in the Milton elections. Selectman Charles McKenney will become the chairman of the Ayer Board of Selectmen next year. Interview with Underwood and Nelson about their experiences as African American elected officials in the suburbs. Underwood talks about African American political action groups in other suburbs. Jones's report is accompanied by footage of McKenney and footage of the towns of Wellesley and Milton. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields interviews Libertarian candidate Richard Boddie
0:59:31: Visual Shots of Charles McKenney (Selectman, town of Ayer); of Gretchen Underwood (Wellesley Town Meeting Member); of Virginia Nelson (Milton Town Meeting Member). Shots of McKenney, Underwood and Nelson each being interviewed by Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter). Jones reports that McKenney, Underwood, and Nelson are all town officials; that the three are part of a surprising emergence of black power in the suburbs. V: Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that Wellesley was no different than other places where she could have campaigned. Underwood says that some people were offended because she campaigned as "a candidate of difference." Underwood says that she wanted to put the issue out in front for voters; that she was running for office because of the issue. Shots of downtown Wellesley, MA. Jones reports that Dee Brown (Celtics basketball player) was harassed in Wellesley in September of 1990; that the incident awakened Wellesley's African American community. Jones reports that Brown was mistaken for a robbery suspect while house-hunting in Wellesley; that the incident embarassed the town. Jones notes that the Brown incident was a catalyst for bringing frustrated African Americans in Wellesley together. V: Shot of Underwood walking with Jones in front of a home in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed. Underwood says that the Brown incident brought the issue to everyone's attention at the same time. Underwood says that most African Americans in Wellesley have experienced individual acts of discrimination. Underwood says that the Brown incident forced the town to have an open Selectmen's meeting; that a number of African Americans spoke out at the meeting. Underwood says that the meeting brought the African American residents together. Jones reports that the Wellesley African American Coalition was founded after the Brown incident; that Underwood ran for the position of Town Meeting Member with the support of the coalition. Jones notes that Underwood is an administrator at Brookline High School. V: Shots of Underwood exiting the front doors of Brookline High School; of Underwood walking on a path outside of the school. Jones reports that thirteen seats were open; that Underwood placed fourteenth in the election. Jones notes that Underwood was appointed to a seat when one of the Town Meeting Members resigned. Jones reports that Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in an election in Milton. V: Shot of Nelson and Jones walking through the lobby of a corporate office. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that minorities need to have a voice in town affairs. Jones asks Nelson if she is putting the town government on notice. Nelson says that she is letting her presence be known to the town; that she will speak out for minorites and other groups. Nelson says that she is not only representing minorities. Jones reports that the death of Charles Hardison (Milton teenager) made Nelson realize the need for African Americans to be active in town government. V: Shots of a sign for Milton; of the exterior of the Milton Town Office building. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that everyone should exercise their voices; that African American residents pay their taxes; that African American residents should be represented in the town government. Nelson says that she hopes that other residents of color will become active. Jones reports that all of these African American town officials see their involvement as the beginning of a new activism. Jones reports that McKenney is in line to become the highest-ranking African American town official in Massachusetts. Jones notes that McKenney will become the chairman of Ayer's Board of Selectmen next year. V: Shot of McKenney speaking with another man on the steps of the Post Office in Ayer. Jones notes that Nelson is running for a seat of the Milton School Committee. V: Shot of Nelson talking to Jones in the lobby of a corporate office. Jones reports that Underwood says that African Americans in Foxboro, Wayland, and Southborough are talking about forming political action groups in their towns. V: Shot of Underwood and Jones walking through the yard of a house in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that African Americans are prepared to take an active role in town government; that African Americans are ready to pay their "dues." Underwood says that African Americans are going to keep running for office. Shot of the Wellesley Town Hall.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jesse Jackson traveled to Iraq and Kuwait last weekend in order to interview Saddam Hussein. Jackson traveled to Iraq as a journalist, but also managed to secured the release of US citizens trapped in the US embassy in Kuwait. Jones' report includes footage from Inside Edition of Jackson's meeting with Hussein and his return from Iraq. Interview with Urban Update producer Alicia Hilliard about media coverage of the Persian Gulf crisis and the minority perspective on the Persian Gulf crisis.
1:00:06: Visual: Footage from the TV show Inside Edition, including Inside Edition graphics. Shots of Jesse Jackson (African-American political leader) in Iraq; of Jackson on a plane; of Jackson exiting the plane. Shot of Jackson entering a building. Marcus Jones reports that Jackson was identified as a reporter on the TV news magazine Inside Edition. Jones reports that Jackson traveled to Iraq and Kuwait last weekend; that Jackson's activities were not those of a conventional journalist. V: Footage from Inside Edition. Jackson meets with Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader). The two men speak through a translator. Jackson and Hussein talk about women and children who will return to the US with Jackson. Jones reports that Jackson interviewed Hussein; that Jackson secured the release of US citizens trapped in the US embassy in Kuwait. V: Shots of a US family; of Jackson standing with the US family. Jones reports that Jackson was treated as a welcome guest; that Jackson responded in kind. V: Footage from Inside Edition. Shots of a Iraqi man in military uniform. Shot of Jackson greeting a security guard on the other side of a glass window. Shots of Jackson at the airport with US citizens who traveled with him from Kuwait. The media takes photographs. Shots of two girls greeting a relative at the airport. Jones reports that a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows that most African Americans approve of Jackson's direct and personal approach to resolving the Persian Gulf Crisis. Jones notes that the same poll shows that most white Americans believe that a show of US military might will resolve the crisis. V: Shots of Jackson meeting with Hussein; of Hussein during the meeting. Footage of Alicia Hilliard (producer, Urban Update) being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks about the minority perspective on the Persian Gulf Crisis. Hilliard says that African Americans may sympathize with Kuwaitis and Iraqis because Kuwaitis and Iraqis are people of color. Hilliard wonders whether African American and other minority US soldiers will feel comfortable shooting at Kuwaitis and Iraqis. Hilliard says that the mainstream media ignores this angle. Jones reports that Hilliard is the producer of Urban Update on WHDH; that Urban Update focuses on minority issues and perspectives. Jones reports that Hilliard says that the mainstream media has ignored the minority perspective on the crisis. V: Footage of CBS Evening News coverage of the Persian Gulf Crisis. Shot of Dan Rather (CBS News anchor) reading the news. Footage of Hilliard being interviewed by Jones. Hilliard says that the media is not sensitive to those who differ from the norm. Hilliard says that "people do not relate to people who are different." Jones reports that Jackson counts himself among the minority of African Americans who support Bush's military build-up in the Persian Gulf. V: Footage of Jackson being interviewed on the set of Inside Edition. Jackson says that war becomes inevitable if talking is impossible. Inside Edition graphics and closing credits.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/04/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on issues of race in the presidential campaign. While the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic, Michael Dukakis is not receiving unanimous support from the African American community. Younger African Americans seem open to voting Republican. At a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council, Reverend Earl Jackson criticizes the Dukakis campaign and Ed Reed speaks out in favor of George Bush. Interviews with African American voters about which candidate they support. Many of the interviewees support Bush. Vaillancourt reports that some African American voters support Bush because they want to support the eventual winner. She notes that some African American voters are disillusioned with Dukakis for not choosing Jesse Jackson as his running mate. The African American community is still a Democratic stronghold, but that Dukakis may be alienating some African American voters in his effort to appeal to more conservative Democratic voters. Interview with Janice Thurmond of the Dukakis campaign about the campaign and his appeal to African American voters. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Curtis Davis of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project (GRIP)
1:00:22: Visual: Footage from CBS of Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential candidate) being interviewed on October 26, 1988. Bentsen says that there are elements of racism in the campaign. Meg Vaillancourt reports that race has become an issue in the presidential election; that Democrats claim that Republican campaign advertisements are racist. Vaillancourt notes that Republican accuse Democrats of racially divisive tactics. V: Footage of the Reverend Earl Jackson (Black Republican Council) addressing a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council in Roxbury. Shots of the audience. Jackson accuses Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential candidate) of hypocrisy. Jackson remarks that Dukakis has kept his distance from the African American community during the campaign; that Dukakis is now accusing George Bush of racism (Republican US presidential candidate). Shots of an African American neighborhood; of African American female shopper. Vaillancourt reports that the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic; that younger African Americans have doubts about Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American female saying that she will vote Republican this year because Dukakis is not a good candidate for president. Footage of another African American female saying that she would vote for Bush because he seems like an honest man. Footage from CNN of Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis), Jesse Jackson (African American political leader), and Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson) with other Democratic Party leaders at the 1988 Democratic National Convention; of delegates at the convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is not running as strongly with African American voters as previous Democratic candidates. Vaillancourt reports that a poll has found younger African American voters to be more open to Republican overtures. V: Shots of the meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council; of the attendees. Footage of Ed Reed (Black Republican Council) saying that Bush will make an effort to increase minority participation if elected. Vaillancourt reports that some African Americans are supporting Bush because they want to support the winner. V: Shots of African Americans residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of an African American man saying that Dukakis doesn't have what it takes to win. Vaillancourt reports that African American voters may not be convinced by the Republican Party's position on economic issues. V: Footage of an African American woman saying that she will vote for Dukakis because she is a poor, African American woman. Shots of a voter registration table in Dorchester. African American workers register African American residents to vote. Vaillancourt notes that many African American voters seem angry at Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American male saying that he is angry at Dukakis for not choosing Jackson as his vice-president. Footage of an elderly African American woman saying that she remembers when the candidates were nice to poor people. Footage from CNN of Michael Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis, and Euterpe Dukakis (mother of Michael Dukakis) at the Democratic Convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis may be alienating traditional Democratic voters by trying to appeal to a wider spectrum of voters. Vaillancourt notes that the African American community is still a Democratic stronghold. V: Shots of African American residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of Janice Thurmond (Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Thurmond says that young African Americans take civil rights for granted. Thurmond says that Dukakis represents justice and a sense of fair play.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/27/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that students from the Boston University School of Theology held a ceremony to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. She notes that attendees at the gathering also prayed for peace in the Persian Gulf. Interviews with BU Theology students Virgil Hammett, Leon Chestnut, Jessica Davis, and Roxie Coicou. The students talk about civil rights, the legacy of King, and their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Chestnut, Hammett and Davis address the gathered students and lead prayers to end the war. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of students from the Boston University School of Theology walking on the Boston University (BU) campus at dusk. The students sing, "We Shall Overcome." The students gather together and link arms near the Martin Luther King Memorial statue near Marsh Chapel. Shots of the students. Hope Kelly reports that students at the BU School of Theology were celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist); that the celebration of peace is happening while the nation is at war. V: Footage of Virgil Hammett (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Hammett says that he sees the connection that King saw between civil rights and the Vietnam War. Hammett says that some US soldiers in Kuwait are fighting for rights that they do not possess at home. Footage of Leon Chestnut (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Chestnut says that charity begins at home. Chestnut says that the US must set its own house in order before going off to war. Footage of Jessica Davis (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Davis says that a lot of money is spent on weapons; that the government is not providing for the needs of the people. Kelly reports that Davis is a divinity student who is studying to be a minister. Kelly notes that Chestnut is a Hebrew Bible scholar and a preacher. V: Shot of Chestnut and Davis standing in a chapel. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students on the BU campus. Chestnut quotes from a psalm. Footage of Chestnut being interviewed. Chestnut talks about the importance of having faith. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students. Chestnut talks about faith. Footage of Roxie Coicou (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Coicou says that people need to pray and to talk about the war. Kelly reports that Coicou was born in 1968, which was the year that King was assassinated. V: Footage of Davis being interviewed. Davis talks about seeing King speak when she was a little girl. Davis says that society's problems have changed little since the 1960s. Footage of Coicou being interviewed. Coicou says that politics will continue; that people need to pray. Shot of BU students at the gathering. Footage of Hammett addressing the gathering. Hammett prays for love and understanding. Hammett prays for the realization of King's goals. Footage of Davis addressing the gathering. Davis prays for an end to the war. Shots of the students at the gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Frank Hector (World War II veteran) and Ralph Cooper (Vietnam veteran) about their experiences in the military. Hector talks about the accomplishments of African American soldiers and war veterans. Hector says that the military is a good experience for young African Americans. Cooper talks about the disproportionate numbers of African American soldiers in the front lines and the lack of services for veterans of color. Hector and Cooper talk about their opinions of Colin Powell (Head, US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Field's report is accompanied by footage of Powell and soldiers during the Persian Gulf War. Fields reports that many African Americans join the military to escape the high unemployment rate in the African American community. Field's report is accompanied by footage of Reverend Michael Haynes leading a church service at Roxbury's Twelfth Baptist Church. Relatives of soldiers in the Persian Gulf War stand in front of the altar to pray for the soldiers. Fields interviews Haynes. Haynes says that African American soldiers must be granted equal rights and privileges when they return home from the war. Fields' report is accompanied by footage from interviews with people on the street about African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports on a celebration at the Museum of Afro-American History marking the arrival of the first African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly notes that the first African Americans arrived as immigrants, not as slaves. Kelly's report features footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing the gathering. Kelly reviews the history of African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly's report is accompanied by historical photos and drawings related to African American history in Massachusetts.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of a group of African American singers performing a song. Hope Kelly reports that a gathering at the Museum of Afro-American History celebrated the anniversary of the arrival of black immigrants in Massachusetts; that the first black immigrants arrived in Massachusetts on February 26, 1638. V: Shot of a black and white image of black immigrants and early white settlers; of a ship in a harbor; of a black man addressing a crowd. Footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman of the Board, Museum of Afro-American History) saying that the most important history is found in the lives of individual people; that people form the families and cultures which are important to history. Kelly reports that the first black immigrants arrived in a boat from the West Indies; that the first black immigrants were not slaves; that many worked as servants and laborers and in factories; that skilled professions were off limits to the first black immigrants. V: Shots of a black and white image of early black immigrants in the hold of a boat; of a poster for a slave auction. Shots of black and white images of the early black immigrants working as servants. Shot of a color image of black men working as dock laborers. Shots of a black and white image of black immigrant women working in a factory. Shot of a black and white image of black men and women waiting at a dock as sailing ships approach. Shot of a black and white image of a slave auction. Kelly reports that the experience of black immigrants in the north was different from that of black slaves in the South. V: Shot of a black and white image of two black children and a white school master. Shots of black and white photos of African Americans in Boston in the nineteenth century. Footage of Henry Hampton addressing an audience. Hampton says that the study of history must include the stories of all people. Footage of a group of African American singers singing "Amazing Grace."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Bobby Seale, the founder of the Black Panther Party, visited Boston University as part of his Black History Month speaking tour. Seale is currently working on his doctorate at Temple University and promoting his new cookbook, Barbeque'n with Bobby. His visit coincides with controversy at Boston University over remarks made by Jon Westling, the Interim President of Boston University, about Nelson Mandela. Jones reports that Westling said that students should not consider Mandela as a hero because he supports armed resistance to apartheid. Seale speaks to a small group of BU students about his book and condemns Westling's remarks about Mandela. Interview with Robert Rogers, a freshman at Boston University,who calls for Westling's resignation. Interview with Seale who defends Mandela and says that he is disappointed that racism is still a problem in the US.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Bobby Seale (founder, Black Panther Party) talking to students in a classroom at Boston University. Marcus Jones reports that Seale founded the Black Panther Party twenty-four years ago; that Seale is still a radical thinker. Jones notes that Seale is working on his doctorate at Temple University; that Seale is promoting his new barbecue recipe book. V: Shot of the cover of Seale's book, Barbeque'n with Bobby. Footage of Seale saying that he would like to produce a video to demonstrate his barbecue recipes. Seale says that revolutionaries eat; that revolutionaries should know how to cook. Jones notes that Seale visited Boston University as part of his Black History Month speaking tour; that Seale met with a small group of students and faculty before delivering his main speech. V: Shots of BU students meeting with Brown; of Brown speaking to students. Jones reports that Seale's visit coincides with a period of African American student unrest at Boston University. Jones notes that Jon Westling (interim president of BU) recently said that students should not consider Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) as a hero because he supports armed resistance to apartheid. V: Shot of a newspaper with a headline reading, "Westling: Mandela comments may have 'missed the mark.'" Jones reports that Westling met with students this evening to discuss his comments and other grievances; that Westling declined to comment on camera. V: Shot of Westling entering a room, followed by students. Footage of Robert Rogers (freshman, Boston University) saying that Westling should resign. Footage of Seale saying that Mandela is no different from colonial Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War; that Mandela is no different than soldiers who fought against Adoph Hitler (German dictator) during World War II. Seale says that Mandela should stand his ground; that armed resistance is justified against the violent and repressive apartheid regime. Seale says that Westling must really be an "acting" president. Seale gives a thumbs down sign when talking about Westling. Jones reports that Seale stepped down as chairman of the Black Panther Party in the mid-1970s. Jones notes that Seale praised student actions at Boston University. V: Footage of Seale being interviewed by Jones. Seale says that he sees a lot of students interested in activism. Seale says that he is disappointed that racism never went away. Seale says that there has not been a resurgence in racism; that racism never went away.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over the affirmative action program in the Boston Fire Department. A 1976 court ruling required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorities. Interview with Kathleen Allen, of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, about the affirmative action program in the Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports on the percentages of non-white firefighters in the department. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters consider the affirmative action program to be unfair, while many non-white firefighters support the program. Interview with David Coritella from the Mayor's Policy Office about the affirmative action program and the civil service exam. Cortiella says that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group are hired. Vaillancourt reviews statistics concerning the rank and salaries of non-white firefighters. There are few minorities in positions of authority within the department. White firefighters Philip Malone and Paul Malone were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. City and state officials fully support the affirmative action program. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of white and minority firefighters on the job and in a fire station. Vaillancourt's report also features clips from Nova. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the affirmative action program at the Bank of Boston
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter sitting in a fire station. Shots of the two firefighters sliding down a pole and putting on gear. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a station with its siren blaring. Footage from Nova of flames and burning buildings. Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Meg Vaillancourt reports that a 1976 court ruling found discriminatory practices in the Boston Fire Department; that a consent order required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorites. V: Shot of a siren; of a white firefighter putting on gear and climbing into a fire truck. Footage of Kathleen Allen (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) saying that firefighters used to be hired only if they knew someone on the force; that firefighters were not hired according to their qualifications before 1976. Shot of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter working with equipment in the fire station. On-screen visuals and text detail the racial breakdown of employees in the Boston Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports that there were nineteen non-white firefighters in 1976; that minority firefighters made up less than one percent of the department in 1976. Vaillancourt reports that there are 373 non-white firefighters in 1989; that minority firefighters make up 23% of the department in 1989. V: Vaillancourt stands in a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that Boston firefighters did not want to talk about affirmative action on camera because it is a touchy subject. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters said that the consent decree was unfair. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters say that the consent decree allows minorities to be hired before whites who scored higher on the civil service exam. Vaillancourt reports that some African American firefighters said that the consent decree allowed them an equal opportunity to be hired. Vaillancourt notes that David Cortiella (Mayor's Policy Office) is the former director of the city of Boston's affirmative action program. V: Footage of Cortiella being interviewed by Vaillancourt at a fire station. Cortiella says that the consent decree does not force the Fire Department to hire minorities. Vaillancourt asks if the consent decree would allow a white applicant to be passed over in favor of a minority applicant who scored lower on the civil service exam. Cortiella says that such a scenario is possible. Cortiella adds that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group will be hired. Vaillancourt reports that white firefighters in Alabama have won the right to sue for reverse discrimination. Vaillancourt notes that the white Alabama firefighters have not yet proven their case. V: Shots of a white firefighter; of an African American firefighter; of a firefighting ladder extended toward a tall building. Shots of an African American firefighter in uniform; of a white firefighter standing on a firefighting ladder. Vaillancourt reports that it is hard to argue that affirmative action has decreased opportunities for white firefighters. Vaillancourt notes that few minorities are in positions of authority within the Boston Fire Department. V: On-screen text and visuals details statistics about the rank and salaries of minority firefighters. Vaillancourt reports that there was one African American lieutenant in the Fire Department in 1976; that there are seven African American lieutenants or captains in 1989. Vaillancourt notes that 158 firefighters earn salaries of $43,000 or more; that only one of those 158 firefighters is a minority. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters in Boston believe that affirmative action puts them at a disadvantage. Vaillancourt notes that two white firefighters were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. Vaillancourt adds that the two firefighters are fighting their dismissal; that the two firefighters claim that their grandmother was African American. V: Shot of a white firefighter climbing into the driver's seat of a fire truck. Shots of black and white photos from WNEV of Philip Malone (former firefighter) and Paul Malone (former firefighter). Vaillancourt reports that two other firefighters are under review for having claimed to be Latino. V: Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Footage of Cortiello saying that he will not comment on the cases of the two firefighters who claimed to be Latino. Shots of firefighters sliding down a pole in a fire station. The firefighters climb onto a fire truck. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that city and state officials say that they will not retreat from their affirmative action program.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1989