Description: Interview with James Kelly, director of South Boston Information Center, about a demonstration at Carson Beach. He describes it as a visit by armed black militants from Columbia Point. Then he expounds on his strident views on busing and affirmative action. SBIC storefront and sign “Welcome to Boston. The city is occupied. A boycott exists. A tyrant reigns. Law is by decree. People are oppressed. The spirit of freedom still lives.” Kelly on the street, talking to a pedestrian. Kelly sitting at desk in back room answering phone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/02/1977
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the US Postal Service will issue a postage stamp bearing James Weldon Johnson's image in honor of Black History Month. Johnson was a poet, lawyer, diplomat, composer, and former director of the NAACP. Johnson is the composer of "Lift Every Voice," which is known as the "black national anthem." The Madison Park High School Choir performing "Lift Every Voice. Interview with professor Samuel Allen of Boston University, who was a student of Johnson's. He talks about Johnson's life and his legacy. Allen reads two of Johnson's poems. Fields report is accompanied by photos of Johnson and a shot of the postage stamp bearing his image.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of the Madison Park High School Glee Club singing "Lift Every Voice." Carmen Fields reports that "Lift Every Voice" is known as the "black national anthem"; that the words to the song were written by James Weldon Johnson; that Johnson was a poet, diplomat, educator and the first African American lawyer in the state of Florida. V: Shots of a black and white photo of Johnson; of the caption beneath the photo. Fields reports that Johnson fought for anti-lynching laws as the executive director of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People); that Johnson also wrote lyrics for operas with his brother. Fields reports that Samuel Allen (professor, Boston University) was one of Johnson's students at Fisk University in the 1930s. V: Shot of a painting of Johnson. Footage of Allen being interviewed by Fields. Allen says that Johnson was "a Renaissance man." Allen notes that Johnson was an artist, writer, and diplomat. Allen reviews Johnson's accomplishments as US consul in Venezuela and in Nicaragua. Fields reports that Johnson is known for his poetry; that Johnson's poetry reflects the religious fervor in African American culture. V: Shot of a book of poetry held by Allen. Footage of Allen talking about and reading Johnson's poems, "The Creation" and "God's Trombones." Allen says that Johnson tried to immortalize the sermon of an African American preacher. Shot of a black and white photograph of Johnson. Fields reports that critics accused Johnson of hypocrisy for using religious themes in his poetry. V: Footage of Allen saying that Johnson was an agnostic. Shot of an image of Johnson on a US Stamp. Fields reports that "Lift Every Voice" was once seen as an unpatriotic and divisive song; that the song is now sung by school choirs and in churches. Fields notes that the US Postal Service will issue a stamp in honor of Johnson; that the stamp includes musical notation from "Lift Every Voice." V: Footage of the Madison Park High School Glee Club singing "Lift Every Voice." Shot of the US postal stamp featuring Johnson's image. Footage of Allen reading the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1988
Description: Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden hold press conference at State House to give their progressive stances on social justice issues, and to discuss their work with grass roots organizations. They hope to influence the 1980 presidential election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1979
Description: Front facade with pilasters of Jeremiah E. Burke High School in Dorchester. Students, mostly African Americans, walk towards school entrance in small groups. Teacher ushers students into school right after the bell rings. Classroom of almost all black students with white teacher.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/15/1975
Description: South Boston High School exterior. Background comments of pedestrians talking to camera operator and reporter. Pam Bullard interviews headmaster Jerome Wynegar on what programs his school will offer, including core curriculum and vocational education. Wynegar says racial problems have been aggravated by outside agitators. He adds that the school is enrolled to capacity, and cannot accommodate students who wish to return after dropping out. He says that the school should make sure to listen to the suggestions of the students, and those students who dropped out, to try to improve the school. He commends the faculty. Additional comments from Wynegar as they shoot cutaways. Shots of graffiti painted on pavement, which reads “Stop Forced Busing.” Several takes of reporter voice over and standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/17/1976
Description: Interview with headmaster Jerome Wynegar about changes at South Boston High School in last two years in four areas: administration, discipline, curriculum review, community relations. He sees improvement in students' ability to learn with fewer disruptions than in first years of busing. He discusses the school's attempt to prepare students for their futures. He says more research is needed into educational methods for a changing world; experiential learning should be emphasized over traditional lectures. He endorses alternative programs because attendance is encouraged. reel 1 of 2
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/01/1978
Description: Interview with John Kerry during his first campaign for a Senate seat. He discusses his motivation for becoming a national politician. He talks about the impact fighting in Vietnam had on him, and how the lessons from Vietnam are still relevant. He discusses public opinion about himself. He talks about the positives and negatives of campaigning. He talks about what he would like to do if he wasn't in politics, including producing a movie. There is some video dropout at the end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/19/1984
Description: Jim Shannon (Democratic candidate for US Senate) holds a press conference to announce the endorsement of his candidacy by Vietnam veterans' leaders. Charles Harris (veterans' leader) and another man criticize the record of John Kerry (Democratic candidate for US Senate) on veterans' issues. Harris says that Kerry has failed to deliver on his promises of leadership made to veterans and other voters. Harris explains that the veterans' leaders are from an umbrella organization called Vietnam Veterans of Massachusetts Incorporated. Harris and others decline to state their affiliation with other veterans' groups. Charles Bennett interviews Shannon after the press conference. Bennett notes that some observers have accused Shannon of pulling a "stunt." Shannon talks about his strong record on veterans' issues. John Kerry campaigns in an African American neighborhood in Boston. Bennett interviews two members of the Black Political Task Force. The members of the Black Political Task Force talk about their endorsement of Kerry's candidacy. Bennett interviews Kerry. Kerry talks about the Black Political Task Force's endorsement of his candidacy. He says that he will fight for the issues important to the African American community. Bennett asks Kerry about the endorsement by some veterans of Shannon's candidacy. Kerry talks about his record on veterans' issues and his opposition to the Vietnam War. Kerry says that Vietnam veterans are not a "monolithic group." Kerry talks about his relations with veterans' groups and his most recent campaign advertisement, which focuses on his record as a soldier in Vietnam and on his opposition to the war.
1:00:01: Visual: Jim Shannon (candidate for US Senate) holds a press conference with a number of leaders of Massachusetts' Vietnam Veterans groups. The Veterans leaders announce their endorsement of Shannon in the race for US Senate. Shannon and the Veterans leaders stand at the front of a room. The media is gathered around them. A veterans leader says that John Kerry (candidate for US Senate) has not fully addressed veterans' issues. The veterans leader refers to a prepared report on veterans' issues. He says that Francis Doris (State Senator from Revere) deserves all of the credit for taking action on veterans' issues. Charles Harris (veterans leader) talks about the Federal Job Training Partnership Act. Harris notes that Vietnam Veterans are eligible for job training under that act. Harris says that Kerry had promised to release state funds for the program; that Kerry did not release the funds until Shannon wrote a letter in support of the veterans. Close-up shot of Shannon. The moderator addresses the audience. The moderator tells the media to ask Kerry about the questions raised by the veterans' groups. 1:02:43: V: A reporter asks if one of the leaders will identify himself and talk about his group. One of the leaders says that many of the veterans are here on their own to support Shannon; that they are not present as representatives of any group or organization. Harris explains that the Vietnam Veterans of Massachusetts Incorporated is a non-profit umbrella organization representing grassroots veterans organizations from across the state; that the organization is prohibited from endorsing a political candidate. Shots of campaign buttons reading, "Viet Vets for Shannon." Harris says that Kerry has not delivered on promises of leadership made to veterans and other voters. Harris says that many veterans are ashamed to admit that they served in Vietnam. Reporters urge the leaders to identify themselves and their positions. 1:05:20: V: Charles Bennett interviews Shannon. Bennett notes that many observers view Shannon's press conference as a "stunt." Shannon says that he has developed relationships with all of these veterans' leaders during his service as a member of Congress; that he has won their support with his strong record on veterans' issues. Bennett asks Shannon about Kerry's TV commercial focusing on Vietnam. Shannon says that he does not know how voters or veterans will respond to Kerry's commercial. 1:06:56: V: John Kerry campaigns in an African American neighborhood. Kerry stands on the sidewalk of a busy street. Kerry speaks informally to a small group of people. Supporters stand on the sidewalk, holding Kerry campaign signs. Shot of a Kerry campaign sign. Kerry speaks to an African American man while a reporter waits to set up an interview with him. 1:08:09: V: Bennett sets up an interview with two leaders of the Black Political Task Force. Bennett asks them why they have endorsed Kerry. One man says that the Black Political Task Force researches all potential candidates before making an endorsement; that the Task Force has chosen to endorse Kerry for US Senate. The reporter asks if their endorsement will result in more votes for Kerry. The second man says that many African American voters respect the endorsements of the Task Force; that many voters follow their counsel. 1:09:16: V: Kerry joins the interview. Bennett asks why the endorsement is important. Kerry says that he respects the research performed by the Task Force before making an endorsement; that he supports the African American community's struggle for equality and betterment. Kerry says that he is proud to have the endorsement of the Task Force; that he intends to fight for issues important to the African American community as a US Senator. Kerry says that his first priority as a US Senator would be to consult with the African American community on a list of economic and educational priorities; that he wants to address those priorities as US Senator. Bennett asks Kerry about the Vietnam veterans' endorsement of Shannon. Kerry notes that only "some" veterans have endorsed Shannon. Kerry says that the Vietnam veterans are not a "monolithic" group; that some veterans do not support his position on the issues. Kerry talks about his political record on veterans' issues. Kerry talks about his opposition to the war, his support for V.A. hospitals and his support for an extended G.I. bill and for other veterans' issues. Kerry adds that he has always worked hard on behalf of veterans; that he has a great deal of veteran support. Bennett asks Kerry if some veterans resent his opposition to the war. Kerry says that some veterans may resent his opposition to the war; that he will not change his beliefs. Bennett asks Kerry if he regrets his TV commercial focusing on Vietnam. Kerry says that the TV commercial is one of the most important statements of his campaign; that he is asking Americans to remember the lesson of Vietnam. Kerry says that he does not want the US to get involved in "another Vietnam." Bennett quotes one Vietnam veteran as saying, "When you put down the war, you put down the warriors." Kerry says that people have confused the war with the warriors; that he is proud of the Vietnam soldiers. Kerry notes that soldiers were the victims of the war; that he feels a sense of brotherhood with all of the veterans regardless of whether they support him. Bennett thanks Kerry.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1984
Description: John Volpe exits elevator with entourage. A group of reporters stops him to ask questions about the Special Commission on State and County Buildings and Albert "Toots" Manzi. Volpe is followed into and out of an office by a crowd of people.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1980
Description: Interview with Boston Pops conductor John Williams in back room at Symphony Hall. He compares the repertoires and missions of the Pops versus the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He speaks about his possible plans for expanding the repertoire of the orchestra, the types of music they might adapt, and the changes it would require. He says he doesn't want to use Pops as a place to showcase his own work. He laughs about kids always asking why he doesn't play Star Wars. He discusses his future involvement with Pops and staying in Boston. They shoot cutaways with no audio. Lydon reasks questions, with audio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/01/1981