Description: Andrew Young, Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He takes questions about the UN, divestment from South Africa, the Middle East peace process and the Carter Administration. He also discusses his transition from the civil rights movement to politics. Young has a good rapport with the students in the audience.
0:00:44: Visual: Andrew Young (Ambassador to the United Nations) speaks at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. A representative from the school sits on stage while Young speaks. Young talks about the Trilateral Commission. He says that the Trilateral Commission "is the rich people of the world getting together to talk." Young says that UN has been criticized for being a part of the "Western Bloc"; that five members of the UN Security Council are western nations; that the UN must make policy with all nations in mind. Young describes UN efforts to initiate an arms embargo against South Africa; that the UN resolution on South Africa was not as strong as many would have liked; that the resolution is effective because all of South Africa's trading partners have agreed on it. Young mentions the "North-South dialogue." He says that it is important for nations to deal with issues like trade, debt relief and foreign aid as a group; that the Trilateral Commission is a negotiating group. Young says that there are competition and adversarial relationships among members of the Trilateral Commission; that the members of the Trilateral Commission are competing with each other, not with the Third World. 0:04:12: V: Young responds to an audience member's question about the UN Security Council. Young says that the US, France and England are permanent members of the Security Council; that France and Canada hold two of the rotating seats. Young has a good rapport with the crowd. The crowd laughs at his jokes. An audience member asks about UN policy in Africa. Young says that he does not think pressure should be put on US corporations to divest from South Africa. Young adds that companies would continue to invest in South Africa through complicated transactions using foreign subsidiaries. Young notes that the students at Harvard should be learning all about the complicated finances of multi-national corporations. Young says that nothing would change through divestment; that US corporations are complicit with the government of South Africa; that change can be wrought through the guilt felt by these corporations. He notes that the students should continue to put pressure on Harvard's Board of Directors to divest from South Africa. He says that students should be idealistic, while administrators like him must be realistic. An audience member asks about the Carter Administration's policy in the Middle East. Young says that Jimmy Carter (US President) has been willing to expend political capital pushing for a peace settlement in the Middle East. Young says that Carter has never tried to impose peace on the parties involved in the conflict. Young says that Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt) has moved boldly to move the peace process forward; that the Carter Administration must work with Sadat; that the USSR must be forced to participate in the peace process; that the USSR will undermine the peace process if they are not involved. Young notes that Sadat and the Soviets have had a difficult relationship. 0:12:55: V: An audience member asks how he can remain morally conscious when the policy he conducts for the US is not always morally conscious. Young says that protest movements in the 1960s have led to a reawakening of the nation's moral conscience; that the Carter Administration was voted into office by morally conscious voters. Young notes that it is easier to protest than it is to govern; that the Carter Administration is staffed with idealistic, moral people of all races and ethnicities. Young notes that he chose to enter politics to put his ideals into action; that effective change can be made through politics as well as protest. Young talks about his experiences in the civil rights movement and the movement against the Vietnam War. Young says that there was a logical progression from the protest movements of the 1960s to the politics of change in the 1970s. Young says that he took his post in order to effect change in foreign policy; that foreign policy issues and domestic policy are closely related; that he has not compromised his ideals in performing his job. Young jokes that he tries to stand up for what is right while doing his job; that he might be looking for a new job someday because of that; that perhaps Harvard will hire him if he ever needs a job. The audience laughs at the joke. 0:18:30: V: An audience member asks Young if he has seen an increase in "television diplomacy." Young says that he has seen an increase in "television diplomacy." Young responds to another audience question. Young says that the Carter Administration is staffed with people who are advocating change; that these people were outside of politics before. Young notes that Ernie Green (Assistant Secretary for Manpower) was one of the students who integrated Little Rock High School in 1958; that Green is working hard to create jobs within the African American communities; that he has been working on the problem for only six months. Young notes that an African American lawyer from Harvard helped prepare the brief for the Bakke court case. Young notes that Patricia Harris is Carter's Secretary for Housing and Urban Development. Young says that African American organizations needs to work within the structure of the government; that the activists in the civil rights movement were working with the Kennedy Administration in the early 1960s.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/06/1977
Description: David Boeri reports on protests against US foreign policy during a visit by Secretaries of State George Shultz and Defense Casper Weinberger to the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University. Boeri notes that demonstrators protested against apartheid and US policies in South Africa, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Boeri's report includes footage of protesters and footage of Shultz and Weinberger entering the museum. Boeri notes that some of the demonstrators were Harvard alumni advocating Harvard's divestment from South Africa. Boeri interviews Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) about Harvard's refusal to divest from South Africa. Boeri reports that security has been tightened all over campus. This protest takes place during the celebration of Harvard's 350th anniversary. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Mario Valdes reports on the book Blood Royal, which covers the ancestry of the British Royal Family
1:00:10: Visual: Shots of a large police contingent outside of the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University; of police officers marching in formation in front of the museum; of police officers stationed on the roof of a Harvard building. Shots of individual police officers. Shots of officials entering the museum. Footage of apartheid protesters marching with signs and banners outside of Harvard Yard. The protesters carry signs and a banner reading, "Harvard must divest." Shot of George Shultz (US Secretary of State) exiting a car and being escorted toward the museum. Shots of protesters demonstrating behind a cordon of police officers. The protesters chant, "Shultz go home". Shots of signs reading, "Harvard honors destructive engagement and Shultz" and "Biko lives." Boeri reports that Schultz visited Harvard University today; that demonstrators gathered to protest his presence at Harvard. Boeri notes that protesters began to gather outside Harvard Yard in the morning; that demonstrators were protesting several issues. V: Footage of protesters marching as they chant, "George Shultz end the war. Stop the killing in El Salvador." Shot of a protester wearing a white death mask. Another protester carries a sign and wears a bloodied shirt. Footage of protesters chanting, "No Contra aid." Footage of protesters demonstrating against apartheid in South Africa. Shots of a sign reading, "End Harvard support for apartheid" and "Divest now." Boeri reports that some of the demonstrators were alumni and alumnae pushing for Harvard to divest from South Africa. V: Footage of Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) saying that Harvard's refusal to divest is disgraceful; that Harvard's slogan is "Veritas," which means truth; that Harvard is supporting a South African government which is based on the lie of white supremacy. Shot of a quotation written in stone above an entrance to Harvard Yard. The quotation reads, "Open ye the gates. . . ." Boeri reports that the gates to Harvard Yard were locked today to keep out the protesters. V: Shot of a security officer locking the gates. Shot of a protester standing outside the gates with a sign reading, "End support of apartheid." A small child stands at the gates, looking into Harvard Yard. Boeri reports that alumni and alumnae were turned away from the gates. V: Shot of a Harvard alumnus turning away from a locked gate. Boeri reports that Shultz had lunch at the Fogg Art Museum after giving a speech; that Schultz had no comment on today's hijacking of a Panam jet in Pakistan; that Shultz only caught a brief glimpse of the protesters. V: Shots of Shultz entering the museum. Boeri notes that Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) also attended the lunch at the museum; that Weinberger had no comments for the media. V: Footage of Weinberger exiting his car and being escorted into the museum with other officials. Boeri reports that the protests outside of Harvard Yard were uneventful.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/05/1986
Description: Christy George reports that the Reverend Allan Boesak, an anti-apartheid activist, received an award at Harvard University. He gives a speech at the university in which he urges western countries to place economic sanctions on the South African government. He criticizes Ronald Reagan and other western leaders for supporting the South African government. Boesak, at a press conference after the awards ceremony, praises Dukakis for imposing sanction and and urges George Bush to impose sanctions on South Africa. Boesak talks about the effectiveness of sanctions. George's report includes footage of Bush talking about South Africa and footage of apartheid South Africa. Following the edited story is additional footage of Boesak's press conference at Harvard.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Dr. Allan Boesak (anti-apartheid activist) preaching at Memorial Church at Harvard University. Boesak says that the lives of many South African blacks could have been saved if Ronald Reagan (US President) and other Western leaders had divested from South Africa in 1985. Footage of South African police brutally arresting South African blacks. Christy George reports that Boesak is one of the few South African church leaders who would dare to blame Reagan for the deaths of South African children. V: Footage of Boesak at Harvard. Boesak accuses Reagan, Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of Great Britain), and Helmut Kohl (Chancellor of Germany) of supporting the South African government. Boesak says that these leaders refused to impose sanctions on the apartheid government. George reports that Boesak is outspoken; that Boesak received an award from Harvard University today; that Boesak chided Harvard for investing in South Africa. V: Shots of Memorial Church at Harvard University; of Boesak receiving an award from a Harvard official. George notes that Boesak praised Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) for imposing sanctions against South Africa; that Boesak begged George Bush (US President-elect) to do the same. V: Footage of Bush on October 25, 1988. Bush says that the South African government is racist; that the US needs to stay engaged; that the US needs to use its "moral influence" to change the South African government. Footage of Boesak at a press conference at Harvard University. Boesak says that he hopes Bush will follow the example of Massachusetts; that the US should divest from South Africa. Boesak says that he wishes Dukakis had been elected president. Boesak says that Bush has talked about his commitment to civil rights; that Bush needs to act on his commitment. Footage of South African blacks running from police on January 10, 1988. George reports that Boesak says that the South African government is redoubling its efforts to enforce apartheid laws. V: Footage of Boesak saying that he his tired of lame excuses from western governments. Boesak says that western leaders are lying when they talk about their concern for South African blacks. Boesak talks about the US government's commitment to sanctions against Cuba, Libya, Argentina and Nicaragua. George reports that Boesak says that sanctions are effective; that war has become too expensive for the South African government. George reports that Boesak points to the end of wars in Namibia and Angola as proof of the effectiveness of sanctions. V: Footage of Africans celebrating in the streets; of Africans marching in the street; of African soldiers watching a plane taxi on a runway. Footage of Boesak at a press conference. Boesak talks about sanctions. Boesak says that the South African government should be cut off from oil and from access to the international money market. Boesak says that no South African blacks would be hurt if air links to and from South African were cut off. Boesak says that he and Desmond Tutu (South African anti-apartheid leader) are the only two South African blacks who fly anywhere.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/17/1989
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni have announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. Von Mehren notes that the Board of Overseers is elected by university alumni to make policy recommendations. She adds that Tutu is on a slate of candidates nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Alumni Against Apartheid members Robert Wolff, Robert Zevin, and Linda Davidoff addressing a small crowd on the Harvard Campus. Wolff says that the Board of Overseers will have a hard time explaining to Tutu why they have not divested completely from South Africa. Von Mehren notes that Harvard has divested some its holdings in South Africa. She adds that university officials have no comment on Tutu's candidacy or on their divestment policy. Von Mehren's report also features footage of apartheid protesters at Harvard and footage of Tutu in South Africa. This tape includes additional footage of the Alumni Against Apartheid gathering on the Harvard campus.This tape also includes footage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking. Students walking through Harvard Yard.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Robert Wolff (Alumni Against Apartheid) standing in front of the office of Derek Bok (President, Harvard University) in Massachusetts Hall on Harvard campus. Robert Zevin (Alumni Against Apartheid) and Linda Davidoff (Alumni Against Apartheid) stand on either side of Wolff. Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni gathered outside of Bok's office in Harvard Yard today. Von Mehren reports that the Alumni announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that he looks forward to the first meeting of the Board of Overseers with Tutu present. Wolff says that he would like to see Bok explain to the Overseers and Tutu why divestment is not in the best interests of black South Africans. Von Mehren reports that the thirty-member Board of Overseers is elected by the university alumni; that the Board of Overseers makes policy recomendations. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard. Shot of Tutu at a religious service. Von Mehren reports that Tutu is one of five candidates on a slate nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren reports that Zevin and Davidoff are also running for the Board. V: Footage of Zevin and Davidoff standing in front of Bok's office. Davidoff says that she expected Harvard to be a leader on issues like divestment; that Harvard needs to make its alumni proud again. Shots of apartheid protestors at Harvard University on September 5, 1986. Von Mehren reports that has decreased its investments in South Africa since the 1970s; that $250 million remains invested in companies doing business in South Africa. V: Footage of Davidoff saying that Harvard's divestment policy is "part-way there." Footage of Wolff saying that Archibishop Tutu will win a debate with Bok on divestment. Von Mehren stands in Harvard Yard. Von Mehren reports that university officials have no comment on Harvard's divestment policy or on Tutu's candidacy for the Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that Harvard officials never admit to caving in to outside pressure. Wolff says that Harvard has already divested part of its holdings in response to pressure from alumni, faculty, and students. Von Mehren reports that Tutu and the pro-divestment slate will be running against Elizabeth Dole (US Secretary of Labor), Paul Kirk (former Chairman of the Democratic Party), and others. V: Shots of Tutu; of Dole; of Kirk. Von Mehren reports that the winners will be announced at Harvard's graduation in June. Von Mehren notes that Tutu's election to the Board of Overseers will force Harvard to reevaluate its divestment policy. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/09/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was only twelve years old when she was paralyzed from injuries sustained during an attack on her home by South African security forces. The Fund for a Free South Africa has helped Mabuza and her family settle in Boston. Vaillancourt's report includes footage recorded in January, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid on her home by security forces. Mabuza talks about the importance of Mandela's struggle; she adds that she is happy about his release. She had first heard about Mandela when she was a child. Mabuza says that she hopes to return to South Africa one day. Interview with Nthabiseng's mother, Anna Mabuza, about Mandela's release. Anna Mabuza says that she is afraid to return to South Africa because she fears reprisals from the government. Following the edited story is additional silent b-roll footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza and Anna Mabuza in their home. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Laval Wilson
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of a color photo of Nthabiseng Mabuza (Cambridge resident) as a young girl in Africa. Audio of shots being fired. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was only twelve years old when South African Security Forces raided her home; that the Security Forces wounded her uncle and killed her aunt. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was paralyzed from shots fired during the raid. V: Footage from January 18, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family was targeted because of their connection to the African National Congress (ANC); that Mabuza's father was a member of the ANC; that the ANC was banned in South African until last month. V: Shot of Mabuza getting into her wheelchair and wheeling herself through her house. Shot of a black and white photo of Mabuza's father. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza's father had already died before the raid took place. V: Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Mabuza says that she had heard of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) and the other leaders jailed in Robbin Island when she was a young child. Mabuza says that she now understands the importance of Mandela and his struggle. Shot of a poster reading "Free Nelson Mandela." Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza's father had worked with Mandela; that the Mabuza family is watching the changes in South Africa with interest. V: Shot of Mandela in South Africa. Mandela walks with a raised fist. Shots of black South Africans cheering for Mandela; of a young child at a rally for Mandela; of Mandela speaking to supporters. Shots of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) waving to supporters. Audio of Mabuza saying that she watched Mandela's release on television; that she is happy about his release from prison. Vaillancourt asks if she misses South Africa. Mabuza says that she does miss South Africa. Mabuza talks about Mandela's commitment to his struggle. Footage of Mabuza saying that she was shot because of that same struggle. Footage of Anna Mabuza (mother of Nthabiseng Mabuza) saying that she is happy about Mandela's release from prison. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family has moved to Cambridge; that the Fund for a Free South Africa (charity organization) helped to find housing and medical assistance for Nthabiseng Mabuza. Vaillancourt notes that Nthabiseng Mabuza will start high school next month. V: Shots of Nthabiseng Mabuza in her bedroom. She maneuvers herself from her wheelchair to the floor. Nthabiseng Mabuza turns on the television. Anna Mabuza joins Nthabiseng Mabuza in front of the television. Shot of the younger sister of Nthabiseng Mabuza playing with a doll. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that she will talk to other students about the situation in South Africa; that she will continue to support the struggle. Audio of Vaillancourt asking Anna Mabuza if the family will ever return to South Africa. Anna Mabuza says that she is still afraid of reprisals from the South African government. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that it might be a long time before exiles are allowed to return to South Africa. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that she hopes to return home one day.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990