Description: Production of A Midsummer Night's Dream by American Repertory Theater on stage at Loeb Drama Center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/19/1980
Description: 1) Profile of cellist Yo-Yo Ma by his childhood friend Charles Bennett. Benjamin Zander, Lyn Chang. 2) Memories of drive-in movie theaters; owner Harry Loew. (Lisa Schmid) 3) B.F. Skinner's experiments with pigeons' learned behavior. (Michal Regunberg) 4) Party for famous Bostonians who graced the cover of Time magazine; Ruth Gordon. (Regunberg) 5) Musical fence sculpture by Paul Matisse installed in front of Cambridge City Hall; passersby play it; Mayor Alfred Vellucci (Deborah Trustman) 6) Photographers Charles Kimball and Randy Goodman took pictures of ordinary life in Iran. (Vince Canzoneri) 7) POS on minority residents' apprehension toward census; Commerce Department undertakes outreach to Hispanic population; Rep. Saundra Graham. (Karen Holmes) 8) City youth train in boxing at McDonough gym in South Boston; fighters in championship in Fall River PAL gym. (Howard Husock) 9) Susan Stamberg interviews Meg Greenfield, editorial page editor, Washington Post.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1980
Description: Profile of cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Interview with Ma on his childhood playing. Ma plays a piece in his Cambridge living room. Ma talks about being a cello soloist and the small amount of music written for the cello. Interview with Benjamin Zander on working with Ma. Ma rehearses Brahms Trio and jokes around with violinist Lynn Chang and pianist Richard Kogan. Ma talks about his technique. Ma, Chang and Kogan play at a benefit for Cambodian refugees at Sanders Theater. Christopher Lydon introduces and ends report. He notes that Yo-Yo Ma is having surgery on his spine.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/21/1980