Description: AIDS activist organization, ACT-UP Boston, protests outside Harvard Medical School, alleging unethical practices in limiting availability of experimental drug treatments.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1988
Description: Plight of low-income tenants in Cambridge whose rents increase despite rent control. Tenants join forces to form eviction-free zone. Affordable housing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/05/1988
Description: Propositions are put forth in Cambridge to enable renters to become home owners, involving some exemptions from rent control. Affordable housing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/05/1988
Description: Regina Maris ship. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg unveils JFK sculpture model. Michael Dukakis and William Bulger pose for picture with the statue. Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubynin give speech at Kennedy Library on nuclear weapons control; Jerome Wiesner, McGeorge Bundy, Ted Sorenson, Edward Kennedy. Christian Science Twitchells story. Steven Pierce on revenue in the State House chambers. Massachusetts National Guard building. Illegal immigrant raid at Suffolk Downs. Justice Department seal. Excerpts from Charles Stark Draper films, including lecture, "Theory of Inertial Guidance" from 1961, "The Airplane at Play" from 1931, with audio from a 1976 lecture, and 1976 dedication ceremony in Technology Square.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1988
Description: Newly elected Congressional representatives attend orientation at Kennedy School, concentrating on solving the federal deficit problem.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/09/1988
Description: Michael Dukakis campaigns in Cambridge and Mass. politicians stump for him … Tom O'Neill, William Bulger, Joe Kennedy, Evelyn Murphy, Charles Flaherty, so as not to repeat presumptuous folly of 1978.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/01/1988
Description: Panel at Kennedy School comprises aides to Reagan, Ford, Carter, Mondale and Tip O'Neill, discussing the current presidential campaign. Christopher Matthews, David Gergen.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/31/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that fifty students at Harvard Law School have occupied the dean's office to demand an increase in minority faculty at the school. The students have presented the school with a list of demands, including the promotion of professor Derrick Bell to the position of dean of the school. Interview with Robert Wilkins of the Harvard Black Law Students Association about the lack of diversity among faculty members and about the students' demands. Interview with Derrick Bell. Students at universities across the nation are protesting racism and a lack of diversity on college campuses. Jones' report includes footage of Harvard Law students in the Dean's office and footage from Frontline of a campus protest against racism.
1:00:17: Visual: Shots of Harvard Law students studying their textbooks as they occupy the Dean's office in the administration building of Harvard Law School. Most of the students are African American. Marcus Jones reports that 50 Harvard Law School students marched into the administration building in the afternoon; that most of the students are African American; that many of the students wore black as a show of solidarity. V: Footage of Robert Wilkins (Harvard Black Law Students Association) saying that the students want the administration to deal with the problem of minority faculty at the school; that the school has no specific goals, programs, or ideas to increase the numbers of minority faculty. Shots of the students studying as they sit in the dean's office. Jones reports that the students presented James Vorenberg (Dean, Harvard Law School) with twelve demands; that one of the demands is for the school to hire at least twenty tenured or tenure-track minority professors over the next four years. Jones notes that other demands include the hiring of an African American female faculty member by fall and the promotion of Derek Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) to Dean next year. Jones notes that Vorenberg will leave the post of Dean next year. V: Shots of protest signs hanging in the administration building. Some of the signs read, "Why no tenured Asian American?" and "More black faculty now." Shots of signs reading, "Stop racism at HLS now" and "Black female faculty now." Footage of Bell saying that a cross-section of the population should be represented in the student body and the faculty; that diversity enhances quality instead of harming quality. Shots of students studying texts as they occupy the Dean's office. Jones reports that the protests of students twenty years ago forced Harvard to hire minority professors like Bell. Jones adds that today's students are hoping that their protest will force the university to take action. V: Footage of Wilkins saying that there have been demonstrations at universities across the country; that a lack of minority faculty is a common problem. Wilkins says that Harvard should take the lead in dealing with this problem. Footage from Frontline of a campus protest against racism. Jones reports that racism on college campuses is a growing problem; that students are protesting to draw attention to the issue. Jones stands in the administration building with the Harvard students. Jones reports that the tenured faculty of Harvard Law School will meet tomorrow; that no one is sure if the faculty will take a stand on the students' demands. Jones notes that the students say that the occupation will continue in shifts to accomodate those who are taking final exams.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/10/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law students occupied the Dean's office overnight to protest the lack of minority faculty at the school. The students held a rally for their cause this morning. Charles Ogletree, a visiting Ppofessor at Harvard Law School, addresses a rally of students outside of the school. The sit-in is over for now and that student leaders met with James Vorenberg, the Dean of Harvard Law School) to discuss their demands for an increase in minority faculty members. Interview with Robert Wilkins, of the Harvard Black Law Students Association, about the meeting with the Dean. Boeri reads a quote from Vorenberg about the meeting. The students and the administration disagree about some of the students demands. The school faculty will need to vote on the students demands in the fall.
1:00:04: Visual: Shots of Harvard Law students studying their textbooks as they occupy the administration building of Harvard Law School. Most of the students are African American. David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law School students occupied the office of the Dean overnight; that the students are demanding that twenty minority professors be hired over the next four years; that an African American female professor be hired by fall. Boeri reports that the students held a rally today outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri notes that the faculty of the school has only two tenured African Americans and five tenured white women. V: Shots of the student rally outside of Harvard Law School; of a protest sign reading, "Black female on Harvard Law School faculty now." Footage of Charles Ogletree (Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School) addressing the students at the rally. Ogletree says that he is proud of the students; that the students have picked up where the civil rights movement left off twenty years ago. Ogletree leads the students in chanting, "Enough is enough." The students applaud for Ogletree. Boeri reports that student leaders met this morning with the Dean of Harvard Law School. V: Footage of Robert Wilkins (Harvard Black Law Students Association) saying that the sit-in is over for now. Wilkins says that the dean has agreed to seven of the student's twelve demands. Shot of a protest sign reading, "Stop H.L.S. Racism now." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that the students say that the Dean agreed to a fellowship program to train minority students to become law professors; that the students says that the Dean agreed to student participation in a minority search committee. Boeri quotes James Vorenberg (Dean, Harvard Law School) as saying this evening, "I just wouldn't put it that way. . . I don't know where you draw the line between agreeing to look into something and agreeing to do it." V: Vorenberg's quote appears written on-screen. Shot of a student at the rally holding a sign reading, "The fire this time." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that there is major disagreement between the Dean and the students on five of the students' demands. Boeri quotes a statement from the school administration as saying that the school will give priority to minority hiring but will not guarantee that specific numbers of minorities will be hired in a given time period. V: The quote from the administration's statement is written out in text on-screen. Boeri stands outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri reports that the students' demands will require faculty approval; that student leaders predict that a vote will take place in the fall. Boeri notes that the students are threatening to take action against faculty members who vote against them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1988
Description: Harvard University challenges outcome of very close union vote, based on allegation of unfair or illegal election practices.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1988