Description: Cuts of random footage at the beginning. Footage of a story on the building of a radio telescope observatory near the Quabbin Reservoir. Interviews with three men on the value a radio telescope and the environmental impact the observatory will have on the surrounding wildlife. Footage of the construction site. Office scenes, Quabbin Reservoir, and other b-roll.
Collection: WHDH
Description: John Henning wraps up a report at Boston University. Chet Curtis reports on the activities of some student protesters from Graham Jr. College. They beat a car with sledgehammers.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/22/1970
Description: Lee Nelson introduces The Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Nelson reads a news brief about US Army testing of live bacteria on civilians in simulated germ warfare attacks. Art Cohen reports on racial controversy during jury selection in the Andrew Puopolo murder trial. Cohen reports that the defense attorneys have accused the prosecution of excluding African Americans from the jury. Gary Griffith reports on Mayor Kevin White's proposed fiscal legislation. The report includes footage of Jim Young (Treasurer, City of Boston) explaining the fiscal package. Steve Curwood reports on George Bush's address to the Middlesex Club of Republicans. The report includes footage of Bush answering questions about his tenure as CIA Director, biological warfare, and the overthrow of foreign governments. Mike Kolowich reports on Thomas Widmer (Vice President, Thermo Electron), who advocates energy efficiency and conservation through the application of technology. Footage of Widmer talking about technology and energy policy. Christopher Lydon comments on the early days of the Carter presidency and Carter's outspoken position on human rights. Footage from another Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Steve Nevas hosts the Ten O'Clock News. Nevas reports on the possibility of peace talks in the Middle East. Lydon interviews Richard Reeves (political writer) on Jimmy Carter's character and his public image. Nevas editorializes on US policy regarding marine resources. Footage from another Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Nevas closes the show. David Ives (President, WGBH) sings a fundraising song for on-air fundraising promotion
0:00:10: Volunteers in studio for on-air fundraising. WGBH station identification. 0:01:12: The Ten O'Clock News opening credits. Lee Nelson introduces the show. Nelson reports that the US Army has tested live germs on civilians in simulated germ warfare attacks from 1949 to 1969; that the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the City of San Francisco and Washington's national airport were targets over a twenty-year period; that over 500 project employees suffered infections. Nelson reports that four jurors were chosen in the trial of three men connected with the death of Harvard football player Andrew Puopolo. 0:02:16: Art Cohen reports on the Puopolo murder trial at Suffolk Superior Court. Visual: Artist's drawing of courtroom. Cohen reports that Puopolo had been in the Combat Zone with fellow Harvard football players Thomas Lincoln and Steve Saxon; that Lincoln and Saxon suffered only minor injuries; that Puopolo died of stab wounds. Cohen reports that Richard Allen, Edward Soares and Leon Easterling are charged with Puopulo's murder; that the three defendents are African American. V: Artist's drawing of defendants. Cohen reports that Judge James Roy asked each prospective juror if the racial profiles of the defendents and plaintiffs would affect their judgment; that Roy dismissed several jurors who were unsure. V: Artist drawing of Roy by Sonja Benson. Cohen reports that there were only four African Americans out of 70 prospective jurors; that the defense lawyers accused the prosecution of excluding African Americans from the jury; that Thomas Mundy (Assistant District Attorney, Suffolk County) challenged three of the African American jurors without cause; that the fourth African American juror was dismissed by Roy. V: Artists drawings of lawyers at table; of Mundy. Cohen reports that three women and one man have been chosen for the jury so far; that these four jurors are an electronics engineer, a manager with a local insurance company, a school monitor, and a housewife from South Boston. Cohen reports that jury selection is expected to go on until Thursday. 0:03:48: Nelson reads the national headlines: the US House of Representatives voted to pass a major segment of President Jimmy Carter's economic stimulus program, including $50 tax rebates for many taxpayers; Carter will travel to London in May for his first summit with leaders from Canada, West Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Great Britain; France threatened economic reprisals unless the SST (Concorde) is allowed to land in New York; Carter favors granting temporary landing rights for the Concorde, but the decision is up to the states of New York and New Jersey. 0:04:39: Nelson reports that the White Administration is concentrating on the passage of its fiscal legislation; that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) is on vacation on an unnamed Caribbean island. V: Footage of James Young (Treasurer, City of Boston) saying that the mayor's fiscal legislation addresses the management problems in the city; that it attempts to redress imbalances in the fiscal relationship between the state and the city; that it enables the city to improve its financial situation by allowing it to impose modest taxes. Gary Griffith reports that the fiscal package includes 28 bills broken into three major categories; that there are 11 bills in a revenue sharing package which increases city fines and parking fees, and denies registration to vehicles with unpaid fines and taxes; that there are 10 bills in a state share package which mandates the state to assume the costs of county government, of school desegregation and of veteran benefits; that there are 7 bills in a new tax package which includes a payroll excise tax and new excise taxes on hotels, motels and college dorms. Griffith reports that some of the bills in the state share package and the new tax package are not expected to pass; that the city's property tax is expected to rise next year. V: Shots of downtown Boston; of a meter maid giving a parking ticket. Footage of Young saying that the city will not go bankrupt; that the city will be forced to reduce the services it provides to residents; that the city will see a decline in its character and standard of living. Griffith reports that legislative hearings on the bills will be held on March 23; that votes will take place by May. V: Shots of reporters at Young's press conference. 0:07:23: Stock report: Dow Jones Industrials at 952.04; New York Stock Exchange volume was 19,520,000 shares; American Exchange volume was 3,110,000 shares. 0:07:48: Nelson reports that Brady Tyson (US Deputy Delegate to the UN Human Rights Commission) expressed regrets to the government of Chili for CIA involvement in the 1973 overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende; that the State Department said later that Tyson's remarks at the meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission were personal and not approved by the State Department. Nelson reports that Idi Amin (military ruler of Uganda) claims he is on a CIA death list; that Amin met with leaders at the Afro-Arab summit in Cairo; that Amin refused to allow a probe into human rights violations in Uganda. 0:08:37: Nelson reports that George Bush (former CIA Director) visited Cambridge to address the Middlesex Club of Republicans; that there is speculation about Bush running for president in 1980. Steve Curwood reports that Bush became CIA Director in 1976. V: Footage of Bush saying that he was often asked about the Allende affair as CIA Director; that he would not have apologized for the Allende affair. Bush says that he would support action to destabilize or overthrow certain governments, or "a Hitler." Curwood asks Bush about allegations concerning CIA use of the African Swine Fever Virus in Cuba to destabilize the Castro government. Bush responds that the allegations are false; that he never authorized the use of any chemical or biological warfare agents as CIA Director; that he will not comment on the use of those agents by other countries. Bush says that he does not believe that the CIA will be hurt by going along with rules and regulations not followed by other countries; that he worries about narrow guidelines concerning counterintelligence strategy. Curwood says that Bush does not deny the possibility of his running for the presidency in 1980. 0:11:47: Sports scores: Bruins beat Atlanta, 3 - 2. 0:12:00: Nelson reads headlines: Joseph Califano (HEW Secretary) announced a major reorganization of HEW; a law professor from the University of Chicago warned the House of Representatives not to let Carter reorganize the federal government. 0:12:19: Nelson reports that Carter will present a comprehensive energy program on April 20; that Carter's planners are soliciting input from citizens; that conservation and "personal sacrifice" will be at the heart of the program. Mike Kolowich reports that the US is the largest consumer of energy in the world; that the US wastes some of its most valuable energy resources. V: Shots of steam rising from smokestacks, chimneys and sewers. Kolowich reports that Thomas Widmer (vice president, Thermo Electron) advocates a more efficient use of energy; that Thermo Electron is a thermodynamic research and manufacturing firm in Waltham. V: Footage of Widmer saying that there is no energy crisis; that the US is not using energy effectively; that there is a "surplus of entropy." Kolowich reports that Widmer endorses conservation in a report he prepared for the Carter administration; that Widmer believes conservation is not enough. V: Shots of Widmer's report. Footage of Widmer saying that he does not endorse conservation through curtailment of energy use; that he endorses conservation through technology; that energy must be used more efficiently. Kolowich reports that "technological fixes" have been used in West Germany; that West Germany uses energy more efficiently than the US. V: Shots of smokestacks; of cars and trucks on highway; of factories; of houses with chimneys. Kolowich reports that US cars and trucks are too large; that the US steel making industry is not using energy as efficiently as it could; that new technology could help US industries use energy more efficiently. Kolowich reports that the federal government would need to provide incentives for industry to become more energy efficient; that the government would need to impose controls on the consumer level. V: Audio of Widmer saying that there should be mandatory controls on the efficiency of air conditioners, lighting, new home construction and commercial buildings; that it is possible to set mandatory efficiency standards for industry. Footage of Widmer saying that energy taxes could be imposed on industry; that tax credits could be given to energy efficient industries. Kolowich reports that Widmer thinks this policy would result in economic growth without an increase in energy use; that Widmer's ideas were once considered revolutionary; that Carter's energy program may rely on some of Widmer's ideas. 0:16:56: Weather report and area ski conditions. 0:17:45: Nelson reports that Henry Gonzales (Democratic Representative from Texas) resigned as chairman of the House Assassinations Committee; that Lewis Stokes (Democratic Representative from Ohio) will be the new chairman. Nelson reports that Governor Michael Dukakis is looking for quick legislative approval of his proposed Industrial Development Authority, an agency to encourage business development in Massachusetts. Nelson reports that state officials will not comment on a listening device found in the telephone of Owen Clarke (State Tax Commissioner); that tax records were recently seized in an investigation of his agency. Nelson reports that Leo Nolan is appealing his conviction for the murder of a Haverhill grocer fifty years ago. 0:18:30: Nelson introduces commentary by Christopher Lydon on the first few months of the Carter presidency. Lydon says that critics have doubts about Carter's performance; that critics doubt his understanding of foreign policy issues. Lydon says that Carter knows what he is doing when he speaks out on human rights; that Carter's outspoken support of human rights can lead to inconsistencies in foreign policy; that Carter wrote a letter in support of Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, but told the Soviet ambassador that human rights should not get in the way of relations between the two countries. Lydon points out other contradictions in the intersection of human rights and foreign policy in the Carter administration. Lydon says that Carter speaks out on human rights to remind Americans of the importance of human liberties and the values represented by the US. 0:20:38: Nelson closes the show with a joke. Credits roll. 0:21:19: Footage from another Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Steve Nevas reports that Secretary of State Cyrus Vance says that there is a chance for Middle East peace talks during the second half of the year; that Arab states might allow Israel to keep some of the West Bank; that the Arab states will insist on the return of the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Desert; that Vance asked Congress not to try to enlist other nations in measures against the Arab boycott of Israel. 0:21:57: Sports scores: Golden State beats the Celtics, 101 - 94; the Bruins beat Detroit, 8 - 3. 0:22:20: Nevas reports that Carter spoke to employees at the Pentagon today; that Carter says he does not want to revive the draft, but will not rule it out completely. 0:22:36: Nevas introduces Christopher Lydon's interview with Richard Reeves (political writer). Lydon asks Reeves about Carter's public persona. Reeves says that Carter's ruthlessness and toughness is not visible in his public image; that Carter had to be calculating and tough to get to the top; that Carter has picked up campaign tips and tricks from political novels. Lydon comments on Reeves' theory that Carter's early success in the campaign was played up in the media; that the media ignored later setbacks because they had already created an image of him as a winning candidate. Reeves says that Carter planned a good campaign; that the media chose to give extensive coverage to the primary election; that the media created a momentum around Carter and it worked in his favor. Lydon asks Reeves' opinion on Carter and his success. Reeves says that Carter's public image will be destroyed if he gets caught lying. 0:25:55: Weather report and ski conditions. 0:26:55: Nevas reports that the US has taken control of the fishing grounds along the east coast. He gives a brief history of fishing in the western Atlantic. Nevas reports that the US now controls nearly 1/5 of the world's marine fish resources; that the US took control of east coast fishing grounds in the name of conservation; that taking control of the fishing grounds should not become a jingoistic exercise. Nevas closes the show. Credits roll. 0:28:23: Footage from another Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Christopher Lydon comments on Carter's energy policy. He speculates on Carter's relations with the natural gas industry. Nevas closes the show. Credits roll. 0:29:50: Footage from the end credits of another Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Fundraising promotion featuring David Ives (President, WGBH) singing a fundraising song accompanied by guitar.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1977
Description: EPA press conference to announce issuing permit to build Pilgrim II nuclear power plant based on approved environmental impact statement. Second plant will share discharge system with Pilgrim I and barrier will be placed in channel to reduce fish kills from overheated water and nitrogen bubble disease.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1977
Description: Mix of sound and silent footage. Preparations for the Clamshell Alliance Seabrook Occupation, a protest of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Man reads list of rules for peaceful occupation. Closeups of license plates and bumper stickers. Cathy Wolff holds press conference on international support for the demonstration, the nonviolence civil disobedience training received by the protesters, and direct action that might take place after the occupation. Man speaks at press conference on the need to protect the salt marsh area being bulldozed by construction. Silent footage of crowds at occupation. Helicopter flies overhead. Silent footage of the salt marshes and wildlife. Protest march towards Seabrook site, singing and chanting. Interviews with protesters. Police officer directs protesters. Occupation site and activities. Interview with occupation organizer. Protesters talk publicly with police officers about the arrest procedure that is likely occur. Police announce over megaphone that protesters who don't vacate will be arrested and charged with trespassing. Protesters are peacefully arrested. Interviews with protesters on getting arrested. School buses drive away loaded with arrested protesters. Crowds applaud arrested protesters as bus drives by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/1977
Description: Interview with vice president of Society for Commercial Archeology, Arthur Krim, on significance of Citgo sign in Kenmore Square. Its neon display was shut off by the state as an energy conservation measure. Close-up of the sign. They shoot cutaways. Several takes of reporter standup. Kenmore Square environs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1980
Description: Eastern Massachusetts demand is too much for the water supply from the Quabbin Reservoir. Conservation measures are being taken, mainly in stopping leaks from the pipes used to transport the water. The Water Resources Authority is seeking an alternative supply for Boston area water, which may include the Sudbury river. Environmentalist argue against the idea. Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary James Hoyte says they're keeping the option open. Additional story on the Merrimack River, it's possible use as an alternative water supply, and the debate over that decision.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/12/1986
Description: Before news broadcast: Ted O'Brien advertises WGBH membership; advertisement for "Vietnam: Present Tense" program with Seth Rolbein; James Earl Jones advertises "Long Ago and Far Away" program; 1)Carmen fields reports on revelations on Sen. William Bulger's questionable investment in American Cablesystems Midwest with Harold Brown and Thomas Finnerty. 2) David Boeri debriefing on set on Bulger. 3) Sludge processing at Deer Island treatment plant turns sewage into compost and pelletized fertilizer; Paul Levy of MWRA and Michael Deland of EPA; incinerator in Lynn. 4) History of Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor, now landfill repository. Anchors Lydon and Fields. 5) Report on President George Bush Sr.'s tax campaign and Congressional leaders meeting about budget. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recommends budget restrictions, rather than taxes. 6) New childcare package is political olive branch between political parties. 7) National Urban League report on poverty and income conditions among black people. 8) Execution of serial murderer Ted Bundy in Florida. 9) Pennsylvania native Barbara Harris chosen as first woman bishop in Anglican Communion, ordained by Boston Archdiocese.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1989
Description: Marcus Jones interviews Louis Elisa, from the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. Elisa and Jones walk through Roxbury and Franklin Park while they talk. Elisa talks about the need for the environmental movement to open up to minorities. Elisa notes that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa talks about his efforts to improve his own neighborhood. Elisa notes that he is trying to prevent the dumping of garbage on a nearby vacant lot. Jones and Elisa discuss the rehabilitation of Franklin Park in Roxbury. Elisa says that the Franklin Park Coalition sought corporate funding to clean up the park, leading to a public/private partnership. Elisa talks about the need to give young people access to the outdoors. He adds that access to the outdoors and recreational activities might decrease violence in the city. Following the edited story is additional footage of Elisa and Jones walking through the city as they discuss environmental issues.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Saltonstall Building on Cambridge Street in Boston; of Louis Elisa (State Office of Environmental Affairs) and Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter) exiting the building. Marcus Jones reports that Elisa works in the Saltonstall Building for the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones on the street. Elisa says that the environmental movement is often associated with rural and suburban areas; that many urban residents are concerned about the environment. Jones notes that Elisa is an African American urban resident; that the environmental movement has not done enough to reach minority and urban constituents. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones. Elisa says that the environmental movement has been shortsighted; that many people see a great divide between rural and urban areas. Elisa says that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa says that the environmental movement does not understand that African Americans use and enjoy parks and open spaces. Elisa says that the environmental movement needs to open up to minorities. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking down a Roxbury street. Jones reports that problems with crime and violence take precedence over environmental issues in Roxbury; that a group of environmentalists in Roxbury are trying to make a difference. Jones notes that Elisa and his neighbors have been trying to get a lot near his apartment building cleaned off. V: Shots of Jones and Elisa walking through an abandoned lot. Audio of Elisa saying that the lot is an eyesore; that the lot is an affront to the residents of the community. Elisa says that he called the city of Boston to complain about garbage being dumped on the lot. Elisa says that the city told him that the owner of the lot could do what he wanted with the lot. Elisa says that the neighboring houses are looked after carefully. Jones reports that Franklin Park is an example of an environmental success story in Roxbury. V: Shot of a golfer hitting a golf ball at Franklin Park. Footage of Elisa saying that a group of Roxbury residents including Elma Lewis got together to advocate for Franklin Field Park; that the advocates began to clean up the park. Elisa says that the park was created by Frederick Law Olmsted (landscape architect); that the park is an asset for the city. Elisa says that the advocates found corporate funding to clean up the park. Elisa says that the rehabilitation of the park is an example of a public-private partnership. Shots of golfers walking across the fairway at the golf course at Franklin Park; of the golf course. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking along a path in Franklin Park. Audio of Elisa saying that it is important for young people to have access to parks, campgrounds, ice skating rinks and coastal areas. Elisa says that more access to the outdoors might decrease violence in the inner city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/18/1990