Description: Christy George reports that the Boston School Committee held an executive session to make a decision on the renewal of the contract of superintendent Laval Wilson Several audience members addressed the Boston School Committee about Wilson's performance before they made their decision. Jim Hobby (South Boston resident), Minister Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader), and Pedro Posado (Latino activist) address the members of the School Committee at a meeting. The School Committee has offered Wilson a two-year contract with constant performance reviews and no perquisites. George adds that the contract does not allow Wilson much freedom to operate. School Committee president Thomas O'Reilly and Committee member Robert Cappucci announce the contract at a School Committee meeting. O'Reilly talks about the details of the contract. Cappucci expresses his non-support of Wilson. Wilson speaks to reporters about his new contract. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder held in Roxbury
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting. Shots audience members crowded into the chambers of the Boston School Committee. Shots of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) standing at the front of the School Committee chambers. Christy George reports that audience members had 30 seconds each to address the School Committee on the subject of Wilson's contract. V: Footage of Jim Hobby (South Boston resident) saying that there is a high drop-out rate in South Boston. He accuses Wilson of not doing his job. Shots of School Committee members John Grady, Jean McGuire, and John Nucci at the front of the School Committee Chambers. Footage of Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) saying that Wilson's contract should be renewed; that Wilson has begun to turn the school system around. Shots of audience members. Footage of Pedro Posado (Latino activist) saying that the School Committee needs to address the concerns of the Latino community. Shots of the School Committee members at the front of the chambers. George notes that the Committee members made their decision in an executive session; that the members of the School Committee ended up with a compromise. V: Footage of Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee) standing at the front of the chambers with Wilson and Robert Cappucci (Boston School Committee). O'Reilly announces that the School Committee decided to offer Wilson a two-year contract. O'Reilly notes that the contract includes provisions relating to on-going performance relationships. Footage of Cappucci saying that the School Committee vote was seven-to-six; that there are six School Committee members who do not think Wilson should continue as superintendent. Cappucci says that the six members will do everything they can to see that Boston gets a new superintendent. Shots of School Committee members speaking to the press; of Gerald Anderson (Boston School Committee) speaking to the media. George reports that Wilson had wanted a three- or four-year contract. George notes that the first year of the contract is guaranteed; that the second year of the contract depends on good performance reviews. V: Footage of Wilson speaking to the media. Wilson says that he has served for six years in Boston; that six years is the longest tenure of any superintendent in the recent past. George reports that Wilson's contract is a two-year contract with constant performance reviews and no perquisites. George notes that Wilson will have another chance to prove himself; that he will not have a lot of room to maneuver.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/11/1989
Description: David Goerlitz, a former model for Winston cigarette ads, has quit smoking and now visits schools to teach children dangers of the habit. Goerlitz speaking a at school assembly. Print ads featuring Goerlitz. Goerlitz accuses the tobacco industry on targeting children and young teens. Interview with students after assembly on teh lack of smoking education in schools. Interview with Goerlitz on why kids listen to him more than other antismoking advocates. Goerlitz talks with school kids after the assembly. Marcus Jones reports in front of a Winston cigarette ad featuring Goerlitz that is still up in Boston. Following the edited story is b-roll of Goerlitz talking to kids after school assembly. Closeups on print ads.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/25/1989
Description: What would (not) happen if state government shut down? Examples of public services which would be missing. David Scondras, Barbara Anderson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/24/1989
Description: Women appeal to legislature not to cut WIC and home care funding in the state budget, so that they and their children will not suffer. Rep. Richard Voke.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/14/1989
Description: Polish immigrant reflects on start of World War II 50 years ago. File of bombs, explosions, soldiers, tanks in Poland.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/31/1989
Description: Arms control advisor Edward Rowny looks back on World War II on 50th anniversary; comments on European nations, Cold War, and Communist bloc developments since.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/01/1989
Description: Resignation of Rep. Jim Wright as Speaker of the House. reel two
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/31/1989
Description: Resignation of Rep. Jim Wright as Speaker of the House. reel one
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/31/1989
Description: Cambridge YMCA conserves water by repairing leaky pipes and installing flow restricters in shower heads. Children in Y pool. Cambridge Reservoir. Ilyas Bhatti, MDC Commissioner. Sound effect of water lapping over stones.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/05/1989
Description: End of year sees much legislative business untransacted, in addition to the pending budget crisis. Empty State House halls. Reps. Richard Voke, David Cohen.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/26/1989