Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: David Boeri reports that the state of Massachusetts has lost a seat in the US House of Representatives because of a decline in the population according to the 1990 census. Mayor Ray Flynn and others are calling for a recount because they believe that the census undercounts urban residents. Footage of census workers going from door to door. Boeri reports on speculation that Congressman Joe Early may retire and on speculation that a redistricting plan would force Congressmen Chester Atkins and Barney Frank to run against one another. Governor William Weld has proposed a redistricting plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. Interview with State Rep. Peter Forman, who says that suburban areas are unfairly represented and that the city of Boston would represent a "minority seat." Interview with State Rep. Jim Brett, who discusses options for possible redistricting plans. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one Congressional seat will probably fail.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage from a campaign debate between Barney Frank (US Representative) and Margaret Heckler (US Representative) sponsored by the League of Women Voters in October of 1982. Shots of the panel at the debate. David Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost a Congressional seat in 1980; that the Democratic Party forced Heckler, the Republican incumbent) to run against Frank. Boeri reports that the state must reduce its eleven congressmen to ten as a result of the 1990 census. V: Shot of shoppers at Downtown Crossing. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is calling for a recount; that Flynn and others say that the census undercounts the cities. V: Shot of Flynn; of the front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost its seat by only a narrow margin. V: Footage of James Brett (state representative) being interviewed. Brett says that he doubts if the numbers will change significantly in a census recount. Shot of an African American female census worker knocking on the door of a building. Boeri reports that the US Census Bureau says that the census counts are subject to possible correction until January 15. V: Shot of another African American female census worker knocking on the door of an apartment. Boeri reports that there has never been a successful appeal of a lost congressional seat. V: Shot of a third African American female census worker knocking on the door of an a building. Boeri says that some people are speculating that Joe Early (US Representative) may retire. Boeri notes that Early could keep up to $142,000 worth of campaign funds if he quits before 1992. Boeri adds that Early says that he is planning to run for reelection. V: Shot of representatives in the Congressional chambers. Shot of a black and white photo of Early. Boeri reports that there are rumors of a redistricting plan which would force Frank to run against Chester Atkins (US Representative). V: Shot of Atkins at a campaign event for John Kerry (US Senate); of Frank speaking to the media as he walks through a corridor of a building. Boeri reports that Atkins and Frank are supposed to be the two most unpopular congressmen on Beacon Hill. Boeri reports that Frank, Atkins and Joe Kennedy (US Representative) represent the western suburbs of Boston. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that there is a cluster of US Representatives in the suburbs west of Boston. Boeri reports that Brett chairs the legislative redistricting committee. Boeri reports that Brett says that the US congressional districts will be redrawn. V: Footage of Peter Forman (State Representative and prospective House Minority Leader) being interviewed. Forman says that suburban areas are not fairly represented in the current districts; that the current districts are unfair to the Republican Party. Boeri reports that William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) has proposed a plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. V: Shot of Weld greeting two older men at an event. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the state of Massachusetts should probably have a "minority seat." Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that Weld's plan sets up the Republican Party to gain seats in the suburbs by limiting the number of seats in Boston. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the Democratic Party would like to limit gains by Republicans. Boeri reports that the Republican Party has more say on the issues than in 1980. Boeri notes that Weld is a Republican governor; that there are enough Republican senators to sustain a veto by Weld. V: Shot of Weld speaking at a campaign event in 1990. Boeri reports that Brett wants the redistricting plan to be fair. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed. Brett says that the redistricting plan could end up in federal court. Brett says that the legislative redistricting committee wants to avoid any special deals or the appearance of any improprieties. Boeri stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one congressional seat will most likely fail. Boeri reports that no money has yet been appropriated for the redistricting process; that the battle has already begun.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/27/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Democratic candidates for governor Evelyn Murphy and Francis Bellotti talked about civil rights issues at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. While the candidates agreed on most of the issues, they disagreed about the death penalty. Murphy and Bellotti talk about minority set-asides, development in minority communities, and the civil rights bill in the state legislature. They also discuss their positions on death penalty. Bellotti talks about his participation in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Reporters look bored, some reporters read the newspaper while the candidates talk. Kelly reports that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. Interviews with people on the street, none of whom believe that either candidate has shown strong leadership in the area of civil rights.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. A moderator introduces the forum. Murphy and Bellotti sit together at a table. Panelists sit at tables adjacent to the candidates. Members of the media are at the back of the room. Hope Kelly reports that there was no debate at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights this morning; that the candidates agree on the issues. V: Footage of Murpy speaking at the Forum. Murphy says that she believes in minority set-aside rules; that she would like to see the program expanded. Shots of members of the media sitting on a couch to one side of the room. Kelly says that the forum's atmosphere was low-key. V: Shots of Bellotti; of two reporters reading the newspaper as Murphy speaks. Shots of two men conferring as Murphy speaks; of another reporter reading the newspaper. Shot of a man playing with his pen; of another man looking up at the ceiling. Shot of the moderator with his chin cupped in his hand. Audio of Murphy talking about minority businesses. Kelly notes that both candidates got equal time at the forum. V: Footage of Bellotti talking about development in minority communities. Kelly reports that both candidates say that they support the same agenda; that both candidates support the civil rights bill before the US Congress; that both candidates support the gay rights bill in the state legislature. V: Shot of Murphy speaking at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates support minority set-aside programs; that both candidates will try to improve access for all. V: Shots of panelists at the forum. Kelly reports that Murphy brought up the only difference between the two candidates; that the difference was highlighted in the days following the murder of Carol Stuart (resident of Reading, Massachusetts). V: Footage of Murphy speaking at the forum. Murphy says that her opponents talked about their support of the death penalty in the days following the Stuart murder. Murphy says that she has always been an opponent of the death penalty; that Bellotti had threatened to "pull the switch." Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he was not statesmanlike when he talked about pulling "the switch." Bellotti says that he has always been honest about his position on the death penalty. Bellotti says that he would never lobby for the death penalty. Kelly reports that the candidates talked about their past records; that the candidates talked about how they would govern the state. V: Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he marched with Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1965; that people threw rocks at the marchers. Shots of Bellotti and Murphy at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates boasted of their records on civil rights. Kelly notes that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. V: Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly outside of a post office. Kelly asks if the man is familiar with the civil rights records of Murphy or Bellotti. The man says that he cannot think of anything that either candidate has done in the area of civil rights. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the man to name some local civil rights leaders. The man responds that she has posed a tough question. Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly. The man cannot come up with an answer to Kelly's question about local civil rights leaders. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. The man says that he would not consider Bellotti to be a leader in the area of civil rights. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the woman if she knew that Bellotti grew up in Roxbury. The woman says that she never knew that fact. Shot of the candidates and panelists rising at the end of the forum.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Boston superintendent of schools Laval Wilson. The Boston School Committee has voted to remove him from his post. Kelly adds that there are racial overtones in the vote to dismiss Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson's opponents are all white. Kelly reviews Wilson's interview and selection, his record and the school bus drivers' strike. Kelly also discusses the school consolidation controversy and his contract renewal in 1989. The Boston Public Schools experienced a rise in achievement test scores and a decrease in the dropout rate under Wilson. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage illustrating these events during Wilson's tenure. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Controversy surrounds the Boston School Committee's decision to fire Laval Wilson and Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) being interviewed by Eileen Jones (WGBH reporter) on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he wants to convince the Boston Public School community that he is the best person for the job of superintendent. Shots of posters prepared by Wilson for his presentation to the Boston School Committee; of Wilson adjusting the position of the charts. Hope Kelly reports that Wilson interviewed for the position of superintendent in July of 1985. Kelly notes that Wilson showed little charisma; that he was well prepared for the interview. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the Boston School Committee in the School Committee chambers on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that his planning skills are excellent. Shots of Wilson and the members of the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson stressed his planning skills; that Wilson was self-confident and stubborn. Kelly notes that Wilson did not mention his people skills or his passion. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by Jones on July 19, 1985. Wilson repeats that he classified himself "as a school superintendent." Shot of Wilson during his interview with the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson never made any reflections on race. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he is an educator who happens to be African American. Footage of the members of the School Committee as they cast their votes for the position of superintendent on July 31, 1985. Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) votes for Dr. Peter Negroni (candidate for superintendent of schools). School Committee members John O'Bryant and Thomas O'Reilly vote for Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson had held the position of superintendent of schools in Rochester, New York, and Berkeley, California. Kelly reports that the Boston School Committee voted nine-to-four in favor of hiring Wilson. Kelly reports that Wilson became Boston's first African American superintendent of schools. Kelly adds that the Boston Public School System was rife with poverty and patronage in 1985. V: Footage from August 21, 1985. Wilson walks on Devonshire Street with a group of school officials, including John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee), Ellen Guiney (Citywide Education Coalition), John Grady (Boston School Committee), and Julio Henriquez (aide to School Committee member Daniel Burke). Footage of Wilson at a press conference of May 12, 1987. Wilson says that 20% of first-graders did not pass first grade last year. Kelly reports that a bus strike paralyzed the school system in Wilson's fourth month on the job. Kelly notes that students and parents became enraged at Wilson's plan to consolidate schools. V: Shot of buses parked outside of South Boston High School. African American students walk among the buses. Shot of a group of angry protesters. Shots of students and parents protesting outside of the Boston School Committee headquarters on Court Street. The students and parents hold signs. Shot of a jacket being held up in the air. Writing on the jacket reads, "Save our school." Kelly reports that Wilson threatened to resign over the school consolidation issue; that Wilson pursued a job offer from the New York City Public School System in 1987. Kelly notes that Wilson receives a salary of nearly $100,000 per year. Kelly adds that there were questions about his performance. V: Shot of Wilson at a press conference. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting on October 11, 1988. Shot of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee). Shot of Wilson saying that progress is being made. Shot of the audience at the meeting. Kelly reports that progress is being made in the school system; that achievement scores are rising. Kelly notes that the drop-out rate has declined to its lowest level in eleven years. V: Shots of Wilson in an elementary school classroom; of Wilson and school officials walking through a high school corridor. Footage from a Boston School Committee on April 11, 1989. Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) addressing the members of the School Committee. Muhammad says that Wilson's contract should be renewed; that Wilson has begun to turn the school system around. Shots of audience members crowded into the School Committee chambers; of the School Commitee members in the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Wilson's contract was renewed in 1989; that Wilson survived by one vote. Kelly reports that Wilson did not receive a ringing endorsement from the Boston School Committee; that Wilson had wanted a four-year contract in 1989; that he did not receive one. Kelly notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) suggested abolishing the Boston School Committee during the summer of 1989. V: Footage of Flynn at a press conference in May of 1989. Flynn says that the present system fails the schoolchildren and parents of Boston. Shot of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Flynn wanted to replace the elected school committee with an appointed school committee. V: Footage from July of 1985. Wilson sits at a press conference with Flynn, Edward Doherty (President, Boston Teachers Union), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee), Rita Walsh-Tomasini (Boston School Committee) and other school officials. The officials stand up and raise their linked hands. Kelly reports that the debate over the schools has become divisive and political. Kelly reports that Flynn took no questions about Wilson today; that Flynn released a short statement. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that issues are more important than skin color. Kelly stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Committee. Kelly notes that the situation has racial overtones. Kelly reports that an all-white majority on the School Committee has voted to remove an African American superintendent from a school system with a 75% non-white student population.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990
Description: Ten O'Clock News special in celebration of South African leader Nelson Mandela to Boston. Carmen Fields, Christopher Lydon, Lovell Dyett and Elliot Francis host the show in the WGBH studios. Marcus Jones reports on preparations in the city of Boston for Nelson Mandela's visit. Jones' report includes footage of preparations on the Esplanande and footage of schoolchildren at the Trotter Elementary School rehearsing a musical piece and making posters. Jones interviews Jacob Abdul Khllaq (general manager, A Nubian Notion) about the Nelson Mandela books, T-shirts, and posters sold around the city. Carmen Fields interviews South African exiles Themba Vilakazi and Janet Levine about the life and leadership of Nelson Mandela. Fields's report includes photos and footage of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela. Christopher Lydon interviews in-studio guests Aggrey Mbere (Roxbury Community College) and Orlando Patterson (Harvard University) about Nelson Mandela. Patterson and Mbere talk about how Mandela's culture and education have shaped his leadership. Lovell Dyett reports on the debate surrounding divestment and the imposition of sanctions on the South African government. He notes that the Massachusetts State Legislature passed meaningful divestment legislation in 1983. Dyett interviews Caroline Hunter (Polaroid Corporation), Mel King (Community Fellows Program, MIT) and Robert Zevin (Manager, Calvert Social Investment Fund) about divestment. Dyett reports that Harvard University and the Gillette Corporation have refused to divest completely. Dyett interviews in-studio guests Dr. Willard Johnson (MIT) and Joseph LaBonte (Founder, American Business Initiative for a Free South Africa) about the debate over sanctions. David Boeri reports on Teko Manong (South African exile in Boston). Boeri interviews Manong about his opposition to apartheid and his exile in the United States. Boeri notes that Manong is a playwright, but has received little recognition in the United States. Meg Vaillancourt reports on Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile). Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was paralyzed from injuries sustained during an attack on her home by South African security forces. Vaillancourt reports that the Fund for a Free South Africa helped Mabuza and her family settle in Cambridge. Mabuza discusses apartheid and her impressions of Nelson Mandela. Elliot Francis reports that Andrew Jones (filmmaker) has just returned from South Africa, where he shot a documentary series. Jones talks about the apartheid regime in South Africa as well as race relations in the United States. Francis's report includes footage from Jones's documentary. Francis reports that US citizens and local residents support Nelson Mandela's struggle for freedom. Francis interviews Edmund Barry Gaither (Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists). Gaither discusses the initiative by the National Conference of Artists to create artwork inspired by Soweto and apartheid. Francis' report includes shots of artwork by artists Kenneth Falana and Nelson Stevens. Francis interviews Sadiki Kambon (Project FATE.) about Nelson Mandela and the significance of his struggle. Christopher Lydon and Lovell Dyett interview in-studio guests Margaret Burnham (Fund for a Free South Africa) and Henry Hampton (Executive Producer, "Eyes on the Prize" ). Burnham and Hampton discuss what effect Mandela's visit will have on racial issues in the US. The special includes footage of Mandela speaking at the United Nations and footage of Mandela in South Africa after his release from prison. The special also includes footage of Boston residents and school children talking about Mandela. Producer - Juanita Anderson; Produced by Lenore J. Hanoka, Calvin Lindsay Jr. and Kathleen McKenna.
1:00:01: WGBH promotion. 1:00:09: WGBH logo. Visual: Shot of Zinzi Mandela (daughter of Nelson Mandela) addressing a crowd. Zinzi Mandela says that her father will return. Shot of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) waving to a crowd as he prepares to exit a plane. Shot of an audience cheering. Shot of black South Africans dancing in the street as they celebrate Mandela's release. Shot of a well-dressed crowd celebrating. Shot of a parade celebrating Mandela's release. Shot of Bishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader). Shot of Nelson Mandela speaking to the United Nations in New York. A logo for the show "Mandela in Boston" shows on-screen. 1:00:55: Christopher Lydon, Elliot Francis, Carmen Fields, and Lovell Dyett sit in the WGBH studios. Lydon says that Mandela is coming to Boston to greet key allies in the struggle against apartheid and the struggle for American sanctions; that Mandela is coming to Boston to raise money for the African National Congress (ANC). Dyett says that Mandela has been released from prison; that Mandela is still not free; that the South African people must still struggle to achieve democracy in their country. Fields reports that the she and her colleagues will examine Mandela, his message, and his connections to Boston. Fields reports that Mandela has become a larger-than-life figure. Fields notes that Mandela said that his reception in New York City was beyond his expectations. Fields reports that many UN delegates were on their feet to cheer for Mandela as he approached the podium at the UN. V: Shots of Mandela at the UN. Fields reports that Mandela repeated his call for sanctions against South Africa; that Mandela extended his greetings to the people of Palestine. Fields notes that Mandela said that the Palestinians are fighting for liberation and human rights. Francis says that Mandela is a phenomenon. Francis introduces a report by Marcus Jones. 1:02:46: V: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of city officials unfurling a flag of the African National Congress (ANC). The group of city officials with Flynn include Boston City Councilors Charles Yancey, Bruce Bolling, and David Scondras. Shots of the media assembled on City Hall Plaza; of the ANC flag being raised on a flag pole. Marcus Jones reports that there is much excitement surrounding the preparations for the arrival of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) in Boston. V: Footage of Flynn addressing a gathered crowd. Flynn says that the people of Boston and the United Way will give Mandela a big welcome tomorrow. Shot of preparations being made on the Esplanade for Mandela's visit; of preparations at the Hatch Shell. Jones reports that Mandela's visit is as important as the visit by Pope John Paul II in the 1980s. V: Footage of Maurice Lewis (Public Affairs Director, WBCN radio) being interviewed. Lewis says that the whole city is pulling together to prepare for Mandela's visit; that the city of Boston is rising to the occasion. Shots of a group of people of diverse races walking along a street. Jones reports that more than 4,000 people are expected to take part in a Walk for Freedom tomorrow morning; that the walk will begin in Roxbury and end at the Esplanade. V: Footage of Loraine Sterling (senior, Jeremiah Burke High School) being interviewed. Sterling says that the organizers of the walk wanted to show their support for Mandela. Jones reports that students from the William Trotter Elementary School are rehearsing a prayer for Mandela; that the work was composed two years before. Jones reports that the students will perform for Mandela at a private reception tomorrow evening at the Copley Plaza Hotel. V: Shots of students rehearsing at the Trotter School. Shots of students rehearsing on stage; of a teacher watching the students; of students playing music on water glasses; of students playing percussion instruments; of students on stage. Footage of Priscilla Purvis (fifth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed. Purvis says that Mandela helps people; that not everyone helps people. Footage of Molly Costello (fourth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed by Jones. Costello says that Mandela fights for freedom; that he does not give up. Shots of students making posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Shot of a sign reading, "Mandela, Roxbury loves you." Jones reports that Mandela's name and image appear on souvenir merchandise being sold across the city; that proceeds support Mandela's mission in South Africa. V: Shot of books about Mandela; of a woman putting pamphlets about Mandela on a rack; of T-shirts with Mandela's face; of buttons with Mandela's image. Shot of a worker in the store A Nubian Notion. The worker folds a Mandela T-shirt and puts it in a bag. Footage of Jacob Abdul Khllaq (General Manager, A Nubian Notion) being interviewed in the store. Khllaq says that people recognize the impact that Mandela has had on the world; that people want a piece of history. Footage of an African American man and a small boy standing in front of a poster of Mandela. The man tells the boy that Mandela is a great leader. Footage of Lisa Grant (resident) being interviewed. Grant says that Mandela has sacrificed 27 years of his life. Grant says that Mandela is a hero. Shot of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) in New York City with David Dinkins (mayor of New York City). This news story is accompanied by intermittent music. 1:05:15: Fields reports that Mandela's years in prison did not diminish his image; that Mandela was released from prison last February; that Mandela emerged with his ideals intact. V: News footage of Mandela in South Africa after his release from prison. Shots of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela). Shots of Mandela at an ANC rally after his release from prison. Footage of Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that he did not predict the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Carmen Fields reports that Vilakazi left South Africa 25 years ago; that he remembers when Mandela was sent to prison in June of 1964. Fields reports that Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of high treason and sabotage. V: Black and white footage of a prison truck leaving a South African government building. A crowd stands outside of the building. Shot of a black and white photograph of Mandela surrounded by government officials. Fields reports that Janet Levine (South African exile) has been in the US for six years. V: Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela disappeared and the ANC was banned by the South African government. Levine says that she feared that Mandela would die in prison; that she was thrilled when he was released. Shots of Mandela at the demonstration in the South African stadium; of an upraised fist. Fields reports that Mandela is a living legend who embodies the struggle of a nation; that Mandela carries great moral authority. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela before he went to prison. Shot of traffic passing by police in South Africa the late 1950s or early 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela among a large group of people; of a black and white portrait of Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela was 25 when he joined the African National Congress (ANC); that Mandela became the ANC's national president six years after he joined the organization. Fields reports that Mandela was banned; that Mandela was arrested by South African police at a protest in Sharpeville in 1960. Fields notes that Sharpeville was the scene of a police attack which left 67 people dead. V: Black and white footage of a black demonstrators at Sharpeville; of two men holding protest signs. Shots of a body lying on the ground; of police dragging a body along the ground. Shots of black men running along a street; of black men waving from a departing bus. Shots of white police officers checking the identity papers of a black man; of a black man lying on the ground with his hands over his eyes; of the body of a black man lying on a street; of another body lying on the ground. Fields reports that Mandela fled to Algiers after his arrest; that Mandela received training in guerilla warfare in Algiers. Fields reports that Mandela no longer believed in 1960 that the fight against apartheid could be non-violent. V: Black and white footage of Mandela delivering a speech in 1961. Mandela says that it is useless to preach peace and nonviolence against a government which engages in savage attacks on its defenseless citizens. Fields reports that Mandela was captured a year later; that Mandela's diary was used as evidence in his nine-month trial for treason. Fields reports that Mandela's diary contained notes on guerilla warfare tactics. V: Black and white shot of men handcuffed together. One man flips through a small notebook. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces outside of a government building; of a crowd in a street; of a prison truck moving along a street. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that it was a crime to have a photograph of Mandela; that it was a crime to have read Mandela's writings. Levine says that Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) was also an important figure; that Winnie Mandela was constantly protesting and defying the South African police. Black and white shot of Winnie Mandela in the 1960s. Color footage of Winnie Mandela arguing with white officials in the street. Winnie Mandela is led away. Fields notes that Winnie Mandela maintained her defiance while Nelson Mandela was in prison. V: Audio of Levine saying that Winnie Mandela kept Nelson Mandela's name alive while he was in prison. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela in prison. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces; of a demonstration in South Africa; of demonstrators. Black and white shot of a park bench bearing a "whites only" sign. Fields reports that the South African government made conditional offers to set Mandela free; that Mandela refused to accept their conditions. V: Footage of Vilikazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilikazi says that Mandela has great appeal; that many would like to associate themselves with Mandela. Footage of Mandela at the demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990. Mandela addresses the crowd. Mandela raises his fist as he speaks. Fields reports that Mandela is uncompromising; that Mandela has never renounced armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. Fields notes that Mandela advocates peace. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd at the demonstration. Mandela says that the movement will move forward to achieve freedom and justice. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela is no longer a politician; that Mandela has been ennobled. Footage of Vilikazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilikazi says that South Africa has not changed a lot since Mandela was put in jail. Vilikazi says that there are more repressive laws now than in 1964. Vilikazi says that there is still reason to fight. Shots of a large group of people filling up a road in South Africa; of demonstrators at the stadium; of Mandela walking with an upraised fist; of a small black child with his hand held up. 1:10:31: Lydon says that Mandela has no international counterpart; that Mandela is "an unrepentant revolutionary"; that Mandela also symbolizes the possibility of reconciliation. Lydon introduces Aggrey Mbere (Roxbury Community College) and Orlando Patterson (Harvard University) as in-studio guests. Lydon notes that Mbere is a history teacher from South Africa; that Patterson is a sociologist. Lydon says that Mandela is rational, ascetic, and charismatic in a quiet way. Mbere says that Mandela is steeped in African tradition. Lydon asks if Mandela's character was formed before prison. Mbere says that it was; that Mandela has always believed in the glory of Africa's past. Mbere says that Mandela grew up listening to the elders; that the elders were illiterate by Western standards; that the elders fought against colonialism in South Africa. Mbere says that Mandela was sent to school in order to understand the western way of life. Lydon asks about the effects of prison on Mandela's character. Lydon notes that Mandela's mind works in an orderly and disciplined fashion. Mbere says that Robben Island became known as "Mandela university." Mbere says that political prisoners studied under Mandela; that Mandela has a law degree. Mbere says that the leadership of the ANC are all learned. Mbere talks about ANC leaders Govan Mbeki and Walter Sisulu. Mbere says that Sisulu wrote a book while in prison. Mbere says that Mandela combines African tradition with an intellectualism. Patterson compares Mandela to other anti-colonial leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru (leader of India). Patterson agrees that Mandela combines African tradition with western learning. Patterson says that Mandela learned to struggle without fear or hate; that Mandela learned this from Mahatma Gandhi (Indian leader). Patterson says that anti-colonial struggles produce a specific type of leader. Lydon says that African-American leaders tend to be church-based and charismatic. Lydon asks about Mandela's appeal in the US. Mbere compares Mandela to W.E.B. DuBois. Mbere says that Mandela and DuBois are intellectuals. Patterson says that Mandela has made a strong impression on African Americans and white Americans. Patterson talks about Mandela's courage and dignity. Patterson says that Americans need a hero like Mandela; that the US is coming out of a stage of economic greed and spiritual poverty. Patterson says that Mandela embodies selflessness. Patterson says that the fall of communism is forcing the US to take a new look at foreign policy. Patterson says that Mandela and South Africa are important issues in the new US foreign policy. 1:17:50: V: Footage of Mandela addressing an audience in New York City. Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and others stand behind him. Mandela says that sanctions should be maintained. Mandela says that sanctions were introduced in order to break down apartheid. 1:18:33: Francis and Fields sit in the WGBH studios. Francis says that Mandela wants sanctions to be maintained; that some do not agree with Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela and the ANC do not want any business or institution to do business with South Africa. Fields reports that F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) released Mandela in order to send a message that sanctions are painful. Fields reports that the US has refused to lift sanctions so far. 1:19:15: V: Footage of F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) speaking to an audience at a press conference. De Klerk expresses his hopes for a "new and just" South Africa. De Klerk shakes hands with Mandela. Dyett reports that de Klerk is hoping that his efforts at establishing a democracy in South Africa will convince the US to lift sanctions. Dyett says that sanctions have crippled the South African economy; that sanctions have helped to bring about a complete change in South African apartheid laws. V: Shot of Mandela speaking at the press conference. Dyett reports that the economy has suffered; that black South Africans have also suffered. Dyett reports that unemployment has increased; that health and welfare programs have been reduced. V: Shot of black South Africans standing in a line on a sidewalk. Shot of black South Africans at a rural medical clinic. Dyett reports that Americans started acting against apartheid in 1970. Dyett notes that Caroline Hunter (former Polaroid employee and member of the Fund for a Free South Africa) complained that Polaroid cameras were being used to produce the green cards issued to black South Africans. V: Footage of Hunter being interviewed by Dyett. Hunter says that she and other activists began to explore Polaroid's activities in South Africa; that they encountered hostility from other employees. Hunter says that the activists called a rally; that the green cards are the "handcuffs which keep the South African populace in check." Footage of Mel King (Community Fellows Program, MIT) being interviewed. King says that it is easy to impact a nation's politics through its economy. King says that it is important to stop supporting companies who do business with the South African government. Dyett reports that King was the first state legislator to introduce a bill which would forbid the state to do business with companies who do business in South Africa. V: Shot of Thomas McGee (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) in the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Footage of King being interviewed. King says that the Massachusetts State Legislature passed the most meaningful divestiture legislation in the nation in 1983. King says that the bill was supported by a diverse group of legislators. Dyett reports that 35 states and several municipalities have enacted legislation to restrict companies from doing business in South Africa. V: Shots of the Massachusetts State House; of the Massachusetts state flag flying from the flagpole. Dyett notes that Ray Flynn (mayor of Boston) issued an executive order against apartheid during his first year in office. V: Shot of Flynn. Dyett reports that Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) curbed state business with nearly 2800 companies. V: Shot of the Massachusetts State House. Footage of Dukakis being interviewed. Dukakis says that the state of Massachusetts will not do business with or invest in companies doing business in South Africa. Dyett reports that Gillette Corporation is based in Boston; that Gillette is one of largest US companies refusing to divest from South Africa. V: Shots of Gillette headquarters. Dyett reports that Gillette officials says that divestment will hurt black South Africans; that the Gillette Corporation has signed the Sullivan Principles. Dyett notes that the Sullivan Principles were authored by Leon Sullivan (minister from Philadelphia); that the principles urge corporations doing business in South Africa to embrace racial equality in the workplace. V: Shot of two African American men exiting the Gillette building. Shot of a sign for Gillette Park. Dyett reports that Gillette boasts of gains in wages, skill training, and promotion to managerial positions. V: Shots of two African American women exiting the Gillette building. Dyett reports that Harvard University has refused to sell all of its stock in corporations doing business in South Africa. V: Shot of Baker Library on the campus of the Harvard University Business School. Footage of Derek Bok (President of Harvard University) speaking at a press conference. Bok says that he remains opposed to total divestiture; that the divestment effort is trying to make the university into an instrument for political change. Bok says that this pressure is detrimental to institutions of higher education. Footage of Robert Zevin (Manager, Calvert Social Investment Fund) being interviewed. Zevin says that no one is burning books or denying peoples' access to health care at Harvard University. Zevin says that the South African government are "thugs and fascists." Zevin says that Harvard would take a different attitude if the university were directly affected by the actions of the South African government. Shot of a sign for the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. Dyett reports that large institutions and government can divest large sums of money; that individuals can do the same. Dyett reports that the Zevin manages the Calvert Investment Fund; that the fund tries to invest in companies not doing business in South Africa. V: Shot of a man, a woman and a child standing in front of the Massachusetts State House. Shot of literature for the Calvert Investment Fund. Footage of Zevin being interviewed by Dyett. Zevin says that he has been managing accounts since 1967; that he has never invested in companies doing business in South Africa; that he has had good results. Zevin says that the South African business community has been outspoken in its stance against apartheid; that South African businesses cannot withdraw from the country. Footage of Hunter being interviewed. Hunter says that Americans should do everything they can to support sanctions. Hunter says that US and international sanctions, together with the actions of black South Africans, brought about the release of Mandela. 1:24:59: Dyett introduces in-studio guests Dr. Willard Johnson (MIT) and Joseph LaBonte (Founder, American Business Initiative for a Free South Africa). Dyett notes that Johnson is a founding member of TransAfrica; that LaBonte is a former president of Reebok International. Johnson is wearing a Mandela T-shirt. Dyett asks about the impact of sanctions since 1985. Johnson says that a South African Central Bank analyst has said that sanctions have had an impact of 100 billion rand. Johnson says that $100 billion rand could be the equivalent of $45 billion. Johnson says that 10 billion rand in capital has been withdrawn from the company. Johnson says that the South African government has been affected by the decrease in investments and the loss of trade revenues. Johnson talks about the "multiplier effect" of money which has not circulated through the economy. Dyett asks if the "multiplier effect" has has a detrimental impact on black South Africans. Johnson says that sanctions have had a detrimental effect; that black South Africans were already deprived under the apartheid system. Johnson says that black South Africans were almost outside of the economy before sanctions; that many black South Africans depend on the rural and agricultural sectors. Johnson says that sanctions need to be kept in place; that the period of transition to a new economy needs to be short. Dyett asks LaBonte about his support for "moral capitalism." LaBonte says that the victims of apartheid are never heard from; that US business needs to listen to black South Africans. Dyett asks if US businesses should provide jobs, skills and training. LaBonte says that US businesses should provide jobs, skills and training at the right time. LaBonte says that US businesses would be making a mistake if they returned to South Africa now. LaBonte says that sanctions have been effective in promoting change in South Africa. LaBonte says that the government should not be awarded before they make any real changes. LaBonte says that black South Africans are willing to undergo hardship in the short term in order to affect long-term changes. Dyett asks about African Americans and businessmen who are working to end sanctions. Johnson says that supporters of sanctions need to pressure their elected officials and the president. Johnson says that the president seems to be looking at ways to lessen the effects of sanctions; that popular opinion supports sanctions. LaBonte says that he respects the position of businesses who have stayed in South Africa; that some businesses have good intentions. LaBonte says that companies who stay in South Africa are prolonging the apartheid system. LaBonte says that he has plans to convene the major corporations to talk about sanctions and South Africa. LaBonte says that Mandela spoke to a group of leaders from major corporations today; that Mandela talked about business issues like nationalization. Dyett asks if nationalization is a threat. LaBonte says that nationalization is not a threat; that one-third of the economy is already nationalized. Dyett closes the interview. 1:31:07: V: Footage of Mandela addressing a crowd in Soweto on February 13, 1990. Mandela says that he is happy to return to Soweto; that he is sad about the continuing inhumanity of the apartheid system. Mandela talks about the unemployment, the housing shortage, the education crisis, and crime. Mandela says that the ANC will continue to pursue an armed struggle against the government until apartheid is finished. 1:32:05: Francis reports that Boston has many connections to South Africa; that many native South Africans are fighting apartheid from their homes in Boston. Fields reports that African Americans and black South Africans both find themselves living in appalling conditions in both nations. Fields introduces a report by David Boeri. 1:32:42: V: Footage of Teko Manong (South African exile) walking across a parking lot and entering a building. Footage of Manong working in the kitchen of a restaurant. Boeri reports that Manong is one of the thousands of South Africans who are exiled from their homeland. Boeri reports that Manong has been in the US for 30 years; that Manong grew up in Soweto. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Manong as a boy in Soweto. He stands with two other boys. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong joined the Defiance Campaign and the Potato Boycott in South Africa in the 1950s. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that white South African potato farmers would bury the bodies of murdered black South Africans in their fields. Manong says that the potato farmers would brag about the size of their crops and the effectiveness of their "fertilizer." Close-up shot of Manong flipping through his South African passbook. Boeri reports that black South Africans were forced to carry their passbooks at all times. Boeri notes that Manong organized a pass burning campaign in the 1960s; that the campaign resulted in mass arrests. Boeri reports that Manong was jailed without trial; that his promising career as playwright and composer was brought to an end. V: Footage of Manong in the restaurant kitchen. Manong breaks eggs into a large metal pan. Manong pours the eggs into a large pot. Shot of Manong leaving a building and walking across a parking lot. Boeri reports that Manong escaped from prison and journeyed to Ghana. Boeri notes that Manong worked for the South African resistance movement while in Ghana; that Manong met Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). V: Shot of a framed drawing of Mandela. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that Mandela was a great leader; that Mandela helped him personally. Manong says that Mandela would often defend people without money when he was a lawyer; that Mandela was a remarkable man. Shot of Manong's US documents identifying him as a refugee. Boeri reports that Mandela helped Manong get to England; that Manong had hoped to pursue his career in England. Boeri reports that Manong has been politically silenced in South Africa; that Manong has been commercially silenced in the US. V: Shot of a poster for the South African play "Survival." Boeri reports that white South African playwrights have found producers and audiences in the US; that Manong has had little success because he is black and foreign. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that his time in exile has been wasted. Boeri asks about the plays he has written while in exile. Manong says that he never should have escaped from prison; that he should have served time in jail for the cause like Mandela did. Boeri reports that Manong has not seen his wife or daughter for 30 years; that he was unable to return to South Africa for the funeral of his mother. V: Shot of a photo of a young black South African woman; of a black and white photo of Manong's parents; of a black and white photo of a gathering of black South Africans. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that he does not want to return to South Africa; that he does not trust white people in South Africa. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong has written a play titled "Excuse Me While I Disappear." Boeri notes that Manong represents the blighted hopes of many talented South Africans. 1:36:16: Fields introduces a report by Meg Vaillancourt. 1:36:36: V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile in the US) singing a song about South Africa. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was born in South Africa; that her father was a member of the African National Congress (ANC). V: Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Mabuza talks about being shot by South African Security Forces when they raided her home. Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was 12 years old when South African Security Forces raided her home; that her aunt was killed in the raid; that an uncle was wounded; that her mother barely escaped. V: Shot of a color photo of Mabuza as a young girl. Footage of Anna Mabuza (mother of Nthabiseng Mabuza) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Anna Mabuza says that Nthabiseng Mabuza is lucky to be alive. Footage of Dr. Jane Schaller (New England Medical Center, Floating Hospital) describing Nthabiseng Mabuza's injuries. Schaller says that Nthabiseng Mabuza was shot in the abdomen and in the back. Schaller says that Mabuza is paralyzed from the chest down. Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza maneuvering herself into her wheelchair. Vaillancourt reports that the Fund for a Free South Africa (charity) has helped Nthabiseng Mabuza come to Boston; that Nthabiseng Mabuza is receiving free medical care at the Floating Hospital. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza is teaching local students about life under apartheid. V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Nthabiseng Mabuza talks about the cruel treatment of an eight-year old boy at the hands of the South African government. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that children and adults are imprisoned and killed by the South African government. Footage from January of 1990 of Nthabiseng Mabuza working with her physical therapist. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza has physical therapy twice a week; that doctors are doing what they can for her. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza keeps her spirits up; that she has responded to her trials with courage and dignity. V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza in a wheelchair. She wheels herself through the house and into a room. Audio of "I'm Forever Your Girl" by Paula Abdul plays in the background. Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza in her bedroom. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Nthabiseng Mabuza if she is bitter. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that she gets angry sometimes; that she is not bitter. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that South African citizens must work toward achieving a democratic society. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza will meet Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) tomorrow; that Nthabiseng Mabuza will talk to Madison Park High School students about the struggle against apartheid; that Nthabiseng Mabuza will sing a welcome for Mandela. V: Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza on her bed. She takes off her shoes and begins to study a notebook. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza singing a song. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that she was not yet born when Mandela went to prison; that today's youth will be tomorrow's leaders. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza singing her welcome for Mandela. 1:40:08: Francis reports that Mandela inspired many to become activists; that Mandela inspired Andrew Jones (Boston filmmaker) to take action in Boston's neighborhoods. 1:40:22: V: Footage of Andrew Jones (filmmaker) working on a computer in an editing suite. Jones talks to a colleague about making an edit. Shots of his colleague who sits at an editing station. Francis reports that Jones has recently returned from South Africa where he shot a four-part series on South Africa for Black Entertainment Television (BET). Francis reports that the timing is good for Jones' series; that Mandela's visit to the US will spark interest in the series. V: Footage of Jones being interviewed by Francis. Francis asks about the mood in South Africa since Mandela's release. Jones says that the mood is mixed; that Mandela is a very popular figure. Jones says that Mandela managed to keep attention focused on his cause while in prison. Jones notes that many black South Africans have been detained. Footage from Maverick Media of a black South African talking about being detained and tortured by South African Security Forces. Footage from Maverick Media of Jones standing in front of a group of black South Africans who are celebrating the release of Mandela. Francis reports that Jones came up with the proposal to form a new city from the greater Roxbury neighborhoods; that the proposed new city was to be called Mandela, Massachusetts. Francis notes that Jones was praised and criticized for the proposal. V: Footage from the Phil Donahue show from October 30, 1986. African American community leaders Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Mel King (community activist), Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) and Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) are guests on the show. Jones says that land control is the issue driving the proposed city of Mandela; that racial issues are not the driving force behind the proposal. Jones says that 95% of the African American residents are confined to one area of Boston. Jones says that white residents are welcome in the African American neighborhoods; that African Americans cannot walk the streets of many white neighborhoods. The crowd applauds. Jones says that Bolling is unable to walk the streets of the white neighborhoods. Footage of Jones being interviewed by Francis. Francis asks Jones how his trip to South Africa changed his perspective on the country. Jones says that the struggle against apartheid is larger than Mandela; that Mandela knows that he is just a part of the larger struggle. Jones says that South Africa and the US are very similar. Jones says that the only difference between the US and South Africa is that white people are the majority in the US. Shots of an elderly white couple walking in a park; of a young black couple sitting on a park bench. Shots of black shoppers on a commercial street. Jones says that the black townships surround the white communities in South Africa; that the white communities surround the black ghettoes in the US. V: Shots of a black township in South Africa; of black South Africans boarding a crowded train in South Africa. Jones says that blacks in South Africa and African Americans both live in substandard conditions; that blacks in both countries go home to black areas at the end of the day. Shot of black South African men getting into a van on a commercial street. 1:44:31: Francis reports that Mandela arrived in the US as a symbol long before he visited the US in person. 1:44:41: V: Shot of African American residents outside of the Mandela apartment complex in Roxbury. Francis reports that the name Mandela is synonymous with the fight for equality. V: Shots of an urban landscape; of black South Africans celebrating as they stand in the road; of a cliff rising up from the sea. Audio of a hip-hop song plays. Francis says that many artists express their ideas about South Africa through art. V: Shot of the painting "So-we-too" by Nelson Stevens. Footage of Edmund Barry Gaither (Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists) being interviewed on the grounds of the Center. Gaither says that many works of art about South Africa have been created in the past twenty years. Gaither says that a group of artists within the National Conference of Artists each decided to create a work on the theme of Soweto. Gaither says that the artists turned the work Soweto into "So we too"; that the artists saw parallels between the experience of black South Africans and African Americans. Shots of the painting "So-we-too" by Nelson Stevens. Gaither says that Kenneth Falana (artist) created a series of works about popular resistance to apartheid. Shots of a painting called "Freedom's Cry" by Kenneth Falana. Gaither says that African American artists see Mandela as an untarnished symbol; that African American artists see parallels between the experiences of African Americans and black South Africans. Francis says that many questioned the choice of the name Mandela for a proposed new city to be formed from the neighborhoods of greater Roxbury. V: Shot of a map of the boundaries of the proposed city. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Project FATE) being interviewed by Francis. Kambon says that Mandela is an international hero; that Mandela is a symbol of the struggle against injustice; that this struggle is worldwide. Shot of a group of black protesters. Kambon says that Mandela is an inspiration for Africans across the world. Kambon says that he hopes Mandela's visit will renew the commitment of supporters for the proposed city. Shot of a poster of Mandela. 1:47:37: Lydon and Dyett sit in the WGBH studio. Dyett introduces in-studio guests Margaret Burnham (Fund for a Free South Africa) and Henry Hampton (Executive Producer, "Eyes on the Prize"). Dyett notes that Burnham also serves as a judge. Lydon asks if Mandela's visit has changed the racial agenda in this country. Burnham says that Mandela's visit has raised people's spirits; that Mandela's struggle makes it clear that anything is possible. Burnham notes that Mandela's agenda is the liberation of black South Africans. Burnham notes that the problems and concerns of African Americans are not Mandela's primary concern. Hampton says that he has enjoyed Mandela's visit because he has learned about Mandela as a man. Hampton says that Mandela is regal, intelligent, and humane. Hampton says that many African Americans have someone in their family with those qualities; that white Americans may have never been exposed to a black man with those qualities. Hampton says that Mandela's visit makes people think about the tragedy of imprisonment; that many young African American men are currently in prison. Dyett asks if the roles of Americans have changed with Mandela's visit. Burnham says that the roles of American's have not changed; that the struggle against apartheid has not changed; that the struggle continues. Burnham says that Americans may be inspired to embrace their roles in the struggle. Hampton says that he is struck by Mandela's ability to focus on the heart of an issue. Hampton notes that Mandela avoids the trap of cynicism; that Mandela sticks to his vision; that Mandela has been unswayed by the media and politicians during his visit. Hampton says that Mandela is a great leader. Lydon notes that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) seems to be studying Mandela during his visit to the US. Hampton says that Jackson has not tried to compete with Mandela; that Jackson has let Mandela have the spotlight. Hampton says that Mandela has a lot to teach all of us; that Jackson is a good student. Dyett asks how to keep people involved in the struggle after Mandela is gone. Burnham says that Mandela's presence renews people's sense of commitment to equal rights. Burnham says that Mandela's visit is important for Boston's young people; that the young people are witnessing a piece of history. Burnham says that the March on Washington in 1963 was also a piece of history witnessed by young people. Hampton says that the organizers of Mandela's visit have worked very hard; that Mandela's visit is like a presidential visit; that the visit has brought people together. Lydon asks about the legacy of Mandela's visit. Hampton says that young people will see an image of a black man who stands with the world leaders and commands respect. Hampton says that Mandela is a powerful symbol. Dyett thanks Hampton and Burnham. 1:55:03: V: Footage of Mandela addressing an audience in Harlem on June 21, 1990. Mandela says that black South Africans have been inspired by African American civil rights leaders including W.E.B. DuBois, Sojourner Truth, Paul Robeson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, Adam Clayton Powell, and Malcolm X. Mandela gives credit to the resistance of the South African people and the solidarity of people throughout the world. 1:56:01: Lydon, Francis, Fields, and Dyett sit in the WGBH studios. Francis, Dyett, and Lydon give information about the schedule of events for Mandela's visit to Boston on the following day. Fields and Lydon close the show. V: Shots of Mandela; of people cheering for Mandela in the US; of two African American girls singing the ANC anthem. Footage of a young African American man talking about the importance of freedom and Mandela's struggle. Shots of students making posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile) talking about Mandela's struggle. Footage of a young white woman talking about the importance of Mandela's struggle. Footage of a young African American man talking about Mandela as a symbol of freedom. Shot of Walter Sisulu (black South African leader). Footage of an African American female student saying that Mandela is the most important person to visit Boston in her memory. Footage of an African American female student saying that Mandela's visit is exciting. Shots of black South Africans celebrating in the streets. Footage of a young African American female student saying that she is happy that Mandela is alive. Credits roll over images of Boston schoolchildren preparing for Mandela's visit. Shots of photos of Mandela throughout his life. Footage of people celebrating the release of Mandela; of Mandela. WGBH logo and promotion.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/22/1990