Description: Bars in Dudley Square. Noise of the elevated train in background (not seen). Patio Lounge, Giant Liquors, other package stores on Washington Street. Street signs at the corner of Zeigler and Washington. Highland Tap. Men loiter on corner. Pedestrians and cars.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1976
Description: Story number #10378. Sound footage of a man at a news conference reading an endorsement of Michael Dukakis for governor. Cut to sound footage of an African American man endorsing Governor Sargent. Silent b-roll footage of the man at a podium endorsing Dukakis, while Dukakis sits off to the side. Silent b-roll footage of the Governor Sargent endorsement conference. Shots of table with several African Americans seated at it and people taking notes in the audience. Followed by sound footage of several of the African Americans seated at the table endorsing Governor Sargent as a strong advocate for the African American community. More b-roll of the Dukakis endorsement and sound footage of the man's endorsement of Dukakis. Focus of his speech is Governor Sargent's poor record on Senior Citizen issues.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/31/1974
Description: Michael Dukakis speaks at State House after upset defeat by Edward King in gubernatorial primary. Kitty, Frank Keefe, Barbara Ackermann, Evelyn Murphy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1978
Description: Christy George reports that a Los Angeles Times poll shows Michael Dukakis leading the field of candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. Jesse Jackson is also a strong contender in the wake of candidate Gary Hart's withdrawal from the race. Speaking to the media, Dukakis dismisses the importance of polls. Interview with Bruce Bolling, the co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign, who says that the Jackson campaign will challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president. George's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Dukakis campaigning and by footage of the Dukakis campaign staff at work.
1:00:02: Visual: Shots of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) campaigning on a street corner. Shots of Dukakis shaking hands with voters at a political gathering. Christy George reports that Dukakis was named as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in a poll by The Los Angeles Times newspaper. George reports that Dukakis does not want to become the "new Gary Hart." George notes that the extra visibility is good for Dukakis' campaign nationwide. V: Footage of Robert Farmer (fundraiser for Dukakis' presidential campaign) in Dukakis's State House offices. George reports that a good showing in the polls can help a candidate's fundraising operation. V: Footage of a smiling Dukakis saying that there are no frontrunners in the race for the Democratic nomination. Shots of Dukakis campaign workers making telephone calls; of campaign signs reading, "Dukakis for president." Shots of campaign workers organizing paperwork and typing; of two men standing in the offices of the Dukakis campaign. George reports that Dukakis takes nothing for granted after losing the 1978 gubernatorial race to Ed King (former governor of Massachusetts) in an upset. V: Shots of campaign workers assembling folders with Dukakis campaign information; of Dukakis walking up the stairs inside the State House. George reports that Dukakis is fourth in a Time magazine poll; that Dukakis is second to Jesse Jackson (candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination) in a Newsweek poll; that Dukakis leads in the poll by the LA Times. V: Footage of Dukakis in his offices, saying that "undecided is number one in the LA Times poll." George notes that Jackson is a strong contender for the nomination. V: Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign) saying that Dukakis appeals to voters who liked Gary Hart (US Senator); that Jackson could also appeal to those voters. George notes that Bolling is upset that Jackson has not been named as Hart's successor. V: Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Bolling saying that race will be a significant issue for the Jackson campaign; that some voters will not consider voting for a woman or a person of color to be president. Bolling says that the Jackson campaign needs to challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president; that the media can help change those perceptions. Footage of Dukakis saying that he will not speculate on Jackson's chances of winning the nomination; that there is no frontrunner in the race; that polls are "absurd." George stands in front of the State House. George reports that the news media gave more attention last week to the Hart scandal than to the Iran-contra testimony. George notes that Dukakis probably hopes that this week's testimony will be given more attention than his standing in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1987
Description: Camera operator leaves camera rolling next to news van. Michael Dukakis in his office at the Kennedy School. B-roll of him working, making phone calls. Editor's note: Although there is accompanying audio for this video, it was recorded with the understanding that it would be used as silent b-roll. For that reason, the audio has been edited out of this version.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/16/1981
Description: Meg Vaillancourt analyzes the results of the Wisconsin primary elections. She compares the election results for Democratic presidential candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson. Vaillancourt reports that Wisconsin represents Dukakis' first victory in a mid-western state; she adds that Jackson is attracting more white voters than he did four years ago. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is appealing to the hearts of voters while Dukakis appeals to their heads. Vaillancourt also analyzes the election results for Democratic candidates Al Gore and Paul Simon. Vaillancourt talks about the candidates chances in the upcoming New York primaries. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Jackson campaigning and marching with striking workers, Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:12: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Dukakis says that it is time for some competence in the White House, after seven years of charisma. The crowd applauds for Dukakis. Shot of Dukakis speaking; of Dukakis talking to supporters seated at a table. Meg Vaillancourt reports that early returns show Dukakis leading in the Wisconsin primary; that the Wisconsin victory is the first for Dukakis in a mid-western state. V: Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Dukakis says that he wants to be known as "the great builder," not as "the great communicator." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis was the first choice of Catholic, Italian and Jewish voters in Wisconsin. Vaillancourt notes that the Dukakis campaign argues that Dukakis is the only Democratic candidate who is able to beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage from a 1988 Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) attracted huge crowds at campaign rallies in Wisconsin; that many of those voters ended up voting for Dukakis. V: Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Jackson dons a blue T-shirt over his shirt and tie. Jackson shakes hands with audience members. Footage of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. The audience applauds. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson walked with striking workers and talked with laid-off workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with striking workers; of the marching workers. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Dukakis split the labor vote in Wisconsin; that labor leaders in Massachusetts campaigned for Dukakis in Wisconsin; that the Massachusetts labor leaders talked about the "Massachusetts Miracle." V: Footage of Dukakis speaking at a campaign rally; of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that early returns show that Jackson will receive 90% of the African American vote and 25% of the white vote. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is doing better with white voters than he did four years ago; that 15% of Jackson voters in Wisconsin are registered as Republicans. V: Shot of Jackson with supporters. Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's campaign appeals to the hearts of voters; that Dukakis' campaign appeals to the heads of voters; that Dukakis's campaign strategy has been vindicated. Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) spent $300,000 on campaign ads in Wisconsin; that Gore pulled 15% of the vote. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has begun to place himself as the champion of Israel; that Gore is hoping that this position will play well with voters in the New York primary. Vaillancourt reports that Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in Wisconsin; that he is expected to put his campaign on hold tomorrow. V: Shots of Gore speaking; of Simon. Vaillancourt reports that the New York primaries are next; that Dukakis's win in Wisconsin will probably put a stop to efforts to draft Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential Democratic candidate in the New York primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/05/1988
Description: Interview with Governor Michael Dukakis on the proposed Massachusetts budget. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/28/1976
Description: Governor Michael Dukakis press conference on the high costs of health care delivery and the Medicaid budget. He discusses the tight budget for the next fiscal year.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/18/1976
Description: No parking signs, meters, cars in a parking lot, and a subway train going by. Silent footage of EPA Hearing on the Boston Transit Control Plan. Interview with a man who wants to encourage the use of public transportation. Reporter standup. Governor Dukakis speaking about reducing the use of the automobile. Interview with a man who thinks that people will resist mandatory regulations. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/20/1975
Description: Interview with East Boston resident and community activist on the caucus the next day to vote for people to go to the convention. She talks about her support of Michael Dukakis and the cooperation between Dukakis supporters and Thomas O'Neill supporters. She favors primary elections over the caucus practice. Closeup on teacup and saucer. They shoot cutaways (no audio). East Boston environs, houses, cars, Eastern Airlines sign. Editor's note: Content given off the record was edited out of this footage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/05/1982
Description: Students enter East Boston High School. Police stand outside the school. Mix of silent and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: East Boston High School exterior. Students congregate in street. Security officer tries to corral them onto sidewalk. Police on motorcycles. White students interviewed about their boycott ,which is because of previous day's racially motivated stabbing. They make racist comments about the black students in their school. They demand metal detectors. Student leaders stand on platform asking students if they want scanners, organizing their position to present to the school administration. Several takes of reporter standup. Security officer talks informally to students about safety. Interview with senior Gary Gosselin on mood inside school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/18/1979
Description: Federal Aviation Administration. East Boston residents sing a song protesting incursion of airport into their neighborhood (Neptune Rd. East Boston). David Davis, Tom O'Neill, Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation Fred Salvucci all seen. Interview with a woman about plane noise and eminent domain. She feels that the people in the neighborhood are being uprooted. Interview with a man on noise abatement and eminent domain for Logan expansion. Residents would like to prevent the destruction of their neighborhood. Interview with other longtime residents complaining about Massport.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/22/1977
Description: Exteriors of Haverhill City Hall. Environs of East Woburn neighborhood thought to be affected by hazardous waste contamination from nearby dumps. Sign on building for Housing for the Elderly. Washington Block building. Red ranch house of Anderson family. Children in summer clothes and dogs on residential street. Anderson boy on bicycle.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/17/1981
Description: Former Boston Redevelopment Authority director Ed Logue tours and comments on development downtown and in Charlestown and Cambridge. He talks about housing prices, the vitality of different neighborhoods, and urban design. He decries prominent glass towers as insensitive to surrounding historical buildings. International Place, Exchange Place, Rowes Wharf, waterfront, Athenaeum. Audio goes out at the very end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/26/1986
Description: News Conference with Dr. Kenneth Edelin after he was acquitted of performing an illegal abortion, which had done in 1973. Reporter standup in front of the Suffolk County courthouse. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/06/1976
Description: Dr. Kenneth Edelin, who was acquitted of performing an illegal abortion, walking down a hallway surrounded by reporters and exterior shots of hospitals around Boston. Mix of wild sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/03/1975
Description: Interview with researcher Dave Sicilia who was commissioned to prepare a perspective for the Thomas Edison Centennial. History of Thomas Edison and the early electricity in Boston. Old stock footage of Edison and Boston. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/20/1986
Description: Edward F. King (not to be confused with Edward J. King) holds a press conference to announce his Republican gubernatorial candidacy at Park Plaza Hotel. Otto Walrab, former Chairman of the Republican State Committee, introduces King. King talks about his past experience and Massachusetts economic policy. He talks about cutting across traditional party lines, especially in Massachusetts, a heavily Democratic state. He criticizes Michael Dukakis for tax plan and for his judicial appointments, including Robert Bonin and Margaret Burnham. King takes questions from the press. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1978
Description: A pageant of Kennedy family members (including matriarch Rose and Jackie Onassis) assembles at Faneuil Hall to hear Sen. Edward Kennedy announce his presidential candidacy. Ted appears but the tape does not include the announcement itself.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1979
Description: Edward Kennedy Fundraiser at Park Plaza. Exteriors of Park Plaza lit up at night. Interiors of Park Plaza ballroom. Cocktail party to raise money for Kennedy's campaign. Kennedy enters the room, and addresses the crowd about the Iran Hostage Crisis. Joan Kennedy stands on stage with him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/12/1979
Description: Governor Edward King's first press conference in office. Lieutenant Governor Thomas O'Neill sits next to King throughout. King talks about the Cabinet meeting he just had about the administration's future plans. He takes questions from the press, mostly focused on the budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1979
Description: Video and audio drop out in the beginning. Governor Ed King enters room, sits at desk. Press takes pictures. King makes a statement on the Tax Cap bill. He signs the bill, with President of the Senate William Bulger and Speaker of the House Thomas McGee at his side, and hands out the pens. He holds up the signed bill. He ends the press conference. Press packs up their gear. Thomas McGee talks to a group of people. Reporter from another station does standup off camera and then asks McGee for his statement on the bill, which WGBH camera operator also tapes. Other reporters, including WGBH's Janet Wu, taking notes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1979
Description: Edward King gives victory speech at Park Plaza Hotel after winning gubernatorial election. He thanks the community and introduces his family.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1978
Description: Ed Markey walking down the streets in Medford. He walks into campaign office. Interiors of the campaign office. Markey talks and jokes with campaign workers, while shooting environmental. Janet Wu interviews Congressman Markey about incumbency campaigns and the changes in the way the Congressional system works. Markey discusses the views of his district while they shoot cutaways. Markey exits campaign office and walks down the sidewalk and crosses the street. He stops to shake hands and talk to constituents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1982
Description: Footage of children and older women at tables doing art projects with fabric. Women cutting fabric and giving them to the children. Interview with an 87 year-old woman about how she enjoys being with the children. Interview with several children about how they like working with the older women. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/01/1973
Description: Cuts of a press conference held by mayor Kevin White and deputy mayor Clarence "Jeep" Jones. Jones introduces a newly appointed member of their administration. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/28/1976
Description: B-roll of campaign workers holding campaign signs and handing out flyers for mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King, and other political candidates. Poll workers check in voters at polling stations. Voters stand in line to vote. A poll worker holds a stack of absentee ballots. Exteriors of the Mel King for Mayor headquarters. Campaign staff members work and make telephone calls at the campaign headquarters of Flynn and King. A Flynn worker telephones voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. Campaign workers for King and Flynn are gathered outside of a polling station in the evening. Some campaign workers approach voters. One campaign worker remarks on the cold weather. Voters stand in line and vote at a polling station. Shot of a voting booth.
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of a street corner posted with campaign signs for Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) and Craig Lankhorst (candidate for Boston School Committee). Footage of campaign workers holding signs for Mark Roosevelt (candidate for Boston City Council), King, Lankhorst, and Abby Browne (candidate for Boston School Committee). The workers give out flyers to people as they enter a building. Shot of poll workers sitting at a table. Voters are lined up in front of the table. 1:00:48: V: Shots of campaign workers in front of a building, holding signs for Roosevelt, King, Browne, Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston), and others. Shots of the interior of a a polling station. Poll workers are seated at a table. Two women confer on one side of the room. One of the women examines a stack of absentee ballots, which she holds in her hands. Shot of a voter list being examined by a poll worker. Shots of poll workers at the table with the voter lists. Shot of the stack of absentee ballots on the poll workers' table; of the cover of the "City of Boston List of Registered Voters" for 1983. 1:04:17: V: Shots of the headquarters for the King mayoral campaign. King campaign signs are posted in the window. A man is heard speaking into a bullhorn, urging voters to vote for King. Shots of the crowded interior of the King headquarters. Several campaign workers are present. One campaign worker is organizing a ride to the polls for a voter. Shot of a sign for the Rainbow Coalition. 1:05:57: V: Shots of the interior of the Flynn campaign headquarters. Campaign workers are telephoning voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. 1:06:47: V: Shot of two campaign workers standing in front of a building, holding Flynn campaign signs. In the background is a King supporter with a King campaign sign. People are gathered in front of the building. Shot of the white King supporter talking to an African American man. Shots of the people gathered in front of the building; of two men walking away from the building. 1:08:18: V: Footage of a woman entering a polling station in the evening. She refuses the flyers offered to her by campaign workers. The campaign workers joke about how cold it is outside. The campaign workers hand out more flyers to voters as they enter the polling station. Shot of campaign signs covering a pole on the sidewalk of a busy street. 1:09:48: V: Footage of the interior of a polling station. Poll workers sit behind a table as they check in voters. A white voter is shown to a polling booth. Poll workers continue to check in voters. 1:12:00: V: Footage of an African American male voter checking in with the poll workers. Voters stand in line to enter the polling booths. Shot of a ballot on a voting machine with levers. Shot of voters feet as they stand in the voting booths.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1983
Description: Press conference with Ella Fitzgerald after receiving the Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Award. She answers questions from reporters. Sharon Stevens does several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1982
Description: Duke Ellington playing on stage at the Marcus Garvey festival.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/16/1970
Description: Audience excitedly listen to Duke Ellington at the Marcus Garvey festival.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/16/1970
Description: Elliot Richardson holds press conference to announce that he will not run for Senate. Discusses his predictions on the 1980 presidential election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/16/1979
Description: President George Bush gives press conference to discuss difference between Vietnam War and Operation Desert Shield. Military Analyst Daniel Ellsberg draws parallels between the Operation and Vietnam War. Ellsberg states that end of Cold War holds the possibility of a new world order and alternatives to war for the future. Following edited story is silent clip of Ellsberg speaking at interview.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1990
Description: Video starts with them talking over the color bars. End of an interview with Elma Lewis about the endurance of the African American community. She talks about the relationship between young and older African Americans, and the problems the older people suffered through to provide better opportunities for the younger generation. They talk informally while they shoot cutaways. Sound cuts out in the middle of cutaways. B-roll of the dancers rehearsing at the Elma Lewis School. Closeups on young boys drumming and dance instructor. Signs for the National Center of Afro-American Artists and the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts. Closeups on pieces of African American art. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1980
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) about the Roxbury neighborhood. Lewis says that Roxbury is portrayed as "unworthy" by the news media. Lewis criticizes media coverage, housing policy, and police performance in Roxbury. Lewis talks about the need for a community to set its own standards, saying that she complains about certain types of behavior on her block. Lewis says that she will not be driven from her home by the problems in the neighborhood. She talks about her obligation to work for improvements in the community. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of residents and police in the Roxbury area and a shot of a photograph of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year Boston parents frustrated with Wilson and School Committee Charles Laquidara organizes a boycott against Shell Oil Company
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) being interviewed by Meg Vaillancourt. Lewis says that the media portray Roxbury as "unworthy." Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a photo of eleven -year-old Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt reports that Lewis lives on the same block as Moore; that Moore was killed by a stray bullet in Roxbury last weekend. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that Roxbury is a better community than is portrayed in the media. V: Shots of stately houses on Homestead Street in Roxbury; of a camera man filming a man in a business suit on a street. Vaillancourt reports that drug dealers are not common in Roxbury. V: Shot of an African American woman pulling weeds from a crack in a sidewalk. A boy on a bicycle is with her. Shots of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Shot of multi-family houses on a residential street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that federal housing requirements create crowded and hostile conditions in Roxbury residences. V: Shots of houses in a new development in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that section eight of the federal housing policy was designed to disseminate people over a large area; that the result of section eight has been new housing projects. Vaillancourt notes that Lewis has criticized the performance of the Boston Police Department in Roxbury. V: Shots of a police cruiser traveling down a Roxbury street; of a small group of African American kids on a street corner. Footage of Lewis saying that every child in Roxbury knows where the drugs are; that the police need to be reminded constantly of where the drugs are. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis is tough on her own community. V: Footage of Lewis saying that residents need to refuse to allow certain kinds of activity on their block. Lewis says that she will harass city authorities and those responsible for the activity until the behavior stops. Shots of African American women and children crossing a Roxbury street; of a police cruiser traveling down a residential street. Shots of people doing yard work outside of a new development of houses in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that a community needs to set its own standards; that residents need to stop bad behavior before it gets out of control. Vaillancourt says that Lewis is optimistic about the people who live in Roxbury. V: Shot of African American children playing in front of a building in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that she will not be driven from her home; that she will not get up and move every twenty years while others relax comfortably in the suburbs. Lewis says that she has an obligation to stay in the community and work for improvements.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Footage of the highway in Portland taken from the inside of a moving car with Elvis Presley playing on the radio. Shots of an Elvis concert ticket, a sign at the box office with hours when they will be open for refunds, people at the box office, and shots around the empty arena. Interviews with two members of the local Elvis fanclub. Shots of Elvis records. Mix of sound and silent. This is 1 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "[Elvis] Presley has a concert scheduled for Portland tonight and tomorrow, but [died] yesterday. This is a folo featuring Jack Nicholson of the Civic Center and the president of the local Presley fan club."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/17/1977
Description: Footage taken from the inside of a moving car with a radio station dedication to Elvis Presley playing in the background. Interview with Jack Nicholson of the Civic Center. Some b-roll of the reporter, Jorge Quiroga, talking to the president of the local Presley fanclub. Reporter standup from the seats in the empty arena. Sound. This is 2 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "[Elvis] Presley has a concert scheduled for Portland tonight and tomorrow, but [died] yesterday. This is a folo featuring Jack Nicholson of the Civic Center and the president of the local Presley fan club."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/17/1977
Description: Several takes of reporter standup in empty Boston Garden. Bruins banners hang over ice rink. Long circular pan of unoccupied seats.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1978
Description: Buses pull up in front of English High School. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) stands out front as buses arrive. Students exit buses and congregate by race in front of school. Judy Stoia interviews African American and white students outside of the school about how they like school. Students talk about the school and report no racial tensions so far. Stoia interviews a white female student who says that she would prefer to attend Brighton High School. Stoia interviews two African American female students who says that the school is disorganized this year. The two girls complain about problems with their class schedules and relations with teachers. Stoia interviews a group of African American female students who say that they like the school. One of the students says that African American and white students can get along fine if their parents leave them alone. Stoia interviews two white male students from Brighton who like the facilities at the school. They say the school was originally supposed to be just for boys, but it's better now that it's coed. Stoia starts interview another group of students, when a teacher comes over and tells them they're going to be late for class. Stoia interviews Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator, English High School) about the opening of the school and school programs offered in conjunction with area colleges including Brandeis University, Massachusetts College of Art and UMass Amherst. Lane says that attendance has increased since yesterday. Dropout during middle of video.
0:00:46: Visual: Buses pull up outside of English High School on Avenue Louis Pasteur. White students exit buses. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) watches from sidewalk. Students gather on steps. 0:01:41: V: Judy Stoia sets up an interview with a white female student. Student says that she is from Allston-Brighton; that she does not like English High School; that she is bused here but would rather go to Brighton High School; that the school is nice but she lives very close to Brighton High School; that she doesn't plan to take advantage of any of the special programs at English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:02:55: V: A bus pulls up to the school. Peterkin, a few school officials, and a small group of police officers are on the sidewalk. White students exit the bus. A second bus pulls up and more white students are unloaded. Students congregate by race on the steps of the school. 0:05:31: V: Stoia sets up an interview with two African American female students. The first student is from Dorchester and the second is from Roxbury. Both say that they do not like school so far this year. The first student says that the system is not organized. The second student says that the school is crowded; that her class schedule is mixed up. The first student says that teachers will not give her a second chance after having difficulties the previous year. The second student says that she is not involved in the school's special programs, but has heard of a program in which the students will visit Brandeis University. The second student says that the administrators waited until the last minute to prepare for the school year; that she would like school if her schedule were straightened out. V: Video cuts out for 15 seconds. The second student says that there have been no problems with integration so far; that she has always gone to school with white students. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:07:49: V; Stoia interviews a group of African American female students. Two students are attending English High School for the fourth year and both like it. One student takes the MBTA bus to school. A third student says she likes the school; that the students seem to get along. The first student says that the African American and white students will get along if their parents leave them alone. The third student says that African American students at English High School are there for an education; that they are not looking for trouble with the white students. The first student agrees. The third student says that she requested to attend English High School. The first student says that she likes the teachers at English High School; that they are strict about attendance; that they care about the students. The third student says that she would like to be involved in the program which allows English High students to teach younger children. The first two students say that they will be cheerleaders. Stoia closes the interview. 0:10:54: V: Two more buses pull up to the school. African American students exit the bus. Shots of students congregated in front of school. Another bus pulls up. More African American students exit the bus. Stoia sets up an interview with two white male students. Both students are from Brighton and like English High School so far. The first student says that the school has good facilities. The second student says he likes some of his classes and the gymnasium. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. The second student says that he is happy that it is now co-ed; that he requested English High School because he heard it was good. The first student says that he wanted to leave Brighton High School. Both students say that they ride the bus to school; that African American and white students are getting along so far. Stoia closes the interview. 0:14:09: V: Long shot of the entrance to English High School. Students are entering the school. 0:14:46: V: Stoia sets up an interview with a three African American female students. She promises not to make them late. They are joined by several other African American students. The first student says that there are not enough people at school. The students disperse and head toward the school. Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator) jokes around with an African American male student as he heads into school. 0:15:36: V: Stoia sets up an interview with Lane. He says that English High School opened peacefully the previous day; that attendance is up today; that he expects that it will be a good school year; that buses arriving from all sections of the city looked full; that buses seemed to be on time; that transportation problems will decline. Lane says that buses scheduled to transport students to the ORC (Occupational Resource Center) did not show up the previous day; that they are scheduled to arrive today. Lane says that the special programs planned for English High School are not yet in place; that they are waiting on approval and funding. Lane explains what a magnet school is; that the staff is ready to implement a theater arts programs in conjunction with Brandeis University; that programs in conjunction with Massachusetts College of Art and University of Massachusetts will follow.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Footage of game with cutaways to cheerleaders, crowd, scoreboard, and bench. Silent
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/16/1974
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Barbara Harris (Bishop-elect) has been elected as the first female African American Bishop in the Episcopal Church. She notes that Harris' election to Bishop has divided the members of the Church. Harris held a press conference today. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed issues of race and gender, but that questioners were focused on those topics. David Johnson (Episcopal Church official) is also present. Harris talks about changes in the Episcopal Church and notes that many members are celebrating her election. Harris says that her election is not a "symbol or token." She also answers questions about racism in Boston and in the US. Kelly interviews Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector), Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector), and Byron Rushing (State Representative) about the election of Harris to Bishop. All three praise Harris and her qualifications to be Bishop. Following the edited story is additional footage of Harris and Johnson at the press conference.
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of Reverend Barbara C. Harris (Bishop-elect) at a press conference. Harris talks about the changes in the Episcopalian Church. Shots of clergy, press, and others among the audience. Hope Kelly reports that the election of Harris as Bishop has divided the Episcopal Church; that the Episcopal Church has 70 million members across the world. V: Footage of Harris saying that many members of the church are celebrating her election. Kelly reports that the Episcopal Church has ordained women as priests since 1976; that Harris is the first female bishop. V: Shots of Harris at the press conference, sitting next to David Johnson (Episcopal Church official). Shots of the audience. Footage of Harris saying that she was "incredulous" about her election at first. Footage of Harris saying that she has been elected bishop; that she is not "a symbol or a token." Shots of the audience. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed her gender and skin color; that questions kept returning to those topics. V: Footage of Harris saying that race has always played a role in all areas in the US. Harris says that her race will not make her job more difficult. Shots of the media at the press conference. Kelly reports that Harris answered quesions patiently; that she did not reveal many of her personal feelings. V: Footage of Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector) saying that Harris is a loving person with a great sense of humor. Footage of Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector) saying that Harris is outgoing and vivacious. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) being interviewed by Kelly. Rushing says that Harris is brilliant; that Harris is concerned about the needy. Kelly notes that Rushing has known Harris since the 1960s; that both were active in the civil rights movement and the Episcopal Church. V: Footage of Rushing telling a joke about African American Episcopalians. Rushing says that African American Episcopalians have a long history in the US. Kelly reports that Harris is fifty-eight years old; that Harris is divorced with no children. Kelly notes that Harris has been a priest for eight years; that she was in public relations for thirty years before becoming a priest. V: Footage of Harris saying that she does not know if Boston is any more racist than other cities; that she has dealt with racism for her whole life. Footage of Glasspool saying that Harris's election gives her great hope for the future of the Episcopal Church.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1988
Description: Profile of changes in Lawrence following an influx of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic immigrants. Interviews with recent arrivals and "old-time" white residents, as well as a representative of Kaps clothing store on the decision to move from its Essex Street location. Mayor Kevin Sullivan attributes the city's difficulties to welfare and a declining middle-class tax base, and warns that the city of Lawrence will "make it very rough" for new arrivals who are unwilling to "contribute."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: Evelyn Murphy, as acting governor, takes testimony from Worcester citizens on budget needs. Interview with Murphy on her role in advising governor Dukakis. Interview with Dukakis, who declines to give up his seat as governor while he campaigns for the presidency. Dukakis press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/05/1988
Description: Excerpt from edited story. Michael Dukakis extols virtues of Evelyn Murphy as Lt. Governor. She presents him with "second banana" telephone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1986
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast covering day 3 of Phase II desegregation in Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister summarizes events and report on school attendance figures. Pam Bullard reports that attendance figures show white students to be in the minority: Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) comments on racial makeup of the school system; Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) comments on influx of Boston students to parochial schools to avoid busing. School officials comment on the opening of schools: Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent of Schools) reports a missing bus and problems with buses arriving late; Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reports on registration for unassigned students; Frances Condon (Boston School Department) reports on kindergarten registration. Bullard interviews Thayer Fremont-Smith (Lawyer, Boston Home and School Association) about the court action to overturn forced busing. Fremont-Smith says that the court-ordered busing plan is too broad and will result in racially imbalanced schools as a result of declining white enrollment. Edwin Diamond (media critic) analyzes Boston Globe coverage of busing crisis with guests Mike McNamee (MIT student) and Robert Healy (Executive Editor, Boston Globe). Healy says that a local newspaper has to deal with the crisis differently than a national newspaper.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975
Description: Day 3, year 2 of desegregation. Reporters on set give accounts of day's events in school system. Ed Baumeister opens with press conference in which Metropolitan Distric Commission Police (MDC) Superintendent Lawrence Carpenter and mayoral spokesperson Peter Meade comment on student safety and “minority white” school system. Clip of Robert Donahue of School Department on student suspensions. Reporter Pam Bullard presents statistical figures for racial makeup of schools. Clip of Cardinal Medeiros on white influx to parochial schools. WGBH reporters discuss political significance of majority African American schools. At police command center, officers monitor communications to spot trouble and coordinate efforts of State, MDC, and Boston police forces: George Landry of Boston Police Department comments on the professional rivalry between groups. Reporter Gary Griffith reports on South Boston residents who are less vocal in protest than in year 1. Stills of bandaged Michael Coakley, allegedly beaten by the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF). Claims against brutality of TPF. Reporter Paul deGive discusses Charlestown residents' resentment of media and threatened retaliation against media presence. Stills of peaceful Charlestown marchers filling street. Gloria Conway, editor of Charlestown Patriot comments on the peaceful demonstration. Pam Bullard reports on location about Joseph Lee elementary school in Dorchester (first busing site) exterior and open classrooms. Lee School Principal Frances Kelley talks about school's program. Children line up to board bus; wave goodbye from inside bus as it pulls away.
2:12:09: Ed Baumeister introduces the show. Opening credits. Baumeister gives summary of the day's events: no arrests related to the schools; an orderly demonstration in Charlestown. Visual: Footage of the day's press conference by city officials. Baumeister asks if there are plans to reduce police presence. Lawrence Carpenter (MDC Police Superintendent) replies that he does not know; Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) doubts that there will be a reduction. Baumeister notes the absence of top officials from daily press conference; that present attendance levels in Boston schools indicate that white students are in the minority. V: Footage of Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reporting on discipline in the schools. Donahue gives information on new student registration for the following day. Baumeister reports that attendance was 52,109 (68,4%). 2:16:01: Pam Bullard reports on the percentages of white and minority children in Boston schools. Bullard reports that under the court-ordered desegregation plan, 60 of 162 Boston schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that 46 of 115 elementary schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that current attendance levels put 61 of 115 elementary schools predominantly African American. Bullard reports that school officials fear that white children will become a minority in Boston schools. V: Footage of Meade talking about desegregation leading to a white minority in other urban school systems. Meade says that one could project a non-white majority in the future based on elementary school enrollments; that racial imbalance in Boston schools is unfortunate. Bullard reports that elementary enrollment is down 18% from previous year; that 73 whites of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that 85 of 145 whites have attended the Morris School so far; that 86 of 136 whites have attended the Ripley School so far; that 75 of 148 whites have attended the Kilmer School so far. Bullard reports that many white parents enrolled children in private schools to avoid eventual busing; that Catholic schools are serving as a haven for anti-busers despite a pledge to the contrary by Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston). V: Footage of Medeiros saying that he would examine enrollment numbers at Catholic schools before determining any punishment for those who enrolled to avoid busing. Bullard reports that school officials are uncertain if white students will return. 2:21:49: Baumeister asks Bullard about the significance of a majority non-white school system. Bullard replies that a majority non-white school system may not receive sufficient funds from a white city government; that the city risks losing its white population. Baumeister reports on a rivalry among state, MDC and Boston police forces during the 1974 school year. 2:22:33: Donovan Moore reports on coordination among state, MDC and Boston police forces. Moore reports that school desegregation requires 100 federal marshals, 250 MDC police officers, 350 state troopers and 1,000 Boston police officers. V: Footage of officers sitting in front of radios at communications center in Boston Police Headquarters. George Landry (Boston Police Department) explains how the communications center operates. Officers are shown looking at a map of the city and working the radios. Moore reports that the center can communicate instantly with officers on the streets. Moore lists the different police forces. V: Shots of an MDC officer on horseback; of state police in front of South Boston High School; of Boston police officers walking on the street. Footage of Landry admitting to a spirit of competiveness among the police forces. Landry denies any hostility. 2:25:49: Gary Griffith reports that South Boston remains a stronghold of the anti-busing movement; that South Boston has been relatively quiet since the opening of school three days ago. V: Shots of photographs of Nancy Yotts (South Boston Information Center); of students in front of a high school; of African American students boarding buses. Griffith reports that the SBIC has accused the police department's Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) of police brutality; that the SBIC has produced witnesses including Michael Coakley, who says he was beaten by police. Griffith reports that the SBIC has demanded the withdrawal of the TPF from South Boston; that Warren Zanaboni (South Boston Marshals) says he tries to get South Boston youth off the streets at night. V: Shots of photographs of an SBIC poster in a store window; of Michael Coakley, with bandaged head and arm in a sling. Shot of a photograph of Zanaboni. Griffith reports on small skirmishes between police and South Boston youth during the previous three nights; that the MDC police and the police in South Boston have a good working relationship with the South Boston Marshals; that the TPF does not have a good relationship with the marshals; that four arrests were made by the TPF the previous evening; that South Boston residents say the trouble would subside if the TPF withdrew. 2:28:55: Paul deGive reports that relations between between Charlestown residents, the police and the news media show slight improvement; that rumors circulated in the morning that residents would target the media; that the media tried not to antagonize the residents during the mother's march. V: Shots of photographs of mother's march in Charlestown; of prayer meeting at the St. Francis de Sales church; of camerapeople covering the march; of peaceful street scenes in Charlestown; of police patrolling streets. DeGive reports that the police did not crowd the marchers; that Superintendent Joseph Jordan (Boston Police Department) was calmly watching events develop; that police were quietly patrolling the streets. V: Footage of Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) interviewed by deGive. Conway says that the police were wise to allow a peaceful demonstration because it allowed residents to vent their frustrations; that the police presence today seemed less aggressive and threatening; that many officers were covering their regular beats. DeGive reports that Conway, Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and community leaders requested that the TPF not be deployed in Charlestown. [ V: Shot of a photograph of Kearney in street. DeGive reports that Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) accused the TPF of creating a military-like atmosphere; that community leaders agree that some police presence is needed; that Kearney is seeking a way to keep Charlestown youth in check. 2:34:16: Baumeister adds that the atmosphere was calm and attendance was low at Charlestown High School. Bullard reports from the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Bullard notes that the Boston School Committee's decision to ignore the racial imbalance at the Lee School's opening provoked the lawsuit leading to court-ordered desegregation in Boston; that four years later, the Lee School is still racially imbalanced. V: Shots of photographs of the Lee School; of groups African American kids outside of Franklin Field Housing Project; of school classrooms. Bullard notes that the Lee School is located in an inner city neighborhood; that white students from West Roxbury were to be bused into the Lee School; that 73 whites out of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that the school is an excellent but underutilized facility. V: Footage of Bullard interviewing Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School). Kelley talks about enrichment programs at the Lee School. She says that the school opened with no problems; that white parents may be staying away due to safety concerns; that in the past, parents have been very satisfied with the Lee School. Footage of children exiting school and boarding buses. Bullard notes that children assigned to the Lee this year will stay for subsequent grades; that desegregation has failed so far at the Lee. V: Footage of African American children outside of Lee School; of white children leaving the school on a bus. 2:40:07: Baumeister talks about the evening's late newscast and closes show. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975
Description: Ed Baumeister hosts an Evening Compass broadcast. Louis Lyons reports on national and international general news of the day. The rest of the broadcast is focused on school desegregation. Judy Stoia and Greg Pilkington report on the violence at South Boston High School the day before. These reports include stills and footage of protests, Louise Day Hicks with bullhorn next to William Bulger, South Boston angry crowds, helmeted police, cruisers and motorcycles, buses, exterior of South Boston High, African American students responding. Peggy Murrell reports on the reaction of the African American community to the South Boston violence, with quotes from Thomas Atkins and Mel King. Pam Bullard reports on the changes in the public opinion on desegregation since the start of school in September. Judy Stoia reports on the effect of the violence on other schools in Boston, specifically Hyde Park High School, including white students walking out. Pam Bullard reports on the legal ramifications of the violence at South Boston High School, including a hearing where black parents will request specific limitations in South Boston from Judge Arthur Garrity and the Boston School Committee's opinions on the second phase plan for desegregation. This report includes an interview with John Coakley (Boston School Dept.). Ed Baumeister reports on the silence of both Mayor Kevin White and Governor Frank Sargent on the South Boston violence. This report include footage of a September 12, 1974 address by Kevin White on violence related to school desegregation.
0:24:31: Ed Baumeister introduces the newscast. Opening credits roll. 0:25:27: Louis Lyons reads the headlines. Lyons reports that Nelson Rockefeller's appointment to the vice-presidency was approved by the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 26 - 12; that he should be elected by the full House of Representatives next Thursday; that 9 Democrats on the Committee joined all 17 Republicans voting for Rockefeller; that the Committee had investigated Rockefeller's gifts to members of the Senate Committee and had heard a wide range of criticism of Rockefeller. Lyons reports that both houses of Congress overwhelmingly approved money to create jobs for the unemployed. Lyons reports that President Gerald Ford has indicated his support of a tax cut to stimulate auto sales; that there would be no increase in gasoline taxes. Lyons reports that the rate of inflation rose 1.5% last month; that the rate of inflation seems to be leveling off after a rise of 3% during the previous month. Lyons reports that the House Rules Committee voted to approve a bill to regulate strip mining; that the House Rules Committee did not approve bills for a tax cut and an end to the oil depletion allowance; that liberals and representatives from the oil states voted to kill the bills. Lyons reports on speculation that William Saxby (Attorney General) will be appointed Ambassador to India; that Edward Levy (President, University of Chicago) will be appointed as the new attorney general. Lyons comments that Levy is an expert in the area of anti-trust law; that Saxby is an expert at "putting his foot in his mouth." Lyons reports that Great Britain had a record trade deficit of 1.25 billion last month, partly due to oil prices; that the pound dropped to a new low. Lyons comments that Great Britain's currency is suffering as a result of Saudi Arabia's decision "not to accept any more Stilton for oil." Lyons reports that Henry Kissinger warned western leaders that their economic system will be faced with disaster unless a remedy can be found for the "double crisis of inflation and recession." Lyons reports that Ford will meet with Valery Giscard d'Estaing (President of France) this weekend; that the French are skeptical about Kissinger's strategy to cope with oil prices. Lyons reports that students continue to fight government troops in Rangoon, Burma; that the Ne Win government has imposed martial law. Lyons reports that Jimmy Carter (Governor, State of Georgia) announced his candidacy for president; that Carter promises to end secrecy in government and the "cozy relations" between government officials and industry. 0:28:30: Baumeister reports that yesterday's violence at South Boston High School will have long-range repercussions on the court-ordered desegregation of Boston schools; that the Boston School Committee has five days left to file a long-range desegregation plan in court. Baumeister introduces a report on the violence by Judy Stoia. 0:29:05: Stoia reports that tension in South Boston High School had been building during the past week; that there was a fight in the machine shop on Monday; that there was a scuffle in the girls' restroom on Tuesday; that there were fights in the cafeteria and the library on Wednesday; that school aides warned of serious trouble between white and African American students. Stoia reports that a white student was stabbed at school yesterday; that an African American student has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. Stoia reports that white students left the school after the stabbing; that several hundred people had gathered in front of the high school by noon; that residents of Charlestown and East Boston also joined the crowd in front of the school. Stoia reports that the there were many anti-busing mothers and children among the crowd. Visual: Shots of photographs of a white female student standing among a crowd of white students; of large crowds assembled in front of South Boston High School; of helmeted police officers standing among the crowd. Shots of photographs of middle-aged women among the crowd. Stoia reports that 1500 people had gathered in front of the school by 1:00 pm; that the crowd was waiting for the arrival of school buses to pick up the African American students; that many in the crowd were intent on attacking the buses. Stoia reports that Louise Day Hicks (Boston City Council) tried to calm the crowd. V: Shots of photographs of huge crowds assembled on G Street, in front of the school; of helmeted police officers keeping the crowd at bay. Shots of a photograph of Hicks in the crowd. Footage of Hicks assuring the crowd that the assault will be investigated. William Bulger (State Senator) stands beside Hicks. Hicks pleads with the crowd to let the African American students return home safely. The crowd boos at Hicks. Stoia reports that the crowd was hostile to police; that police units from the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), the MDC Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police Department were outnumbered by the crowd; that the crowd threw bricks and bottles at police. Stoia reports that the crowd angrily stoned school buses headed toward the school. V: Shots of photographs of the huge crowd; of a TPF unit; of an MDC police officer on a motorcycle; of mounted police on the street. Shots of photographs of a police car with a broken window; of arrests being made. Shots of photographs of the crowd; of stoned school buses. Stoia reports that the buses were decoys and that African American students had escaped through a side door and were bused to safety. V: Shots of photographs of a side entrance at South Boston High School. 0:32:25: Greg Pilkington reports on the atmosphere at the Bayside Mall, where buses arrived with the African American students who had been trapped in South Boston High School. Pilkington reports that students and parents were frightened and angry. V: Footage of buses and police officers in the mall parking lot. Angry groups of African American students speak directly to the camera about their experiences in South Boston. One student comments on the angry and violent parents in the South Boston crowd. An angry African American woman says that white children go to school peacefully at the McCormack School in her neighborhood, but that African American students cannot go to school safely in South Boston. She says that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) is not doing his job. A man shouts into a bullhorn that there is no school on Thursday or Friday. Pilkington reports that the anger of the African American community seems to be directed at the city, the police, and the Boston School Committee for not controlling the situation in South Boston. 0:34:13: Peggy Murrell reports on the reaction of Thomas Atkins (President, NAACP) and Mel King (State Representative) to the violence at South Boston High School. She says that both leaders are determined to continue with school desegregation; that both are concerned for the safety of African American students in the schools. She quotes Atkins as saying that schools should be shut down and students should be reassigned if the safety of African American students cannot be guaranteed; that Atkins will make this request to the court if necessary. Murrell reports that King agrees with Atkins about shutting down the schools if safety cannot be assured; that King says African American students will continue to attend school despite the violence. V: Shots of photographs of Atkins and King. Murrell quotes King's condemnation of the violence at South Boston High School. Murrell reports that Atkins charged the South Boston Home and School Association with holding a racist rally inside the high school and with encouraging a school boycott by white students. Murrell says that Virginia Sheehy (South Boston Home and School Association) denies the charges. Murrell reports that Sheehy says that white students should be able to hold meetings in school just like student-run African American societies do. State Senator William Owens (Chairman of the Emergency Committee Against Racism in Education) agrees that schools should be shut down if a peaceful solution cannot be found, and says that a march against racism planned for Saturday will proceed. 0:38:11: Baumeister introduces Pam Bullard's report, which reviews school desegregation in South Boston since the opening of school. Bullard reports that many expected the worst on opening day at South Boston High School; that national and foreign press were covering the arrival of African American students to desegregate the school. Bullard reports that a large crowd gathered to protest school desegregation; that the crowd yelled racial epithets at the students entering the school; that the police were tolerant of the crowd; that the crowd quieted down after school began. V: Footage from September 12, 1974, of a school bus in front of South Boston High School. African American students exit the buses and enter the front doors of South Boston High School. Protesters are gathered in front of the school. Police officers are stationed along the street and in front of the crowd of protestors. Another school bus pulls up. Crowds of white residents jeer at the busloads of African American students. Bullard reports that many in South Boston could not believe that desegregation was happening at their high school; that violence erupted on the afternoon of the first day of school, when busloads of African American students were stoned by South Boston residents. Bullard reports that the situation appeared to grow calmer as the school year progressed; that police motorcycles escorted school buses to and from school; that police officers were stationed inside and outside of schools. Bullard reports that violence erupted again yesterday; that the crowd gathered outside of South Boston High School showed great levels of anger, frustration, and hatred; that almost everyone in the crowd shouted ugly racial slurs. V: Shots of photographs of a white crowd gathered on G Street, outside of South Boston High School. Shots of photographs of middle-aged women and young people among the crowd. Bullard reports that young people in the crowd openly insulted African American police officers; that members of the crowd shouted obscenities at the press and grabbed their cameras; that members of the crowd spit at police officers and jumped on top of police cars; that the crowd cheered each time a bottle or brick was thrown at the police. V: Shots of photographs of a damaged Boston Police cruiser; of two police officers stationed in the street; of helmeted police officers making an arrest; of an older woman among the crowd. Bullard notes that the crowd included men and older residents of South Boston; that earlier demonstrations had been primarily South Boston mothers and students. Bullard notes that the crowd was bent on revenge for the stabbing of a white student; that they probably would have done great harm to the African American students if they could have. 0:41:00: Baumeister introduces Stoia's report on the atmosphere at schools around the city after the incident at South Boston High School. Stoia reports that police and the media were present at Hyde Park High School this morning; that some had anticipated problems at Hyde Park High School after the violent incident at South Boston High School on the previous day; that Hyde Park High School had experienced some walkouts and racial incidents over the past few months. V: Shots of photographs of police officers stationed at the entrance of Hyde Park High School; of police officers stationed on the streets around the school. Stoia reports that the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) was present at the school in case of an incident. Stoia reports that African American students arrived on buses and entered the school with no problems; that white students arrived peacefully. V: Shots of photographs of African American students exiting buses and entering the schoolyard; of white students outside of the school. Stoia reports that about 100 white students staged a walkout after their first period class; that 400 white students stayed in class. Stoia reports that there were a few fights between students and police and some arrests; that the walkout was inspired by the previous day's events in South Boston; that the atmosphere at Hyde Park did not seem as tense as in South Boston. Stoia reports that a few African American students walk to school in Hyde Park; that it would be impossible for an African American student to walk to school in South Boston. V: Shots of photographs of a small crowd of people gathered on the steps of the school; of a large crowd of white students gathered outside of the school; of police moving students away from the school building; of students walking away from the school. Shots of photographs of white students outside of the school; of African American students walking into the school. Stoia reports that some white students are angry about the stabbing at South Boston High School; that other students participated in the walkout because they wanted a day off from school. Stoia adds that no racial slurs were exchanged between African American and white students in the schoolyard of Hyde Park High School; that there were no racist buttons or posters in sight. Stoia says that she spoke to some anti-busing mothers in Hyde Park who were appalled at the violence in South Boston. Stoia reports that the violence in South Boston did have some effect on Boston schools; that attendance was down 7% in Boston schools today; that there were small walkouts by white students at four Boston high schools; that the white students who stayed in school outnumbered those who walked out in all four schools. Stoia reports that another incident in South Boston could escalate racial tension at other schools; that a lessening of tension in South Boston could result in higher attendance rates at other schools. 0:44:02: Bullard reports on a special hearing before Arthur Garrity (federal judge) planned for the next day. Bullard notes that the African American plaintiffs in the desegregation case (Morgan v. Hennigan) have called the hearing to demand the following: the presence of state police and the national guard in South Boston; a ban on parents in schools; a ban on gatherings of more than five people in South Boston; a ban on the use of all racial epithets. Bullard reports that Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs) says that South Boston will not escape desegregation. Bullard notes that the Boston School Committee is under court order to file a second phase desegregation plan on the following Monday; that the new plan will desegregate schools city-wide and will allow parents to choose between flexible and traditional educational programs. V: Footage of John Coakley (Boston School Department) talking about the differences between the traditional and flexible program choices under the new plan. Coakley says that the new plan allows parents to choose programs, but not specific schools. Bullard reports that the Boston School Committee has repeatedly refused to endorse any form of desegregation; that the committee risks being held in contempt of court if they do not approve a plan to submit to the court. Bullard reports on speculation that William Leary (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) will submit the plan without the approval of the School Committee, to avoid being held in contempt of court. 0:49:06: Baumeister comments on the silence of both Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) and Frank Sargent (Governor, State of Massachusetts) regarding the previous day's violence in South Boston. Baumeister notes that White spoke out publicly against the stoning of school buses in South Boston on the first day of school. V: Footage of White on September 12, 1974, condemning violence and promising that it would not be tolerated. Baumeister notes that as the level of violence goes up, the visibility of top officials goes down. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 12/12/1974
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast on the second day of school during Phase II desegregation of Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister and Paul deGive introduce the show and give attendance statistics. Introduction includes footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) giving an upbeat statement on the opening of schools. Greg Pilkington reports on African American students who are bused into Charlestown. Pilkington's report includes interviews with Caroline Bell (local resident), Harietta Moore (local resident), Robert Kelley (student), Galina Davis(student), Georgia Carter (local resident), John Filadoro (bus driver) and Leona Pleas (bus monitor). Pilkington notes that the bus rides from the South End to Charlestown have been uneventful so far. Pilkington reports on a group of Roxbury parents who are urging other African American parents to send their children to Charlestown High School. Richard Gittens (transitional aid, Charlestown High School) reports that there are no problems at Charlestown High School. Pilkington interviews Nathaniel Jones (general counsel, NAACP) about school desegregation issues and busing in Boston. Jones says that segregated schools are harmful to both white students and African American students. Judy Stoia interviews Renee Burke (student, Hyde Park High School) and Donald McCarthy (student, Hyde Park High School) on their participation in a leadership program to lessen racial tension at Hyde Park High School. Stoia interviews Judy Rattash (First National Bank of Boston), Suzanne Kelly (Stonehill College) and Gail O'Reilly (teacher, Hyde Park High School) about Hyde Park High School programs in conjuction with Stonehill College and the First National Bank of Boston. Rattash, O'Reilly and Kelly talk about the programs available to Hyde Park High School students. DeGive reports that the Massachusetts Supreme Court failed to lift an injuction blocking the City of Boston from paying legal fees for the Boston Home and School Association's appeals of court-ordered busing. DeGive notes that the Home and School Association will seek private funding to continue the fight against the court order. Pam Bullard interviews John Coakley about magnet schools and the opening of schools across the city. Coakley says that public-safety issues are being handled better this year than last year. This tape has audible time code on track 2 and visible time code in the upper right corner.
23:00:02: Ed Baumeister introduces a special Evening Compass broadcast featuring information on the school situation. Baumeister reports that the city is calm; that federal marshals are ready to act if there are any signs of a disturbance. Opening credits roll. Paul deGive reports that school attendance was 64.9%. Baumeister reports that there is still confusion over school assignments for some students. [ V: Footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) saying that the general climate of the schools is "excellent"; that there have been no arrests in the schools. Baumeister reports that there were 14 arrests in Boston today; that 94 have been arrested since the opening of school; that 9 police officers have been injured. 23:02:25: Greg Pilkington reports on African American students assigned to Charlestown High School. V: Footage of African American students boarding buses at corner of Lenox and Tremont Streets, near the Cathedral Housing Project in the South End; of African American students riding buses. Pilkington reports that Charlestown has been the center of resistance to Phase II busing; that many African American students assigned to Charlestown schools did not attend the opening day of school for fear of violence; that there was no violence in the schools or along the bus routes on opening day. V: Footage of Pilkington interviewing parents at the bus stop. Caroline Bell (local resident) says that her two sons were assigned to the Holden School in Charlestown; that her sons were apprehensive about going to school in Charlestown; that they were pleased with the school when they returned home after the first day. Harietta Moore (local resident) says that four of her children were assigned to schools in Charlestown; that they did not attend the opening day of school; that they will attend school today because the schools in Charlestown appear to be peaceful. Robert Kelley (student) says that a crowd threw rocks at his bus as he was leaving school in Charlestown; that the climate inside the school was fine. Galina Davis (student) says that a crowd outside of her school in Charlestown was insulting the African American students. Footage of buses lined up to pick up students at a bus stop. Pilkington says that the busing of students from the South End to Charlestown was uneventful yesterday; that the absence of a bus monitor caused some confusion. V: Footage of Georgia Carter (local resident) saying that parents were concerned about their children riding buses without bus monitors. John Filadoro (bus driver) says that a bus monitor would have calmed the fears of the kids on the bus; that the police did a good job of breaking up crowds and easing tension on the streets; that he thinks his bus might have a bus monitor today. Leona Pleas (bus monitor) says that she came out today because she heard that bus monitors were needed; that she has a child assigned to school in Charlestown; that white parents should send their kids to school because a child's education is more important than politics; that more African American students are on the bus today to go to Charlestown. 23:06:45: Pilkington reports that 85 African American students attended Charlestown High School today; that the attendance figure for African American students at the high school is 38%; that a group of parents in Roxbury is urging African American parents to send their children to school in Charlestown. Pilkington interviews Richard Gittens (bus monitor and transitional aide, Charlestown High School) in the studio. Gittens says that the climate is good at Charlestown High School; that the principal at Charlestown High School is doing a good job; that there have been no problems between white and African American students; that the school situation is normal, despite the violence on the streets in Charlestown. Gittens says that he is among a group of parents urging others to send their children to school in Charlestown; that they hope for 100% attendance among African American students by Friday. Gittens says that African American parents and students are pleased with the middle school in Charlestown; that African American parents and students have found that there is a difference between schools in Charlestown and schools in African American neighborhoods. Gittens says white and African American parents need to send their kids to school, no matter how they feel about busing. Gittens says that the violence on the streets in Charlestown has not affected the educational climate in the high school. Gittens leaves the set. 23:11:14: Pilkington interviews Nathaniel Jones (general counsel, NAACP) in the studio about desegregation issues and the court case which brought desegregation to Boston (Morgan v. Hennigan). Jones says that the resolve of the government to enforce the court order has resulted in a peaceful opening of schools in Boston. Jones says that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit brought the case to court because the Constitutional rights of their children were being violated; that the court's decision in Morgan v. Hennigan is in line with the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education; that it is unconstitutional for a school board to make policy which results in a segregated school system. Jones says that segregation is harmful to both white children and African American children; that segregated schools are inherently unequal; that Judge Garrity's ruling eliminates segregation and tries to remedy the harm caused by segregation to white and African American children in Boston. Jones says that popular opinion about busing is irrelevant; that the Constitutional rights of the minority must be protected; that busing does not compromise a child's education; that busing has been used in the past to enforce segregation; that 3% of children in the US are bused for the purposes of desegregation. Jones says that he can understand why African Americans might have reservations about busing; that in the past, the burden of busing fell on the African American community; that the court order calls for students of both races to be bused in Boston; that the rights of African American students must be protected. 23:17:40: Baumeister reports that attendance at Hyde Park High School was 70% today; that African American attendance was 65%; that white attendance was 74%; that the school has opened peacefully this year. Baumeister reports that the pairing of Hyde Park High School with Stonehill College and the First National Bank of Boston led to the creation of Student Leadership Teams to deal with racial tension. 23:18:33: Judy Stoia interviews Renee Burke (student, Hyde Park High School), Donald McCarthy (student, Hyde Park High School) in the studio. Burke and McCarthy are members of the Hyde Park Biracial Leadership Team. Burke says that the training she received as a member of the team helped her; that the training brought the team closer together. McCarthy says that the training took place at Stonehill College; that members of the group have learned to trust one another. Burke says that members of the team are working as student aides in the school. McCarthy says that the team can set a good example for the other students; that the 52 members of the team can show that African American and white students can get along. Burke says that there has been a lessening of tension in the school; that team members can help to mediate problems among students. McCarthy says that there is much less tension this year than last year. Burke says that she hopes that the example of the biracial team will encourage more interaction between African American and white students. McCarthy says that interaction between the two groups will happen gradually; that there are probably a few resentments carried over from the previous year. 23:22:55: Stoia interviews Judy Rattash (First National Bank of Boston), Suzanne Kelly (Stonehill College) and Gail O'Reilly (teacher, Hyde Park High School) in the studio. Rattash says that the First National Bank will continue some of its pilot programs from the previous year at Hyde Park High School; that the bank developed a successful computer course taught at their facility in Columbia Park during the previous year; that the bank is developing a program called World of Work, in which students learn interview and resume techniques. Rattash says that students get hands-on experience with computers in the computer course. Kelly says that Stonehill College would like to expand the leadership program at Hyde Park High School; that they would like to get more students involved in one-day leadership workshops at the college. Kelly says that she is presently writing proposals to get funding for programs through the state legislature; that some programs may begin before the funds become available at the end of September. Kelly says that there are plans for academic enrichment programs, an ethnic studies program, an ethnic crafts course, and a radio production; that the programs take place at Stonehill College and at Hyde Park High School. O'Reilly says that she likes the programs available through Stonehill College and the First National Bank; that the bank's reading tutorial program will continue this year; that both the bank and the college will participate in the school newspaper. Rattash says that other outside organizations are interested in the schools; that the Greater Boston Real Estate Board may try to work with teachers to develop a curriculum for students at Hyde Park High School; that the bank will encourage the Junior Achievement program at Hyde Park High School. Burke says that students will be especially interested in the newspaper program. 23:29:57: Paul deGive reports that Massachusetts Superior Court Justice Francis Quirico has refused to lift an injuction blocking the city of Boston from paying legal fees for the Boston Home and School Association; that the city of Boston had paid over $50,000 until African American parents brought the city to court. DeGive reports that the Boston Home and School Association will seek private funds in order to continue to fight the court order; that the Home and School Association is slated to argue the desegregation plan in front of the First Circuit Court of Appeals next week. 23:30:56: Baumeister reports that John Coakley was praised for his performance last year as Boston's chief school desegregation planner; that he was appointed head of the city-wide magnet schools by William Leary (former Superintendent of Schools); that he was not reappointed to that post by the new superintendent Marion Fahey. Baumeister reports that Judge Garrity has requested that Coakley stay in the post until the end of September. 23:31:09: Pam Bullard interviews John Coakley in the studio. Bullard asks why there are more problems with transportation and student assignments this year. Coakley says that the school department had more time to implement the Phase I plan after it was handed down from the court; that the Phase II plan was more complex, and the schools had less time to implement it. Coakley says that organizing bus transit is very complex; that the school department did the best it could in the time allowed. Bullard reports that elementary school attendance city-wide was 70%; that elementary school attendance in Dorchester was 74%; that elementary school attendance in East Boston was 76%; that attendance in elementary-level magnet schools was 80%. Coakley says that parents choose magnet schools; that the magnet schools are well established and carry over a sizable population from year to year. Bullard asks Coakley if the magnet schools can continue to pull in students and reverse the trend of declining enrollments. Coakley says that the Boston area provides great resources to the magnet schools; that universities, hospitals, and other institutions are participating in magnet school programs. Bullard reports that attendance at high schools is down 7% from last year; that attendance at middle schools is up 11% from last year; that attendance at elementary schools is down 18% from last year. Coakley says that many elementary schools were unaffected by Phase I desegregation; that elementary schools are losing students because more schools are affected by Phase II desegregation this year. Coakley says that he thinks some elementary school students may have left public schools for reasons other than desegregation. Bullard asks Coakley to compare the opening of schools this year to the opening of schools last year. Coakley says that he is more optimistic about the schools this year; that public safety issues are being handled more effectively this year; that many residents, parents, and students do not wish to see a repeat of last year's violence; that many are trying to recover their pride in the city, which may have been lost last year. Coakley says that Phase II desegregation did try to incorporate educational improvements with desegregation; that the magnet schools are an example of this; that the involvement of universities and other institutions in the schools can provide some momentum for a more dynamic school system. 23:40:25: Bumeister reports on Evening Compass broadcasts for the following day. DeGive reminds viewers that Edwin Diamond (media critic) will analyze media coverage of busing on the tomorrow's late edition of Evening Compass. DeGive closes the show. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast on the first day of school during Phase II integration of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister and Paul deGive introduce the show and report that 80 arrests were made on the opening day of school. Baumeister reports that 77 members of the Committee Against Racism (CAR) were arrested for demonstrating along a bus route in South Boston. The introduction includes footage of Arthur Gartland (Citywide Coordinating Council) saying that the opening of schools was a success. Gary Griffith reports on street unrest and molotov cocktail incidents from police headquarters. DeGive reports on the opening of Charlestown High School, and on confrontations between Charlestown residents and police. DeGive reports that police motorcycles bore down with little warning on demonstrators sitting down in the middle of Bunker Hill Street in Charlestown; that a gang of youth overturned two cars in Charlestown and assaulted an African American student at Bunker Hill Community College. Baumeister reports on a peaceful opening day at South Boston High School. DeGive introduces footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) reporting on a successful opening day across the city. South Boston High School students in the WGBH studio Judy Stoia is in the studio with a group of South Boston High School students. Several students read prepared pieces about their experiences on the opening day of school, while one describes his experience of being an African American student bused into South Boston High School. Pam Bullard interviews Joyce Grant (Harvard University) and James Mullan (Assistant Headmaster, Roxbury High School) about the link between Harvard University and Roxbury High School. Bullard talks about the court-ordered program which pairs public schools with universities and cultural institutions. Mullan and Grant talk about opportunities for Roxbury High School students at Harvard. Bullard also interviews Dr. Herman Goldberg (US Department of Health, Education and Welfare) about his presence in Boston to oversee the opening of schools. Goldberg explains that the Boston Public School System has received the largest grant in the nation to aid in the school desegregation process. This tape has audible time code on track 2.
3:02:25: Three South Boston High School seniors sit in the studio. Ed Baumeister reports that buses from Charlestown to Roxbury High School were empty. Baumeister and Paul deGive introduce show. Credits roll. Baumeister reports that all schools will be open again tomorrow; that crews are standing by to cover any breaking news during the broadcast. DeGive reports that a number of buses (between 11% - 23%) failed to show or were late for pickups; that the school department says that transportation problems will be resolved by tomorrow. Baumeister reports that there were no injuries, suspensions or arrests in schools; that 80 people were arrested on the streets; that 77 members of the Committee Against Racism were arrested for disorderly conduct on a bus route in South Boston. DeGive reports that officials are calling the opening day a success. Visual: Footage of Arthur Gartland (Citywide Coordinating Council) saying that the schools opened successfully; that attendance was lower than projected; that police patrols assured the safety of students in schools; that he hopes attendance figures will rise. 3:04:48: Gary Griffith reports from police headquarters. Griffith reports that two white males were arrested for possession of Molotov cocktails in Roslindale; that two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Prescott School in Charlestown; that firefighters at the Prescott School were stoned by youths who fled the scene; that a group of 60 youth were heading toward Cleary Square in Charlestown with antibusing signs; that two motorcades of 100 cars each were reported in South Boston and Charlestown; that a crowd in South Boston was throwing objects at police motorcycle units; that there is a fire at 83 Beal Street in Brookline, the birthplace of John F. Kennedy; that the fire on Beal Street may have been started by a Molotov cocktail. 3:06:52: Paul deGive reports that opening day at Charlestown High School was uneventful; that helicopters circled overhead and a sharpshooter was posted on the roof; that US Marshals were present. DeGive reports that some white students broke the boycott and attended school; that 66 African American students arrived without incident. V: Footage of media crews at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument; of a sharpshooter on the roof of Charlestown High School; of US Marshals headed toward the school; of white students entering the school; of African American students exiting buses and entering the school. DeGive reports that there were frequent confrontations between Charlestown residents and police on Bunker Hill Street; that 400 police were present; that they were kept busy dispersing crowds of residents. DeGive reports that 8 police officers on motorcycles bore down with little warning on a group of 30 demonstrators sitting down on Bunker Hill Street; that the demonstrators took refuge in the Bunker Hill Housing Project; that police and media followed the demonstrators into the housing project where angry crowds had gathered. DeGive reports that Mrs. Frank VanGorder (local resident) verbally attacked Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) for using dangerous means to break up a nonviolent demonstration. V: Footage of police officers marching down Bunker Hill Street; of officials in civilian clothes with riot helmets and nightsticks. Shots of photographs of police officers on motorcycles; of crowds gathered in front of the Bunker Hill Housing Project; of police breaking up crowds in the housing project; of police lining the streets outside of the housing project; of Charlestown teenagers sitting on wall with racist graffiti. DeGive reports that the gathered crowds were chanting Charlestown football cheers; that the demonstration was peaceful; that the police were effective on the whole, but perhaps rough during the sit-down demonstration. DeGive reports that police were taken by surprise in the afternoon, when a gang of 100 youth overturned two cars, vandalized cars at Bunker Hill Community College and beat up an African American student at the college. DeGive reports that the incident occurred as police were overseeing the end of the school day at the high school; that many residents objected to the police presence on Bunker Hill Street; that Charlestown community leaders met with Captain MacDonald to discuss the community's grievances; that Dennis Kearney (State Representative) told MacDonald that the community resented the intrusion of helicopters, the Tactical Patrol Force and hundreds of other police officers into their community; that Kearney told MacDonald that demonstrators were given no warning before police motorcycles charged them . V: Still photos of Kearney; of police motorcycles. DeGive reports that Kearney said that the media acted irresponsibly; that there were too many media crews in Charlestown. DeGive reports that African American attendance at Charlestown High School was off by 170 students; that less than half of the white students attended school. 3:10:48: Baumeister reports that the opening of South Boston High School was different this year than it was the previous year; that police and US Marshals were present; that police dispersed crowds around the school which numbered more than three people; that police scrutinized the press credentials of the media. Baumeister reports that the buses arrived late; that students were not allowed to exit the buses for several minutes; that a crowd gathered on G Street, but was kept away from the school by police. V: Footage of police and US Marshals stationed outside of the high school; of the street outside of the high school; of buses pulling up to the school; of a crowd gathered in the distance; of African American students entering the school. Baumeister reports that 78 African American students out of 432 attended South Boston High School; that 216 out of 785 white students attended. V: Footage of three white female students passing by police to enter the school; of police cars and motorcycles escorting buses out of South Boston. Baumeister reports that the school day ended peacefully; that no buses were stoned; that there were 77 arrests in South Boston; that most of the arrests were for disorderly conduct; that those arrested were arraigned in South Boston. V: Footage of African American students being interviewed after school. One student says that it was better this year than last year. 3:12:57: DeGive reports that school officials were very pleased with the opening of schools. V: Footage of Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) at a press conference at the Boston Schools Information Center. Fahey says that 162 schools opened; that the schools were prepared with learning programs for every child; that there were no arrests or suspensions; that she is optimistic about the coming school year. 3:14:16: Judy Stoia is in the studio with Eileen Sweeney (student, South Boston High School), Joan McDonough (student, South Boston High School) and Kevin Davis (student, South Boston High School). Sweeney reads a prepared piece about the opening day of school. She says that there was a heavy police and media presence; that she had to pass through metal detectors at the entrance of the school; that police and aids inside the school were friendly; that it is difficult to go anywhere in the school without a pass; that white students must wait to be dismissed from school until African American students have boarded the buses and left. Sweeney says that many white students have jobs after school; that white students should not have to wait until African American students are gone, especially if the buses are late. 3:16:37: McDonough reads a prepared piece about her day at school. She comments on police and media presence at the school, the metal detector at the entrance, and the low attendance. McDonough says that she spent the morning in the cafeteria while a counselor prepared her class schedule; that twenty students were without class assignments; that she felt some tension between white students and African American students as they waited for their class schedules; that there was little interaction between white students and African American students; that she does not think that there will ever be interaction between the two groups, "because you can't force people to be friends." 3:18:38: Judy Stoia interviews Davis about the experience of being bused into South Boston High School. Davis says that he was relieved that the police presence was not made up only of Boston police; that today was the first time he has ever been in South Boston; that he was more worried about Boston police officers than demonstrators; that some Boston police officers are not protecting the African American students; that African American students on the buses into South Boston were nervous; that there is a lot of tension in the school; that it won't take much to ignite the tension. Sweeney says that the level of tension is lower this year than during the previous year; that tension will build if the attendance numbers rise. Davis says that he got along with the white students today in South Boston. McDonough says that she believes that whites and African Americans can get along, but not in a situation where they are forced to be together. McDonough says that she went to a private school last year and got along with the "colored" people there; that the situation in South Boston is different because the two groups are forced on each other. Davis compares forced busing to an imaginary situation in which Stoia would be forced to leave WGBH and go to another station. Davis says that he feels like a pawn in a chess game; that he has no ability to make his own decisions. Sweeney says that people do not react well when they are forced to do something. Stoia points out that Sweeney and McDonough are not being bused; that nothing has been forced on them. Sweeney points out that it is difficult for students to interact normally with police present at all times; that the heavy media coverage puts pressure on the school; that it is not a normal situation at South Boston High School. Davis says that he cannot comment on whether white students and African American students at South Boston High School will get along; that each individual person is different in how they interact with others. 3:25:19: DeGive reports that only 14 white students out of 241 attended Roxbury High School today; that 165 African American students out of 322 attended; that Roxbury High School is participating in a court-ordered pairing of public schools with universities and cultural institutions; that Roxbury High School is paired with Harvard University under this program. 3:26:19: Pam Bullard interviews Joyce Grant (Harvard University) and James Mullan (Assistant Headmaster, Roxbury High School) in the studio. Bullard mentions that the idea of pairing public schools with universities and businesses is not a new one. Mullan says that a planning team of students, parents, aides, and teachers worked with members of the Harvard staff to develop programs and workshops in reading, math and computing. Grant says that Harvard provides additional resources to the schools; that the reading program focuses on communication; that students need to be able to read, analyze and communicate to excel in any subject. Grant says that she works with an assistant and a secretary on the Roxbury High School project; that she is trying to draw upon the resources at Harvard; that the staff at Harvard can learn from the project. Mullan says that the ninth grade students are clustered in order to identify their needs more quickly; that teachers work with students within the clusters; that the flexible campus program will be tied in with the Harvard programs. Grant says that Harvard would like to encourage internships and apprenticeships among the seniors; that Harvard would like to help them with training and summer jobs; that they would like to give individual attention to each senior. Grant uses the example of a student interested in the medical field. She says that the student could gain exposure to many different aspects of the medical field through an internship with the Harvard School of Medicine. Grant says that Harvard has started working on opportunities for Roxbury students through the School of Medicine. Mullan says that the teachers at the high school are enthusiastic about the program. 3:35:10: Baumeister reports that the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) has sent an official to oversee the opening of schools under Phase II desegregation. Baumeister reviews the credentials of Dr. Herman Goldberg (US Office of Education), who is in the studio with Bullard. 3:36:27: Bullard interviews Goldberg about his presence in Boston. Bullard says that the regional office of HEW has been working with the schools on desegregation; that he is in Boston to oversee the spending of federal money granted to the Boston public schools for desegregation; that he is here to give advice and support to Superintendent Fahey and her staff. Bullard explains that he was superintendent of schools in Rochester, NY, when that school system underwent desegregation; that school desegregation in Rochester was accomplished through open enrollment in schools and a resolution by the school board; that a large urban school system is never desegregated voluntarily. Bullard mentions that David Matthews (head, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare) is an outspoken opponent of busing. Goldberg says that personal opinions should not get in the way of federal law; that HEW aids school desegregation however it can. Bullard says that Boston has received the largest grant in the nation to aid in school desegregation; that the school system has received 3.9 million dollars; that Goldberg can recommend that the Boston schools receive more money if needed; that the school system needs to show that the programs are working. Bullard says that the Boston school system has had a slow start in administering programs due to changes in staff and safety concerns; that programs with the universities are moving ahead; that planning for these programs is happening behind the scenes. Bullard says that HEW evaluates programs it sponsors; that HEW does not test students; that schools often administer tests to evaluate student progress; that HEW sponsors evaluation of programs by outside organizations. Bullard says that the school system is making progress in desegregation; that he has been having discussions with Superintendent Fahey and her staff; that students arrived on opening day and began their studies; that the focus should be on educating the students. 3:45:12: Baumeister reviews the Evening Compass broadcasts for the following day. DeGive previews the stories to be covered in tomorrow's late edition. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Evening Compass newscast on the first day of Phase II desegregation of Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister reports optimism on the part of city and school officials about the opening of schools. Report includes footage of Arthur Gartland (Citywide Coordinating Council) at a press conference, talking about the successful opening of the schools. Paul deGive reports on the opening day at Charlestown High School, which was peaceful despite confrontations between police and Charlestown residents on Bunker Hill Street. DeGive reports that police motorcycles bore down with little warning on demonstrators sitting down in the middle of Bunker Hill Street in Charlestown; that a gang of youth overturned two cars in Charlestown and assaulted an African American student at Bunker Hill Community College. DeGive's report includes footage of Peggy King (Charlestown resident) and Gertrude Harris (Charlestown resident). King and Harris resent the police presence in Charlestown. Judy Stoia reports on reactions to busing and police presence in the Charlestown community. Her report includes footage from an interview with a white teenager who is boycotting school. Stoia notes that Charlestown residents are frustrated at the police presence in the neighborhood. Baumeister reports on the peaceful opening of school at South Boston High School. Donovan Moore reports on opening day at Madison Park High School. Moore's report includes footage of Tom Hennessey (Acting Headmaster, Madison Park High School), talking about the first day of school in a new building. Pam Bullard reports on the successful opening day at the Solomon Lewenberg School in Mattapan. Bullard's report includes footage of Jim Pardy (Assistant Principal, Lewenberg School) talking about the successful opening of the Lewenberg School. Gary Griffith reports from the Police Department Information Center on police activities throughout the city, including the arrest of 77 members of the Committee Against Racism (CAR). Griffith notes that the CAR members were demonstrating along a bus route in South Boston. Bullard reports on the first day of school at the Condon Elementary School in South Boston. Bullard's report includes footage of interviews with Marjorie O'Brien (South Boston parent) and Katherine Ellis (South Boston parent) concerning their views on busing and school desegregation. Greg Pilkington reports on opening day at the Dearborn School in Roxbury Greg Pilkington reports on the African American community's reaction to the beginning of Phase II school desegration, and on opening day at the Dearborn School. Pilkington reports that parents complained about the poor state of the facilities at the Dearborn School. Bullard reports that opening day at Hyde Park High School was peaceful. She notes that there were complaints from local residents about the heavy police presence. Bullard's report includes a still photo of racist graffiti on a mailbox in front of the school. Baumeister reports on transportation problems involving school buses. Baumeister's report includes footage of Baumeister questioning Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent of Boston Public Schools) about busing problems at a press conference.
0:59:53: Baumeister introduces the show. Opening credits roll. Baumeister reports that city and school officials are very optimistic about the opening day of schools in Boston under the first year of court-ordered desegregation; that 59.2% of the projected student population attended school. Baumeister notes that Arthur Gartland (Citywide Coordinating Council) was the most objective of the officials present at a press conference today. Visual: Footage of Gartland saying that the schools opened successfully despite disruptions in some neighborhoods; that police assured the safety of the students; that he expects school attendance numbers to grow. Gartland thanks the organizations involved in the successful opening of schools, including antibusing leaders who cautioned against violence. Baumeister reports that 80 people were arrested on school-related charges; that 77 members of the Committee Against Racism were arrested in South Boston. 1:02:13: Paul deGive reports on the opening day at Charlestown High School. DeGive reports that the school opened peacefully; that there was a heavy media presence. DeGive notes that there was a police sharpshooter on the roof of the school; that helicopters circled overhead; that US Marshals were present; that African American and white students arrived at the school without incident. DeGive reports that there were frequent confrontations between Charlestown residents and police on Bunker Hill Street; that 400 police were stationed in Charlestown today; that the police were busy dispersing crowds throughout the day. DeGive reports that eight police officers on motorcycles bore down with little warning on a group of 30 demonstrators sitting down on Bunker Hill Street; that the demonstrators took refuge in the Bunker Hill Housing Project; that police and media followed the demonstrators into the housing project where angry crowds had gathered. DeGive reports that Mrs. Frank VanGorder (local resident) verbally attacked Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) for using dangerous means to break up a nonviolent demonstration. DeGive reports that the crowds quieted down after noon; that African American students boarded buses and departed from the high school without incident; that police barred residents from getting closer than 100 yards to the school. DeGive reports that while police oversaw the boarding of buses at the school, a gang of 100 youth circled around the other side of Monument Square and overturned two cars as they descended Monument Street. DeGive reports that Frank Power (headmaster, Charlestown High School) said that the atmosphere was calm inside the high school. V: Footage of buses pulling up in front of Charlestown High School; of police officers stationing themselves on the street in front of the school; of African American students boarding the buses. Footage of Power saying that today "was a normal opening at Charlestown High School." Power denies any racial tension in the school, saying defensively, "How many times do you want me to say no?". DeGive reports that Charlestown residents resented the actions of police in dispersing crowds. V: Footage of deGive interviewing Peggy King (Charlestown resident) and Gertrude Harris (Charlestown resident). King says that she thinks the police are out to hurt Charlestown residents. Hayes says that she resents police entering the housing project and telling residents to vacate the streets on which they live. DeGive reports that Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) met with Captain MacDonald to discuss the community's grievances; that Kearney told MacDonald that the community resented the intrusion of helicopters, the Tactical Patrol Force and hundreds of other police officers into their community; that Kearney told MacDonald that demonstrators were given no warning before police motorcycles charged them . DeGive reports that Kearney said that the media acted irresponsibly; that there were too many media crews in Charlestown. 1:07:05: Judy Stoia reports on reactions to busing and police presence in the Charlestown community. Stoia reports that crowds gathered early along Bunker Hill Street; that there were many students who had boycotted school. V: Shots of crowds along Bunker Hill Street; of teenagers among the crowd. Footage of a white male teenager from Charlestown saying that he will boycott school all year because of busing. Stoia reports that Charlestown residents resented the heavy police presence in the neighborhood as much as busing. V: Shots of police officers lined up in formation on Bunker Hill Street; of police motorcycles lining the street; of police officers putting an arrestee into a police van. Stoia reports that many Charlestown residents were frustrated and bitter about the police presence; that many residents predicted that crowds will gather in protest as long as the police remain in the neighborhood. 1:08:33: Baumeister reports on the opening of school in South Boston. He reminds viewers of the massive resistance to busing in South Boston during the previous year. Baumeister reports that the opening day of school this year was peaceful; that US Marshals were stationed in front of the school; that police officers kept crowds away from the street in front of the school. V: Shots of police officers stationed in front of South Boston High School; of US Marshals standing in a small group in front of the school; of a white woman entering the school yard; of two police officers descending East 6th Street in front of the school. Baumeister reports that the police dispersed groups of more than three people; that they checked the credentials of all members of the press. V: Shot of a police officer checking identification of a member of the press. Baumeister reports that the buses arrived 30 minutes late; that students were kept on the buses for several minutes. V: Footage of buses pulling up in front of the school with a police motorcycle escort; of crowds further down the street, gathered behind a police line. Baumeister reports that a crowd had gathered on G Street; that they were kept away from the school by police. Baumeister reports that 78 of 432 African American students attended South Boston High School today; 216 of 785 white students attended school. Baumeister reports that the closing of school was very orderly; that the buses left South Boston with no problems. V: Shots of African American and white students entering the school. Footage of police officers lining G street; of school buses descending G Street with a police motorcycle escort; of police escort and buses traveling along Columbia Road. Baumeister reports that 77 members of the Committee Against Racism (CAR) were arrested for disorderly conduct; that they had intended to act as a welcoming committee for African American students at the high school. Baumeister reports that the arrestees were arraigned at South Boston District Court; that the chief justice of the court insisted that the arrestees be arraigned in South Boston to show that the court was functioning. Baumeister reports that he spoke to some African American students who said that the opening day at South Boston High School was better this year than last year. V: Footage of an African American female student being interviewed. 1:10:58: Baumeister reports that many believe that school integration would work better if schools were located at neutral sites. Baumeister introduces Donovan Moore's report on Madison Park High School, located at a neutral site in downtown Boston. Moore reports that students at Madison Park High School are housed in three temporary buildings; that school began slightly late; that navigation among the three buildings can prove confusing for students. Moore reports that the opening day went smoothly; that school monitors directed students to the registration tables. V: Footage of students at the entrance of Madison Park High School; of a white male student and an African American male student waiting to receive their schedules at a registration table. Moore reports that he talked to Tom Hennessey (Acting Headmaster, Madison Park High School) about the difficulties in opening a new school at a temporary site. V: Footage of Hennessy saying that most of the school's basic furniture has arrived; that students and most of the teachers have seats and desks; that the school is lacking some other equipment. Hennessey says that the school is fully staffed; that seven or eight teachers were notified of their assignment only a few days ago; that those teachers have not had time to orient themselves to the school's program. Moore reports that the projected enrollment at Madison Park High School is 1750 students; that 640 students of 1750 chose the school as a magnet school; that about 1100 were assigned to the school. Moore reports that 600 African American students and 200 white students registered for classes at the school a few weeks ago; that 675 students attended school today; that the racial breakdown of the school population today was 152 whites, 475 African Americans and 48 other minorities. V: Footage of Hennessey saying that Madison Park High School is a magnet school; that it is located in the heart of Boston's academic and commercial communities; that the school will concentrate on career opportunities for its students. Moore asks if there is potential for trouble among students being bused in from all areas of the city. Hennessey says that there may be potential for trouble; that careful preparation by staff and a strong academic program can help to minimize any trouble. 1:13:46: Baumeister introduces Pam Bullard's report on the Solomon Lewenberg School in Mattapan. Baumeister says that the previous year at the Lewenberg school was successful; that the school staff had worked hard to recruit white students for the school; that there were several hundred white students in attendance at the end of the year. Bullard reports that opening day at the Lewenberg School was a success; that the students seemed at ease; that the school faculty had been working very hard to prepare for opening day. V: Shots of the exterior of the Lewenberg School; of two African American students gathered in the school yard. Footage of white students exiting the school and boarding buses. Bullard reports that the faculty held open houses for incoming students over the summer; that over 500 students attended the school today; that over 200 white students attended the school. Bullard reports that the school had successfully recruited white students from Hyde Park during the previous school year; that white students are being bused in from West Roxbury this year; that school official are looking forward to a successful school year. V: Shots of white students boarding buses; of white students exiting the school; of a white female student hurrying toward a bus. Footage of Bullard interviewing Jim Pardy (Assistant Principal, Lewenberg School). Pardy stands in front of a group of African American students. Pardy says that attendance at the school is good; that the first day of school is usually a bit confusing; that they had more white students on opening day this year than they had on opening day last year. Pardy says that he expects white attendance to grow; that more white parents will send their children to school when they realize that the opening day was peaceful and orderly. Pardy says that the atmosphere within the school was friendly and calm; that many students were familiar with the school after attending open houses over the summer; that many students had already met their teachers over the summer. Pardy says that this year's white students seemed much more relaxed than the white students last year; that white students may be more familiar with the school because of their visits to the open houses held at the school. Pardy says that the faculty is probably "overjoyed" that the first day was a success; that he thinks white attendance will grow. 1:16:14: Baumeister introduces Gary Griffith's report from police headquarters. Gary Griffith reports from the Police Department Information Center on Berkeley Street. Griffith sits behind a desk, flanked by a map of Boston and an American flag. Griffith reports that the Police Department Information Center was supposed to have been the best source for information on police department activity and arrests. Griffith reports that members of the media have called the center "useless" and "a waste." Griffith reports that no police officials gave briefings from the center; that Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) has not appeared at the Police Department Information Center, although he did speak at the School Department Information Center. The camera pans the the empty room. A microphone from WCVB (Channel 5) is set up on the table beside Griffith. Police communications equipment is arranged neatly on a table. Empty chairs are arranged in front of Griffith's table. Griffith reports that there were 80 school-related arrests; that 77 members of the Committee Against Racism were arrested in South Boston; that no school children were injured; that there were no mass arrests of antibusing demonstrators in South Boston or Charlestown. Griffith reports that police presence was visible across the city today; that the police were stationed outside of the South Boston District Court building on East Broadway; that South Boston Police and the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) broke up a crowd gathered at the court for the arraignment of the CAR members; that 100 members of the Massachusetts State Police Department were called in to clear a two block area around the courthouse. Griffith reports that no rocks or bottles were thrown; that police dispersed the crowd. Griffith reports that residents of South Boston and Charlestown complained of their neighborhoods looking like an "armed camp." Griffith reports that the arraignments of the CAR members were completed by the end of the day; that most of the members were released on personal recognizance and escorted out of the area. 1:18:07: Baumeister comments that Griffith looks like a "lonely man" in the empty room at the Police Department Information Center. Baumeister introduces Bullard's report on the first year of school desegregation at South Boston's elementary schools. Bullard reports that the Condon Elementary School is located near the all-white D Street Housing Project in South Boston. V: Shot of a photograph of the Condon Elementary School as seen from the D Street Housing Project. Still photos of the Condon School on D Street. A few police officers are stationed in front of the school. Bullard reports that area residents fought for 12 years to get a new school. Bullard reports that most elementary school students in the area were assigned to the Condon School attended; that those students were present at school today. Bullard reports that area students assigned to elementary schools in Roxbury were kept home by parents. V: Shots of the D Street Housing Project and the Condon School. Bullard reports that most white students were escorted to the school by parents; that parents were apprehensive about the opening day, but were happy to have their children attend a neighborhood school. V: Footage of school buses approaching the Condon School on D Street, escorted by a police motorcycles and a cruiser. White parents and students watch the buses approach. Police officers are stationed on D Street. Bullard reports that buses carrying African American students were late; that only 44 out of 230 African American students attended the Condon School today. Bullard reports that the African American students seemed wary, but interested in the presence of the police and residents; that only Massachusetts State Police officers were present at the school; that officers were posted on the roof of the school. Bullard reports that there were no shouts or heckling from residents as the African American students entered the school. Bullard reports that school officials were concerned about the safety of the students arriving at the school. V: Footage of Massachusetts State Police Department officers directing the buses as they pull up in front of the school. Footage of young African American and white students entering the school. Footage of African American students exiting a bus and entering the school. White parents stand by quietly. Bullard reports that she spoke to two white mothers with children enrolled in the school. V: Shots of Mrs. Marjorie O'Brien (South Boston parent) and Mrs. Katherine Ellis (South Boston parent). Footage of O'Brien saying that she likes having her children at the Condon School because they are close to home. O'Brien says that she has one child assigned to the Dearborn School in Roxbury; that she doubts her child will be safe at the Dearborn. O'Brien says that there were reports of children being raped in Roxbury schools last year; that her son Walter will be tutored privately at home; that she will keep her son at home unless there is an end to forced busing. O'Brien says that she believes that children should attend schools in their own neighborhoods. O'Brien's son Walter stands quietly with his mother as she is interviewed by Bullard. O'Brien says that she feels safe having her other children at the Condon School; that she feels more confident now that she has witnessed the peaceful opening of the school. Bullard asks O'Brien is she is bothered by the number of African American children attending the Condon School. O'Brien responds that she is "not really" upset by the number of African American students; that she does not mind African American students coming to South Boston, but she does not like the idea of students from South Boston being sent to Roxbury. Footage of Ellis saying that she does not like the heavy police presence in South Boston; that the police presence creates bad feelings among residents. Ellis says that residents are angry about school desegregation; that she does not know what residents will do about the busing situation. Ellis says that she is does not think there will be trouble at the Condon School; that "no one would hurt babies, black or white." 1:22:07: Baumeister reports that this year marks the beginning of Phase II school desegregation; that Phase II desegregation effects schools city-wide. Baumeister introduces Greg Pilkington's report on reactions of the African American community to the second year of desegregation. Pilkington reports that he spoke to African American parents and students outside of Roxbury's Dearborn School, near the Orchard Park Housing Project. Pilkington reports that parents were more concerned with the state of the Dearborn School facilities than with school desegregation. Pilkington says that the courtyard of the school was covered with broken glass, and that the parents talked about complaining to school officials. Pilkington reports that the parents were aware of the arrival of white students from South Boston. Pilkington notes that the African American community has been largely indifferent to the busing of white students into their neighborhoods; that white attendance in schools located in African American neighborhoods continues to be low this year. Pilkington reports that 13 out of 250 whites attended the Dearborn School today; that the white students seemed apprehensive about attending the Dearborn; that one student said that she came "because her mother made her." Pilkington reports that another white student said that she had had a good experience at the Martin Luther King School during the previous school year. Pilkington reports that African American students being bused into South Boston waited at the Bayside Mall in Dorchester; that the buses departed the mall twenty-five minutes late because police needed to assure the safety of bus routes. Pilkington reports that three police officers were stationed outside of the Dearborn; that there was no sign of any trouble. Pilkington reports that the late arrival of buses delayed the start of school at the Dearborn. Pilkington says that he spoke to a teacher who only recently learned of her assignment to the Dearborn School; that she was anxious to spend some time painting and preparing her classroom. Pilkington reports on a debriefing held by the Freedom House in Roxbury; that all were invited to help contribute to a statement to be released the following day. Pilkington says that the gathering at the Freedom House focused on how to make school desegregation work. 1:24:38: Baumeister introduces Bullard's report on the opening day at Hyde Park High School. Bullard reports that opening day was peaceful; that seven US Marshals and almost 100 police officers were present at the school this morning. V: Shot of a photograph of racist graffiti on a mailbox in front of Hyde Park High School; of a police officer and a US Marshal in front of the school. Bullard reports that there were few residents gathered outside of the school; that white students arrived without incident around 7:15am. V: Shot of a photograph of white students entering the school yard of Hyde Park High School; of the arrival of African American students on buses; of white and African American students entering the school. Bullard reports that the buses carrying African American students arrived at 7:45; that white and African American students entered the school peacefully; that metal detectors were set up at the entrance to the school. Bullard reports that the atmosphere was calm at the close of school; that neighborhood residents did not heckle the African American students as they boarded the buses. V: Shot of photographs of African American and white students exiting Hyde Park High School; of white residents standing on the street outside of the school; of African American students boarding buses. Bullard reports that Hyde Park residents complained about the heavy police presence and the number of buses in the neighborhood; that residents were glad that the atmosphere at the school was calm. Bullard reports that a group of teachers and students told her that the atmosphere inside the school was very peaceful. V: Shots of photographs of a group of three white females and one African American female outside of the school; of three white females outside of the school. Bullard reports that 539 white students and 477 African American students attended Hyde Park High School out of a projected enrollment of 1600 students. 1:25:59: Baumeister reports that 11% to 23% of buses were late or did not show up at all; that 150 students at English High School did not have any transportation to the school's Occupational Resource Center; that only 2 of 12 buses picked up students at the Martin Luther King School; that buses arrived too late for some students at the Lewenberg School; that 2 buses did not arrive to pick up students at the Lewenberg School after school. Baumeister reports that each school bus is used for three routes; that if a bus is late on the first run, it will be late on subsequent runs. V: Footage of Baumeister asking Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) about transportation problems at a press conference at the Boston Schools Information Center. Leftwich says that he expects problems with bus routes to be resolved; that School Department staff is examining the bus routes in order to identify and eliminate problems; that he expects the buses to be running smoothly tomorrow morning. Baumeister closes the show. End credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975