Certified #5 (May 1993, June 1993, May 1998)

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Description: “Certified” is a compilation of CCTV members’ first video productions. / First tapes produced by members of the Cambridge Community Television. May 1993 Hans Evers: “Coffee” Pete Jocus: “My Girls” Melissa Craig: “Mimi’s Shoe Talk” Terry Coe: Untitled: Hal and Dave break piece David Carmack: “Harvard Square Sampler” Unknown: Untitled: asking people, “why douche?” June 1993 Liesel de Boor “Tell a Psychic” (c) 1992 Holly Doyle: “The Joy of Motorcycle Maintenance” Starring Rob Doyle and his BMW Pete Grana: Untitled Hope Gillerman: Untitled Dalia Stakeliunat: Utitled: making Easter Eggs Miria : “Ms. Wiz: How to Electrocute a Pickle” (c) 1991 Another 1993? Julia Van Daam: Untitled Maria Carmen Lemos and Amy Blitz: “Living in America: A Portrait of an Artist”, featuring Genara Banzon Nick Kurzon: Untitled about Bread and Jams and Food Not Bombs, (c) 1992 Jonathan Bekemeier: “Rhapsody in Orange” (c) 1992 Tyrone Davis: Untitled, it takes every kind of people and place to make up Cambridge’s unique culture. Mary Uscilka: Untitled about the Asian Community Development Corp. featuring Carol Lee and Bonnie Wolf. May 1998 Molly O’Brien: “Modern Girl” Jason Pramas: “Learn Today! Work Tomorrow!” Curtis Brown II: “Eye Candy” Priscilla Dianne Varona Tounkara: “What Is a Griot?” William Peirce: “How to Sort Your Recycleables” Katherine FitzPatrick: “Behind the Angelic Voices” David Polidi: “Boxing” Logged by KT