Description: Kent Elementary School in Charlestown, exterior and open classrooms. Chinese students, Chinese storybook. Bilingual name placards. Interview with principal, Mr. Fuller, on problems of desegregation,the great teachers at Kent Elementary School, problems with lack of parental involvement and the Charlestown community. Ends with silent footage of Pam Bullard during the interview for cut-aways, and footage of the Bunker Hill monument.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 12/02/1975
Description: Kent Elementary School in Charlestown. Arithmetic lesson. Chinese calligraphy. Open classroom. Diverse student body. Students learn how to care for plants.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 12/03/1975
Description: Kevin White gives press conference after mayoral reelection victory. He says the campaign was the toughest political battle of his life. He denies entertaining ambitions for national office. He also denies involvement in an accusation of one reporter being involved with organized crime.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 11/05/1975
Description: Mayor Kevin White attends groundbreaking ceremony for 119 units of elderly housing in Roslindale. A priest blesses the grounds. Mayor White addresses the lack of elderly housing in the city of Boston. After ceremony, Mayor White communes with children.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Boston Mayor Kevin White speaks at dedication of the Greater Roslindale Health Center.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Mayor Kevin White campaigns for reelection, visiting residents in a Roslindale living room to listen to neighborhood concerns. Arrives at groundbreaking for elderly housing.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Mayor Kevin White campaigns for reelection in Roslindale living rooms, talking to residents about their neighborhood concerns.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Interview with Mayor Kevin White on problems in administration and controversy over fundraising tactics. Said he was "candid, honest and above board, very forthright, open, not hidden." (reel 1 of 2)
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/22/1975
Description: Interview with Mayor Kevin White on whether problems during his administration will be the downfall of his reelection attempt; and what he sees in his personal future. (reel 2 of 2)
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/22/1975
Description: Mayor Kevin White's message to citizens of Boston regarding the opening of school. He says that all residents share the responsibility for a safe opening of schools. He adds that no threat to school children or school buses will be tolerated, and that police, federal marshals, and the FBI will be on hand to enforce the court order. White reminds citizens that the education of schoolchildren must not be politicized. This tape has audible time code on track 2.
0:59:04: Visual: Chalk slate indicates production information: School Opening / Mayor White / 9 -3- 75 / Ferrante (producer) / DeBarger (director). 0:59:32: V: Kevin White reminds viewers that school starts on Monday; that the first week of school is a time of transition for teachers, students, and parents; that many are concerned about the safety of children in schools as well as safety on the streets; that many will have to adapt to the changes brought by new school assignments. White says that every citizen has a responsibility to make the school opening peaceful no matter how he or she feels about busing; that responsibility, judgement and restraint will be important. White says that every child has a right to attend school safely; that he will use every resource at his disposal to guarantee safe access to schools for all children. White says that a comprehensive safety plan has been developed to maintain peace on the streets and to avoid violence and disruption in schools. White pledges that he will not tolerate any breach of public safety; that unlawful activity posing a threat to schools, buses, or school children will be punished with the maximum sentence. 1:02:17: White says that many concerned citizens and parents have participated in the development of the public safety plan; that the plan for 1975 triples the efforts made in 1974; that 1,000 Boston police officers, 300 state troopers, 250 MDC police and 100 federal marshals will be on duty along bus routes and near schools; that 400 school crossing supervisors, 300 bus monitors and over 900 transitional aids will be employed by the city; that the FBI and special teams of prosecutors will be on hand to investigate unlawful activity. White says again that interference with school desegregation will not be tolerated; that violators of the court order risk arrest and prosecution under federal law; that the city is better prepared for the opening of school this year. White urges city residents to act with decency, compassion, and charity; to avoid violence; to set a good example for the city's children. White reminds viewers that children need to go to school; that schools need to be separate from politics and power struggles.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/03/1975