Description: Participants in the Procession Against Violence are assembled at City Hall Plaza. A WGBH camera crew records the event from the back of the crowd. Edward Brooke (US Senator), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston), and Kathryn White are visible at the front of a large crowd gathered on City Hall Plaza. Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) introduces the speakers and is heard leading the crowd in the Lord's Prayer. Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) and Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) lead the crowd in prayers. Michael Germinal Rivas (Chaplain, Boston University) and John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) are heard addressing the crowd. Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White) leads the crowd in singing "God Bless America." The crowd breaks up and departs. Judy Stoia and Pam Bullard ask white, Asian American and African American attendees why they attended the Procession Against Violence. Interviewees speak out against violence and talk about the importance of the march. Tape 3 of 3.
0:58:46: Visual: Paricipants in the Procession Against Violence are gathered at City Hall Plaza. A WGBH crew is on the ground with the crowd. Audio of the police leading a man away from the crowd. The media and the members of the St. William's School band mix with the crowd. Shots of crowd members. 0:59:49: V: Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) addresses the crowd from the podium. Shots of Haynes at podium; of assembled speakers behind him. Haynes leads the crowd in a prayer for peace. Shot of Edward Brooke (US Senator) from behind. The Reverend Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) leads the crowd in the Lord's Prayer. Shots of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) and Kathryn White reciting the Lord's Prayer; of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) from behind; of Brooke. Golledge introduces Humberto Cardinal Medieros (Archdiocese of Boston), who leads the crowd in prayer. Shots of Medeiros at podium; of speakers assembled behind Medeiros; of marching band in front of podium; of crowd. Sirens wail during Medeiros' prayer. A fire truck is visible, passing by the plaza. Golledge announces Reverend Germinal Rivas (Chaplain, Boston University). Rivas leads the crowd in prayer. Shots of crowd; of police strolling through crowd; of media documenting the procession; of Kevin White and Kathryn White listening to Rivas. 1:08:21: V: John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) addresses the crowd. Traveling shot through assembled crowd. Shots of crowd at far edge of plaza, listening to the prayer. Golledge announces that Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White) will lead the crowd in singing "God Bless America." Shots of crowd singing "God Bless America." The crowd applauds. The crowd breaks up and begins to leave the plaza. Shots of people leaving the plaza. Stoia is heard interviewing a man about why he marched. The man says he is concerned about the violence and he thinks it is important to support non-violent action. 1:13:41: V: The crowd breaks up. Pam Bullard interviews members of the crowd. An Asian American woman says that she is a student at the University of Massachusetts; that she is concerned about violence and felt it was important to support the march. A white male student says he is glad that a lot of people came out for the march; that he thinks it is important for the people of Boston to show that they do not support violence. A female student says that she came because she opposes violence; that the march was important. An older white male from Cambridge says that he came out to support peace. Bullard asks a young boy why he came to the march. He says that he came because his mother said so. A young African American man says that the march is "a black and white thing." A young white man says that he feels badly about the violence; that he hopes to help find a solution. Another young white man says that the march promotes unity; that he is glad that there was a good turnout. An African American woman says that she hopes the march helps to stop the violence; that she wants her nieces to be able to go to school safely; that she does not think the march will help the situation. Bullard interviews an African American family about the march. The mother says that she does not support violence. The father says that a lot of people attended the march; that it should help the situation; that he marched in order to express his objection to violence. One of their sons says that he marched because his parents did. 1:18:25: V: Bullard asks an older white man why he participated in the march. The man says that the city must be saved; that it is important for residents to show solidarity with one another; that the march will not solve the problem, but it can help. An older woman says that the violence in the city is getting worse; that the march was important because it brought citizens, city officials, and the clergy together; that the judicial system must be improved; that the courts must punish perpetrators of violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/23/1976
Description: Theodore Landsmark (attorney) speaks to the media at a press conference. His face is in bandages. Landsmark gives an account of the attack he sustained on City Hall Plaza, perpetrated by white teenagers attending an anti-busing rally. He commends the actions of Clarence Jones (Deputy Mayor, City of Boston), who came to his aid after the attack. Landsmark talks about the media's coverage of his attack. Landsmark says that he will seek full prosecution of his attackers, and adds that he will bring suit against members of the Boston School Committee and the Boston City Council. He condemns white city leaders who "incite and encourage" racist violence. Landsmark calls for an end to racism and race discrimination in the city. He accuses the white power structure of ignoring the problems of minority citizens.
1:00:04: Visual: A group of African American men greet each other at the entrance of the room where Theodore Landsmark (attorney) will hold a press conference. Landsmark enters the room. His nose and face are bandaged with white tape. An African American woman hands him a note as he enters. Landsmark sits down behind a table with microphones. An African American man sits beside him. A group of African American men and women, and a few white people, stand behind him as he speaks. Reporters sit at the other side of the table and stand around the room. The reporters take notes as Landsmark speaks. 1:02:00: V: Landsmark notes that there has been conflict among the media over coverage of the press conference; that he wants both union and non-union members of the media to cover the press conference; that the media needs to work out the union issues outside of the press conference. Landsmark greets the media and reads a statement. He says that the press conference will be brief because he needs to get some rest; that he lost a lot of blood in the attack. Landsmark says that he is concerned that the publicity generated by the attack may distort some of the crucial issues which need to be discussed. Landsmark runs through the sequence of events on the day of the attack. Landsmark says that he was on his way to an affirmative action committee meeting with the Boston Redevelopment Authority; that he was beaten and kicked by a crowd of young people coming from an anti-busing rally at City Hall. Landsmark refutes rumors that Clarence Jones (Deputy Mayor, City of Boston) had been with him and ran away from the scene. Landsmark says that he regrets the circulation of the false reports regarding Jones; that Jones was the only person who left City Hall to aid him after the attack. Landsmark says that he will seek full prosecution of the youth involved in the attack; that he will take action in civil and criminal court against members of the Boston City Council and the Boston School Committee; that he would like to see an end to the use of City Hall as "a sanctuary for racism and a resource center for those who would incite and encourage racist violence." Landsmark says that some city officials perpetuate discrimination against people of color in Boston on a daily basis. Landsmark expresses gratitude to members of the African American and white communities for the many acts of kindness and courage shown to him after the attack. Landsmark adds that meaningful gestures by the white community before the attack could have prevented the violence. Landsmark says that he is grateful for the support of the Black Caucus, the Board of Directors of the Contractors Association of Boston, and the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association. Landsmark thanks the newspaper and TV cameramen for capturing the attack on film. He says that he wishes that somebody had come to his aid, but is grateful for the record of the attack provided by the journalists. Landsmark says that without the photos, the attack would have been recorded "as just another scuffle on the street." Landsmark says that racism is to blame for the attack; that racism in the city of Boston has been fueled by selfish politicians; that politicians continue to ignore the social and economic problems of the city. Landsmark says that he will work to solve these problems in the African American community; that solving these problems will benefit all citizens. Landsmark says that the attack lays bare the problems of the city; that the problems go beyond issues of safety in the street or busing. Landsmark notes that the attack has been called "an isolated incident" by J. Stanley Pottinger (Assistant US Attorney General). Landsmark says that he does not agree; that people of color must be allowed to participate on an equal basis in all areas and levels of business and city government. Landsmark says that the issue of racism must not be subordinated; that the white power structure is indifferent to people of color in the city; that businesses and government must work together to improve the economic situation of people of color in Boston. 1:15:29: V: Reporters ask Landsmark questions after his statement. A reporter asks him to specify city officials against whom he will bring suit. Landsmark says that he will not name the officials because he does not want to jeopardize any of the lawsuits. A reporter asks him if he will bring suit against Louise Day Hicks (Boston City Council). Landsmark says that he will not comment except that his attackers were violating truancy laws; that his attackers were marching on City Hall Plaza without a parade permit. Landsmark notes that Hicks invited the protestors into her office to escape from the cold; that police officers were on duty near City Hall Plaza, but did not arrive on the scene until after the attack. Landsmark says that he cannot comment on how the police department should have deployed its personnel to control the unlicensed protest on City Hall Plaza by the students. A reporter asks Landsmark if he agrees with the Black Caucus' decision to call for the resignation of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston). Landsmark says that the Black Caucus is looking for better leadership from White on issues of affirmative action, busing, and unemployment. Landsmark says that he has received calls from around the country; that many are appalled by the incident on City Hall Plaza; that the city can take action to prevent more violent incidents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/07/1976