Description: Implosion of Travelers Insurance building in Boston will clear site for new development. File of Hotel Madison demolition (1983). Jane Holtz Kay. Animated simulation of razing old building and raising new one.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/04/1988
Description: Balloons released outside State House as Gov. Michael Dukakis signs universal health care bill. He presents pen to Sen. Pat McGovern, chief author of the legislation. Rep. Jack Flood says coverage will be costly to taxpayers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/21/1988
Description: Boston Society of Architects has organized a contest asking designers to rethink Boston for the future. Both fanciful and practical entries were encouraged. Exhibit of their drawings. Interview with Steven Cecil of the BSA committee that organized the event. He describes the goals of the contest and highlights some of the entries, including one by Boston architectural firm Communitas. Dramatic view from high window of Boston landscape Hancock tower in center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1988
Description: Sam Fleming reports on voter registration in Massachusetts. Fleming notes that many eligible voters in Massachusetts are not registered to vote. He notes that the percentages of unregistered voters are highest in minority communities. Fleming interviews Yvonne Footman (Dorchester resident) and other city residents about voter registration. Fleming's report includes footage of Footman registering to vote. Fleming interviews Charles Weeks (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) and David Sullivan (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) about voter registration. Sullivan and Weeks say that the State of Massachusetts is not doing enough to make voter registration easy and accessible. Fleming reports on voter registration initiatives at the state and national level. Fleming notes that Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has made increased access to voter registration part of his campaign platform. Following the edited story is b-roll of Jesse Jackson at the Democratic Convention,voter registration tables, polling booths, and city residents near City Hall Plaza.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) speaking at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee) and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee) stand on either side of him. Jackson talks about the importance of on-site voter registration. Sam Fleming reports that Jackson's platform slate has not been embraced by Dukakis; that Dukakis has agreed to work on voter registration. V: Footage of Yvonne Footman (Dorchester resident) registering to vote at a voter registration table in Dorchester. Registration workers examine her license and fill out a form. Fleming reports that many eligible voters in Massachusetts have never voted before. V: Footage of Fleming standing on a street in Boston. Fleming asks an African American man if he is registered to vote. The man says that he is not. Fleming reports that 27% of eligible voters in Massachusetts are not registered to vote; that the percentage of unregistered voters is highest in minority communities. V: Shots of residents walking near City Hall Plaza; of residents on the street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. Footage of Fleming asking an African American woman if she would vote if Jackson were on the ticket. The woman says no. Footage of Charles Weeks (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) being interviewed by Fleming. Weeks says that some people do not think that their voices count. Fleming notes that Weeks is a former president of the Black Political Task Force. Fleming reports that Weeks says that voter registration is difficult in Massachusetts. Fleming reports that voters need to register at City Hall in Boston. Fleming notes that the Boston Election Commission is trying to set up portable voter registration centers. V: Shots of people walking near City Hall Plaza; of a voter registration table in Dorchester. Footage of Footman saying that she is not sure if she would have traveled to City Hall in order to register to vote. Shots of workers registering voters at the portable registration center in Dorchester. Fleming reports that State Election Officials say that Massachusetts is not doing enough to make voter registration accessible and easy for all. V: Shot of a bulletin board with voter registration information. Footage of David Sullivan (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) saying that many voters in many states can register by mail; that four states have voter registration on election day; that some states allow voters to register at various state agencies. Sullivan says that Massachusetts has done none of these things. Fleming reports that a number of initiatives are under way on the state and national level; that an on-site, same-day voter registration initiative is under way. V: Shots of a poll worker sitting with a list of voters; of a voter entering a polling booth; of poll workers checking a voters name against the voter lists. Fleming reports that Massachusetts voters rejected an effort to allow registration by mail two years ago; that Massachusetts voters may resist other voter registration initiatives. V: Shot of Jackson at the Democratic Convention, flanked by Dukakis and Bentsen. Footage of Sullivan saying that a new law allows voter registration in high schools; that more needs to be done to improve access to voter registration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/19/1988
Description: Welfare mothers chant, march and set up soup line on State House steps to protest legislature's lethargy in increasing their aid. They demand turkeys from governor but are served only Catherine Dunham.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/22/1988
Description: When will the state legislature reconvene? Republicans would start session before presidential election; Democrats after, lest they be a liability to Dukakis. Locke, Golden. Empty House chamber.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1988
Description: Rallyers in Boston demand investigation of Bush's role in the Iran contra deal. "Where was George?"
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/19/1988
Description: Boston meteorologists are perennially faced with the uncertain forecast of a White Christmas. National Weather Service Boston headquarters radar screens, computer maps. Weathercasters at Channels 4, 5, 7.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/23/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year. The Boston School Committee voted in favor of the new starting times in May as part of an effort to cut costs. Parents have not yet received notification of the new starting times. Many parents blame the Dr. Laval Wilson, the Superintendent of Boston Public Schools. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting. Parents and teachers address their complaints about the new starting times to the Committee members. Interview with Dede Calhoun, a Dorchester parent, about her dissatisfaction with the new starting times. Calhoun talks about the difficulty of finding after school care on short notice because school hours have been altered. Support for Wilson among School Committee members may be slipping, and discussions on the renewal of Wilson's contract will begin soon. Interview with Peggy Davis-Mullen of the Boston School Committee, who says that Wilson is not able to deliver the school-based management policies that are necessary to improve the schools. Wilson will begin his third year on the job under intense scrutiny by School Committee members. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis about the Roxbury neighborhood and Charles Laquidara organizes a boycott against Shell Oil Company
1:00:15: Visual: Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting from August 23, 1988. A white man addresses the committee members. Shots of the members as they listen, including Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee). Marcus Jones reports that every meeting of the Boston School Committee opens with a period of public comment. Jones reports that questioners at tonight's meeting focused on the same problems as in previous sessions. Jones notes that these questions never seem to get solved. V: Footage of a woman addressing the Boston School Committee. The woman says that she has been waiting for four years for an answer to a specific problem. The woman asks what the committee does. Calhoun asks for answers. Jones reports that many questioners focused on the altered starting times for schools next year. Jones reports that teachers and parents told School Committee members that staggered starting times for schools are difficult for them. V: Shots of the School Committee members seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of a woman addressing the School Committee members. Shot of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee), Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), and John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee). Shot of audience members. Footage of a female teacher addressing the members of the School Committee. The teacher says that her school was set up as a school to facilitate mainstreaming. The teacher says that she has one group of students starting at 7:30am and another group of students starting at 9:30am. The teacher says that she cannot wait until 10:00 to begin mainstreaming. Jones reports that the School Committee members voted in favor of the new starting times in May; that the new starting times are part of an effort to cut costs. Jones reports that parents have not yet received official notification of the new start times; that many parents blame the superintendent. V: Shots of Wilson; of Davis-Mullen. Footage of Dede Calhoun (Dorchester parent) being interviewed outside of the meeting. Calhoun says that her kids are lucky enough to be in an after-school program; that they may not be eligible for an after-school program now. Calhoun says that it will be difficult to find an after-school program because the start of school is two weeks away. Calhoun says that waiting lists for specific time slots are very long. Calhoun says that many students are "latch-key kids"; that the new school times put these kids out on the street for an extra hour in the afternoon. Footage of Wilson speaking at the School Committee Meeting. Wilson says that there are four options. Jones notes that Wilson's contract finishes at the end of the upcoming school year; that the Committee members must discuss Wilson's contract in the coming weeks. Jones reports that Wilson's support may be slipping; that there is growing frustration with his leadership. V: Shots of audience members at the meeting; of Nucci speaking at the meeting; of Wilson. Footage of Davis-Mullen being interviewed outside of the School Committee chambers. Davis-Mullen says that the school system needs more school-based management. Davis-Mullen says that she does not think that Wilson is willing or able to deliver a policy of school-based management. Jones stands outside of the School Committee chambers. Jones reports that Wilson will start his third year on the job under intense scrutiny; that Wilson may be in for another rocky year. Jones notes that Wilson may be running out of chances to prove that he can improve the Boston Public Schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that a delegation of forty residents from Yonkers, New York, visited Boston to learn about the city's approach to public housing. The delegation toured Boston's model housing projects, which contain a mix of low-, middle- and upper-income units. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers is divided over the issue of mixed-income public housing and affordable housing. She reviews the public housing situation in Yonkers. Wang's report includes footage of the city of Yonkers and footage of the Yonkers delegation discussing housing at a meeting with Amy Anthony (Secretary of Communities and Development for the City of Boston). Charles Cola (Yonkers City Council), Anthony DiPopallo and JoAnne Gardner (Yonkers resident) talk about public housing in Yonkers and in Boston. Boston Mayor Ray Flynn addressed the delegation about Boston's efforts to provide affordable housing for city residents. Members of the delegation, including Peter Chema and Mel Ellen, talk about their impressions of the visit.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage of Yonkers residents exiting a bus in a Boston neighborhood. Deborah Wang reports that a delegation of forty residents from Yonkers, NY, arrived in Boston to see how Boston has solved its public housing dilemma. V: Footage of Yonkers from "We the People." Shots of a school bus traveling on a street in Yonkers; of a residential street in Yonkers; of housing projects in Yonkers. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers has agreed to build 800 units of affordable housing in the city's predominantly white East End; that the city's affordable housing had all been built in the less affluent West End. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers is divided over the issue of affordable housing. V: Footage of Charles Cola (Yonkers City Council) saying that he wanted to see how public housing works in Boston; that he hopes to accomplish the same thing in Yonkers. Footage of Anthony DiPopallo (Yonkers resident) talking about the integration of public housing in Yonkers. Footage of JoAnne Gardner (Yonkers resident) saying that the city of Yonkers needs to need to build affordable housing according to the wishes of neighborhood residents. Gardner says that she does not want to be bused across town to live. Amy Anthony (Secretary of Communities and Development) responds to Gardner. Anthony says that the Yonkers residents need to look at what was done in Boston and then apply it to their own neighborhoods. Wang reports that delegation from Yonkers toured the city of Boston's model housing projects; that the housing projects contain a mix of low-income, middle-income and upper-income units. Wang reports that the city of Boston has been ordered to build 800 units of mixed-income housing; that the city of Boston has been building mixed-income housing for years. V: Shots of construction site; of the exterior of a housing development in Mission Hill. Wang reports that the city helped to build 165 units of mixed-income housing in Mission Hill; that half of the units will go to low- and moderate-income residents. V: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addressing the delegation from Yonkers. Flynn talks about one of the housing developments. Flynn talks about the efforts of the city and the community to turn a vacant lot into a housing development. Shots of the delegation from Yonkers as they tour a housing development. Wang reports that the politicians in the Yonkers delegation were impressed. V: Shot of Flynn speaking to members of the delegation. Footage of Peter Chema (Yonkers City Council) saying that it is helpful to see successful mixed-income housing developments. Chema says that the visit to Boston has allayed some of the fears of opponents of mixed-income units in Yonkers. Footage of Mel Ellen (Yonkers resident), DiPopallo and other members of the delegation standing near their bus. Ellen says that a Boston housing development would be a "slum" in East Yonkers. Footage of Ellen talking to a reporter. Ellen says that the government is using Yonkers to experiment with new forms of public housing; that the residents of Yonkers have no recourse if the "experiment" does not work. Footage of Anthony saying that the Boston tour has given the Yonkers delegation an idea of what is possible. Shot of a drawing of a drawing of an urban cityscape.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1988