Description: Nurse midwives who resigned from BCH charge Kenneth Edelin with opposing their practice because of fear of lawsuits. Woman giving birth.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/26/1988
Description: John Silber considers bilingual education and too small budget as problems in Chelsea public schools. Proposes to make that school system a laboratory for BU School of Education.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/28/1988
Description: Math professor at BU School of Education teaches college students methods to impart lessons effectively to elementary students. She endorses collaboration with Chelsea schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/29/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Barbara Arnwine, the Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, is filing a lawsuit against the city of Boston, the Boston Housing Authority (BHA), and the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on behalf of public housing tenants in Boston. Mayor Ray Flynn has announced an agreement aimed at eradicating discriminatory housing practices, but Arnwine considers the agreement inadequate because it does not acknowledge that African American families were "victims" of discrimination. Arnwine says that the city of Boston and the BHA lied to African American families and that the BHA worked to keep housing projects segregated. Press conference held by Flynn, Doris Bunte (BHA), and Robert LaPlante (HUD). Interview with Arnwine in her office at the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights. She says that the city of Boston, the BHA, and HUD do not want to accept responsibility for the harm done to African American tenants and that, despite the difficulty of the struggle, racial equality is worth fighting for. Kelly reviews Arnwine's career as an activist and lawyer. Kelly's report also features footage of African American and white children playing outside of public housing projects and footage of African American students entering a Boston high school. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on nomination papers for Bill Owens and Royal Bolling, Sr.
1:00:16: Visual: Shot of the exterior of the offices of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights. An African American woman sits at a desk at the front of the offices. The woman answers the phone. Footage of Barbara Arnwine (Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights) being interviewed by Hope Kelly. Arnwine says that the city of Boston, the Boston Housing Authority (BHA), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) do not want to face up to the harm they have caused to African American residents of public housing in Boston. Shot of Arnwine signing a business letter. Kelly reports that Arnwine is bringing a lawsuit against the city of Boston, the BHA, and HUD on behalf of tenants of public housing in Boston. Kelly reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has announced an agreement aimed at correcting the discriminatory housing practices of the past; that Arnwine believes the agreement to be inadequate. V: Shot of Flynn, Doris Bunte (BHA), and Robert LaPlante (HUD) entering a press conference in June of 1988. Footage of Arnwine in her office, being interviewed by Kelly. Arnwine says that the agreement does not acknowledge that African American families were the "victims" of discrimination; that the agreement calls the families "disadvantaged." Arnwine says that the African American families were injured by the discriminatory housing policy. Arnwine says that African American families were misled and lied to by the city and the BHA. Arnwine says that African American families were not placed in white housing projects because of their race. Shots of African American children outside of a housing project building; of white children playing with a garden hose outside of a housing project building in South Boston. Footage of Arnwine saying that some white families were also victims of discrimination; that white families were discouraged from living in primarily African American housing projects. Arnwine says that the BHA was engaged in an effort to keep public housing projects segregated. Shot of the name plaque on the door of Arnwine's office. Shots of Arnwine working in her office. Kelly reports that Arnwine grew up in a segregated housing project in Detroit. Kelly reports that the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights was involved in the struggles to desegregate the fire department, the police department, and the schools in Boston. V: Shots of a poster in the Lawyers' Committee offices. The poster has a caption reading, "I have a dream. . . ." Shots of Arnwine talking on the telephone in her office. Kelly notes that the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights filed the original school desegregation suit against the Boston School Committee in 1972. V: Shots of African American students entering a high school in Boston. Footage of Arnwine being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks if the housing discrimination suit can be compared to the school desegregation suit. Arnwine says that housing integration means that people of different races become neighbors. Arnwine says that housing integration represents change; that change is often met by resistance; that some people might get hurt in the resulting struggle. Arnwine says that it was difficult for the African Americans who first integrated the police department and the schools; that integration has a price. Arnwine says that racial equality is worth fighting for. Shots of Boston police officer taking an oath; of African American students entering Charlestown High School.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports on a celebration at the Museum of Afro-American History marking the arrival of the first African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly notes that the first African Americans arrived as immigrants, not as slaves. Kelly's report features footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing the gathering. Kelly reviews the history of African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly's report is accompanied by historical photos and drawings related to African American history in Massachusetts.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of a group of African American singers performing a song. Hope Kelly reports that a gathering at the Museum of Afro-American History celebrated the anniversary of the arrival of black immigrants in Massachusetts; that the first black immigrants arrived in Massachusetts on February 26, 1638. V: Shot of a black and white image of black immigrants and early white settlers; of a ship in a harbor; of a black man addressing a crowd. Footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman of the Board, Museum of Afro-American History) saying that the most important history is found in the lives of individual people; that people form the families and cultures which are important to history. Kelly reports that the first black immigrants arrived in a boat from the West Indies; that the first black immigrants were not slaves; that many worked as servants and laborers and in factories; that skilled professions were off limits to the first black immigrants. V: Shots of a black and white image of early black immigrants in the hold of a boat; of a poster for a slave auction. Shots of black and white images of the early black immigrants working as servants. Shot of a color image of black men working as dock laborers. Shots of a black and white image of black immigrant women working in a factory. Shot of a black and white image of black men and women waiting at a dock as sailing ships approach. Shot of a black and white image of a slave auction. Kelly reports that the experience of black immigrants in the north was different from that of black slaves in the South. V: Shot of a black and white image of two black children and a white school master. Shots of black and white photos of African Americans in Boston in the nineteenth century. Footage of Henry Hampton addressing an audience. Hampton says that the study of history must include the stories of all people. Footage of a group of African American singers singing "Amazing Grace."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1988
Description: Jazz, an art form whose origin and development are with black musicians, is increasingly adopted by white players and audience, and abandoned by blacks. Delfeayo Marsalis playing trombone. Berklee College.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/02/1988
Description: Boston Food Bank solicits donations of surplus from supermarkets and food producers to distribute to needy recipients. Cartons of food on conveyor belt and fork lift. Hunger.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/22/1988
Description: Mayor Ray Flynn presents new jobs program in cooperation with developers and businesses. Door-to-door canvassing to publicize opportunities.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1988
Description: Robert Guiney, head of Boston Police Patrolman's Association, convenes his union to endorse candidacy of George Bush, who accepts in person. Dukakis & Cuomo hold State House PC to decry drug trafficking.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/22/1988
Description: Through home rule, Boston regains control of BHA from receivership. Public housing tenants will form monitoring committee. Doris Bunte justifies small percentage of over-income families. Raymond Flynn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1988