Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/26/1982
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni have announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. Von Mehren notes that the Board of Overseers is elected by university alumni to make policy recommendations. She adds that Tutu is on a slate of candidates nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Alumni Against Apartheid members Robert Wolff, Robert Zevin, and Linda Davidoff addressing a small crowd on the Harvard Campus. Wolff says that the Board of Overseers will have a hard time explaining to Tutu why they have not divested completely from South Africa. Von Mehren notes that Harvard has divested some its holdings in South Africa. She adds that university officials have no comment on Tutu's candidacy or on their divestment policy. Von Mehren's report also features footage of apartheid protesters at Harvard and footage of Tutu in South Africa. This tape includes additional footage of the Alumni Against Apartheid gathering on the Harvard campus.This tape also includes footage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking. Students walking through Harvard Yard.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Robert Wolff (Alumni Against Apartheid) standing in front of the office of Derek Bok (President, Harvard University) in Massachusetts Hall on Harvard campus. Robert Zevin (Alumni Against Apartheid) and Linda Davidoff (Alumni Against Apartheid) stand on either side of Wolff. Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni gathered outside of Bok's office in Harvard Yard today. Von Mehren reports that the Alumni announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that he looks forward to the first meeting of the Board of Overseers with Tutu present. Wolff says that he would like to see Bok explain to the Overseers and Tutu why divestment is not in the best interests of black South Africans. Von Mehren reports that the thirty-member Board of Overseers is elected by the university alumni; that the Board of Overseers makes policy recomendations. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard. Shot of Tutu at a religious service. Von Mehren reports that Tutu is one of five candidates on a slate nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren reports that Zevin and Davidoff are also running for the Board. V: Footage of Zevin and Davidoff standing in front of Bok's office. Davidoff says that she expected Harvard to be a leader on issues like divestment; that Harvard needs to make its alumni proud again. Shots of apartheid protestors at Harvard University on September 5, 1986. Von Mehren reports that has decreased its investments in South Africa since the 1970s; that $250 million remains invested in companies doing business in South Africa. V: Footage of Davidoff saying that Harvard's divestment policy is "part-way there." Footage of Wolff saying that Archibishop Tutu will win a debate with Bok on divestment. Von Mehren stands in Harvard Yard. Von Mehren reports that university officials have no comment on Harvard's divestment policy or on Tutu's candidacy for the Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that Harvard officials never admit to caving in to outside pressure. Wolff says that Harvard has already divested part of its holdings in response to pressure from alumni, faculty, and students. Von Mehren reports that Tutu and the pro-divestment slate will be running against Elizabeth Dole (US Secretary of Labor), Paul Kirk (former Chairman of the Democratic Party), and others. V: Shots of Tutu; of Dole; of Kirk. Von Mehren reports that the winners will be announced at Harvard's graduation in June. Von Mehren notes that Tutu's election to the Board of Overseers will force Harvard to reevaluate its divestment policy. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/09/1989
Description: Dr. Margot O'Toole defends her exposure of fraudulent data in published research of Nobel winners. Photos of David Baltimore, Tereza Imanishi-Kari. Whitehead Institute at MIT.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1991
Description: Aflatoxin fungus which thrives in drought conditions is known to cause liver cancer. Corn fields, corn meal. MIT scientist in lab.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/02/1989
Description: Camera operator leaves camera rolling next to news van. Michael Dukakis in his office at the Kennedy School. B-roll of him working, making phone calls. Editor's note: Although there is accompanying audio for this video, it was recorded with the understanding that it would be used as silent b-roll. For that reason, the audio has been edited out of this version.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/16/1981
Description: Michael Dukakis campaigns in Cambridge and Mass. politicians stump for him … Tom O'Neill, William Bulger, Joe Kennedy, Evelyn Murphy, Charles Flaherty, so as not to repeat presumptuous folly of 1978.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/01/1988
Description: Early intervention preschool in Cambridge for children with developmental and muscular disabilities such as mental retardation and cerebral palsy. They learn gross motor skills, coordination, and play so that they can stay out of institutions and avoid paralysis. Commissioner for mental retardation visits with the children.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/29/1977
Description: Earthquakes, MIT Geophysical Center. .
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/19/1982
Description: East Cambridge Jail. .
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1982
Description: East Cambridge Jail. .
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/10/1982