Description: Footage shot from car driving westbound on Commonwealth Avenue beyond Boston University, parallel to green line trolley with cigarette ads on side. Driver swears at other cars in traffic. Driver, reporter, and camera operator discuss best ways to shoot. Pass Tech HiFi, Tweeter, Firestone Tire. Trolley curves away toward left at Packard's Corner. Inbound trolley stops to admit passengers. Two trolleys pass each other in opposite directions. Yellow MBTA bus at Charles Circle. Red line train crosses Longfellow Bridge over Charles River toward Cambridge. Sound of metal wheels on tracks. People get on bus to Porter Square.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/14/1976
Description: Police, including Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) disperse a crowd in Monument Square in Charlestown after an anti-busing demonstration. A crowd is gathered in front of Bunker Hill Housing Project. Police and US Marshals are stationed across the street from the crowd. The police maneuver in the street. The crowd jeers at police and at least one bottle is thrown. The crowd retreats into the housing project. Police move up Bunker Hill Street. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) is present.
0:58:19: Visual: A large crowd of mostly students is gathered along a street in Monument Square. Police are stationed in the street, monitoring the crowd. Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) addresses the crowd through a bullhorn, telling them to go home. Crowd begins to disperse, chanting periodically. An MDC Police vehicle is visible. 1:01:02: V: A Boston Police truck with officers seated in back drives past Charlestown High School and stops. MacDonald issues instructions to them through a bullhorn. Police officers exit from the back of the truck and gather in front of the high school. MacDonald issues more instructions through a bullhorn. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) confers with an officer across from the school. 1:02:37: V: The crowd disperses, moving along Bunker Hill Street. Shot of Concord Street and the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street. Residents watch the action on the street from their windows. Graffiti on Concord Street marks a boundary of 100 yards from the high school: "100 yds. - Freedom Ends Here." Shot up Concord Street to High School. 1:03:45: V: Police are assembled at the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. A crowd is gathered outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street. Shots of crowd outside housing project; of police assembled in street. 1:05:25: V: The crowd cheers as police march back up Concord Street toward the high school. Members of the press, including Gary Griffith (reporter), follow the police up Concord Street. The crowd in front of the housing project moves into the street. A voice yells into a bullhorn, "Ok kids, it's your neighborhood." The crowd mills about in front of housing project. 1:07:08: V: A few police officers walk down Concord Street toward the housing project. A large crowd is still gathered in front of the housing project. A group of US Marshals walk down Concord Street. DiGrazia surveys the scene from the top of Concord Street. Voices can be heard taunting the police. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street toward the housing project. A woman walks her father back to his house, so that he won't get hurt "when the bottles start." 1:09:06: V: The large crowd in front of the housing project cheers loudly. Shot of a US Marshal walking away from the crowd. Noise of a bottle breaking against the pavement. Police on Concord Street watch the crowd in front of the housing project. The noise of a helicopter is audible. MacDonald shouts instructions through a bullhorn to police. Two US Marshals in riot helmets walk down Concord Street. A group of police march in formation from Monument Square down Concord Street. DiGrazia stands with a group of officers at the end of Concord Street, across from the housing project. A helicopter circles overhead. The crowd thins as people move into the housing project. MacDonald advances toward a crowd of youth, turning the corner onto Bunker Hill Street. DiGrazia and a group of officers and US Marshals follow MacDonald. MacDonald shouts into the bullhorn. A group of police officers exit the housing project and take a right as they continue to walk up Bunker Hill Street. Cars pass slowly on Bunker Hill Street. Small groups of people are gathered on the sidewalks. Police officers and the media walk in the street. 1:13:49: V: Three US Marshals in riot helmets confer on Bunker Hill Street. Police officers walk up the street. The media are gathered on a street corner. Two officers stand at the side of the street. One officer adjusts his riot helmet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Exterior of South Boston High School. Headmaster Jerome Wynegar in front of school. Students enter school. South Boston environs. Crowd of South Boston residents gathered on the street. Rolling shots taken from news van driving down the streets of South Boston. Anti- busing and racist graffiti: “Stop Forced Busing” “White Power” “Never Nigger”
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: State and Boston police and US marshals outside South Boston High School. Black students get off buses. Headmaster Jerome Wynegar. Girls in parochial school uniforms walk by. More black students get off buses, walk up to school. Police on motorcycles escort empty buses away from school. Mass of white students wait at iron fence. TV cameramen and news photographers stand by. Girl wearing Southie sweatshirt. White students are allowed to enter school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1976
Description: No audio at the beginning. Horse-mounted police officers, police cars, police bus. Police officers are gathered along G Street outside of South Boston High School. Exteriors of the school building. School buses, accompanied by a police motorcycle escort, pull up outside of the school. African American and white students exit the school. White students walk away from the school. African American students board the buses. The buses depart. Pam Bullard interviews four South Boston High School teachers: Jerry Power, Bob Healey, Bob Donovan, and Paul Grueter. The four teachers says that conditions in the school are improving, despite negative reports in the media. Donovan says that Judge Arthury Garrity (federal judge) is among those receiving inaccurate reports about the school. They discuss some of the good things that they think are happening in South Boston High despite the racial tensions.
1:00:04: Boston Police Department vehicles are lined up along the side of the road in South Boston. A mounted police officer exercises his horse. A horse stands in a yard with grass. 1:02:21: Visual: Boston Police Department vehicles are parked in the schoolyard of South Boston High School. Police are gathered along G Street in front of the high school. Shot of the exterior of South Boston High School. A Massachusetts State Police vehicle is parked in the schoolyard. A Boston Police station wagon is parked on G Street. 1:04:55: V: Buses pull up in front of South Boston High School. The buses are accompanied by a police motorcycle escort. White students exit the high school, walking out of the schoolyard. African American students exit the high school and walk toward the buses. A young African American male student raises a clenched fist and looks at the camera. Some white students continue to exit the school, along with African American students. Two African American female students pose for the camera and say, "Hi, mom." A few of the African American students wave at the camera as they walk to the buses. Police officers stand casually on the sidewalk in front of the buses. A white student walks by the camera crew and says, "We don't watch Channel 2 news." 1:10:13: V: A group of four police officers are gathered on G Street. They laugh casually at a joke. A female African American student rushes toward her bus. Police officers mount their motorcycles. The buses pull away from the school and travel down G Street with the police escort. 1:11:57: V: Shot of the exterior of South Boston High School. Pam Bullard exits the high school, followed by four white teachers. She sets up an interview in front of the school with Jerry Power (teacher, South Boston High School), Bob Healey (teacher, South Boston High School), Bob Donovan (teacher, South Boston High School), and Paul Grueter (teacher, South Boston High School). Donovan makes it clear to Bullard that each teacher is speaking as an individual; that they are not speaking for the faculty of the school. Bullard asks each of them to say and speak their names for the camera. Bullard tells them that negative reports have been circulating about the situation inside South Boston High School. Donovan asks where the negative reports are from. Bullard says that they are from the media. Donovan says that the situation is slowly getting better after a hectic beginning of the school year. Grueter agrees that the situation is improving. Healey says that sweep teams have been established in the corridors in order to get students to class; that the school corridors had been a problem until now. Donovan says that the school faculty took some drastic measures to control the situation inside the school. Power says that the atmosphere in the school has swung between periods of tension and periods of calm; that there has been a decrease in the number of suspensions and separations of students from the school. Bullard says that many school officials and teachers outside of South Boston High School are calling the school "a lost cause." Donovan says that the faculty and staff at South Boston High School are committed to educating the students and keeping the school open. Healey says that many people are not aware of the good programs at South Boston High School. He mentions the automotive shop, business courses, and computer courses. Power says that he was quoted in a Boston Herald article that was critical of the school. He says that his quote was taken out of context. He had meant to say that not all of the students are taking full advantage of the programs offered to them; that there are both white and African American students at the school who are not interested in getting an education. Donovan says that the faculty is not ashamed of their school; that Judge Arthur Garrity (federal judge) is among those receiving inaccurate information about the situation at South Boston High School; that Garrity received a letter from the CCC which contained inaccurate information about the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/01/1976
Description: Exteriors of South Boston High School. South Boston environs. Large graffiti in crosswalk “Winegar [sic] we don't want you.” Black students stream off bus, walk toward front entrance. Jerome Wynegar stands by. Plainclothes US marshals with armbands and walkie-talkies. Police keep press photographers behind line.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Boston police and US marshals stationed outside South Boston High. Black students exit school, get on bus. Buses slowly come and go. Many officials mill about on sidewalk. Headmaster Jerome Wynegar talks to Joseph Jordan. Later, white students flow out of school en masse. Comments, some racist, from the crowd waiting outside the school can be overheard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/14/1976
Description: Judy Stoia interviews Elvira "Pixie" Palladino about her reaction to the Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments against court-ordered busing in Boston. She is angry about the decision and calls the members of the court a "pack of flaming liberals." Palladino urges the anti-busing movement to continue their protest through legitimate means, like demonstrations and picketing, without resorting to violence. Palladino says that the anti-busing movement will pressure elected officials to redress the grievances of the anti-busing movement. Palladino notes that she is more concerned with a politician's stance on busing than with his or her political party; that she would switch to the Republican Party if the party came out against busing. Palladino says that she is opposed to all forms of busing, including a metropolitian busing plan. Palladino accuses the courts of dictating to parents how they should raise their children; she says that forced busing in Boston represents "reverse discrimination."
0:34:47: Visual: Elvira "Pixie" Palladino is interviewed as she sits behind a table. She says that she is disappointed in the Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments against court-ordered busing in Boston; that the Supreme Court is a "pack of flaming liberals" and "out of touch with reality"; that she would expect to hear about this kind of "judicial oppression" in the USSR, Cuba or China; that the "shocking" decision will result in increased "white flight" from Boston schools; that the Supreme Court is more interested in redressing the grievances of criminals than law-abiding citizens. Pam Bullard asks Palladino if this is the end of anti-busing action in the courts. Palladino says that they are waiting for an appeal to be heard on the receivership of South Boston High School; that she hopes the court will void the receivership of South Boston High School. Palladino says that the Supreme Court decision will probably result in further resistance to busing; that the anti-busing movement needs to unite in demonstrating against busing through whatever means are left open to them; that the anti-busing movement must concentrate on furthering anti-busing legislation and on electing officials who take an anti-busing position. 0:38:49: V: Bullard asks Palladino about being elected to public office through an anti-busing campaign. Palladino says that government is no longer "of, for and by" the people; that government is now "to" the people; that citizens must be vigilant in protecting their rights; that citizens must elect officials who represent their position on the issues. Bullard asks what recourse anti-busers have if the courts can strike down anti-busing legislation. Palladino says a grass-roots movement could unite the people and put pressure on elected officials. Bullard asks Palladino about the court case concerning Wilmington, Delaware (Evans v. Buchanan), in which suburbs could be forced to integrate their schools. Palladino says that she is opposed to metropolitanization; that she is opposed to forced busing in any form; that forced busing is a failed social experiment. Bullard quotes Palladino as saying that she would not be surprised if anti-busers reacted to the decision in a disruptive manner. Palladino says that she is opposed to violence in any form; that she has received sympathetic calls from anti-busers in Akron, Ohio and Tulsa, Oklahoma; that she is interested in organizing a "constructive" anti-busing reaction. Palladino says again that she would not be surprised if anti-busers react negatively to the decision; that anti-busers may be called on to act as "patriots" to save democracy; that she would like anti-busers to demonstrate their feelings through all legitimate means available. Palladino says that she has never committed an act of violence in her life; that the people of South Boston and Charlestown have been pushed to their limit; that no relief is in sight for the people. 0:43:51: V: Bullard asks Palladino if she feels conflicted as a public official, who must ask her constituents to obey a law she believes is wrong. Palladino says that she is not asking her constituents to do anything illegal; that demonstrating through legitimate means is a legal right; that anti-busers must demonstrate legally, work to further legislation and vote their consciences at the ballot box; that some parents have kept their children out of school for two years; that she fears for the safety of her own children. Palladino says that the government is denying people the basic right to raise their children as they see fit; that the Supreme Court should not dictate where parents send their children to school; that the situation in Boston is a blatant case of "reverse discrimination". Bullard asks Palladino if the anti-busing movement will lobby Tip O'Neill to their cause. Reporter notes that O'Neill will be the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Palladino says that O'Neill has not been receptive to the anti-busing movement in the past; that pressure will be brought to bear upon him to represent the anti-busing majority in Boston. Palladino says that voters are crucial to the careers of politicians. Bullard asks Palladino about her voting preferences. Palladino says that she has always voted for the Democratic party; that she would switch to the Republican party if they were to come out against forced busing; that a candidate's position on busing is more important than his or her party affiliation. Palladino says that she is committed to demonstrating against busing through legal means; that she would urge the anti-busing movement to demonstrate non-violently.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/14/1976
Description: Children play in front of a house with a sign on the door reading "Remember Black Tuesday." The sign is emblematic of resistance to court-ordered busing in Boston. Older sister reads to younger children on steps.
1:00:00: Visual: Three young white children play on the steps of a house. A sign reading "Remember Black Tuesday" is posted on one of the doors. 1:00:34: V: An older white girl reads to two of the children on the steps of the house. Pam Bullard talks to one of the younger children, telling her to stay still for the camera. Close up shots of the younger children.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Police officers and US Marshals are present outside of Charlestown High School on the first day of school during the third year of court-ordered busing in Boston. The media is gathered across the street from the school, at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Robert DiGrazia (Boston Police Commissioner) confers with police and surveys the scene outside of the school. A group of buses with a police motorcycle escort pulls up to the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. A crowd of white youth gathers near the school. Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) talk to the crowd of youths. DiGrazia and Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) confer near the crowd
0:00:05: Visual: Members of the media pass two police officers as they enter the enclosure surrounding the Bunker Hill Monument in Monument Square. Shot of three US Marshals walking toward Charlestown High School. An MDC Police officer exits a police vehicle parked near the high school. Shot of the exterior of Charlestown High School. A few police officers stand in front of the high school. Two US Marshals confer near the high school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976