Description: Massachusetts State Representatives speak pro and con on gay rights anti-discrimination bill. Reps. Salvatore Dimasi, Roger Goyette, Susan Schur, Philip Travis, Eleanor Myerson, James Miceli, Francis Woodward, Thomas Vallely, Willian Robinson. The debate focuses mainly on discrimination against gay people in the workplace, but also touches on AIDS and gay foster care rights.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: The Commerce and Labor Committee of the Massachusetts State Legislature holds a hearing on proposed legislation barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) testifies in favor of the legislation. Bolling says that legislators must guarantee protection and equal rights for all citizens. Suzanne Bumps (State Representative) testifies in favor of legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps defines sexual harassment and talks about the its effect on women in the workplace. John Olver (State Senator) and Thomas Vallely (State Representative) testify in favor of the legislation. Vallely says that legislators must fight one of the last remaining civil rights battles by banning discrimination on the grounds of sexual preference. Vallely talks about a proposed amendment barring religious organizations from some aspects of civil rights law; he says that such an amendment is unnecessary. Peter Morin (State Representative) asks Vallely a question about language used in the legislation. Vallely talks about other exceptions granted under the proposed legislation. John Businger (State Representative) testifies in favor of the legislation. Businger talks about the need to make citizens aware of their civil rights by posting anti-discrimination policy and legislation. George Bachrach (State Senator) testifies in favor of the legislation.
1:00:00: Visual: The Commerce and Labor Committee of the Massachusetts State Legislature sits at the front of a room. The committee prepares to hear testimony on proposed legislation barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. The room is crowded with audience members and members of the press. Audience members stand and seat themselves on the floor. The committee chairman invites Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) to testify. 1:00:28: V: Bolling thanks the committee members. Bolling notes that the Senate could not vote on this legislation during the previous year; that the vote was held up until the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled on the constitutionality of the legislation. Bolling talks about discrimination against gays and lesbians. Bolling says that opponents of legislation barring discrimnation on the grounds of sexual orientation have ignored ugly incidents involving discrimination against gays and lesbians. Bolling makes reference to a television show which depicted the absurdity of society's prejudices against gays and lesbians. Bolling notes that gay and lesbians make up 10% of the population. Bolling says that many citizens will be positively affected by the passage of legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Bolling says that gays and lesbians will be denied equal protection under the law unless this legislation is passed; that there cannot be exceptions to the government's guarantee of equal access to all citizens. Bolling says that the legislators must guarantee protection for all citizens, even if legislators disagree with those citizens' way of life. Bolling says that Massachusetts must be a safe haven from discrimination. Bolling says that this legislation reaffirms the dignity and integrity of our democracy; that legislators must be willing to take risks to assure civil rights for all citizens. Bolling says that legislators must speak out against discrimination in all forms. Bolling reaffirms the right of citizens to live free from fear. Bolling says that he hopes the law will be passed this year. 1:11:11: V: The committee chairman thanks Bolling and calls the next speaker. Suzanne Bump (State Representative from Braintree) speaks on behalf of the Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators. She notes that the caucus strongly supports legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps defines sexual harassment and talks about the ill effects of sexual harassment on students and female employees. Bump adds that surveys show that 75% to 95% of women have been harassed at some point in their working lives. Bumps says that sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination; that sexual harassment is degrading and humiliating to women. Bumps notes that women who quit their jobs because of sexual harassment are unable to collect unemployment benefits. Bumps says that grievance procedures for victims of sexual harassment are non-existant; that victims who complain about sexual harassment often receive little support. Bumps says that sexual harassment is often perpetrated by men in positions of power who go unpunished; that the perpetrators are often the bosses or professors of these women. Bumps notes that federal courts have upheld the use of Title VII of the civil rights act in some sexual harassment cases; that Title VII bars discrimination in the work place; that there are limits to the application of Title VII in sexual harassment cases. Bumps talks about the importance of the current legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps notes that the legislation defines sexual harassment, puts cases of sexual harassment under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and establishes a uniform grievance procedure for cases of sexual harassment within state government. Bumps notes that the legislation allows for the prompt resolution of complaints. She urges legislators to support the bill. 1:15:05: V: The committee chairman thanks Bumps and calls the next speaker. John Olver (State Senator) says that he is testifying as a Democratic state senator and on behalf of the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. Olver urges the Massachusetts state legislature to ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Olver says that discrimination against gays and lesbians must be ended in housing, employment, public accomodation, and in the consumer marketplace. Olver thanks the Congressional committee. 1:17:06: V: Tom Vallely (State Representative) speaks to the committee about his support for legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Vallely notes that he has been one of the principal sponsors of this legislation in the Massasachusetts House of Representatives. Vallely reviews the history of the legislation. Vallely notes that the legislation allows for the protection of gays and lesbians under the state civil rights law. Vallely says that legislators are not condoning homosexuality by offering protection for gays and lesbians under the civil rights law; that legislators need to allow citizens a form of redress against widespread discrimination. Vallely notes that this legislation has been debated by the legislature for more than a decade. Vallely says that the debate about the "gay lifestyle" is inappropriate; that the lifestyles of gays and lesbians is the same as the lifestyle of straight people. Vallely says that gays and lesbians are looking for equal protection, not "special treatment." Vallely refers to the controversy about Mark Twain's book, Huckleberry Finn. Vallely says that the book is a moving exploration of discrimination in American society; that the book is not racist. Vallely says that discrimination on the grounds of race or sexual preference is not acceptable in our society; that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is one of the "last civil rights battles" to be fought. Vallely says that opponents to the legislation will try to add an amendment exempting religious organizations from some aspects of the civil rights law. Vallely says that this amendment is unnecessary because the separation of church and state already exists. Vallely says that religious groups do not need to be exempted from legislation about the ERA (Equal Rights Amendement) or from legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Vallely offers to speak to the members of the committee individually about why special legislation exempting religious groups from the civil rights law would be a "grave error." Vallely says that the legislation is important and worth the fight to get it passed. 1:25:44: V: Peter Morin (State Representative) asks a question about the language used in the legislation. Morin points out that there is an exemption to the discrimination law in the case of "bona fide occupational qualifications." Vallely says that the exemption grants authority to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) to consider the qualifications necessary for a certain occupation before deciding a discrimination case. Vallely says that it is important to give the MCAD some leeway in its decisions; that he cannot name a list of these "occupational qualifications." Vallely thanks the Congressional committee. 1:28:11: V: John Businger (State Representative from Brookline) notes that he has co-sponsored legislation in the Massachusetts House of Representatives barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Businger says that government has a role in protecting its citizens from discrimination and harassment. Businger says that sexual harassment and discrimination against gays and lesbians are "unreasonable" and "arbitrary" forms of harassment. Businger talks about the need to make citizens aware of this legislation; that he has sponsored a bill to increase the posting requirements for anti-discrimination legislation; that the people affected by the legislation must be well informed in order to take advantage of it. Businger says that anti-discrimination policy and legislation must be posted on applications for credit, for employment, for services and for membership in organizations. Businger urges the legislators to pass this bill so that people can be made aware of their civil rights. Businger urges the legislators to pass the bills barring sexual harassment and discrimination of the basis of sexual orientation. 1:31:29: V: George Bachrach (State Senator) makes a lighthearted joke. The members of the panel laugh. Bachrach says that he is testifying in support of the Senate bill which bars discrimination against gays and lesbians in housing, employment, and credit. Bachrach says that he is sorry that this legislation has not already been passed into law.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1985
Description: Author J. Anthony Lukas addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The meeting is held in honor of the release of Lukas's novel, Common Ground. The novel is about the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas talks about how the three families portrayed in his book represent the main elements of the coalition that formed around John F. Kennedy (former US President) in 1960. Lukas talks about the breakdown of that coalition. Lukas says that both race and class need to be considered when analyzing the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas says that Boston's middle and upper classes were largely exempt from busing; he adds that the legal system does not recognize social class as a relevant category. Lukas talks about the importance of school integration by race and social class. He notes that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) should not be made a scapegoat for his actions. Lukas says that Boston is a better city as a result of the busing crisis. He says that people must continue to struggle for social justice. Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, Atlantic Monthly) addresses the meeting. Beatty talks about the history of the civil rights movement. He talks about white voters who felt alienated by the Democratic Party's support for the civil rights movement. Beatty says that a backlash against the civil rights movement combined with a failing economy caused many white voters to vote for the Republican Party in the 1970s. Beatty notes that many South Boston residents have voted Republican since the busing crisis. Beatty talks about the importance of civil rights legislation and says that the civil rights movement will help us to achieve a more just society. Panelists at the meeting include Beatty, Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts), Marie Clarke (parent and member of the Home and School Association), Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston), Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, Boston Globe). Tape 2 of 8
0:59:58: Visual: J. Anthony Lukas (author) addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The town meeting is held in honor of the release of the book, Common Ground by Lukas . Lukas speaks from a podium. Panelists are assembled at tables on either side of the podium. Panelists include Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, The Atlantic Monthly), Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts), Marie Clarke (parent and member of the Home and School Association), Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston), Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, The Boston Globe). Lukas talks about the McGoff, Twymon and Diver families portrayed in the book. Lukas mentions Colin Diver's admiration for John F. Kennnedy (former US President). Lukas talks about how the three families represent elements of the Kennedy coalition on 1960. Lukas says that the coalition fell apart during the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas recalls the antagonism felt by Boston Irish Catholics toward Edward Kennedy (US Senator) during the busing crisis. Lukas asks what happened to the coalition which had formed around John F. Kennedy. Lukas asks if the groups represented by the three families can find "common ground." Lukas says that his research has not led him to take sides on the issues; that his research has revealed the complexity of the issues. Lukas says that the "liberal agenda of the 1960s and 1970s" did not focus enough on class issues. Lukas adds that race and class need to be considered when analyzing the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas notes that Boston was on the brink of "racial war." Lukas mentions the attack on Theodore Landsmark (attorney) at City Hall Plaza. Lukas adds that the Boston Public School System was clearly segregated; that the Boston School Committee flagrantly violated the law in refusing to desegregate. Lukas says that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) had no choice but to order a remedy for the segregated schools; that Garrity deserves gratitude and respect from the city of Boston. Lukas notes that there was "a pervasive class bias" in the court orders issued by the judge. Lukas talks about the Supreme Court Decision (Milliken v. Bradley), which hampered Garrity from ordering a metropolitan busing plan. Lukas notes that Thurgood Marshall (US Supreme Court Justice) wrote a scathing dissent from the decision. Lukas says that Boston's middle and upper classes were largely exempt from busing. Lukas adds that the poor and vulnerable students were subject to the court orders during the busing crisis. Lukas talks about the need for integration by social class and by race. Lukas says that opponents to busing were able to exploit class resentment to strengthen resistance to busing. Lukas notes that poor Irish Catholics in Boston resented middle- and upper-class Irish Catholics more than they resented African Americans. 1:05:58: Visual: Lukas says that Garrity could not consider social class in the court orders; that the legal system does not recognize social class as a relevant category. Lukas says that the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution does not protect the poor. Lukas says that minorities have a right to sue for protection under the law. Lukas adds that the adversarial legal system is not the ideal system for achieving social progress. Lukas says that the court orders in the Boston school desegregation case resulted in desegregated schools; that the court orders did not achieve social justice. Lukas says that Garrity should not be made a "scapegoat for our own faintheartedness." Lukas says that the wealthy and powerful must stop putting the burden of integration on the poor and the young. Lukas talks about the beneficial effects of the court orders in Boston. Lukas says that Boston is a more "mature and united city" as a result of the busing crisis. Lukas says that US citizens must continue to fight for social justice. Lukas decries the "self-pitying mood" of liberals. Lukas says that many liberal programs from the 1960s and 1970s were successful; that some failed only because of a lack of resources. Lukas talks about the gulf between liberals and the working class in the 1960s and 1970s. Lukas talks about the the need for these groups to build coalitions and find "common ground." The audience applauds. 1:11:07: Visual: Martin Nolan (The Boston Globe) introduces Jack Beatty. Beatty talks about the evolution of John F. Kennedy's position on civil rights in the 1960s. Beatty mentions John Kennedy's commitment to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Beatty says that many of John Kennedy's advisors counseled him against the sponsorship of civil rights' legislation; that John Kennedy's advisors feared a backlash by white voters. Beatty quotes John Kennedy's speech advocating the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Beatty says that African Americans voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party in 1968; that many white voters switched their allegiance to the Republican Party. Beatty notes that most South Boston voters supported Hubert Humphrey (Democratic candidate for the US Presidency) in the primary elections of 1968. Beatty notes that South Boston has voted Republican since the busing crisis. Beatty adds that the median income in South Boston in 1980 was less than $11,000 per year. Beatty notes that forced busing was one of the issues which drove South Boston residents to vote for the Republican Party. Beatty says that that white Southerners tend to vote for the Republican Party; that racial issues are just as explosive in the North as they are in the South. Beatty accuses Republican leaders of exploiting race issues in debates over the federal budget; that Republican leaders have painted welfare as "relief for the black poor." Beatty adds that government aid to the middle classes costs more money than welfare programs. Beatty accuses Republican leaders of exploiting the white backlash against civil rights and racial issues. Beatty talks about the role of the failing economy in the demise of the Democratic Party. Beatty talks about the effects of inflation and unemployment on the white underclass. Beatty says that many anti-busing protesters were frustrated by their own circumstances of poverty and unemployment. Beatty talks about the ill effects of segregated schools on African American school children. Beatty talks about "the tragic spectacle" of the busing crisis. Beatty says that John Kennedy would have proceeded with civil rights' legislation, even if he could have foreseen the demise of the Democratic Party and the onset of the busing crisis in Boston. Beatty says that John Kennedy would have had the courage and vision to support the legislation; that John Kennedy would have realized the importance of civil rights' legislation. Beatty says that civil rights' legislation will allow us to achieve a just and integrated society.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1985