Description: 5/15/68 Cambridge hegroes march on city hall 5/9/8 air clip :45 in front of State House 5/28/68 in front of State House opn wages, etc. 100' 6/22/8 French Embassy air & cuts 3:00 sof & sil MacMillan 6/27/8 Fine Arts Theatre demolition air sil 1:00 cuts 200' sof0sil [7/9/8 Roxbury disturbance after Fiedler concert- night, broken windows, Goodrich sof Regan F. Francis sil cuts of Washington St. damage, Div. 10 broken windows. shots of BCH at night and security patrol] - Now in security patrol can 278 1967? in front of Police Hq, signs get police out of ghettos 2:30 sil cuts. 7/14/8 Boston Common, Bridge of Friends program on guns, turning in of guns. MacMillan sof air 4:00 250' sil & sof cuts showing Karate demonstration. 7/29/8 Boston Common, Biafra rally air piece 2:00 Cushing sof
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/15/1968, 05/09/1968, 05/28/1968, 06/22/1968, 06/27/1968, 07/09/1968, 1967, 07/14/1968, 07/29/1968
Description: Compilation of silent and sound footage about the presence of hippies in Cambridge and Boston. Harvard Square and Cambridge Common environs. Reporter standup on a police raid at a "hippie apartment" arresting members of a group called "the Diggers." Interviews with Police Sergeant Duncan O'Neill and Digger member Vernon Becker. Rock band plays to a crowd. Hippies playing music surrounded by people sitting on grass of the Cambridge Common. Interview with Dr. Faderman and Dr. Allen on the hippie lifestyle and societal reactions to the movement. Interviews with Ian Frankenstein, Lou Crampton, Sofia Gibbons, Patricia Keating and other commune members, who describe their communal accommodations and lifestyle on Fort Hill. Discussion of drug use in the hippie movement. Interview with Cambridge Mayor Daniel Hayes on his legal crackdown on hippie communities. They shoot the cutaways of the reporter Jim Pansullo reasking the questions.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967...1968