Description: Marcus Jones reports on the race for the second Suffolk senatorial seat between candidates Bill Owens and Royal Bolling, Sr. Jones. He notes that Owens held the seat from 1974 to 1982, when Bolling, Sr. won the seat. Jones notes that both candidates come from prominent families in the African American community. Jones reviews the history of both families' involvement in city and state politics. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate and by footage of members of both families. This tape contains additional footage of the campaign debate between Owens and Bolling, Sr.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of William Owens (candidate for State Senate) at a campaign debate. Owens talks about the need for a senator to establish himself as independent from any party affiliation. The crowd applauds. Footage of Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator) saying that he has accomplished more in four years than Owens accomplished in the previous twelve years. Owens and Bolling are pictured at a campaign debate. Marcus Jones reports that this campaign marks the fourth time that Owens and Bolling have competed for the second Suffolk Senatorial Seat. Jones notes that the district was created in 1974 to afford minorities the opportunity to elect a minority representative to the Senate. V: Shots of the audience at the campaign debate; of campaign signs for Bolling and Owens. Jones reports that Owens beat Bowling for the seat in 1974 and 1976. Jones notes that Owens switched his party affiliation to Republican in 1982 to protest the fact that he was ignored by the leadership of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Jones reports that Bolling beat Owens in the 1982 elections. V: Shot of Owens. Footage of Bolling saying that Owens claims to be independent of everyone; that no one can be independent of everyone. Bolling talks about the need to cooperate with the other Senators to push for legislation. Shots of the audience members. Jones reports that Bolling has been accused of being too close to Democratic Party leadership; that Owens is seen as too independent by some. Jones notes that the election has turned into a struggle for leadership between two prominent African American families. V: Footage of a young African American man saying that Owens's campaign was helped by the election of Shirley Owens Hicks (Owens' sister) to the House of Representatives. Footage of a middle-aged African American man saying that he can understand why politicians from prominent families campaign on their family name. Jones reports that the Bolling family has been politically active since Bolling won a seat in the House of Representatives in 1960; that his son Royal Bolling, Jr. was elected in 1972. V: Shot of Bolling Sr. preparing to speak in front of a legislative committee. Shot of Bolling, Jr. at a press conference. Jones notes that Bolling, Jr. lost his bid for an eighth consecutive term in the House of Representatives to Shirley Owens Hicks. V: Shot of Shirley Owens Hicks in a meeting of the Boston School Committee; of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) addressing a crowd. Jones adds that Bruce Bolling (member of the Bolling family) has been a successful Boston City Councillor. V: Footage of Bolling, Sr. saying that Owens has been afraid to make a stand when he thinks that the stand might be "adverse." Footage of Owens saying that no one has ever been confused about where he stands on the issues. The crowd applauds. Jones stands in front of campaign signs for Bolling, Sr. and Owens. Jones reports that an Owens victory would signal a sweep of the legislative elections by the Owens family; that an Owens victory would signal the first time that a Bolling family member has not represented the districts of Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1986
Description: Eastern Massachusetts demand is too much for the water supply from the Quabbin Reservoir. Conservation measures are being taken, mainly in stopping leaks from the pipes used to transport the water. The Water Resources Authority is seeking an alternative supply for Boston area water, which may include the Sudbury river. Environmentalist argue against the idea. Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary James Hoyte says they're keeping the option open. Additional story on the Merrimack River, it's possible use as an alternative water supply, and the debate over that decision.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/12/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports on Congressional debate over a bill that would impose sanctions on the apartheid regime in South Africa. Jones notes that Ronald Reagan is opposed to sanctions, but did impose a limited one-year trade embargo on South Africa last September. Jones' report includes footage of Reagan giving a speech. Jones reports that Reagan and his supporters believe that sanctions would hurt black South Africans more than they would help them. Jones adds that supporters of sanctions call Reagan's position hypocritical and illogical. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of the members of US Congress addressing the legislature about the sanctions issue. The congressmen include Stephen Solarz, Silvio Conte, Dan Burton, Edward Kennedy, and Bob Dole. George Bush is shown presiding over the US Senate. Jones reports that anti-apartheid leaders believe that the US must set an example for other nations by imposing sanctions on the South African government. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of laborers in South Africa and by footage of black South Africans. This tape contains additional footage of Prince Andrew of Great Britain and Sarah Ferguson (Andrew's fiance). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports on drug activity in the Grove Hall area of Roxbury
0:59:59: Visual: Footage of Stephen Solarz (US Representative from New York) speaking to legislators on June 18, 1986. Solarz says that sanctions are a form of "political shock therapy." Solarz says that it is better to deliver a stronger shock than a weaker one. Marcus Jones reports that Ronald Reagan (US President) gave a speech today; that Reagan's speech was supposed to quiet Congressional debate over sanctions against South Africa. Jones reports that Reagan's speech did little to quiet the debate. Jones notes that the Senate is debating a bill which would divest US business interests in South Africa; that the bill would ban US companies from trading with, investing in, or opening subsidiaries in South Africa. V: Shots of Reagan giving a speech; of the audience listening to Reagan. Shots of the Senate chambers; of Bob Dole (US Senator) speaking on the floor of the Senate chambers. Shot of George Bush (US Vice-President) presiding over the Senate. Bush confers with an official as he sits in his seat. Footage of Silvio Conte (US Representative from Massachusetts) addressing legislators. Conte says that the US should not be timid; that the US needs to provoke the South African government to act before civil war erupts. Footage of Dan Burton (US Representative from Indiana) addressing legislators. Burton says that legislators should give Reagan's measures time to work before enacting sanctions. Shot of Reagan speaking. Jones reports that Reagan tried in vain to cut off debate about sanctions last September; that Reagan issued a five-point executive order. Jones notes that Reagan's order included a limited one-year trade embargo on South Africa. Jones reports that critics believe that the executive order has failed to promote change in South Africa. Jones notes that US anti-apartheid leaders said that Reagan's position on South Africa is inadequate, hypocritical, and illogical. V: Shot of a US Congressman addressing legislators on June 18, 1986. Jones reports that Reagan's position states that US sanctions would hurt black South Africans more than they would help them. Jones reports that critics note that Reagan supported sanctions against the governments of Poland and Nicaragua. Jones reports that Reagan's policy states that the US would be put at a strategic disadvantage if the import of certain minerals from South Africa was outlawed. Jones notes that the current Congressional bill would allow exceptions for minerals imported for the military. V: Shots of an industrial plant in South Africa; of two black South African men walking in a commercial district in South Africa. Shots of Reagan giving a speech. Shot of Bush presiding over the Senate chambers. Shot of Edward Kennedy (US Senator) addressing members of the Senate. Jones reports that Reagan's critics acknowledge that strong sanctions will not remedy the situation in South Africa. Jones notes that there are only a few hundred US firms operating in South Africa; that US firms employ less than 1% of the South African work force. Jones reports that anti-apartheid leaders believe that change will come to South African only if other nations follow the example of the US in imposing sanctions. V: Shots of traders on the floor of a stock exchange; of a black South African miner. Shot of a sign on a building. The sign reads "Mine Labour Organisations" Shot of black South African women waiting at the Mine Labour Organisation building. Shot of black South African men carrying a coffin in a funeral procession. Shot of a black fist raised in the air.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/22/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports on a referendum question concerning the incorporation of a new city made up of Boston's minority neighborhoods, which would be called Mandela, Massachusetts. Interview with Andrew Jones of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project about the proposal. Jones reports on the local and national controversy generated by the referendum question. Footage from a press conference with Mandela supporters and officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones' report also features footage from an episode of the Phil Donahue Show. African American community leaders Andrew Jones, Mel King, Bruce Bolling, and Charles Stith debate the question with Donahue. Jones reports that the referendum is not expected to pass. Chuck Turner, a teacher, and Nathan Allen, the Executive Director of Lena Park Community Development, debate the question at tan Urban League Forum.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the referendum question concerning the incorporation of Mandela, Massachusetts on the 1986 election ballot. Marcus Jones reports that the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts has generated much publicity. V: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) saying that minority neighborhoods have a "colonial relationship with the city of Boston;" that the city of Boston has treated minority residents like "second-class citizens." Jones explains that the ballot question asks whether minority neighborhoods should break ties with the city of Boston in order to incorporate a new city. V: Shot of African American residents crossing under the elevated train tracks on Washington Street; of a map of the proposed border of the new city. Jones notes that the new city would encompass Roxbury, Mattapan, and parts of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, the Fenway, South End and Columbia Point; that proposal supporters have chosen Mandela as the name for the new city. V: Shots of young African American men standing in front of Joe's Sub Shop; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Flynn says Roxbury secession would halt progress." The article includes a photo of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) with Reverend Michael Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church). Jones reports that Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is urging residents to vote against the proposal; that supporters of the proposal have brought in officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones notes that East Palo Alto was formed by seceding from Palo Alto. V: Shot of proposal supporters at a press conference with officials from East Palo Alto. Campaign signs supporting the proposal read, "Vote yes on question 9. Land control, A new city. Mandela, Mass." Jones notes that the referendum is getting national exposure; that Phil Donahue (talk show host) broadcast his show live from WCVB today. V: Shot of the front page of The New York Times; of an article in The New York Times. Footage of the Phil Donahue Show (national TV talk show) from October 30, 1986. Donahue challenges supporters of the proposal, saying that the racial problems will worsen if minority neighborhoods secede from the city. African American community leaders Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Mel King (community activist), Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council), and Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) are guests on the show. Jones says that the issue behind the proposal is land control, not race. Bolling says that African American leaders and other leaders are poised to take control of city government; that the new leaders need to take advantage of the opportunity to bring the city of Boston together. Jones reports that African American community leaders debated the question at a Urban League Forum. V: Footage of Chuck Turner (teacher and community activist) saying that a victory for the referendum will force the Flynn administration to "open the books of the city." Turner talks about the large amount of land to be developed in minority neighborhoods. Footage of Nathan Allen (Executive Director, Lena Park Community Development) saying that the proposal for a new city is not financially feasible; that the new city would be incorporated with a deficit of $100 million; that community residents would be jeopordized by a large deficit. Jones stands at the back of the Urban League Forum. Jones reports that 71% of voters oppose the referendum, according to a poll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/30/1986
Description: David Boeri reports on a demonstration by members of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), outside of the offices of Mayor Ray Flynn. Demonstrators advocate for more affordable housing in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan. Footage of Peggy Jackson (ACORN demonstrator) and Neil Sullivan (Director of housing policy for the Flynn administration) debating the administration's affordable housing policy. Boeri notes that the demonstrators demanded the deed to a vacant lot in order to develop affordable housing themselves.
1:00:03: Visual: Shot of a multi-colored, hand-drawn sign reading, "Welcome to the mayor's office." A group of demonstrators stand outside of the mayor's office chanting, "Mayor Flynn, come on out." One of the demonstrators holds a sign reading, "ACORN: Housing Now." The demonstrators are affiliated with ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). V: Shot of an office telephone; of the demonstrators. Shot of a sign reading, "Shelter is our need. Give us the deed." David Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) refused to meet with the demonstrators; that the demonstrators are fighting for affordable housing in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan. V: Footage of Peggy Jackson (ACORN demonstrator) saying that her organization can build affordable housing if they are given one lot to build on. Boeri reports that the demonstrators say that the housing that the city calls "affordable" is not affordable for Roxbury residents; that the median income in Roxbury is $13,000. V: Footage of Jackson talking to Neil Sullivan (Director of housing policy for Flynn). Jackson says that fewer than 500 units of the city's affordable housing are affordable for Roxbury residents. Sullivan says that fewer than 500 housing units were built by the White administration between 1981 and 1983. Boeri reports that Sullivan blames the housing crisis on Kevin White (former Mayor of Boston) and a lack of federal money. Boeri reports that the Flynn adminstration is bundling low-income units with high-income units; that the Flynn administration is using the high-income units to subsidize the low-income units. V: Shots of Jackson; of the demonstrators. Footage of Sullivan saying that the Flynn administration has built over 500 low-income and moderate-income units in the first 6 months of 1986. The demonstrators respond that they cannot afford these units. Boeri reports that the demonstrators will have to incorporate themselves as non-profit developers before they can bid on a vacant lot. V: Footage of Sullivan telling the demonstrators that other groups have incorporated themselves and are bidding on land. Jackson tells Sullivan that the demonstrators do not have time to incorporate themselves; that another 3,000 people will be homeless before they are able to complete the legal paperwork. Shot of Sullivan. Boeri reports that the ACORN demonstrators ended up walking out; that the demonstrators say that they will take over the land next week. V: Footage of the demonstrators leaving the mayor's office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/14/1986
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King and Jim Roosevelt are among those running to succeed Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill (Speaker of the House) in Massachusetts' 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt compares the upbringing and careers of both King and Roosevelt, noting that they are not at all alike and that neither has anything in common with O'Neill. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience and Roosevelt's public service experience and notes that the two candidates, along with Joseph P. Kennedy and George Bachrach are the frontrunners in the race. The report includes footage from interviews with both candidates and with Jim Roosevelt's sister, Anne Roosevelt Johnson. The report also features photographs of the two candidates throughout their careers and footage of both candidates campaigning.
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of Tip O'Neill (Speaker of the US House of Representatives) speaking to veterans at a VFW post in North Cambridge. The veterans applaud O'Neill. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King (community activist) and Jim Roosevelt (candidate for US Congress) are among those running to succeed O'Neill in the 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt notes that King and O'Neill are not alike; that neither have anything in common with O'Neill. V: Footage of Roosevelt talking about his candidacy at a campaign rally. Footage of King at a campaign rally, saying that he is "a candidate for the people." Vaillancourt says that neither King nor Roosevelt fit into O'Neill's tradition of "clubhouse" politics; that King is courting minority voters and the left; that Roosevelt is campaigning for the votes of affluent professionals. V: Shots of a King campaign sign; of two older white women applauding Roosevelt at a campaign rally. Shots of Roosevelt, King, Joseph Kennedy (candidate for US Congress) and George Bachrach (State Senator) campaigning. Vaillancourt reports that King, Kennedy, Bachrach and Roosevelt are the frontrunners in the race. V: Shot of a black and white photograph of King sitting at a desk. Footage of King talking about his modest family background. He says that his parents were hard workers; that his mother taught him to make clothes; that he sometimes makes the bow ties that he wears today. Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt talking about the legacy of his grandfather, Franklin D. Roosevelt (former US President). Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has never run for political office; that King is a "perennial candidate." Vaillancourt says that Roosevelt comes from a patrician family with a long political tradition; that King is the son of West Indian immigrants. V: Footage of King campaigning on the street; of Roosevelt campaigning on the street. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt and King as young men; of Roosevelt in a school photo; of King in his high school yearbook. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lives in Cambridge and graduated from Harvard Law School; that King lives in the South End and graduated from all-black Claflin College in South Carolina. V: Shots of Roosevelt's house in Cambridge; of King's home in the South End. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt as a student at Harvard; of King in a group photo at Claflin College. Footage of King greeting a voter at a campaign rally; of Roosevelt shaking hands with voters on the street. Footage of King talking about how his father taught him to share with those who are less fortunate. Shots of black and white photographs of King as a member of a youth basketball team; of King coaching basketball. Vaillancourt reports that King's father was a longshoreman; that his mother was active in the church; that King has held jobs working with youth gangs and as a director of a Settlement House in the South End. V: Footage of King saying talking about working with people. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lived in a monastery for a year after graduating from high school. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a member of the Order. Footage of Roosevelt saying that he felt a spiritual calling to serve people; that he serves people in a different way now. Roosevelt says that he had difficulty following the vow of obedience. Shot of a black and white photograph of Roosevelt serving in the Navy. Shots of color photographs of Roosevelt in his naval uniform; of Roosevelt campaigning for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Vaillancourt talks about Roosevelt's career in public service. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has served on the boards of the Mt. Auburn Hospital and the Cambridge Public Library; that Roosevelt has campaigned for numerous Democratic candidates; that Roosevelt's name garners him a lot of attention. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt and O'Neill. Footage of Anne Roosevelt Johnson (Roosevelt's sister) talking about how Roosevelt read the Congressional Record as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt campaigning among the elderly. Footage of King greeting three women at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience. Vaillancourt reports that King was a state representative for ten years; that King is a two-time mayoral candidate. V: Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing King. King talks about his record of strong political leadership. King says that he has a stronger record than any of the other candidates. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt is using his famous name to take on Joseph Kennedy. V: Footage of Roosevelt signing autographs for children. Shot of a radio engineer. Audio of a Roosevelt campaign radio advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has been criticized for "Kennedy-bashing." V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that he has been trying to engage Kennedy in a debate on the issues. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has spent $65,000 on radio ads; that King has spent no money on advertising. V: Footage of King campaigning in Roxbury. Shots of a black and white photo of King meeting with white leaders in the 1960s; of King being arrested by police at Tent City in the 1970s. Vaillancourt reports that 90% of voters in the eighth district recognize King's name. Vaillancourt talks about King's involvement in the protest politics of the 1960s and 1970s. V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that King does not represent the viewpoint of most voters in the district. Footage of King saying that his politics are inclusive. Vaillancourt stands on a streetcorner. Vaillancourt reports that King's Rainbow Coalition is well known; that the Rainbow Coalition has not produced any winning candidates; that Roosevelt has support from Cambridge civic activists; that the district includes other areas besides Cambridge. Vaillancourt reports that Kennedy is leading in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1986