Description: Deborah Wang reports on the vice-presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle. Wang reports that the candidates failed to debate any issues related to the African American community and minority voters, and there was no discussion of drugs, urban unemployment, housing, or discrimination. Footage from the vice-presidential debate. The African American community leaders were disappointed in the debate because there were no minorities represented on the panel of questioners. Interview with Dr. Kenneth Edelin, of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and Mickey Leland, US Congressman from Texas, about the lack of minority participation in the debate. Wang reports that the many leaders at an NAACP Legal Defense Fund luncheon were dissatisfied with the Dukakis campaign. Interview with City Councilor Bruce Bolling about the need for the candidates to address urban issues. Many minority voters supported Jackson for president. Wang notes that Dukakis will have to make an effort to bring minority voters to the polls on election day.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage from the vice-presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic vice-presidential candidiate) and Dan Quayle (Republican vice-presidential candidate) on October 5, 1988. The candidates shake hands and stand behind podiums. Deborah Wang reports that the candidates debated the federal deficit, farm subsidies, social security, campaign contributions, and other subjects. V: Footage of the candidates, the panel of questioners and the audience at the debate. Wang reports that the candidates failed any issues related to African American and minority voters. V: Footage of Dr. Kenneth Edelin (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) saying that some voters are frustrated because substantive issues are not being discussed in the campaign. Edelin says that issues of importance to minority voters are not being discussed. Wang reports that there was no discussion of drugs, urban unemployment, housing or discrimination; that the candidates had one exchange about the issue of poverty. V: Footage of Quayle and Bentsen at the debate. Quayle says that the administration of George Bush (Republican US presidential nominee) would be committed to eradicating poverty. Bentsen notes that the Reagan administration has not supported the passage of a sweeping welfare reform bill. Shots of the members of the panel of questioners at the debate. Wang reports that African American leaders were unsatisfied with the debate because there were no minorities on the panel of questioners. Wang notes that there were no minorities on the panel of questioners at the debate between Bush and Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee). V: Footage of Dukakis and Bush at the presidential debate on September 25, 1988. Shots of the panel of questioners. Footage of Mickey Leland (US Congressman from Texas) being interviewed by Wang. Leland says that he is upset about the lack of minority participation in the debates. Leland says that the issues of concern to minority voters need to be discussed. Wang reports that the NAACP Legal Defense Fund met today for a luncheon; that the NAACP is an overwhelmingly Democratic organization. Wang reports that African American leaders are unsatisfied with the organization of the Democratic campaign. V: Shots of the crowd at the NAACP luncheon. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the candidates need to address issues of economic development and expanded job creation. Bolling says that the candidates should address the needs of urban America. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Shots of the audience at the rally. Jackson pulls on a T-shirt over his dress shirt. The crowd cheers for Jackson. Wang reports that Jackson had been the candidate of choice for many minority voters; that Jackson is campaigning for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters say that Dukakis needs to make an effort to bring African American voters to the polls. V: Footage of Edelin saying that Dukakis's strategy involves pursuing the "Reagan Democrats." Edelin says that the Democratic Party cannot win without the African American vote. Shots of the crowd at the NAACP luncheon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has challenged Michael Dukakis to come out with a budget for his proposed domestic programs, during a campaign debate. Dukakis has refused to release a budget so far. Interview with Issues Dirextor for the Dukakis campaign, Christopher Edley, who says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive and that he does not need to release a budget during a presidential campaign. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis's proposals on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. She notes that he has not talked about a budget for these proposals. Interview with community activist and Jackson supporter Mel King, who also supports Jackson in his demand for Dukakis's budget. Dukakis has talked about funding for his education proposals and for his "Rebuild America" proposal. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis' budget priorities and notes that he would fund increases in domestic funding through cuts in the defense budget. Vaillancourt reviews the events of Dukakis's first term as Governor of Massachusetts. She notes that a massive state debt forced Dukakis to raise taxes and cut spending.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) and Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at Steel Valley Debate in Pennsylvania. Jackson says that "Reaganomics" must be reversed. The audience applauds. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has challenged Dukakis to come up with a budget detailing which domestic programs need support and how Dukakis would pay for them. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has stuck to his own script; that he has refused to enter into a budget battle with Jackson. V: Footage of Dukakis at the debate. Dukakis says that partnerships between Washington DC, management, and labor need to be built. Vaillancourt reports that public-private partnerships are the key to Dukakis's domestic programs. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Dukakis's positions on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has called for "'a national partnership to create affordable day care for all'"; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his day care program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports a reallocation of money to build more affordable housing; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for the affordable housing program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis would fight drugs by restoring funds to the Coast Guard and to other enforcement measures; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his anti-drug program. V: Shot of Jackson at the campaign debate. Footage of Christopher Edley (Issues Director for the Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Edley says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive; that Dukakis has put together ten balanced budgets in his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts. Edley says that an electoral campaign is not the time to put together a budget. Footage of Mel King (Jackson supporter) saying that the voters need to know about Dukakis's priorities; that voters need to know where Dukakis will find the money to implement his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has talked about the budgets for two of his programs. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's positions on job creation and education. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis's "'Rebuild America'" program would "invest $500 million from federal government to regional development." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports increasing the education budget by $250 million in his first year. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy to pay for his domestic programs; that Dukakis would like to generate additional money by cracking down on tax cheats and by making the government more efficient. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's budget priorities. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis will "finance all new domestic spending through cuts in Star Wars." V: Shot of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Footage of Dukakis speaking at a press conference in 1974. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis promised no new taxes in his first campaign for governor of Massachusetts in 1974; that the massive state debt forced him to raise taxes and to cut spending. V: Footage of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. King says that Dukakis has not learned the lesson of 1974; that Dukakis has not honored his commitments to meet the needs of people on welfare. King says that voters need to know where the money will come from for his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis probably does not want to quote specifics in order to avoid becoming the captive of special interest groups. V: Shot of Dukakis at the campaign debate. Footage from C-Span of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has avoided giving Jackson specifics outside of the areas of job creation and welfare reform; that Dukakis has left himself room to maneuver in the general election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1988
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must determine whether several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens are valid. If the signatures are invalidated, Owens' name will not appear on the primary ballot for the second Suffolk County seat, the only district ever to be held by an African American. Interview with Owens about his nomination papers and about the election. Owens attends a hearing of the Ballot Commission. Owens's main rival for the seat, Royal Bolling, Sr., will not appear on the ballot, because Bolling did not file nominating papers on time. Interview with Bolling, Sr. about his failure to file nomination papers on time. Fields notes the ongoing political competition between the Owens and Bolling families, although both candidates deny that the rivalry between the families is serious. Fields' report includes footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate in 1986 and footage of Bolling, Sr. at a legislative hearing. Fields' report also includes footage of Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) at a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Royal Bolling, Jr. at a press conference with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (community activist). Sounds cuts out at the end of the video. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly interviews Barbara Arnwine about housing desegregation in Boston
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of officials at a Ballot Commission Hearing on June 20, 1988. One official challenges the validity of signatures on a petition. Officials argue over whether the signatures should be counted. Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must decide on the validity of several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens (candidate for State Senator). Fields notes that Owens's name will not appear on the primary ballot if the signatures are found to be invalid. V: Footage of Owens discussing the case with an African American woman. Owens says that 24 signatures are being challenged; that 18 or 19 signatures must be ruled invalid in order for his name to be kept off the ballot. Fields reports that Owens is running for the second Suffolk County seat in the State Senate; that the seat in question is the only seat ever held by an African American. V: Shots of traffic on a street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. An African American family crosses the street. Fields reports that the district includes Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, the South End, parts of Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain. Fields reports that Owens held the seat for four terms beginning in 1974; that Owens's main rival for the seat is Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator). V: Shots of signatures on a nominating petition; of Owens and Bolling at a campaign debate in October of 1986. Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing. Owens says that he has won the seat twice; that Bolling has won the seat twice. Owens notes that Bolling failed to file his nominating papers for the seat. Fields reports that Bolling's name will not appear on the primary ballot because he failed to file his qualifying signature petitions. V: Footage of Bolling being interviewed by Fields. Bolling says that he forgot to file his petition on time because he was too involved in other issues. Shot of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing at the State House. Fields reports that Bolling plans to run a sticker campaign in both the Republican and Democratic state primary elections. V: Footage of Bolling saying that voters will have to support him through the sticker campaign. Fields reports that Owens was defeated by Bolling in 1982 after Owens switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. V: Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing, being interviewed by Fields. Owens says that Bolling is trying to manipulate voters in the Republican Party into voting for him; that Bolling will return to the Democratic Party if he is elected. Owens says that he switched to the Republican Party because of his differences with the leadership of the Democratic Party. Owens says that he tried unsuccessfully to build a liberal wing of the Republican Party. Fields notes that Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) defeated Royal Bolling, Jr. in a race for a seat in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. V: Shots of Owens Hicks at a Boston School Committee meeting; of Royal Bolling, Jr. outside of the Massachusetts State House with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (African American activist and journalist). Fields say that both candidates deny that there is a serious rivalry between the two families. V: Footage of Bolling saying that there is no feud between the two families; that both families are involved in the political process.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) lost the Democratic primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. Wang notes that Graham has a lot of support among Cambridge voters despite her loss in the primary election. Wang notes that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign to run against Thompson as an independent candidate in the election. Wang notes that there is no Republican challenger in the race. Wang interviews Graham about her loss in the primary election and about the sticker campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Graham going door-to-door to campaign and to explain the sticker campaign to voters. Wang interviews Thompson about the race. Thompson criticizes Graham for engaging in negative campaign tactics. Wang notes that sticker campaigns are seldom successful and that some voters seem confused about the process. Wang interviews Cambridge voters on the street about the race. Voters were not aware of Graham's sticker campaign. This tape includes additional footage of Graham campaigning in Cambridge and footage of Graham's campaign headquarters.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) approaching the front door of a home in a residential neighborhood. Deborah Wang reports that Graham lost the primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. V: Footage of Graham being interviewed by Wang. Graham says that the loss was unexpected; that she lost the election by forty-nine votes. Graham says that her supporters were complacent; that her supporters expected her to win. Wang reports that Graham blames herself for not working harder to get her supporters out to vote. Wang reports that Graham has had strong support in Cambridge; that Graham is an advocate of rent control, day care, and affordable housing. Wang reports that Graham has had personal problems in the past year; that two of her sons were arrested on drug charges; that police accuse Graham's sons of dealing drugs out of Graham's house. V: Footage of Graham saying that her personal problems gave some momentum to her opponents. Footage of Alvin Thompson greeting a white man while campaigning door-to-door. Wang reports that Thompson is a long-time Cambridge resident. V: Shot of Thompson greeting two women in the street. Footage of Thompson saying that Graham cannot serve her constituents as both City Councillor and State Representative. Thompson says that the problems facing the city are complex; that one person cannot be in two places at once. Wang reports that Thompson is now the Democratic nominee; that Thompson has no Republican challenger. V: Shots of Thompson campaign signs and stickers. Wang reports that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign. V: Footage of Graham approaching the front door of a residential home. A woman answers the door. Graham explains how to vote for her with a sticker in the upcoming election. Graham hands the woman her campaign literature. Graham shakes the woman's hand and leaves the premises. Wang reports that sticker campaigns are seldom successful; that some voters are confused about the process. V: Footage of a white male voter saying that he will vote for Graham because she supports gay and lesbian issues. The man says that he was not aware of Graham not being on the ballot. Footage of another white male voter saying that he did not know that Graham would not be on the ballot. Footage of Graham approaching another home. Wang reports that Graham is waging a campaign to educate voters; that Graham has repeatedly attacked Thompson on his position on rent control and his refusal to engage in a debate with her. V: Footage of Graham saying that she does not understand why Thompson will not debate her. Wang reports that Thompson has complained about Graham's negative campaign. V: Footage of Thompson saying that he will not engage in negative politics. Shots of a Graham campaign sticker; of Graham's campaign headquarters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/02/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing the contract of superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson. Some members are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract and made an effort to postpone the vote on his contract renewal. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member Peggy Davis-Mullen proposes to postpone the vote on Wilson's contract. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he supports the renewal of Wilson's contract. Committee member Daniel Burke questions Wilson about the high drop-out rate in the Boston Public Schools. Wilson responds. Jones reports that Wilson has acknowledged the complaints of some critics by pledging to increase parental involvement in the schools and by pledging to improve the School Department's relations with unions.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee) at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Burke remarks that a certain motion is out of order. Shots of the School Committee members seated at the meeting; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) seated at the meeting. Marcus Jones reports that some members of the School Committee are opposed to the renewal of Wilson's contract; that those members made an effort to take the matter of Wilson's contract off of the agenda. V: Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) at the meeting. Davis-Mullen says that the decision is being forced; that the decision should wait until January. Davis-Mullen says that she does not like the way in which the decision is being made. Shot of Jones in the audience of the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson's supporters on the School Committee were able to keep the debate open. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that he is prepared to support the renegotiation of Wilson's contract. Footage of Wilson saying that he has a good understanding of the school system; that he has made progress in improving the school system. Footage of Burke asking Wilson about the student drop-out rate. Wilson responds to Burke. Wilson says that reading and math scores have gone up and the drop-out rate has declined. Shots of the audience at the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson admits that he has not done enough to involve parents in the educational process. Jones notes that Wilson says that he will try to increase parental involvement and to improve the school department's relations with unions. V: Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson has made a lot of progress in improving the system. Shots of the members as they vote on a motion. Jones reports that the School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing Wilson's contract; that the details of the contract remain to be discussed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on debate over a universal health care bill in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state employees union demanded a collective bargaining amendment to secure the health benefits of state employees. Jones reports that legislators have added the amendment and that the unions are satisfied with the bill. Jones interviews John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teachers' Association) and David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) about the bill and the proposed amendment. Jones also interviews Ray Jordan (State Representative), Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) and Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee) about the bill. Jones reports that today's amendment removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. Jones notes that state legislators have been working on the bill for almost a year. He adds that no one is sure if the bill will be approved by the legislature. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of people in the lobby of the Massachusetts State House and by footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and House leadership in the House chambers.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage from WGBX of Massachusetts State Representatives in the House Chambers. Representatives take turns addressing the House. George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) sits at the front of the House chambers. Marcus Jones reports on the Health Care for All package put forth by Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teacher's Association) saying that universal health care is important; that the State of Massachusetts was trying to roll back other health benefits to pay for the universal health care plan. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state's public employees demanded that an amendement be added to a conference committee bill. Jones notes that the amendment mandates collective bargaining on health benefits for public employees. V: Shots of people milling about in the lobby of the state house; of a man standing in the entrance of the House chambers; of Keverian and House leadership at the front of the House chambers. Jones reports that state employees were concerned about a plan which replaces their Blue Cross coverage with a more costly plan. V: Footage of Flannagan saying that the state is trying to make employees pay more money for fewer benefits. Flannagan says that the amendment for the bill protects state employees. Footage of David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) saying that he represents municipal governments across the state. Baier says that the bill will increase health insurance costs for local governments across the state. Shot of the interior of the House chambers from the State House lobby. Shot of a man standing in the entrance to the House Chambers. Jones reports that legislators spent a lot of time ironing out an agreement with public employees' unions. Jones notes that the amendment to the health care bill removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. V: Footage of Ray Jordan (State Representative) saying that he is more inclined to vote for the bill now that the unions are satisfied with it. Footage of Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) saying that the amendment to the bill limits the management flexibility of the administration. Footage of Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) being interviewed by Jones. Volk says that the bill has required a lot of work on the part of legislators. Jones stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Jones reports that state legislators have been working on the governor's universal health care bill for almost a year; that no one is sure if the bill will pass.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/12/1988