Description: Christian Science Monitor launches cable tv service, The Monitor Channel. Tour of new broadcast facilities. Netty Douglass describes the programming.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1991
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston is higher than in many third-world countries. Marks interviews Dr. Ronald White of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. White talks about the problems facing low-income populations in Boston. White talks about changes in US government policy that ended the link between health care policy and economic development policy. Marks interviews Dr. Rodrigo Guerrero, one of several experts from the developing world to visit Boston for a conference on the health care crisis. Guerrero explains that people's health is related to income and says that reducing poverty will improve people's health. White agrees with Guerrero's recommendations about attacking poverty. Marks reports that attendees at the conference recommended that the city of Boston levy a twenty-five cent tax on cigarettes to pay for new health care programs. Interview with Mayor Ray Flynn about the need for quality health care in the city. Marks' report also features footage of women and children at health clinics in Boston and footage from Frontline of Colombian cities and villages.
0:59:19: Visual: Footage from Frontline of native residents of a village in Colombia. Alexandra Marks reports that the infant mortality rate in Colombia is seventeen deaths per 1,000 infants. Marks notes that Boston is the home of some of the most sophisticated medical technology in the world; that the infant mortality rate in parts of Boston is higher than in Colombia. V: Shot of a young African American boy walking near parked cars. Audio of Dr. Ronald White (Martha Eliot Health Center) saying that medical officials and government officials must acknowledge the crisis in health care. Marks reports that White is director of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center; that the Center is an affiliate of Children's Hospital. Marks reports that the clinic is in the frontlines of the fight against disease and violence in Boston's low-income neighborhoods. V: Shot of the exterior of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. Shot of a woman with an infant and a child entering the health care center. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that substance abuse, violence, AIDS, infant mortality, and the decreased life expectancy of minority males are all problems of the low-income population. Footage of Dr. Rodrigo Guerrero (Carvajal Foundation) being interviewed by Marks. Guerrero says that development is not a problem of resources. Guerrero says that people must be mobilized. Marks reports that Guerrero is in Boston to give advice to White and his colleagues. Marks reports that Guerrero is the executive director of a Colombian charitable foundation; that programs sponsored by Guerrero's foundation helped to decrease the infant mortality rate in Colombia. V: Footage from Frontline of children in a Colombian village. Marks reports that Guerrero is one of several experts from the developing world who gathered in Boston today; that the medical experts are here to help medical workers in Boston deal with the health care crisis. V: Shots of attendees at the conference; of a speaker at the conference. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) being interviewed. Flynn says that people look at Boston as a center of medical expertise; that Boston needs to provide quality health care for poor and needy people. Marks reports that Flynn has pressured two of Boston's leading maternity hospitals into providing $3 million over three years to decrease the infant mortality rate. V: Shot of a Latina woman and infant in the lobby of a pediatric clinic. The woman enters an examination room, followed by a white female health care worker. Shot of the infant on an examination table. The two women stand over the infant. Marks notes that the hospitals will provide more doctors and midwives; that health clinics will receive funding for more prenatal care. V: Footage of Flynn being interviewed. Flynn says that there have been cuts in federal and state spending on health care; that the city must rely on private hospitals to provide quality health care for all people. Footage of Guerrero being interviewed. Guerrero says that his foundation began opening health clinics and schools in poor areas of Cali, Colombia. Guerrero says that his foundation had limited success at first. Marks reports that Guerrero believes that providing medical care is not enough. Marks reports that Guerrero switched his focus from the development of health clinics to economic development. Marks notes that Guerrero's program trained people how to open small businesses like soda shops and beauty parlors; that the program provided technical assistance and loans to the businesses. V: Footage of an urban area in Colombia; of residents and traffic on the streets; of small businesses in a commercial area. Footage of Guerrero being interviewed. Guerrero says that income is related to health. Guerrero says that an increase in a family's income will result in better health for family members. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that Guerrero's idea is an excellent one. White says that this idea was behind the construction of neighborhood health centers during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration's War on Poverty. White says that the neighborhood health centers were originally under the jurisdiction of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Marks reports that the health centers were shifted to the jurisdiction of the Office of Health, Education and Welfare during the Richard Nixon administration. Marks notes that the shift in jurisdiction marked the end of the connection between health care and economic status. Marks reports that White believes that this shift led to a decline in health care. V: Footage of a white female health care worker and a Latino woman in a medical examination room. An Latino infant is on the examining table. The Latino woman changes the boy's diaper. Footage of White being interviewed. White says that jobs must be provided in order to reduce violence. White says that economic development provides opportunities for people. Marks stands outside of the Martha Eliot Health Care Center. Marks reports that attendees at the conference recommended that the city of Boston levy a twenty-five cent tax on cigarettes to pay for new health care programs. Marks reports that the measure is expected to be controverial; that the measure will probably be opposed by merchants. V: Footage of White being interviewed. White says that new revenue is needed to provide minimal programs; that programs are needed to make headway against AIDS, violence, drug abuse, and infant mortality. Marks reports that it is unlikely that new taxes or new health or development programs will be funded during this economic crisis. Marks reports that it is possible that poor people in Colombia will lead longer and healthier lives than poor people in Boston. V: Footage of an infant being weighed on a medical scale. A Latina woman and a white female medical worker look on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1991
Description: Boston School Committee members Jean McGuire and John O'Bryant and interim superintendent Joseph McDonough talk about threatened cuts in basic and special needs education programs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/04/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the history of school desegregation in Boston. She notes that many critics cite the absence of middle-class and white students as a reason for the continued failure of the Boston Public Schools. She focuses on the Timilty Middle School in Boston, a magnet school with successful reading and math programs for its students. Kelly interviews teacher William Moran and principle Shirley Gonsalves about the school and its programs. Moran says that the students are successful. He adds that many come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Gonsalves talks about the benefits of school desegregation. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of students and teachers in classrooms at the Timilty School.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of a school bus door closing. Shots of a school bus outside of the Timilty Middle School; of students on the bus; of white and African American students exiting the Timilty Middle School; of students boarding a bus outside of the school. Shots of African American and white students in a hallway of the school. Hope Kelly reports that busing for school desegregation began seventeen years ago in Boston; that busing was viewed as a way to bring equal opportunity to all students. Kelly notes that busing drove many middle-class white and African American parents away from the school system. Kelly reports that critics cite a lack of middle-class students as a reason for the continued failure of Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of William Moran (Timilty School) being interviewed. Moran says that all students can learn. Kelly reports that Moran grew up in the South End and Roxbury; that Moran attended Boston Public Schools and went to college. V: Shots of Moran walking through a corridor in the Timilty School; of Moran speaking to three students in the doorway of a classroom. Kelly reports that Moran is the seventh-grade coordinator at the Timilty Middle School; that Moran attended the Timilty School twenty years ago. Kelly reports that the Timilty Middle School ranks first city-wide in reading; that the Timilty Middle School is second city-wide in mathematics. Kelly notes that the students at the Timilty School do not come from advantaged backgrounds. V: Shots of a white teacher teaching students of diverse races in a well decorated classroom. Shots of the students in the classroom. Footage of Moran saying that students at the Timilty School low-income families; that many of the students live in housing projects. Moran says that the students come from disadvantaged neighborhoods across the city; that the school is a city-wide school. Kelly reports that most of the students at the Timilty School are non-white and poor. V: Shots of students walking in a corridor of the Timilty School. Footage of Shirley Gonsalves (Timilty School) being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that race and class are not the determining factors among the school's students. Gonsalves says that the school can do nothing about the relative poverty of its students. Kelly reports that Gonsalves is the assistant principal at the Timilty School; that she has worked in the Boston Public School System for seventeen years. V: Shot of Gonsalves walking through a corridor and up a set of stairs with a student. Kelly reports that Gonsalves began teaching in Boston during the first year of school desegregation. V: Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed. Gonsalves says that she grew up in the rural South where busing was used to maintain segregated schools. Gonsalves says that she rode a bus to school from the age of six to the age of eighteen. Shots of students walking in a corridor at the Timilty School. Kelly reports that there are low numbers of white students in the Boston Public School System; that 11% of students at the Timilty School are white. Kelly reports that Gonsalves believes that school integration has been a success. V: Shots of a white student entering a classroom at the Timilty School; of a white teacher standing with two African American students in a hallway. Footage of Gonsalves being interviewed by Kelly. Gonsalves says that students attended schools in their own neighborhoods with students of their own race before school integration. Gonsalves says that students were not exposed to other students of different backgrounds and from different neighborhoods. Gonsalves says that students need to learn about people of different backgrounds. Shots of a white teacher teaching to a class of middle school students; of an African American male student sitting at a desk in the classroom. Shots of other students in classrooms; of an African American female student writing on a chalkboard; of an African American boy reading a book at his desk. Shot of the white teacher teaching to students in the classroom. Kelly reports that the Timilty School is a magnet school; that classes are smaller at the Timilty School; that the schoolday at the Timilty School is 1.5 hours longer on four of five days per week. Kelly reports that the waiting list to enter the sixth grade class at the Timilty School had 200 names. Kelly reports that the Timilty School was named a National School of Excellence in 1989. V: Shot of Gonsalves and a student walking in the corridor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1991
Description: Tip O'Neill presents college scholarship to East Boston High School senior. Award is sponsored by Massport and named in his honor. Tip tells anecdote about JFK inauguration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/29/1991
Description: Interview with Tom Wicker about his book “One of Us” on Richard Nixon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Fishing boat picked up toxic waste barrel 120 miles off Gloucester. Crew suffered from fumes. Coast Guard could not identify illegal dumper. Bright green residue corrodes styrofoam cup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/07/1991
Description: Despite their superficial similarities, Paul Tsongas will not repeat the Dukakis mistakes in his presidential candidacy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1991
Description: In Lowell, Paul Tsongas announces his presidential candidacy. Calls campaign "journey of purpose" based on economic development. "I am an American." Shakes hands in crowd. Lowell streets in rain. Wang exterior.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1991
Description: Paul Tsongas announces his Democratic presidential candidacy on rainy day in Lowell. Espouses economic patriotism.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1991