Description: Overview of the history of presidential debates in advance of the debate between Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan. Footage of debates between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, Reagan and Carter, and Mondale and Gary Hart. Interview with a man about televised debates. Some video problems. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/06/1984
Description: A woman, Miss Tuttle, at a podium speaking about the loss of protection for schools, libraries, and book sellers with the new Obscenity bill. A man at a podium discussing the negativity of new obscenity legislation and how it should be dealt with. Another man, Quentin de Streel, speaking at the podium about the new Obscenity bill and it's affect on schools and libraries, followed by him answering a reporter's question. Cut to Miss Tuttle speaking again and answering reporter questions. Shot of a man in the street dancing. Silent b-roll of the press conference. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/30/1974
Description: Barney Frank and Margaret Heckler, both incumbents, debate in Newton, part of a newly shaped district, in electoral race for Congress. The debate is hosted by The Tab. Cuts of Heckler and Frank's answers and rebuttals. Journalists asks questions. Newton residents sit in audience and applaud for some answers. They specifically talk about national defense and their previous Congressional records.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/10/1982
Description: Written on tape: "Vice Presidental Debate." Overview of Vice Presidential debate between George H.W. Bush and Geraldine Ferraro and how it is covered by the press and its importance. Footage includes montage of different pundits, excerpts from the Vice Presidential debate, polls on who won, and people watching the debate. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/11/1984
Description: Written on tape: "Analysis Debate." Summary of highlights from the debate and an analysis of how Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale performed. Footage from the debate and excerpts of statements from the candidates, followed by a statement from Reagan Campaign Director Ed Rollins and a piece of Mondale's post-debate speech to his supporters. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/22/1984
Description: Written on tape: "Preview/ Debate Pres. Candidates." Analysis of what Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan need to do in the upcoming debate to win, and how they currently stand in the election campaign. Footage from the previous debate, Mondale and Reagan on the campaign trail, and newspaper articles on whether Reagan is senile. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/19/1984
Description: Reel 1 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, and J. Jordan. DiCara, Finnegan, Flynn, and Kearney make their opening remarks. Robert Kiley begins his opening remarks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Housing activists go to Massachusetts House Ways and Means Chairman Thomas Finneran's office to 'evict' him because of his budget proposal. The protesters are arrested. Human service advocates and religious leaders also hold separate protests. The house is debating local aid and tax increases. Rep. Thomas Finneran talks about his budget in the House Chambers. Interviews with Reps. John McDonough and Stanley Rosenberg suggesting new taxes are needed to support services.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/21/1991
Description: Boston mayoral debate from the 1975 campaign. 1975 mayoral campaign debate in WGBH studio, moderated by Pam Bullard, Ed Baumeister, and Gary Griffith, between Mayor Kevin White, Robert Gibbons, Senator Joseph Timilty, and Norman Oliver. Main topic is busing for school integration. Timilty believes that busing is a waste of resources; Gibbons believes that busing was forced by government and should be stopped. Discussion of budget: White is attacked for his handling of state funds. Timilty claims Boston is on verge of bankruptcy. White claims that he has tried to take politics out of City Hall. There is much bickering between Baumeister and Gibbons. Oliver says that Boston Police Department is not operating in the interest of the black community in the city. Timilty gives closing address, talks about type of city citizens want. Oliver closing address: vows to stand up against racism. Gibbons closing address: create neighborhoods for productive working class. White closing address: proud of his record in eight years as mayor. Talks about trying to balance the city fiscally. Ed Baumeister signs off.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/02/1975
Description: Reel 2 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, J. Jordan. Robert Kiley finishes his opening remarks. Mel King, Fred Langone and Eloise Linger maker their opening remarks. Robert Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government and making the city government work efficiently. He talks about the need to eliminate corruption, the need to establish sound fiscal management and the need to reduce crime. Kiley says that the Boston Public School System must be reformed. Mel King discusses his professional experience and long history of work within the community. King talks about the importance of crime prevention and the need to work with community youth. King states his intention to change the climate of fear in the city. King mentions his proposals for addressing unemployment in the city, including the "Boston jobs for Boston people" program. Fred Langone talks about his years of service to the city and his experience in dealing with the city's finances. Langone condemns the fiscal mismanagement of the present administration. Linger addresses US government foreign policy, school desegregation and racism, women's rights and the anti-abortion referendum. Linger talks about the housing shortage and other social problems. She advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues.
0:59:20: Robert Kiley (candidate for mayor) speaks at a mayoral debate at Simmons College. Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government; about making city government work efficiently. Kiley says that corrupt practices must be eliminated from city government; that sound fiscal management must be established. Kiley notes that crime must be reduced; that the school system needs reform; that the Boston Public School System has the highest dropout rate and absentee rate of any urban school system in the nation. Kiley says that he has the background, skills and experience to govern the city; that he has proven experience in government; that he has tackled difficult problems in the city like school desegregation and reform of the MBTA. Kiley says that the next mayor must adopt a system of government based on merit and professionalism. Kiley proposes that all candidates make a voluntary pledge not to accept contributions from city or county employees. Kiley notes that he has made a financial disclosure statement. He proposes that all candidates do the same. Kiley adds that the city needs a mayor with a sense of integrity, decency and a commitment to justice. The audience applauds. 1:03:55: Carroll Miles (professor, Simmons College) introduces Mel King (candidate for mayor). King says that he has been working in the Boston community for thirty years; that he is currently teaching at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that he served as a state representative for ten years. King says that crime prevention is important; that he would put people on the streets to work with community youth; that he wants to change the climate of fear in the city. King says that he campaigned for mayor in 1979; that he advocated a "Boston jobs for Boston people program during that campaign; that the program guaranteed 50% of Boston jobs for Boston residents. King notes the high unemployment rates in East Boston, Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury. King says that 85% of the jobs in Boston are now held by non-residents; that the Occupational Resource Center should serve as a training center for unskilled Boston workers; that this program would make a difference in the lives of city residents. The audience applauds. 1:08:55: Miles introduces Frederick Langone (candidate for mayor). Langone says that the present administration has had deficits exceeding $25 million per year; that the deficits persisted despite relief from the state government; that the state government has assumed welfare costs, half of the MBTA budget and the full costs of running the Suffolk County Court. Langone reminds voters that he was able to expose the fiscal mismanagement and extravagances of the present administration. Langone talks about his knowledge and experience in dealing with the city finances. Langone decries the sale of the Soren Water Commission. Langone talked about his involvement in resolving disputes about the Tregor Bill. Langone says that he was the first to speak out against the present proposal to defer tax breaks for real estate owners. Langone says that he has served the city for twenty years; that he has the courage to defend his positions. Langone notes that there is a movement to depress the Central Artery. He reminds voters that he made a suggestion to depress the Central Artery thirty years ago. Langone closes by saying that he has a strong record of service to the city. The audience applauds. Visual: Shot of Langone and Eloise Linger (mayoral candidate, Socialist Workers Party). 1:14:10: Miles introduces Linger. Linger says that she is familiar with the problems of working people; that she is a working mother employed as a stitcher in the garment industry; that she recently went off unemployment. Linger addresses US government foreign policy. She accuses the federal government of dragging the nation into a "new Vietnam" in Central America. She says that the "war machine" of the federal government puts a drain on resources; that these resources could be used to remedy social problems. Linger says that racism exists in Boston at the highest levels; that she is opposed to attempts to roll back gains made in school desegregation. Linger proposes to extend busing for school integration and to hire more teachers for the schools. Linger says that the present city administration has encouraged racist violence through its failure to publicly condemn the killers of William Atkinson. Linger says that there is growing opposition to women's rights at the highest levels; that she is opposed to the pending anti-abortion referendum; that opposition to women's rights at the highest levels encourages rapists and other violent attacks on women. Linger says that a government of working people could solve the problem of unemployment; that "the rich rule and rob Boston." Linger advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues. Linger advocates putting people to work to build affordable housing, public transportation, public health care clinics and new schools. Linger says that the elimination of the Pentagon budget could pay for needed programs. Linger says that banks, corporations and insurance companies in Boston enjoy huge tax breaks at the expense of working people; that the working people of the city have a right to know where the money is. Linger closes by urging everyone to attend the demonstration against US policy in Central American on May 14, and to attend her campaign rally on May 7 in Kenmore Square. Linger holds up a flyer for the campaign rally. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Overview of political races in New Hampshire Footage of debates and analysis of the races between John Sununu and Chris Spirou for Governor and between Gordan Humphrey and Norman D'Amours for the Senate. Some video problems. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/16/1984
Description: Mayoral candidates Mel King and Ray Flynn participate in a forum on education sponsored by the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) at English High School. Flynn talks about his experience in government and his commitment to the public schools. He notes his familiarity with the city and school budgets, and he discusses the importance of public education and public housing. King stresses the importance of early childhood education programs and a "child-centered" school system. King speaks of the need for the mayor to work together with the Boston School Committee. King says that the city must continue to demonstrate its support of integrated schools. King and Flynn respond to a question about requiring students to pass a standardized test in order to graduate. Tape 1 of 2.
1:00:05: Visual: Four members of the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) sit at a table on stage at English High School. A member of the CWEC welcomes mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King to the annual meeting of the CWEC. Flynn and King are seated at a table at the center of the stage. Shots of Flynn and King. The CWEC member says that the candidates and the audience will discuss the future of public education in Boston. 1:01:55: V: Flynn thanks the moderator and the CWEC. Flynn mentions his experience as a state legislator and a member of the Boston City Council. He says that he was a student in the Boston Public Schools. Flynn congratulates the CWEC for their commitment ot public education. Flynn stresses the importance of public education and a good school system. Flynn says that he has a Master's Degree in education from Harvard; that he is committed to education. Flynn says that he would visit a few public schools and a few public housing projects on his first day as mayor; that education and public housing will be major concerns for his administration. Flynn says that the mayor should be involved in public education; that politicians in Boston have distanced themselves from the public schools since desegregation. Flynn says that the mayor should serve as an ex-officio member of the Boston School Committee; that the mayor needs to be aware of the situation in the schools. Flynn says that he is familiar with the city and school budgets. Flynn says that fiscal stability and predictable student placements are important for the schools. The audience applauds. 1:07:56: V: King thanks the audience and the CWEC. King says that the students in the school system must be served from birth to graduation; that early childhood education programs are important. King says that resources must be allocated to support Head Start programs and other early childhood education programs. King says that "child-centered" school system must guarantee education for all students; that the school system must believe that all children can be educated. King says that the mayor must work with the Boston School Committee; that the members of the School Committee will be newly elected; that the mayor and the Boston School Committee must determine the problems and the needs of the school system. King says that the newly elected School Committee must be unified in support of integrated schools. Jump cut in videotape. King says that he would provide leadership on the issue of education; that he would work to create a good climate and to end divisiveness on the issue of education. King says that the Boston Public School System must demonstrate its commitment to integrated education. The audience applauds. 1:14:52: V: An audience member asks if students should pass a standardized test in order to graduate from high school. King says that standards need to be established in the early grades as well as upon graduation. King says that the school administration must be held responsible for the education of the students; that diagnostic testing and evaluation is needed at every grade level, not just upon graduation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/13/1983
Description: Mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King participate in a forum on education sponsored by the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) at English High School. Flynn says that students graduating from Boston public schools must be prepared to compete in the workplace. He adds that there must be a working relationship between parents, teachers, administrators, and the community. King speaks about the workings of the school administration and advocates the inclusion of parents in the process. King and Flynn respond to questions about how they would have handled school desegregation if they had been mayor at the time. Both candidates answer questions about the role of the mayor upon the court's withdrawal from its supervisory role over the school system and about the school budget. Audience members include John O'Bryant of the Boston School Committee. Tape 2 of 2.
1:00:00: Visual: Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston) speaks at a forum on education sponsored by the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC) at English High School. The candidates' forum is held in conjuction with their annual meeting. Flynn says that students graduating from Boston public schools must be able to compete in the workplace. Long shot of candidates on stage from the back of the auditorium. Flynn says that there must be a working relationship between parents, teachers, administrators and the community. The audience applauds. 1:00:56: V: King speaks about the workings of the school administration. Jump cut in the videotape. Shots of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee); of members of the audience. King says that parents must be included in the workings of the school system. Shot of the candidates on stage. An audience member asks what each candidate would have done about school desegregation if he had been mayor at the time. The audience member also asks about the role of the mayor when the court pulls withdraws from its supervisory role over the school system. King says that community control over schools is important; that community accountablility is an important aspect of community control; that members of the community must be held accountable for the state of neighborhood schools. King says that he had suggested a community approach to schools which could have prevented the kind of sweeping court order imposed by the federal court to accomplish school desegregation. King says that he would have tried to bring people together in support of school desegregation if he had been mayor at the time; that there were many people acting in opposition to the court order at the time of school desegregation. King says that he would provide leadership on the issue of quality, integrated education upon the withdrawal of the court. 1:05:08: V: Flynn responds to the same question about school desegregation. Flynn notes that the State Department of Education will continue to oversee the Boston Public School System after the withdrawal of the court. Flynn says that he will work with the State Department of Education to protect the Constitutional rights of public schoolchildren in Boston. Flynn says that political and moral leadership was absent during school desegregation in Boston. Flynn says that he would have defended the rights and the safety of Boston schoolchildren as mayor, even if he disagreed with the court order. Flynn notes that he was a state legislator at the time of school desegregation; that he was criticized at the time for standing up for his beliefs; that he was criticized for living in a certain community; that he acted responsibly on behalf of all of Boston's schoolchildren at the time. 1:07:15: V: An audience member asks about the school budget. Flynn says that it is important to educate children; that it is more expensive to remedy social problems resulting from poor education. Flynn says that he supported funding for Boston schools even when it was politically unpopular to do so; that he is committed to providing the necessary funds to assure a good school system. Flynn says that accountability is as important as funding; that the school system has too many administrators. King responds to the same question. King says that he is aware of the lack of resources available to teachers and students in the Boston Public School System; that the lack of resources is embarrassing for a school system with a large budget; that the school administrators must make a commitment to provide resources for students and teachers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/13/1983
Description: 1975 Boston mayoral race debate between current mayor Kevin White and Senator Joseph Timilty, filmed in WEEI studio. Reporter Mike Ludlum introduces White, Timilty, and City Hall reporter Les Woodruff. Ludlum sets ground rules and itinerary for debate. During debate, discussion of Timilty's accusations against White about "arrogance of power;" cronyism; corruption; CETA hiring abuse; Frog Pond; fundraising pressure; tax allocation. Film artifact obscures image intermittently starting at 00:12:16. Reel 1 of 3.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/23/1975
Description: Senator Joseph Timilty's closing statement in 1975 mayoral race debate against current mayor Kevin White, filmed in WEEI studio. Radio broadcast closed by announcer Mike Ludlum. Following close of broadcast is silent footage of participants and others shaking hands conversing in studio. Reel 3 of 3.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/23/1975
Description: WEEI reporters Mike Ludlum and Les Woodruff are the moderate a portion of 1975 Boston mayoral debate in WEEI studio between incumbent Mayor Kevin White and Senator Joseph Timilty. Timilty accuses the White administration of fiscal irresponsibility. White defends his administration's accomplishments, citing building projects to provide new facilities for the city's neighborhoods. Both candidates comment on "white flight" from the city and the state of the Boston school system; public facilities.Tape ends during White's closing statement.
10:13:52: Recording begins in mid-speech. Visual: Joseph Timilty, Kevin White and 2 moderators sit at a table in the WEEI studios. Moderators are Les Woodruff and Mike Ludlum from WEEI.) Timilty questions the White administration's ability to deliver the economic reform necessary to attract new industry to the city. 10:14:28: V: Woodruff asks Timilty how he would handle economic reform. Timilty responds that he would push for a broadening of the city's tax base; that he would look to reform city programs, citing a need for reform in the Little City Hall Program; that he would make budget cuts; that he would target urban renewal through neighborhood-based community development corporations and push for growth in the city's neighborhoods . 10:17:00: V: Ludlum asks White to address the issues raised by Timilty. White asks Timilty to explain an earlier accusation regarding high percentage rates paid by the city on its bonds. White defends his administration's record on reducing unemployment and attracting industry to the city. He cites his accomplishments in the areas of welfare and the city budget. White again asks Timilty about percentage rates on bonds. 10:19:00: V: Timilty responds that the city's debt has increased 176% during White's tenure as mayor. He mentions high interest payments paid by the city. Timilty contests White's claim of responsibility for the transfer of welfare costs from the city to the state, and claims that real estate taxes have increased 67% under White. Timilty says that credit for stabilizing the tax rate should go to the state legislature, which increased funds for the city. White taps his pen against the table, looking frustrated. 10:20:11: V: Ludlum says that White deserves a chance to respond. White returns to the question of the bond percentage rate. Timilty responds that Boston probably pays 4%. A heated exchange ensues concerning the bond market and the percentage rates paid by the city of Boston. Timilty again claims that Boston pays rates that are too high, and that the city has amassed a dangerous amount of debt. White contends that he has saved taxpayer money by raising the bond rate; White says that he has spent bonded monies on increased services and growth for the neighborhoods. White asks if Timilty supports these neighborhood projects. 10:23:08: V: Timilty says that fiscal responsibility is important. He accuses White of overspending on projects that have made little difference to the neighborhoods. Timilty says that White's spending has decreased the city's rating on the bond market, and that the city is in fiscal jeopardy. 10:24:03: V: Ludlum interrupts Timilty to let White respond. White asks Timilty if he agrees that bonded monies are needed for new construction projects. Timilty responds that bonded monies are needed, but too much debt puts the city in jeopardy. White says the building projects were sorely needed by the neighborhoods, and bonding was necessary to get the money. Timilty counters that the neighborhoods need a reduction in the crime rate more than they need new buildings. 10:26:05: V: Woodruff invites the candidates to address the issues of decreasing white enrollment in schools, decreasing white population in the city, the viablility of the public schools and contract negotiations with teachers. White says that ethnic diversity is important for the city, but he recognizes that some citizens fear the growing minority population, and adds that a low tax-rate might help to keep these people from moving out of the city. Timilty interrupts and asks what the tax-rate has to do with the school system. White defends himself by saying that a low tax-rate and good city amenities prevent "white flight" and keep white children in the school system. White adds that further improvements to the schools will attract more white students. He cites Charlestown as an example of a neighborhood with a stable white population and B.C. High as an example of a good school attracting white students to the city. White concludes by saying that the school system needs to improve. 10:30:03: V: Woodruff sums up White's position and invites Timilty to respond. Timilty says there has been little effort to improve the public schools. He says that families are eager to move out of the city because of bad schools, the high cost of living, and high property taxes. He proposes a plan for magnet schools in the city which is more fully developed than the one in place. 10:32:16: V: Ludlum poses a series of questions and demands brief answers from the candidates. Moderator asks about the issues that strike a chord with the voters. White's answer is the stabilization of the tax rate. Timilty's answer is a responsive city government. Ludlum asks each candidate the difference between him and his opponent. White's answer is experience and performance. Timilty answers that he has a plan for the city. 10:34:25: V: Mayor White gives his closing statement. He cites his performance as mayor, his efforts to stabilize the tax rate, his fight against valuation, his efforts to build facilities for the neighborhoods, and to appoint competent people. He mentions three critical issues: tax reform, healing racial wounds, and improving education.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/23/1975
Description: Deborah Wang reports on the vice-presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle. Wang reports that the candidates failed to debate any issues related to the African American community and minority voters, and there was no discussion of drugs, urban unemployment, housing, or discrimination. Footage from the vice-presidential debate. The African American community leaders were disappointed in the debate because there were no minorities represented on the panel of questioners. Interview with Dr. Kenneth Edelin, of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and Mickey Leland, US Congressman from Texas, about the lack of minority participation in the debate. Wang reports that the many leaders at an NAACP Legal Defense Fund luncheon were dissatisfied with the Dukakis campaign. Interview with City Councilor Bruce Bolling about the need for the candidates to address urban issues. Many minority voters supported Jackson for president. Wang notes that Dukakis will have to make an effort to bring minority voters to the polls on election day.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage from the vice-presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic vice-presidential candidiate) and Dan Quayle (Republican vice-presidential candidate) on October 5, 1988. The candidates shake hands and stand behind podiums. Deborah Wang reports that the candidates debated the federal deficit, farm subsidies, social security, campaign contributions, and other subjects. V: Footage of the candidates, the panel of questioners and the audience at the debate. Wang reports that the candidates failed any issues related to African American and minority voters. V: Footage of Dr. Kenneth Edelin (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) saying that some voters are frustrated because substantive issues are not being discussed in the campaign. Edelin says that issues of importance to minority voters are not being discussed. Wang reports that there was no discussion of drugs, urban unemployment, housing or discrimination; that the candidates had one exchange about the issue of poverty. V: Footage of Quayle and Bentsen at the debate. Quayle says that the administration of George Bush (Republican US presidential nominee) would be committed to eradicating poverty. Bentsen notes that the Reagan administration has not supported the passage of a sweeping welfare reform bill. Shots of the members of the panel of questioners at the debate. Wang reports that African American leaders were unsatisfied with the debate because there were no minorities on the panel of questioners. Wang notes that there were no minorities on the panel of questioners at the debate between Bush and Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee). V: Footage of Dukakis and Bush at the presidential debate on September 25, 1988. Shots of the panel of questioners. Footage of Mickey Leland (US Congressman from Texas) being interviewed by Wang. Leland says that he is upset about the lack of minority participation in the debates. Leland says that the issues of concern to minority voters need to be discussed. Wang reports that the NAACP Legal Defense Fund met today for a luncheon; that the NAACP is an overwhelmingly Democratic organization. Wang reports that African American leaders are unsatisfied with the organization of the Democratic campaign. V: Shots of the crowd at the NAACP luncheon. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the candidates need to address issues of economic development and expanded job creation. Bolling says that the candidates should address the needs of urban America. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Shots of the audience at the rally. Jackson pulls on a T-shirt over his dress shirt. The crowd cheers for Jackson. Wang reports that Jackson had been the candidate of choice for many minority voters; that Jackson is campaigning for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters say that Dukakis needs to make an effort to bring African American voters to the polls. V: Footage of Edelin saying that Dukakis's strategy involves pursuing the "Reagan Democrats." Edelin says that the Democratic Party cannot win without the African American vote. Shots of the crowd at the NAACP luncheon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1988
Description: Debate on the success of school desegregation, moderated by Jim Lehrer. Filmed in the auditorium of Dunbar High School in Washington D.C. Lehrer explains outline and rules for debate. Busing advocates include Arthur Flemming (Chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights), Murray Saltzman, Frankie Freeman of US Commission on Civil Rights. Flemming begins debate with opening statement by the US Commission on Civil Rights. Lino Graglia of the Neighborhood Schools Association makes opening remark for anti-busing representative group. Sue Mills, Herbert Walberg of Neighborhood Schools Association. Coproduced by WGBH and WETA.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/15/1976
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has challenged Michael Dukakis to come out with a budget for his proposed domestic programs, during a campaign debate. Dukakis has refused to release a budget so far. Interview with Issues Dirextor for the Dukakis campaign, Christopher Edley, who says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive and that he does not need to release a budget during a presidential campaign. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis's proposals on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. She notes that he has not talked about a budget for these proposals. Interview with community activist and Jackson supporter Mel King, who also supports Jackson in his demand for Dukakis's budget. Dukakis has talked about funding for his education proposals and for his "Rebuild America" proposal. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis' budget priorities and notes that he would fund increases in domestic funding through cuts in the defense budget. Vaillancourt reviews the events of Dukakis's first term as Governor of Massachusetts. She notes that a massive state debt forced Dukakis to raise taxes and cut spending.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) and Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at Steel Valley Debate in Pennsylvania. Jackson says that "Reaganomics" must be reversed. The audience applauds. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has challenged Dukakis to come up with a budget detailing which domestic programs need support and how Dukakis would pay for them. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has stuck to his own script; that he has refused to enter into a budget battle with Jackson. V: Footage of Dukakis at the debate. Dukakis says that partnerships between Washington DC, management, and labor need to be built. Vaillancourt reports that public-private partnerships are the key to Dukakis's domestic programs. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Dukakis's positions on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has called for "'a national partnership to create affordable day care for all'"; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his day care program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports a reallocation of money to build more affordable housing; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for the affordable housing program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis would fight drugs by restoring funds to the Coast Guard and to other enforcement measures; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his anti-drug program. V: Shot of Jackson at the campaign debate. Footage of Christopher Edley (Issues Director for the Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Edley says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive; that Dukakis has put together ten balanced budgets in his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts. Edley says that an electoral campaign is not the time to put together a budget. Footage of Mel King (Jackson supporter) saying that the voters need to know about Dukakis's priorities; that voters need to know where Dukakis will find the money to implement his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has talked about the budgets for two of his programs. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's positions on job creation and education. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis's "'Rebuild America'" program would "invest $500 million from federal government to regional development." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports increasing the education budget by $250 million in his first year. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy to pay for his domestic programs; that Dukakis would like to generate additional money by cracking down on tax cheats and by making the government more efficient. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's budget priorities. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis will "finance all new domestic spending through cuts in Star Wars." V: Shot of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Footage of Dukakis speaking at a press conference in 1974. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis promised no new taxes in his first campaign for governor of Massachusetts in 1974; that the massive state debt forced him to raise taxes and to cut spending. V: Footage of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. King says that Dukakis has not learned the lesson of 1974; that Dukakis has not honored his commitments to meet the needs of people on welfare. King says that voters need to know where the money will come from for his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis probably does not want to quote specifics in order to avoid becoming the captive of special interest groups. V: Shot of Dukakis at the campaign debate. Footage from C-Span of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has avoided giving Jackson specifics outside of the areas of job creation and welfare reform; that Dukakis has left himself room to maneuver in the general election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the race for the second Suffolk senatorial seat between candidates Bill Owens and Royal Bolling, Sr. Jones. He notes that Owens held the seat from 1974 to 1982, when Bolling, Sr. won the seat. Jones notes that both candidates come from prominent families in the African American community. Jones reviews the history of both families' involvement in city and state politics. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate and by footage of members of both families. This tape contains additional footage of the campaign debate between Owens and Bolling, Sr.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of William Owens (candidate for State Senate) at a campaign debate. Owens talks about the need for a senator to establish himself as independent from any party affiliation. The crowd applauds. Footage of Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator) saying that he has accomplished more in four years than Owens accomplished in the previous twelve years. Owens and Bolling are pictured at a campaign debate. Marcus Jones reports that this campaign marks the fourth time that Owens and Bolling have competed for the second Suffolk Senatorial Seat. Jones notes that the district was created in 1974 to afford minorities the opportunity to elect a minority representative to the Senate. V: Shots of the audience at the campaign debate; of campaign signs for Bolling and Owens. Jones reports that Owens beat Bowling for the seat in 1974 and 1976. Jones notes that Owens switched his party affiliation to Republican in 1982 to protest the fact that he was ignored by the leadership of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Jones reports that Bolling beat Owens in the 1982 elections. V: Shot of Owens. Footage of Bolling saying that Owens claims to be independent of everyone; that no one can be independent of everyone. Bolling talks about the need to cooperate with the other Senators to push for legislation. Shots of the audience members. Jones reports that Bolling has been accused of being too close to Democratic Party leadership; that Owens is seen as too independent by some. Jones notes that the election has turned into a struggle for leadership between two prominent African American families. V: Footage of a young African American man saying that Owens's campaign was helped by the election of Shirley Owens Hicks (Owens' sister) to the House of Representatives. Footage of a middle-aged African American man saying that he can understand why politicians from prominent families campaign on their family name. Jones reports that the Bolling family has been politically active since Bolling won a seat in the House of Representatives in 1960; that his son Royal Bolling, Jr. was elected in 1972. V: Shot of Bolling Sr. preparing to speak in front of a legislative committee. Shot of Bolling, Jr. at a press conference. Jones notes that Bolling, Jr. lost his bid for an eighth consecutive term in the House of Representatives to Shirley Owens Hicks. V: Shot of Shirley Owens Hicks in a meeting of the Boston School Committee; of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) addressing a crowd. Jones adds that Bruce Bolling (member of the Bolling family) has been a successful Boston City Councillor. V: Footage of Bolling, Sr. saying that Owens has been afraid to make a stand when he thinks that the stand might be "adverse." Footage of Owens saying that no one has ever been confused about where he stands on the issues. The crowd applauds. Jones stands in front of campaign signs for Bolling, Sr. and Owens. Jones reports that an Owens victory would signal a sweep of the legislative elections by the Owens family; that an Owens victory would signal the first time that a Bolling family member has not represented the districts of Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1986
Description: Overview of the Democratic Primary candidates and what has happened in the race so far and the mistakes that have been made. Footage of John Glen, Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, and Jesse Jackson at debates and on the campaign trail with reporter voice over about their mistakes. Reporter standup. Footage of Ronald and Nancy Reagan on the White House lawn. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/11/1984
Description: Massachusetts State Representatives speak pro and con on gay rights anti-discrimination bill. Reps. Salvatore Dimasi, Roger Goyette, Susan Schur, Philip Travis, Eleanor Myerson, James Miceli, Francis Woodward, Thomas Vallely, Willian Robinson. The debate focuses mainly on discrimination against gay people in the workplace, but also touches on AIDS and gay foster care rights.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: Eastern Massachusetts demand is too much for the water supply from the Quabbin Reservoir. Conservation measures are being taken, mainly in stopping leaks from the pipes used to transport the water. The Water Resources Authority is seeking an alternative supply for Boston area water, which may include the Sudbury river. Environmentalist argue against the idea. Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary James Hoyte says they're keeping the option open. Additional story on the Merrimack River, it's possible use as an alternative water supply, and the debate over that decision.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/12/1986
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports on Congressional debate over a bill that would impose sanctions on the apartheid regime in South Africa. Jones notes that Ronald Reagan is opposed to sanctions, but did impose a limited one-year trade embargo on South Africa last September. Jones' report includes footage of Reagan giving a speech. Jones reports that Reagan and his supporters believe that sanctions would hurt black South Africans more than they would help them. Jones adds that supporters of sanctions call Reagan's position hypocritical and illogical. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of the members of US Congress addressing the legislature about the sanctions issue. The congressmen include Stephen Solarz, Silvio Conte, Dan Burton, Edward Kennedy, and Bob Dole. George Bush is shown presiding over the US Senate. Jones reports that anti-apartheid leaders believe that the US must set an example for other nations by imposing sanctions on the South African government. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of laborers in South Africa and by footage of black South Africans. This tape contains additional footage of Prince Andrew of Great Britain and Sarah Ferguson (Andrew's fiance). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports on drug activity in the Grove Hall area of Roxbury
0:59:59: Visual: Footage of Stephen Solarz (US Representative from New York) speaking to legislators on June 18, 1986. Solarz says that sanctions are a form of "political shock therapy." Solarz says that it is better to deliver a stronger shock than a weaker one. Marcus Jones reports that Ronald Reagan (US President) gave a speech today; that Reagan's speech was supposed to quiet Congressional debate over sanctions against South Africa. Jones reports that Reagan's speech did little to quiet the debate. Jones notes that the Senate is debating a bill which would divest US business interests in South Africa; that the bill would ban US companies from trading with, investing in, or opening subsidiaries in South Africa. V: Shots of Reagan giving a speech; of the audience listening to Reagan. Shots of the Senate chambers; of Bob Dole (US Senator) speaking on the floor of the Senate chambers. Shot of George Bush (US Vice-President) presiding over the Senate. Bush confers with an official as he sits in his seat. Footage of Silvio Conte (US Representative from Massachusetts) addressing legislators. Conte says that the US should not be timid; that the US needs to provoke the South African government to act before civil war erupts. Footage of Dan Burton (US Representative from Indiana) addressing legislators. Burton says that legislators should give Reagan's measures time to work before enacting sanctions. Shot of Reagan speaking. Jones reports that Reagan tried in vain to cut off debate about sanctions last September; that Reagan issued a five-point executive order. Jones notes that Reagan's order included a limited one-year trade embargo on South Africa. Jones reports that critics believe that the executive order has failed to promote change in South Africa. Jones notes that US anti-apartheid leaders said that Reagan's position on South Africa is inadequate, hypocritical, and illogical. V: Shot of a US Congressman addressing legislators on June 18, 1986. Jones reports that Reagan's position states that US sanctions would hurt black South Africans more than they would help them. Jones reports that critics note that Reagan supported sanctions against the governments of Poland and Nicaragua. Jones reports that Reagan's policy states that the US would be put at a strategic disadvantage if the import of certain minerals from South Africa was outlawed. Jones notes that the current Congressional bill would allow exceptions for minerals imported for the military. V: Shots of an industrial plant in South Africa; of two black South African men walking in a commercial district in South Africa. Shots of Reagan giving a speech. Shot of Bush presiding over the Senate chambers. Shot of Edward Kennedy (US Senator) addressing members of the Senate. Jones reports that Reagan's critics acknowledge that strong sanctions will not remedy the situation in South Africa. Jones notes that there are only a few hundred US firms operating in South Africa; that US firms employ less than 1% of the South African work force. Jones reports that anti-apartheid leaders believe that change will come to South African only if other nations follow the example of the US in imposing sanctions. V: Shots of traders on the floor of a stock exchange; of a black South African miner. Shot of a sign on a building. The sign reads "Mine Labour Organisations" Shot of black South African women waiting at the Mine Labour Organisation building. Shot of black South African men carrying a coffin in a funeral procession. Shot of a black fist raised in the air.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/22/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports on a referendum question concerning the incorporation of a new city made up of Boston's minority neighborhoods, which would be called Mandela, Massachusetts. Interview with Andrew Jones of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project about the proposal. Jones reports on the local and national controversy generated by the referendum question. Footage from a press conference with Mandela supporters and officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones' report also features footage from an episode of the Phil Donahue Show. African American community leaders Andrew Jones, Mel King, Bruce Bolling, and Charles Stith debate the question with Donahue. Jones reports that the referendum is not expected to pass. Chuck Turner, a teacher, and Nathan Allen, the Executive Director of Lena Park Community Development, debate the question at tan Urban League Forum.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the referendum question concerning the incorporation of Mandela, Massachusetts on the 1986 election ballot. Marcus Jones reports that the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts has generated much publicity. V: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) saying that minority neighborhoods have a "colonial relationship with the city of Boston;" that the city of Boston has treated minority residents like "second-class citizens." Jones explains that the ballot question asks whether minority neighborhoods should break ties with the city of Boston in order to incorporate a new city. V: Shot of African American residents crossing under the elevated train tracks on Washington Street; of a map of the proposed border of the new city. Jones notes that the new city would encompass Roxbury, Mattapan, and parts of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, the Fenway, South End and Columbia Point; that proposal supporters have chosen Mandela as the name for the new city. V: Shots of young African American men standing in front of Joe's Sub Shop; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Flynn says Roxbury secession would halt progress." The article includes a photo of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) with Reverend Michael Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church). Jones reports that Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is urging residents to vote against the proposal; that supporters of the proposal have brought in officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones notes that East Palo Alto was formed by seceding from Palo Alto. V: Shot of proposal supporters at a press conference with officials from East Palo Alto. Campaign signs supporting the proposal read, "Vote yes on question 9. Land control, A new city. Mandela, Mass." Jones notes that the referendum is getting national exposure; that Phil Donahue (talk show host) broadcast his show live from WCVB today. V: Shot of the front page of The New York Times; of an article in The New York Times. Footage of the Phil Donahue Show (national TV talk show) from October 30, 1986. Donahue challenges supporters of the proposal, saying that the racial problems will worsen if minority neighborhoods secede from the city. African American community leaders Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Mel King (community activist), Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council), and Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) are guests on the show. Jones says that the issue behind the proposal is land control, not race. Bolling says that African American leaders and other leaders are poised to take control of city government; that the new leaders need to take advantage of the opportunity to bring the city of Boston together. Jones reports that African American community leaders debated the question at a Urban League Forum. V: Footage of Chuck Turner (teacher and community activist) saying that a victory for the referendum will force the Flynn administration to "open the books of the city." Turner talks about the large amount of land to be developed in minority neighborhoods. Footage of Nathan Allen (Executive Director, Lena Park Community Development) saying that the proposal for a new city is not financially feasible; that the new city would be incorporated with a deficit of $100 million; that community residents would be jeopordized by a large deficit. Jones stands at the back of the Urban League Forum. Jones reports that 71% of voters oppose the referendum, according to a poll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/30/1986
Description: Carmen Fields reports on the restoration of the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. The Meeting House is the oldest African American church in the nation and it was gutted by fire in 1973. Interview with Philip Hart (Board of Directors, African Meeting House) and Ruth Batson (Director, African Meeting House). Hart talks about the significance of the Meeting House. Batson talks about plans for music, scholarly debate, and religious services at the Meeting House. Fields notes that a series of rededication programs will begin soon. Footage of construction workers and staff at the Meeting House and photographs documenting the history of African Americans in Boston.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of woodworkers and construction workers doing restoration work at the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Carmen Fields reports that the African Meeting House is being restored; that the African Meeting House is the oldest African American church in the nation. V: Shots of the exterior of the Meeting House; of a commemorative stone reading, "A gift to Cato Gardner. First promoter of this building, 1806." Footage of Fields interviewing Philip Hart (Board of Directors, African Meeting House). Hart says that Frederick Douglass (abolitionist) spoke at the Meeting House; that the Meeting House was important to the Underground Railroad. Hart talks about the history of the Meeting House. Hart says that the Meeting House hosted notable figures and the average citizens. Shots black and white images of Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison (abolitionist). Fields reports that the Meeting House was gutted by fire in 1973; that a series of rededication programs begin on Sunday. V: Shots of the interior of the Meeting House with scaffolding; of white and African American workers involved in the rededication programs. Shots of Ruth Batson (Director, African Meeting House); of a black and white image of the Meeting House; of a 19th century photograph of a group of African Americans. Footage of Batson saying that she would like to have music, scholarly debate, and special religious services in the Meeting House. Batson says that the building will serve multiple purposes; that she hopes it will unite the people of Boston. Shots of photographs by Hamilton Smith, documenting the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century African American community. Fields notes that photographs by Hamilton Smith will be part of a permanent exhibit at the Meeting House. Field adds that the nineteenth-century African American community was centered on the north slope of Beacon Hill. V: Shot of a black and white photo of three African American women; of a black and white image of the Meeting House. Footage of Batson saying that the African American community began on Beacon Hill; that the African American community must celebrate their heritage. Footage of Hart saying that the building is a reminder of the role of the African American community in the history of Boston. Shots of black and white images of African Americans in the nineteenth century. Shot of the exterior of the Meeting House. Footage of Batson saying that she can hear the voices of past generations when she stands in the building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/09/1987
Description: People leaving meeting at Boston University. Interview with Howard Zinn on vote to remove John Silber as BU president. Zinn says acts of conscience and criticism of administration result in retribution. He calls for a change in the situation at BU. Interview with John Silber, who says BU is a place of debate and academic freedom without repression. Faculty assembly votes (456 to 215) to ask Board of Trustees to dismiss Silber. Press conference held by psychology professor Joe Speisman, who speaks on behalf of faculty. Other professors, student leader Maureen Sultzer, and District 65 labor union representative Carol Yorman speak about their support of the vote to remove Silber from office and other related matters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1979
Description: Story on the changes in the way women are voting, and the way they voted specifically in the 1984 presidential election. Interviews with women voters about the Mondale-Ferraro ticket. One woman says “If Godzilla were running against Reagan, I would have voted Godzilla." Interview with Rep. Susan Schur on the way the voters decided who to vote for in the 1984 presidential election, especially women voters. Footage from Bush/Ferraro vice-presidential debate. Interview with man on contemporary women's voting practices. Examination of women's voting in Massachusetts specifically, including for both Mondale/Ferraro, and for John Kerry in the Senate. Footage of many campaign rallies, including for Gary Hart, Mondale, Ferraro, Kerry, and Reagan. Massachusetts Republicans applaud Reagan, who embraces Dapper O'Neil on City Hall Plaza.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/08/1984
Description: Marcus Jones reports that some African American leaders, including Jesse Jackson, are promoting the use of the term "African American" instead of the term "black." Comedian Charles Cozart on the Arsenio Hall Show. Interview with Northeastern lecturer Robert Hayden, who promotes the use of the term. Hayden says that it is an accurate term that reflects the roots and history of African Americans. Interview with Elma Lewis, the Director of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, who believes that the term "black" is more inclusive. Lewis says that not all black people in the US are Americans. Interviews with students and teachers at the Ellis School in Roxbury about which term they prefer. Following the edited story is additional footage of Jones speaking to students and teachers at the Ellis School. Jones answers questions about his report on Jackie Robinson and the race relations of the time. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee is deeply divided over whether to renew the contract of Laval Wilson
1:00:11: V: Footage from the Arsenio Hall Show. Charles Cozart (comedian) tells jokes in front of the audience. Marcus Jones reports that the African American community is debating the use of the term "black." Jones notes that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) is urging the use of the term "African American" instead of "black." V: Shots of Jackson addressing an audience. Shots of African Americans in the audience. Footage of Robert Hayden (Lecturer, Northeastern University) saying that many people of color have been calling themselves "African Americans" for years. Hayden says that many universities have departments of African American studies. Hayden says that people of African descent were living in Boston in the eighteenth century; that those people referred to their community as "African." Hayden says that the term is "accurate" and "useful." Footage of Elma Lewis (Director, National Center of Afro-American Artists) being interviewed by Jones. Lewis says that she does not have to follow the trend. Jones notes that Lewis is opposed to using the term "African American." V: Footage of Lewis saying that Africa is a whole continent. Lewis says that the terms "Nigerian American" or "Jamaican American" are more appropriate than "African American." Lewis says that the term "black American" is more inclusive. Footage of Jones addressing a class at the David A. Ellis School in Roxbury. Jones asks how many of the students are aware of the debate surrounding the term "African American." A few students raise their hands. Jones says that he asked students and teachers at the Ellis School in Roxbury about the terms "African American" and "black." V: Shots of students. Footage of an African American female student saying that it does not matter which term is used. Footage of a Latina teacher saying that there should be no mention of race in identification terms. Footage of an African American teacher asking if the term would be extended to "Afro-English" for blacks living in England. Footage of an African American male student saying that he likes the term "brown." Footage of a female student saying that it doesn't matter. Footage of Hayden saying that the term might inspire some to think about their African roots. Hayden says that some people might begin to look into their family histories. Footage of Lewis saying that it is important to teach children to be proud of their African roots. Lewis says that not all black people in the US are American; that all black people in the US are black. Shots of African Americans walking on a street; of a group of students walking away from a school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must determine whether several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens are valid. If the signatures are invalidated, Owens' name will not appear on the primary ballot for the second Suffolk County seat, the only district ever to be held by an African American. Interview with Owens about his nomination papers and about the election. Owens attends a hearing of the Ballot Commission. Owens's main rival for the seat, Royal Bolling, Sr., will not appear on the ballot, because Bolling did not file nominating papers on time. Interview with Bolling, Sr. about his failure to file nomination papers on time. Fields notes the ongoing political competition between the Owens and Bolling families, although both candidates deny that the rivalry between the families is serious. Fields' report includes footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate in 1986 and footage of Bolling, Sr. at a legislative hearing. Fields' report also includes footage of Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) at a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Royal Bolling, Jr. at a press conference with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (community activist). Sounds cuts out at the end of the video. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly interviews Barbara Arnwine about housing desegregation in Boston
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of officials at a Ballot Commission Hearing on June 20, 1988. One official challenges the validity of signatures on a petition. Officials argue over whether the signatures should be counted. Carmen Fields reports that the Ballot Commission must decide on the validity of several dozen signatures included in the nominating papers of Bill Owens (candidate for State Senator). Fields notes that Owens's name will not appear on the primary ballot if the signatures are found to be invalid. V: Footage of Owens discussing the case with an African American woman. Owens says that 24 signatures are being challenged; that 18 or 19 signatures must be ruled invalid in order for his name to be kept off the ballot. Fields reports that Owens is running for the second Suffolk County seat in the State Senate; that the seat in question is the only seat ever held by an African American. V: Shots of traffic on a street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. An African American family crosses the street. Fields reports that the district includes Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, the South End, parts of Dorchester, and Jamaica Plain. Fields reports that Owens held the seat for four terms beginning in 1974; that Owens's main rival for the seat is Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator). V: Shots of signatures on a nominating petition; of Owens and Bolling at a campaign debate in October of 1986. Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing. Owens says that he has won the seat twice; that Bolling has won the seat twice. Owens notes that Bolling failed to file his nominating papers for the seat. Fields reports that Bolling's name will not appear on the primary ballot because he failed to file his qualifying signature petitions. V: Footage of Bolling being interviewed by Fields. Bolling says that he forgot to file his petition on time because he was too involved in other issues. Shot of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing at the State House. Fields reports that Bolling plans to run a sticker campaign in both the Republican and Democratic state primary elections. V: Footage of Bolling saying that voters will have to support him through the sticker campaign. Fields reports that Owens was defeated by Bolling in 1982 after Owens switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. V: Footage of Owens at the Ballot Commission Hearing, being interviewed by Fields. Owens says that Bolling is trying to manipulate voters in the Republican Party into voting for him; that Bolling will return to the Democratic Party if he is elected. Owens says that he switched to the Republican Party because of his differences with the leadership of the Democratic Party. Owens says that he tried unsuccessfully to build a liberal wing of the Republican Party. Fields notes that Shirley Owens Hicks (sister of Bill Owens) defeated Royal Bolling, Jr. in a race for a seat in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. V: Shots of Owens Hicks at a Boston School Committee meeting; of Royal Bolling, Jr. outside of the Massachusetts State House with Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Andrew Jones (African American activist and journalist). Fields say that both candidates deny that there is a serious rivalry between the two families. V: Footage of Bolling saying that there is no feud between the two families; that both families are involved in the political process.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) lost the Democratic primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. Wang notes that Graham has a lot of support among Cambridge voters despite her loss in the primary election. Wang notes that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign to run against Thompson as an independent candidate in the election. Wang notes that there is no Republican challenger in the race. Wang interviews Graham about her loss in the primary election and about the sticker campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Graham going door-to-door to campaign and to explain the sticker campaign to voters. Wang interviews Thompson about the race. Thompson criticizes Graham for engaging in negative campaign tactics. Wang notes that sticker campaigns are seldom successful and that some voters seem confused about the process. Wang interviews Cambridge voters on the street about the race. Voters were not aware of Graham's sticker campaign. This tape includes additional footage of Graham campaigning in Cambridge and footage of Graham's campaign headquarters.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) approaching the front door of a home in a residential neighborhood. Deborah Wang reports that Graham lost the primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. V: Footage of Graham being interviewed by Wang. Graham says that the loss was unexpected; that she lost the election by forty-nine votes. Graham says that her supporters were complacent; that her supporters expected her to win. Wang reports that Graham blames herself for not working harder to get her supporters out to vote. Wang reports that Graham has had strong support in Cambridge; that Graham is an advocate of rent control, day care, and affordable housing. Wang reports that Graham has had personal problems in the past year; that two of her sons were arrested on drug charges; that police accuse Graham's sons of dealing drugs out of Graham's house. V: Footage of Graham saying that her personal problems gave some momentum to her opponents. Footage of Alvin Thompson greeting a white man while campaigning door-to-door. Wang reports that Thompson is a long-time Cambridge resident. V: Shot of Thompson greeting two women in the street. Footage of Thompson saying that Graham cannot serve her constituents as both City Councillor and State Representative. Thompson says that the problems facing the city are complex; that one person cannot be in two places at once. Wang reports that Thompson is now the Democratic nominee; that Thompson has no Republican challenger. V: Shots of Thompson campaign signs and stickers. Wang reports that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign. V: Footage of Graham approaching the front door of a residential home. A woman answers the door. Graham explains how to vote for her with a sticker in the upcoming election. Graham hands the woman her campaign literature. Graham shakes the woman's hand and leaves the premises. Wang reports that sticker campaigns are seldom successful; that some voters are confused about the process. V: Footage of a white male voter saying that he will vote for Graham because she supports gay and lesbian issues. The man says that he was not aware of Graham not being on the ballot. Footage of another white male voter saying that he did not know that Graham would not be on the ballot. Footage of Graham approaching another home. Wang reports that Graham is waging a campaign to educate voters; that Graham has repeatedly attacked Thompson on his position on rent control and his refusal to engage in a debate with her. V: Footage of Graham saying that she does not understand why Thompson will not debate her. Wang reports that Thompson has complained about Graham's negative campaign. V: Footage of Thompson saying that he will not engage in negative politics. Shots of a Graham campaign sticker; of Graham's campaign headquarters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/02/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Mayor Ray Flynn and a group of community activists have suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. Interview with Charles Stith of the Union United Methodist Church at Logan Airport. Stith talks about his upcoming trip to Philadelphia to learn about the appointed school board in that city. Flynn wants to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. Press conference with Flynn and supporters. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Elnavia Green (parent), Bill Owens (State Senator), Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) and Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) voice their support for Flynn's proposal at the press conference. Interview with John Nucci of the Boston School Committee, who says that it is not a good idea to ask voters to give up their right to vote. Jones notes that the controversy is drawing attention away from the immediate needs of the schools. Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of the members of the Boston School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers during a meeting. Shots of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee); of School Committee members Abigail Browne and Kitty Bowman. Marcus Jones reports that a group of community activists has suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. V: Shot of a video screen at Logan Airport listing departing flights on Delta Airlines. Shots of Charles Stith (President, Organization for a New Equality) and a small group in a waiting area at Logan Airport. Stith and another man walk toward their gate. Jones reports that a small group of community activists traveled to Philadelphia today; that the activists will examine the Philadelphia School System. Jones notes that the Philadelphia School System is led by an appointed school board. Jones adds that the group will report its findings later this week. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed by Jones at Logan Airport. Stith says that he is interested in how the Philadelphia School System works. Stith says that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has been talking about implementing a similar kind of system. Jones reports that Flynn has been consulting with advisors about how to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. V: Shot of Flynn at a press conference at School Department headquarters. Flynn stands in front of a group of city officials including Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) and David Scondras (Boston City Council). Jones reports that Flynn has proposed a new school board with seven mayoral appointees. V: Shots of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) and Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee). Footage of Flynn at the press conference. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Flynn says that the present system is not working. Shots of the members of the media at the press conference. Jones reports that Flynn was joined at the press conference by parents and community leaders; that many endorse Flynn's call for a non-binding referendum on an appointed school committee. V: Shots of community leaders and parents at the press conference. Footage of Elnavia Green (parent) speaking at the press conference. Green says that parents have been waiting for better schools; that parents are "getting the runaround." Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) saying that the present system is not effective. Footage of Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) at the press conference. Thomas says that the present system is not effective. Footage of Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) at the press conference. Molina says that parents have been "abused" by the School Committee. Molina says that parents want change. The crowd applauds. Jones reports that not everyone is pleased with Flynn's proposal. V: Footage of John Nucci (Boston School Committee) being interviewed by Jones. Nucci says that the referendum will ask the voters to choose between two evils; that the voters will have to choose between the status quo and their right to vote. Jones stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Jones reports that the debate has distracted school officials from concentrating their energies on the schools. Jones notes that the debate could continue beyond November.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/08/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee is deeply divided over whether to renew the contract of superintendent Laval Wilson. Committee members discuss Wilson's contract renewal at a School Committee meeting. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he refuses to watch Wilson be lynched by members of the Committee who do not respect his professionalism. Vaillancourt reviews Wilson's record as superintendent. She speculates on how each member of the Committee will vote and quotes Committee member John Nucci as saying that Wilson's prospects look "gloomy." Vaillancourt reports accusations that Mayor Ray Flynn has been lobbying against Wilson. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the debate over the terms "black" and "African American"
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) addressing members of the Boston School Committee at a meeting of the School Committee. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Wilson is fighting for his job. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson told the School Committee at last night's meeting that the debate over his contract should be postponed. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson said that he did not have proper legal counsel with him at last night's meeting. Vaillancourt adds that there are deep divisions among School Committee members over the renewal of Wilson's contract. V: Footage from Say Brother of School Committee members John O'Bryant, Juanita Wade and Rita Walsh Tomasini at a School Committee meeting. Footage of Abigail Browne (Boston School Committee) saying that the School Committee must decide whether it will negotiate a new contract with Wilson. Browne says that Wilson does not need legal counsel if the School Committee decides not to negotiate a contract. Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) saying that she would like the School Committee to decide if it should renew Wilson's contract. Footage of John Nucci (Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson has made a respectful request not to negotiate this evening. Nucci says that he would not blame Wilson if he got up and left the meeting. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson and his supporters were prepared to walk out of the meeting; that they did not walk out of the meeting. V: Footage of O'Bryant speaking to a few School Committee members during a break in the meeting. O'Bryant says that he refuses to watch Wilson "be lynched" by Committee members who have no respect for his professionalism. Vaillancourt reports that the meeting was postponed until next week. V: Shots of audience members at the School Committee meeting; of Wilson standing alone at the meeting as he sips a beverage. Vaillancourt reports that some School Committee members are angry about Wilson's handling of a new student assignment plan; that some members fault Wilson for stalled contract talks with the teachers' union. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson is credited with an increase in student test scores; that Wilson is blamed for the School Department's $3 milllion deficit. V: Shots of a group of School Committee members conferring, including Davis-Mullen, Daniel Burke, Robert Cappucci, and Walsh-Tomasini; of Wilson conferring with another group of School Committee members, including Nucci, O'Bryant, and John Grady. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson asked for a raise and a housing allowance; that the School Committee voted in the fall to begin negotiations with Wilson. Vaillancourt notes that some members do not want to renew his contract. V: Shots of Davis-Mullen, Wilson and Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee) at a School Committee Meeting. Footage of Robert Cappucci saying that he will give no support to Wilson. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson needs seven votes in order to extend his contract. Vaillancourt notes that Committee members Walsh Tomasini, Cappucci, Davis-Mullen, Burke, Kitty Bowman, and Browne are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract; that Committee members O'Bryant, Jean McGuire, Wade, Gerald Anderson and Grady support Wilson; that Committee members Nucci and O'Reilly are undecided. V: On-screen text details the breakdown of the potential votes of School Committee members. Vaillancourt reports that O'Reilly has said that he is open to negotiating with Wilson; that O'Reilly has not said how he will vote. Vaillancourt reports that Nucci wants to discuss Wilson's plans to deal with the School Department deficit before casting his vote. Vaillancourt notes that Nucci has characterized Wilson's chances as "gloomy." V: Shots of O'Reilly; of Nucci. Vaillancourt reports that O'Bryant has accused Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) of lobbying against Wilson. Vaillancourt reports that a spokesman for Flynn said that "there is no basis for that charge. The mayor has worked cooperatively with the Superintendent and the School Committee." V: Shots of O'Bryant; of Flynn. A quote from a Flynn spokesman appears written on the screen. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn would like to have more influence over the school system; that Flynn has suggested doing away with the Boston School Committee. Vaillancourt wonders if Flynn would also like to choose a superintendent more to his liking.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989
Description: Sarah Fishman (freelance journalist, producer of “See Mike Run”) talks about her work and following Michael Capuano on his Congressional campaign for this documentary. She talks about the production process. Fishman voiceover about Capuano’s position as mayor, during footage of Cambridge streets, Capuano in his office, campaign signs and stickers on vehicles. Voiceover continues about the history of the House seat, the other contenders, and the district itself. Footage of Capuano formally announcing his candidacy. Voiceover continues about Capuano’s youth, how he got interested in politics, and about his father’s political career. Footage of man dressed in town crier costume announcing Capuano’s birth. Voiceover continues, during photos of Capuano as a boy and young man. Interview with Capuano and his wife, Barbara, where she talks about meeting him in school. She talks about campaigning and her role in his career, intercut with footage of her and Capuano at a T station shaking hands with passengers and photos of their children. Capuano talks about why he became interested in politics, in part because of the nation’s disillusionment with Vietnam. Fishman voiceover about Capuano’s career as Somerville alderman, during footage of photo of newspaper article and footage of Beacon Hill. Interview with Capuano in his office about the challenges of his job. Voiceover continues about the effects of his work on Somerville, over footage of people at a parade. Voiceover continues about some corrupt Somerville politicians and criminals, over photos of newspaper articles. Voiceover continues to say that Capuano has a reputation for cronyism and bullying. Interview with Dorothy Kelly Gay (Governor’s Councilor) about this perception and Capuano’s tenacity. Footage of Capuano at a school committee meeting where he strongly disagrees with someone. Voiceover continues about Capuano’s unpopularity with some DPW employees, during footage of some workers marching. Interview with Kevin Tarpley (alderman) about the workers’ demands, footage of a worker speaking to the crowd. Footage of Capuano in his car, shaking people’s hands, meeting with Joseph Kennedy II. Footage of congressional candidates Marjorie Clapprood, Capuano, Ray Flynn, George Bachrach. Voiceover continues about Ray Flynn’s traditionalism, the political nature of the district, and Capuano’s appeal. Footage of Capuano at an interview where he talks about his status as a progressive. Footage of him giving a speech at a political event. Voiceover continues about his popularity among city hall workers, over footage of cars with bumper stickers and people holding signs. Voiceover continues about his earlier unsuccessful bid for state office, over photograph of newspaper article about that campaign and photograph of him and his father. Voiceover continues about his campaign activities, over footage of him in his car, signs, and a debate area at Harvard. Footage of Capuano debating Ray Flynn. Interview with Jon Lenicheck (campaign coordinator) in which he talks about Capuano’s long tenure in office. Voiceover continues about Flynn’s switch to the Congressional race, with footage of Flynn, photos of newspaper articles, footage of Capuano playing basketball, and footage of his fundraiser at Anthony’s Pier 4. Voiceover continues about his increase in popularity. Footage of him addressing campaign supporters, photos of newspaper articles. Footage of Capuano and supporters on Democratic primary election night, as he wins and gives a speech. Voiceover continues about his assured victory in the general election, over footage of campaign signs. Interview with Capuano as he describes what he wants to do as a Representative, over footage of Longworth House Office Building. Voiceover concludes over footage of Somerville streets. Credits over Capuano and other people performing Village People’s “YMCA.”
Collection: CCTV
Description: Gail Harris interviews Mel King (candidate for mayor). King discusses his reasons for running for mayor and talks about the issues he considers most important to the city's residents. King answers questions about how he would deal with the city's leaders, the city's power brokers and "the Vault." King talks about the importance of education and training. Harris and King discuss the changes in King's image and manner of dress. King notes the diversity within the African American community; he dismisses the idea of any one candidate receiving 100% of the vote in the African American community. King gives his opinion of Mel Miller (publisher of the The Bay State Banner), who is opposed to King's candidacy. King says that there is no Boston neighborhood in which he feels uncomfortable. King and Harris discuss how to keep racial issues out of the campaign; Harris and King discuss his boycott of an earlier campaign debate because it excluded some candidates. King talks about his goals for the city as mayor. After the interview, while shooting cutaways, King tells Harris about his book, Chain of Change. King talks about his hobbies and about the importance of organizing and empowering people. King gives his opinion of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston).
0:59:57: Visual: Gail Harris interviews Mel King (candidate for mayor). Harris asks King why he is running for mayor. King says that he has lived his whole life in Boston; that he understands the importance of public service; that it is important for the city to take care of its neediest citizens. King says that affordable housing, employment, health care, and education are important issues to many in the city. King says that some residents of Boston are living in unacceptable conditions; that families are living in overcrowded apartments; that some residents are isolated from the mainstream; that homelessness is a problem in the city. Harris asks King how he would deal with the city's leaders and power brokers and "The Vault." King says that he has worked with a cross-section of people in the city over the course of his career; that he worked with the Chamber of Commerce and the Chandler School to develop a training and placement program for women. King says that people are resources; that training can provide skilled workers for big corporations. King says that training is important; that school failure leads to street crime and juvenile delinquency; that lack of education and unemployment are at the root of most social problems. 1:06:20: V: Harris comments that King has changed his look; that he no longer wears a dashiki. King says that he has not changed his position on the issues; that his clothing is not relevant to his ideas. Harris asks if it is possible to get 100% of the vote in the African American community. She notes that the African American community is very diverse. King agrees that the African American community is very diverse. He says that he resents those who say that he needs to get 100% of the African American vote; that no white candidate is assumed to need 100% of the white vote. King says that a racism leads voters to look at the color of his skin instead of his record and his position on the issues. Harris asks what King thinks of Mel Miller (publisher of the The Bay State Banner), who says that the African American community should offer their support to a strong candidate who can support them after becoming mayor. King says that no one pays a lot of attention to Miller; that Miller is opposed to the ERA. King says that African Americans need to fight for what they want and support one another; that Miller has a negative view of white people; that Miller's influence is destructive to the African American community. Harris asks King if there are any parts of the city in which he feels uncomfortable. King says that there is no part of the city in which he is uncomfortable; that he wants to bring the city together; that he wants to reach out to people who disagree with him on the issues. King says that people must be brought together around common issues like employment and improvements to the schools and the city. Harris asks how King would prevent racial issues from entering the campaign, especially if he found himself in a runoff with David Finnegan (candidate for mayor) or Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor). King says that his previous campaigns for public office have always focused on issues; that the diversity of his campaign workers has earned his campaign the nickname of "the rainbow campaign." 1:14:21: V: Harris asks King if he regrets boycotting an earlier campaign debate because two other candidates were not invited to participate. King says that he has no regrets; that candidates must practice the "politics of inclusion." King notes that it is hypocritical for a candidate to promote equal access for all, and then to take part in a public forum which excludes the voices of some. Harris asks him about what he could accomplish as mayor. King says that he could affect real change in the city; that he would concentrate on reducing crime and fighting drugs; that he would appoint a new police commissioner to work with the community and to root out problems in the police force. King says that Joseph Jordan (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) learned about the problems on Sonoma Street by watching television; that the city needs a commissioner who can mobilize the force to fight crime; that Jordan allowed the mayor to use the police force as a political tool in the debates on Proposition 2 1/2 and the Tregor Bill. King says that he would investigate corruption through an audit of the city's programs; that the government needs to make sure that good services are being provided. King notes that the city government must spend the citizen's tax dollars wisely. King says that new resources must be spent for improvements at Boston City Hospital; that some employees at the hospital qualify for public assistance because their salaries are so low. Harris asks King if he would campaign for mayor even if he knew there was no chance of victory. King says that he has many forums through which to promote his ideas; that he has published a book recently. King says that he would not run if he didn't think he could win; that he would not want to waste his own time and valuable time and money of others; that he thinks he can win and effect real change in the city. 1:20:55: V: Harris thanks King and closes the interview. The crew takes cutaway shots of Harris and King. King tells Harris about his book, Chain of Change. King talks about his hobbies. King talks about the importance of organizing and empowering people. He talks about organizing tenants through the Symphony Tenants Organizing Project. Harris tells King about her impressions of Boston politics. She mentions Kevin White (Mayor of Boston) and Clarence Jones (former Deputy Mayor of Boston). King says that he did not support White in 1975 or 1979; that White has taken the African American vote for granted; that White has not delivered services to the African American community.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1983
Description: Meg Vaillancourt opens report with person on the street interviews on quotas, affirmative action, and civil rights. Vaillancourt interviews Avi Nelson (radio talk show host) and Dianne Wilkerson (attorney) about the debate concerning minority hiring quotas as a part of civil rights policy. Vaillancourt notes that George Bush vetoed a Civil Rights Bill last year because he said the bill would encourage the use of quotas by employers. Nelson opposes affirmative action programs and quotas. Nelson says that the Civil Rights Bill compromises the rights of some in order to benefit others. Wilkerson says that quotas were never a part of the Civil Rights Bill as it was written. Wilkerson says that the Civil Rights Bill would allow women and people of color to file lawsuits in cases of discrimination. Wilkerson accuses the Republican Party of bringing up quotas in order to undermine the passage of the Civil Rights Bill. Vaillancourt reports that the future of the bill remains uncertain. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of George Bush speaking in October of 1990 and footage of construction workers at a construction site. Vaillancourt's report also features footage from interviews with people on the street about minority hiring quotas. This tape includes additional footage from From Montgomery to Memphis. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Controversy surrounds David Duke's visit to Boston and Carmen Fields reports on the history and present activities of the Ku Klux Klan
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of a white man being interviewed on the street. The man says that African Americans claim to have been discriminated against for many years. The man says that now it is "every man for himself." Footage of a white woman being interviewed at Downtown Crossing. The woman says that businesses should not be required to hire a certain number of minorities; that equal rights are important. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed on the street. The woman says that there is a assumption that people of color and women cannot compete with white men; that this assumption gives quotas a bad name. Shots of people walking through Downtown Crossing. Meg Vaillancourt reports that the majority of people interviewed today at Downtown Crossing opposed job quotas. Vaillancourt asks if job quotas are the issue when it comes to civil rights. V: Footage of Avi Nelson (radio talk show host) being interviewed. Nelson says that quotas are not part of civil rights. Nelson says that people who get jobs because of quotas keep out other people who are more qualified to do the job. Footage of Dianne Wilkerson (attorney) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that she does not understand all of the controversy surrounding job quotas. Wilkerson that no one has publicly admitted being forced to hire people of color or women. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson believes that Republicans use the term quotas because they know that the word has a negative connotation. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson prefers the term "remedy." V: Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that there is no "quota bill." Wilkerson says that there is a bill to restore the civil rights of women and people of color. Wilkerson says that Supreme Court decisions of the late 1980s had a devastating impact on the ability of women and people of colors to file lawsuits in cases of discrimination. Vaillancourt reports that Nelson is a republican; that Nelson opposes the ideas of affirmative action. V: Footage of Nelson being interviewed. Nelson says that the grievances of history can never be fully redressed; that it is impossible to achieve a state of equality for all people. Nelson says that the government should commit itself to granting equal opportunity for all in the structure of the laws from this day forward. Nelson says that the government cannot remedy the disadvantaged backgrounds of certain individuals. Footage of George Bush (US President) speaking on October 22, 1990. Bush says that he has long been committed to affirmative action. Vaillancourt reports that Bush vetoed a Civil Rights Bill last year. Vaillancourt notes that Bush said that the bill would encourage the use of quotas by employers. Vaillancourt reports that the word "quota" never appeared in the Civil Rights Bill vetoed by Bush. Vaillancourt notes that the bill shifted the burden of proof onto employers; that employers would need to show that they did not discriminate. Vaillancourt adds that an Congressional effort to override Bush's veto failed by a handful of votes. V: Footage of workers at a construction site. Shot of a worker moving dirt in a wheelbarrow. The worker dumps the dirt outside of a building. Shots of workers digging holes at a construction site. The workers are of diverse races. Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that supporters of the Civil Rights Bill were not advocating quotas; that quotas were never mentioned in the legislation. Vaillancourt remarks that some people call job quotas the "Willie Horton" of civil rights. Wilkerson agrees with Vaillancourt's remark. Wilkerson says that Bush and David Duke (Louisiana state representative) are in agreement. Wilkerson says that the Republican Party is trying to distance itself from Duke; that the Republican Party and Duke are in agreement on this issue. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Nelson says that the Republican Party has a problem with Duke; that the Democratic Party has a problem with Louis Farrakhan (leader, Nation of Islam). Nelson says that he occasionally agrees with Duke; that he does not embrace Duke as fellow traveler. Nelson says that opponents of the bill do not want to deny civil rights of US citizens. Nelson says that the bill would compromise the civil rights of some in order to give benefits to others. Vaillancourt reports that Democrats in the US House of Representatives have tried to rename the bill this year in order to change the tone of debate; that House Democrats are emphasizing its benefits for white women. Vaillancourt reports that Democrats fear that they will again be accused of promoting quotas. Vaillancourt reports that Senate Democrats have not yet proposed a new bill; that Senate Democrats fear a repeat of last year's debate and Republican victory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: David Boeri reports on a demonstration by members of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), outside of the offices of Mayor Ray Flynn. Demonstrators advocate for more affordable housing in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan. Footage of Peggy Jackson (ACORN demonstrator) and Neil Sullivan (Director of housing policy for the Flynn administration) debating the administration's affordable housing policy. Boeri notes that the demonstrators demanded the deed to a vacant lot in order to develop affordable housing themselves.
1:00:03: Visual: Shot of a multi-colored, hand-drawn sign reading, "Welcome to the mayor's office." A group of demonstrators stand outside of the mayor's office chanting, "Mayor Flynn, come on out." One of the demonstrators holds a sign reading, "ACORN: Housing Now." The demonstrators are affiliated with ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). V: Shot of an office telephone; of the demonstrators. Shot of a sign reading, "Shelter is our need. Give us the deed." David Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) refused to meet with the demonstrators; that the demonstrators are fighting for affordable housing in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan. V: Footage of Peggy Jackson (ACORN demonstrator) saying that her organization can build affordable housing if they are given one lot to build on. Boeri reports that the demonstrators say that the housing that the city calls "affordable" is not affordable for Roxbury residents; that the median income in Roxbury is $13,000. V: Footage of Jackson talking to Neil Sullivan (Director of housing policy for Flynn). Jackson says that fewer than 500 units of the city's affordable housing are affordable for Roxbury residents. Sullivan says that fewer than 500 housing units were built by the White administration between 1981 and 1983. Boeri reports that Sullivan blames the housing crisis on Kevin White (former Mayor of Boston) and a lack of federal money. Boeri reports that the Flynn adminstration is bundling low-income units with high-income units; that the Flynn administration is using the high-income units to subsidize the low-income units. V: Shots of Jackson; of the demonstrators. Footage of Sullivan saying that the Flynn administration has built over 500 low-income and moderate-income units in the first 6 months of 1986. The demonstrators respond that they cannot afford these units. Boeri reports that the demonstrators will have to incorporate themselves as non-profit developers before they can bid on a vacant lot. V: Footage of Sullivan telling the demonstrators that other groups have incorporated themselves and are bidding on land. Jackson tells Sullivan that the demonstrators do not have time to incorporate themselves; that another 3,000 people will be homeless before they are able to complete the legal paperwork. Shot of Sullivan. Boeri reports that the ACORN demonstrators ended up walking out; that the demonstrators say that they will take over the land next week. V: Footage of the demonstrators leaving the mayor's office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/14/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing the contract of superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson. Some members are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract and made an effort to postpone the vote on his contract renewal. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member Peggy Davis-Mullen proposes to postpone the vote on Wilson's contract. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he supports the renewal of Wilson's contract. Committee member Daniel Burke questions Wilson about the high drop-out rate in the Boston Public Schools. Wilson responds. Jones reports that Wilson has acknowledged the complaints of some critics by pledging to increase parental involvement in the schools and by pledging to improve the School Department's relations with unions.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee) at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Burke remarks that a certain motion is out of order. Shots of the School Committee members seated at the meeting; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) seated at the meeting. Marcus Jones reports that some members of the School Committee are opposed to the renewal of Wilson's contract; that those members made an effort to take the matter of Wilson's contract off of the agenda. V: Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) at the meeting. Davis-Mullen says that the decision is being forced; that the decision should wait until January. Davis-Mullen says that she does not like the way in which the decision is being made. Shot of Jones in the audience of the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson's supporters on the School Committee were able to keep the debate open. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that he is prepared to support the renegotiation of Wilson's contract. Footage of Wilson saying that he has a good understanding of the school system; that he has made progress in improving the school system. Footage of Burke asking Wilson about the student drop-out rate. Wilson responds to Burke. Wilson says that reading and math scores have gone up and the drop-out rate has declined. Shots of the audience at the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson admits that he has not done enough to involve parents in the educational process. Jones notes that Wilson says that he will try to increase parental involvement and to improve the school department's relations with unions. V: Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson has made a lot of progress in improving the system. Shots of the members as they vote on a motion. Jones reports that the School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing Wilson's contract; that the details of the contract remain to be discussed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that the state of Massachusetts has lost a seat in the US House of Representatives because of a decline in the population according to the 1990 census. Mayor Ray Flynn and others are calling for a recount because they believe that the census undercounts urban residents. Footage of census workers going from door to door. Boeri reports on speculation that Congressman Joe Early may retire and on speculation that a redistricting plan would force Congressmen Chester Atkins and Barney Frank to run against one another. Governor William Weld has proposed a redistricting plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. Interview with State Rep. Peter Forman, who says that suburban areas are unfairly represented and that the city of Boston would represent a "minority seat." Interview with State Rep. Jim Brett, who discusses options for possible redistricting plans. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one Congressional seat will probably fail.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage from a campaign debate between Barney Frank (US Representative) and Margaret Heckler (US Representative) sponsored by the League of Women Voters in October of 1982. Shots of the panel at the debate. David Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost a Congressional seat in 1980; that the Democratic Party forced Heckler, the Republican incumbent) to run against Frank. Boeri reports that the state must reduce its eleven congressmen to ten as a result of the 1990 census. V: Shot of shoppers at Downtown Crossing. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is calling for a recount; that Flynn and others say that the census undercounts the cities. V: Shot of Flynn; of the front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost its seat by only a narrow margin. V: Footage of James Brett (state representative) being interviewed. Brett says that he doubts if the numbers will change significantly in a census recount. Shot of an African American female census worker knocking on the door of a building. Boeri reports that the US Census Bureau says that the census counts are subject to possible correction until January 15. V: Shot of another African American female census worker knocking on the door of an apartment. Boeri reports that there has never been a successful appeal of a lost congressional seat. V: Shot of a third African American female census worker knocking on the door of an a building. Boeri says that some people are speculating that Joe Early (US Representative) may retire. Boeri notes that Early could keep up to $142,000 worth of campaign funds if he quits before 1992. Boeri adds that Early says that he is planning to run for reelection. V: Shot of representatives in the Congressional chambers. Shot of a black and white photo of Early. Boeri reports that there are rumors of a redistricting plan which would force Frank to run against Chester Atkins (US Representative). V: Shot of Atkins at a campaign event for John Kerry (US Senate); of Frank speaking to the media as he walks through a corridor of a building. Boeri reports that Atkins and Frank are supposed to be the two most unpopular congressmen on Beacon Hill. Boeri reports that Frank, Atkins and Joe Kennedy (US Representative) represent the western suburbs of Boston. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that there is a cluster of US Representatives in the suburbs west of Boston. Boeri reports that Brett chairs the legislative redistricting committee. Boeri reports that Brett says that the US congressional districts will be redrawn. V: Footage of Peter Forman (State Representative and prospective House Minority Leader) being interviewed. Forman says that suburban areas are not fairly represented in the current districts; that the current districts are unfair to the Republican Party. Boeri reports that William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) has proposed a plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. V: Shot of Weld greeting two older men at an event. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the state of Massachusetts should probably have a "minority seat." Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that Weld's plan sets up the Republican Party to gain seats in the suburbs by limiting the number of seats in Boston. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the Democratic Party would like to limit gains by Republicans. Boeri reports that the Republican Party has more say on the issues than in 1980. Boeri notes that Weld is a Republican governor; that there are enough Republican senators to sustain a veto by Weld. V: Shot of Weld speaking at a campaign event in 1990. Boeri reports that Brett wants the redistricting plan to be fair. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed. Brett says that the redistricting plan could end up in federal court. Brett says that the legislative redistricting committee wants to avoid any special deals or the appearance of any improprieties. Boeri stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one congressional seat will most likely fail. Boeri reports that no money has yet been appropriated for the redistricting process; that the battle has already begun.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/27/1990
Description: Harold Washington (Mayor of Chicago) and W. Wilson Goode (Mayor of Philadelphia). The city of Hartford, Connecticut has elected Carrie Perry, an African American woman, as mayor of the city. Marcus Jones notes that Hartford is the only major city in New England with an African American mayor. Jones' report includes footage of Perry at a polling station and at a press conference. Jones reports that Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) is seen as having the best chance at becoming Boston's first African American mayor. Interview with Bolling, who says that he might run for mayor someday, but that he is concentrating on his agenda in the City Council. Jones notes that Bolling differed with Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston in 1983) and other African American community leaders over the issue of Roxbury's secession from Boston. Footage of Bolling, King, Andrew Young (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) and Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) on the Phil Donahue Show in 1986. Jones notes that the minority community in Boston is becoming impatient for an African American mayor. Interviews with Charles Weeks (Black Political Task Force) about the chances of Boston electing an African American mayor.
1:00:09: Visual: Shots of Harold Washington (Mayor of Chicago) celebrating his victory at the polls; of W. Wilson Goode (Mayor of Philadelphia); of an African American man official from the campaign of Carrie Perry in Hartford. Shot of Carrie Perry (Mayor of Hartford) entering a polling booth. Marcus Jones reports that Carrie Perry is the first African American to be mayor of Hartford; that Hartford is the only major city in New England with an African American mayor. V: Footage of Perry at a press conference. Footage of Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) being interviewed by Jones. Bolling says that the city of Hartford deserves a lot of credit; that Hartford voters have looked beyond race in electing city officials. Jones reports that Bolling is seen as having the best chance of becoming Boston's first African American mayor. V: Footage of Bolling saying that he is not preoccupied with the thought of running for mayor. Bolling says that he is pursuing his agenda in the City Council. Jones notes that Bolling was once seen as a successor to Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston in 1983); that King and Bolling differed publicly on the issue of Roxbury's proposed secession from Boston. V: Shot of King campaigning in Roxbury in 1983. Footage of Bolling, King, Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) and Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) on the Phil Donahue show on October 30, 1986. Bolling says that African Americans and voters from other races supported King's candidacy in 1983 because they wanted a change in the city. Footage of Charles Weeks (Black Political Task Force) saying that there will be an African American mayor in Boston; that the African American mayor will need to be the mayor for all residents, not just African Americans. Jones notes that the Black Political Task Force endorsed Bolling's last bid for re-election to the City Council. V: Footage of Weeks saying that whites are becoming more accustomed to seeing African Americans in positions of authority; that an African American will eventually become mayor of Boston. Footage of Bolling saying that it is possible that he might become mayor someday. Bolling adds that an African American will become mayor of Boston in the future. Footage of African American audience members debating on the Donahue show. Marcus Jones notes that the minority community in Boston is becoming impatient for an African American mayor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/04/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Democratic candidates for governor Evelyn Murphy and Francis Bellotti talked about civil rights issues at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. While the candidates agreed on most of the issues, they disagreed about the death penalty. Murphy and Bellotti talk about minority set-asides, development in minority communities, and the civil rights bill in the state legislature. They also discuss their positions on death penalty. Bellotti talks about his participation in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Reporters look bored, some reporters read the newspaper while the candidates talk. Kelly reports that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. Interviews with people on the street, none of whom believe that either candidate has shown strong leadership in the area of civil rights.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights. A moderator introduces the forum. Murphy and Bellotti sit together at a table. Panelists sit at tables adjacent to the candidates. Members of the media are at the back of the room. Hope Kelly reports that there was no debate at the Boston Globe Forum on Civil Rights this morning; that the candidates agree on the issues. V: Footage of Murpy speaking at the Forum. Murphy says that she believes in minority set-aside rules; that she would like to see the program expanded. Shots of members of the media sitting on a couch to one side of the room. Kelly says that the forum's atmosphere was low-key. V: Shots of Bellotti; of two reporters reading the newspaper as Murphy speaks. Shots of two men conferring as Murphy speaks; of another reporter reading the newspaper. Shot of a man playing with his pen; of another man looking up at the ceiling. Shot of the moderator with his chin cupped in his hand. Audio of Murphy talking about minority businesses. Kelly notes that both candidates got equal time at the forum. V: Footage of Bellotti talking about development in minority communities. Kelly reports that both candidates say that they support the same agenda; that both candidates support the civil rights bill before the US Congress; that both candidates support the gay rights bill in the state legislature. V: Shot of Murphy speaking at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates support minority set-aside programs; that both candidates will try to improve access for all. V: Shots of panelists at the forum. Kelly reports that Murphy brought up the only difference between the two candidates; that the difference was highlighted in the days following the murder of Carol Stuart (resident of Reading, Massachusetts). V: Footage of Murphy speaking at the forum. Murphy says that her opponents talked about their support of the death penalty in the days following the Stuart murder. Murphy says that she has always been an opponent of the death penalty; that Bellotti had threatened to "pull the switch." Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he was not statesmanlike when he talked about pulling "the switch." Bellotti says that he has always been honest about his position on the death penalty. Bellotti says that he would never lobby for the death penalty. Kelly reports that the candidates talked about their past records; that the candidates talked about how they would govern the state. V: Footage of Bellotti speaking at the forum. Bellotti says that he marched with Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1965; that people threw rocks at the marchers. Shots of Bellotti and Murphy at the forum. Kelly reports that both candidates boasted of their records on civil rights. Kelly notes that many voters are not familiar with the civil rights records of either candidate. V: Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly outside of a post office. Kelly asks if the man is familiar with the civil rights records of Murphy or Bellotti. The man says that he cannot think of anything that either candidate has done in the area of civil rights. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the man to name some local civil rights leaders. The man responds that she has posed a tough question. Footage of an African American man being interviewed by Kelly. The man cannot come up with an answer to Kelly's question about local civil rights leaders. Footage of a white man being interviewed by Kelly. The man says that he would not consider Bellotti to be a leader in the area of civil rights. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks the woman if she knew that Bellotti grew up in Roxbury. The woman says that she never knew that fact. Shot of the candidates and panelists rising at the end of the forum.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1990
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni have announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. Von Mehren notes that the Board of Overseers is elected by university alumni to make policy recommendations. She adds that Tutu is on a slate of candidates nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Alumni Against Apartheid members Robert Wolff, Robert Zevin, and Linda Davidoff addressing a small crowd on the Harvard Campus. Wolff says that the Board of Overseers will have a hard time explaining to Tutu why they have not divested completely from South Africa. Von Mehren notes that Harvard has divested some its holdings in South Africa. She adds that university officials have no comment on Tutu's candidacy or on their divestment policy. Von Mehren's report also features footage of apartheid protesters at Harvard and footage of Tutu in South Africa. This tape includes additional footage of the Alumni Against Apartheid gathering on the Harvard campus.This tape also includes footage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking. Students walking through Harvard Yard.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Robert Wolff (Alumni Against Apartheid) standing in front of the office of Derek Bok (President, Harvard University) in Massachusetts Hall on Harvard campus. Robert Zevin (Alumni Against Apartheid) and Linda Davidoff (Alumni Against Apartheid) stand on either side of Wolff. Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni gathered outside of Bok's office in Harvard Yard today. Von Mehren reports that the Alumni announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that he looks forward to the first meeting of the Board of Overseers with Tutu present. Wolff says that he would like to see Bok explain to the Overseers and Tutu why divestment is not in the best interests of black South Africans. Von Mehren reports that the thirty-member Board of Overseers is elected by the university alumni; that the Board of Overseers makes policy recomendations. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard. Shot of Tutu at a religious service. Von Mehren reports that Tutu is one of five candidates on a slate nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren reports that Zevin and Davidoff are also running for the Board. V: Footage of Zevin and Davidoff standing in front of Bok's office. Davidoff says that she expected Harvard to be a leader on issues like divestment; that Harvard needs to make its alumni proud again. Shots of apartheid protestors at Harvard University on September 5, 1986. Von Mehren reports that has decreased its investments in South Africa since the 1970s; that $250 million remains invested in companies doing business in South Africa. V: Footage of Davidoff saying that Harvard's divestment policy is "part-way there." Footage of Wolff saying that Archibishop Tutu will win a debate with Bok on divestment. Von Mehren stands in Harvard Yard. Von Mehren reports that university officials have no comment on Harvard's divestment policy or on Tutu's candidacy for the Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that Harvard officials never admit to caving in to outside pressure. Wolff says that Harvard has already divested part of its holdings in response to pressure from alumni, faculty, and students. Von Mehren reports that Tutu and the pro-divestment slate will be running against Elizabeth Dole (US Secretary of Labor), Paul Kirk (former Chairman of the Democratic Party), and others. V: Shots of Tutu; of Dole; of Kirk. Von Mehren reports that the winners will be announced at Harvard's graduation in June. Von Mehren notes that Tutu's election to the Board of Overseers will force Harvard to reevaluate its divestment policy. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/09/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on debate over a universal health care bill in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state employees union demanded a collective bargaining amendment to secure the health benefits of state employees. Jones reports that legislators have added the amendment and that the unions are satisfied with the bill. Jones interviews John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teachers' Association) and David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) about the bill and the proposed amendment. Jones also interviews Ray Jordan (State Representative), Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) and Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee) about the bill. Jones reports that today's amendment removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. Jones notes that state legislators have been working on the bill for almost a year. He adds that no one is sure if the bill will be approved by the legislature. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of people in the lobby of the Massachusetts State House and by footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and House leadership in the House chambers.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage from WGBX of Massachusetts State Representatives in the House Chambers. Representatives take turns addressing the House. George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) sits at the front of the House chambers. Marcus Jones reports on the Health Care for All package put forth by Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teacher's Association) saying that universal health care is important; that the State of Massachusetts was trying to roll back other health benefits to pay for the universal health care plan. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state's public employees demanded that an amendement be added to a conference committee bill. Jones notes that the amendment mandates collective bargaining on health benefits for public employees. V: Shots of people milling about in the lobby of the state house; of a man standing in the entrance of the House chambers; of Keverian and House leadership at the front of the House chambers. Jones reports that state employees were concerned about a plan which replaces their Blue Cross coverage with a more costly plan. V: Footage of Flannagan saying that the state is trying to make employees pay more money for fewer benefits. Flannagan says that the amendment for the bill protects state employees. Footage of David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) saying that he represents municipal governments across the state. Baier says that the bill will increase health insurance costs for local governments across the state. Shot of the interior of the House chambers from the State House lobby. Shot of a man standing in the entrance to the House Chambers. Jones reports that legislators spent a lot of time ironing out an agreement with public employees' unions. Jones notes that the amendment to the health care bill removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. V: Footage of Ray Jordan (State Representative) saying that he is more inclined to vote for the bill now that the unions are satisfied with it. Footage of Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) saying that the amendment to the bill limits the management flexibility of the administration. Footage of Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) being interviewed by Jones. Volk says that the bill has required a lot of work on the part of legislators. Jones stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Jones reports that state legislators have been working on the governor's universal health care bill for almost a year; that no one is sure if the bill will pass.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/12/1988
Description: The Commerce and Labor Committee of the Massachusetts State Legislature holds a hearing on proposed legislation barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) testifies in favor of the legislation. Bolling says that legislators must guarantee protection and equal rights for all citizens. Suzanne Bumps (State Representative) testifies in favor of legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps defines sexual harassment and talks about the its effect on women in the workplace. John Olver (State Senator) and Thomas Vallely (State Representative) testify in favor of the legislation. Vallely says that legislators must fight one of the last remaining civil rights battles by banning discrimination on the grounds of sexual preference. Vallely talks about a proposed amendment barring religious organizations from some aspects of civil rights law; he says that such an amendment is unnecessary. Peter Morin (State Representative) asks Vallely a question about language used in the legislation. Vallely talks about other exceptions granted under the proposed legislation. John Businger (State Representative) testifies in favor of the legislation. Businger talks about the need to make citizens aware of their civil rights by posting anti-discrimination policy and legislation. George Bachrach (State Senator) testifies in favor of the legislation.
1:00:00: Visual: The Commerce and Labor Committee of the Massachusetts State Legislature sits at the front of a room. The committee prepares to hear testimony on proposed legislation barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. The room is crowded with audience members and members of the press. Audience members stand and seat themselves on the floor. The committee chairman invites Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) to testify. 1:00:28: V: Bolling thanks the committee members. Bolling notes that the Senate could not vote on this legislation during the previous year; that the vote was held up until the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled on the constitutionality of the legislation. Bolling talks about discrimination against gays and lesbians. Bolling says that opponents of legislation barring discrimnation on the grounds of sexual orientation have ignored ugly incidents involving discrimination against gays and lesbians. Bolling makes reference to a television show which depicted the absurdity of society's prejudices against gays and lesbians. Bolling notes that gay and lesbians make up 10% of the population. Bolling says that many citizens will be positively affected by the passage of legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Bolling says that gays and lesbians will be denied equal protection under the law unless this legislation is passed; that there cannot be exceptions to the government's guarantee of equal access to all citizens. Bolling says that the legislators must guarantee protection for all citizens, even if legislators disagree with those citizens' way of life. Bolling says that Massachusetts must be a safe haven from discrimination. Bolling says that this legislation reaffirms the dignity and integrity of our democracy; that legislators must be willing to take risks to assure civil rights for all citizens. Bolling says that legislators must speak out against discrimination in all forms. Bolling reaffirms the right of citizens to live free from fear. Bolling says that he hopes the law will be passed this year. 1:11:11: V: The committee chairman thanks Bolling and calls the next speaker. Suzanne Bump (State Representative from Braintree) speaks on behalf of the Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators. She notes that the caucus strongly supports legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps defines sexual harassment and talks about the ill effects of sexual harassment on students and female employees. Bump adds that surveys show that 75% to 95% of women have been harassed at some point in their working lives. Bumps says that sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination; that sexual harassment is degrading and humiliating to women. Bumps notes that women who quit their jobs because of sexual harassment are unable to collect unemployment benefits. Bumps says that grievance procedures for victims of sexual harassment are non-existant; that victims who complain about sexual harassment often receive little support. Bumps says that sexual harassment is often perpetrated by men in positions of power who go unpunished; that the perpetrators are often the bosses or professors of these women. Bumps notes that federal courts have upheld the use of Title VII of the civil rights act in some sexual harassment cases; that Title VII bars discrimination in the work place; that there are limits to the application of Title VII in sexual harassment cases. Bumps talks about the importance of the current legislation barring sexual harassment. Bumps notes that the legislation defines sexual harassment, puts cases of sexual harassment under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and establishes a uniform grievance procedure for cases of sexual harassment within state government. Bumps notes that the legislation allows for the prompt resolution of complaints. She urges legislators to support the bill. 1:15:05: V: The committee chairman thanks Bumps and calls the next speaker. John Olver (State Senator) says that he is testifying as a Democratic state senator and on behalf of the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. Olver urges the Massachusetts state legislature to ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Olver says that discrimination against gays and lesbians must be ended in housing, employment, public accomodation, and in the consumer marketplace. Olver thanks the Congressional committee. 1:17:06: V: Tom Vallely (State Representative) speaks to the committee about his support for legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Vallely notes that he has been one of the principal sponsors of this legislation in the Massasachusetts House of Representatives. Vallely reviews the history of the legislation. Vallely notes that the legislation allows for the protection of gays and lesbians under the state civil rights law. Vallely says that legislators are not condoning homosexuality by offering protection for gays and lesbians under the civil rights law; that legislators need to allow citizens a form of redress against widespread discrimination. Vallely notes that this legislation has been debated by the legislature for more than a decade. Vallely says that the debate about the "gay lifestyle" is inappropriate; that the lifestyles of gays and lesbians is the same as the lifestyle of straight people. Vallely says that gays and lesbians are looking for equal protection, not "special treatment." Vallely refers to the controversy about Mark Twain's book, Huckleberry Finn. Vallely says that the book is a moving exploration of discrimination in American society; that the book is not racist. Vallely says that discrimination on the grounds of race or sexual preference is not acceptable in our society; that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is one of the "last civil rights battles" to be fought. Vallely says that opponents to the legislation will try to add an amendment exempting religious organizations from some aspects of the civil rights law. Vallely says that this amendment is unnecessary because the separation of church and state already exists. Vallely says that religious groups do not need to be exempted from legislation about the ERA (Equal Rights Amendement) or from legislation barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Vallely offers to speak to the members of the committee individually about why special legislation exempting religious groups from the civil rights law would be a "grave error." Vallely says that the legislation is important and worth the fight to get it passed. 1:25:44: V: Peter Morin (State Representative) asks a question about the language used in the legislation. Morin points out that there is an exemption to the discrimination law in the case of "bona fide occupational qualifications." Vallely says that the exemption grants authority to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) to consider the qualifications necessary for a certain occupation before deciding a discrimination case. Vallely says that it is important to give the MCAD some leeway in its decisions; that he cannot name a list of these "occupational qualifications." Vallely thanks the Congressional committee. 1:28:11: V: John Businger (State Representative from Brookline) notes that he has co-sponsored legislation in the Massachusetts House of Representatives barring sexual harassment and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Businger says that government has a role in protecting its citizens from discrimination and harassment. Businger says that sexual harassment and discrimination against gays and lesbians are "unreasonable" and "arbitrary" forms of harassment. Businger talks about the need to make citizens aware of this legislation; that he has sponsored a bill to increase the posting requirements for anti-discrimination legislation; that the people affected by the legislation must be well informed in order to take advantage of it. Businger says that anti-discrimination policy and legislation must be posted on applications for credit, for employment, for services and for membership in organizations. Businger urges the legislators to pass this bill so that people can be made aware of their civil rights. Businger urges the legislators to pass the bills barring sexual harassment and discrimination of the basis of sexual orientation. 1:31:29: V: George Bachrach (State Senator) makes a lighthearted joke. The members of the panel laugh. Bachrach says that he is testifying in support of the Senate bill which bars discrimination against gays and lesbians in housing, employment, and credit. Bachrach says that he is sorry that this legislation has not already been passed into law.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1985
Description: State Senator Jack Backman opens a press conference in support of Mel King (Boston mayoral candidate) in front of the State House. Other participants include Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury), and Barney Frank (US Congressman). Frank voices his support for King's candidacy and discusses the reasons for his endorsement, specifically, Frank talks about King's views on economic development and about his leadership abilities. Frank says that King is a creative leader who will bring "enlightened policy" to the city. Various reporters point out that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (candidate for mayor of Boston) in the primary elections. King arrives, shakes hands with Frank, thanks endorsers, and asserts that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
1:00:10: Visual: Shot of a Mel King campaign sign. Jack Backman (State Senator) opens a press conference in front of the State House. He notes that Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) has not yet arrived. He voices his support for King. He introduces Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury). Bachman lists off some state representatives who are due to arrive shortly at the press conference. Shots of Schur; of Rushing. Bachman introduces Barney Frank (US Congressman). 1:02:33: V: Frank says that he will support King for mayor of Boston; that he served with King for eight years in the legislature. Frank says that King is an advocate for enlightened policy for the city of Boston. Frank talks about King's ideas for economic development programs; about the Community Development Corporation. Frank says that King's ideas for development are in tune with the needs of city residents; that King is sensitive to the problems of displacement and the needs of area residents. Frank says that King can speak effectively on behalf of a diverse group of people; that King was an effective and respected legislator. Frank says that King will make an excellent mayor. A reporter asks Frank about his previous endorsements for mayor. Frank says that he is not always good at picking the winning candidate; that he speaks out on behalf of candidates who have good ideas and programs. A reporter notes that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (State Representative) in the primary election. He asks Frank how Kearney would have been a better mayor than King. Frank says that he endorsed Kearney in the primary because he thought Kearney was a good candidate with a good chance of winning. Frank says that Kearney and King take similar positions on the issues. Shot of King supporters standing behind Frank. Shot of Christy George (WGBH reporter). Audio is muffled. 1:07:45: V: Frank says that the many of the candidates in the race had similar positions on the issues; that King has helped shape the debate on the issues; that King was one of the first people to talk about the adverse effects of development on the elderly and the poor. Frank says that King is responsible for focusing the attention of the city on the management of economic development in a compassionate and effective manner. Frank says that he respects Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston); that King is more creative, thoughtful and consistent candidate; that King has proven himself to be an effective leader. Frank refuses to speculate on who he would have endorsed if King were not in the race. Frank says that he is endorsing a candidate because he is an elected official with an opinion; that he does not know what effect his endorsement has on a candidate's chances. A reporter asks Frank about the differences between King and Flynn. Frank says that the differences between the candidates stem from their past records; that King has proven himself to be a consistent and effective leader on economic issues for many years; that King has the capacity to stay with these issues. Frank notes that he does not agree with King on a mayor's role in foreign policy. A reporter asks Frank if King needs to highlight the issues on which he differs from Flynn. Frank says that King has stuck with the same issues for ten years; that his leadership has brought attention to these issues. Frank says that this has been a good mayoral campaign; that it has focused on issues. 1:13:15: V: Frank jokes with the reporters about his endorsement bringing in the voters from Brookline and Newton. A reporter asks Frank how King can get white liberal voters to support him instead of Flynn. Frank says that King can win voter support by focusing on the issues; that his positions on economic development may win over voters from traditionally "conservative" neighborhoods. A reporter asks Frank about his campaign advice for King. Frank says that King is doing the right thing by focusing on the issues; that King has proven his ability to be a leader on the issues. 1:16:32: V: King's supporters clap as he arrives at the State House. King and Frank shake hands. King thanks Frank and the assembled state representatives for their endorsements and support. King says that his administration will make the city open and accessible; that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1983
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Boston superintendent of schools Laval Wilson. The Boston School Committee has voted to remove him from his post. Kelly adds that there are racial overtones in the vote to dismiss Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson's opponents are all white. Kelly reviews Wilson's interview and selection, his record and the school bus drivers' strike. Kelly also discusses the school consolidation controversy and his contract renewal in 1989. The Boston Public Schools experienced a rise in achievement test scores and a decrease in the dropout rate under Wilson. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage illustrating these events during Wilson's tenure. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Controversy surrounds the Boston School Committee's decision to fire Laval Wilson and Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) being interviewed by Eileen Jones (WGBH reporter) on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he wants to convince the Boston Public School community that he is the best person for the job of superintendent. Shots of posters prepared by Wilson for his presentation to the Boston School Committee; of Wilson adjusting the position of the charts. Hope Kelly reports that Wilson interviewed for the position of superintendent in July of 1985. Kelly notes that Wilson showed little charisma; that he was well prepared for the interview. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the Boston School Committee in the School Committee chambers on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that his planning skills are excellent. Shots of Wilson and the members of the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson stressed his planning skills; that Wilson was self-confident and stubborn. Kelly notes that Wilson did not mention his people skills or his passion. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by Jones on July 19, 1985. Wilson repeats that he classified himself "as a school superintendent." Shot of Wilson during his interview with the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson never made any reflections on race. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he is an educator who happens to be African American. Footage of the members of the School Committee as they cast their votes for the position of superintendent on July 31, 1985. Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) votes for Dr. Peter Negroni (candidate for superintendent of schools). School Committee members John O'Bryant and Thomas O'Reilly vote for Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson had held the position of superintendent of schools in Rochester, New York, and Berkeley, California. Kelly reports that the Boston School Committee voted nine-to-four in favor of hiring Wilson. Kelly reports that Wilson became Boston's first African American superintendent of schools. Kelly adds that the Boston Public School System was rife with poverty and patronage in 1985. V: Footage from August 21, 1985. Wilson walks on Devonshire Street with a group of school officials, including John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee), Ellen Guiney (Citywide Education Coalition), John Grady (Boston School Committee), and Julio Henriquez (aide to School Committee member Daniel Burke). Footage of Wilson at a press conference of May 12, 1987. Wilson says that 20% of first-graders did not pass first grade last year. Kelly reports that a bus strike paralyzed the school system in Wilson's fourth month on the job. Kelly notes that students and parents became enraged at Wilson's plan to consolidate schools. V: Shot of buses parked outside of South Boston High School. African American students walk among the buses. Shot of a group of angry protesters. Shots of students and parents protesting outside of the Boston School Committee headquarters on Court Street. The students and parents hold signs. Shot of a jacket being held up in the air. Writing on the jacket reads, "Save our school." Kelly reports that Wilson threatened to resign over the school consolidation issue; that Wilson pursued a job offer from the New York City Public School System in 1987. Kelly notes that Wilson receives a salary of nearly $100,000 per year. Kelly adds that there were questions about his performance. V: Shot of Wilson at a press conference. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting on October 11, 1988. Shot of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee). Shot of Wilson saying that progress is being made. Shot of the audience at the meeting. Kelly reports that progress is being made in the school system; that achievement scores are rising. Kelly notes that the drop-out rate has declined to its lowest level in eleven years. V: Shots of Wilson in an elementary school classroom; of Wilson and school officials walking through a high school corridor. Footage from a Boston School Committee on April 11, 1989. Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) addressing the members of the School Committee. Muhammad says that Wilson's contract should be renewed; that Wilson has begun to turn the school system around. Shots of audience members crowded into the School Committee chambers; of the School Commitee members in the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Wilson's contract was renewed in 1989; that Wilson survived by one vote. Kelly reports that Wilson did not receive a ringing endorsement from the Boston School Committee; that Wilson had wanted a four-year contract in 1989; that he did not receive one. Kelly notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) suggested abolishing the Boston School Committee during the summer of 1989. V: Footage of Flynn at a press conference in May of 1989. Flynn says that the present system fails the schoolchildren and parents of Boston. Shot of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Flynn wanted to replace the elected school committee with an appointed school committee. V: Footage from July of 1985. Wilson sits at a press conference with Flynn, Edward Doherty (President, Boston Teachers Union), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee), Rita Walsh-Tomasini (Boston School Committee) and other school officials. The officials stand up and raise their linked hands. Kelly reports that the debate over the schools has become divisive and political. Kelly reports that Flynn took no questions about Wilson today; that Flynn released a short statement. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that issues are more important than skin color. Kelly stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Committee. Kelly notes that the situation has racial overtones. Kelly reports that an all-white majority on the School Committee has voted to remove an African American superintendent from a school system with a 75% non-white student population.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones' second report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on Robinson's career after baseball and his active participation in the civil rights movement. Jones notes that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation when he was named to that post at the Chock Full O'Nuts company. Jones reviews Robinson's role in the civil rights movement and his political activity during the 1960 presidential elections. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded the Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963, which was the first bank in the US to be run by African Americans. Jones talks about Robinson's disappointment when white teammates from professional baseball refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson), Mal Goode (journalist), and Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger). Jones' report also features footage of the civil rights movements and footage of Robinson in the 1960s. Jones' report includes footage from the film Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Tape 2 of 3
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of Jackie Robinson walking off of a baseball field. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shot of an older Robinson waving goodbye; of the exterior of Ebbets Field; of a newspaper headline reading, "Giants get Robinson." Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson in a suit. Marcus Jones reports that Jackie Robinson left baseball in 1957; that Robinson chose to retire instead of be traded to the New York Giants. Jones reports that Robinson signed on as vice-president of personnel for Chock full o'Nuts company; that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation. V: Black and white footage of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of Robinson in a business suit; of a sign for "Chock full o'Nuts." Black and white footage of Robinson with his employees; of Robinson meeting with a group of people. Jones reports that Robinson played an active role in the civil rights movement. V: Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson wanted to be a part of the civil rights movement. Black and white footage of African American students integrating white schools; of African American picketers outside of a Woolworth lunch counter; of an African American man confronting a police officer; of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader); of an African American man being pushed by white men; of fire hoses being used on African American demonstrators; of African American picketers with protest signs. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Robinson) saying that Robinson identified with the NAACP; that Robinson was an active chairman of the Freedom Fund Campaign. Jones reports that Robinson advocated equal opportunities for African Americans in all areas; that Robinson's stature drew attention to the cause. V: Footage from Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Footage shows Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Robinson rides in a convertible through an African American neighborhood. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson drew great crowds; that women would pay to have him kiss them on the cheek. Footage of a Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign rally in 1960. Robinson is visible in the crowd. Jones reports that Robinson supported Nelson Rockefeller (presidential candidate) in 1960; that Robinson campaigned for the Republican nominee Richard Nixon (1960 Republican presidential nominee) after Rockefeller lost the nomination. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson believed that African Americans would be strengthened if they were represented by both of the major parties. Footage of a campaign debate in 1960 between Nixon and John F. Kennedy (1960 Democratic presidential nominee). Footage of Williams saying that Robinson had great respect for Nixon at the beginning of the 1960 presidential campaign; that Robinson eventually became disillusioned with the Republican Party. Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Black and white footage of Kennedy's inaugural speech. Jones reports that Robinson continued to fight for equality for African Americans; that Robinson pushed for Mal Goode (journalist) to be hired as the first African American TV news correspondent. V: Shots of black and white photos of Robinson; of Robinson and Goode. Footage of Goode reflecting on the sacrifices made by the previous generation of African Americans. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963; that the bank was the first bank to be run by African Americans. V: Shots of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of Freedom National Bank. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank. Jones reports that Robinson worked to free the African American community from the constraints of racism. V: Footage of Williams talking about the idea of a bank run by African Americans, in which whites could participate. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of registering African Americans to vote. Black and white footage of African Americans marching in the South in 1963; of whites standing behind a Confederate flag; of two white men waving a small Confederate flag. Jones reports that Robinson spent a lot of time in the South in 1963. V: Black and white footage of Robinson and King; of Robinson addressing a crowd about the need for equal rights. Shots of a black and white photo of King. Black and white shot of Robinson picking up a telephone. Black and white aerial shot of the March on Washington in 1963. Jones reports that Robinson was disappointed when his white Dodger teammates refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. V: Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that he regrets not joining Robinson for the March on Washington. Black and white shot of Robinson addressing a crowd. Jones reports that Robinson started a construction company in 1970; that the company was dedicated to building low-income housing. V: Shots of Robinson at a construction site; of Robinson looking at architectural plans; of Robinson throwing out a baseball at a ballgame. Jones reports that Robinson died in October of 1972. Jones stands outside of Ebbets Field Apartments. Jones says that Robinson's ideals still live on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/05/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King and Jim Roosevelt are among those running to succeed Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill (Speaker of the House) in Massachusetts' 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt compares the upbringing and careers of both King and Roosevelt, noting that they are not at all alike and that neither has anything in common with O'Neill. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience and Roosevelt's public service experience and notes that the two candidates, along with Joseph P. Kennedy and George Bachrach are the frontrunners in the race. The report includes footage from interviews with both candidates and with Jim Roosevelt's sister, Anne Roosevelt Johnson. The report also features photographs of the two candidates throughout their careers and footage of both candidates campaigning.
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of Tip O'Neill (Speaker of the US House of Representatives) speaking to veterans at a VFW post in North Cambridge. The veterans applaud O'Neill. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King (community activist) and Jim Roosevelt (candidate for US Congress) are among those running to succeed O'Neill in the 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt notes that King and O'Neill are not alike; that neither have anything in common with O'Neill. V: Footage of Roosevelt talking about his candidacy at a campaign rally. Footage of King at a campaign rally, saying that he is "a candidate for the people." Vaillancourt says that neither King nor Roosevelt fit into O'Neill's tradition of "clubhouse" politics; that King is courting minority voters and the left; that Roosevelt is campaigning for the votes of affluent professionals. V: Shots of a King campaign sign; of two older white women applauding Roosevelt at a campaign rally. Shots of Roosevelt, King, Joseph Kennedy (candidate for US Congress) and George Bachrach (State Senator) campaigning. Vaillancourt reports that King, Kennedy, Bachrach and Roosevelt are the frontrunners in the race. V: Shot of a black and white photograph of King sitting at a desk. Footage of King talking about his modest family background. He says that his parents were hard workers; that his mother taught him to make clothes; that he sometimes makes the bow ties that he wears today. Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt talking about the legacy of his grandfather, Franklin D. Roosevelt (former US President). Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has never run for political office; that King is a "perennial candidate." Vaillancourt says that Roosevelt comes from a patrician family with a long political tradition; that King is the son of West Indian immigrants. V: Footage of King campaigning on the street; of Roosevelt campaigning on the street. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt and King as young men; of Roosevelt in a school photo; of King in his high school yearbook. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lives in Cambridge and graduated from Harvard Law School; that King lives in the South End and graduated from all-black Claflin College in South Carolina. V: Shots of Roosevelt's house in Cambridge; of King's home in the South End. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt as a student at Harvard; of King in a group photo at Claflin College. Footage of King greeting a voter at a campaign rally; of Roosevelt shaking hands with voters on the street. Footage of King talking about how his father taught him to share with those who are less fortunate. Shots of black and white photographs of King as a member of a youth basketball team; of King coaching basketball. Vaillancourt reports that King's father was a longshoreman; that his mother was active in the church; that King has held jobs working with youth gangs and as a director of a Settlement House in the South End. V: Footage of King saying talking about working with people. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lived in a monastery for a year after graduating from high school. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a member of the Order. Footage of Roosevelt saying that he felt a spiritual calling to serve people; that he serves people in a different way now. Roosevelt says that he had difficulty following the vow of obedience. Shot of a black and white photograph of Roosevelt serving in the Navy. Shots of color photographs of Roosevelt in his naval uniform; of Roosevelt campaigning for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Vaillancourt talks about Roosevelt's career in public service. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has served on the boards of the Mt. Auburn Hospital and the Cambridge Public Library; that Roosevelt has campaigned for numerous Democratic candidates; that Roosevelt's name garners him a lot of attention. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt and O'Neill. Footage of Anne Roosevelt Johnson (Roosevelt's sister) talking about how Roosevelt read the Congressional Record as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt campaigning among the elderly. Footage of King greeting three women at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience. Vaillancourt reports that King was a state representative for ten years; that King is a two-time mayoral candidate. V: Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing King. King talks about his record of strong political leadership. King says that he has a stronger record than any of the other candidates. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt is using his famous name to take on Joseph Kennedy. V: Footage of Roosevelt signing autographs for children. Shot of a radio engineer. Audio of a Roosevelt campaign radio advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has been criticized for "Kennedy-bashing." V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that he has been trying to engage Kennedy in a debate on the issues. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has spent $65,000 on radio ads; that King has spent no money on advertising. V: Footage of King campaigning in Roxbury. Shots of a black and white photo of King meeting with white leaders in the 1960s; of King being arrested by police at Tent City in the 1970s. Vaillancourt reports that 90% of voters in the eighth district recognize King's name. Vaillancourt talks about King's involvement in the protest politics of the 1960s and 1970s. V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that King does not represent the viewpoint of most voters in the district. Footage of King saying that his politics are inclusive. Vaillancourt stands on a streetcorner. Vaillancourt reports that King's Rainbow Coalition is well known; that the Rainbow Coalition has not produced any winning candidates; that Roosevelt has support from Cambridge civic activists; that the district includes other areas besides Cambridge. Vaillancourt reports that Kennedy is leading in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1986
Description: Author J. Anthony Lukas addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The meeting is held in honor of the release of Lukas's novel, Common Ground. The novel is about the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas talks about how the three families portrayed in his book represent the main elements of the coalition that formed around John F. Kennedy (former US President) in 1960. Lukas talks about the breakdown of that coalition. Lukas says that both race and class need to be considered when analyzing the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas says that Boston's middle and upper classes were largely exempt from busing; he adds that the legal system does not recognize social class as a relevant category. Lukas talks about the importance of school integration by race and social class. He notes that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) should not be made a scapegoat for his actions. Lukas says that Boston is a better city as a result of the busing crisis. He says that people must continue to struggle for social justice. Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, Atlantic Monthly) addresses the meeting. Beatty talks about the history of the civil rights movement. He talks about white voters who felt alienated by the Democratic Party's support for the civil rights movement. Beatty says that a backlash against the civil rights movement combined with a failing economy caused many white voters to vote for the Republican Party in the 1970s. Beatty notes that many South Boston residents have voted Republican since the busing crisis. Beatty talks about the importance of civil rights legislation and says that the civil rights movement will help us to achieve a more just society. Panelists at the meeting include Beatty, Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts), Marie Clarke (parent and member of the Home and School Association), Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston), Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, Boston Globe). Tape 2 of 8
0:59:58: Visual: J. Anthony Lukas (author) addresses a Town Meeting on Race and Class at the John F. Kennedy Library. The town meeting is held in honor of the release of the book, Common Ground by Lukas . Lukas speaks from a podium. Panelists are assembled at tables on either side of the podium. Panelists include Jack Beatty (Senior Editor, The Atlantic Monthly), Thomas Brown (Professor, University of Massachusetts), Marie Clarke (parent and member of the Home and School Association), Moe Gillen (Charlestown community activist), Father Michael Groden (Archdiocese of Boston), Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston), Theodore Landsmark (attorney), Sandra Lynch (former general counsel to the State Department of Education), Kim Marshall (Director of Curriculum, Boston Public Schools), Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), and Thomas Winship (former editor, The Boston Globe). Lukas talks about the McGoff, Twymon and Diver families portrayed in the book. Lukas mentions Colin Diver's admiration for John F. Kennnedy (former US President). Lukas talks about how the three families represent elements of the Kennedy coalition on 1960. Lukas says that the coalition fell apart during the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas recalls the antagonism felt by Boston Irish Catholics toward Edward Kennedy (US Senator) during the busing crisis. Lukas asks what happened to the coalition which had formed around John F. Kennedy. Lukas asks if the groups represented by the three families can find "common ground." Lukas says that his research has not led him to take sides on the issues; that his research has revealed the complexity of the issues. Lukas says that the "liberal agenda of the 1960s and 1970s" did not focus enough on class issues. Lukas adds that race and class need to be considered when analyzing the busing crisis in Boston. Lukas notes that Boston was on the brink of "racial war." Lukas mentions the attack on Theodore Landsmark (attorney) at City Hall Plaza. Lukas adds that the Boston Public School System was clearly segregated; that the Boston School Committee flagrantly violated the law in refusing to desegregate. Lukas says that Arthur Garrity (federal judge) had no choice but to order a remedy for the segregated schools; that Garrity deserves gratitude and respect from the city of Boston. Lukas notes that there was "a pervasive class bias" in the court orders issued by the judge. Lukas talks about the Supreme Court Decision (Milliken v. Bradley), which hampered Garrity from ordering a metropolitan busing plan. Lukas notes that Thurgood Marshall (US Supreme Court Justice) wrote a scathing dissent from the decision. Lukas says that Boston's middle and upper classes were largely exempt from busing. Lukas adds that the poor and vulnerable students were subject to the court orders during the busing crisis. Lukas talks about the need for integration by social class and by race. Lukas says that opponents to busing were able to exploit class resentment to strengthen resistance to busing. Lukas notes that poor Irish Catholics in Boston resented middle- and upper-class Irish Catholics more than they resented African Americans. 1:05:58: Visual: Lukas says that Garrity could not consider social class in the court orders; that the legal system does not recognize social class as a relevant category. Lukas says that the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution does not protect the poor. Lukas says that minorities have a right to sue for protection under the law. Lukas adds that the adversarial legal system is not the ideal system for achieving social progress. Lukas says that the court orders in the Boston school desegregation case resulted in desegregated schools; that the court orders did not achieve social justice. Lukas says that Garrity should not be made a "scapegoat for our own faintheartedness." Lukas says that the wealthy and powerful must stop putting the burden of integration on the poor and the young. Lukas talks about the beneficial effects of the court orders in Boston. Lukas says that Boston is a more "mature and united city" as a result of the busing crisis. Lukas says that US citizens must continue to fight for social justice. Lukas decries the "self-pitying mood" of liberals. Lukas says that many liberal programs from the 1960s and 1970s were successful; that some failed only because of a lack of resources. Lukas talks about the gulf between liberals and the working class in the 1960s and 1970s. Lukas talks about the the need for these groups to build coalitions and find "common ground." The audience applauds. 1:11:07: Visual: Martin Nolan (The Boston Globe) introduces Jack Beatty. Beatty talks about the evolution of John F. Kennedy's position on civil rights in the 1960s. Beatty mentions John Kennedy's commitment to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Beatty says that many of John Kennedy's advisors counseled him against the sponsorship of civil rights' legislation; that John Kennedy's advisors feared a backlash by white voters. Beatty quotes John Kennedy's speech advocating the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Beatty says that African Americans voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party in 1968; that many white voters switched their allegiance to the Republican Party. Beatty notes that most South Boston voters supported Hubert Humphrey (Democratic candidate for the US Presidency) in the primary elections of 1968. Beatty notes that South Boston has voted Republican since the busing crisis. Beatty adds that the median income in South Boston in 1980 was less than $11,000 per year. Beatty notes that forced busing was one of the issues which drove South Boston residents to vote for the Republican Party. Beatty says that that white Southerners tend to vote for the Republican Party; that racial issues are just as explosive in the North as they are in the South. Beatty accuses Republican leaders of exploiting race issues in debates over the federal budget; that Republican leaders have painted welfare as "relief for the black poor." Beatty adds that government aid to the middle classes costs more money than welfare programs. Beatty accuses Republican leaders of exploiting the white backlash against civil rights and racial issues. Beatty talks about the role of the failing economy in the demise of the Democratic Party. Beatty talks about the effects of inflation and unemployment on the white underclass. Beatty says that many anti-busing protesters were frustrated by their own circumstances of poverty and unemployment. Beatty talks about the ill effects of segregated schools on African American school children. Beatty talks about "the tragic spectacle" of the busing crisis. Beatty says that John Kennedy would have proceeded with civil rights' legislation, even if he could have foreseen the demise of the Democratic Party and the onset of the busing crisis in Boston. Beatty says that John Kennedy would have had the courage and vision to support the legislation; that John Kennedy would have realized the importance of civil rights' legislation. Beatty says that civil rights' legislation will allow us to achieve a just and integrated society.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1985
Description: Evening Compass newscast during the first week of Phase II integration of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister reads school attendance statistics and reports on the stoning of a bus in Jamaica Plain. Pam Bullard reports on resistance to busing among Hyde Park parents. She interviews Hyde Park residents Paul Murphy, Ginny McCarthy, William Wager, Sylvia Connaughton, Pauline Haley, and Eddie Remondi. Remondi invokes the civil disobedience of Martin Luther King as a model for the antibusing movement. Gary Griffith reports on complaints of police brutality by Tactical Patrol Force officers in South Boston, Charlestown and Roxbury. Bill MacDonald, Joseph Rowan, William Johnston, Val Williams, and Kathy Fitzpatrick (all of the Boston Police Department) talk about the TPF and respond to the charges of brutality. Baumeister reports on how busing has affected East Boston. He interviews East Boston residents Rose DiScisio, Mina DeFilippo, Mrs. Jay DiGiangregorio and Evelyn Babin about busing. Judy Stoia interviews Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) about youth violence in Charlestown. Conway, Kearney and O'Shea complain that the media has exaggerated the violence in Charlestown; that youth violence is a problem across the city. Greg Pilkington reports on his conversation with James Nabrit (attorney for the plaintiffs, Brown v. Board of Education) about busing as a means to achieve school desegregation. Pilkington reports that Nabrit says that busing is a necessary remedy for school desegregation.
19:30:00: Ed Baumeister introduces the Evening Compass broadcast. Opening credits roll. Baumeister reports that today's school attendance was 52,631 out of 76,127; that school attendance has risen each day since school opened; that a bus carrying white students was stoned in Jamaica Plain. Baumeister comments that coverage of the busing crisis has moved from daily statistics to larger issues of resistance and a white minority school population. Baumeister reports that Bob Schwartz (Educational Advisor to the Mayor) fears that a minority white school system in Boston will lead to a decline in the quality of education; that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) favors a metropolitan desegregation plan. Baumeister reports that Thomas Atkins (President, NAACP) is not worried about a white minority population in the schools. 19:32:22: Pam Bullard reports on resistance to busing in Hyde Park. Bullard reports that over 600 African American students attend Hyde Park High School with 900 white students; that the school has been calm this year; that police are stationed outside of the school; that there was a heavy police presence in the school last year due to trouble between African American and white students; that residents of Hyde Park are still heavily opposed to busing. Visual: Footage of buses pulling up to Hyde Park High School; of white students walking toward the school; of African American and white students entering the school. Footage of Paul Murphy (Hyde Park parent) saying that he will never support busing; that the school appears calm but there is great tension within. Ginny McCarthy (Hyde Park parent) says that there is very strong antibusing sentiment in Hyde Park; that residents are not able to vent their feelings because of the strong police presence. William Wager (Hyde Park parent) says that he resents seeing police officers lining the streets. Sylvia Connaughton (Hyde Park parent) says that the antibusing movement has been silenced; that all forms of antibusing protest have been outlawed; that she will continue to fight the court order nonviolently. Pauline Haley (Hyde Park parent) says that the strong police presence does not allow for any form of protest. McCarthy says that antibusing residents will fight the court order through political means; that the antibusing movement must stay united and visible; that people should fight the court order, not leave the city. Connaughton agrees that the antibusing movement must stay active and visible; that the antibusing movement will not give up and accept busing. Eddie Remondi (Hyde Park parent) says that the antibusing movement must fight the court order through civil disobedience, citing the example of Martin Luther King; that the movement must fight in the courts and in the political arena. Wager says that the antibusing movement must create turmoil throughout the city through marches and lawful demonstrations; that the movement must avoid violence. 19:37:26: Baumeister introduces Gary Griffith's report on complaints lodged against the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) by residents of Charlestown, South Boston and Roxbury. V: Footage Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) saying that the TPF is a well-disciplined and effective unit with expertise in crowd control. Griffith reports that the TPF are the elite corps of the Boston Police Department; that residents of South Boston and Charlestown have charged the TPF with police brutality. V: Footage of TPF officers gathered at the side of a street in Charlestown. A traveling shot follows one officer to his car. Footage of Joseph Rowan (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) saying that the TPF reacts to violence directed at them by residents; that there may be isolated cases of brutality; that residents are encouraged to file complaints; that all complaints are investigated. Griffith reports that many TPF officers were previously regular duty police officers; that the TPF includes an emergency services unit, a canine unit, and an anti-crime unit; that TPF officers do not get paid more than regular police officers; that TPF officers may make additional money working overtime. V: Footage of Rowan saying that the TPF officers are carefully selected; that they are trained to work as a group; that TPF officers are stable, hardworking and are not afraid to perform their duties. Griffith reports that TPF officers have been called "drug-crazed animals." V: Footage of William Johnston (Boston Police Department) saying that that TPF officers are not "mean." Val Williams (Boston Police Department) says that the TPF has to deal with difficult situations; that rumors of TPF behavior have been exaggerated. Griffith asks Kathy Fitzpatrick (Boston Police Department) if she is involved in crowd control. She responds that she performs the same job as the men; that residents of South Boston and Charlestown are venting their frustration on the TPF. Griffith reports that TPF officers do not work in the neighborhoods; that they are called into difficult situations in which they must act quickly and forcefully. Baumeister asks Griffith if the TPF cultivates their fierce reputation in the city. Griffith says that the TPF officers like to play up their roles as "the hard guys"; that the TPF officers do not appreciate the rumors that circulate about TPF brutality; that he did not ask the officers about the allegations against TPF in the Rabbit Inn case or other cases. 19:43:16: Baumeister reports that East Boston has been the neighborhood least affected by court-ordered busing; that under Phase II desegregation, the East Boston district remains 95% white, 3% African American and 2% other minority; that the geographical isolation of the neighborhood makes the busing of students difficult; that the district high school will be open to students city-wide next year; that other East Boston schools will be unaffected next year. V: Footage of the entrance of the Callahan Tunnel. Traveling shot from a car driving through the tunnel. Baumeister reports that African American students have been bused into East Boston under Phase II desegregation; that buses are quietly escorted to the schools; that most students bused out of East Boston have chosen to attend city-wide magnet schools. V: Footage of a bus passing through toll booth. Footage of a white male student saying that he chose to attend Boston English High School because of its academic reputation; that he does not mind being bused; that his friends in East Boston tell him not to attend school. A white female student at a bus stop says that people tell her not to go to school. Shots of students boarding a bus in East Boston. Baumeister reports that many residents of East Boston strongly oppose busing. V: Footage of Rose DiScisio (East Boston resident) saying that many in East Boston will not allow their children to be bused; that there will be trouble in East Boston next year if students are bused out. Baumeister reports that DiScisio helps run the East Boston Information Center; that the East Boston Information Center is connected to ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights), the city-wide antibusing organization. Baumeister reports on the formation of two organizations formed to counter the antibusing movement in East Boston: EBQE (East Bostonians for Quality Education) and East Boston People Against Racism. V: Footage of Mina DeFilippo (East Boston resident) saying that she sends her children to Martin Luther King School in Dorchester; that her children are happy there; that she is a member of East Boston People Against Racism. Mrs. Jay DiGiangregorio (East Boston resident) says that her child has been sent to the Samuel Adams School in East Boston; that the school is overcrowded and lacks adequate facilities; that a nearby school is not overcrowded; that she will take her child out of the school system before the situation gets worse next year. DeFilippo says that her neighbors have insulted her in the streets for allowing her children to be bused; that she will continue to put her children on the bus. Evelyn Babin (East Boston resident) says that the antibusing movement is not causing trouble; that the other side tries to make the antibusing movement look bad. Baumeister reports that the organizations on both sides of the busing issue have support among East Boston residents; that many residents will wait until next year before getting involved in the busing debate. 19:50:16: Judy Stoia reports that the past two days have been relatively peaceful in Charlestown; that community leaders think reports of violence may have been exaggerated by the media. V: Footage of police officers lined up at an ice cream truck outside of Charlestown High School. Footage of Stoia interviewing Dennis Kearney (State Representative), Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) and Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) on the steps of the Bunker Hill Monument. O'Shea says that it is normal for adolescents to act up; that the youth violence in Charlestown may not be related to race issues. Conway says that it is easy for kids to get caught up in the action of the moment. O'Shea says that very young children were caught up in an angry crowd on Monday evening; that it is dangerous for children to get caught up in violence. Conway says that racism is present in Charlestown, but not overwhelming; that one racist person can paint most of the graffiti in a neighborhood; that most people are concerned with the safety of their children. Kearney says that the majority of residents are shocked when they hear someone yell racial epithets at a bus of African American schoolchildren. Conway says that she has been active in the antibusing movement; that the antibusing movement has repudiated violence and has conducted peaceful demonstrations. Stoia comments that most people outside of Charlestown see it as a violent community. O'Shea says that violence is a problem in most urban environments; that there is violence in Charlestown, but it is still a good community. 19:55:07: Baumeister reports that the court case which brought desegregation to Boston schools is related to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case; that 17 lawyers worked to bring the Brown case to the US Supreme Court. Greg Pilkington reports that five of the lawyers from the Brown case have died; that four of those lawyers are now judges (Thurgood Marshall, Spotswood Robinson, Constance Baker Motley and Robert Carter). Pilkington reports on a conversation about busing with another one of the lawyers, James Nabrit, who is retired and living in Washington D.C. Pilkington reports that Nabrit said that quality education is not possible in a segregated school system; that Nabrit believes the antibusing movement is not sincere when they claim that the quality of education suffers under busing; that in a segregated system, African American schools will be of lesser quality than white schools; that both whites and African Americans suffer from the adverse effects of segregation; that busing is necessary remedy if it is the only way to desegregate schools. 19:57:36: Baumeister closes the show. He makes a joke about getting reading lessons before the next show to improve his delivery of the news. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/11/1975
Description: A compilation of three Evening Compass shows from 1974-75. Evening Compass newscast from September 12, 1974. Paul deGive reports on the first day of school at the Rochambeau Elementary School. He reports that some parents, including Barbara King (local resident), are keeping their children out of school for fear of violence. Judy Stoia reports on the peaceful opening of the Martin Luther King School. Greg Pilkington and Diane Dumanoski report on their experiences riding buses with students to and from South Boston High School and Hyde Park High School. The bus Pilkington rode on was stoned in South Boston. Pilkington and Dumanoski report on the reactions of students. Joe Klein reports on the first day of school for a Hyde Park student, bused to the Lewenberg School in Mattapan. Klein reports that the student says that he will return to school tomorrow. Evening Compass newscast from December 12, 1974. Stoia reports on a violent mob gathered outside South Boston High School after the stabbing of a white student by an African American student. Stoia reports on clashes between the crowd and police. Pilkington reports from the Bayside Mall, where African American students arrived on buses after being trapped for several hours in South Boston High School. The students and their parents are angry and frightened. Peggy Murrell reports on the reactions of Thomas Atkins (President, NAACP) and Mel King (State Representative) to the violence at South Boston High School. Murrell reports that Atkins and King say that schools should be shut down if the safety of African American students cannot be guaranteed. Pam Bullard reports that the plaintiffs in the Boston school desegregation case (Morgan v. Hennigan) will demand that the federal court increase safety measures for African American students in South Boston. She also reports on a pending deadline for the Boston School Committee to file a school desegregation plan for 1975. Bullard notes that the School Committee risks being held in contempt of court if it does not file a plan. Evening Compass special from March 14, 1975. Pam Bullard reviews the major events concerning the desegregation of Boston schools in 1974. Her report includes footage and still photos of key figures and events in the busing crisis. Judy Stoia reports on an alternative school in Hyde Park, created by white parents to avoid busing, and on an alternative school for African American students. White parents at the alternative school in Hyde Park say that African American students are welcome to attend their school. Baumeister reports on Raymond Flynn, the only mayoral candidate to campaign on an antibusing platform. Baumeister also analyzes busing coverage by The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald American. Bullard reports on the school desegregation plan for the 1975-76 school year. Her report includes comments by Peter Ingeneri (Area Superintendent, Dearborn District) and Isaac Graves (Manager, Roxbury Little City Hall. She reports on segregation among Boston school faculty and administrators, and on plans to integrate school faculty in 1975. End credits reflect personnel working on all Evening Compass shows for the weeks of December 12, 1974 and March 14, 1975. Produced and directed by Charles C. Stuart.
0:00:15: Ed Baumeister introduces Paul deGive's report on the first day of school at the Rochambeau Elementary School in Dorchester. DeGive reports that the opening was peaceful; that a rumored white boycott failed to materialize; that buses were empty; that the absentee rate was 50% for both white and African American students. Degive comments that many parents were present at the opening. DeGive reports on an interview with Barbara King (local resident) who was present to observe the opening but did not send her daughter to the school for fear of violence. The nearby Murphy school also opened without incident. The attendance rate at the Murphy was estimated at two-thirds. 0:02:50: Baumeister introduces Judy Stoia's report on the Martin Luther King School. Stoia reports on the peaceful opening of the Martin Luther King School, which had been an African American school the previous year: the attendance rate was 50%; 130 white students attended, out of a possible 634; many parents kept their children at home because the King school was expected to be a trouble spot. 0:04:25: Baumeister talks to reporters Greg Pilkington and Diane Dumanoski. Pilkington spent the day with African American students who were bused into South Boston. Pilkington describes the students' reactions to their arrival at South Boston High School and their departure on buses which were stoned by an angry crowd. Diane Dumanoski describes a peaceful bus ride to Hyde Park High School with just one white student on the bus. Pilkington remarks on the low attendance at South Boston High School and describes the teachers as tense and ambivalent about busing. Dumanoski describes hostility from some white students at Hyde Park High School. 0:11:46: Baumeister reports on statistics: 47,000 students out of possible 70,000 attended Boston schools; police made 6 arrests; buses made 450 runs. Joe Klein reports on the first day of school for Jimmy Glavin, a Hyde Park student bused to the Lewenberg school in Mattapan. Visual: Report is a montage of still photographs. Shots of a photo of Claire O'Malley (bus monitor); of Glavin waiting for the bus; of Glavin on the bus. Klein reports that Glavin was the only student at the first stop; that the bus made several stops; that some parents refused to put their children on the bus. Klein reports that children of non-local parents in Coast Guard housing attended school. V: Shots of photographs of students and parents at various bus stops. Shots of photographs of students boarding the bus. Klein reports that the Lewenberg school was quiet; that the nearby Thompson School was quiet; that there were few white students in attendance at the Thompson School. Klein reports that the white students left the Lewenberg School on buses in the afternoon. Klein notes that Glavin says that he will return to school the next day. V: Shots of photographs of students in classrooms. Shots of photographs of students exiting the school and boarding buses; of Glavin exiting the bus. Baumeister ends the show. 0:16:17: Baumeister introduces the show. (Opening credits are cut.) Judy Stoia reports on violence at South Boston High School, where an African American student stabbed a white student. Stoia reports that an angry crowd of 1500 people had assembled outside of the high school by 1:00pm. Stoia reports that Louise Day Hicks (Boston City Council) tried to calm the crowd. V: Shots of photographs of huge crowds assembled on G Street, in front of the school; of helmeted police officers keeping the crowd at bay. Shot of a photograph of Hicks. Footage of Hicks assuring the crowd that the assault will be investigated. William Bulger (State Senator) stands beside Hicks. Hicks pleads with the crowd to let African American students return home safely. The crowd boos Hicks. Stoia reports that the crowd was hostile to police; that police units from the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), the MDC Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police Department were outnumbered by the crowd; that the crowd threw bricks and bottles at police. Stoia reports that the crowd angrily stoned school buses headed toward the school. V: Shots of photographs of the huge crowd; of a TPF unit; of an MDC police officer on a motorcycle; of mounted police on the street. Shots of photographs of a police car with a broken window; of arrests being made. Shots of photographs of the crowd; of stoned school buses. Stoia reports that the buses were decoys and that African American students had escaped through a side door and were bused to safety. V: Shots of photographs of a side entrance of South Boston High School. 0:21:06: Pilkington reports on atmosphere at the Bayside Mall, where buses arrived with African American students who had been trapped in South Boston High School. Pilkington reports that students and parents were frightened and angry. V: Footage of buses and police officers in the mall parking lot. Angry groups of African American students speak directly to the camera about their experiences in South Boston. One student comments on the angry and violent parents in the South Boston crowd. An angry African American woman says that white children go to school peacefully at the McCormack school in her neighborhood, but that African American students cannot go safely to South Boston. She says that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) is not doing his job. A man shouts into a bullhorn that there is no school on Thursday or Friday. Pilkington reports that the anger of the African American community seems to be directed at the city, the police, and the Boston School Committee for not controlling the situation in South Boston. 0:22:55: Peggy Murrell reports on the reaction of Thomas Atkins (President, NAACP) and Mel King (State Representative) to the violence at South Boston High School. She says that both leaders are determined to continue with school desegregation; that both are concerned for the safety of African American students in the schools. She quotes Atkins as saying that schools should be shut down and students should be reassigned if the safety of African American students cannot be guaranteed. Murrell reports that King agrees with Atkins about shutting down the schools if safety cannot be assured; that King says African American students will continue to attend school despite the violence. V: Shots of photographs of Atkins and of King. Murrell quotes King's condemnation of the violence at South Boston High School. Murell reports that Atkins charged the South Boston Home and School Association with holding a racist rally inside the high school and with encouraging a school boycott by white students. Murell says that Virginia Sheehy (South Boston Home and School Association) denies the charges. Murell reports that Sheehy says that white students should be able to hold meetings in school just like African American students do. State Senator William Owens (Chairman of the Emergency Committee Against Racism in Education) agrees that schools should be shut down if a peaceful solution cannot be found, and says that a march against racism planned for Saturday will proceed. 0:26:52: Pam Bullard reports on a special hearing before Judge Garrity planned for the next day: the African American plaintiffs in the desegregation case (Morgan v. Hennigan) have called the hearing to demand the following: the presence of state police and the national guard in South Boston; a ban on parents in schools; a ban on gatherings of more than five people in South Boston; a ban on the use of all racial epithets. Bullard reports that Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs) says that South Boston will not escape desegregation. Bullard notes that the Boston School Committee is under court order to file a second phase desegregation plan on the following Monday; that the new plan will desegregate schools city-wide and will allow parents to choose between flexible and traditional educational programs. V: Footage of John Coakley (Boston School Department) talking about the differences between the traditional and flexible program choices under the new plan. Coakley says that the new plan allows parents to choose programs, but not specific schools. Bullard reports that the Boston School Committee has repeatedly refused to endorse any form of desegregation; that the committee risks being held in contempt of court if they do not approve a plan to submit to the court. Bullard reports on speculation that William Leary (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) will submit the plan without the approval of the School Committee, to avoid being held in contempt of court. 0:31:56: Baumeister comments on the silence of both Mayor Kevin White and Governor Frank Sargent regarding the violence in South Boston. V: Footage of White on September 12, 1974, condemning violence and promising that it would not be tolerated. Credits roll. 0:34:14: Evening Compass special: The Compass Weekly: A Delicate Balance. Pam Bullard's report sums up the events concerning the desegregation of schools in Boston during the 1974 school year. V: Report includes footage of antibusing demonstrations at City Hall Plaza in August and September of 1974; of William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) reporting low attendance figures on September 13, 1974; of white students and black students discussing forced busing outside of Hyde Park High School; of a car on the street with two KKK signs displayed; of Kevin White addressing the busing issue on October 8, 1974; of Gerald Ford stating his opposition to forced busing on October 9, 1974; of national guardsmen on October 16, 1974; of students discussing their feelings about busing; of William Leary (Superintendent, Boston School Department) announcing the reopening of South Boston High School on January 7, 1974. Report also includes footage of children in classrooms, antibusing protests, school buses escorted by police, police in South Boston, and still photos of important figures in the busing controversy. 0:45:27: Stoia reports on alternative schools set up in Hyde Park by parents opposed to forced busing. Stoia reports that some teachers are accredited and are paid from the students' fees; that the curriculum is similar to public school curriculum and classes are smaller. V: Footage of a teacher and students in an alternative classroom. Footage of Henry Lodge (Hyde Park parent) being interviewed by Stoia. Lodge talks about the good education provided by the alternative schools; about parents' need to escape from forced busing and inferior public schools. Stoia reports that 125 white students attend alternative schools in Hyde Park and South Boston; that organizers plan to open Hyde Park Academy, which will have its own building to accommodate 500 students; that these schools are open to African Americans, but are mostly white. Stoia reports on an alternative school for African American students. V: Footage of African American teacher and students in an alternative classroom. Stoia reports that African American parents do not want to send their children into a hostile environment. Stoia remarks that parents are looking for "quality education," which is a term often heard in the desegregation debate. V: Footage of Thomas Atkins (President of the NAACP) calling on leaders to stop politicizing the school desegregation process. 0:49:22: Baumeister comments that many Boston residents are opposed to busing but that Raymond Flynn is the only mayoral candidate opposed to busing. Baumeister reports that Flynn campaigns on the busing issue and is the only antibusing politician to run for mayor. V: Shots of still photographs of candidates White, Thomas Eisenstadt, and Flynn. Shots of photographs of busing opponents Louise Day Hicks, William Bulger (State Senator), Avi Nelson (radio talk show host). Baumeister reports on media coverage of busing by The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald American. Baumeister reports that both papers urged compliance with the court order and played down any violence resulting from desegregation; that the Globe is especially distrusted by the antibusing movement; that antibusing leaders have set up their own information centers; that television stations have largely escaped the anti-media feeling of the anti-busers; that a large media presence will exacerbate the tense situation. V: Shots of front-page busing coverage in The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald American. Footage of William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) on September 15, 1974. Reid tells the media to stop filming and photographing his students. 0:54:15: Bullard reports on the peaceful integration of some schools and on the next phase of school desegregation in Boston, which will include schools in Charlestown, East Boston, and Roxbury. V: Footage of Peter Ingeneri (Area Superintendent, Dearborn District) on November 21, 1974. Ingeneri talks about larger social problems which will make school desegregation difficult in Roxbury. Footage of Isaac Graves (Manager, Roxbury Little City Hall) on January 9, 1975. Graves talks about African American commitment to better schools and integration. Footage of Chris Mitchell (student) on January 9, 1975. Mitchell talks about how important it is to graduate from high school. Report also includes footage of students boarding buses; of students in integrated classrooms; of African American schoolchildren; of buses transporting schoolchildren. Bullard reports on a Supreme Court ruling which dealt a blow to the antibusing movement's plan to include the suburbs in desegregation. Bullard reads statistics regarding the segregation of Boston school teachers and administrators. She reports on the plan to integrate teachers and administrators and to hire more African Americans in the school system. Bullard reports on the budget for police and security required to desegregate Boston's schools; on expectations for more resistance to busing in the next school year; on efforts to reverse or stop the court order. V: Credits roll over footage of African American students boarding buses.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/12/1974
Description: Ten O'Clock News special in celebration of South African leader Nelson Mandela to Boston. Carmen Fields, Christopher Lydon, Lovell Dyett and Elliot Francis host the show in the WGBH studios. Marcus Jones reports on preparations in the city of Boston for Nelson Mandela's visit. Jones' report includes footage of preparations on the Esplanande and footage of schoolchildren at the Trotter Elementary School rehearsing a musical piece and making posters. Jones interviews Jacob Abdul Khllaq (general manager, A Nubian Notion) about the Nelson Mandela books, T-shirts, and posters sold around the city. Carmen Fields interviews South African exiles Themba Vilakazi and Janet Levine about the life and leadership of Nelson Mandela. Fields's report includes photos and footage of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela. Christopher Lydon interviews in-studio guests Aggrey Mbere (Roxbury Community College) and Orlando Patterson (Harvard University) about Nelson Mandela. Patterson and Mbere talk about how Mandela's culture and education have shaped his leadership. Lovell Dyett reports on the debate surrounding divestment and the imposition of sanctions on the South African government. He notes that the Massachusetts State Legislature passed meaningful divestment legislation in 1983. Dyett interviews Caroline Hunter (Polaroid Corporation), Mel King (Community Fellows Program, MIT) and Robert Zevin (Manager, Calvert Social Investment Fund) about divestment. Dyett reports that Harvard University and the Gillette Corporation have refused to divest completely. Dyett interviews in-studio guests Dr. Willard Johnson (MIT) and Joseph LaBonte (Founder, American Business Initiative for a Free South Africa) about the debate over sanctions. David Boeri reports on Teko Manong (South African exile in Boston). Boeri interviews Manong about his opposition to apartheid and his exile in the United States. Boeri notes that Manong is a playwright, but has received little recognition in the United States. Meg Vaillancourt reports on Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile). Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was paralyzed from injuries sustained during an attack on her home by South African security forces. Vaillancourt reports that the Fund for a Free South Africa helped Mabuza and her family settle in Cambridge. Mabuza discusses apartheid and her impressions of Nelson Mandela. Elliot Francis reports that Andrew Jones (filmmaker) has just returned from South Africa, where he shot a documentary series. Jones talks about the apartheid regime in South Africa as well as race relations in the United States. Francis's report includes footage from Jones's documentary. Francis reports that US citizens and local residents support Nelson Mandela's struggle for freedom. Francis interviews Edmund Barry Gaither (Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists). Gaither discusses the initiative by the National Conference of Artists to create artwork inspired by Soweto and apartheid. Francis' report includes shots of artwork by artists Kenneth Falana and Nelson Stevens. Francis interviews Sadiki Kambon (Project FATE.) about Nelson Mandela and the significance of his struggle. Christopher Lydon and Lovell Dyett interview in-studio guests Margaret Burnham (Fund for a Free South Africa) and Henry Hampton (Executive Producer, "Eyes on the Prize" ). Burnham and Hampton discuss what effect Mandela's visit will have on racial issues in the US. The special includes footage of Mandela speaking at the United Nations and footage of Mandela in South Africa after his release from prison. The special also includes footage of Boston residents and school children talking about Mandela. Producer - Juanita Anderson; Produced by Lenore J. Hanoka, Calvin Lindsay Jr. and Kathleen McKenna.
1:00:01: WGBH promotion. 1:00:09: WGBH logo. Visual: Shot of Zinzi Mandela (daughter of Nelson Mandela) addressing a crowd. Zinzi Mandela says that her father will return. Shot of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) waving to a crowd as he prepares to exit a plane. Shot of an audience cheering. Shot of black South Africans dancing in the street as they celebrate Mandela's release. Shot of a well-dressed crowd celebrating. Shot of a parade celebrating Mandela's release. Shot of Bishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader). Shot of Nelson Mandela speaking to the United Nations in New York. A logo for the show "Mandela in Boston" shows on-screen. 1:00:55: Christopher Lydon, Elliot Francis, Carmen Fields, and Lovell Dyett sit in the WGBH studios. Lydon says that Mandela is coming to Boston to greet key allies in the struggle against apartheid and the struggle for American sanctions; that Mandela is coming to Boston to raise money for the African National Congress (ANC). Dyett says that Mandela has been released from prison; that Mandela is still not free; that the South African people must still struggle to achieve democracy in their country. Fields reports that the she and her colleagues will examine Mandela, his message, and his connections to Boston. Fields reports that Mandela has become a larger-than-life figure. Fields notes that Mandela said that his reception in New York City was beyond his expectations. Fields reports that many UN delegates were on their feet to cheer for Mandela as he approached the podium at the UN. V: Shots of Mandela at the UN. Fields reports that Mandela repeated his call for sanctions against South Africa; that Mandela extended his greetings to the people of Palestine. Fields notes that Mandela said that the Palestinians are fighting for liberation and human rights. Francis says that Mandela is a phenomenon. Francis introduces a report by Marcus Jones. 1:02:46: V: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of city officials unfurling a flag of the African National Congress (ANC). The group of city officials with Flynn include Boston City Councilors Charles Yancey, Bruce Bolling, and David Scondras. Shots of the media assembled on City Hall Plaza; of the ANC flag being raised on a flag pole. Marcus Jones reports that there is much excitement surrounding the preparations for the arrival of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) in Boston. V: Footage of Flynn addressing a gathered crowd. Flynn says that the people of Boston and the United Way will give Mandela a big welcome tomorrow. Shot of preparations being made on the Esplanade for Mandela's visit; of preparations at the Hatch Shell. Jones reports that Mandela's visit is as important as the visit by Pope John Paul II in the 1980s. V: Footage of Maurice Lewis (Public Affairs Director, WBCN radio) being interviewed. Lewis says that the whole city is pulling together to prepare for Mandela's visit; that the city of Boston is rising to the occasion. Shots of a group of people of diverse races walking along a street. Jones reports that more than 4,000 people are expected to take part in a Walk for Freedom tomorrow morning; that the walk will begin in Roxbury and end at the Esplanade. V: Footage of Loraine Sterling (senior, Jeremiah Burke High School) being interviewed. Sterling says that the organizers of the walk wanted to show their support for Mandela. Jones reports that students from the William Trotter Elementary School are rehearsing a prayer for Mandela; that the work was composed two years before. Jones reports that the students will perform for Mandela at a private reception tomorrow evening at the Copley Plaza Hotel. V: Shots of students rehearsing at the Trotter School. Shots of students rehearsing on stage; of a teacher watching the students; of students playing music on water glasses; of students playing percussion instruments; of students on stage. Footage of Priscilla Purvis (fifth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed. Purvis says that Mandela helps people; that not everyone helps people. Footage of Molly Costello (fourth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed by Jones. Costello says that Mandela fights for freedom; that he does not give up. Shots of students making posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Shot of a sign reading, "Mandela, Roxbury loves you." Jones reports that Mandela's name and image appear on souvenir merchandise being sold across the city; that proceeds support Mandela's mission in South Africa. V: Shot of books about Mandela; of a woman putting pamphlets about Mandela on a rack; of T-shirts with Mandela's face; of buttons with Mandela's image. Shot of a worker in the store A Nubian Notion. The worker folds a Mandela T-shirt and puts it in a bag. Footage of Jacob Abdul Khllaq (General Manager, A Nubian Notion) being interviewed in the store. Khllaq says that people recognize the impact that Mandela has had on the world; that people want a piece of history. Footage of an African American man and a small boy standing in front of a poster of Mandela. The man tells the boy that Mandela is a great leader. Footage of Lisa Grant (resident) being interviewed. Grant says that Mandela has sacrificed 27 years of his life. Grant says that Mandela is a hero. Shot of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) in New York City with David Dinkins (mayor of New York City). This news story is accompanied by intermittent music. 1:05:15: Fields reports that Mandela's years in prison did not diminish his image; that Mandela was released from prison last February; that Mandela emerged with his ideals intact. V: News footage of Mandela in South Africa after his release from prison. Shots of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela). Shots of Mandela at an ANC rally after his release from prison. Footage of Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that he did not predict the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. Carmen Fields reports that Vilakazi left South Africa 25 years ago; that he remembers when Mandela was sent to prison in June of 1964. Fields reports that Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of high treason and sabotage. V: Black and white footage of a prison truck leaving a South African government building. A crowd stands outside of the building. Shot of a black and white photograph of Mandela surrounded by government officials. Fields reports that Janet Levine (South African exile) has been in the US for six years. V: Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela disappeared and the ANC was banned by the South African government. Levine says that she feared that Mandela would die in prison; that she was thrilled when he was released. Shots of Mandela at the demonstration in the South African stadium; of an upraised fist. Fields reports that Mandela is a living legend who embodies the struggle of a nation; that Mandela carries great moral authority. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela before he went to prison. Shot of traffic passing by police in South Africa the late 1950s or early 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela among a large group of people; of a black and white portrait of Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela was 25 when he joined the African National Congress (ANC); that Mandela became the ANC's national president six years after he joined the organization. Fields reports that Mandela was banned; that Mandela was arrested by South African police at a protest in Sharpeville in 1960. Fields notes that Sharpeville was the scene of a police attack which left 67 people dead. V: Black and white footage of a black demonstrators at Sharpeville; of two men holding protest signs. Shots of a body lying on the ground; of police dragging a body along the ground. Shots of black men running along a street; of black men waving from a departing bus. Shots of white police officers checking the identity papers of a black man; of a black man lying on the ground with his hands over his eyes; of the body of a black man lying on a street; of another body lying on the ground. Fields reports that Mandela fled to Algiers after his arrest; that Mandela received training in guerilla warfare in Algiers. Fields reports that Mandela no longer believed in 1960 that the fight against apartheid could be non-violent. V: Black and white footage of Mandela delivering a speech in 1961. Mandela says that it is useless to preach peace and nonviolence against a government which engages in savage attacks on its defenseless citizens. Fields reports that Mandela was captured a year later; that Mandela's diary was used as evidence in his nine-month trial for treason. Fields reports that Mandela's diary contained notes on guerilla warfare tactics. V: Black and white shot of men handcuffed together. One man flips through a small notebook. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces outside of a government building; of a crowd in a street; of a prison truck moving along a street. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that it was a crime to have a photograph of Mandela; that it was a crime to have read Mandela's writings. Levine says that Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) was also an important figure; that Winnie Mandela was constantly protesting and defying the South African police. Black and white shot of Winnie Mandela in the 1960s. Color footage of Winnie Mandela arguing with white officials in the street. Winnie Mandela is led away. Fields notes that Winnie Mandela maintained her defiance while Nelson Mandela was in prison. V: Audio of Levine saying that Winnie Mandela kept Nelson Mandela's name alive while he was in prison. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela in prison. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces; of a demonstration in South Africa; of demonstrators. Black and white shot of a park bench bearing a "whites only" sign. Fields reports that the South African government made conditional offers to set Mandela free; that Mandela refused to accept their conditions. V: Footage of Vilikazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilikazi says that Mandela has great appeal; that many would like to associate themselves with Mandela. Footage of Mandela at the demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990. Mandela addresses the crowd. Mandela raises his fist as he speaks. Fields reports that Mandela is uncompromising; that Mandela has never renounced armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. Fields notes that Mandela advocates peace. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd at the demonstration. Mandela says that the movement will move forward to achieve freedom and justice. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela is no longer a politician; that Mandela has been ennobled. Footage of Vilikazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilikazi says that South Africa has not changed a lot since Mandela was put in jail. Vilikazi says that there are more repressive laws now than in 1964. Vilikazi says that there is still reason to fight. Shots of a large group of people filling up a road in South Africa; of demonstrators at the stadium; of Mandela walking with an upraised fist; of a small black child with his hand held up. 1:10:31: Lydon says that Mandela has no international counterpart; that Mandela is "an unrepentant revolutionary"; that Mandela also symbolizes the possibility of reconciliation. Lydon introduces Aggrey Mbere (Roxbury Community College) and Orlando Patterson (Harvard University) as in-studio guests. Lydon notes that Mbere is a history teacher from South Africa; that Patterson is a sociologist. Lydon says that Mandela is rational, ascetic, and charismatic in a quiet way. Mbere says that Mandela is steeped in African tradition. Lydon asks if Mandela's character was formed before prison. Mbere says that it was; that Mandela has always believed in the glory of Africa's past. Mbere says that Mandela grew up listening to the elders; that the elders were illiterate by Western standards; that the elders fought against colonialism in South Africa. Mbere says that Mandela was sent to school in order to understand the western way of life. Lydon asks about the effects of prison on Mandela's character. Lydon notes that Mandela's mind works in an orderly and disciplined fashion. Mbere says that Robben Island became known as "Mandela university." Mbere says that political prisoners studied under Mandela; that Mandela has a law degree. Mbere says that the leadership of the ANC are all learned. Mbere talks about ANC leaders Govan Mbeki and Walter Sisulu. Mbere says that Sisulu wrote a book while in prison. Mbere says that Mandela combines African tradition with an intellectualism. Patterson compares Mandela to other anti-colonial leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru (leader of India). Patterson agrees that Mandela combines African tradition with western learning. Patterson says that Mandela learned to struggle without fear or hate; that Mandela learned this from Mahatma Gandhi (Indian leader). Patterson says that anti-colonial struggles produce a specific type of leader. Lydon says that African-American leaders tend to be church-based and charismatic. Lydon asks about Mandela's appeal in the US. Mbere compares Mandela to W.E.B. DuBois. Mbere says that Mandela and DuBois are intellectuals. Patterson says that Mandela has made a strong impression on African Americans and white Americans. Patterson talks about Mandela's courage and dignity. Patterson says that Americans need a hero like Mandela; that the US is coming out of a stage of economic greed and spiritual poverty. Patterson says that Mandela embodies selflessness. Patterson says that the fall of communism is forcing the US to take a new look at foreign policy. Patterson says that Mandela and South Africa are important issues in the new US foreign policy. 1:17:50: V: Footage of Mandela addressing an audience in New York City. Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and others stand behind him. Mandela says that sanctions should be maintained. Mandela says that sanctions were introduced in order to break down apartheid. 1:18:33: Francis and Fields sit in the WGBH studios. Francis says that Mandela wants sanctions to be maintained; that some do not agree with Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela and the ANC do not want any business or institution to do business with South Africa. Fields reports that F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) released Mandela in order to send a message that sanctions are painful. Fields reports that the US has refused to lift sanctions so far. 1:19:15: V: Footage of F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) speaking to an audience at a press conference. De Klerk expresses his hopes for a "new and just" South Africa. De Klerk shakes hands with Mandela. Dyett reports that de Klerk is hoping that his efforts at establishing a democracy in South Africa will convince the US to lift sanctions. Dyett says that sanctions have crippled the South African economy; that sanctions have helped to bring about a complete change in South African apartheid laws. V: Shot of Mandela speaking at the press conference. Dyett reports that the economy has suffered; that black South Africans have also suffered. Dyett reports that unemployment has increased; that health and welfare programs have been reduced. V: Shot of black South Africans standing in a line on a sidewalk. Shot of black South Africans at a rural medical clinic. Dyett reports that Americans started acting against apartheid in 1970. Dyett notes that Caroline Hunter (former Polaroid employee and member of the Fund for a Free South Africa) complained that Polaroid cameras were being used to produce the green cards issued to black South Africans. V: Footage of Hunter being interviewed by Dyett. Hunter says that she and other activists began to explore Polaroid's activities in South Africa; that they encountered hostility from other employees. Hunter says that the activists called a rally; that the green cards are the "handcuffs which keep the South African populace in check." Footage of Mel King (Community Fellows Program, MIT) being interviewed. King says that it is easy to impact a nation's politics through its economy. King says that it is important to stop supporting companies who do business with the South African government. Dyett reports that King was the first state legislator to introduce a bill which would forbid the state to do business with companies who do business in South Africa. V: Shot of Thomas McGee (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) in the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Footage of King being interviewed. King says that the Massachusetts State Legislature passed the most meaningful divestiture legislation in the nation in 1983. King says that the bill was supported by a diverse group of legislators. Dyett reports that 35 states and several municipalities have enacted legislation to restrict companies from doing business in South Africa. V: Shots of the Massachusetts State House; of the Massachusetts state flag flying from the flagpole. Dyett notes that Ray Flynn (mayor of Boston) issued an executive order against apartheid during his first year in office. V: Shot of Flynn. Dyett reports that Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) curbed state business with nearly 2800 companies. V: Shot of the Massachusetts State House. Footage of Dukakis being interviewed. Dukakis says that the state of Massachusetts will not do business with or invest in companies doing business in South Africa. Dyett reports that Gillette Corporation is based in Boston; that Gillette is one of largest US companies refusing to divest from South Africa. V: Shots of Gillette headquarters. Dyett reports that Gillette officials says that divestment will hurt black South Africans; that the Gillette Corporation has signed the Sullivan Principles. Dyett notes that the Sullivan Principles were authored by Leon Sullivan (minister from Philadelphia); that the principles urge corporations doing business in South Africa to embrace racial equality in the workplace. V: Shot of two African American men exiting the Gillette building. Shot of a sign for Gillette Park. Dyett reports that Gillette boasts of gains in wages, skill training, and promotion to managerial positions. V: Shots of two African American women exiting the Gillette building. Dyett reports that Harvard University has refused to sell all of its stock in corporations doing business in South Africa. V: Shot of Baker Library on the campus of the Harvard University Business School. Footage of Derek Bok (President of Harvard University) speaking at a press conference. Bok says that he remains opposed to total divestiture; that the divestment effort is trying to make the university into an instrument for political change. Bok says that this pressure is detrimental to institutions of higher education. Footage of Robert Zevin (Manager, Calvert Social Investment Fund) being interviewed. Zevin says that no one is burning books or denying peoples' access to health care at Harvard University. Zevin says that the South African government are "thugs and fascists." Zevin says that Harvard would take a different attitude if the university were directly affected by the actions of the South African government. Shot of a sign for the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. Dyett reports that large institutions and government can divest large sums of money; that individuals can do the same. Dyett reports that the Zevin manages the Calvert Investment Fund; that the fund tries to invest in companies not doing business in South Africa. V: Shot of a man, a woman and a child standing in front of the Massachusetts State House. Shot of literature for the Calvert Investment Fund. Footage of Zevin being interviewed by Dyett. Zevin says that he has been managing accounts since 1967; that he has never invested in companies doing business in South Africa; that he has had good results. Zevin says that the South African business community has been outspoken in its stance against apartheid; that South African businesses cannot withdraw from the country. Footage of Hunter being interviewed. Hunter says that Americans should do everything they can to support sanctions. Hunter says that US and international sanctions, together with the actions of black South Africans, brought about the release of Mandela. 1:24:59: Dyett introduces in-studio guests Dr. Willard Johnson (MIT) and Joseph LaBonte (Founder, American Business Initiative for a Free South Africa). Dyett notes that Johnson is a founding member of TransAfrica; that LaBonte is a former president of Reebok International. Johnson is wearing a Mandela T-shirt. Dyett asks about the impact of sanctions since 1985. Johnson says that a South African Central Bank analyst has said that sanctions have had an impact of 100 billion rand. Johnson says that $100 billion rand could be the equivalent of $45 billion. Johnson says that 10 billion rand in capital has been withdrawn from the company. Johnson says that the South African government has been affected by the decrease in investments and the loss of trade revenues. Johnson talks about the "multiplier effect" of money which has not circulated through the economy. Dyett asks if the "multiplier effect" has has a detrimental impact on black South Africans. Johnson says that sanctions have had a detrimental effect; that black South Africans were already deprived under the apartheid system. Johnson says that black South Africans were almost outside of the economy before sanctions; that many black South Africans depend on the rural and agricultural sectors. Johnson says that sanctions need to be kept in place; that the period of transition to a new economy needs to be short. Dyett asks LaBonte about his support for "moral capitalism." LaBonte says that the victims of apartheid are never heard from; that US business needs to listen to black South Africans. Dyett asks if US businesses should provide jobs, skills and training. LaBonte says that US businesses should provide jobs, skills and training at the right time. LaBonte says that US businesses would be making a mistake if they returned to South Africa now. LaBonte says that sanctions have been effective in promoting change in South Africa. LaBonte says that the government should not be awarded before they make any real changes. LaBonte says that black South Africans are willing to undergo hardship in the short term in order to affect long-term changes. Dyett asks about African Americans and businessmen who are working to end sanctions. Johnson says that supporters of sanctions need to pressure their elected officials and the president. Johnson says that the president seems to be looking at ways to lessen the effects of sanctions; that popular opinion supports sanctions. LaBonte says that he respects the position of businesses who have stayed in South Africa; that some businesses have good intentions. LaBonte says that companies who stay in South Africa are prolonging the apartheid system. LaBonte says that he has plans to convene the major corporations to talk about sanctions and South Africa. LaBonte says that Mandela spoke to a group of leaders from major corporations today; that Mandela talked about business issues like nationalization. Dyett asks if nationalization is a threat. LaBonte says that nationalization is not a threat; that one-third of the economy is already nationalized. Dyett closes the interview. 1:31:07: V: Footage of Mandela addressing a crowd in Soweto on February 13, 1990. Mandela says that he is happy to return to Soweto; that he is sad about the continuing inhumanity of the apartheid system. Mandela talks about the unemployment, the housing shortage, the education crisis, and crime. Mandela says that the ANC will continue to pursue an armed struggle against the government until apartheid is finished. 1:32:05: Francis reports that Boston has many connections to South Africa; that many native South Africans are fighting apartheid from their homes in Boston. Fields reports that African Americans and black South Africans both find themselves living in appalling conditions in both nations. Fields introduces a report by David Boeri. 1:32:42: V: Footage of Teko Manong (South African exile) walking across a parking lot and entering a building. Footage of Manong working in the kitchen of a restaurant. Boeri reports that Manong is one of the thousands of South Africans who are exiled from their homeland. Boeri reports that Manong has been in the US for 30 years; that Manong grew up in Soweto. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Manong as a boy in Soweto. He stands with two other boys. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong joined the Defiance Campaign and the Potato Boycott in South Africa in the 1950s. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that white South African potato farmers would bury the bodies of murdered black South Africans in their fields. Manong says that the potato farmers would brag about the size of their crops and the effectiveness of their "fertilizer." Close-up shot of Manong flipping through his South African passbook. Boeri reports that black South Africans were forced to carry their passbooks at all times. Boeri notes that Manong organized a pass burning campaign in the 1960s; that the campaign resulted in mass arrests. Boeri reports that Manong was jailed without trial; that his promising career as playwright and composer was brought to an end. V: Footage of Manong in the restaurant kitchen. Manong breaks eggs into a large metal pan. Manong pours the eggs into a large pot. Shot of Manong leaving a building and walking across a parking lot. Boeri reports that Manong escaped from prison and journeyed to Ghana. Boeri notes that Manong worked for the South African resistance movement while in Ghana; that Manong met Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). V: Shot of a framed drawing of Mandela. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that Mandela was a great leader; that Mandela helped him personally. Manong says that Mandela would often defend people without money when he was a lawyer; that Mandela was a remarkable man. Shot of Manong's US documents identifying him as a refugee. Boeri reports that Mandela helped Manong get to England; that Manong had hoped to pursue his career in England. Boeri reports that Manong has been politically silenced in South Africa; that Manong has been commercially silenced in the US. V: Shot of a poster for the South African play "Survival." Boeri reports that white South African playwrights have found producers and audiences in the US; that Manong has had little success because he is black and foreign. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that his time in exile has been wasted. Boeri asks about the plays he has written while in exile. Manong says that he never should have escaped from prison; that he should have served time in jail for the cause like Mandela did. Boeri reports that Manong has not seen his wife or daughter for 30 years; that he was unable to return to South Africa for the funeral of his mother. V: Shot of a photo of a young black South African woman; of a black and white photo of Manong's parents; of a black and white photo of a gathering of black South Africans. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that he does not want to return to South Africa; that he does not trust white people in South Africa. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong has written a play titled "Excuse Me While I Disappear." Boeri notes that Manong represents the blighted hopes of many talented South Africans. 1:36:16: Fields introduces a report by Meg Vaillancourt. 1:36:36: V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile in the US) singing a song about South Africa. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was born in South Africa; that her father was a member of the African National Congress (ANC). V: Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Mabuza talks about being shot by South African Security Forces when they raided her home. Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was 12 years old when South African Security Forces raided her home; that her aunt was killed in the raid; that an uncle was wounded; that her mother barely escaped. V: Shot of a color photo of Mabuza as a young girl. Footage of Anna Mabuza (mother of Nthabiseng Mabuza) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Anna Mabuza says that Nthabiseng Mabuza is lucky to be alive. Footage of Dr. Jane Schaller (New England Medical Center, Floating Hospital) describing Nthabiseng Mabuza's injuries. Schaller says that Nthabiseng Mabuza was shot in the abdomen and in the back. Schaller says that Mabuza is paralyzed from the chest down. Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza maneuvering herself into her wheelchair. Vaillancourt reports that the Fund for a Free South Africa (charity) has helped Nthabiseng Mabuza come to Boston; that Nthabiseng Mabuza is receiving free medical care at the Floating Hospital. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza is teaching local students about life under apartheid. V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Nthabiseng Mabuza talks about the cruel treatment of an eight-year old boy at the hands of the South African government. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that children and adults are imprisoned and killed by the South African government. Footage from January of 1990 of Nthabiseng Mabuza working with her physical therapist. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza has physical therapy twice a week; that doctors are doing what they can for her. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza keeps her spirits up; that she has responded to her trials with courage and dignity. V: Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza in a wheelchair. She wheels herself through the house and into a room. Audio of "I'm Forever Your Girl" by Paula Abdul plays in the background. Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza in her bedroom. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Nthabiseng Mabuza if she is bitter. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that she gets angry sometimes; that she is not bitter. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that South African citizens must work toward achieving a democratic society. Vaillancourt reports that Nthabiseng Mabuza will meet Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) tomorrow; that Nthabiseng Mabuza will talk to Madison Park High School students about the struggle against apartheid; that Nthabiseng Mabuza will sing a welcome for Mandela. V: Shot of Nthabiseng Mabuza on her bed. She takes off her shoes and begins to study a notebook. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza singing a song. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that she was not yet born when Mandela went to prison; that today's youth will be tomorrow's leaders. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza singing her welcome for Mandela. 1:40:08: Francis reports that Mandela inspired many to become activists; that Mandela inspired Andrew Jones (Boston filmmaker) to take action in Boston's neighborhoods. 1:40:22: V: Footage of Andrew Jones (filmmaker) working on a computer in an editing suite. Jones talks to a colleague about making an edit. Shots of his colleague who sits at an editing station. Francis reports that Jones has recently returned from South Africa where he shot a four-part series on South Africa for Black Entertainment Television (BET). Francis reports that the timing is good for Jones' series; that Mandela's visit to the US will spark interest in the series. V: Footage of Jones being interviewed by Francis. Francis asks about the mood in South Africa since Mandela's release. Jones says that the mood is mixed; that Mandela is a very popular figure. Jones says that Mandela managed to keep attention focused on his cause while in prison. Jones notes that many black South Africans have been detained. Footage from Maverick Media of a black South African talking about being detained and tortured by South African Security Forces. Footage from Maverick Media of Jones standing in front of a group of black South Africans who are celebrating the release of Mandela. Francis reports that Jones came up with the proposal to form a new city from the greater Roxbury neighborhoods; that the proposed new city was to be called Mandela, Massachusetts. Francis notes that Jones was praised and criticized for the proposal. V: Footage from the Phil Donahue show from October 30, 1986. African American community leaders Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Mel King (community activist), Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) and Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) are guests on the show. Jones says that land control is the issue driving the proposed city of Mandela; that racial issues are not the driving force behind the proposal. Jones says that 95% of the African American residents are confined to one area of Boston. Jones says that white residents are welcome in the African American neighborhoods; that African Americans cannot walk the streets of many white neighborhoods. The crowd applauds. Jones says that Bolling is unable to walk the streets of the white neighborhoods. Footage of Jones being interviewed by Francis. Francis asks Jones how his trip to South Africa changed his perspective on the country. Jones says that the struggle against apartheid is larger than Mandela; that Mandela knows that he is just a part of the larger struggle. Jones says that South Africa and the US are very similar. Jones says that the only difference between the US and South Africa is that white people are the majority in the US. Shots of an elderly white couple walking in a park; of a young black couple sitting on a park bench. Shots of black shoppers on a commercial street. Jones says that the black townships surround the white communities in South Africa; that the white communities surround the black ghettoes in the US. V: Shots of a black township in South Africa; of black South Africans boarding a crowded train in South Africa. Jones says that blacks in South Africa and African Americans both live in substandard conditions; that blacks in both countries go home to black areas at the end of the day. Shot of black South African men getting into a van on a commercial street. 1:44:31: Francis reports that Mandela arrived in the US as a symbol long before he visited the US in person. 1:44:41: V: Shot of African American residents outside of the Mandela apartment complex in Roxbury. Francis reports that the name Mandela is synonymous with the fight for equality. V: Shots of an urban landscape; of black South Africans celebrating as they stand in the road; of a cliff rising up from the sea. Audio of a hip-hop song plays. Francis says that many artists express their ideas about South Africa through art. V: Shot of the painting "So-we-too" by Nelson Stevens. Footage of Edmund Barry Gaither (Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists) being interviewed on the grounds of the Center. Gaither says that many works of art about South Africa have been created in the past twenty years. Gaither says that a group of artists within the National Conference of Artists each decided to create a work on the theme of Soweto. Gaither says that the artists turned the work Soweto into "So we too"; that the artists saw parallels between the experience of black South Africans and African Americans. Shots of the painting "So-we-too" by Nelson Stevens. Gaither says that Kenneth Falana (artist) created a series of works about popular resistance to apartheid. Shots of a painting called "Freedom's Cry" by Kenneth Falana. Gaither says that African American artists see Mandela as an untarnished symbol; that African American artists see parallels between the experiences of African Americans and black South Africans. Francis says that many questioned the choice of the name Mandela for a proposed new city to be formed from the neighborhoods of greater Roxbury. V: Shot of a map of the boundaries of the proposed city. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Project FATE) being interviewed by Francis. Kambon says that Mandela is an international hero; that Mandela is a symbol of the struggle against injustice; that this struggle is worldwide. Shot of a group of black protesters. Kambon says that Mandela is an inspiration for Africans across the world. Kambon says that he hopes Mandela's visit will renew the commitment of supporters for the proposed city. Shot of a poster of Mandela. 1:47:37: Lydon and Dyett sit in the WGBH studio. Dyett introduces in-studio guests Margaret Burnham (Fund for a Free South Africa) and Henry Hampton (Executive Producer, "Eyes on the Prize"). Dyett notes that Burnham also serves as a judge. Lydon asks if Mandela's visit has changed the racial agenda in this country. Burnham says that Mandela's visit has raised people's spirits; that Mandela's struggle makes it clear that anything is possible. Burnham notes that Mandela's agenda is the liberation of black South Africans. Burnham notes that the problems and concerns of African Americans are not Mandela's primary concern. Hampton says that he has enjoyed Mandela's visit because he has learned about Mandela as a man. Hampton says that Mandela is regal, intelligent, and humane. Hampton says that many African Americans have someone in their family with those qualities; that white Americans may have never been exposed to a black man with those qualities. Hampton says that Mandela's visit makes people think about the tragedy of imprisonment; that many young African American men are currently in prison. Dyett asks if the roles of Americans have changed with Mandela's visit. Burnham says that the roles of American's have not changed; that the struggle against apartheid has not changed; that the struggle continues. Burnham says that Americans may be inspired to embrace their roles in the struggle. Hampton says that he is struck by Mandela's ability to focus on the heart of an issue. Hampton notes that Mandela avoids the trap of cynicism; that Mandela sticks to his vision; that Mandela has been unswayed by the media and politicians during his visit. Hampton says that Mandela is a great leader. Lydon notes that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) seems to be studying Mandela during his visit to the US. Hampton says that Jackson has not tried to compete with Mandela; that Jackson has let Mandela have the spotlight. Hampton says that Mandela has a lot to teach all of us; that Jackson is a good student. Dyett asks how to keep people involved in the struggle after Mandela is gone. Burnham says that Mandela's presence renews people's sense of commitment to equal rights. Burnham says that Mandela's visit is important for Boston's young people; that the young people are witnessing a piece of history. Burnham says that the March on Washington in 1963 was also a piece of history witnessed by young people. Hampton says that the organizers of Mandela's visit have worked very hard; that Mandela's visit is like a presidential visit; that the visit has brought people together. Lydon asks about the legacy of Mandela's visit. Hampton says that young people will see an image of a black man who stands with the world leaders and commands respect. Hampton says that Mandela is a powerful symbol. Dyett thanks Hampton and Burnham. 1:55:03: V: Footage of Mandela addressing an audience in Harlem on June 21, 1990. Mandela says that black South Africans have been inspired by African American civil rights leaders including W.E.B. DuBois, Sojourner Truth, Paul Robeson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, Adam Clayton Powell, and Malcolm X. Mandela gives credit to the resistance of the South African people and the solidarity of people throughout the world. 1:56:01: Lydon, Francis, Fields, and Dyett sit in the WGBH studios. Francis, Dyett, and Lydon give information about the schedule of events for Mandela's visit to Boston on the following day. Fields and Lydon close the show. V: Shots of Mandela; of people cheering for Mandela in the US; of two African American girls singing the ANC anthem. Footage of a young African American man talking about the importance of freedom and Mandela's struggle. Shots of students making posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Audio of Nthabiseng Mabuza (South African exile) talking about Mandela's struggle. Footage of a young white woman talking about the importance of Mandela's struggle. Footage of a young African American man talking about Mandela as a symbol of freedom. Shot of Walter Sisulu (black South African leader). Footage of an African American female student saying that Mandela is the most important person to visit Boston in her memory. Footage of an African American female student saying that Mandela's visit is exciting. Shots of black South Africans celebrating in the streets. Footage of a young African American female student saying that she is happy that Mandela is alive. Credits roll over images of Boston schoolchildren preparing for Mandela's visit. Shots of photos of Mandela throughout his life. Footage of people celebrating the release of Mandela; of Mandela. WGBH logo and promotion.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/22/1990
Description: An Evening Compass special broadcast three days before the opening of Boston schools for Phase I desegregation. In-studio operators take phone calls from parents with questions about bus routes and school opening times. Kevin White addresses city residents on busing and school safety. Pam Bullard reports on school desegregation and the implementation of the busing plan. Pam Bullard reports on an antibusing demonstration at City Hall Plaza. Her report includes footage of white marchers with protest signs. The footage shows an angry crowd jeering at Edward Kennedy (US Senator) and breaking a window at the JFK Federal Building. Bullard and Baumeister interview Paul Russell (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) about preparations by police for the opening of schools. Judy Stoia reports on the open house at English High School. The report features footage of Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) at the open house and interviews with John Kenney (Jamaica Plain parent) and his daughter, a white student who has been assigned to English High School. Bullard and Baumeister interview William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) about student assignments in South Boston and Roxbury, and about preparations for opening day at South Boston High School. Baumeister interviews Tom Duffy, Dalton Baugh and Joe Glynn of the Youth Activity Commission about efforts to reach out to students who will be affected by school desegregation. Baumeister reports on efforts by local TV stations to cover the busing story in an unobtrusive and responsible manner. There is a cut in the middle of the video, and then it switches to B&W and then back to color.
1:21:39: Promotion for a WGBH special, The Pardon: A New Debate. A promotion for September in Boston. 1:22:06: Opening credits for A Compass Special: September in Boston. Ed Baumeister introduces the broadcast, which focuses on the opening of Boston schools under the court-ordered desegregation plan. Baumeister is in the studio with volunteers working the phones. He urges parents to call the studio for information regarding bus routes and the transportation of their children to and from school. Baumeister introduces a videotaped message from Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston). 1:23:32: Kevin White sits at a desk, flanked by an American flag and a Massachusetts state flag. White says that court-ordered busing will begin on the first day of school in three days; that busing will be a challenge to all city residents; that busing was not imposed to advance the interests of any one group. White says that city residents must rise to this challenge in order to protect children and to preserve their pride in the city. White says that he has visited over 100 homes to meet with parents of school-aged children; that he has tried to listen to the concerns and fears of white and African American parents. He describes meeting with an African American mother in Mattapan, whose children will be bused across the city to two separate schools. He acknowledges that parents in Hyde Park are angry at losing a middle school; that parents in West Roxbury are reluctant to bus kindergarten students. White says that he has not sought the advice of suburbanites who applaud busing as long as it stays within the city limits. White refers to a "suburban siege mentality" in the suburbs and cites unsuccessful efforts to metropolitanize busing. White says that the sincerity and judgment of suburbanites cannot be trusted; that he has tried to consult with parents, students, and teachers throughout the city. White says that busing will not be easy; that it is a difficult time to be a senior in high school, the parent of a school-aged child or the mayor of the City of Boston. White reminds viewers that busing has been mandated by the federal court; that the city has spent over $250,000 on unsuccessful legal appeals; that busing will be a burden for some residents; that the law must be obeyed. White says that the city cannot afford to be polarized by race or paralyzed by fear. White says that the city draws its strength from its neighborhoods; that this strength must be channeled toward unity, the respect of differences, the preservation of ethnic identity, and a spirit of cooperation and trust. White urges cooperation and unity among neighborhoods and residents to make busing work. White reminds viewers that he is for integration but against forced busing. White says that opponents of busing have a legitimate right to speak out peacefully against it. He says that the city will take whatever measures are necessary to preserve public safety. White reminds citizens of their duty to preserve public safety and the safety of children. White says that the city will not tolerate violence or threats against schoolchildren; that those who violate the court order will be arrested and prosecuted. White reminds the antibusing opposition that compliance with the law does not mean acceptance of the law. He says that a boycott of the schools will only hurt the children who are denied an education; that a good education is essential for all children. White says that the Boston Public School System is the oldest in the nation; that its rich legacy must be upheld; that busing must not get in the way of good education in the schools. White reminds viewers that nothing can be achieved through racial conflict; that city and school officials have been working hard to implement the busing plan and to make it work efficiently. White describes efforts by the city and school department to ease the transition into busing: the organization of a 24-hour school information center to answer questions and to provide assistance to parents, students, and teachers; the organization of neighborhood teams to handle problems in the neighborhoods; the hiring of over 300 bus monitors to ride the buses with students; the hiring of over 125 additional school crossing guards; the placement of transitional aides in schools and volunteers at bus stops. White reminds viewers that overcrowding has been alleviated this year; that the start of school has been delayed to allow adequate preparation for the plan. White urges all parents to attend open houses at the schools before making any decisions to transfer students from the schools. White appeals to teachers, parents, and students to do their best to make busing work. He says that the critical challenge posed by busing must be met with compassion, dignity, and courage by all residents. 1:39:35: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio for information. Volunteers in the studio are answering phones. Pam Bullard reports on school desegregation in Boston. She reports that desegregation will be implemented through the state's racial balance plan; that outlying areas of the city, including East Boston, Charlestown, West Roxbury and South Boston's elementary schools, will be unaffected by the plan; that the plan focuses on schools in Roxbury and Dorchester. Bullard reports that 18,235 students will be bused under the plan; that 8,510 white students and 9,725 African American students will be bused. Visual: Still photo of students in front of a school bus, smiling at the camera. Bullard reports that 80 schools out of 204 will be affected by desegregation; that 60 schools will have students bused in; that 240 buses will be needed to transport students; that the majority of students will not travel more than 1.5 miles. Bullard reports that 23% of students were in integrated classrooms in 1973; that under the state plan, 71% of students will attend integrated schools in 1974. V: Still photo of African American high school students at the entrance to a school. Bullard reports that 30,000 Boston students were bused to schools last year; that only 3,000 students were bused for racial reasons last year. Bullard reports that the desegregation plan has brought a uniform grade structure to the Boston Public Schools; that previous grade structure systems resulted in segregated schools; that the new system mandates elementary schools as K - 5, middle schools as grades 6 - 8, and high schools as grades 9 - 12. Bullard reports that further desegregation orders are expected from the federal court after this year; that other cities such as San Francisco, Pasadena, and Denver have survived school desegregation in recent years. 1:42:54: Baumeister reminds parents that WGBH's in-studio operators have information on the bus routes. Judy Stoia tells viewers to call in with their child's street address and grade level; that operators can tell parents where the child has been assigned to school, when and where a bus will come to pick up the child, what time school begins and how to contact the school. Stoia reports that most callers so far have asked questions about bus routes and school opening times. 1:44:38: Bullard reports on today's antibusing demonstration at City Hall Plaza. Bullard reminds viewers that there have been frequent antibusing demonstrations in Boston over the past ten years; that today's demonstration takes place three days before busing begins; that demonstrators were angry. Bullard speculates as to whether today's demonstration will be the antibusing movement's last unified protest against busing. V: Footage of marchers gathering on City Hall Plaza. Bullard reports that politicians Dapper O'Neill (City Council), John Kerrigan (Boston School Committee) and Louise Day Hicks (City Council) were at the head of the march; that mothers, fathers and children from all over the city joined the march. V: Footage of white adults and children marching with protest signs. Shots of signs reading "Impeach Kennedy and Brooke" and "Swim for your lives, Kennedy is driving the bus." Bullard reports that protesters gathered outside of the JFK Federal Building; that the protesters wanted to express disapproval of the pro-busing positions of US Senators Edward Kennedy and Edward Brooke. Bullard reports that the protesters carried signs reading "Ted and Ed, wish you were dead"; that some marchers shouted remarks about Brooke's race and Kennedy's involvement in the Chappaquiddick scandal. Bullard reports that Judge W. Arthur Garrity was also the object of insults from the marchers; that many protesters carried teabags which were meant to symbolize the protesters of the Boston Tea Party. V: Footage of a woman unwrapping a tea bag. She carries a sign reading, "The City of Boston has no classroom for my child." Bullard reports that the marchers carried American flags; that some wore antibusing T-shirts. Bullard remarks that their was a note of desperation in the chants of the marchers. V: Shot of a T-shirt reading, "Hell No! Southie Won't Go!" Footage of marchers chanting "East Boston says no." Bullard notes that there were no African Americans present at the protest; that African Americans had been present at previous antibusing protests. Bullard reports that the white marchers made a display of patriotism; that they recited the pledge of allegiance and sang "God Bless America"; that marchers dressed as members of the Supreme Court exited a yellow school bus while a speaker accused the justices of selling America down the river. Bullard remarks that many of the protesters invoked the rights of white people; that racial rhetoric was not heard in previous demonstrations. Bullard says that the marchers displayed great concern for safety in schools; that the marchers were serious in their protest of the court order. V: Footage of white female protester saying that she has participated in every antibusing protest over the past nine years; that the demonstrations have become larger; that the marchers are angry because they have been ignored and "their backs are up against a wall"; that the marches are always peaceful. Bullard reports that Kennedy was met with outright hostility from the protesters when he tried to speak to the marchers. Bullard says that neither Kennedy nor other speakers could calm the crowd; that the crowd turned their back on Kennedy; that the crowd pelted Kennedy with tomatoes and newspapers as he walked back to the Federal Building. V: Footage of protesters booing Kennedy as he walks among them to a platform. Footage of Kennedy walking toward Federal Building; of a few objects being thrown as the crowd follows him to the entrance of the building; of a hostile crowd at the entrance of the building as they beat on the windows. The sound of shattering glass is heard. Shots of a broken window at the federal building; of an angry crowd outside. Bullard reports that the speakers did not try to dissuade the crowd from pursuing Kennedy into the building; that the speakers criticized Kennedy even after the incident; that few in the crowd expressed dismay at the incident; that some in the crowd flatly denied the incident. Bullard reports that one observer said that "Kennedy was the catalyst" for an incident that was bound to happen. Bullard says that Kennedy had condemned violence that morning; that many hope that the protester's feelings of anger do not turn into violence at the opening of schools. 1:50:42: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio for information about bus routes and schools. Volunteers in the studio are answering phones. Stoia introduces volunteer Shirley Campbell (Citywide Education Coalition). V: Video on tape cuts out. Brief clip of a caesar salad being prepared by Julia Child. 1:51:45: V: Black and white video. Paul Russell (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) is interviewed in the studio by Baumeister and Bullard. Russell says that there is strong parental opposition to busing in some sections of the city; that some parents will not allow their children to be bused. Russell reports that some opponents of busing had been encouraging parents and senior citizens to occupy seats in the classrooms of their neighborhood schools; that antibusing sentiment is strongest in two sections of the city; that most residents seem concerned for the safety of schoolchildren. Russell says that the police do not get involved in enforcing school attendance; that school attendance requirements are enforced by the school department and school attendance supervisors. Russell says that he will not divulge the number of police officers to be deployed on the first day of school; that the police department will work to ensure the safety of schoolchildren. Russell says that he believes the police department has done all that it can to prepare for the opening of schools; that the police are drawing on their experience in controlling crowds during periods of campus unrest in Boston in the 1960s and 1970s. Russell says that the Boston Police Department has received visits from representatives of police departments in Prince George's County in Maryland, Seattle, Rochester, NY and Pontiac MI; that each of these areas has also undergone school desegregation; that it is hard to compare these areas because they are all so different. V: Shot of volunteers answering phones. Russell admits that some police officers have strong feelings against busing; that their families may be involved in the antibusing movement. Russell is confident that Boston police officers will subordinate their personal feelings to their professional duties. V: Color video returns. Russell says that the police will stay on alert through the weekend and into next week; that they will assess the events of each passing day before changing tactics. Russell says that there is a communications center at City Hall to ensure good communication between the police department, the school department, the fire department, the MDC police department, and other organizations. Russell says that district police officers have been trying to identify and establish contact with youth through the city's Youth Activity Commission staff; that police are trying to reach out to students and the community. Russell says that police officers may patrol the perimeters of the schools; that police officers will not be stationed inside the schools. Baumeister asks about police presence at South Boston High School. Russell says that the police are taking a low visibility approach; that they will rely on their community service officers and their juvenile officers; that the juvenile officers know the students and can easily identify troublemakers. Baumeister thanks Russell. 1:57:56: Baumeister introduces Stoia's report on open houses at the Boston schools. Stoia reports that John Kenney (Jamaica Plain resident) is white and strongly supports school integration; that Kenney is not upset about his daughter's assignment to English High School. V: Footage of the Kenney family cleaning their backyard pool. Kenney says that he attended integrated schools; that the schools will be integrated peacefully if parents do not incite their children to violence. Stoia reports that Kenney attended an open house at English High School with his daughter, Paula; that Paula has no problems with the integration process; that she is apprehensive about attending a new school. V: Footage of John, Paula and Paula's sister approaching the entrance of English High School. Audio of Paula saying that she was disappointed to be assigned to the English High School because she would be separated from her friends; that she thinks she will do well at English High School because it is a good school. Shots of the Kenneys on an escalator in the school; of a poster reminding students to get an eye exam. Footage of the school nurse talking to students and parents, including the Kenneys. Audio of Paula saying that she will be nervous about eating in the cafeteria if she does not know anyone; that she is confident that she will make friends. Shot of the pool at English High School. Footage of Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) greeting parents and students. Shot of Paula and her father listening to Peterkin. Stoia reports that many white parents will ignore the boycott; that many white students will be present on the opening day of school. 2:01:10: School opening times are listed on the screen over a shot of in-studio volunteers. High schools: 8:00 - 2:00; English High School: 8:40 - 2:40; middle schools: 8:40 - 2:40; elementary schools: 9:30 - 3:30. 2:01:21: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio. Baumeister and Bullard interview William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School). Bullard comments that South Boston is the most complex school district in the city. She asks Reid to explain school assignments in South Boston. Reid says that the South Boston High School building will have South Boston seniors and all of the sophomores from the combined Roxbury-South Boston area; that Girls High School on Greenville Avenue (Roxbury High School) will have juniors and some seniors from the Roxbury area; that the annexes will be located at the L Street Bathhouse, the Hart School and the Dean School; that the projected enrollment for grade 9 is 1300 students. Reid says that there will be 1300 or 1400 students at South Boston High School; that Roxbury High School will have 900-1000 students; that there is an approximate total of 4000 students. Reid says that the student population will be 37% African American; that his staff has sent letters to all students listing school assignments and transportation information. Baumeister comments that Reid was quoted in the Boston Globe as saying that students who didn't want to come to school "could be my guest at the beach." Reid says that he would prefer truant students to be at the beach instead of in front of the high school. Reid says that the faculty and staff are well prepared; that preparations have been made to ensure the safety of students. Baumeister comments that the student body at South Boston High School had been homogeneous before this year. He asks if the staff is ready to deal with students who are more unruly than usual, or "able to play football with the New England Patriots." Reid says that two-thirds of the students in South Boston High School will be from South Boston; that the staff knows the South Boston senior class very well and can communicate effectively with them. Reid says that there will be faculty members who are familiar with the Roxbury students. Reid says that student leaders were invited to a task force meeting over the summer; that student leaders suggested holding a student information night; that the student information night was held last week. Reid says that he has been trying to communicate with the Roxbury community; that Roxbury students will be treated fairly at South Boston High School. Bullard comments that attendance was low at South Boston High School's open house. Reid says that he thinks that Roxbury students will attend school. Reid says that there may be low attendance among South Boston students; that South Boston students are upset about school integration; that "youngsters are the pawns in this situation." Reid adds that many students want to attend school; that students are being taken advantage of in this situation. Reid says that students should obey their parents as to whether or not to attend school. Baumeister asks if students should boycott school if their parents tell them to do so. Reid says yes. Reid says that patience will resolve this situation; that some students will use integration as an excuse to drop out of school. 2:10:00: Baumeister reminds parents to call the studio for bus route information. Stoia introduces Cindy Berman (volunteer). Berman says that most of the phone calls concern school assignments and transportation; that some parents are concerned about young children walking long distances. Berman says that many parents have called with questions; that she does not know how much information parents have received; that some parents did not receive information if they changed addresses over the summer. Stoia introduces Ann Damon. Damon says that she has received many calls about bus routes; that many parents already know their child's school assignment; that parents did not seem upset about the situation. 2:12:08: Baumeister interviews Tom Duffy, Dalton Baugh and Joe Glynn, who represent the city's Youth Activity Commission. Duffy and Glynn are white and Baugh is African American. Baumeister asks them about the role of the Youth Activity Commission. Glynn says that the commission has a mandate from the mayor to assure the safety of Boston students. Duffy talks about the Student Involvement Program. He says that the commission has tried to reach out to students attending certain schools. Baugh says that students he works with in Mattapan and north Dorchester are anxious to return to school; that students are more concerned about school facilities and programs than about integration. Baugh adds that he works with African American and Hispanic students; that these students seem less apprehensive than adults about school integration. Duffy says that he works with white students in Roslindale; that some of these students see integration as an infringement upon their school; that the majority of these students seem willing to help make integration work. Duffy says that the commission is working on a leadership development program; that African American and white student leaders were charged with developing activities and programs for the schools. Baugh says that the student leaders helped develop programs involving white and African American students at targeted schools; that the students were paid as consultants. Baumeister asks what the role of the commission will be on the first day of school. Baugh says that the commission's youth advocates will be in the schools and at bus stops; that the youth advocates will work to minimize conflict and to make contact with the students. Glynn comments that the youth advocates will be working in racially integrated pairs. Duffy says that the commission has made an effort over the summer to identify student leaders at various schools. Baumeister thanks them and closes the interview. 2:17:54: Baumeister reports that Boston's TV stations do not want their coverage of busing to "become part of the story." Baumeister adds that the media are aware that the presence of news cameras can inspire action instead of recording it. Baumeister reports that electronic media learned in the 1960s that they could be used by demonstrators looking for publicity. Baumeister quotes Mel Bernstein of WNAC-TV and Bill Wheatley of WBZ-TV on their efforts at making busing coverage unobtrusive. Baumeister reports that Jim Thistle of WCVB-TV has instructed camera crews to maintain a low profile; that there will be no live coverage at the schools on opening day; that Channel 5 has chosen not to use its live camera at the schools because it is too "large and visible." Baumeister reports that most coverage will be within regularly scheduled newscasts; that TV stations will maintain flexibility for special programming; that TV stations will have cameras at City Hall for live reports from officials. Baumeister runs down the schedule of reports on WGBH. Baumeister closes the show. Credits roll over shots of in-studio operators.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1974