Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Michael Dukakis is the frontrunner among the Democratic presidential candidates after faring well in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Dukakis did well in the Southern states because he had money to travel and to buy advertising time. Jesse Jackson won the African American vote and some votes from southern whites. Vaillancourt discusses the performances of Democratic candidates Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, and Paul Simon. She notes that Gore did better than analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt analyzes the candidates' chances in the upcoming Illinois primary election. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Dukakis campaigning, footage of Dukakis speaking to the media and footage from a Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt's report is also accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Gore campaigning and by footage of Gephardt and Simon. Vaillancourt's report features footage from a Gephardt campaign advertisement and footage of Dukakis with Walter Mondale.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) speaking to reporters. Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) stands next to him. Dukakis says, "It's a fight for delegates." Shot of Dukakis exiting a voting booth and posing for reporters with Kitty Dukakis. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination after the Super Tuesday primaries; that Dukakis did better in the South than political analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis targeted districts in which he thought he could do well; that Dukakis focused on states in which he could pick up bonus delegates. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis's political organization allowed him to compete in the twenty states holding primaries on Super Tuesday; that Dukakis has raised a lot of money to buy advertising time and to travel. V: Footage from a 1988 campaign advertisement for Dukakis. Shots of Dukakis campaigning during the 1988 primary season. Footage of Dukakis speaking to reporters. Dukakis says that he will focus on the Illinois primary next. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) won the African American vote as well as votes from southern whites. V: Shot of Jackson surrounded by media and supporters. Jackson picks up a young girl. He gives a thumbs-up sign to the crowd. Shots of Jackson speaking to supporters. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson's success may be worrisome for the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that Jackson is a "formidable competitor." Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did better in the South than political analysts has predicted. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore (wife of Gore) visiting a factory. Gore shakes hands with workers. Vaillancourt reports that Gore sees Dukakis as his main competitor for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has been comparing Dukakis' candidacy with that of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). V: Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with Mondale at a campaign rally in 1984. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) are well known in Illinois; that Gore is not. V: Shots of Gore; of Jackson; of Simon; of Dukakis. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has been organizing his campaign in Illinois since October. Vaillancourt notes that Gore is telegenic. Vaillancourt adds that Gore hopes to have success in the North, like Gary Hart (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate) did in 1984. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building; of Hart campaigning in 1984; of Gore speaking at a podium. Vaillancourt reports that Dick Gephardt (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in the South. V: Shot of Gephardt at a campaign rally. Footage from 1988 Gephardt political advertisement. The political advertisement attacks Dukakis. Vaillancourt notes that Gephardt was hurt by his own political advertisements attacking Dukakis; that Gephardt has had difficulty raising funds. V: Shot of Gephardt with supporters. Vaillancourt notes that there is speculation that Gephardt will skip the Illinois primary. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is already in Illinois. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has a good chance of winning some delegates in Illinois. Shot of Dukakis getting into a car. Supporters and the media surround the car.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1988
Description: Christy George reports that a Los Angeles Times poll shows Michael Dukakis leading the field of candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. Jesse Jackson is also a strong contender in the wake of candidate Gary Hart's withdrawal from the race. Speaking to the media, Dukakis dismisses the importance of polls. Interview with Bruce Bolling, the co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign, who says that the Jackson campaign will challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president. George's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Dukakis campaigning and by footage of the Dukakis campaign staff at work.
1:00:02: Visual: Shots of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) campaigning on a street corner. Shots of Dukakis shaking hands with voters at a political gathering. Christy George reports that Dukakis was named as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in a poll by The Los Angeles Times newspaper. George reports that Dukakis does not want to become the "new Gary Hart." George notes that the extra visibility is good for Dukakis' campaign nationwide. V: Footage of Robert Farmer (fundraiser for Dukakis' presidential campaign) in Dukakis's State House offices. George reports that a good showing in the polls can help a candidate's fundraising operation. V: Footage of a smiling Dukakis saying that there are no frontrunners in the race for the Democratic nomination. Shots of Dukakis campaign workers making telephone calls; of campaign signs reading, "Dukakis for president." Shots of campaign workers organizing paperwork and typing; of two men standing in the offices of the Dukakis campaign. George reports that Dukakis takes nothing for granted after losing the 1978 gubernatorial race to Ed King (former governor of Massachusetts) in an upset. V: Shots of campaign workers assembling folders with Dukakis campaign information; of Dukakis walking up the stairs inside the State House. George reports that Dukakis is fourth in a Time magazine poll; that Dukakis is second to Jesse Jackson (candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination) in a Newsweek poll; that Dukakis leads in the poll by the LA Times. V: Footage of Dukakis in his offices, saying that "undecided is number one in the LA Times poll." George notes that Jackson is a strong contender for the nomination. V: Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign) saying that Dukakis appeals to voters who liked Gary Hart (US Senator); that Jackson could also appeal to those voters. George notes that Bolling is upset that Jackson has not been named as Hart's successor. V: Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Bolling saying that race will be a significant issue for the Jackson campaign; that some voters will not consider voting for a woman or a person of color to be president. Bolling says that the Jackson campaign needs to challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president; that the media can help change those perceptions. Footage of Dukakis saying that he will not speculate on Jackson's chances of winning the nomination; that there is no frontrunner in the race; that polls are "absurd." George stands in front of the State House. George reports that the news media gave more attention last week to the Hart scandal than to the Iran-contra testimony. George notes that Dukakis probably hopes that this week's testimony will be given more attention than his standing in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1987
Description: David Boeri reports that Pat Robertson, a Republican US Presidential candidate, is confident of success in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Robertson has strong support in the South. His success could threaten the campaigns of candidates in both parties, including Al Gore. Interview with Robertson, who says that he is the only conservative candidate in a position to win. Al Gore and Tipper Gore campaigning. Republican candidate Jack Kemp. Jackson campaigning in New Hampshire. Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses, and expects to do well in the New Hampshire primaries. Interview with Jackson.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Pat Robertson (Republican candidate for US President) being interviewed by David Boeri. Robertson predicts that he will place among the top three candidates in the New Hampshire Primary; that he will win every state in the Super Tuesday presidential primaries except for Missouri and Maryland. Shot of Robertson at a campaign rally. A large banner behind him reads "Americans for Robertson." The audience applauds. Footage of Robertson speaking in New Hampshire on September 25, 1987. Robertson says that a few people can change the course of the nation. Boeri reports that Robertson has always projected an air of confidence; that Robertson placed second in an upset in the Iowa caucuses. Boeri notes that Jack Kemp (Republican candidate for US President) has lost conservative votes to Robertson. V: Shots of Robertson waving to supporters; of Kemp speaking; of Robertson waving as he exits an airplane. Boeri notes that Robertson's base of support lies in the South. V: Footage of Boeri asking Robertson if he expects to be a frontrunner after the Super Tuesday primaries. Robertson says that he is the only conservative candidate who is in a position to win. Boeri reports that Robertson's success could spell trouble for Republican and Democratic candidates; that the campaign of Al Gore (Democratic candidate for US President) is centered in the South. V: Shot of Richard Gephardt (Democratic candidate for US President). Shot of Al Gore speaking to a small group of people. Tipper Gore (wife of Al Gore) sits beside him. Shots of Gore shaking hands with voters; of Al Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building. Boeri reports that eight of fourteen Southern and border states allow crossover voting in the primary elections; that Robertson could end up with votes from conservative Democratic voters. V: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) addressing a crowd at the Mall of New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson says that "the people can win." Shots of Jackson greeting voters. Boeri reports that Jackson did well in the Iowa caucuses. V: Footage of Jackson saying that he will beat Democratic candidates Gore, Gary Hart, and Bruce Babbit in the New Hampshire primaries; that he has not spent much time or money in "Dukakis's backyard." Shot of Jackson having his photo taken in front of the fall foliage in New Hampshire in October of 1987. Jackson turns away from the photographers and enters a building. Boeri notes that Robertson and Jackson are leaving the North to return to their bases of support in the South.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt analyzes the results of the Wisconsin primary elections. She compares the election results for Democratic presidential candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson. Vaillancourt reports that Wisconsin represents Dukakis' first victory in a mid-western state; she adds that Jackson is attracting more white voters than he did four years ago. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is appealing to the hearts of voters while Dukakis appeals to their heads. Vaillancourt also analyzes the election results for Democratic candidates Al Gore and Paul Simon. Vaillancourt talks about the candidates chances in the upcoming New York primaries. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Jackson campaigning and marching with striking workers, Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:12: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Dukakis says that it is time for some competence in the White House, after seven years of charisma. The crowd applauds for Dukakis. Shot of Dukakis speaking; of Dukakis talking to supporters seated at a table. Meg Vaillancourt reports that early returns show Dukakis leading in the Wisconsin primary; that the Wisconsin victory is the first for Dukakis in a mid-western state. V: Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Dukakis says that he wants to be known as "the great builder," not as "the great communicator." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis was the first choice of Catholic, Italian and Jewish voters in Wisconsin. Vaillancourt notes that the Dukakis campaign argues that Dukakis is the only Democratic candidate who is able to beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage from a 1988 Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) attracted huge crowds at campaign rallies in Wisconsin; that many of those voters ended up voting for Dukakis. V: Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Jackson dons a blue T-shirt over his shirt and tie. Jackson shakes hands with audience members. Footage of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. The audience applauds. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson walked with striking workers and talked with laid-off workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with striking workers; of the marching workers. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Dukakis split the labor vote in Wisconsin; that labor leaders in Massachusetts campaigned for Dukakis in Wisconsin; that the Massachusetts labor leaders talked about the "Massachusetts Miracle." V: Footage of Dukakis speaking at a campaign rally; of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that early returns show that Jackson will receive 90% of the African American vote and 25% of the white vote. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is doing better with white voters than he did four years ago; that 15% of Jackson voters in Wisconsin are registered as Republicans. V: Shot of Jackson with supporters. Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's campaign appeals to the hearts of voters; that Dukakis' campaign appeals to the heads of voters; that Dukakis's campaign strategy has been vindicated. Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) spent $300,000 on campaign ads in Wisconsin; that Gore pulled 15% of the vote. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has begun to place himself as the champion of Israel; that Gore is hoping that this position will play well with voters in the New York primary. Vaillancourt reports that Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in Wisconsin; that he is expected to put his campaign on hold tomorrow. V: Shots of Gore speaking; of Simon. Vaillancourt reports that the New York primaries are next; that Dukakis's win in Wisconsin will probably put a stop to efforts to draft Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential Democratic candidate in the New York primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/05/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Lee Atwater, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, visited Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater is optimistic about the Massachusetts Republican Party and has been making efforts to recruit minorities to the Republican Party. Students at Howard University protest Atwater's trusteeship at Howard University. Critics accuse the Republican Party of racist politics. David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan wizard, at a press conference. Vaillancourt notes that Atwater denies exploiting racial issues in 1988 presidential campaign advertisements. Vaillancourt's report features footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater predicts that the next governor of Massachusetts will be a Republican. Atwater defends the Willie Horton campaign advertisements and condemns David Duke. Atwater shakes hands with Herman Wheeler, the President of the MBTA Police Officers Association, who recently switched his allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson addresses students at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Lee Atwater (Chairman, Republican National Committee) speaking at a Republican fundraiser in Watertown, Massachusetts. Atwater says that Massachusetts will see no real progress until the state elects a Republican governor. Shots of audience members listening to Atwater. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Atwater visited Massachusetts for a fundraiser; that he was not afraid to attack former rival Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the press conference. Atwater says that he can "smell" a Republican victory in the Massachusetts air. Shot of Atwater shaking hands with attendees of the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has had a few setbacks recently. Vaillancourt reports that one of Atwater's goals is to increase minority membership in the Republican Party; that Atwater was recently forced to resign from the Board of Trustees of Howard University when African American students staged a three-day protest. V: Footage of student protests at Howard University on February 8, 1989. Vaillancourt reports that students were angry over the Republican Party's exploitation of race in the presidential campaign. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Willie Horton (furloughed convict). Vaillancourt reports that Atwater denies that the Republican Party exploited race in the Willie Horton campaign advertisements. V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater says that the Republican Party was opposed to Dukakis's criminal furlough program. Vaillancourt reports that critics say that racist politics resulted in the election of David Duke (former wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) as the Republican candidate for governor of Lousiana. V: Footage of Duke at a press conference; of a Duke campaign sticker. Footage of Atwater at the fundraiser. Atwater says that Duke is a racist "charlatan"; that Duke has no place in the Republican Party. Atwater says that the Democrats should focus on Reverend Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam leader). Shots of attendees at the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater highlighted the efforts of the Massachusetts Republican Party to attract African American voters; that Atwater welcomed a president of an MBTA patrolmen's union. Vaillancourt notes that the president of the patrolmen's union has switched parties. V: Footage of Atwater shaking the hand of Herman Wheeler (President, MBTA Police Officers Association). Atwater tells Wheeler that it takes courage to switch parties; that the Republican Party needs courageous members. Shot of audience members, including Ron Kaufman (Republican National Committee). Vaillancourt reports from the Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt says that Atwater's speech to the Massachusetts Republican Party was optimistic. Vaillancourt notes that the Republican Party has recently lost two special Congressional elections; that there is another special Congressional election in Wyoming tomorrow. Vaillancourt reports that some are wondering why Atwater is not in Wyoming today. V: Footage of Atwater saying that he would risk being called an "outsider" if he went to Wyoming to campaign. Atwater says that he hopes the Party will win the election in Wyoming; that "all is not lost" if the Party loses the election. Atwater says that special elections do not portend the results of the next election cycle. Shots of attendees at the fundraiser; of Atwater greeting attendees. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has a lot of work ahead of him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the race for the second Suffolk senatorial seat between candidates Bill Owens and Royal Bolling, Sr. Jones. He notes that Owens held the seat from 1974 to 1982, when Bolling, Sr. won the seat. Jones notes that both candidates come from prominent families in the African American community. Jones reviews the history of both families' involvement in city and state politics. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Owens and Bolling, Sr. at a campaign debate and by footage of members of both families. This tape contains additional footage of the campaign debate between Owens and Bolling, Sr.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of William Owens (candidate for State Senate) at a campaign debate. Owens talks about the need for a senator to establish himself as independent from any party affiliation. The crowd applauds. Footage of Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator) saying that he has accomplished more in four years than Owens accomplished in the previous twelve years. Owens and Bolling are pictured at a campaign debate. Marcus Jones reports that this campaign marks the fourth time that Owens and Bolling have competed for the second Suffolk Senatorial Seat. Jones notes that the district was created in 1974 to afford minorities the opportunity to elect a minority representative to the Senate. V: Shots of the audience at the campaign debate; of campaign signs for Bolling and Owens. Jones reports that Owens beat Bowling for the seat in 1974 and 1976. Jones notes that Owens switched his party affiliation to Republican in 1982 to protest the fact that he was ignored by the leadership of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Jones reports that Bolling beat Owens in the 1982 elections. V: Shot of Owens. Footage of Bolling saying that Owens claims to be independent of everyone; that no one can be independent of everyone. Bolling talks about the need to cooperate with the other Senators to push for legislation. Shots of the audience members. Jones reports that Bolling has been accused of being too close to Democratic Party leadership; that Owens is seen as too independent by some. Jones notes that the election has turned into a struggle for leadership between two prominent African American families. V: Footage of a young African American man saying that Owens's campaign was helped by the election of Shirley Owens Hicks (Owens' sister) to the House of Representatives. Footage of a middle-aged African American man saying that he can understand why politicians from prominent families campaign on their family name. Jones reports that the Bolling family has been politically active since Bolling won a seat in the House of Representatives in 1960; that his son Royal Bolling, Jr. was elected in 1972. V: Shot of Bolling Sr. preparing to speak in front of a legislative committee. Shot of Bolling, Jr. at a press conference. Jones notes that Bolling, Jr. lost his bid for an eighth consecutive term in the House of Representatives to Shirley Owens Hicks. V: Shot of Shirley Owens Hicks in a meeting of the Boston School Committee; of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) addressing a crowd. Jones adds that Bruce Bolling (member of the Bolling family) has been a successful Boston City Councillor. V: Footage of Bolling, Sr. saying that Owens has been afraid to make a stand when he thinks that the stand might be "adverse." Footage of Owens saying that no one has ever been confused about where he stands on the issues. The crowd applauds. Jones stands in front of campaign signs for Bolling, Sr. and Owens. Jones reports that an Owens victory would signal a sweep of the legislative elections by the Owens family; that an Owens victory would signal the first time that a Bolling family member has not represented the districts of Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1986
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson defeated Michael Dukakis in the Michigan caucuses. Jackson's performance exceeded the expectations of political analysts and has led them to consider the possibility of Jackson winning the Democratic nomination. Some analysts are questioning the state of the Dukakis campaign. Interviews with Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) and Leslie Dach (Dukakis campaign). Kuttner says that Jackson appeals to working class voters. Dach defends the Dukakis campaign and adds that Dukakis has a strong base of support. Vaillancourt notes that the Democratic establishment would be shaken by a Jackson victory. Interview with Jeffrey Garin (Democratic Party pollster). Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Charlene Drew Jarvis (delegate to the Democratic convention) on the MacNeil Lehrer Newshour and footage of Jackson and Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) campaigning in Connecticut. Supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Shot of Jackson holding a young white girl. Jackson gives the thumbs-up sign to supporters. Shots of Jackson supporters; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson did well in the Michigan primary election; that Jackson won the African American vote; that Jackson won 20% of the white vote. V: Footage of Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) saying that none of the white candidates have "touched a nerve." Kuttner says that Jackson appeals to voters because he represents the average working man and woman. Vaillancourt reports that Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do as well as Jackson in Michigan. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis does not appeal to working class people. V: Shots of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Footage of Kuttner saying that Jackson's message is appeals to working class voters more than the messages of other Democratic candidates. Footage of Leslie Dach (Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Dach says that Dukakis has a strong base of support. Shots of Dukakis; of Jackson with supporters and press. Vaillancourt reports that one news network predicts that Jackson and Dukakis are in a tie for delegates; that the Democratic Party must face the possibility of a Jackson victory. V: Footage of Jeffrey Garin (Democratic Party Pollster) saying that the Democratic Party will have a hard time facing a Dukakis defeat. Footage of Kuttner being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Kuttner says that the Democratic establishment is afraid of a Jackson victory. Shots of Jackson with supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Kuttner saying that the economic self-interest of many voters is stronger than racism. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson must convince voters that he can run a government; that Dukakis must convince voters that he has enough passion. V: Footage of Dach saying that the voters will choose the candidate who can deliver on his promises. Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that there are questions about the loyalty of some Dukakis supporters. V: Shot of Dukakis campaigning. Footage from The MacNeil Lehrer Newshour of Charlene Drew Jarvis (delegate to the Democratic convention) saying that she will not reveal how she will vote at the convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis's loss in Michigan raises questions about his campaign; that Jackson's success leads analysts to wonder if he could win in a general election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1988
Description: Sam Fleming reports that Jesse Jackson is campaigning in New Hampshire. Some consider Jackson to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, but many political observers doubt Jackson's chances of winning the nomination. Jackson addresses supporters at a campaign rally, including about his support for the gay and lesbian community. Interviews with enthusiastic Jackson supporters in New Hampshire. Jackson tells reporters that his race is not as important as his credentials. He addresses another rally on the need for national affordable health care. Interview with Joe Grandmaison the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who says that it would not be wise to underestimate Jackson and his campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Ray Flynn, Michael Dukakis, and Bruce Bolling discuss linkage between Chinatown development and Parcel 18 in Roxbury
1:00:54: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) getting his picture taken in front of the fall foliage in New Hampshire. Jackson walks into a rustic building. Sam Fleming reports that Jackson is trying to secure voter support in New Hampshire; that Jackson is considered to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. V: Shots of Jackson shaking hands with New Hampshire voters. Shot of Jackson addressing the crowd. The crowd applauds. Fleming reports that many political observers doubt Jackson's chances of winning the nomination; that Jackson is not paying attention to the "conventional wisdom" of the political observers. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the crowd. Shots of members of the crowd. Jackson talks about speaking at last weekend's rally for gays and lesbians in Washingon D.C. Jackson says that the voices of gays and lesbians deserve to be heard. Fleming notes that Jackson is reaching out to the dispossesed. V: Footage of Jackson talking about his efforts to build a diverse coalition of supporters. Jackson says that his leadership will put the nation on a course for jobs, peace, and justice. The crowd applauds. Shots of individual audience members. Footage of an older white female voter saying that Jackson is "energizing"; of a white female voter saying that she hopes that Jackson has a chance at the nomination. Footage of an older white male voter saying that some critics are trying to create a negative image of Jackson; that Jackson is "electable." Footage of Jackson speaking to reporters. A reporter asks Jackson if an African American can win the Democratic nomination. Jackson says that the issue of his race should be left to "God"; that the issue of his credentials should be left up to the voters. Fleming notes that Jackson has been questioned about the state of his marriage. V: Footage of Jackson telling reporters that he will not speculate about rumors; that he is fighting to win the nomination. Fleming reports that Jackson opened his campaign office in Manchester, N.H. V: Footage of a crowd gathered in front of Jackson's campaign office. Shot of a white female voter holding a hand-made Jackson campaign sign. The crowd begins to chant, "We want Jesse." Jackson shakes hands with voters outside of the office. Shots of an older white man; of a young African American boy in the crowd. Jackson addresses the crowd. Jackson talks about the need for a national health care system. Jackson says that he will provide "bold leadership." Fleming notes that Jackson did well with white Democratic voters in New Hampshire in 1984. Fleming reports that one Jackson campaign supporter said that the Jackson campaign lacked an organized structure; that fundraising so far has been minimal. Fleming adds that some voters see Jackson as a candidate supported mainly by African Americans. V: Shots of Jackson addressing a crowd; of individual members of the crowd. Footage of Joe Grandmaison (Chairman, New Hampshire Democratic Party) saying that no one underestimates the strength of Jackson and his message. Footage of Jackson addressing the crowd about the need to save jobs, schools, farms, and the environment, and to "give peace a chance." The crowd chants along with Jackson and applauds for him. Shot of an elderly woman at the Jackson campaign rally.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/12/1987
Description: Campaigners hold Mel King for Mayor signs in English, Chinese, and Spanish, and sell t-shirts and caps outside Concord Baptist Church in South End. King gets out of limousine with Jesse Jackson. Inside they shake hands and raise linked arms before Rainbow Coalition press conference. King introduces Jackson as “country preacher.” Jackson recounts 20 years of progress in America toward freedom and equality. He commends King for his efforts to leverage power of black people, and endorses him for mayor of Boston. King presents Jackson with a copy of King's book, Chain of Change. Jackson takes questions about the role of minorities in the Democratic Party and his potential campaign for the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination. reel 1 of 2.
1:00:04: Visual: Campaign workers for Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston), many of them white, hold campaign signs and sell T-shirts and buttons outside of the Concord Baptist Church in the South End. A campaign worker models his own King T-shirt, which has a campaign slogan in English, Spanish and Chinese. He helps customers find sizes among the multicolored shirts, which are displayed on a table. An Asian woman arrives with a King campaign sign in Chinese. Shot of Mel King baseball caps displayed along a fence. More campaign workers arrive with signs. Shot of the church, with campaign workers standing on the sidewalk and in the street. A truck mounted with two speakers drives along the street. The driver speaks into a microphone, alerting passersby to the arrival of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader). 1:04:11: V: A limousine pulls up outside of the church. King and Jackson exit the limousine and stand in the street. The crowd applauds and cheers, "We want Mel." 1:05:04: V: Jackson and King stand before the media in a room set up for a press conference. They shake hands and raise linked arms. King and Jackson sit down at a table at the front of the room. King gets up and stands at a podium. He welcomes the audience and introduces Jesse Jackson. King commends Jackson's struggle for equality on behalf of minorities and the disenfranchised. King refers to Jackson as a "country preacher." 1:08:10: V: Jackson stands at the podium. He talks about the civil rights movement and the struggle for equal access for all minorities. Jackson says that no one must be denied access or participation because of their race, sex, or religion. Jackson talks about the need for equal protection under the law. Jackson says that voting irregularities must be eliminated; that the Voting Rights Act must be enforced. Jackson says that King has a good combination of experience, integrity, and intelligence; that Massachusetts is ready for a change. Jackson congratulates King on the organization of a Rainbow Coalition in Massachusetts. King presents Jackson with a copy of his book, Chain of Change. Jacson and King and King's supporters raise linked arms while the crowd cheers. 1:14:09: V: Shot of an African American man in the audience. Jackson and King take questions from the audience. An audience member asks Jackson about the possibility of his running for president as an independent candidate, or of his supporting an independent candidate. Jackson says that it is too soon to answer the audience members questions; that the Democratic Party reflects its membership. Jackson says that there must be reciprocal voting within the Democratic Party; that white voters must vote for minority candidates if minority candidates vote for white candidates; that there must be integrated slates of candidates. Jackson says that voting irregularities can be used to keep people from the polls; that voting irregularities must be eliminated. Jackson says that he has two objectives: to achieve parity and to fight Reagan. Jackson adds that a King victory in Boston accomplishes both of his objectives. The audience applauds. Another audience member asks Jackson if he will run for president. Jackson says that he is considering a campaign for the Democratic Party nomination. An audience member asks Jackson about Boston's reputation as a racist city. Jackson says that the United States is "schizophrenic" on the question of race. Jackson reviews some high and low moments concerning race and the African American community in Boston. Jackson says that King's candidacy is a "high moment." An audience member asks a question about voter turnout.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1983
Description: Barney Frank (US Representative) and Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) shake hands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Frank has endorsed King for mayor of Boston. Christy George interviews King in front of the State House. King talks about the current policies of the White administration and White's recent appointments to the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). King says that his administration would eliminate the BRA in order to consolidate city development under a community development office. King criticizes White for making mayoral appointments without regard for his successor. King adds that the current police commissioner must be forced to resign. King says that the Boston City Council should not approve White's new housing proposal. He adds that the City Council should wait until the next mayor is elected before making new policy.
1:00:05: Visual: Mel King stands in front of the State House with his supporters and talks to the media about his candidacy for mayor. He talks about the "politics of inclusion." A reporter asks King how he feels about being "Barney Frank's second choice." King says that Barney Frank (US Representative) makes good choices; that he is glad to be one of Frank's choices. Mel King thanks the media. He shakes hands with Frank. Frank and King speak to one another. 1:01:12: V: Christy George sets up an interview with King. George asks King if Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) is consolidating power. She also asks him about mayoral appointments to city jobs. King says that political patronage is unfortunate; that White has not considered his appointments from the viewpoint of his successor. King says that the police commissioner must be asked to resign; that the new administration must work around the commissioner if he refuses to resign. George comments that the business community is wary of King and Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston). She asks if White is making appointments to the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) before the mayoral elections in order to satisfy the business community. King says that the new administration must take a balanced approach to development; that the needs of the whole city must be considered. King says that his administration would consolidate the development functions of the city; that his administration would work to eliminate the BRA board as it is now; that a community development office would oversee development in the neighborhoods and in the downtown area. George notes that White's appointments to the BRA are not unusual for a mayor leaving office. King says that these candidates will be "holdovers"; that "holdover" appointments should only be allowed for a minimum period of time; that these appointments undermine public confidence in government. George asks King about White's plans to create a Neighborhood Housing Trust. King says that he hopes that the Boston City Council will not approve the program until a new mayor has been elected. King says that he will lobby the council not to approve the program. George ends the interview.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1983