Description: Mayor Ray Flynn holds a press conference in Roxbury to unveil plans for a new housing and commercial development to be built on a vacant lot in Douglass Square. The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared the land in the 1960s and never rebuilt on the lot. The owners and developers of the new project are African American. Flynn and City Councilor Bruce Bolling talk about the new development. Flynn says that all neighborhoods and all residents must share in the growth of the city. Bolling says that the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts is a no longer an issue. Bolling and other Mandela opponents believe that the new development signifies a renewed commitment to the Roxbury neighborhood by the city of Boston.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at an outdoor gathering in Roxbury. Flynn stands under a tent, addressing a crowd. Flynn talks about the vote against the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts. Flynn says that the vote shows that the racial polarization of the city is in the past. Shot of the gathering from the back of the tent; of an architectural model. David Boeri reports that Flynn is advocating affordable housing and economic opportunity in every neighborhood. Boeri notes that Flynn unveiled a plan for a project in Douglass Square; that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared a two-acre plot of land in Douglass Square in the 1960s; that the lot has been abandoned since then. V: Shot of a mural on the wall of a building in Douglass Square in Roxbury; of buildings in Douglass Square; of a vacant lot in Douglass Square; of architectural plans and an architectural model. Boeri reports that a housing and commercial complex is slated to be built on the vacant lot; that one-quarter of the units will be set aside for low-income housing. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the project addresses the need for economic re-investment in Roxbury. Boeri reports that the developers and owners of the project will be African American; that Bolling noted that Roxbury is becoming a full and equal partner in the city of Boston. V: Shots of African American crowd members; of an African American man standing beside an architectural drawing of the project. Footage of Bolling saying that the incorporation of minority neighborhoods into a new city is a dead issue. Boeri reports that Flynn had a unity breakfast with Roxbury leaders this morning; that Flynn pledged to make the city of opportunity for all. V: Shots of the crowd at the gathering. Footage of Flynn saying that all residents need to share in the city's growth and prosperity; that development of the downtown must be accompanied by development of the neighborhoods. Boeri stands in the vacant lot in Douglass Square. Boeri says that the lot has represented an empty promise by the city of Boston to the people of Roxbury. Boeri says that Bolling and other leaders fought the idea of secession from the city. Boeri adds that these leaders say that the plans for the new project are a signal that "their time has come."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a group of minority developers will work with Mayor Ray Flynn and the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to develop a multi-million dollar complex including office, retail, and residential space in downtown Boston. The complex will replace a downtown parking garage. Jones reports that Flynn's "parcel to parcel linkage program" will link downtown development to development in minority neighborhoods. Jones adds that this project will be linked to a parcel of land in Roxbury. Flynn and the developers, called the Columbia Plaza Associates, hold a press conference to announce plans for the development. Interviews with President of City Council Bruce Bolling and Davis Woo of the Chinese Investment Group about the need for development in minority neighborhoods. Interview with Stephen Coyle, the BRA Commissioner, about opportunities for minority involvement in development. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Community leaders talk about the significance of the African Meeting House and Renovation of the African Meeting House
1:00:30: Visual: Shots of downtown Boston; of construction in downtown Boston. Marcus Jones reports that $7 billion has been invested in construction in dowtown Boston over the past nine years. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of minority developers. Jones reports that a group of minority developers are working with Flynn through his "parcel to parcel linkage program"; that the developers will work with the Flynn administraton on a multi-million dollar development which will replace a downtown parking garage. V: Shot of the downtown parking garage. Footage of Flynn saying that a united partnership has been created with members of the Asian, African American, and Hispanic communities. Jones reports that the developers have called themselves the Columbia Plaza Associates; that the developers have raised $2.5 million of their $5.7 million goal. V: Shot of an African American developer standing among the group. Jones notes that the developers represent an important part of Flynn's plan to link downtown development to development in minority neighborhoods such as Chinatown and Roxbury. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) saying that "those who have been factored out will now be factored in." Footage of Davis Woo (Chinese Investment Group) saying that the developers will work toward buiding new housing in Chinatown; that there is not enough housing in Chinatown. Jones reports that city officials expect to see a development with office, retail, and housing space built to replace the parking garage; that the project is valued at $400 million; that $100 million is earmarked for the minority developers who have won the right to co-develop the project. V: Shot of the parking garage; of a relief of the seal of the city of Boston set into the wall of the garage. Footage of Stephen Coyle (Commissioner, Boston Redevelopment Authority) saying that the minority developers have the "inside track" to develop the project; that this project marks the beginning of a "new era" in the city. Jones reports that up to $15 million spent to purchase the land from the city will be spent by the minority developers to create jobs and to build offices, stores and housing on a 5-acre parcel of land near the Ruggles MBTA Station in Roxbury. V: Overhead shot of the parcel of land in Roxbury. Footage of Coyle saying that the Boston economy will remain strong for the next decade; that teams of minority developers will be able to take advantage of new economic opportunities. Footage of Bolling saying that the work of minority developers will ensure future minority participation in the city. Jones reports that city officials will designate a formal development team for the linkage project in the winter; that construction is slated to start in the spring of 1988. V: Shot of the parking garage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports on a referendum question concerning the incorporation of a new city made up of Boston's minority neighborhoods, which would be called Mandela, Massachusetts. Interview with Andrew Jones of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project about the proposal. Jones reports on the local and national controversy generated by the referendum question. Footage from a press conference with Mandela supporters and officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones' report also features footage from an episode of the Phil Donahue Show. African American community leaders Andrew Jones, Mel King, Bruce Bolling, and Charles Stith debate the question with Donahue. Jones reports that the referendum is not expected to pass. Chuck Turner, a teacher, and Nathan Allen, the Executive Director of Lena Park Community Development, debate the question at tan Urban League Forum.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the referendum question concerning the incorporation of Mandela, Massachusetts on the 1986 election ballot. Marcus Jones reports that the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts has generated much publicity. V: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) saying that minority neighborhoods have a "colonial relationship with the city of Boston;" that the city of Boston has treated minority residents like "second-class citizens." Jones explains that the ballot question asks whether minority neighborhoods should break ties with the city of Boston in order to incorporate a new city. V: Shot of African American residents crossing under the elevated train tracks on Washington Street; of a map of the proposed border of the new city. Jones notes that the new city would encompass Roxbury, Mattapan, and parts of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, the Fenway, South End and Columbia Point; that proposal supporters have chosen Mandela as the name for the new city. V: Shots of young African American men standing in front of Joe's Sub Shop; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Flynn says Roxbury secession would halt progress." The article includes a photo of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) with Reverend Michael Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church). Jones reports that Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is urging residents to vote against the proposal; that supporters of the proposal have brought in officials from East Palo Alto, California. Jones notes that East Palo Alto was formed by seceding from Palo Alto. V: Shot of proposal supporters at a press conference with officials from East Palo Alto. Campaign signs supporting the proposal read, "Vote yes on question 9. Land control, A new city. Mandela, Mass." Jones notes that the referendum is getting national exposure; that Phil Donahue (talk show host) broadcast his show live from WCVB today. V: Shot of the front page of The New York Times; of an article in The New York Times. Footage of the Phil Donahue Show (national TV talk show) from October 30, 1986. Donahue challenges supporters of the proposal, saying that the racial problems will worsen if minority neighborhoods secede from the city. African American community leaders Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Mel King (community activist), Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council), and Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) are guests on the show. Jones says that the issue behind the proposal is land control, not race. Bolling says that African American leaders and other leaders are poised to take control of city government; that the new leaders need to take advantage of the opportunity to bring the city of Boston together. Jones reports that African American community leaders debated the question at a Urban League Forum. V: Footage of Chuck Turner (teacher and community activist) saying that a victory for the referendum will force the Flynn administration to "open the books of the city." Turner talks about the large amount of land to be developed in minority neighborhoods. Footage of Nathan Allen (Executive Director, Lena Park Community Development) saying that the proposal for a new city is not financially feasible; that the new city would be incorporated with a deficit of $100 million; that community residents would be jeopordized by a large deficit. Jones stands at the back of the Urban League Forum. Jones reports that 71% of voters oppose the referendum, according to a poll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/30/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project (GRIP) has put forth a plan to create a new city from Boston's minority neighborhoods. Jones notes that the new municipality would be named Mandela, in honor of jailed South African leader Nelson Mandela. Jones reports that African American community leaders are divided in their support for the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts. Jones adds that the referendum question will be on the ballot in the fall. Jones' report includes footage from a press conference in front of the Massachusetts State House with Andrew Jones (GRIP), Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Royal Bolling, Jr. (Mandela supporter). Rushing and Jones speak out in favor of Mandela. Jones report also includes footage of Royal Bolling, Sr. (state senator) speaking out against Mandela. Jones reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is opposed to the creation of Mandela. Jones speculates about the probable boundaries of the proposed city. Jones interviews people on the street about their support of Mandela. Jones' report includes footage of the elevated train tracks along Washington Street in Roxbury. A rap song about Mandela, Massachusetts accompanies parts of the story.
1:00:35: Visual: Shots of a group of African-American residents standing at the side of a street; of an orange line train passing on the elevated tracks along Washington Street. Audio of a rap song promoting Mandela, Massachusetts. Marcus Jones reports that leaders of Boston's African American and Latino communities are promoting the idea of Mandela, Massachusetts; that community leaders hope the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts will win votes on the ballot in the fall. V: Shot of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Royal Bolling, Jr. (Mandela supporter) at a press conference outside of the Massachusetts State House. Shot of a cameraman at the press conference. Footage of Young speaking at the press conference. Young says that the referendum question will allow voters in certain ward and precincts to consider the formation of an independent city. Jones reports that the plan has been put forth by the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project (GRIP); that the plan would carve a new municipality out of the neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, Mattapan, Jamaica Plain, the South End, and Columbia Point. Jones reports that the new city would be named in honor of jailed South African leader Nelson Mandela. Jones notes that many developers consider these neighborhoods to be the next frontier of development in Boston. V: Shots of neighborhoods within the limits of the proposed city. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Black effort to secede from Boston." Jones stands on the median strip of Massachusetts Avenue in Boston. The Boston skyline is visible behind him. Jones reports that no formal boundary lines have yet been drawn. Jones speculates that one of the bridges on Massachusetts Avenue is a likely boundary line. Jones notes that Boston is on one side, along with the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Prudential building and the Boston Public Library. Jones notes that Mandela would lie on the other side of the bridge; that Mandela would include Boston City Hospital, the Orange Line and Franklin Park. V: Shots of Massachusetts Avenue in both directions. Shot of Washington Street in Roxbury. The elevated train tracks are visible. Shot of Boston City Hall. Audio of a rap song promoting Mandela, Massachusetts. Jones reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is opposed to the plan. Jones notes that some African American community leaders are opposed to the plan because they think that minorities are on the verge of gaining some political clout in the city of Boston. V: Shot of Flynn. Footage of Royal Bolling, Sr. (State Senator) being interviewed. Bolling says that people of color should not settle for a piece of the pie when the whole pie is within reach. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) at the press conference in front of the State House. Rushing says that there are a few African Americans who lie to blame everything on city hall; that those people are in fact blaming their problems on white people. Rushing says that those people will not be able to continue blaming white people in Mandela. Shot of a political cartoon about Mandela. Audio of the rap song plays in the background. Footage of an African American man being interviewed on the street. The man says that the neighborhoods are interwoven into the fabric of the city of Boston; that the secession movement could be counterproductive. Footage of another African American man being interviewed while in his car. The man says that Mandela is a terrible idea. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed. The woman says that she would vote in favor of Mandela. Jones reports that the referendum question is still only a possiblility. Jones notes that petition signatures must be approved; that voting boundaries need to be established. V: Shot of an orange line train riding along the elevated tracks on Washington Street. Shot of a map of the districts within Mandela. Shots of a group of African Americans standing on a street corner. Audio of the rap song promoting Mandela, Massachusetts plays in the background.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1986