Description: Boston School Committee meeting proceedings. Chair John McDonough, David Finnegan, and Kathleen Sullivan criticize Superintendent Marion Fahey for negative remarks she made about the school committee in a newspaper interview. Paul Tierney supports Fahey, and Pixie Palladino comes down in the middle of the issue. Fahey defends her right to speak out on the Hyde Park High incident.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1976
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing the contract of superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson. Some members are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract and made an effort to postpone the vote on his contract renewal. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member Peggy Davis-Mullen proposes to postpone the vote on Wilson's contract. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he supports the renewal of Wilson's contract. Committee member Daniel Burke questions Wilson about the high drop-out rate in the Boston Public Schools. Wilson responds. Jones reports that Wilson has acknowledged the complaints of some critics by pledging to increase parental involvement in the schools and by pledging to improve the School Department's relations with unions.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee) at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Burke remarks that a certain motion is out of order. Shots of the School Committee members seated at the meeting; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) seated at the meeting. Marcus Jones reports that some members of the School Committee are opposed to the renewal of Wilson's contract; that those members made an effort to take the matter of Wilson's contract off of the agenda. V: Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) at the meeting. Davis-Mullen says that the decision is being forced; that the decision should wait until January. Davis-Mullen says that she does not like the way in which the decision is being made. Shot of Jones in the audience of the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson's supporters on the School Committee were able to keep the debate open. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that he is prepared to support the renegotiation of Wilson's contract. Footage of Wilson saying that he has a good understanding of the school system; that he has made progress in improving the school system. Footage of Burke asking Wilson about the student drop-out rate. Wilson responds to Burke. Wilson says that reading and math scores have gone up and the drop-out rate has declined. Shots of the audience at the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson admits that he has not done enough to involve parents in the educational process. Jones notes that Wilson says that he will try to increase parental involvement and to improve the school department's relations with unions. V: Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson has made a lot of progress in improving the system. Shots of the members as they vote on a motion. Jones reports that the School Committee voted eight to five in favor of renewing Wilson's contract; that the details of the contract remain to be discussed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) is trying to get a voluntary school uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. Jones notes that some schools have found that voluntary dress codes have led to better grades and behavior. He adds that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. Jones interviews Robinson about school uniforms. Jones reports that Robinson believes that students are more concerned about their clothes and possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from a Boston Herald newspaper article about a nine-year old drug runner who impresses his friends with his clothes. Jones also interviews John Grady (Boston School Committee), Elizabeth Foley (Boston parent), and a Boston school child about school uniforms. Jones reviews some of the benefits to school uniforms.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of white elementary students in school uniforms rising to greet their teacher at the St. Columbkille School in Brighton. Shots of students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that uniforms are a long-standing tradition in private and parochial schools. Jones notes that supporters of school uniforms believe that uniforms help inspire discipline. Jones notes that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. V: Shots of white uniformed students in classrooms. Shots of African American uniformed students in an elementary school in Washigton DC. Jones reports that an elementary school in Washington DC and five elementary schools in Baltimore have instituted a voluntary dress code; that the schools have found that the dress code has led to better grades and behavior. V: Footage of Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) being interviewed by Jones. Robinson says that school uniforms lead to a decrease in disciplinary problems. Jones notes that Robinson is trying to get a voluntary uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Robinson saying that adults wear uniforms; that business people wear suits; that people in all professions wear uniforms all over the world. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a headline reading, "He's the littlest pusher." Jones reports that Robinson says that children are more concerned about clothes and stylish possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article; the newspaper article says that a nine-year-old drug runner impresses his friends with his clothes. V: On-screen text quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article. Footage of John Grady (Boston School Committee) saying that he will support uniforms if they contribute to a good learning environment in the schools. Footage of Jennifer Foley (Boston public school student) saying that she would not want to wear the same colors all year long. Footage of Elizabeth Foley (parent) saying that students are entitled to their own identities. Jones reports that there are some good reasons to institute a school uniform program. Jones notes that parents can save money on clothing bills; that students have one less peer pressure to worry them; that teachers have one less distraction in the classroom. Johnson adds that Robinson has suggested that the community can profit by having the uniforms manufactured in the neighborhoods.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1988
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department on behalf of minority youth in Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. Von Mehren notes that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices. Von Mehren's reports includes footage from a press conference with John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union), Bill Owens (State Senator), Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Marshall and Burnham speak out against unreasonable police practices. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that the police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. Von Mehren reports that many students at English High School support the lawsuit. Von Mehren interviews English High School students about their experiences with police officers.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of a group of English High School students walking on a street after school. Jan von Mehren reports that many students from English High School have stories to tell about police officers who have overstepped their boundaries. V: Footage of Tony Moss (Roxbury resident, 16 years old) saying that he was walking home from school one day when police officers stopped, threw him against the wall and proceeded to search him. Footage of Hector Pinto (Dorchester resident) talking about being searched by police. Footage of a high school gym. A group of girls in the gym play with a volleyball. Another group of students stands on the bleachers. Footage of Reginald Verdieu (Mattapan resident) saying that he has never been searched; that his friends have been searched. Verdieu says that a friend was forced by police officers to pull down his pants and take off his shoes. Footage of Alexia Baez (18 years old) being interviewed by von Mehren. Baez says that a group of her friends were searched by police; that one member of the group was forced to pull down his pants. Von Mehren reports that Baez believes that the police are humiliating teenagers. Von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department; that the suit is being filed on behalf of African American and Latino young people from Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. V: Footage of John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union) speaking at a press conference. Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Roberts sits at a table four others including Bill Owens (State Senator) Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Shots of the media at the press conference; of von Mehren at the press conference. Von Mehren reports that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices; of violating the fourth amendment rights of those who are searched. V: Footage of Marshall saying that she wants the police to operate within the law; that people need to realize what is going on in their community. Shots of attendees at the press conference. Footage of Burnham saying that police are only allowed to search those who are suspected of committing a crime. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that police do sometimes make mistakes; that police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. V: Shot of two white police officers stopping to search a young African American male. Evans' quote appears written in text on-screen. Von Mehren reports that many English High School students applaud the lawsuit. Von Mehren notes that the students are quick to point out the problems in their neighborhood. Von Mehren says that the students do not want the police to leave the neighborhood; that the students want police to stop searching the wrong people. V: Shots of English High School students walking on the sidewalks. Footage of Verdieu saying that innocent people should not be stopped by police; that police do need to stop some people.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1989
Description: As follow-up to Stuart murder, James Shannon condemns Boston police practice of stop and search. Don Murray of Patrolman's Association ridicules proposed civilian review board. Bruce Bolling at a press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that artist Robert Guillemin, also known as "Sidewalk Sam," is working with elementary-school students to create a mural to celebrate Boston's ethnic diversity. The mural will be two stories tall, made up of 30,000 personal drawings by children and student, and it will hang in the Grand Concourse of South Station. Guillemin talks to students about the mural and works with them in the classroom. Students sit together as they work on drawings for the mural. Jones interviews a fourth grade student from Hurley School, who talks about her drawing for the mural. Mayor Ray Flynn has endorsed the mural project, and he visits the classroom and talks to individual students about their drawings. Interview with Flynn, who says that the mural promotes peace and unity in the city. Jones reports that volunteers at Roxbury Community College are putting the mural together, and it will be unveiled to the public tomorrow. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of Guillemin and students working on the mural and footage of volunteers at Roxbury Community College putting together the mural.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1990
Description: David Boeri reports on the Silver Shield case. Boeri reviews the facts of the case and the allegations against the officers involved. Interview with Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department), who talks about the case. Boeri notes that police officers William Dunn and William Kennefick were cleared of the allegations against them after a third investigation into the case by the Boston Police Department. Press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department), and Minister Don Muhammad (Roxbury Community leader). Roache says that there is not evidence of a crime having been committed. Boeri reports that he has discovered two more police officers who have information on the case. The report includes footage of Boeri interviewing a man in a darkened room. The man's appearance and voice are altered. The man gives information about the rape at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri reports that the two witnesses have requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. He adds that the witnesses' story casts doubt on the story told by the accused officers. Boeri says that he will not reveal his sources.
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of Richard Armstead (Detective, Boston Police Department) walking down a street and entering a house. David Boeri reports that Armstead is "waging a one-man war within the Boston Police Department." Boeri reports that Armstead claims that an African American teenage girl was raped by white police officers at the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury in July of 1982. Boeri notes that Armstead has accused William Dunn (Boston Police Department) of perpetrating the act; that Armstead accuses William Kennefick (Boston Police Department) and six or seven other police officers of witnessing the rape. [Shots of black and white photos of Dunn and Kennifick; of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury.] Boeri notes that Armstead believes that Lucia Kai (murdered Roxbury resident) was the girl who was raped at the club; that Kai was found murdered in Franklin Park in August of 1982. V: Shot of a color photo of Kai; of Franklin Park. Boeri reports that Armstead claims that William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) told him about the rape; that Armstead says that Celester learned about the rape from Jose Garcia (Detective, Boston Police Department). V: Shot of Celester in uniform; of a color photo of Garcia. Boeri reports that Celester told Armstead that Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) was sleeping in the backroom of the Club; that Garcia was awoken by screams. V: Footage of Armstead being interviewed by Boeri in his home. Armstead says that Celester told him that Garcia witnessed a white police officer forcing an African American teenage girl to perform oral sex at gunpoint. Shots of photos of Kennefick, Garcia and Dunn. Boeri reports that the Dunn, Kennefick and Garcia deny that the incident ever happened; that they have taken polygraph tests to prove their innocence. Boeri notes that Celester says that he was telling Armstead a rumor. V: Shot of a color photo of Celester. Boeri notes that the men were cleared last January after a third investigation into the case by the Police Department. V: Footage of Francis Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) at a press conference in January of 1986. Roache says that there is no evidence of a crime having been committed at the Silver Shield Club. Shots of the exterior of the club. Boeri reports that the Ten O'Clock News has discovered that Garcia may have told at least three officers about witnessing the rape at the Silver Shield Club. Boeri stands outside of the former Silver Shield Club. Boeri says that he has spoken to two police officers who claim that Garcia was visibly upset while telling them about witnessing the rape. Boeri says that the two officers have insisted on anonymity because they fear reprisals; that one agreed to speak on camera if his voice and appearance were altered. V: Shot of police officers taking an oath. Footage of Boeri interviewing an unidentified man in a darkened room. The man's words are written out in text on screen. The audio has been altered to prevent recognition of the man's voice. The man repeats what Garcia told him about the rape at the club. The man says that Garcia witnessed a girl to perform oral sex on several white police officers; that he is sure that the girl was being forced to perform oral sex. Boeri reports that the man told him that Garcia drew his gun and rescued the girl from the club at gunpoint. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing the unidentified man. The man says that Garcia told him and three or four other people about witnessing the rape. Boeri reports that a second police officer refused to appear on camera; that he recalls Garcia making explicit accusations against the officers at the Silver Shield club. V: Shot of a uniformed police officer on a motorcycle. The Text of Boeri's questions and the officer's answers appear on screen. Boeri reports that the officer says that Garcia rescued the girl because she was being sexually assaulted by the police officers. Boeri reports that both officers say that Garcia told the story to Celester. [Shot of a color photo of Garcia. Shot of Celester in uniform. Footage of Armstead saying that Garcia told Celester about witnessing the rape. Shot of Celester. Boeri reports that Celester says that he was only passing on a rumor to Armstead. V: Footage of Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department) at a press conference in January, 1986. Sweeney praises Celester for investigating the rumor about the alleged rape. Footage of Boeri talking to Armstead about a Police Department internal report. Boeri notes that the report says that Celester informed Armistead of the rumor. Armstead says that the report is not true. Armstead adds that Celester never told him that the account of the rape was a rumor. Footage of Roache, Sweeney, Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader) and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department) at a press conference in January of 1986. Boeri reports that Garcia has denied to investigators that the incident ever took place. Boeri notes that testimony of the two unidentified police officers casts doubt on Garcia's story. V: Shot of Boeri interviewing the unidentified man. Boeri stands on a street corner in Upham's Corner in Dorchester. Boeri says that Garcia's car was firebombed in Upham's Corner in August of 1982. Boeri notes that Garcia says that drug dealers were responsible. Boeri adds that others contend that Garcia's car was firebombed in order to keep him quiet about the rape at the Silver Shield. Boeri notes that the two unidentified police officers told him that Garcia changed his story after his family was threatened. V: Close-up shot of a cloth uniform badge on an officer's uniform. The text of the second police officers testimony is written on the screen. Boeri reports that Armstead says that Garcia asked him to drop the investigation. V: Footage of Armstead saying that he refused Garcia's request to drop the investigation. Shots of the photo of Kai; of Franklin Park. Boeri notes that Armstead says that Garcia approached him again after seeing photos of Kai after she was murdered. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing Armstead. Armstead says that Garcia told him that Kai might be the girl who was raped at the club. Shot of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club. Boeri sits in an office at WGBH. Boeri says that the officers and their lawyers will not comment on the case; that the US Attorney's office had not been aware of the two unidentified police officers who spoke to Boeri; that the men have not been approached by any investigators. Boeri says that he will keep his promise not to reveal the names of the men.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/02/1986
Description: Christy George reports on the outcome of the US Attorney's Silver Shield rape investigation. George notes that a grand jury determined that there was no case to be made against the officers involved. Frank McGee (attorney for William Dunn) and Peter Dowd (attorney for Juan Garcia) speak to the media about the grand jury's findings. Interview with Sadiki Kambon (Boston Black Coalition) about the reaction of the African American community to the findings of the grand jury. The African American community is still pushing for indictments in the case. George reviews the facts of the case and talks about the officers involved. George's report includes photographs of Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident), William Dunn (Boston Police Department), and William Kennefick (Boston Police Department). George's report includes footage of Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) and Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) and footage of a press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department), and Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader). Following the edited story is additional footage of Dowd and Garcia speaking to the media.
1:00:25: Visual: Footage of Frank McGee (attorney for William Dunn) saying that he is delighted that William Dunn (Boston Police officer) has been cleared by a full investigation by the US Attorney. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Boston Black Coalition) saying that he did not expect any indictments from the investigation; that the investigation is a victory for the African American community; that the African American community will not allow anyone to murder people on their streets. Footage of Peter Dowd (attorney for Juan Garcia) saying that the allegations of a cover-up by the Boston Police Department have been proven false. Christy George reports that there have always been differing opinions on the Silver Shield rape case; that a federal grand jury has decided that there is no case. V: Shot of an African American man and a white man leaving a public building. Footage of Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) walking down a street toward a house. George reports that Armstead said that an eyewitness told him that two white police officers raped an African American woman at the Silver Shield Club. V: Shots of black and white photos of Dunn and William Kennefick (Boston Police Officer. Shots of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury. Shots of Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) and his lawyer walking outside of a Boston Police Department building. George reports that Armstead said that Garcia witnessed the rape. George notes that Garcia denies telling Armstead that he witnessed the rape or that he identified the victim as Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident). V: Shots of a color photograph of Kai. Footage of Garcia and Dowd approaching microphones set up outside of the police department building. Footage of George interviewing McGee. Shot of Armstead entering a house. George reports that Garcia will bring Armstead to court for slander. George notes that McGee says that Dunn may do the same. George notes that the African American community is still pressing for indictments in the case. V: Footage of Kambon being interviewed by George. Kambon says that the African American community did not expect indictments to be brought against white police officers for the rape and murder of an African American teenage girl. Kambon says that the grand jury did not have sufficient evidence to indict the officers. Footage of McGee saying that the grand jury had no probable cause to believe that a crime was ever committed. McGee says that the grand jury has exonerated Dunn. George reports that the findings of the grand jury echo investigations by the Boston Police Department, the District Attorney and the Attorney General. V: Shot of Dowd and another white man in the lobby of a building. Shot of a press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department). Footage of Kambon saying that David Boeri (WGBH reporter) came up with more evidence than the investigation by the office of the US Attorney. Kambon says that the official investigation was not aggressive enough. Footage of Dowd admitting that WGBH reporters found two police officers who had never come forward; that the officers should have known to come forward; that the testimony of the officers was taken into account by the grand jury. Dowd says that he does not know why the officers did not come forward at the beginning. George stands outside of a Boston Police Department building. George says that there are questions in the case which still need to be resolved. George notes that no one knows who killed Kai or why she was killed; that no one knows which police officer is lying.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/24/1987
Description: David Boeri reports on expansion plans by the State Street Bank. The bank's activities are focused on mutual funds, pension funds, and informational services, and it has a presence on the international scene. The bank needs approval from the State Banking Commission before opening an office in Tokyo. Critics accuse the bank of abandoning its local responsibilities. State Banking Commission Hearing. State Senator Bill Owens says that the bank does not provide credit to low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. William Edgerly, Chairman of the State Street Bank and Trust says that the bank does not provide a full range of consumer services. Interview with Edgerly, who says that the bank needs to go global in order to be an industry leader. He adds that the bank is committed to the local community. Interview with Diane Strother from the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, who says that the bank does not do enough for the community. Boeri reports that affordable-housing advocates want the bank to renew its commitment to low-income neighborhoods.
1:00:13: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the State Street Bank building on Franklin Street. David Boeri reports that the State Street Bank has been in operation in Boston since 1792; that the bank has been expanding in the 1980s. V: Footage of William Edgerly (Chairman, State Street Bank and Trust) saying that the bank needs to go global in order to be a leader in the industry. Shots of the exterior of the bank; of the entrance to the bank. Boeri reports that loans are a small part of the bank's business; that the bank's focus is on mutual funds, pension funds, and informational services. V: Shots of the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on October 13, 1989; of a NYSE official banging a gavel. Footage of Edgerly saying that the bank is no longer a regional bank; that the bank is now a national and international bank. Shots of the floor of the stock exchange in Tokyo; of business workers on a busy street. Shots of Japanese workers at the Tokyo stock exchange; of a screen listing stocks at the Tokyo stock exchange. Boeri reports that State Street Bank has a presence on the international scene in London, Luxemborg, and Hong Kong; that the bank is planning an office in Tokyo. Boeri reports that advocates of affordable housing have challenged the bank's plans. V: Footage of William Owens (State Senator) at a hearing of the state banking commission. Owens says that poor urban neighborhoods remain in the "backyards" of the multinational banks. Shots of attendees and audience members at the hearing of the banking commission. Boeri reports that State Street Bank needs approval from the banking commission before it opens an office in Tokyo; that the bank remains a state bank. Boeri reports that critics say that the bank has abandoned its local responsibilities. Boeri notes that critics say that the bank has shut down branch offices in Dorchester, Roxbury, and other neighborhoods. V: Shots of audience members at the hearing. Footage of Owens addressing the banking commission. Owens says that the State Street Bank is responsible for a decrease in access to banking services in minority neighborhoods. Boeri stands in front of the State Street Bank building. Boeri reports that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires banks to provide credit to their local communities. Boeri notes that a bank can have its applications denied if it does not provide credit to low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Boeri adds that critics want the State Street Bank to take care of business in Boston before opening up a Tokyo office. V: Footage of Edgerly addressing the banking commission. Edgerly says that the State Street Bank is a wholesale bank; that the bank does not provide a full range of consumer services. Shots of audience members at the hearing. Boeri notes that State Street Bank officials say that the bank does not do home mortgages. V: Footage of Edgerly being interviewed by Boeri. Edgerly says that the State Street Bank is devoted to helping the local community become successful. Shot of Edgerly at the bank commission hearing. Boeri reports that Edgerly helped to form the Boston Housing Partnership and the Boston Compact. V: Footage of Diane Strother (Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance) saying that the bank does not do enough for the community. Shots of the exterior of the State Street Bank building. Boeri reports that housing advocates want the approval of the bank's Tokyo office to be linked to a renewed effort by the bank to provide banking services and loans to low-income neighborhoods.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/13/1989
Description: Ray Flynn's State of the City address focuses on Stuart murder case, police behavior, and racism. He contrasts and challenges stereotypes of different Boston neighborhoods. Interviews with people responding the speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/10/1990