Description: Boston mayoral debate from the 1975 campaign. 1975 mayoral campaign debate in WGBH studio, moderated by Pam Bullard, Ed Baumeister, and Gary Griffith, between Mayor Kevin White, Robert Gibbons, Senator Joseph Timilty, and Norman Oliver. Main topic is busing for school integration. Timilty believes that busing is a waste of resources; Gibbons believes that busing was forced by government and should be stopped. Discussion of budget: White is attacked for his handling of state funds. Timilty claims Boston is on verge of bankruptcy. White claims that he has tried to take politics out of City Hall. There is much bickering between Baumeister and Gibbons. Oliver says that Boston Police Department is not operating in the interest of the black community in the city. Timilty gives closing address, talks about type of city citizens want. Oliver closing address: vows to stand up against racism. Gibbons closing address: create neighborhoods for productive working class. White closing address: proud of his record in eight years as mayor. Talks about trying to balance the city fiscally. Ed Baumeister signs off.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/02/1975
Description: Press conference at Boston Schools Information Center to sum up week one of Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister introduces the Boston School Report with a summary of the day's events. Ron Brinn (Information Coordinator, Mayor's Office) introduces the participants. Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) comments on a successful opening of schools. Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) gives a report on school suspensions and comments that the atmosphere in the schools is good. William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) comments on the opening week at South Boston High School. Pat Brady (Detective, Boston Police Department) reads a police report detailing arrests and injuries. Brady reports that there were no major incidents today and that extra police will continue to be deployed. Dr. Louis Perullo (Boston School Department) analyzes school attendance statistics. Perullo compares attendance statistics from the 1975-76 school year to attendance statistics from the 1974-1975 school year. Reporters ask Reid about an altercation at South Boston High School and the effect of community demonstrations on the atmosphere in the schools. Reid says that outside disturbances have a negative effect on the atmosphere inside the schools. Fahey says that she has no control over demonstrations outside of the school. Fahey reports on increased attendance at the city's magnet schools. Reporters ask Fahey and Perullo about school attendance and the possibility of a non-white majority in the Boston school population. Fahey says that she is not yet ready to predict a non-white majority. Robert Murphy (Civil Rights Division, US Justice Department) reports on the activity of federal marshals in Boston and the ongoing federal investigations into violations of the federal court order. Ann Foley (administrative assistant to Fahey) announces a change in operating hours for the Boston Schools Information Center. This tape has audible time code on track 2 and visible time code burned in at the top of the picture.
17:00:00: Visual: Opening credits read Boston School Report. Press conference at Boston Schools Information Center sums up events during week one of Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Ed Baumeister gives a summary of the day's events: school attendance dropped to 68.4% from 69.1% on the previous day; six African American students were sent home after a scuffle with white students at South Boston High School; no suspensions at South Boston High School; three peaceful protest marches were held. Reporters at the press conference include Baumeister and Walt Sanders. 17:00:51: V: Ron Brinn (Information Coordinator, Mayor's Office) opens the press conference, reminding all that it is day five of Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. He introduces the panel: Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School), Ann Foley (administrative assistant to Fahey), Robert Murphy (Civil Rights Division, US Justice Department), Peter Meade (Mayor's Office). 17:01:52: V: Meade says that the school personnel deserve a lot of credit for their efforts; that students and parents deserve credit for behaving responsibly during the first week of Phase II desegregation. Meade says that the opening of schools was a success; that many doubted it would go as well as it did; that the city's problems are not over. 17:03:08: V: Fahey says that she is pleased with the progress made in the schools; that she would like to thank the staff of the school system; that ten African American males, 16 white males, five African American females and three white females were suspended over the past week. She introduces Dr. Louis Perullo (Boston School Department), who analyzes attendance statistics for the school system. She says that there were no arrests in the schools all week; that the atmosphere in the schools is good. 17:05:13: V: Brinn introduces Reid. Reid says that he prefers not to compare Phase I desegregation to Phase II; that they are more prepared this year; that he would like to see higher attendance figures; that the past week at South Boston High School was adequate. 17:06:38: V: Brinn stalls as he waits for Pat Brady (Detective, Boston Police Department). Brady reads a statement from Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston). The statement reads that there were no major incidents today; that no students were injured in incidents related to school desegregation during the week; that the peaceful opening of schools was due to increased police presence and effective leadership by community leaders; that 112 arrests were made during the week; that 16 police officers were injured; that DiGrazia is pleased with the events of the past week; that extra police will continue to be deployed. 17:09:00: V: Perullo talks about statistics he has compiled. He compares attendance statistics from a Thursday and Friday during the first week of Phase I busing with statistics from a Thursday and Friday during the first week of Phase II. Attendance was down significantly on Friday at all levels during Phase I. Attendance was down slightly on Friday at the high schools and middle schools during Phase II; the elementary schools experienced a slight increase. Perullo says that school attendance usually drops on Fridays. Perullo introduces a table with total attendance by area and level of schooling. He finds that attendance did not change significantly from yesterday to today in any of the areas except high schools; that attendance at Jamaica Plain High School decreased 5.5%; that attendance at Hyde Park High School decreased 6.9%; that attendance at Dorchester High School decreased 5.0%; that attendance at South Boston High School and East Boston High School decreased 4.4% and 5.3% respectively; that attendance at the magnet high schools declined only slightly; that elementary schools in Roslindale saw an increase in attendance of 3.5%. Perullo says that high school attendance increased from 60.3% on Monday to 68% on Thursday; that high school attendance today was down 2.6% from Thursday; that middle schools increased from 60% on Monday to 70.3% on Wednesday; that middle school attendance was down ).7% from Wednesday; that elementary school attendance increased from 58.1% on Monday to 69.8% today. Perullo says that white attendance increased from 56.9% on Monday to 64% on Wednesday; that white attendance was down 1.8% from Wednesday; that African American attendance increased from 62.5% to a high of 75% on Thursday; that today's African American attendance was down 0.6%; that the attendance of other minorities increased from 55% on Monday to 75.9% on Friday. 17:14:52: V: Brinn invites questions from the media. Reporter asks Perullo if he can verify that white students comprise 46% of the school system while African Americans and other minorities comprise 54%. Perullo says he has not yet analyzed those numbers and cannot verify the statistic. Baumeister asks Fahey if she has investigated claims by Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School), that the projected enrollment numbers are high. Fahey says that she has no answer. Reid says that it is normal to plan for the attendance of every student who might attend, even those whose attendance is doubtful; that students drop out or move away over the summer; that it is difficult to compare actual enrollment to projected enrollment during the first week of school; that actual enrollment is usually less than projected enrollment. 17:17:41: V: A reporter asks Reid about the atmosphere at South Boston High School, as compared to the previous year. Reid says that he does not remember the climate last year; that he has had a good first week of school; that the students were restless today due to a prayer march and rumors of a walkout. A reporter asks Reid about a disturbance resulting in a request for state troopers at South Boston High School today. Reid says that he works closely with Major Gilligan (Massachusetts State Police Department); that Gilligan places troopers where he thinks they will be effective; that decisions concerning the number of troopers are made by him, Gilligan, and the officer in charge of the building; that an altercation at South Boston High School began with an African American student who said he was punched; that three African American students were brought to the office to file reports; that another altercation involving one of these three students occurred after lunch; that he is investigating the situation. 17:20:39: V: A reporter asks Reid if he finds prayer marches and demonstrations outside of the building disruptive. Reid says that any actions taken by the outside community create tension in the school. A reporter reminds Fahey that she had told him that demonstrations outside Charlestown High School had no negative effects on the African American students inside the building. Fahey says that she does not dispute Reid's analysis of the atmosphere in his school; that normal school activity is taking place despite marches in South Boston, Charlestown and Hyde Park; that it is not up to her to restrict parade permits for these marches. A reporter says that Headmaster Power had complained that the number of non-school personnel present at Charlestown High School made it difficult to operate the school. Reid says that he shares Power's concern; that the court order allows 12 community persons to be in the school; that two persons are sufficient to monitor activity and report on the atmosphere. 17:22:54: V: A reporter asks Fahey for observations on the performance of the magnet schools so far. Fahey says that attendance has increased at the magnet schools; that programs in conjunction with area universities will be implemented; that programs are currently under review include a program between English High School and University of Massachusetts as well as an open education program involving the Martin Luther King School and Antioch University. Baumeister asks Murphy if any charges have been filed in cases involving Molotov cocktails. Murphy says that no charges have been filed; that charges may be filed at the end of next week. Baumeister reminds Murphy that the local US attorney has already filed civil charges in one case. Murphy says his office is working together with the local US attorney. Baumeister asks if federal marshals have made any arrests on their own in the past week. Murphy says that they have made no arrests. Baumeister asks if they have been instructed to use restraint. Murphy says that they have been instructed to be professional. 17:24:38: V: A reporter asks Meade if he can share any Police Department intelligence. Meade replies that he does not attend the police intelligence briefings and if he did, he would not share the information. A reporter asks Meade if the mayor will continue to request that two battalions of the National Guard be on call for the city at the expense of $37,000 per day. Meade responds that the decision will be made jointly by the mayor and the governor; that the expense had not been discussed; that a reduction of troops in the public safety plan must be submitted to the court. A reporter asks Fahey if she knows the racial breakdown of the kindergarten population. Fahey says that the school department is making efforts to gather that data. A reporter asks Fahey about the possibility of white students becoming the minority in Boston schools. Fahey says that she is not yet ready to predict a non-white majority; that the school system is engaged in a recruitment program for students of all races; that white attendance has gone up in Roslindale elementary schools; that recruitment is going on in West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain and Brighton; that it is too soon to make predictions. 17:29:26: V: A reporter comments on the fact that white students are staying away from schools in African American communities. Fahey says that this is true; that white parents may be keeping children out until they are sure the schools are safe; that the safety of the schools has been demonstrated over the past week. A reporter asks Fahey how long she thinks parents will wait before sending their children. Fahey says that the decision is up to individual parents. Baumeister asks if Fahey has seen results from the campaign to attract students back to the schools. Fahey says she has not had feedback from teachers; that over the past week teachers have been calling the parents of absentee students; that over the next two weeks teachers will write letters to the parents; that teachers will make personal visits to parents if they get no response from the letters or phone calls. A reporter comments that many classes will be racially imbalanced if white students do not return to schools in the next few weeks. Fahey says that she will refer the matter to the court. A reporter asks if it will be easier for parents to transfer students to a new school if classes are deemed to be racially imbalanced. Fahey reviews the transfer procedure and says that a transfer might be accepted if it does not upset the racial balance in either school. 17:35:01: V: Brinn invites other questions. Brady says that two arrests have been reported since his last report. An African American juvenile male was arrested at the Barton Rogers School for disorderly conduct and an African American juvenile female was arrested for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon relating to an incident on September 9th at the temporary Madison Park High School. Brady confirms 112 arrests for the week. Reporter asks if the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) will be pulled out of South Boston. Brady responds that the TPF is stationed where it is needed. 17:36:46: V: Brinn invites Murphy to make a statement about the past week's events. Murphy says that he is happy that the federal marshals have made no arrests; that few arrests indicate that the situation is not so bad; that the marshals will continue to be stationed at the schools; that his office is investigating a dozen cases; that he does not expect a dozen indictments; that he is working on these cases with the state district attorney's office, the US attorney's office, the FBI, and the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms. 17:38:28: V: Foley announces a change in operating hours for the Boston Schools Information Center. Foley says that the phone lines will be open until 5:30pm; that the center has received very few calls during the evenings. Fahey thanks the media and mentions that she will no longer attend press conferences on a regular basis; that she will be working hard to improve programs in the schools; that Boston is dealing with the same problems that many urban schools are facing. Fahey excuses herself. Brinn thanks the participants and the media, then closes the press conference. Baumeister gives a summary of the press conference.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/12/1975
Description: Press conference at the Boston Schools Information Center on day two of Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Footage is silent until 00:01:37. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) takes questions about the arrests of 74 members of the Committee Against Racism, and how the police and judiciary process mass arrests in South Boston. DiGrazia also answers questions about police restraint and police response to violence in the streets. Ed Baumeister (WGBH reporter) notes that there are many arrests for minor infractions and few arrests for major incidents. Greg Pilkington (WGBH reporter) questions the police policy of restraint. DiGrazia says that there is a difference between low visibility and restraint; that police are making arrests. J. Stanley Pottinger (Assistant US Attorney General) discusses the presence of federal marshals in Boston and the ongoing federal investigations into violations of the federal court order. Pottinger says that antibusing activity at night can be considered a violation of the court order. DiGrazia says that police are making great efforts to crack down on violence and vandalism during the evening hours. Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) reports on public safety teams in Charlestown. Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) reports on school attendance and atmosphere. She gives information on registration for students without school assignments. Reporters ask Pottinger questions about the federal investigations of antibusing activity. Reporters ask Fahey questions about school attendance and low attendance among white students. Fahey says that attendance will improve as parents and students realize that the schools are running smoothly. This tape has visible time code burned in at the bottom of the screen.
0:01:27: Visual: Press conference at the Boston Schools Information Center. Panelists assemble at a table with microphones. Reporters include Ed Baumeister (WGBH), John Henning, Greg Pilkington (WGBH), and Walt Sanders. Ron Brinn (Information Coordinator for Mayor Kevin White) begins to speak. Audio cuts in and out. 0:03:04: V: A reporter asks about the arrests of 74 members of the Committee Against Racism in South Boston, and a related confrontation with a hostile crowd at the South Boston courthouse. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) says he has spoken to the parties involved and that the problems at the South Boston courthouse were due to a lack of communication; that Chief Justice Flaschner will work with police and local courts to expedite the booking of arrestees; that he had previously met with Flaschner and others to discuss the expeditious booking of mass arrests; that there was confusion in South Boston on the day in question. A reporter asks if there was a firm agreement with all involved in the meeting to hold court in a venue other than the courthouse if necessary. DiGrazia says there was discussion and plans to implement action if necessary. 0:06:34: V: Baumeister points out that many arrests are made for minor infractions and few arrests are made for more serious acts of violence. DiGrazia responds that there have been quite a few arrests for acts of violence; that members of the Committee Against Racism needed to be moved in order to avoid a major confrontation along a bus route; that the police are trying to neutralize a dangerous situation; that police are showing great restraint. Pilkington points out that restraint by police was not effective during the previous year. DiGrazia interrupts him by saying that there is a difference between low visibility and restraint; that police are actively making arrests this year, but are showing restraint. Reporter asks if there is discussion of calling in the National Guard to aid police at night. DiGrazia says that police are working long hours but performing well; that there are no plans at present to call in the National Guard. 0:09:38: V: A reporter asks about the possibility of federal charges being brought against some arrestees. J. Stanley Pottinger (Assistant U.S. Attorney General) responds that charges are being investigated; that federal and state charges may be lodged; that he is personally involved with five investigations. A reporter asks how federal marshals can aid police in the evening if their mandate is to enforce the federal court order. Pottinger says that certain actions outside of school hours could be handled by the federal marshals as violations of the federal court order; that federal marshals are there to assist police; that federal marshals are working long hours. Pottinger confirms that the Justice Department is investigating an incident at the JFK Home and a Molotov cocktail incident; that they are investigating reports of direct intimidation of individuals trying to comply with the court order; that they are investigating some arrests for the assault of police officers. 0:12:38: V: Pilkington asks if the violence committed by youth gangs in Charlestown constitutes a violation of federal law. Pottinger says that the violence may be a violation, especially if the violence involves an assault on a police officer or a fire official. Reporter asks what will be done about nighttime violence and vandalism. DiGrazia says that he will increase police numbers in Charlestown and South Boston; that police will be assisted by federal marshals; that federal marshals will investigate assaults on police officers. A reporter asks Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) to clarify a statement indicating that he has complaints against the media. Meade says that it was a humorous statement directed at a reporter whom he knows well; that he would like to clarify a his answer to a question from yesterday about police presence in Charlestown. 0:15:31: V: A reporter asks Meade what public safety teams are doing to prevent violence and vandalism in Charlestown. Meade says that several people are on the streets trying to calm the situation; that Roberta Delaney (Manager, Charlestown Little City Hall) will hold a meeting that afternoon with a public safety team; that antibusing leaders in Charlestown have made it clear that they do not support violence. A reporter asks DiGrazia to compare today's violence in Charlestown to that of the previous day. DiGrazia says that police did a good job in defusing a difficult situation today. A reporter asks if federal marshals will be on duty for the evening. Pottinger says that the federal marshals will not be on patrol; that they will be available upon request from police. 0:18:09: V: Brinn introduces Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). Fahey thanks the public safety officials. Fahey says that attendance is up for both African Americans and whites; that there has been one suspension and no arrests; that the climate in the schools is good; that extracurricular activities are proceeding. Commissioner DiGrazia excuses himself and leaves. A reporter asks Fahey about low white attendance in West Roxbury. Fahey responds that they are watching the situation and will contact students who are absent. Reporter comments that attendance in elementary schools is primarily African American. Fahey says that some white parents may be waiting to assess the climate at the schools before sending their children; that she is confident that white attendance will go up. 0:21:37: V: A reporter asks Pottinger if there are some individuals under investigation who have not been arrested. Pottinger says yes, but that he will not give details. A reporter asks Fahey about students who have not yet been assigned to school. Fahey gives information on two sites where student registration will be held on the following day. Fahey asks the media to disseminate the information. Fahey says that 800 students were processed in last week's preregistration; that 400 students were processed today; that she has no way of knowing how many students still need school assignments. Fahey tells a reporter that she has no information on the suspension of an African American male student today. A reporter asks Fahey about plans to assess student achievement in the desegregated schools. Fahey says that she is working with consultants on assessing math and reading; that attendance is another indication of school performance. 0:25:21: V: Brinn interrupts to clarify Pottinger's title as he prepares to make a statement. Pottinger explains that he will be absent for a few days for personal reasons; that Robert Murphy (Civil Rights Division, US Justice Department) will be in charge in his absence. Brinn checks with Meade to see if he has a statement, then invites more questions. A reporter asks Pottinger for more detail on investigations of people who have not been arrested. Pottinger says that the investigations are centered on intimidations and threats to those trying to comply with the court order; that the FBI is investigating allegations; that it is possible to move quickly toward indictment if the evidence is sufficient; that he cannot predict when or if an indictment will occur. A reporter asks Pottinger about the five investigations he is involved with personally, and whether they concern people who have not been arrested. Pottinger says that he is familiar with five investigations concerning threats and intimidation as well as arrests made by the state; that there may be other investigations; that there are sitting grand juries available to hear these cases; that he does not think it will be necessary to empanel a grand jury. 0:28:49: V: A reporter asks Fahey where the 25,000 absentee students are. Fahey responds that she does not know. A reporter asks for a summary of the attendance figures. Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) says that the attendance has increased; that some parents have kept children out of school; that attendance will increase as it becomes clear to parents that schools are functioning normally. Fahey gives a rundown of attendance figures for the first and second days of school: that attendance was 60.3% and 64.1% at the high schools; that attendance was 60.1% and 65.8% at the middle schools; that attendance was 58.1% and 64.9% at the elementary schools. 0:30:44: V: Brinn thanks the panelists and closes the press conference. Baumeister gives a summary of the conference. Reporters mill around the room.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Police lined up outside Charlestown High. Teachers gathered at the front of the school. Black students get off bus. Person on the street interviews with students boycotting school in busing protest. They discuss the purpose of their boycott. Some fiercely defend sovereignty of sports teams, make racist comments.
1:00:04: Visual: Police are lined up in the street in front of Charlestown High School on the first day of school. Graffiti on the front of the school is painted over. The media is gathered behind a fence across the street from the school. 1:01:30: V: A police car approaches slowly, escorting a school bus. The school bus pulls up to the front of the school. African American students exit the bus and enter the school. White students watch the action on the street from an upper window of the school. Police officers on motorcycles wait alongside the bus. The bus pulls away, followed by motorcycles. Shot of the bus circling Monument Square; of two police motorcycles circling Monument Square; of police stationed in Monument Square. 1:05:48: V: Crowds of people, including school-aged kids, are assembled outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street. Cars pass by slowly. Shots of the top of the Bunker Hill Monument, visible over a building. 1:08:14: V: A group of white youth are gathered near a fence on Bunker Hill Street. A voice yells, "No busing." The group waves at the camera. Judy Stoia approaches the group and brings some members over to the camera for an interview. Two males convince a girl named Patty to join the interview. She is reluctant. They are joined by an older man. The older man says that he has six grandchildren who are being bused out of Charlestown. One of the males (Mike) says he plans to boycott school all year; that Charlestown has been quiet "because we are not racists." The older man says that he has spoken to some African American residents of the Dudley Street Housing Project; that they were "good people." Members of the group say that crowds of anti-busers will stay in the street until the end of the schoolday. Mike says that a total boycott of the school could stop busing; that anti-busing demonstrations in Charlestown may turn violent. Another male says that demonstrators in Charlestown will be peaceful. The group is reluctant to talk further and begins to move away from the camera. Stoia asks them how they feel about dropping out of sports programs because of the boycott. Members of the group say that they can play sports among themselves; that they do not mind African American students being bused into Charlestown; that they resent Charlestown students being bused out; that "townies" must stick together. 1:13:20: V: A group of young white male students are gathered in the street. A reporter asks them about sports in Charlestown. One student says that you can't go to sports practice if you have missed school. A second student says that Charlestown sports teams should not have to admit players from outside of Charlestown; that players from outside of Charlestown will be given a hard time in practice until they quit. Members of the group say that Charlestown students who are assigned to schools outside of Charlestown are boycotting school; that buses leaving Charlestown are empty. Another student says that there are no cops on the field for sports practices; that Charlestown players will be rough on outsiders during sports practices. Members of the group say that Charlestown sports teams do not need players from outside of Charlestown. The group says that Charlestown students were turned away from Charlestown High School this morning because they were late. Several members of the group use racist language. One student says that tardy students were turned away unless they had a note from their parents; that African American students on buses were let in to school. Several of the group say that they had been planning to take over the school this morning. One student shows his Charlestown High School identity card to the reporter.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Buses with a police motorcycle escort pull up outside of Charlestown High School at the end of the first day of school. Police presence in front of the school is heavy. Members of the media watch from across the street as African American students and a few white students board buses. The buses pull away from the school, escorted by police motorcycles. White students wait to be released at the front doors of the school.
0:58:50: Visual: Buses pull up in front of Charlestown High School. Graffiti on front of school is painted over. Police line the sidewalk in front of the school. Police officers on motorcycles pull up alongside buses. Members of the press watch the buses pull up from across the street. 0:59:51: V: Long shot of large crowd making its way around opposite side of Monument Square. Media is gathered at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Buses wait in front of the school as as a line of police officers assembles in the street. 1:01:43: V: A group of white students boards the first bus. African American students are directed towards buses. African American students board buses. Shot of Charlestown High School exterior. A lone African American student makes his way toward his bus. School officials and US Marshals gather outside of the school and in the street. Shots of students through the windows of the buses. Bus monitors board one of the buses. A police officer signals the buses to leave. The buses pull away from the school, accompanied by police officers on motorcycles. Traveling shot of bus passing through Monument Square. 1:06:56: V: White students wait at the doors of the school to be released. School officials are gathered in front of the school. Police officers march up the street away from the school. A group of US Marshals stands near the sidewalk in front of the school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: No audio at the very beginning. Paul deGive interviews Jim Cooney (Charlestown resident) about the Bunker Hill Housing Project near Bunker Hill Street in Charlestown. Cooney says that young people in the project are often blamed for problems caused by outsiders. DeGive interviews Father William Joy (St. Mary's Parish) about urban renewal in Charlestown, the construction of the Mystic-Tobin Bridge and conditions in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. Joy says that Charlestown has been torn apart by urban renewal; that many residents of the housing project are unemployed. DeGive interviews a teenage project resident who says that the bad reputation of the youth in the project is exaggerated and unfair. He says that anti-busing parents are fueling the emotions of the youth. Joy says that a great number of students from the projects are being bused out of Charlestown; that students from the wealthier parts of the neighborhood are enrolled in parochial schools. Joy faults the Catholic Church for being out of touch with the needs and problems of project residents, and proposes an increased presence of priests in the Boston city projects. Racist graffiti on some of the project buildings.
0:00:11: Visual: Shots of a street near Bunker Hill Housing Project in Charlestown. (Project is near Monument Street and Bunker Hill Street.) Paul deGive sets up interview with Father William Joy (St. Mary's Parish) about urban renewal in Charlestown. Shot of the Mystic-Tobin Bridge. DeGive talks to Joy and Jim Cooney (Charlestown resident) informally. Cooney is considering leaving Charlestown 0:02:13: V: DeGive asks Cooney about troubled youth in the housing project. Cooney says that there are difficult kids everywhere; that housing projects in Boston are poorly maintained and patrolled; that outsiders often cause problems in the project; that kids from the project are often blamed for crimes they did not commit. Cooney says that he had no problem living in the housing project; that outside agitators are creating trouble in the housing project. 0:06:05: V: Shots of Mystic-Tobin Bridge. DeGive interviews Joy. Joy says that the building of the Tobin Bridge had a negative effect on Charlestown; that homes were torn down for its construction; that Charlestown has been torn apart by urban renewal projects; that the Bunker Hill Housing Project was always controversial because homes were torn down to build it. Joy reports that there are 1140 units in the project; that it is one of the largest housing projects in New England. Joy walks away. Shot of overpass running across street. Shots of housing project. 0:09:37: V: DeGive interviews Joy near the expressway overpass. Children wander by occasionally. Joy says that there is a lot of unemployment in the projects; that some residents lost their jobs when the Charlestown Navy Yard closed; that other project residents work at other factories in Charlestown. Shot of expressway from underneath; of "no busing" graffiti on the walls of the project. 0:12:53: V: DeGive interviews a teenager, Danny Sullivan (project resident), in front of a wall with "no busing" and "IRA" graffiti. Danny says that there are only a few kids causing violence in the project; that the media isn't covering the housing project fairly; that a few kids start trouble and others are drawn in; that anti-busing parents make the situation worse by fueling the emotions of the kids; that kids in Charlestown don't deserve their bad reputation. Shots of young kids who have stopped to listen to the interview. 0:15:34: V: DeGive interviews Joy in a courtyard of the housing project. Joy says that there is a high percentage of students from the project being bused out of Charlestown; that there is a high percentage of students from the project enrolled in public school; that students from the wealthier parts of Charlestown are enrolled in parochial schools. Shot of broken glass on the pavement. Joy has an off-camera exchange with a young kid. Shots of the housing project from the outside; of "ROAR" graffiti. 0:17:48: V: DeGive interviews Joy near St. Catherine of Siena Church. Shots of church. "White power" graffiti is visible on a wall near the church. Joy says that the church and other institutions have failed the project by not being visible and accessible to the people; that the church is out of touch with the residents of Charlestown; that the church needs to make a stronger commitment to reach project residents; that the nuns are visible in the projects; that no priests live in any of the housing projects in Boston. Joy says that local priests have made an effort to reach out to the people during the busing crisis; that priests can provide support and direction.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Exterior footage of a school, students walking by buses, people in a committee meeting, and students testifying about a difficult learning environment created by busing. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/03/1975
Description: Buses pull up in front of English High School. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) stands out front as buses arrive. Students exit buses and congregate by race in front of school. Judy Stoia interviews African American and white students outside of the school about how they like school. Students talk about the school and report no racial tensions so far. Stoia interviews a white female student who says that she would prefer to attend Brighton High School. Stoia interviews two African American female students who says that the school is disorganized this year. The two girls complain about problems with their class schedules and relations with teachers. Stoia interviews a group of African American female students who say that they like the school. One of the students says that African American and white students can get along fine if their parents leave them alone. Stoia interviews two white male students from Brighton who like the facilities at the school. They say the school was originally supposed to be just for boys, but it's better now that it's coed. Stoia starts interview another group of students, when a teacher comes over and tells them they're going to be late for class. Stoia interviews Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator, English High School) about the opening of the school and school programs offered in conjunction with area colleges including Brandeis University, Massachusetts College of Art and UMass Amherst. Lane says that attendance has increased since yesterday. Dropout during middle of video.
0:00:46: Visual: Buses pull up outside of English High School on Avenue Louis Pasteur. White students exit buses. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) watches from sidewalk. Students gather on steps. 0:01:41: V: Judy Stoia sets up an interview with a white female student. Student says that she is from Allston-Brighton; that she does not like English High School; that she is bused here but would rather go to Brighton High School; that the school is nice but she lives very close to Brighton High School; that she doesn't plan to take advantage of any of the special programs at English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:02:55: V: A bus pulls up to the school. Peterkin, a few school officials, and a small group of police officers are on the sidewalk. White students exit the bus. A second bus pulls up and more white students are unloaded. Students congregate by race on the steps of the school. 0:05:31: V: Stoia sets up an interview with two African American female students. The first student is from Dorchester and the second is from Roxbury. Both say that they do not like school so far this year. The first student says that the system is not organized. The second student says that the school is crowded; that her class schedule is mixed up. The first student says that teachers will not give her a second chance after having difficulties the previous year. The second student says that she is not involved in the school's special programs, but has heard of a program in which the students will visit Brandeis University. The second student says that the administrators waited until the last minute to prepare for the school year; that she would like school if her schedule were straightened out. V: Video cuts out for 15 seconds. The second student says that there have been no problems with integration so far; that she has always gone to school with white students. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:07:49: V; Stoia interviews a group of African American female students. Two students are attending English High School for the fourth year and both like it. One student takes the MBTA bus to school. A third student says she likes the school; that the students seem to get along. The first student says that the African American and white students will get along if their parents leave them alone. The third student says that African American students at English High School are there for an education; that they are not looking for trouble with the white students. The first student agrees. The third student says that she requested to attend English High School. The first student says that she likes the teachers at English High School; that they are strict about attendance; that they care about the students. The third student says that she would like to be involved in the program which allows English High students to teach younger children. The first two students say that they will be cheerleaders. Stoia closes the interview. 0:10:54: V: Two more buses pull up to the school. African American students exit the bus. Shots of students congregated in front of school. Another bus pulls up. More African American students exit the bus. Stoia sets up an interview with two white male students. Both students are from Brighton and like English High School so far. The first student says that the school has good facilities. The second student says he likes some of his classes and the gymnasium. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. The second student says that he is happy that it is now co-ed; that he requested English High School because he heard it was good. The first student says that he wanted to leave Brighton High School. Both students say that they ride the bus to school; that African American and white students are getting along so far. Stoia closes the interview. 0:14:09: V: Long shot of the entrance to English High School. Students are entering the school. 0:14:46: V: Stoia sets up an interview with a three African American female students. She promises not to make them late. They are joined by several other African American students. The first student says that there are not enough people at school. The students disperse and head toward the school. Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator) jokes around with an African American male student as he heads into school. 0:15:36: V: Stoia sets up an interview with Lane. He says that English High School opened peacefully the previous day; that attendance is up today; that he expects that it will be a good school year; that buses arriving from all sections of the city looked full; that buses seemed to be on time; that transportation problems will decline. Lane says that buses scheduled to transport students to the ORC (Occupational Resource Center) did not show up the previous day; that they are scheduled to arrive today. Lane says that the special programs planned for English High School are not yet in place; that they are waiting on approval and funding. Lane explains what a magnet school is; that the staff is ready to implement a theater arts programs in conjunction with Brandeis University; that programs in conjunction with Massachusetts College of Art and University of Massachusetts will follow.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Evening Compass late edition newscast covering day 3 of Phase II desegregation in Boston Schools. Ed Baumeister summarizes events and report on school attendance figures. Pam Bullard reports that attendance figures show white students to be in the minority: Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) comments on racial makeup of the school system; Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) comments on influx of Boston students to parochial schools to avoid busing. School officials comment on the opening of schools: Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent of Schools) reports a missing bus and problems with buses arriving late; Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reports on registration for unassigned students; Frances Condon (Boston School Department) reports on kindergarten registration. Bullard interviews Thayer Fremont-Smith (Lawyer, Boston Home and School Association) about the court action to overturn forced busing. Fremont-Smith says that the court-ordered busing plan is too broad and will result in racially imbalanced schools as a result of declining white enrollment. Edwin Diamond (media critic) analyzes Boston Globe coverage of busing crisis with guests Mike McNamee (MIT student) and Robert Healy (Executive Editor, Boston Globe). Healy says that a local newspaper has to deal with the crisis differently than a national newspaper.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975
Description: Day 3, year 2 of desegregation. Reporters on set give accounts of day's events in school system. Ed Baumeister opens with press conference in which Metropolitan Distric Commission Police (MDC) Superintendent Lawrence Carpenter and mayoral spokesperson Peter Meade comment on student safety and “minority white” school system. Clip of Robert Donahue of School Department on student suspensions. Reporter Pam Bullard presents statistical figures for racial makeup of schools. Clip of Cardinal Medeiros on white influx to parochial schools. WGBH reporters discuss political significance of majority African American schools. At police command center, officers monitor communications to spot trouble and coordinate efforts of State, MDC, and Boston police forces: George Landry of Boston Police Department comments on the professional rivalry between groups. Reporter Gary Griffith reports on South Boston residents who are less vocal in protest than in year 1. Stills of bandaged Michael Coakley, allegedly beaten by the Tactical Patrol Force (TPF). Claims against brutality of TPF. Reporter Paul deGive discusses Charlestown residents' resentment of media and threatened retaliation against media presence. Stills of peaceful Charlestown marchers filling street. Gloria Conway, editor of Charlestown Patriot comments on the peaceful demonstration. Pam Bullard reports on location about Joseph Lee elementary school in Dorchester (first busing site) exterior and open classrooms. Lee School Principal Frances Kelley talks about school's program. Children line up to board bus; wave goodbye from inside bus as it pulls away.
2:12:09: Ed Baumeister introduces the show. Opening credits. Baumeister gives summary of the day's events: no arrests related to the schools; an orderly demonstration in Charlestown. Visual: Footage of the day's press conference by city officials. Baumeister asks if there are plans to reduce police presence. Lawrence Carpenter (MDC Police Superintendent) replies that he does not know; Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) doubts that there will be a reduction. Baumeister notes the absence of top officials from daily press conference; that present attendance levels in Boston schools indicate that white students are in the minority. V: Footage of Robert Donahue (Boston School Department) reporting on discipline in the schools. Donahue gives information on new student registration for the following day. Baumeister reports that attendance was 52,109 (68,4%). 2:16:01: Pam Bullard reports on the percentages of white and minority children in Boston schools. Bullard reports that under the court-ordered desegregation plan, 60 of 162 Boston schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that 46 of 115 elementary schools are projected to be predominantly African American; that current attendance levels put 61 of 115 elementary schools predominantly African American. Bullard reports that school officials fear that white children will become a minority in Boston schools. V: Footage of Meade talking about desegregation leading to a white minority in other urban school systems. Meade says that one could project a non-white majority in the future based on elementary school enrollments; that racial imbalance in Boston schools is unfortunate. Bullard reports that elementary enrollment is down 18% from previous year; that 73 whites of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that 85 of 145 whites have attended the Morris School so far; that 86 of 136 whites have attended the Ripley School so far; that 75 of 148 whites have attended the Kilmer School so far. Bullard reports that many white parents enrolled children in private schools to avoid eventual busing; that Catholic schools are serving as a haven for anti-busers despite a pledge to the contrary by Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston). V: Footage of Medeiros saying that he would examine enrollment numbers at Catholic schools before determining any punishment for those who enrolled to avoid busing. Bullard reports that school officials are uncertain if white students will return. 2:21:49: Baumeister asks Bullard about the significance of a majority non-white school system. Bullard replies that a majority non-white school system may not receive sufficient funds from a white city government; that the city risks losing its white population. Baumeister reports on a rivalry among state, MDC and Boston police forces during the 1974 school year. 2:22:33: Donovan Moore reports on coordination among state, MDC and Boston police forces. Moore reports that school desegregation requires 100 federal marshals, 250 MDC police officers, 350 state troopers and 1,000 Boston police officers. V: Footage of officers sitting in front of radios at communications center in Boston Police Headquarters. George Landry (Boston Police Department) explains how the communications center operates. Officers are shown looking at a map of the city and working the radios. Moore reports that the center can communicate instantly with officers on the streets. Moore lists the different police forces. V: Shots of an MDC officer on horseback; of state police in front of South Boston High School; of Boston police officers walking on the street. Footage of Landry admitting to a spirit of competiveness among the police forces. Landry denies any hostility. 2:25:49: Gary Griffith reports that South Boston remains a stronghold of the anti-busing movement; that South Boston has been relatively quiet since the opening of school three days ago. V: Shots of photographs of Nancy Yotts (South Boston Information Center); of students in front of a high school; of African American students boarding buses. Griffith reports that the SBIC has accused the police department's Tactical Patrol Force (TPF) of police brutality; that the SBIC has produced witnesses including Michael Coakley, who says he was beaten by police. Griffith reports that the SBIC has demanded the withdrawal of the TPF from South Boston; that Warren Zanaboni (South Boston Marshals) says he tries to get South Boston youth off the streets at night. V: Shots of photographs of an SBIC poster in a store window; of Michael Coakley, with bandaged head and arm in a sling. Shot of a photograph of Zanaboni. Griffith reports on small skirmishes between police and South Boston youth during the previous three nights; that the MDC police and the police in South Boston have a good working relationship with the South Boston Marshals; that the TPF does not have a good relationship with the marshals; that four arrests were made by the TPF the previous evening; that South Boston residents say the trouble would subside if the TPF withdrew. 2:28:55: Paul deGive reports that relations between between Charlestown residents, the police and the news media show slight improvement; that rumors circulated in the morning that residents would target the media; that the media tried not to antagonize the residents during the mother's march. V: Shots of photographs of mother's march in Charlestown; of prayer meeting at the St. Francis de Sales church; of camerapeople covering the march; of peaceful street scenes in Charlestown; of police patrolling streets. DeGive reports that the police did not crowd the marchers; that Superintendent Joseph Jordan (Boston Police Department) was calmly watching events develop; that police were quietly patrolling the streets. V: Footage of Gloria Conway (Editor, Charlestown Patriot) interviewed by deGive. Conway says that the police were wise to allow a peaceful demonstration because it allowed residents to vent their frustrations; that the police presence today seemed less aggressive and threatening; that many officers were covering their regular beats. DeGive reports that Conway, Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and community leaders requested that the TPF not be deployed in Charlestown. [ V: Shot of a photograph of Kearney in street. DeGive reports that Mon O'Shea (Associate Dean, Bunker Hill Community College) accused the TPF of creating a military-like atmosphere; that community leaders agree that some police presence is needed; that Kearney is seeking a way to keep Charlestown youth in check. 2:34:16: Baumeister adds that the atmosphere was calm and attendance was low at Charlestown High School. Bullard reports from the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Bullard notes that the Boston School Committee's decision to ignore the racial imbalance at the Lee School's opening provoked the lawsuit leading to court-ordered desegregation in Boston; that four years later, the Lee School is still racially imbalanced. V: Shots of photographs of the Lee School; of groups African American kids outside of Franklin Field Housing Project; of school classrooms. Bullard notes that the Lee School is located in an inner city neighborhood; that white students from West Roxbury were to be bused into the Lee School; that 73 whites out of 306 have attended the Lee School so far; that the school is an excellent but underutilized facility. V: Footage of Bullard interviewing Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School). Kelley talks about enrichment programs at the Lee School. She says that the school opened with no problems; that white parents may be staying away due to safety concerns; that in the past, parents have been very satisfied with the Lee School. Footage of children exiting school and boarding buses. Bullard notes that children assigned to the Lee this year will stay for subsequent grades; that desegregation has failed so far at the Lee. V: Footage of African American children outside of Lee School; of white children leaving the school on a bus. 2:40:07: Baumeister talks about the evening's late newscast and closes show. Credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/10/1975