Description: Charles Street jail interiors. Four tiers of cell blocks seen through chain link fence. Zoom into guards on ground level. Guard patrols upper walkway. Cell behind bars with toilet and cot. Interview with Suffolk County Sheriff Robert Rufo about delay in transferring inmates to state prisons after sentencing. Charles Street is supposed to serve only as pretrial detention center but prison system is so overcrowded that inmates stay there much longer than intended in inappropriate incarceration, without rehabilitation support and furlough programs. They shoot cutaways. Howard Husock does several takes of reporter standup in front of the jail.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/03/1980
Description: Charles Stuart's body is pulled from Mystic River, lending a new perspective to the murder of his wife. Press conferences with Newman Flanagan and Ray Flynn. Unusual views of Tobin Bridge. Footage of wrongly accused suspect, Willie Bennett. Interviews with black Mission Hill residents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1990
Description: Students outside of Charlestown High School. Police patrol. Large group of police enter the building and put a person in the back of a police van. Interview with police officer on the student sit-in, and negotiations between the students and the school administrators. Mix of wild sound and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: Bunker Hill Monument, exteriors of Charlestown High School, and Charlestown environs. A few police officers are stationed along Monument Square outside of Charlestown High School. Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) stands in front of the school. School buses, accompanied by a police motorcycle escort, pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. Police officer tells camera operator that there is a standing order that the press has to remain across the street. A small number of photographers record the arrival of the buses from across the street. White students walks towards school and enter. Gary Griffith does several takes of reporter standup saying that the arrival of school buses at Charlestown High School was routine.
0:00:18: Visual: Shots of the Bunker Hill Monument; of the exterior of Charlestown High School. Two police officers stand outside of Charlestown High School. A white woman walks into the school. A muffled voice yells out, "No busing." Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) stands out in front of the high school. Shot of Concord Street. Police motorcycles approach the school. Five police officers on motorcycles receive instructions from a police official. The motorcycles pull away. 0:03:41: V: School buses circle Monument Square and approach the high school. Police motorcycles escort the buses. A police officer stands near a Boston Police Department station wagon parked across the street from the high school. The officer watches the buses pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. Shot of the Hudson Bus Lines logo on one of the buses. The school buses pull away from the high school, accompanied by the police motorcycles. Murphy, a police officer, and a few school officials remain in front of the school. 0:07:06: V: White students walk toward the entrance of the school. Murphy and another school official greet a few of the students. A police officer is heard telling members of the media to move across the street. Two police officers stand casually on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. White students walk toward the school. Fewer than ten members of the media record the scene from the sidewalk across the street. A Hudson Bus Lines airport van pulls up in front of the school. An African American student is inside of the van. The van pulls away. The sidewalk in front of the school is empty. Some members of the media depart as two police officers walk up the opposite side of the street. Murphy speaks to two police officers on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. A man in a business suit speaks to a two-person camera crew. The street is quiet. Murphy and a police officer walk toward the school. 0:12:11: V: Gary Griffith stands outside of Charlestown High School. Griffith reports on the routine arrival of five buses at the high school this morning. He reports that there is no sign of unrest. The crew does two more takes of Griffith reporting on the story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1977
Description: Police lined up outside Charlestown High. Teachers gathered at the front of the school. Black students get off bus. Person on the street interviews with students boycotting school in busing protest. They discuss the purpose of their boycott. Some fiercely defend sovereignty of sports teams, make racist comments.
1:00:04: Visual: Police are lined up in the street in front of Charlestown High School on the first day of school. Graffiti on the front of the school is painted over. The media is gathered behind a fence across the street from the school. 1:01:30: V: A police car approaches slowly, escorting a school bus. The school bus pulls up to the front of the school. African American students exit the bus and enter the school. White students watch the action on the street from an upper window of the school. Police officers on motorcycles wait alongside the bus. The bus pulls away, followed by motorcycles. Shot of the bus circling Monument Square; of two police motorcycles circling Monument Square; of police stationed in Monument Square. 1:05:48: V: Crowds of people, including school-aged kids, are assembled outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street. Cars pass by slowly. Shots of the top of the Bunker Hill Monument, visible over a building. 1:08:14: V: A group of white youth are gathered near a fence on Bunker Hill Street. A voice yells, "No busing." The group waves at the camera. Judy Stoia approaches the group and brings some members over to the camera for an interview. Two males convince a girl named Patty to join the interview. She is reluctant. They are joined by an older man. The older man says that he has six grandchildren who are being bused out of Charlestown. One of the males (Mike) says he plans to boycott school all year; that Charlestown has been quiet "because we are not racists." The older man says that he has spoken to some African American residents of the Dudley Street Housing Project; that they were "good people." Members of the group say that crowds of anti-busers will stay in the street until the end of the schoolday. Mike says that a total boycott of the school could stop busing; that anti-busing demonstrations in Charlestown may turn violent. Another male says that demonstrators in Charlestown will be peaceful. The group is reluctant to talk further and begins to move away from the camera. Stoia asks them how they feel about dropping out of sports programs because of the boycott. Members of the group say that they can play sports among themselves; that they do not mind African American students being bused into Charlestown; that they resent Charlestown students being bused out; that "townies" must stick together. 1:13:20: V: A group of young white male students are gathered in the street. A reporter asks them about sports in Charlestown. One student says that you can't go to sports practice if you have missed school. A second student says that Charlestown sports teams should not have to admit players from outside of Charlestown; that players from outside of Charlestown will be given a hard time in practice until they quit. Members of the group say that Charlestown students who are assigned to schools outside of Charlestown are boycotting school; that buses leaving Charlestown are empty. Another student says that there are no cops on the field for sports practices; that Charlestown players will be rough on outsiders during sports practices. Members of the group say that Charlestown sports teams do not need players from outside of Charlestown. The group says that Charlestown students were turned away from Charlestown High School this morning because they were late. Several members of the group use racist language. One student says that tardy students were turned away unless they had a note from their parents; that African American students on buses were let in to school. Several of the group say that they had been planning to take over the school this morning. One student shows his Charlestown High School identity card to the reporter.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Charlestown environs. Charlestown High School and Monument Square, Bartletts Street, Bunker Hill Street and St. Francis de Sales Church. Children ride bicycles in Monument Square. People are gathered in the park beside St. Francis de Sales Church. Shot from the park of the port. Racist, white supremacist and antibusing graffiti is visible on buildings on Medford and Main Streets. Shots of Medford and Main Streets. Pedestrians walking along streets. Children play at a playground. Audio goes in and out.
0:00:23: Visual: Shot across Monument Square of Charlestown High School. Shot of the top of the building, including school name carved into the stone. A broken window at the school has been patched up. The streets around Monument Square are quiet. A child rides his bike along the street. Shots of Bartlett Street, beside the school; of the Bunker Hill Monument. 0:05:35: V: Children ride their bikes in Monument Square. Shots of Bartlett Street; of racist graffiti on a building on Concord Street; of Concord Street. 0:09:24: V: Shot of Bartlett Street. Traveling shot up Bartlett Street. Traveling shot continues on to Elm Street and on to Bunker Hill Street. Traveling shot continues up Bunker Hill Street. Shot of St. Francis de Sales church. Cars are parked along both sides of Bunker Hill Street. An older man walks slowly along the sidewalk and stops in front of one of the houses. Two young men walk down the sidewalk of Bunker Hill Street. 0:14:26: V: Teenagers are gathered in the park beside St. Francis de Sales church. A group of people sit on steps in the park, looking at the view of the port. Gas tanks and industrial ships are visible in the port. Long shot of park and the port. Children play in the playground at the park. Shot of two children on swings with wrought iron fence in foreground. Shot of older man on a park bench with wrought iron fence in foreground. A girl takes a drink from a water fountain. 0:17:43: V: Traveling shot of Medford Street. Shot of a garage on Medford Street with white supremacist and antibusing graffiti. Traveling shot of Main Street. Mishawum Park apartments are visible. An older man sits with another person on the stoop of a dilapidated building. Shot of white supremacist and antibusing graffiti on a building at the corner of Essex and Main Streets. Video is distorted at end of tape.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/18/1976
Description: No audio at very beginning. Police officers and US Marshals are stationed outside of Charlestown High School. African American and white students exit the school. White students walk away from the school. African American students board buses and depart. Members of the media record the event from across the street, under Bunker Hill Monument. Gary Griffith does several takes of reporter standup from the South End. He gives an update on the senatorial race in the second Suffolk district. Elevated train tracks are visible on Washington Street. South End environs Shot of the Prudential Center. Washington St. street sign.
0:00:00: Visual: School buses pull up to the front of Charlestown High School. Graffiti on the front of the school has been painted over. A Boston Police Department cruiser pulls up behind the buses. A police officer on a motorcycle waits behind the buses. A US Marshal surveys the school from across the street. A group of officials and another US Marshal stand at the entrance of the school. Members of the media observe the scene from behind the fence at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. 0:01:49: V: An African American police officer is stationed at the corner of Monument Square and Concord Street. Shot of Concord Street. A group of white youth observe events at the school from across Monument Square. A girl sits on the fence watching the school. Three young men stand on the steps of a brownstone house on Monument Square. A group of police officers are stationed on Monument Square where the youth have gathered. Some members of the media stand at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Shot of the Bunker Hill Monument. School buses and police motorcycle escorts remain parked in front of the school. Police radios are audible. Shots of Charlestown High School through the fence at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. 0:06:37: V: A police officer talks to school officials at the entrance of the school. Two white US Marshals and one African American US Marshal are gathered in front of the school. Police officials and a US Marshal confer at the corner of Monument Square and Bartlett Street. Police officers are stationed along Concord Street. Shot of the Bunker Hill Monument and the gathered media. 0:08:25: V: African American and white students exit the school together. Some white students walk away from the school. African American students and some white students head toward the buses. Shot of the exterior of Charlestown High School. A student makes a gesture of peace to the media. The video is overly bright during this scene. 0:12:02: V: Buses pull away from the school, followed by a police motorcycle and a police cruiser. White students are gathered at the corner of Concord and Bartlett Streets. Police officials leave the scene. Another group of white students is gathered on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. One girl makes a peace sign for the camera. Two police officers with riot helmets walk up the street. 0:14:24: V: Gary Griffith reports on the senatorial race in the second Suffolk district. He stands on a street corner. The Prudential Tower is visible in the distance. Griffith says that the election will be determined in the Democratic primary because there are no Republican or independent candidates; that the Democratic primary will take place in four days. Griffith makes a mistake in his delivery and does two more takes. The camera pans to Washington Street. Elevated train tracks run down the center of the street. Shot of the fire escape of a building on the corner of Washington Street. The windows of the building are boarded up. Shots of rowhouses and buildings along the street perpendicular to Washington Street. Shots of a garden behind a chain link fence. A colorful sign on the fence reads "Community Garden". Shot of the street and the Prudential Tower. Clothes are hanging out to dry on the fire escape of a building on the street. Shots of Washington Street and elevated train tracks. Shot of street sign for Washington Street. Shots of overgrown lot on the corner of Washington Street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Police officers and US Marshals are present outside of Charlestown High School on the first day of school during the third year of court-ordered busing in Boston. The media is gathered across the street from the school, at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Robert DiGrazia (Boston Police Commissioner) confers with police and surveys the scene outside of the school. A group of buses with a police motorcycle escort pulls up to the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. A crowd of white youth gathers near the school. Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) talk to the crowd of youths. DiGrazia and Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) confer near the crowd
0:00:05: Visual: Members of the media pass two police officers as they enter the enclosure surrounding the Bunker Hill Monument in Monument Square. Shot of three US Marshals walking toward Charlestown High School. An MDC Police officer exits a police vehicle parked near the high school. Shot of the exterior of Charlestown High School. A few police officers stand in front of the high school. Two US Marshals confer near the high school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Buses with a police motorcycle escort pull up outside of Charlestown High School at the end of the first day of school. Police presence in front of the school is heavy. Members of the media watch from across the street as African American students and a few white students board buses. The buses pull away from the school, escorted by police motorcycles. White students wait to be released at the front doors of the school.
0:58:50: Visual: Buses pull up in front of Charlestown High School. Graffiti on front of school is painted over. Police line the sidewalk in front of the school. Police officers on motorcycles pull up alongside buses. Members of the press watch the buses pull up from across the street. 0:59:51: V: Long shot of large crowd making its way around opposite side of Monument Square. Media is gathered at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Buses wait in front of the school as as a line of police officers assembles in the street. 1:01:43: V: A group of white students boards the first bus. African American students are directed towards buses. African American students board buses. Shot of Charlestown High School exterior. A lone African American student makes his way toward his bus. School officials and US Marshals gather outside of the school and in the street. Shots of students through the windows of the buses. Bus monitors board one of the buses. A police officer signals the buses to leave. The buses pull away from the school, accompanied by police officers on motorcycles. Traveling shot of bus passing through Monument Square. 1:06:56: V: White students wait at the doors of the school to be released. School officials are gathered in front of the school. Police officers march up the street away from the school. A group of US Marshals stands near the sidewalk in front of the school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Police, including Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) disperse a crowd in Monument Square in Charlestown after an anti-busing demonstration. A crowd is gathered in front of Bunker Hill Housing Project. Police and US Marshals are stationed across the street from the crowd. The police maneuver in the street. The crowd jeers at police and at least one bottle is thrown. The crowd retreats into the housing project. Police move up Bunker Hill Street. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) is present.
0:58:19: Visual: A large crowd of mostly students is gathered along a street in Monument Square. Police are stationed in the street, monitoring the crowd. Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) addresses the crowd through a bullhorn, telling them to go home. Crowd begins to disperse, chanting periodically. An MDC Police vehicle is visible. 1:01:02: V: A Boston Police truck with officers seated in back drives past Charlestown High School and stops. MacDonald issues instructions to them through a bullhorn. Police officers exit from the back of the truck and gather in front of the high school. MacDonald issues more instructions through a bullhorn. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) confers with an officer across from the school. 1:02:37: V: The crowd disperses, moving along Bunker Hill Street. Shot of Concord Street and the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street. Residents watch the action on the street from their windows. Graffiti on Concord Street marks a boundary of 100 yards from the high school: "100 yds. - Freedom Ends Here." Shot up Concord Street to High School. 1:03:45: V: Police are assembled at the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. A crowd is gathered outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street. Shots of crowd outside housing project; of police assembled in street. 1:05:25: V: The crowd cheers as police march back up Concord Street toward the high school. Members of the press, including Gary Griffith (reporter), follow the police up Concord Street. The crowd in front of the housing project moves into the street. A voice yells into a bullhorn, "Ok kids, it's your neighborhood." The crowd mills about in front of housing project. 1:07:08: V: A few police officers walk down Concord Street toward the housing project. A large crowd is still gathered in front of the housing project. A group of US Marshals walk down Concord Street. DiGrazia surveys the scene from the top of Concord Street. Voices can be heard taunting the police. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street toward the housing project. A woman walks her father back to his house, so that he won't get hurt "when the bottles start." 1:09:06: V: The large crowd in front of the housing project cheers loudly. Shot of a US Marshal walking away from the crowd. Noise of a bottle breaking against the pavement. Police on Concord Street watch the crowd in front of the housing project. The noise of a helicopter is audible. MacDonald shouts instructions through a bullhorn to police. Two US Marshals in riot helmets walk down Concord Street. A group of police march in formation from Monument Square down Concord Street. DiGrazia stands with a group of officers at the end of Concord Street, across from the housing project. A helicopter circles overhead. The crowd thins as people move into the housing project. MacDonald advances toward a crowd of youth, turning the corner onto Bunker Hill Street. DiGrazia and a group of officers and US Marshals follow MacDonald. MacDonald shouts into the bullhorn. A group of police officers exit the housing project and take a right as they continue to walk up Bunker Hill Street. Cars pass slowly on Bunker Hill Street. Small groups of people are gathered on the sidewalks. Police officers and the media walk in the street. 1:13:49: V: Three US Marshals in riot helmets confer on Bunker Hill Street. Police officers walk up the street. The media are gathered on a street corner. Two officers stand at the side of the street. One officer adjusts his riot helmet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976