Description: Mayor Ray Flynn holds a press conference in Roxbury to unveil plans for a new housing and commercial development to be built on a vacant lot in Douglass Square. The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared the land in the 1960s and never rebuilt on the lot. The owners and developers of the new project are African American. Flynn and City Councilor Bruce Bolling talk about the new development. Flynn says that all neighborhoods and all residents must share in the growth of the city. Bolling says that the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts is a no longer an issue. Bolling and other Mandela opponents believe that the new development signifies a renewed commitment to the Roxbury neighborhood by the city of Boston.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at an outdoor gathering in Roxbury. Flynn stands under a tent, addressing a crowd. Flynn talks about the vote against the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts. Flynn says that the vote shows that the racial polarization of the city is in the past. Shot of the gathering from the back of the tent; of an architectural model. David Boeri reports that Flynn is advocating affordable housing and economic opportunity in every neighborhood. Boeri notes that Flynn unveiled a plan for a project in Douglass Square; that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared a two-acre plot of land in Douglass Square in the 1960s; that the lot has been abandoned since then. V: Shot of a mural on the wall of a building in Douglass Square in Roxbury; of buildings in Douglass Square; of a vacant lot in Douglass Square; of architectural plans and an architectural model. Boeri reports that a housing and commercial complex is slated to be built on the vacant lot; that one-quarter of the units will be set aside for low-income housing. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the project addresses the need for economic re-investment in Roxbury. Boeri reports that the developers and owners of the project will be African American; that Bolling noted that Roxbury is becoming a full and equal partner in the city of Boston. V: Shots of African American crowd members; of an African American man standing beside an architectural drawing of the project. Footage of Bolling saying that the incorporation of minority neighborhoods into a new city is a dead issue. Boeri reports that Flynn had a unity breakfast with Roxbury leaders this morning; that Flynn pledged to make the city of opportunity for all. V: Shots of the crowd at the gathering. Footage of Flynn saying that all residents need to share in the city's growth and prosperity; that development of the downtown must be accompanied by development of the neighborhoods. Boeri stands in the vacant lot in Douglass Square. Boeri says that the lot has represented an empty promise by the city of Boston to the people of Roxbury. Boeri says that Bolling and other leaders fought the idea of secession from the city. Boeri adds that these leaders say that the plans for the new project are a signal that "their time has come."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1986
Description: Jim Shannon (Democratic candidate for US Senate) holds a press conference to announce the endorsement of his candidacy by Vietnam veterans' leaders. Charles Harris (veterans' leader) and another man criticize the record of John Kerry (Democratic candidate for US Senate) on veterans' issues. Harris says that Kerry has failed to deliver on his promises of leadership made to veterans and other voters. Harris explains that the veterans' leaders are from an umbrella organization called Vietnam Veterans of Massachusetts Incorporated. Harris and others decline to state their affiliation with other veterans' groups. Charles Bennett interviews Shannon after the press conference. Bennett notes that some observers have accused Shannon of pulling a "stunt." Shannon talks about his strong record on veterans' issues. John Kerry campaigns in an African American neighborhood in Boston. Bennett interviews two members of the Black Political Task Force. The members of the Black Political Task Force talk about their endorsement of Kerry's candidacy. Bennett interviews Kerry. Kerry talks about the Black Political Task Force's endorsement of his candidacy. He says that he will fight for the issues important to the African American community. Bennett asks Kerry about the endorsement by some veterans of Shannon's candidacy. Kerry talks about his record on veterans' issues and his opposition to the Vietnam War. Kerry says that Vietnam veterans are not a "monolithic group." Kerry talks about his relations with veterans' groups and his most recent campaign advertisement, which focuses on his record as a soldier in Vietnam and on his opposition to the war.
1:00:01: Visual: Jim Shannon (candidate for US Senate) holds a press conference with a number of leaders of Massachusetts' Vietnam Veterans groups. The Veterans leaders announce their endorsement of Shannon in the race for US Senate. Shannon and the Veterans leaders stand at the front of a room. The media is gathered around them. A veterans leader says that John Kerry (candidate for US Senate) has not fully addressed veterans' issues. The veterans leader refers to a prepared report on veterans' issues. He says that Francis Doris (State Senator from Revere) deserves all of the credit for taking action on veterans' issues. Charles Harris (veterans leader) talks about the Federal Job Training Partnership Act. Harris notes that Vietnam Veterans are eligible for job training under that act. Harris says that Kerry had promised to release state funds for the program; that Kerry did not release the funds until Shannon wrote a letter in support of the veterans. Close-up shot of Shannon. The moderator addresses the audience. The moderator tells the media to ask Kerry about the questions raised by the veterans' groups. 1:02:43: V: A reporter asks if one of the leaders will identify himself and talk about his group. One of the leaders says that many of the veterans are here on their own to support Shannon; that they are not present as representatives of any group or organization. Harris explains that the Vietnam Veterans of Massachusetts Incorporated is a non-profit umbrella organization representing grassroots veterans organizations from across the state; that the organization is prohibited from endorsing a political candidate. Shots of campaign buttons reading, "Viet Vets for Shannon." Harris says that Kerry has not delivered on promises of leadership made to veterans and other voters. Harris says that many veterans are ashamed to admit that they served in Vietnam. Reporters urge the leaders to identify themselves and their positions. 1:05:20: V: Charles Bennett interviews Shannon. Bennett notes that many observers view Shannon's press conference as a "stunt." Shannon says that he has developed relationships with all of these veterans' leaders during his service as a member of Congress; that he has won their support with his strong record on veterans' issues. Bennett asks Shannon about Kerry's TV commercial focusing on Vietnam. Shannon says that he does not know how voters or veterans will respond to Kerry's commercial. 1:06:56: V: John Kerry campaigns in an African American neighborhood. Kerry stands on the sidewalk of a busy street. Kerry speaks informally to a small group of people. Supporters stand on the sidewalk, holding Kerry campaign signs. Shot of a Kerry campaign sign. Kerry speaks to an African American man while a reporter waits to set up an interview with him. 1:08:09: V: Bennett sets up an interview with two leaders of the Black Political Task Force. Bennett asks them why they have endorsed Kerry. One man says that the Black Political Task Force researches all potential candidates before making an endorsement; that the Task Force has chosen to endorse Kerry for US Senate. The reporter asks if their endorsement will result in more votes for Kerry. The second man says that many African American voters respect the endorsements of the Task Force; that many voters follow their counsel. 1:09:16: V: Kerry joins the interview. Bennett asks why the endorsement is important. Kerry says that he respects the research performed by the Task Force before making an endorsement; that he supports the African American community's struggle for equality and betterment. Kerry says that he is proud to have the endorsement of the Task Force; that he intends to fight for issues important to the African American community as a US Senator. Kerry says that his first priority as a US Senator would be to consult with the African American community on a list of economic and educational priorities; that he wants to address those priorities as US Senator. Bennett asks Kerry about the Vietnam veterans' endorsement of Shannon. Kerry notes that only "some" veterans have endorsed Shannon. Kerry says that the Vietnam veterans are not a "monolithic" group; that some veterans do not support his position on the issues. Kerry talks about his political record on veterans' issues. Kerry talks about his opposition to the war, his support for V.A. hospitals and his support for an extended G.I. bill and for other veterans' issues. Kerry adds that he has always worked hard on behalf of veterans; that he has a great deal of veteran support. Bennett asks Kerry if some veterans resent his opposition to the war. Kerry says that some veterans may resent his opposition to the war; that he will not change his beliefs. Bennett asks Kerry if he regrets his TV commercial focusing on Vietnam. Kerry says that the TV commercial is one of the most important statements of his campaign; that he is asking Americans to remember the lesson of Vietnam. Kerry says that he does not want the US to get involved in "another Vietnam." Bennett quotes one Vietnam veteran as saying, "When you put down the war, you put down the warriors." Kerry says that people have confused the war with the warriors; that he is proud of the Vietnam soldiers. Kerry notes that soldiers were the victims of the war; that he feels a sense of brotherhood with all of the veterans regardless of whether they support him. Bennett thanks Kerry.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1984
Description: Campaigners hold Mel King for Mayor signs in English, Chinese, and Spanish, and sell t-shirts and caps outside Concord Baptist Church in South End. King gets out of limousine with Jesse Jackson. Inside they shake hands and raise linked arms before Rainbow Coalition press conference. King introduces Jackson as “country preacher.” Jackson recounts 20 years of progress in America toward freedom and equality. He commends King for his efforts to leverage power of black people, and endorses him for mayor of Boston. King presents Jackson with a copy of King's book, Chain of Change. Jackson takes questions about the role of minorities in the Democratic Party and his potential campaign for the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination. reel 1 of 2.
1:00:04: Visual: Campaign workers for Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston), many of them white, hold campaign signs and sell T-shirts and buttons outside of the Concord Baptist Church in the South End. A campaign worker models his own King T-shirt, which has a campaign slogan in English, Spanish and Chinese. He helps customers find sizes among the multicolored shirts, which are displayed on a table. An Asian woman arrives with a King campaign sign in Chinese. Shot of Mel King baseball caps displayed along a fence. More campaign workers arrive with signs. Shot of the church, with campaign workers standing on the sidewalk and in the street. A truck mounted with two speakers drives along the street. The driver speaks into a microphone, alerting passersby to the arrival of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader). 1:04:11: V: A limousine pulls up outside of the church. King and Jackson exit the limousine and stand in the street. The crowd applauds and cheers, "We want Mel." 1:05:04: V: Jackson and King stand before the media in a room set up for a press conference. They shake hands and raise linked arms. King and Jackson sit down at a table at the front of the room. King gets up and stands at a podium. He welcomes the audience and introduces Jesse Jackson. King commends Jackson's struggle for equality on behalf of minorities and the disenfranchised. King refers to Jackson as a "country preacher." 1:08:10: V: Jackson stands at the podium. He talks about the civil rights movement and the struggle for equal access for all minorities. Jackson says that no one must be denied access or participation because of their race, sex, or religion. Jackson talks about the need for equal protection under the law. Jackson says that voting irregularities must be eliminated; that the Voting Rights Act must be enforced. Jackson says that King has a good combination of experience, integrity, and intelligence; that Massachusetts is ready for a change. Jackson congratulates King on the organization of a Rainbow Coalition in Massachusetts. King presents Jackson with a copy of his book, Chain of Change. Jacson and King and King's supporters raise linked arms while the crowd cheers. 1:14:09: V: Shot of an African American man in the audience. Jackson and King take questions from the audience. An audience member asks Jackson about the possibility of his running for president as an independent candidate, or of his supporting an independent candidate. Jackson says that it is too soon to answer the audience members questions; that the Democratic Party reflects its membership. Jackson says that there must be reciprocal voting within the Democratic Party; that white voters must vote for minority candidates if minority candidates vote for white candidates; that there must be integrated slates of candidates. Jackson says that voting irregularities can be used to keep people from the polls; that voting irregularities must be eliminated. Jackson says that he has two objectives: to achieve parity and to fight Reagan. Jackson adds that a King victory in Boston accomplishes both of his objectives. The audience applauds. Another audience member asks Jackson if he will run for president. Jackson says that he is considering a campaign for the Democratic Party nomination. An audience member asks Jackson about Boston's reputation as a racist city. Jackson says that the United States is "schizophrenic" on the question of race. Jackson reviews some high and low moments concerning race and the African American community in Boston. Jackson says that King's candidacy is a "high moment." An audience member asks a question about voter turnout.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1983
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the emergence of African American elected officials in the predominantly white suburbs of Boston. Gretchen Underwood was elected to the Wellesley Town Meeting as a member of the recently formed Wellesley African American Coalition. The coalition was formed after an incident of harassment in Wellesley involving Dee Brown of the Boston Celtics. Virginia Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in the Milton elections. Selectman Charles McKenney will become the chairman of the Ayer Board of Selectmen next year. Interview with Underwood and Nelson about their experiences as African American elected officials in the suburbs. Underwood talks about African American political action groups in other suburbs. Jones's report is accompanied by footage of McKenney and footage of the towns of Wellesley and Milton. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields interviews Libertarian candidate Richard Boddie
0:59:31: Visual Shots of Charles McKenney (Selectman, town of Ayer); of Gretchen Underwood (Wellesley Town Meeting Member); of Virginia Nelson (Milton Town Meeting Member). Shots of McKenney, Underwood and Nelson each being interviewed by Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter). Jones reports that McKenney, Underwood, and Nelson are all town officials; that the three are part of a surprising emergence of black power in the suburbs. V: Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that Wellesley was no different than other places where she could have campaigned. Underwood says that some people were offended because she campaigned as "a candidate of difference." Underwood says that she wanted to put the issue out in front for voters; that she was running for office because of the issue. Shots of downtown Wellesley, MA. Jones reports that Dee Brown (Celtics basketball player) was harassed in Wellesley in September of 1990; that the incident awakened Wellesley's African American community. Jones reports that Brown was mistaken for a robbery suspect while house-hunting in Wellesley; that the incident embarassed the town. Jones notes that the Brown incident was a catalyst for bringing frustrated African Americans in Wellesley together. V: Shot of Underwood walking with Jones in front of a home in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed. Underwood says that the Brown incident brought the issue to everyone's attention at the same time. Underwood says that most African Americans in Wellesley have experienced individual acts of discrimination. Underwood says that the Brown incident forced the town to have an open Selectmen's meeting; that a number of African Americans spoke out at the meeting. Underwood says that the meeting brought the African American residents together. Jones reports that the Wellesley African American Coalition was founded after the Brown incident; that Underwood ran for the position of Town Meeting Member with the support of the coalition. Jones notes that Underwood is an administrator at Brookline High School. V: Shots of Underwood exiting the front doors of Brookline High School; of Underwood walking on a path outside of the school. Jones reports that thirteen seats were open; that Underwood placed fourteenth in the election. Jones notes that Underwood was appointed to a seat when one of the Town Meeting Members resigned. Jones reports that Nelson placed second out of fourteen candidates in an election in Milton. V: Shot of Nelson and Jones walking through the lobby of a corporate office. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that minorities need to have a voice in town affairs. Jones asks Nelson if she is putting the town government on notice. Nelson says that she is letting her presence be known to the town; that she will speak out for minorites and other groups. Nelson says that she is not only representing minorities. Jones reports that the death of Charles Hardison (Milton teenager) made Nelson realize the need for African Americans to be active in town government. V: Shots of a sign for Milton; of the exterior of the Milton Town Office building. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Jones. Nelson says that everyone should exercise their voices; that African American residents pay their taxes; that African American residents should be represented in the town government. Nelson says that she hopes that other residents of color will become active. Jones reports that all of these African American town officials see their involvement as the beginning of a new activism. Jones reports that McKenney is in line to become the highest-ranking African American town official in Massachusetts. Jones notes that McKenney will become the chairman of Ayer's Board of Selectmen next year. V: Shot of McKenney speaking with another man on the steps of the Post Office in Ayer. Jones notes that Nelson is running for a seat of the Milton School Committee. V: Shot of Nelson talking to Jones in the lobby of a corporate office. Jones reports that Underwood says that African Americans in Foxboro, Wayland, and Southborough are talking about forming political action groups in their towns. V: Shot of Underwood and Jones walking through the yard of a house in Wellesley. Footage of Underwood being interviewed by Jones. Underwood says that African Americans are prepared to take an active role in town government; that African Americans are ready to pay their "dues." Underwood says that African Americans are going to keep running for office. Shot of the Wellesley Town Hall.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: Christy George reports on a controversy within the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. She notes that Democratic candidate for governor John Silber compared the party's "15-percent rule" to the rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the South. Party delegates reacted strongly to Silber's comments. Democratic State Committee members Margaret Xifaris, James Roosevelt, Raymond Jordan, Virginia Lee, and Alex Rodriguez respond at a press conference, and defend the committee. George reports that the rule in question requires a candidate to have the support of 15% of the delegates in order to be listed on the ballot for the primary election. George notes that Silber has the support of only 8% of the delegates. George's report includes footage of Silber and candidate Evelyn Murphy appearing on WBZ-TV. Silber insists that he did not call the state party racist. Murphy condemns Silber's comments. Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, Chester Atkins, and Chairman of the National Democratic Party, Ron Brown, issued a statement in which they called Silber's comment "outrageous." George speculates that Silber's comment may alienate delegates but may also result in an increase in voter support.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Margaret Xifaris (Democratic State Committee) speaking at a press conference. Members of the Democratic State Committee stand behind her. Xifaris says that John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) has "blown it." Shot of an African American female member of the Committee. Christy George reports that some members of the Massachusetts Democratic Party "went ballistic" today. George reports that Silber criticized the party in The Boston Herald newpaper today; that Silber compared the party's "15 percent rule" to rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the south. V: Shots of James Roosevelt (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt holds up a copy of The Boston Herald with a headline reading, "Silber: Dem rules a sham." Shots of members of the Democratic Party at the press conference, including Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee). George reports that Silber says that he was criticizing the rule; that members of the Committee have responded as if they had been called racist. V: Footage of Representative Raymond Jordan (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Jordan says that a number of members of the Committee have been working hard to improve the process. Jordan says that Silber's comments are "outrageous." George reports that Silber repeated his criticism during an interview on WBZ this evening. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) being interviewed. Silber says that he did not call the Democratic State Committee racist. Silber says that the Democratic State Committee wants to be inclusionary. Silber says that there should be a parallel between what the Democratic voters want and what the Democratic delegates want. Murphy tells Silber that he has suggested that the Massachusetts Democratic Party is racist. Murphy tells Silber that he should apologize to the party. Silber says that Murphy's comments are "trivial and absurd." Silber says that the Massachusetts Democratic Party has instituted a rule which was once used by racists to be exclusionary. George reports that polls show Silber with the support of 8% of the delegates to the state convention; that Silber needs the support of 15% of delegates to get on the ballot for the primary elections. George reports that the Democratic State Committee believes that their rules make the party more open to all. V: Footage of Roosevelt speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt says that the party's rules force candidates to communicate with delegates and voters. Roosevelt says that the party's rules discourage candidates from channeling all of their energy toward fundraisers and advertising. Footage of Virginia Lee (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Lee says that immigrants and new citizens have no trouble understanding how the caucuses work; that Silber should be able to understand how they work. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Murphy being interviewed. Silber says that Democratic State Party should make changes; that the voters should be able to speak at the state convention. George reports that Chester Atkins (Chairman, Massachusetts Democratic Party) has agreed that Silber should be on the ballot. George reports that Atkins had offered to help Silber win the support of 15% of the delegates. George notes that Atkins and Ron Brown (Chairman, National Democratic Party) have issued a statement which calls Silber's comments "outrageous." George quotes a statement from Brown and Atkins: "It is to be expected that some candidates who are ahead or behind in delegate polls will try to "spin" the preconvention story their way. . . but this is going too far." V: The quote from Brown and Atkins appears written in text on-screen. The quote is accompanied by photos of Atkins and Brown. Footage of Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Rodriguez says that Silber's comments are "unconscionable." Rodriguez says that Silber needs to receive the support of 15% of the delegates. George reports that Silber is either very clever or "self-destructive." George reports that Silber's comments have alienated the delegates who may have supported him. George notes that Silber's outrageous comments often result in an increase in voter support in polls. George adds that Silber claims that his poll numbers will help him win the support of 15% of the delegates.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1990
Description: B-roll of campaign staff work at the local headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition in the South End. The workers speak on the telephone, sort through papers and assemble handouts. Boyce Slayman, a political consultant, speaks to some of the workers. He shows them a newspaper headline about Jackson's top position on the Massachusetts' primary ballot. Shots of Jackson campaign pins, Jackson campaign letterhead and shots of Rainbow Coalition posters. Close up on a photo of Jackson and community activist Mel King. Exteriors of the campaign headquarters. Campaign signs for King's mayoral candidacy remain in the window of the headquarters.
1:00:01: Visual: Shot of a Rainbow Coalition campaign button reading, "Jackson in '84." Campaign workers are working in the local headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition in the South End. An African American male campaign worker rummages through cardboard boxes on the floor. He looks for something in his desk. A white female campaign worker affixes a Rainbow Coalition campaign button to her shirt. The male campaign worker answers the phone, saying "Rainbow Coalition/Mel King's Office." A white female worker sits at a desk, speaking on the telephone. The male campaign worker assembles handouts from papers at his desk. Shot of the campaign workers Rainbow Coalition campaign pin, reading "Jackson '84." Shots of the letterhead on the papers on the campaign worker's desk. The letterhead reads, "Jesse Jackson for President Committee." The male campaign worker continues to assemble handouts. A white female worker sorts through papers while on the telephone. 1:05:20: V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mel King (African American community leader and activist) and Jesse Jackson (candidate for US President). King and Jackson have raise their linked arms in the photo. The white female campaign worker continues to talk on the telephone. She is talking about the Jackson campaign. Shot of the Rainbow Coalition campaign pin worn by the worker. 1:06:31: V: Boyce Slayman (African American community leader and political consultant) stands in the headquarters of the Rainbow Coalition. He speaks to an African American female campaign worker. Shot of a small painting of a rainbow. The caption above the rainbow reads, "I believe in love." Two campaign workers converse in an office. A white female campaign worker sorts paper in the office. Slayman enters the office and picks up a newspaper. The white female campaign worker continues to sort through papers. The crew sets up a shot with the white female campaign worker and an African American female campaign worker in the office. Slayman shows them both an article from the newspaper. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Jackson's name to top primary ballot." Shot of the white female campaign worker's campaign button which reads, "Jesse Jackson. Now is the time. 1984." The white female campaign worker and the African American female campaign worker continue to work in the office. 1:10:20: V: Slayman reads the newspaper in the outer office where the male campaign worker and a white female campaign worker sit at desks. The white female campaign worker continues to speak on the telephone. The male campaign worker continues to assemble handouts. The African American female campaign worker confers with Slayman. 1:11:47: V: Shots of the exterior of the headquarters from the street outside. Snow is falling. Campaign signs from King's mayoral campaign hang in the window. A sign for the Rainbow Coalition hangs in the window.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/13/1984
Description: David Boeri reports that the referendum question on the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts, was soundly defeated in the 1986 elections. Supporters of incorporation of a new city from the Greater Roxbury neighborhood are raising the issue again. Community leaders gathered at a press conference in support of the issue. Those present included Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project), Chuck Turner (teacher), and Byron Rushing (State Representative). Jones and Rushing speak out in favor of Mandela. They criticize the city of Boston for not dealing effectively with problems in the Roxbury neighborhood. Boeri reports that the Roxbury neighborhood is suffering from an epidemic of violence and drug-related crime. He notes that Mandela supporters believe that crime could be fought more effectively if Roxbury were an independent city. Interviews with Mandela supporters Sadiki Kambon and Donald Madrey talking about the problems in the neighborhood. City Councilor Bruce Bolling talks about street violence. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Ray Flynn at a press conference.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) at a press conference. Supporters stand behind him. Jones says that the time has come to "free Mandela, Massachusetts." Shot of Mandela supporters with Jones including Chuck Turner (teacher). David Boeri reports that the referendum question on Mandela, Massachusetts was overwhelmingly rejected by voters in the 1986 elections. Boeri notes that Mandela supporters are raising the question again. V: Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) at the press conference. Rushing asks if it is better to be a poor neighborhood in a rich city, or a poor city in a rich state. Boeri reports that little has changed in Boston's African American neighborhoods since 1986; that Mandela supporters can exploit the fact that little has changed in their favor. Boeri notes that Roxbury may be worse off than it was in 1986. V: Shot of white police officers at a crime scene. Roxbury residents stand behind police cordons. A pool of blood appears on the street. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Mandela initiative supporter) saying that Roxbury continues to suffer from high unemployment, poor housing, an increase in the infant mortality rate, and a high drop-out rate from schools. Shot of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Boeri reports that drug-related crime and violence have created a crisis in the community. V: Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and shooting victim). Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking to the press on August 22, 1988. Bolling says that there is open warfare going on in the district. Footage of Donald Madrey (Roxbury resident and Mandela initiative supporter) saying that Roxbury residents are living in fear from crime. Madrey says that it seems like all of the drugs in the state of Massachusetts are being dropped in Roxbury. Shot of African American residents crossing Washington street underneath elevated train tracks in Roxbury. Boeri reports that supporters of the Mandela initiative say that crime could be fought more effectively if Roxbury were an independent city. V: Shot of a group of African American men outsde of Joe's sub shop on Washington Street in Roxbury. Footage of Jones at the press conference saying that an independent city has its own police force which can set its own priorities. Jones says that the Boston Police Department is corrupt; that an independent police department could establish a better relationship with the community. Footage of Rushing saying that officers of the Mandela Police Department would live in the city; that the police officers would be living on the streets where crime takes place. Boeri notes that Boston city officials have declared war on drugs and crime in Roxbury. V: Shot of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking at a press conference. Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) stands at his side. Shot of two white police officers stopping an African American man in order to search him. Footage of Rushing at the press conference. Rushing says that the city has not responded to questions about why they have not applied for federal funds for anti-drug campaigns in the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/24/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that anti-war activists protested across the nation to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf, including in downtown Boston. Jesse Jackson visited MIT to speak out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Jones notes that the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Interviews with MIT graduate students Corrie Lathan and Steve Penn, who oppose the war. Interview with Jesse Jackson, who says that the US and Iraq should negotiate because war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jones' report includes footage from Inside Edition of Jackson in Iraq. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of anti-war demonstrations and of Jackson at MIT talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:36: Visual: Footage of anti-war protesters on Winter Street in downtown Boston. The protesters carry signs protesting the Gulf War. They chant together, "We remember Vietnam. We won't go." Shot of two police officers standing in front of a building. Marcus Jones reports that a group of anti-war protesters demonstrated outside of the Army recruiting headquarters in Boston. V: Shot of a protesters carrying a sign reading, "U.S. Troops out of the Gulf." The protesters chant, "We won't fight for Texaco." Shot of a protester handing out leaflets. Jones reports that anti-war activists took to the streets across the country today; that the protesters are trying to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf. V: Shot of an older white woman wearing a sign around her neck. The sign reads, "Bring our troops home." Shot of two white children standing among the protesters. Jones reports that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) tonight; that the members of the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jones reports that Jackson spoke out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist). V: Shots of Jackson greeting an MIT student; of Jackson greeting students as he walks to the podium. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Jackson says that efforts toward peace must be made on King's birthday. Footage of Corrie Lathan (MIT graduate student) being interviewed. Lathan says that she is opposed to the war; that the situation should be resolved in a non-violent manner. Footage of Steve Penn (MIT graduate student) being interviewed by Jones. Penn says that decision-makers in the US understand pressure; that the voice of the people must speak out against the war. Jones reports that Jackson's call for restraint may reflect a change in his thinking. Jones notes that Jackson met with Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader) last year. Jones reports that Jackson said last year that war would be inevitable if talking proved impossible. V: Footage from Inside Edition of Jackson entering a building in Iraq; of Jackson speaking to Hussein. Jones questions whether Jackson has changed his position. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at MIT. Jones asks Jackson if he has changed his position. Jackson says that he has kept the same position. Jackson says that war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jackson says that the US and Iraq should "talk"; that the two countries must choose negotiation over confrontation. The audience applauds for Jackson as he walks away from the podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1991
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has challenged Michael Dukakis to come out with a budget for his proposed domestic programs, during a campaign debate. Dukakis has refused to release a budget so far. Interview with Issues Dirextor for the Dukakis campaign, Christopher Edley, who says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive and that he does not need to release a budget during a presidential campaign. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis's proposals on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. She notes that he has not talked about a budget for these proposals. Interview with community activist and Jackson supporter Mel King, who also supports Jackson in his demand for Dukakis's budget. Dukakis has talked about funding for his education proposals and for his "Rebuild America" proposal. Vaillancourt reviews Dukakis' budget priorities and notes that he would fund increases in domestic funding through cuts in the defense budget. Vaillancourt reviews the events of Dukakis's first term as Governor of Massachusetts. She notes that a massive state debt forced Dukakis to raise taxes and cut spending.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) and Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at Steel Valley Debate in Pennsylvania. Jackson says that "Reaganomics" must be reversed. The audience applauds. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has challenged Dukakis to come up with a budget detailing which domestic programs need support and how Dukakis would pay for them. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has stuck to his own script; that he has refused to enter into a budget battle with Jackson. V: Footage of Dukakis at the debate. Dukakis says that partnerships between Washington DC, management, and labor need to be built. Vaillancourt reports that public-private partnerships are the key to Dukakis's domestic programs. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Dukakis's positions on day care, affordable housing, and drugs. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has called for "'a national partnership to create affordable day care for all'"; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his day care program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports a reallocation of money to build more affordable housing; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for the affordable housing program. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis would fight drugs by restoring funds to the Coast Guard and to other enforcement measures; that Dukakis's position paper carries no price tag for his anti-drug program. V: Shot of Jackson at the campaign debate. Footage of Christopher Edley (Issues Director for the Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Edley says that Dukakis is an experienced chief executive; that Dukakis has put together ten balanced budgets in his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts. Edley says that an electoral campaign is not the time to put together a budget. Footage of Mel King (Jackson supporter) saying that the voters need to know about Dukakis's priorities; that voters need to know where Dukakis will find the money to implement his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis has talked about the budgets for two of his programs. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's positions on job creation and education. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis's "'Rebuild America'" program would "invest $500 million from federal government to regional development." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis supports increasing the education budget by $250 million in his first year. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy to pay for his domestic programs; that Dukakis would like to generate additional money by cracking down on tax cheats and by making the government more efficient. V: Shots of Dukakis and Jackson at the campaign debate. On-screen text and visuals detail Dukakis's budget priorities. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis will "finance all new domestic spending through cuts in Star Wars." V: Shot of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Footage of Dukakis speaking at a press conference in 1974. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis promised no new taxes in his first campaign for governor of Massachusetts in 1974; that the massive state debt forced him to raise taxes and to cut spending. V: Footage of King being interviewed by Vaillancourt. King says that Dukakis has not learned the lesson of 1974; that Dukakis has not honored his commitments to meet the needs of people on welfare. King says that voters need to know where the money will come from for his programs. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis probably does not want to quote specifics in order to avoid becoming the captive of special interest groups. V: Shot of Dukakis at the campaign debate. Footage from C-Span of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has avoided giving Jackson specifics outside of the areas of job creation and welfare reform; that Dukakis has left himself room to maneuver in the general election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1988
Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson spoke about leadership in a speech at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. George reports that Jackson is very active in this non-election year. George's report includes footage of Jackson walking a picket line with striking Eastern Airline employees and footage of Jackson visiting an Armenian earthquake zone. George talks about Jackson's activities since the 1988 election. George's report also features footage from Jackson's speech at Harvard. Jackson talks about voter cynicism in the 1988 election and the qualities of a good leader. Jackson says that the US must invest in itself in order to flourish. He explains a metaphorical term: "honeybee sense." George's report also includes footage from Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Lee Atwater visits Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) as he enters an auditorium at the John F. Kennedy School of Goverment at Harvard University. The audience applauds for Jackson. Shot of a man in the crowd. Footage of Jackson addressing the audience. Jackson jokes about his speech being televised on C-Span. Jackson waves to his mother. Christy George reports that Jackson talked about the scarcity of good leaders in American politics during his speech at the Kennedy School of Government. V: Footage of Jackson delivering his speech. Jackson says that public cynicism won more voters than Bush did in the 1988 campaign. Jackson notes that 50% of the eligible voters did not vote; that 70% of voters expressed a desire for a different choice. Jackson says that Bush's campaign won while the country lost. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. The crowd chants, "Win, Jesse, Win." George notes that Jackson travels the country regularly in non-election years. V: Shots of Jackson doing a television interview; of Jackson picketing with striking Eastern Airline employees. George reports that Jackson has walked with striking Eastern Airline employees across the nation; that Jackson turned a tour of an Armenian earthquake zone into a Soviet-American people's summit. V: Shot of a Soviet news anchor reading the news; of Jackson kissing a baby in Armenia. Footage of Jackson looking out of a window while riding on a bus in Armenia. Jackson speaks to the media, saying that human beings must care for one another. Footage of Jackson at a 1988 campaign rally. George calls Jackson a "perpetual candidate" and a "peripatetic preacher." V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Kennedy School. Jackson says that he is a "liberal" who fights for change. Jackson says that pollsters and pundits are looking for a manufactured candidate. Jackson says that great leaders do not follow opinion polls; that great leaders mold public opinion. Jackson says that John F. Kennedy (former US President) was not following opinion polls when he reached out to Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jackson says that Kennedy's actions were based on courage and principles. Jackson says that the US needs bold leadership to deal with the nation's "structural crisis." Jackson talks about "honeybee sense." Jackson says that honeybees know to drop pollen when they pick up nectar; that honeybees know the importance of keeping the flowers alive. Jackson says that the US needs to invest in itself in order to stay alive and flourish. The crowd rises to its feet and applauds for Jackson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989